users guide for beginners

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Users’ Guide for Beginners – Part I 2011

Longflow Enterprises Ltd. Page 1

Users’ Guide for Beginners –Part I


Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 2

Object-based programming ................................................................................................................. 2

Codeless programming ........................................................................................................................ 3

Object as Programming Entity ................................................................................................................. 3

What is Object ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Create Objects ..................................................................................................................................... 3

Properties ............................................................................................................................................ 6

Methods .............................................................................................................................................. 8

Events ............................................................................................................................................... 10

Visual and Codeless Programming ......................................................................................................... 14

The programming we did ................................................................................................................... 14

The concepts we used ....................................................................................................................... 15

Software Libraries ................................................................................................................................. 15

Visual Programming in Limnor Studio .................................................................................................... 16

Further Readings ................................................................................................................................... 17

Supported Project Type ..................................................................................................................... 17

Basic Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 17

Samples of using libraries .................................................................................................................. 17

Create Installers................................................................................................................................. 18

Add Copy-Protection ......................................................................................................................... 18

Handle Exceptions ............................................................................................................................. 18

Create Screen Savers ......................................................................................................................... 18

How to use TreeView ......................................................................................................................... 18

Database Programming for standalone applications .......................................................................... 18

Web Application Developments......................................................................................................... 19

Work with Microsoft Office ............................................................................................................... 19

How to … ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Users’ Guide for Beginners – Part I 2011

Longflow Enterprises Ltd. Page 2


Our vision is that everyone should be able to do computer programming. Our approach is to do

computer programming visually and codelessly. This users’ guide uses as few technical terms as possible.

When a technique term is used it is explained to avoid misunderstanding.

Object-based programming

A computer language is formed by keywords (if, else, …), symbols (+, -, …) and syntax (grammar).

To a beginner the term “computer language” might have magic power to instruct any computers to do

anything by a language itself. It is not literally true.

� Different computers built with different hardware have different functionality. Some early

computer manufacturers provided computer languages shipped with their computers and

added specific functionality into their computer languages to match their computer functionality.

For example there are many flavors of BASIC languages. A user learned such a computer

language might be confused that the same language does not work in other types of computers.

� New hardware may be plugged into an existing computer. The hardware manufacturer will

provide software library to allow computer languages to access the new hardware functionality.

Such software library is called “Software Development Kit” (SDK); it is not part of computer


Actually for more advanced computer languages most of functionality is not expressed by keywords. All

functionality is in software libraries. For example, suppose we want to show a text in the screen, in

BASIC language we can find a keyword PRINT to do it. But in C language we cannot find a keyword such

as “PRINT” or “ShowText” to do it. Instead in the standard input and output software library there is a

function “puts” and a function “printf” which can be used to show text in the screen.

Software libraries for modern computer languages, such as C++, classify functionalities into objects. For

example, a Console object may contain all functionalities related to a computer console, such as

showing text, getting keyboard inputs, etc. An FTP Client object may contain functionalities related to

downloading and uploading files to and from FTP servers.

In such object-based paradigm, to look for a specific functionality, we do not look for it in the language

itself. We try to find an object in a software library to provide the functionality we want. If we cannot

find the exact functionality we want then we find an object which provides the closest functionality to

what we want. Using the found object to create a new object and add new functionality to the new

object while taking advantages of the functionality provided by the found object.

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If you are not used to object-based programming then you may be frustrated by the wide range of

functionality spreading among so many objects in so many software libraries. Just note that it is to your

advantage that a vast number of software libraries are available for you to take advantage of. New

software libraries are added to the market constantly. You may also create your own software libraries.

You may search in the Internet for objects you want, or ask in various forums for your task requests.

Codeless programming

In object-based programming, a language acts as glue to link objects together to form new software, or

as nails and rivets to link building blocks together.

It is also like using Lego blocks to form constructions. But Lego constructions do not need glues, nails

and rivets. It is because that each Lego block is made with pins and sockets to be interlocked to other

Lego blocks.

Modern software objects are also made with pins and sockets to be interlocked to other objects.

Therefore a language is not needed to glue objects together. That is the idea of codeless programming.

Limnor Studio is an experiment on this idea.

Using a few simple mouse and keyboard operations, you interlock objects together to build your


This tutorial explains how to use Limnor Studio to link software objects together to form new software.

There is not a textural computer language to learn. Just manipulate objects visually.

Object as Programming Entity

What is Object

We see the world by objects. A tree is an object. A house is an object. A TV is an object. In object-base

programming, we also see everything as objects. A number is an object, a button is an object, a window

is an object, etc. We are always dealing with objects.

