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User Manual Version 11 31_MAY_2021

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User Manual

Version: May 31, 2021 Catalog#: IO-ML-01677-00

User Manual Version 11 31_MAY_2021

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Table of Contents

SECTION 1: System Specifications and Requirements Front / Back Panel 3 Operating conditions, System Specifications, QC/Calibration 3

SECTION 2: System Overview, Semen Parameters and Reportable Range 4

SECTION 3: Technology Testing Capillary 5 Motility and Concentration measurement 5

SECTION 4: Getting Started First Time Connecting (link to software download) 6 Connecting the SQA-iO for testing 6

SECTION 5: Navigation and Testing Home Screen 6 Test Patient 7 - Sample Testing Options 7 - Test Results 8 - Semen Analysis Report 9 Archive 10 Patient Information Screen 10

SECTION 6: QC/CONTROLS Testing QC Controls 11 QC Results and Corrective Actions 12 QC Archive 12 QC/Controls Report 13

SECTION 7: Ordering and Loading Test Credits 14

SECTION 8: Setting-up the SQA-iO Defaults Facility Profile 15 User Management 15 Test Patient 15 Reference Values 15 User Profile 15

SECTION 9: Service Service Screen 16 Contact Us 16

APPENDIX 1: Filling the Testing Capillary with a Normal Volume Sample 17 APPENDIX 2: Filling the Testing Capillary with a Low Volume Sample 18 APPENDIX 3: Cleaning the Capillary Compartment 19 APPENDIX 4: Assessing semen WBC and pH using QwikCheck Test Strips 20 APPENDIX 5: Reference Values of Semen Variables 21 APPENDIX 6: Product Performance Data 22 APPENDIX 7: SQA-iO Warranty 25 APPENDIX 8: Regulatory Information 26

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SECTION 1: System Specifications and Requirements Device Front Panel: Measurement Compartment (insert testing capillary to begin testing as shown below) Rear Panel (not shown) Utilizes a USB male connection cable (plug-in to connect device) Specifications

• Dimensions: 8 X 9.5 X 10.5 cm / Weight: 0.350 Kg • Analysis Time: 75 seconds • Power supply: 5V DC (USB) • Noise level: 0 [dBA] • Device power consumption: 1.7 [BTU/hour] = 0.5 [Watts] • Sources of radiant energy: Two LEDs (motility and concentration channels) • Detector system: Two photo detectors (Motility and Optical Density) • Software: Resides on flash memory and on a secure server on the Cloud • Motility channel input signal: Analog, up to 5V

SQA-iO Minimum Requirements

• PC: Intel Core i5 M520 2.4GHz or equivalent • RAM: 4GB • Monitor Screen: Color, Wide screen – minimum resolution 1024 x 768 • Operating system compatibility: Windows 7 Professional x32 or above • Communication Ports: one USB port • Internet Access: 5mb/second

Operation Requirements

• Maintenance Schedule: Clean the measurement compartment weekly using ONLY the manufacturer’s cleaning supplies provide in the test kit.

• Operate the device away from any source of vibrations such as a centrifuge – it will impact results. • Disconnect the device if not in use for an extended length of time. • Semen is considered a biologically hazardous material and is subject to laboratory protocols for handling

and disposing of such materials in specially marked hazardous waste containers.

Operating/Sample Temperature, Humidity and Altitude • Operates in ambient temperatures (15-38ºC) however is calibrated to test semen at room temperature:

20-25ºC (68-77ºF). Extreme temperature is known to affect sperm motility. • Maximum operational humidity up to 80% for temperatures up to 31ºC. Linearity decreased 50% at

38ºC. • System is intended for indoor use at a maximum altitude of 2000m, mains supply fluctuations

±10%, Overvoltage Category II, Pollution Degree II.

Quality Control/Calibration • Internal: Electronic Self-Test/Auto-Calibration runs @ start-up. Reference values verified prior to each

test. Sample Testing

• Calibrated to test samples at room temperature 20-25ºC (68-77ºF) within one hour of sample collection. • Test only liquefied human semen samples.

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SECTION 2: System Overview, Semen Parameters and Reportable Range The SQA-iO is a high-performance PC-based analytical medical device that tests FRESH semen samples. The device works with a computer application that contains the device, patient, sample, test results and facility information. After collection and preparation, a semen sample is withdrawn into an SQA testing capillary and inserted into the SQA-iO where the sample testing is performed. Test results are processed utilizing proprietary technology and algorithms. Test results are available in approximately 75 seconds.

