user guide-proddiag for sucker rod pump - ·...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


User Guide-ProdDiag for Sucker Rod Pump

OPT International, Inc.

Version: 6.2

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.



1 Module Brief Introduction .................................................................. 3

2 About the Training Material ............................................................... 4

3 Data ........................................................................................................ 5

4 Module Operation ................................................................................ 6

4.1 Perform Diagnosis Task .............................................................................. 6

4.1.1 Loading DynaCard from PEOffice Database ...................................................... 7

4.1.2 Loading DynaCard through Image File ............................................................ 19

4.2 Create New Dynacard Template ..............................................................23

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


1 Module Brief Introduction:

ProdDiag module bundle is developed by OPT to do well equipment diagnostics. It can be

combined with FieldAssist module to form a complete equipment diagnosis task. Currently, the

bundle contains diagnosis for two types of pumps-Rod Pump and ESP. The bundle is a supported

bundle for ProdDesign module for a more detailed diagnosis for Rod pump and ESP. ProdDiag for

Sucker Rod Pump (ProdDiag) is the module to do rod pump diagnosis. The module uses rod pump

DynaCard data and equipment data inside wells to compare with trained sample DyanCard

templates that reflect different operation issues to diagnose pump operation conditions.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


2 About the Training Material:

The purpose of the training is to give a guide about the basic operation of ProdDiag for Sucker

Rod Pump (ProdDiag), including the operation procedure and data field identification. By

finishing the training, the user should be able to create diagnosis templates and use ProdDiag to

do sucker rod pump diagnosis.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


3 Data:

Since pump DynaCard data is an important data type in the module, the module provides two

ways to import DynaCard data. The first one is the import from the PEOffice database. The second

one is to import a DynaCard image file. Other equipment and production data will be loaded from

the database.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


4 Module Operation:

The module just has one function-diagnosis. When we open the module, the interface will be

shown. is the main function of the module. The user clicks “Diagnosis” button to enter the

diagnosis function. stores existing DynaCard templates for the module. The user is able to

add new templates into the module or view existing templates by clicking the button. is just

like other modules. It is used to let the user view or modify the data needed by the module from

the database.

4.1 Perform Diagnosis Task:

We click to enter the function interface. The left result panel shows the data upload status

in different data types. The right result panel shows data tables needed by the function from the


ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


As mentioned above, DynaCard data can be obtained in two ways-database data, image file.

We will introduce the procedure for these two uploading types separately.

4.1.1 Loading DynaCard from PEOffice Database:

First we need to click “Load Data” to load the necessary data the function needs. For example,

we choose the “OPT” reservoir and select “OPT-1-101” well. We choose the starting/ending test

date as shown in the figure below. Then, we check all data types (including the DynaCard Data)

we will import to the function.

Then, all available data will be imported to the function. We can see the exact data in the right

side panel and data uploading status in the left side panel. As we can see on the left side panel, a

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


complete set of data needed by the function contains-Well Name, Test Date, Prod Data, DynaCard

Data, Pump Unit Data, Confirm Date, Tubing/Rod/Tail Pipe Data, and Casing data. If one data

category is missing completely, we will not see a “√” in that category. If a category has data but

the data is not complete, we will see a “ ” instead. If a well does not have a complete data set

(we can see “√” in all categories), the “Well Name” column will be marked with red to inform

the user that the data is not complete. The function must ensure a well has complete data set to

perform diagnosis. The figure below shows an example of the complete dataset and missing dataset.

For well “OPT-1-101”, we only have one row of complete dataset in one date, we will use

that as an example to demonstrate the data we needed by the function.

Notice: the database may contain extra data, the document will just show the minimum data

needed to do the diagnosis.

Production Data-

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


Parameter Value Unit

Well Name OPT-1-101

Date 12/31/2011

Liquid Rate 2171.07 STB/d

Water Cut 77.09 %

Dynamic Fluid Level (Casing Fluid Level) 16145.87 ft

Tubing Pressure 21634.97 psi

Casing Pressure 11225.3 psi

GOR 2.81 Scf/STB

Production Method Code (Lift Method) Pump

Database tables that contain the data:

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


DynaCard Data-

Database table that contains the data:

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


Notice: The maximum and minimum load values are found by the module in the DynaCard data


Pump Unit Data-

Parameter Value Unit

Well Name OPT-1-101

Balancer Adj. Data (Date) 12/31/2011

Manufacturer Er Ji

Model CYJY12-4.8-73HB

Balancing Weight Number (Balancer Pieces) 4

Balancer 1 1.64 ft

Balancer 2 1.64 ft

Balancer 3 1.64 ft

Balancer 4 1.64 ft

Pump Depth MD (Pump Depth) 5884.51 ft

Pump Diameter 2.2 in

Stroke (Stroke Length) 15.75 ft

Speed (Stroke Speed) 8 1/min

Database tables that contain the data:

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


Tubing/Rod/Tail Pipe Data-

Parameter Value Unit

Well Name OPT-1-101

Operation Date 1/1/2010

1st Segment Tubing OD (Outer Diameter) 2.87 in

1st Segment Tubing Wall Thickness (Wall Thickness) 0.22 in

1st Segment Tubing Length (Bottom Depth) 6069.55 ft

1st Segment Rod Length (Rod Length) 4265.09 ft

1st Segment Rod OD (Outer Diameter) 0.87 in

2nd Segment Rod Length (Rod Length) 1619.42 ft

2nd Segment Rod OD (Outer Diameter) 0.98 in

Tail Pipe OD (Inner Diameter) 2.87 in

Tail Pipe Wall Thickness (Wall Thickness) 0.22 in

Tail Pipe Length (Length) 164.04 ft

Database tables that contain the data:


Sucker Rod:

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


Tail Pipe:

Casing Data-

Parameter Value Unit

Well Name OPT-1-101

Down-hole Date (Date) 1/7/2001

1st Segment OD (Outer Diameter) 5.5 in

1st Segment Casing Wall Thickness (Wall Thickness) 0.36 in

1st Segment Casing Length 10183.73 ft

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


Database table that contains the data:

Notice: The data in the “1st Segment Casing Length” is calculated by both the “Top MD” and

“Bottom MD” fields in the “Casing” table in the database. The formula is: 1st Segment Casing

Length=Bottom MD-Top MD.