Technically speaking, objects in object-based programming are defined by 3 kinds of attributes:

Properties, Methods, and Events.

To understand an object’s functionality is to understand its properties, methods, and events.

To do object-based programming is to create new objects.

Create Objects

We will explain properties, methods and events using examples. To get object examples, let’s create a

Windows Form application.

Choose menu “File|New|Project”

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Choose “Windows Application”

A Windows Form project is created. Two objects are created for this project. An object named WinApp

represents the Windows Form application. An object named Form1 represents a window.

Click the Run button to test this application:

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This application runs. A window appears:

This window is object Form1. The object WinApp is not visible because it does not have a visible user

interface. Actually most objects are not visible when an application runs; you only saw them in Limnor

Studio when you are developing your project.

Close the window Form1, the application exits because Form1 is the first window of the application. To

resume designing the object we must exit the application.

We may use Limnor Studio to visually develop objects.

For example we may drop a button object from the Toolbox to Form1:

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The button appears on the form:

The button object, Button1, and the form object, Form1, are linked together, just like two Lego pieces

interlocked together.


Suppose we want to know how tall a tree is, then the height of a tree is a property of the tree object.

A property of an object is a value associated with the object and representing one aspect or

characteristic of the object.

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When an object is selected, its properties are displayed in a Properties window and in the Object


For example, the Text property of a button object represents the caption of the button. Set Text

property of Button1 to “Close”, we can see it appears on the surface of the button:

A button object has other useful properties, such as Image, Location, etc.

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For documentation of all properties of Form object, see


For documentation of all properties of Button object, see


Keep in mind that learning the properties of objects is not part of learning Limnor Studio and codeless

programming. Objects belong to software libraries, not Limnor Studio. In Limnor Studio, you may modify

the object properties visually and your work will be saved to files.

In Limnor Studio, every object is given a name to uniquely identify the object. You may change the

names of objects.

In above example, we modified object Form1 by adding a button object to it. We modified the caption

of the button on Form1. These operations are part of programming.


A method of an object represents one thing the object can do.

For example a singer can sing songs. “Sing song” is one method of a singer object.

The concept of “method” is closely related to a concept of “action”. An action is to do a specific thing.

For example, “Sing ‘Silent Night’” is an action which is “Sing Song” but it is to sing a specific song.

A “method” indicates an ability to do something; an “action” is really doing the thing.

All methods of an object can be found in the Object Explorer:

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Actions can be created using the methods. For example, right-click a method in the Object Explorer,

choose “Create action”:

Another easier way to create an action is by right-clicking an object, choose “Create Action”, and then

choose the desired method. For example, right-click Form1 object, choose “Create Action”, choose

“Close” method to create a “Close” action:

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In object-based programming, everything is an object. An action is also an object. When we create an

action, a dialogue box appears to allow us to specify the properties of the action.

You may give the action a name. You may set “ActionCondition” so that the action will be executed only

if certain conditions are met.

If the method for the action requires parameters then the parameters become properties of the action

for you to specify the values. For this “Close” method it does not require parameters.

The actions created can be found in the Object Explorer. Select an action, like selecting other objects, its

properties are displayed in the Properties window for you to view and modify them.

We created the “Close” action. But when should we execute the action?

This question is answered by concept of “events”.


An event is one specific moment occurs to an object. For example, we may say “take off” is an event of

an airplane, which occurs when the airplane leaves the ground.

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All events of an object can be found in the Object Explorer.

In Limnor Studio codeless programming, we assign actions to events. When the software executes, the

actions are executed at the moments when related events occur.

We have created a “Close” action in the last section. Suppose we want the action be executed when the

user clicks the button. In object-based programming, we say that we want to execute the action when

the Click event of the button occurs.

To do this programming in Limnor Studio, right-click the button; choose “Assign Action”; choose “Click”


A dialogue box appears to let you select actions. More than one action can be selected. For this sample,

we select the “Close” action and click “Next”:

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The action is assigned to the event. We can see that the action appears under the event in Object


Event Map shows actions-events assignments in diagram:

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We can see that a line goes from the Click event of Button1 to Form1. This line indicates that when the

Click event of Button1 occurs, Form1 will execute one or more actions. Select the line, the actions to be

executed will be listed at the bottom of the Event Map. In our example, only one action, Form1.Close1,

is listed.

Our programming is done. We may test our software now. Click the Run button:

Form1 appears.

Click the button, Form1 disappears and the application exits, as the result of executing action


The programming we just did is as following: object Form1 has a “Close” method to close itself; we used

the “Close” method to create an action named Form1.Close1; we assigned the action Form1.Close1 to

the “Click” event of the object Button1.