Reported Semen Parameters

Concentration (Conc) M/ml Motile Sperm Concentration (MSC) M/ml

Total Motile (PR + NP) % Prog. Motile Sperm Concentration (PMSC) M/ml

Progressive Motility (PR) % Non-Progressive (NP) %

Immotile (IM) % Sperm # M/ejaculate

Normal Forms (Morphology) % Motile Sperm # M/ejaculate

Sperm Motility Index

SQA-iO Reportable Range

Sample Type Conc. M/ml Motility % PMSC M/ml Morph Norm Forms % MSC M/ml

Fresh <2 - 400 0-100 0-400 2-30 <0.2 - 400

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SECTION 3: Technology

Testing Capillary

• Disposable, plastic, testing capillary. Requires 500 µl of sample for normal volume testing, 10 µl for

low volume testing, 300 µl for diluted mode.

• Insert into the measurement compartment of the SQA-iO

• Designed to collect and test samples in a biologically safe manner. Use only manufacturers’ certified testing capillaries.

Cuvette Section (Concentration assessment) • Millions of sperm cells are analyzed in the ‘tall’ cuvette section of the testing capillary based on

spectrophotometry analysis of the semen sample and application of proprietary algorithms.

Motility Section (Motility parameter assessment) • Tens of thousands of sperm cells are analyzed in the ‘thin’ motility section of the testing capillary

as they move through a light beam in the device. • Light disturbances are then converted into analog signals and analyzed by proprietary


Inserting the Testing Capillary into the SQA-iO

• After filling the testing capillary (see Appendix Section for guidelines), insert the SQA testing capillary all the way into the SQA-iO measurement chamber with the BLUE PISTON facing down.

Motility Section

Cuvette (Concentration)


Blue Piston (stopper or separating valve)

Syringe that is supported by the directing runner

Luer Lock (Adaptor)

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SECTION 4: Getting Started

First time connecting: Follow the SQA-iO Quick Start Guide instructions or directly download the software from and register your account, following the on-screen instructions. This is the time to set all preferred testing and your facility defaults and to load test credits.

Connecting to the SQA-iO for testing: • Connect the SQA-iO to the computer using the supplied USB cable.

• Go to: or click on the desktop icon to activate the SQA-iO interface. • If you are asked to authorize the download of a driver required to run the SQA-iO app, please accept. • Log into the SQA-iO using your username and password. • The SQA-iO will now go through a calibration check, wait until it finishes. • The device is now ready for sperm testing.

SECTION 5: SQA-iO Navigation and Testing

The SQA-iO navigation is simple to use. Just click on one of the six options on the navigation bar on the left side of the screen to select where you want to go. The navigation screen is always visible when using the application. After 15 minutes of SQA-iO inactivity, the security mechanism of the SQA-iO application will warn the user that it will timeout. If the user does not use the SQA-iO application within 5 minutes, it will automatically shut down and the user will be required to log back in to use the device.

Home Screen:

The Home Screen provides the following information:

• The device is connected when this icon is GREEN if it is red the connection has been lost. • Service Data – Key Parameters: Displays the calibration and self-test parameters of the SQA-iO

and indicates if they are within normal limits (green checkmark); borderline (yellow checkmark) or

out of range (red checkmark). Click on the checkmark for detailed information for what to do. Click on

the REPORT button to run a calibration report for your records.

• Test Status: Since the SQA-iO will not operate without test credits, the status of the remaining

test credits as well as a graph of tests run per week is displayed.

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Test Patient

Enter patient and sample data in the TEST PATIENT screen seen above. Mandatory fields are indicated by an asterisk * and an error message will appear if they are empty. PLEASE NOTE: Although sample volume is not a mandatory field, some semen parameters that are related to sample volume will not be presented if volume is not entered. Use the OPTIONAL 1 and OPTIONAL 2 ‘open’ fields to input any information desired. After entering patient data, select the type of test to be run: Sample Testing Options:

• Test now: If you have a full testing capillary and are ready to test immediately click on TEST NOW to run the test.

• 10 micro-liter if the sample volume is not large enough to fill the cuvette section of the testing capillary (only motility parameters will be reported, not concentration).