Parameter Value Unit

Well Name OPT-1-101

Confirm Date (Sampling Date) 1/1/2011

Formation Temp (Reservoir Temp) 203 F

Formation Pressure (Reservoir Pressure) 5221.36 psi

Reservoir Depth 10484.48 ft

Oil Density 53.09 3/lbm ft

Gas SG (Gas Specific Gravity) 0.69

Water Density (Formation Water Density) 62.43 3/lbm ft

Pb 2501.9 cP

Dead Oil Visc. (Dead Oil Viscosity) 3.75 psi

Database tables that contain the data:

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


The “Reservoir Depth” value is not from one data field in the database. It is calculated via

several data rows in the database. Each well may be drilled through multiple layers. Therefore, the

database will have the Top MD and bottom MD data for each layer. In order to calculate the

reservoir depth, the minimum top MD and the maximum bottom MD among those layers are

selected. Then, the reservoir depth is the average value of those two values.

The layer MD data is contained in the table below:

From the table above, we can find the minimum top MD and the maximum bottom MD values.

Parameter Value Unit

Minimum Top MD 10308.96 ft

Maximum Bottom MD 10660.01 ft

Reservoir Depth 10308.96 10660.0110484.48



When we have all available data, we can click to let the function generate diagnosis

results. The figure below shows the result panel. It shows the well pump, surface and rod

DynaCards as well as the issue the well pump is encountered currently. After making the diagnose

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


analysis, 6 new functions will be shown on the menu bar. They are analysis tools of the rod pump

installed in the well.

The document will briefly introduce the operation of these 6 functions.

1. Pump Performance Diag.

We click , the result panel will not change. This function is just

the default function in “Diagnosis”. The result panel will not change, since this function

just shows the pump diagnosis result.

2. Pump DynaCard Analysis

We click , the result panel will jump to the pump DynaCard analysis

page. It shows several analysis results, including pump effective rate, efficiency, pressure,


ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


3. Surface DynaCard Analysis

We click , the result panel will jump to the surface DynaCard

analysis page. The surface DynaCard is calculated based on the pump DynaCard and other

well equipment, fluid, production data we have provided. It shows several surface pump

operation properties, including rate, efficiency, load, etc.

4. Pump Eff. Analysis

We click , the result panel will jump to the pump efficiency result page.

It shows the pump efficiency distribution for a single day based on the DynaCard data.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


5. Rod String Stress Analysis

We click , the result panel will jump to the rod string stress

analysis page. It calculates the stress percentage of rod strings inside the well to be used by

engineers to determine if the rod string is working under safe condition.

6. Torque Analysis

We click , the result panel will jump to the torque analysis page. The

function shows a pump torque change plot in the well and the balance condition result.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


4.1.2 Loading DynaCard through Image File:

We click to open the function. This time we do not use “Load Data”. We can click

and choose “From Pictures”

A window will pop up to let us select a DynaCard image file in our PC. We select a file named

as “L17-33” in BMP format. In the module, jpg, gif, bmp format file are all supported. Then, we

click “Open” to load the DynaCard image.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


Then, the DynaCard plot and exact data will be shown in the function. We need to specify a

well for it and select test data. For example, we input “OPT-1-101” as well name and “12/31/2011”

as test date. We click “OK” to finish the setup.

The interface is same as that when we load data from the database. All we need to do is to fill

all other data tables with the available data to make sure the well has a complete dataset.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


For example, we directly copy all other data of well “OPT-1-101” from the database but use

the DynaCard we obtained from an image file.

We just follow the same way to do the diagnosis. The result will be shown based on the

DynaCard image file.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


The rest of the analysis features are same as that when we load data from the database.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


4.2 Create New Dynacard Template:

If a well has an operation case that is not included in the module, we can click to enter

the template manager to have a basic view about the DynaCard templates stored in the module and

create new templates.

The figure below is an interface of the template manager. The menu bar shows some operation

buttons to import/export a DynaCard template, create a new DynaCard template or delete an

existing one. A new DynaCard data set needs to be trained before application. Therefore, the user

can just click to train a DynaCard template. The “Parameters Input” panel shows some basic

information. For example, the connected database, templates, and display mode. The panel in the

middle shows the currently stored templates with some properties. The plot area on the right side

shows the DynaCard plot.

The user can directly import a DynaCard data file in the .xml format. By clicking , a

window will pop up to let the user select a file on a path. The user can find a data file and click

“Open” to import it.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


If the user wants to create a new database to store created templates, it can click . Then,

a window will pop up. The user input the name of the new database and click “OK”. The new

database can be selected in the “Parameters Input” panel.

If the user wants to create new templates, it can click . The result panel will show the

stored DynaCard plots representing different issues to let the user select.

ProdDiag User Guide Optimization Petroleum Technologies, Inc.


Double click a DynaCard in the upper plot panel, the user is able to go to the DynaCard

modification page. The middle panel shows the DynaCard plot. The right side table shows the

DynaCard data. The user is able to change the direction of the DynaCard, adding/deleting control

points by buttons on the menu bar. After finishing modification, the user can click to save it

to the database.

Last, be sure to click to train all templates.

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