The result of the programming: click the button, Button1, and the window, Form1, closes and the

application, WinApp, exits.

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Using our “Singer” metaphor, object “Singer1” has a “Sing Song” method to sing a song; we use the

“Sing Song” method to create an action “Singer1.SingSong1” to sing “Silent Night”; we assign the action

“Singer1.SingSong1” to the “Christmas” event of the Calendar object.

The result of the programming: “Singer1” starts to sing “Silent Night” at Christmas.

The metaphor:

WinFormApp1 project Christmas Project

Form1 Singer1

Button1 Calendar

Close method of Form1 Sing Song method of Singer1

Action Form1.Close1 to close Form1 Action Singer1.SingSong1 to sing Silent Night

Click event of Button1 Christmas event of Calendar

Assign action Form1.Close1 to event Click of Button1 Assign action Singer1.SingSong1 to event

Christmas of Calendar. That is, let Signer1 sing

Silent Night at Christmas.

One difference in this metaphor is that the action Form1.Close1 does not use parameters while action

Singer1.SingSong1 uses a parameter “Silent Night”.

If an action requires parameters then Limnor Studio will allow you to visually specify parameter values.


Visual and Codeless Programming

We just did a simple programming. Yet it shows the core concepts and major operations of visual and

codeless programming in Limnor Studio.

The programming we did

We created a Windows Application. Limnor Studio generated a project for us. The project consists of

two objects. One object is named WinApp which represents a Windows Form application. Another

object is named Form1 which represents a window, or called a Form.

We developed object Form1 by adding a button named Button1 to it.

We changed the Text property of Button1 to “Close”.

Note that there is nothing special about the above programming. Most visual programming systems

currently on the market are doing the same.

What makes “codeless programming” possible is the following unique operations invented in the Limnor

codeless programming system.

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We used “Close” method of object Form1 to create an action named Form1.Close1.

We assigned the action Form1.Close1 to the Click event of object Button1.

This is the core concept of codeless programming: create actions and assign actions to events. It forms

the foundation for Limnor Studio.

The concepts we used

Object – Basic programming entity, like a Lego brick. It is defined by properties, methods, and events.

Property – A value associated with an object and representing one aspect or characteristic of the object.

Method – Represents one thing an object can do.

Event – A specific moment occurs to an object.

Action – It indicates some concrete and specific task to be actually carried out.

Assign actions to events – An action will be executed only when it is assigned to an event and the event


Software Libraries

Limnor Studio is a tool for assembling objects to create new software. The objects are in software


The key point here is that if you are looking for specific computer functionality, such as showing a text or

image on screen, getting data from a serial port, getting data from database, playing a video, capturing

webcam video, etc., then you need to search in software libraries for appropriate objects. If you are

looking for the ways to assembly objects together to make the objects behave as you want then you

need to check Limnor Studio documentations to learn the appropriate operations.

It is not possible for any one software developer to know all software libraries. There are large numbers

of software libraries available. There are new software libraries keep coming from companies and


You do not need to know all software libraries. You just need to know the software libraries needed for

your projects.

On the other hand the number of operations to assembly the software objects in software libraries are

limited. Limnor Studio Users’ Guide uses many examples to explain these operations. You will notice

that most of operations used in different samples are the same. Each sample may introduce one or two

unique operations, and the rest of operations are the same as used in other samples.

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So, you can quickly learn all the functionality provided by Limnor Studio. Using this limited functionality

provided by Limnor Studio, you can explore and exploit the unlimited functionality provided by software


In the sample above, we used the following operations:

� Create a project

� Modify object property

� Create action

� Assign action to event

You will repeatedly use the above operations again and again when developing your software.

Visual Programming in Limnor Studio

Visual programming languages may not necessarily be easy to learn. Some visual programming

languages presented in research papers are hard to master even for a professional.

Another problem for a visual programming approach is its limitation of suitability. Unlike a textural

programming language, which can be used for any programming tasks, a visual programming approach

is only suitable for certain tasks.

Limnor Studio solves the problems by being a host of visual programming approaches. It hosts

independent visual programming approaches. Any visual programming approach can be removed

without affecting the operations of remaining visual programming approaches. Adding new visual

programming approaches to Limnor Studio also does not affect the existing visual programming

approaches. Limnor Studio coordinates all the visual programming approaches by sending signals

notifying the programming changes the user makes via any visual programming approach. Each visual

programming approach should handle the signals appropriately.

Different visual programming ideas can be implemented as visual programming approaches and insert

into Limnor Studio. Thus it solves the problem of limitation of suitability if only one visual programming

approach is used.

Some visual programming approaches shipped with Limnor Studio are listed below.