• WBC>1M/ml: It is EXTREMELY important to run WBC and pH test strips for EACH sample before testing. If the results show that the sample has >1M/ml WBC, enter this in the TEST PATIENT screen so that correct test results are reported. See the appendix section for more information about the WBC/pH test strips.

Samples need to be completely liquefied and run within one hour of collection so that motility parameters are reported accurately. WBC and pH parameters must be run using the test strips supplied in the test kit. Do not heat the samples – maintain them at room temperature – excessive heat and/or cold will shock sperm cells and affect motility. See Appendix section for guidelines about semen sample collection and for instructions on how to fill the testing capillary and insert it into the SQA-iO.

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Test Patient – Test Results After approximately 75 seconds, the patient’s test results will be displayed, along with the SAMPLE INFORMATION. All sperm testing parameter values will be shown along with the REFERENCE VALUES (if available) and an indicator arrow only if the results are high or low. If there is no arrow, the test results are either in the normal range or there is no reference value for the parameter. REFERENCE VALUE defaults are provided by the manufacturer based on WHO/MES guidelines. Go to SETTINGS to set the laboratory’s own reference value defaults. Three navigation options are available from the TEST RESULTS screen:

• RETEST: Select to run a second test on the same patient if desired. • VIEW REPORT: Click to view and print the patient’s report • SAVE: Click to save the test results to the patient archive.

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Test Patient – Semen Analysis Report

The semen analysis report can be customized in the SETTINGS section. It displays the information on the testing facility, all the test results, a motility graph and patient and physician information as well as comments.

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Click on ARCHIVE to see a complete list of patient’s test results. Sort by date range. View, delete or run reports by selecting the patient with a click and then clicking on the desired ACTION button.

Patient Info

The PATIENT INFORMATION screen is for managing detailed patient information. New patients can be added by clicking on ADD NEW. Patient information can be edited or deleted by clicking on the icons under ACTION. Click on the column header to sort patient data.

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Select QC/Controls from the navigation panel to run three levels of QwikCheck Beads quality control samples. When running QwikCheck Beads controls please follow the instructions in the package insert. Also, be sure to:

• Use a separate, new capillary for each level of beads – mixing beads will produce inaccurate results

• Mix the samples gently before aspirating into the testing capillary

• Do not return beads solution to the container after testing – this will contaminate the samples AND beads adhere to the capillary walls so the concentration of the beads will be altered.

Testing QC Controls

• The screen below will be activated when entering QC Controls from the navigation panel. If controls have never been run, all TEST RESULTS and SAMPLE INFORMATION will be shown as PENDING.

• SELECT BATCH NUMBER: From the drop down menu, find the batch number that corresponds to the batch number on the outside label of the QwikCheck beads box that will be tested.

• SAMPLE INFORMATION: All three beads levels will automatically be filled when the batch is selected.

• LAST RUN: If previous tests have been run, a notification of the last date and time is shown.

• TEST NOW: Select TEST NOW when ready to run the beads level with the corresponding capillary.

• Follow the instructions that will automatically be shown, to prepare the capillary for testing.

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Results and Corrective Action:

• RESULTS: Control testing takes about 20 seconds per test. Results are displayed automatically and, if out of range, a CORRECTIVE ACTION alert will be shown. Select the CORRECTIVE ACTION button to identify what caused the out-of-range results.

• CORRECTIVE ACTIONS are listed below and, once selected, will appear on the QC Report and will be saved in the QC archive. Use the USER DEFINED option if none of the actions listed describe the problem.

QC ARCHIVE: Select this option from the TESTING or ARCHIVE screen to view all QC tests. Many options for selecting and presenting results are available from this screen and results can be exported for record keeping.

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QC/Controls Test Report: After completing a test, select the REPORT button to run a QC report showing the results and graphed results.

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SECTION 7: SQA-iO Test Kit and Test Credits

The SQA-iO Test Kit contains all the supplies necessary to run a semen sample on the device: • 50 SQA Testing Capillaries • Cleaning supplies • pH and WBC Test Strips • Unique Credit Code for loading test credits • Full instructions for use of supplies

The SQA-iO cannot operate without test credits. With each new test kit is a unique randomly generated TEST CREDIT CODE. When you receive a new test kit, enter this code into the SQA-iO when a pop-up screen is displayed. The SQA-iO will know when there are few or no test credits remaining and will send a warning message. From the pop-up SELECT:

• ORDER KIT to purchase a new kit from your distributor or

• ENTER CREDIT CODE if you have a new test kit and need to load the test credit code

Test kits can also be ordered through CONTACT US. Go to the drop-down menu and select the first option: “REORDER NEW TEST KITS”

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SECTION 8: Set-up the SQA-iO Defaults Settings

The following options are available in SETTINGS depending on the user permission status.

