using the steria powerpoint template

Post on 13-May-2015






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Created by Anders Lindgren. Tips on how to work with logotypes, typefaces, the colour palette, different slide styles, partner or client logotypes and imagery.


  • 1.Using the Steria template To create stunning PowerPoint presentations114/11/2013

2. Content Logotypes Typeface Colour palette Slide styles Partner or client logotypes Imagery Example slides14/11/20132 3. Logotype on title slides To make sure that your presentations communicate our brand efficiently, flag the Steria logotype and name in a clear and obvious manner, and especially from the start First impressions matter most take ownership of the presentation from the beginning, and feature a large Steria logo on the title slides14/11/20133 4. Logotype on content slides On subsequent slides, the main emphasis should be on the content. Therefore, a dominant Steria logo does not appear in the top ribbon Instead, the Steria logotype is included in the bottom right corner of each slide following the natural eye flow (top left to bottom right)14/11/20134 5. Content Logotypes Typeface Colour palette Slide styles Partner or client logotypes Imagery Example slides14/11/20135 6. TypefaceThe typeface used for all Steria presentations is Arial Arial is a system font available to everyone, including our employees and clients Using this font means that our slides will look the same regardless of which computer is being used Never use Arial Unicode MS in PowerPoint when embedded it greatly increases file size Arial Narrow may be used within charts and diagrams in cases where space is limited14/11/20136 www.steria.noABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ Abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 7. Limit the number of type sizes and keep them big for easy readingBody copy: Arial 20ptSlide title: Arial 24pt14/11/20137Title slide Header: Arial 32pt www.steria.noSub header: Arial 20pt 8. Content Logotypes Typeface Colour palette Slide styles Partner or client logotypes Imagery Example slides14/11/20138 9. The Steria colour palette Rather than using a single corporate colour, our colour palette reflects the diversity in which we operate There are five primary colours and two secondary colours, in addition to greys and whitePrimary colour paletteSecondary colour palette14/11/20139 10. Choose between four different slide coloursThe Steria PowerPoint templates are available in seven different colours14/11/201310 11. www.steria.noColour theming If you are pulling together a series of presentations for an event, you can use different colours to provide variation See example below Tip: Past in slides from a different presentation with a different colour theme using the Paste /Keep source formatting commandSection change14/11/201311 12. Use colours that complement each other For best results use colours that complement each other, for example Blue, Teal and Green Grey works well together with all the colours14/11/201312 13. Use colours that complement each other For best results use colours that complement each other, for example Blue, Teal and Green Grey works well together with all the colours14/11/201313 14. Matching slide colours with images For a professional touch, try to make the slide colour scheme and the image complement each other14/11/201314 15. Special considerations when using projectors Avoid the colour yellow it is problematic for some people and creates legibility issues Have sufficient contrast between text and background Avoid combinations such as Yellow text on orange background Yellow text on green background Red text on blue background Grey text on any dark colour background www.steria.noA A A A14/11/201315 16. The complete colour palette with RGB codes www.steria.noThese RGB codes has been specially selected for onscreen use. They should not be used for professional printing of brochures etc.Steria Blue R0 G51 B141Steria Orange R227 G114 B34Steria Red R183 G18 B52Steria Green R122 G184 B0Steria Teal R0 G131 B169Steria Pink R209 G0 B116Steria Purple R147 G80 B158Steria Grey R139 G141 B142Steria Dark Grey R73 G74 B75White R255 G255 B25514/11/201316 17. Content Logotypes Typeface Colour palette Slide styles Partner or client logotypes Imagery Example slides14/11/201317 18. www.steria.noThe basic slide types1. Title slide (can be plain or with image)4. Table slide14/11/2013182. Content slide3. Two content slide5. Chart slides6. Small ribbon image slide 19. 1. Title slides Use the title slide to introduce the presentation it should establish the theme of what is to follow Ideally, keep the slide title and subheading to one line never make them longer than two lines Use a photo at the bottom only if it will enhance your message otherwise use the plain option Use the Title Slide (Background image) to ensure your image fits perfectly14/11/201319 20. 2. Content slides Avoid running an agenda over more than one slide Instead reduce the number of bullet points When introducing a particular section, highlight the line in the agenda by changing it to bold and the slide colour, ie orange, blue, green or red14/11/201320 21. 3. Text slides Text slides may have one or two columns of text Do not use more than ten bullet points on a slide the fewer bullet points the better If a point is especially long, consider splitting it into two or more bullet points or a sub bullet14/11/201321 22. 3. Text slides (continued) There are many ways of combining text slides with a photo, table or graph Where information is complex, consider a table, diagram or image to simplify its presentation Try to present only one big idea for each slide14/11/201322 23. 