• User Interface Designer – It allows you to develop graphic user interface visually. You may add

and remove objects. You may also create actions and assign actions to events. But you cannot

remove actions or remove actions from events.

• Object Explorer – It shows all objects in hierarchy. You may create properties, methods and

events. You may also create actions and assign actions to events. You may remove actions from

events. You may delete actions. But you cannot add or remove objects.

• Event Path – It shows a control-flow diagram by showing the event and action paths. You may

create properties, methods and events. You may also create actions and assign actions to events.

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You may remove actions from events. You may delete actions. But you cannot add or remove


More visual programming approaches are coming.

Further Readings

Further readings provide more information on how to use Limnor Studio.

Supported Project Type

This document explains what kinds of software projects are currently supported.

Basic Skills

The following documents explain the basic programming skills using Limnor Studio.

Basic programming concepts Limnor Studio - User Guide - Part I.pdf

Use Action Parameters Limnor Studio - User Guide - Part II.pdf

Use Expressions Limnor Studio - User Guide - Part III.pdf

Create Properties, Methods, and Events Limnor Studio - User Guide - Part IV.pdf

Use Method Editor Limnor Studio - User Guide - Part V.pdf

Use Databases, data-binding, data entry,

transaction, reporting Limnor Studio - User Guide - Part VI.pdf

Use 2D drawings Limnor Studio - User Guide - Part VII.pdf

Development of Windows Form applications UseDefaultFormInstance.pdf

Handle events for large numbers of objects HandleEventsForManyObjects.pdf

Resource Manager. Multiple Languages.

Globalization and localization

Limnor Studio - User Guide - Resource


Make Installer. Use a Setup project to generate

msi file for software product installation Limnor Studio - User Guide - Installer.pdf

Use file paths in actions, file paths are

automatically adjusted on installing to users'


Limnor Studio - Non-Embedded Files.pdf

Samples of using libraries

Use 3rd party libraries. Create constructors. UseDb4o.pdf

Use external libraries with generic types and

native libraries UseGenericTypes.pdf

How to use native libraries UseNativeLibraries.pdf

How to use libraries. HowToLoadTypes.pdf

Work with callback functions and constructors

(NDDE samples) NDDE_samples.pdf

How to connect to Firebird database UseFirebird.pdf

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Create Installers

The following document explains how to create an installer for distributing your software.

Add Copy-Protection

The following document explains how to add copy-protection to your Limnor Studio generated software

and issuing licenses to your customers.

Handle Exceptions

The following document explains how to handle exceptions in your software.

Create Screen Savers

The following document explains how to create and distribute screen savers.

How to use TreeView

The following document explains how to use TreeView control in a Windows Form project.

Note that the above document is not for web projects. To use TreeView in a web project, see

Database Programming for standalone applications

Use Databases, data-binding, data entry,

transaction, reporting Limnor Studio - User Guide - Part VI.pdf

How to connect to MySQL using ADO.Net ConnectToMySqlWithADO.pdf

How to connect to MySQL using ODBC ConnectToMySqlWithODBC.pdf

Desktop Database Security Desktop Database Security.pdf

How to do tiered database programming. TieredDatabaseProgramming.pdf

How to bind image data to picture box. DataBindingForImages.pdf

How to transfer data dataTransfer.pdf

How to set background color of rows in EasyGrid SetRowColor.pdf

How to locate row in an EasyGrid by criteria. SearchInEasyGrid.pdf

Note that the above documents are for standalone applications. For web applications, see “Web

Application Developments” section.

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Web Application Developments

Development of web

applications WebApplicationDevelopment.pdf

Development of web

database applications webDatabaseProgramming.pdf

How to use data repeater

in web applications WebDataRepeater.pdf

How to use tree view in

web applications WebTreeView.pdf

How to use arbitrary PHP

code/files in PHP web



How to use arbitrary

JavaScript code/files in

web applications


How to add file-uploaders

in PHP web applications WebFileupload.pdf

How to create web mailer

in PHP web applications WebEmail.pdf

How to use menus in web

applications WebMenu.pdf

How to use dialogue boxes

and child windows in web



How to use date times in

web pages WebDateTime.pdf

How to bind images saved

in database in BLOB's WebImageDataBinding.pdf

How to make use of web

event bubbling

How to handle large

number of web elements

Work with Microsoft Office

How to use Microsoft Office Interfaces - Word

sample 1. UseWord.pdf

How to use Microsoft Office Interfaces - Word

sample 2. UseWord2.pdf

How to use Microsoft Office Interfaces - Excel

sample. UseExcel.pdf

How to …

The “How to …” web page lists documents dealing with a wide range of specific topics.

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