FACILITY PROFILE: Facility admins can select this option to set-up the test report and SQA-iO with personal information and a logo.

USER MANAGEMENT: Facility admins can select this option to view users of their facility and add, remove and edit users.

TEST PATIENT: Users with Editor permission can select this to set up the SQA-iO defaults for testing patient samples and to set the OPTIONAL field names and patient age/birthdate and height/weight formats.

In addition, the option to Include Debris Assessment can be selected as a default to enable a visual assessment of the sample to assess for debris. To do this, prepare a standard slide with a 22X22 coverslip and a drop of semen. View the slide under a laboratory microscope. Select the level of debris based on the options presented. The automated analysis will now compensate for debris.

REF. VALUE: Users with Editor permission can select this option to set up the laboratory semen parameter reference values. The manufacturer’s factory defaults are pre-set to WHO 5th standards.

USER PROFILE: Any user can select this option to view their current profile information, change their password, set-up the test report with a signature and upload a personal profile picture.

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SECTION 9: Service Enter this screen to view/access the:

• Maintenance checklist and see when the SQA-iO was last cleaned • Review the SERVICE DATA / KEY parameters to see if the SQA-iO device is working • User Guide, Service Manual and Troubleshooting Guide by clicking on the links provided

Contact Us

Contact Us is available by clicking the phone icon at the top right of the screen. To order new test kits or request support, use the drop-down menu and message box to contact your local distributor.

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APPENDIX 1: Filling the Testing Capillary with a Normal Volume Sample

Sample size, collection and preparation instructions:

1. A minimum of .5 ml. of semen is required. If this is not available, run on diluted mode or LOW volume (see Appendix 2).

2. The sample must be maintained at room temperature (do not heat or refrigerate), tested within 1 hour of collection and be fully liquified.

3. Before filling the capillary, the semen sample must be completely liquified and gently mixed by rotating the sample collection container.

4. WARNING: Do not shake or use a pipette to mix the sample otherwise air bubbles will form and test results will be inaccurate.

5. Carefully check that the liquefied, fully mixed semen is free of air bubbles.

Filling the capillary… Ready to test: 1. Push the syringe pump fully into the syringe and then place only thin part of the

capillary into the bottom of the sample (Fig 1).

2. Pull the syringe pump back slowly while keeping the tip of the capillary well below the sample level and below any surface bubbles. Continue to aspirate the sample until it appears in the Luer adaptor (Fig. 1 & 2).

3. Check the capillary after filling (Fig. 2), visually confirm that the sample has completely filled the cuvette and thin section of the capillary (without a meniscus). Tap on the syringe to make sure there are no air bubbles in the sample. If air bubbles still appear below the Luer adaptor, fill again with a small quantity of semen to draw the air bubbles into the syringe.

4. Wipe the tip of the capillary with a Kimwipe quickly (to avoid wicking) (Fig. 3). Also wipe the exterior of the capillary if any spillage occurred, in order to keep the SQA-iO clean. Visually confirm that the capillary chambers are still full after cleaning. If not, slightly push in the piston of the syringe to re-fill the capillary section.

5. Slowly push-in the blue separating valve until it is level with the plastic (Fig. 4).

6. Insert the testing capillary into the SQA-iO all the way with the blue valve down (Fig 5)

Fig. 1: Filling Fig. 2: Inspect for

bubbles Fig. 3: Wipe the tip

Fig. 4: Push-in the blue valve Fig. 5: Insert capillary into SQA-iO

Luer Lock (Adaptor)

Motility Section

Cuvette (Concentration)

Section Blue Piston (stopper or separating valve)

Syringe that is supported by the directing runner

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APPENDIX 2: Filling the Testing Capillary with a LOW Volume Sample Sample size and preparation:

1. A minimum of 10 microliters of semen can be tested by filling ONLY the thin section of the testing capillary. Only semen motility parameters will be reported.

2. The sample must be maintained at room temperature (do not heat or refrigerate), tested within 1 hour of collection, and be fully liquified. 3. After liquefaction, gently mix the sample by rotating it in the container.