4. Table slides When you insert a table, the colours will match the slide colour theme. There are many ways of making tables more memorable and interesting, i.e. combining tables, photos and charts14/11/201323 24. 5. Chart slides Make charts and diagrams as clear as possible to better convey the message The fewer lines, text and figures the better Avoid too many colours or excessive 3D effects Use illustrative imagery to add interest14/11/201324 25. 6. Image slides Use images with care they should be relevant to the content The slide colour and image should complement each other When placing text over an image, ensure that the text is legible use a solid or semi-transparent box over the image if necessary14/11/201325 26. Image tucked under the ribbonUse the following two options from the available slide layouts For a title slide, select Title slide Background Image For a standard slide, select Small Ribbon full image In both cases, click on the icon in the middle of the slide and import the image as a file14/11/201326 27. The grid provides a flexible layout systemIf all your slide elements have been aligned using the layout grid, it gives the presentation a consistent and professional look and feel as you move from slide to slide. Make sure to turn on support lines and set them up as shown here The key points to remember are: Ensure that text blocks and graphical elements are not moved away from their default position in the master template When using additional text boxes or graphics, always align them to gridlines14/11/201327 28. Content Logotypes Typeface Colour palette Slide styles Partner or client logotypes Imagery Example slides14/11/201328 29. Use of partner/client logotype on title slides When including client or partner logotypes it is important to ensure that visual ownership clearly remains Sterias Client or partner logotypes must never replace our logotype14/11/201329 30. Use of partner/client logotype on text slidesClient/partner logos on text and content slides can be placed in the top right underneath the ribbon graphic HOW TO DO IT In PowerPoint 2010 go to View > Slide Master Select the content slide, paste the partner logo and position it top right as shown here The logo can then be copied from this position and pasted onto the other coloured master content slides14/11/201330 31. Be sure to represent client logos correctly When using corporate logos other than our own, be considerate of any special needs and graphic standards that the client or partner may require (colour, placement, spacing) Copying logos from web pages of the company often results in poor graphic quality which is not appropriate it does not demonstrate respect for your client14/11/201331 32. Content Logotypes Typeface Colour palette Slide styles Partner or client logotypes Imagery Example slides14/11/201332 33. Use images from the Steria image library Images should be relevant to the content Use images optimised for PowerPoint Use images from the Steria library14/11/201333 34. The Steria images libraryWORLD Our world and marketsHUMAN CONNECTION Our unique personal touch www.steria.noMETAPHORS & ICONS Simplifying complexityICONOGRAPHY14/11/201334 35. Removing the background from a photo www.steria.noKnowing how to remove a background of a photo can be very useful, like in this example with the balloon that been placed on top of the city of Paris. Simply double-clikk on the image and then select Remove Background from the Image toolbar.14/11/201335 36. Optimise your file for e-mail transfersPlease remember that adding multiple images and illustrations increases file size. This may slow e-mail transfers, make it difficult to distribute your presentation and has significant impact on Steria Group IT costs.14/11/201336 37. How to reduce your file size: Option 1 www.steria.noTo reduce the size of your PowerPoint files, you can use the Compress Pictures command on the Picture Toolbar Double click on an image in your presentation to bring up the Picture Tools toolbar Select Compress Pictures Uncheck Apply only to this picture Check Delete cropped areas of pictures Select Target Output as Screen or Email Click ok14/11/201337This can potentially reduce your file size to less than 1 percent of your original size Example: Insert a 10 MB photo Before compression: File size = 10 MB After compression: File size = 64 Kb 38. How to reduce your file size: Option 2An alternative way to reduce the size of your PowerPoint files is to export all image slides from PowerPoint as a JPG and then re-import them This is especially useful, when your presentation contains a lot of flowcharts, screen dumps etc. Under the File menu select Save As and under the prompt select: Save as type: JPEG14/11/201338 39. Content Logotypes Typeface Colour palette Slide styles Partner or client logotypes Imagery Example slides14/11/201339 40. Designed to be used for both simple and advanced slide layouts www.steria.noRecognising the need for flexibility and different levels of sophistication, the Steria PowerPoint template is designed to fit both basic and advanced slide layouts Basic slide layouts Basic implementation provides all the basic types of slide you need to create a clear, professional presentation yourself Suitable for smaller meetings and short presentations Advanced slide layouts Advanced implementation, maybe with help from a professional designer, can create greater impact whilst still remaining on brand Suitable for larger meetings and conferences14/11/201340 41. Example: Basic slide layoutsBasic implementation provides all the basic types of slide you need to create a clear, professional presentation14/11/201341 42. Example 1: Advanced slide layoutsAdvanced slide layouts create greater impact14/11/201342 43. Thank you for your attention

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