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Degradation of pharmaceutical

compounds by ligninolytic fungi

Memoria presentada por

Angélica Iliana Rodarte Morales

Para optar al grado de Doctor por la

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela, 3 de Febrero de 2012

Título: Degradation of pharmaceutical compounds by ligninolytic fungi

Serie: Tesis Doctorales

Grupo de Ingeniería Química y Bioprocesos Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Derechos de autor…


D. Juan Manuel Lema Rodicio, Catedrático de Universidad del Departamento de Ingeniería

Química y Dª María Teresa Moreira Vilar, Catedrática de Universidad del Departamento

de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.


Que la presente memoria, titulada “Degradation of pharmaceutical compounds by

ligninolytic fungi” que, para optar al grado de Doctor en Ingeniería Química, Programa de

Doctorado en Ingeniería Química y Ambiental, presenta Dª Angélica Iliana Rodarte

Morales, ha sido realizada bajo nuestra inmediata dirección en el Departamento de

Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Y para que así conste, firman el presente informe en Santiago de Compostela, Noviembre

de 2011.

D. Juan Manuel Lema Rodicio Dª María Teresa Moreira Vilar

Esta memoria fue presentada el 3 de Febrero de 2012 en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería

de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela ante el tribunal compuesto por:

Presidente Dr. Sixto Malato Rodríguez Investigador CSIC Universidad de Almería 1° vocal Dra. Gloria Caminal Saperas Departamento de Ingeniería Química Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona 2° vocal Dra. Susana Camarero Fernández Departamento de Biología Ambiental CSIC Madrid 3° vocal Prof. Francisco Omil Prieto Departamento de Ingeniería Química Universidad de Santiago de Compostela Secretaria Dra. Carmen López Díaz Departamento de Ingeniería Química Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona


Primeramente, quiero agradecer al Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

(CONACYT) de México por la beca proporcionada para realizar mis estudios de Doctorado

en Ingeniería Química y Ambiental en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. También

agradezco a los proyectos de la Xunta de Galicia (PGIDIT06PXIB265088PR y GRC 2010/37),

al Ministerio Español de Ciencia y Educación (CICYT-CTQ2007-66788/PPQ y CTQ2010-

20258) y al Proyecto Europeo (EUI 2008-03703) por el apoyo otorgado para la realización

de esta tesis doctoral.

A mis directores de tesis, Dr. Juan M. Lema y Dra. María Teresa Moreira por haber

confiado en mí desde el principio, por permitirme realizar mis estudios de doctorado bajo

su supervisión, por guiarme durante la planeación y desarrollo de esta investigación, sin

ello, esta tesis no hubiera sido posible. Les agradezco de manera especial la supervisión y

el tiempo dedicado durante la redacción de esta tesis.

Agradezco también al Dr. Ramón Méndez Pampín y nuevamente al Dr. Juan M.

Lema por brindarme la oportunidad de incorporarme en el Grupo de Ingeniería Ambiental

y de Bioprocesos del Departamento de Ingeniería Química. También agradezco

especialmente al Dr. Gumersindo Feijoo por su disponibilidad, su opinión acertada y su

gran optimismo a lo largo de estos 4 años. Al resto de profesores del Biogrup, Dra. Anuska

Mosquera, Dr. Jose Luis Campos, Dr. Juan M. Garrido y Dr. Francisco Omil les doy las

gracias por transmitirme sus conocimientos durante los cursos de doctorado.

A mis compañeros del grupo de Fermentación: Adriana, Carlos, Lucía, Paula D. y

Rober, por recibirme cada mañana con una sonrisa y por el apoyo proporcionado durante

el desarrollo de esta tesis ¡Gracias por su confianza y amistad! Estoy muy agradecida con

Cecilia Baldini, por su ayuda durante el inicio de mi investigación y por su amistad.

También agradezco a las personas que estuvieron en el laboratorio de estancia de

investigación: Mayra, Inés y Enrique, gracias por su amistad. Agradezco de manera

especial a la Dra. Gemma Eibes y al Dr. Thelmo Lu Chau por toda la ayuda proporcionada

durante este tiempo pero sobre todo por su amabilidad y disponibilidad. También quiero

dar las gracias a los técnicos del Biogrup: Carmen, Mar, Miriam, Mónica y Ovidio, por

transmitime sus conocimientos pero sobre todo el tiempo dedicado al análisis de cada


Gracias a todos los integrantes del Biogrup que he conocido a lo largo de estos 4

años por toda la ayuda que me proporcionaron y que contribuyó con el desarrollo de mi

tesis, pero especialmente por su amistad ¡Gracias a todos y cada uno de ellos!

Quiero agradecer a varias personas que son especiales en mi vida: Jorge y Marivel,

gracias por su disponibilidad y su amistad. Gaby y familia, gracias por toda su ayuda y por

su amistad. Gracias a Alicia P. por su apoyo y amistad. Carmen Fajardo, fuiste un gran

apoyo desde el día en que llegué a Santiago, gracias por todo. A Dafne y Denisse, gracias

por cada momento compartido durante estos años, no encuentro la manera de agradecer

todo el apoyo que me han proporcionado. Muchas gracias por su confianza, su amistad,

pero especialmente por hacer que mi estancia en Santiago de Compostela fuera genial.