4. Carefully check that the liquified, fully mixed semen is free of air bubbles.

WARNING: Do not shake or use a pipette to mix the sample otherwise air bubbles will form and test results will be inaccurate.

Fill the SQA-iO testing capillary: 1. Push the syringe piston in fully. Place only the thin part of the capillary into the

bottom of the sample (Figure 1).

2. Pull the piston back slowly without withdrawing the capillary from the sample. 3. Fill only the (thin) capillary chamber with 10 microliters of semen (Figure 1).

Aspirate the sample until it just appears in the cuvette section while keeping the tip of the capillary well below the sample level and well below the level of any bubbles covering the liquid.

3. Withdraw the capillary tip from the semen sample and visually inspect to ensure that the sample has completely filled the thin section (no meniscus).

4. Wipe the tip of the capillary with a Kimwipe quickly (to avoid wicking). Also wipe the

exterior of the capillary if any spillage occurred, in order to keep the SQA-iO clean.

5. Visually confirm that the thin section of the capillary is still full after cleaning. If not, slightly push in the piston of the syringe until a small drop appears on the capillary tip and then re-fill the capillary tip with more sample.

Remove the blue separating valve:

• Detach the entire syringe from the hub (Figure 2) • Use the syringe or capillary jig to push-out the blue separating valve from the

capillary (Figure 3) • Completely remove the blue separating valve (Figure 4) • Insert the testing capillary into the SQA-iO

PLEASE NOTE: Test Low Volume samples as soon as the capillary is filled.

Fig. 1: Fill the tip

Fig 2:Detach the syringe

Fig 3:Push the valve out

Fig 4:Remove the blue l

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APPENDIX 3: Cleaning the SQA-iO When to clean: DAILY (step 1), WEEKLY (step 2)

• Or if SELF-TEST or any other failure occurs • Or if System becomes contaminated with semen

Cleaning kit components:

Long cleaning brush Fibrous material cleaning paddles (single use) Sponge-tipped drying paddles (single use) Cleaning fluid (single drop dispenser)


• Insert the long brush supplied in your device kit (bristle side down) into the chamber of the SQA-iO in the same way a testing capillary would be inserted (Fig 1 and 2).

• Pull the brush out, applying downward pressure to sweep or ‘dust

off’ the optics (you will feel a ‘shelf’ in the back/top section of the chamber) – (Fig 2 and 3)

CLEANING: STEP 2 (WEEKLY) 1. Use a Fibrous material cleaning paddle (fig 4) supplied in your


• Moisten with only ONE drop of cleaning fluid.

• Shake off excess fluid.

• Insert into the measurement compartment fibrous material facing down only.

• Move the cleaning capillary in and out three times.

2. Use a sponge-tipped drying paddle into the testing chamber

and leave it for 10 – 15 seconds (fig 6). NOTE: Do not move this drying paddle in and out.

Fig.1 Long Cleaning Brush Fig. 2 Clean the chamber

Fig. 3 “Dust off”

Fig. 4 Fibrous cleaning paddle Fig. 5 Insert fibrous material facing DOWN Fig. 6 Dry the testing chamber with sponge

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APPENDIX 4: Assessing semen WBC and pH using QwikCheck Test Strips

QwikCheck WBC/pH Test Strips: Product Overview INTRODUCTION AND INTENDED USE: QwikCheck™ Test Strips are an FDA cleared, in vitro diagnostic strip for the determination of pH and leukocytes (WBCs) in semen. Test results are determined by comparing the color of the test patches to the color chart provided on the bottle label. For professional use only. KIT CONTENTS : 100/50 test strip bottles are available STABILITY AND STORAGE CONDITIONS: Note the expiration date on the label for both closed and open bottle. The test strips can deteriorate rapidly in humid conditions so store at 15° C to 30° C (60-86°F) and humidity <30% (very important). Leave the desiccant in the bottle to absorb moisture. Keep away from direct sunlight and tightly cap the bottle when not in use. Do not touch the test pads. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: 1. Test fresh semen, untreated, undiluted and within 1 hour of collection. 2. Remove only the required number of test strips from the bottle, and place horizontally on the

lab bench. Do not remove the desiccant. 3. Mix the semen sample thoroughly. 4. Using a standard sample dropper (pipette), place one drop of the sample each test pad (pH and

Leukocytes). Do not touch the test pad areas. Leave the test strip in a horizontal position. 5. Follow the instructions on the product insert for wait time. 6. Compare the color of the test pad to the appropriate color scale for pH and WBC on the bottle label. 7. PLEASE NOTE: Test pads will grow DARKER if read after the timeframe. The color of the entire

Pad should be considered not just colorations around the edges. Colors that develop after the testing time cycle have no diagnostic value.


pH Pad Methyl Red 0.05 mg.

