useful mistakes (1st essay) catalina soitan

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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English essay


Usos bàsics, 1st. essay, Catalina Soitan

Useful mistakes

It is commonly agreed that mistakes are a part of being human and that everyone has

made at least one during their entire life. There are many types of mistakes and not all

of them can be corrected, not to mention the fact that some of them could have been

avoided if that person had thought better about the pros and cons of her of his decision.

The question is whether errors are actually a way of learning or not and what is even

more important, how can that be done? There is no need for scientific statistics in order

to show or prove that mistakes are something from which essential life lessons can be


On the one hand, admitting an erratum is a crucial step in learning, growing, and

improving oneself. Gaining knowledge about errors requires first and foremost, a

process of recognition. “If I had studied more, I would have passed my exam”, or “Next

time I will do that better” are just some of the common complaints or affirmations

students make. Despite they were aware of the fact that if they did not do their best and

study a lot, they would not get the maximum mark, for some reason, they decided the

best thing to do at that time, was to adopt a careless attitude and revise just some of

the contents the subject had. Since they could only have learned this lesson of doing

their best always just by making this blunder, an accurate thing to say is that errors are


On the other hand, since it is easier said than done, admitting mistakes is difficult. An

implied value in many cultures is that our work represents us: if someone fails a test,

then that person is a failure. If an individual makes a mistake then she or he is a mistake.

This value could mostly be considered as a matter of honour or pride and many people

do care a lot about their reputation.

Finally, there is no use in blaming other people, or the universe itself; by doing that, an

individual distances himself or herself from any possible lesson. If a person courageously

stands up and honestly says "This is my error and I am responsible”, possibilities for

learning will increase by leaps and bounds. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately

to oneself, makes taking in possible by moving the focus away from blame assignment

towards understanding.

Having said this, people actually learn from mistakes when they recognize them and

they are willing to make a change. Mistakes must be appreciated for what they are:

precious life lessons that can only be learnt the hard way, unless they are fatal errors,

from which at least, others can learn. Hence, wise people admit their mistakes easily.

They know progress accelerates when they do so, and they take advantage of it.

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