Bromothymol Blue 1.00 mg

Leukocytes Pad 3-Indoly-phenol ester 6.00 mg Benzendiazonium salt 0.40 mg

CLINICAL INFORMATION: Normal values for semen pH are generally ≥ 7.1 to 8.0 Normal values for semen Leukocytes are < 1 M/ml; the Leulocyte pad reports semi-quantitative results: NEG is <1M/mL and POSITIVE is ≥1 M/mL. Test results can be impacted by drugs or other chemical use. REFERENCES: WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Human Semen and Sperm-Cervical

Mucus Interaction, 5th Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010 pg. 16 (pH); pg. 107 (Leukocytes).

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APPENDIX 5: Reference Values of Semen Parameters


Sperm Concentration (Count) SPERM CONC. ≥15 M/ml WHO 5th manual*


≥40 % WHO 5th manual* <PR+NP>

Progressive Motility (PR) PROG. MOTILITY

≥32 % WHO 5th manual* <PR>

NONPROG. Non-progressive Motility (NP) MOTILITY - -


Immotility (IM) IMMOTILITY

- - <IM>

Sperm Morphology (normal forms, %) MORPH. NORM

≥4% WHO 5th manual* FORMS, WHO 5th

Motile Sperm Concentration MSC ≥6 M/ml MES* Progressively Motile Sperm

PMSC ≥5 M/ml MES* Concentration

Total Sperm Number SPERM # ≥39 M WHO 5th manual*

Total Motile Sperm MOT. SPERM ≥16 M MES* * The ranges established above are based on WHO 5th reference values or MES (for proprietary semen parameters). Each laboratory/clinic can establish their own requirements and cut-offs for semen parameters.

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APPENDIX 6: Product Performance Data Abbreviations TSC: Sperm Concentration (Count) MSC: Motile Sperm Concentration PMSC: Progressive Motile Sperm Concentration Morph Norm Forms: Morphologically Normal Forms OD: Optical Density MV: Millivolt Performance Data Summary The performance the SQA-iO is the same as the SQA-V (Sperm Quality Analyzer – VISUAL) as they share the same algorithms. Comparison data is available upon request. The following text, tables and graphs demonstrate the performance of the SQA-V algorithms. All values concerning sperm concentration measurements are expressed as 106 sperm cells per milliliter (M/ml). Motility and morphology values are expressed as a percent (%). Unless otherwise noted all testing was performed using human donor semen samples. Calibration: Each SQA is biologically calibrated against two reference systems at Medical Electronic System's laboratory. Sample Test Sperm Motility Morph MSC PMSC

Dynamic Range: Type Mode Conc. % % M/ml M/ml


Fresh Normal 2-400 0-100 0-100 .2-400 0-400

Precision and Accuracy Established Against a Known Target (Latex beads)

Background: The precision and accuracy of the SQA was compared to a known target value using latex beads.

Latex beads are used as a quality control product to validate the accuracy of sperm counting methods for two known levels of concentration. In accordance with CLIA regulations such a control is used to demonstrate operator proficiency using the microscope and for validation of automated sperm counting methods. The latex beads were run in the SQA in the same manner semen samples are run on the system.

Limitations of method: Latex beads cannot:

• Measure sperm motility or morphology • Correct for inaccurate chamber depths or

technician errors Method comparison: A total of 320 latex bead samples were tested on ten SQA systems (32 samples/SQA). SQA concentration readings were compared to established target values +/- acceptable range.

Latex beads established target values +/- ranges (Hemacytometer):

• Vial #1: 47 +/- 7.0 M/ml • Vial #2: 24 +/- 3.4 M/ml


SYSTEM Latex-beads CV, %

Intra- High 47± 7.0 ≤

M/ml 0.01 device Low 24 ± 3.4 ≤ Variability M/ml 0.01

Inter- High 47± 7.0 ≤

M/ml 2.00 device Low 24 ± 3.4 ≤ Variability M/ml 2.50

Accuracy: High Level Control

SQA-V QUALITY CONTROL TEST (High level of Accu-beads, target range: 40-54 M/ml)



s co



ion 56




ml 52

48 44 40


u 36 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Number of SQA-V tested

Accuracy: Low Level Control

SQA-V QUALITY CONTROL TEST (Low level of Accu-beads, target range: 20.6-27.4 M/ml)












3 0 2 8 2 6 2 4 2 2


u 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

1 8

Number of SQA-V tested

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Precision and accuracy established in clinical trials using human semen samples

Clinical claims: Specificity

• Concentration: 85% • Motility: 80% • Morph. Norm Forms (WHO 3rd): 65% • Morph. Norm Forms (WHO 4th): 60% • Morph. Norm Forms (WHO 5th): 90%

Sensitivity • Concentration: 90% • Motility: 85% • Morph. Norm Forms (WHO 3rd): 85% • Morph. Norm Forms (WHO 4th): 65%

Correlation to Manual Method • Concentration: 0.9 • Motility: 0.85 • Morph. Norm Forms (WHO 3rd): 0.65 • Morph. Norm Forms (WHO 4th): 0.45 • Morph. Norm Forms (WHO 5th): 0.45

Linearity Linear Sperm Concentration throughout the SQA-V dynamic range of 2M/ml to 400M/ml

• Squared regression coefficient of Dilution Curve R2 ≥0.9. • Averaged coefficient of variation CV of measured vs. expected sperm

concentration ≤ 20%.

Note: Claims are less than actual correlations noted (see tables 1 and 2).

Background: The SQA-V concentration, motility and morphology readings were compared to standard microscopic results based on WHO 3rd, 4th and 5th standards and MES protocols. Four independent clinical trials were conducted at MES lab, Tel Hashomer andrology dept and Ramat Marpe lab (Israel) and ART laboratory, University Hospital of Nantes (France). A total of >750 human semen samples were analyzed as described below with approximately 350 samples of low quality and tested in the Postvasectomy mode. Among them, 246 semen samples were tested at University Hospital of Nantes.

#Samples Fresh Washed Froze High n Sensitivity

>750 >300 42 30 >350

Analytical Specificity: • To achieve analytical specificity a specific wave length of light which is

maximally absorbed by sperm cells and minimally absorbed by other cells and seminal plasma is used.

• Low noise and high electronic resolution hardware components and compensation circuits ensure that analytical specificity is optimized.

Limitations of clinical specificity:

• Highly viscous samples can only be read accurately with liquefaction (QwikCheck™ Liquefaction Kit used).

• Sample size must be >0.7ml for fully automated tests. • % Normal Morphology is a parameter derived from the electronic signals of

the system by a proprietary algorithm. This is not a direct assessment of the stained smears.

• Results obtained from the use of the SQA-V visualization system may be affected by the subjectivity of the operator.

• Dynamic range limitation as stated above.

Table 1: Sensitivity/Specificity SQA-V vs. Microscope Sensitivity Specificity

Trial #1:

Concentration 100% 95% Motility 97% 85% Morph Norm Forms (WHO 3rd ) 94% 75%

Trial #2:

Concentration 94% 90% Motility 87% 90% Morph Norm Forms (WHO 4th ) 69% 70%

Trial #4 (ART laboratory, University Hospital of Nantes, France):

Negative SQA-V vs. Microscope Predictive Specificity


Morph Norm Forms (WHO 5th ) 92.5 97.9

Table #2: Correlation to Manual Method

Parameters Correlation Coefficients

Trial #1 Trial #2

Sperm Concentration 0.93 0.94

Motility 0.86 0.87

Morphology WHO 3rd 0.66 -

Morphology WHO 4th / 5th - 0.49*

MSC - 0.79

* Correlation is low due to narrow dynamic range of this parameter per strict criteria and manual analysis subjectivity.

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Method comparison: • SQA-V was compared to the microscope based on WHO 3rd (Trial #1),

4th (Trial #2) and WHO 5th (Trial #4) guidelines. • Sensitivity and Specificity were calculated using ROC curves with the

cutoffs based on the reference values of WHO 3rd, 4th and 5th guidelines (see Table #1).

• Correlation coefficients of the SQA-V results to the manual method are presented in the Table #2.

• Precision: Inter-device (Tables #3) and intra-device (Table #4) variations were compared to inter- and intra-operator variability using Coefficients of Variation (CV, %). Duplicate samples were assessed by two methods. The CVs characterizing precision were calculated for multiple semen parameters.

• Immotile cells were analyzed by use of the SQA-V visualization system. • 218 semen specimens contained motile cells and were used as the basis

for the Post Vas visualization method comparison (Table #5).

Table #4: Mean Values and Precision: Trial #4 (n=246) Semen Mean CV, %


Op1 Op2 SQA-V Manual SQA-V

Table #3: Precision: Trial #1 and #2 (n=154) Method

Parameter Range SQA-V Microscope

CV% CV% Entire Range 3.1 6.1

Sperm 5-40 5.2 5.9 Concentration 41-80 2.1 5.5

>80 2.5 3.2 Entire Range 5.1 7.2

Motility 10-50 7.6 10.3 51-55 1.5 3.4

>55 6.0 4.1 Sperm 41.0 40.2 41.4 11.5 3.4 Concentration

Total Motility 54.7 56.9 54.9 10.7 5.0

PR Motility 37.9 39.0 36.6 13.3 7.5

NP Motility 16.8 17.9 18.4 27.3 6.8

Morphology 7.6 7.6 11.5 27.4 6.5

Note: Op1 - operator 1; Op2 - operator 2 SQA-V Linearity Clinical claims:

• Linear Sperm Concentration throughout the SQA-V dynamic range of 2M/ml to 400M/ml: ▪ Squared regression coefficient of Dilution Curve R2 ≥0.9. ▪ Averaged coefficient of variation CV of measured vs. expected

sperm concentration ≤ 20%. Goal: To demonstrate the ability of the SQA-V to accurately report sperm concentration along the dynamic range of the system using sequentially diluted human semen samples. Methodology: 4 fresh human semen samples were pooled, divided into two aliquots and centrifuged at 600g for 15 minutes. The seminal plasma was decanted and the pellets were re-suspended in washing media: DPBS & HepesHTF. Sequential dilutions were run in 4 SQA-V systems. Limitations of method:

• Dilution errors contribute to the accuracy of the linearity test results. • Sample handling errors such as the introduction of bubbles into

the testing capillary can cause inaccurate readings.

Linearity Curve


1. Squared regression coefficient R2 of Dilution Curve (trend line) was found to be 0.992 (note: graph displaying results of four SQA-V’s and DPBS and Hepes dilution media).

2. Averaged coefficient of variation CV of measured vs. expected sperm concentration was 10%.

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Appendix 7: SQA-iO Warranty

Warranty Sperm Quality Analyzer SQA-iO

Medical Electronic Systems ("MES") warrants that the SQA-iO Sperm Quality Analyzer will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of twelve (12) months from date of purchase. If, during the one year warranty period, the device is shown to MES's reasonable satisfaction to be defective, MES shall, at its option, replace or repair such a device without charge for parts or labor. The foregoing remedy shall be purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy under this warranty.

The warranty is subject to the following conditions:

• Proper cleaning is followed based on the manufacturer’s guidance AND evidence of such scheduled cleaning (weekly) and proper maintenance of the device per the manufacturer’s guidelines is provided from the system records.

• No modifications or alterations are made to the SQA-iO device or related testing supplies.

• The SQA-iO is not used, operated, opened by anyone other than the purchaser.

• The SQA-iO is not serviced by anyone or any other entity other than MES or its designee.

• The SQA-iO is used, as labeled for human semen testing only, transported in its original box, stored in the proper temperature range and only manufacturer supplied testing supplies are used for testing, service and maintenance.


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Appendix 8: Regulatory Information European Authorized Representative: Arazy group GMBH. The Square 12, Am Flughafen, 60549 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Email: Tel: +49 69959325090 Australian Sponsor: Acrapack Pty Ltd, Anne Jones 7/ 84 Poinciana Avenue, Tewantin QLD Australia 4565 Email: Japanese MAH: Jaffco LTD, Hirofumi Morita Email: 17-15 Komazawa 1-chome Setagaya-ku Tokyo 1540012 JAPAN Manufacturer: Medical Electronic Systems, Ltd. 20 Alon Hatavor St., Zone 6, P.O. Box 3017, Caesarea Ind. Park 3088900, Israel SQA-iO Catalog#: IO-ML-01677-00

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