También agradezco a mis amigas y amigos de Santiago por su amistad. A mis amigas de

toda la vida les agradezco por no olvidarse de mí, pero sobre todo por hacerme creer que

era capaz de conseguir este sueño que ahora es realidad.

Por último, quiero dedicar especialmente esta tesis a las personas más importantes

de mi vida. Siempre estaré completamente agradecida con Alex Vidal por haber llegado a

mi vida en un momento tan oportuno, por apoyarme a lo largo de estos años, pero sobre

todo por estar siempre allí. Para mis hermanos Gerardo, Alejandro, Jorge, Luis, Laura y

Fernando, mis cuñadas, mi cuñado y mis sobrinos, quienes a pesar de la distancia siempre

me han apoyado y motivado para conseguir mis metas. A mis padres, Herminio y

Alejandrina, por la confianza que han tenido siempre en mí, por no dejarme caer cuando

sentía que no lo iba a conseguir, por sus consejos, por creer en mí pero sobre todo gracias

por su amor incondicional. Sé que para ustedes fue muy difícil dejarme marchar al otro

lado del mundo, sin su apoyo y comprensión no hubiera podido superar esta meta que me

planteé con tanta ilusión desde hace muchos años ¡Gracias por ser mis padres!

Nunca desistas de tus sueños Sigue las señales

Paulo Coelho


Table of contents


Resumen general 1

Resumo xeral 7

General summary 13

Chapter 1. General introduction 19

1.1. Pharmaceutical compounds 21

1.1.1. Pharmaceutical compounds in the environment: consumption,

sources and fate


1.1.2. Therapeutic classes of the selected pharmaceuticals 26

1.1.3. Physicochemical properties of pharmaceutical compounds 28

1.1.4. Mechanisms of removal of pharmaceuticals 31

1.1.5. Main characteristics of the selected pharmaceuticals 33

1.1.6. Ecotoxicity of pharmaceutical compounds in the environment 36

1.1.7. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater by

physicochemical and biological technologies


1.2. White-rot fungi (WRF) and their lignin modifying enzymes (LMEs) 45

1.2.1. Characteristics of the white-rot fungi (WRF) 45

1.2.2. Lignin modifying enzymes (LMEs) and their mediators 49

1.2.3. Applications of white-rot fungi (WRF) and lignin modifying

enzymes (LMEs) 58

1.3. Objectives 61

Chapter 2. Materials and methods 63

2.1. Microorganisms 65

2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals 65

2.3. Culture conditions 66

2.3.1. Pre-inoculum 66

2.3.2. Static cultures 66

Table of contents


2.3.3. Pellets and immobilized cultures 66

2.3.4. Preparation of the pre-inoculum for the stirred tank reactors

(STRs) and fixed-bed reactors (FBRs) 67

2.3.5. Mycelium growth inhibition at different pharmaceuticals

concentrations 67

2.4. Bioreactors configuration 67

2.4.1. Stirred tank reactor (0.75 L) 67

2.4.2. Stirred tank reactor (2 L) 68

2.4.3. Fixed-bed reactors (0.167 L) 69

2.4.4. Hydraulics of the bioreactors: pulsing device and determination

of the Residence Time Distribution (RTD)


2.5. Identification of pharmaceutical compounds 71

2.5.1. Extraction of pharmaceutical compounds 71

2.5.2. Quantification of the adsorption extent of pharmaceuticals on

fungal biomass


2.5.3. High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array

Detector (HPLC-DAD) analysis


2.5.4. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis 73

2.6. Analytical techniques 78

2.6.1. Reducing sugars 78

2.6.2. Total organic carbon concentration 78

2.6.3. Total soluble nitrogen content 78

2.6.4. pH determination 78

2.6.5. Peroxide concentration 78

2.6.6. Biomass concentration 78

2.6.7. Microscope 79

2.6.8. Determination of enzymatic activities 79

Chapter 3. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds by three

white-rot fungi in batch experiments (static, free pellets and

immobilized cultures)


3.1. Introduction 84

3.2. Materials and methods 85

3.2.1. Microorganisms 85

3.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals 85

Table of contents


3.2.3. Mycelium growth inhibition at different pharmaceuticals



3.2.4. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in batch experiments

(static, pellets and immobilized cultures)


3.2.5. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in a stirred tank reactor 86

3.2.6. Extraction of pharmaceuticals and determination of residual



3.2.7. Adsorption of pharmaceuticals in the different fungal cultures 87

3.2.8. Time-course degradation of anti-inflammatory drugs by pellets of

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1


3.2.9. Degradation of anti-inflammatory drugs by pellets of the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 in a fed-batch experiment


3.2.10. Analytical techniques 87

3.3. Results 87

3.3.1. Mycelium growth inhibition by different pharmaceuticals



3.3.2. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in static cultures 88

3.3.3. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in free pellets cultures 92

3.3.4. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in immobilized cultures 95

3.3.5. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in a stirred tank reactor 98

3.3.6. Time-course degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX by pellets of the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1


3.3.7. Fed-batch assay for the degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX by

pellets of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1


3.4. Discussion 108

3.5. Conclusions 114

Chapter 4. Development of a free pellets reactor with

Phanerochaete chrysosporium for removal of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ

and DZP. From fed-batch to continuous strategy


4.1. Introduction 120

4.2. Materials and methods 122

4.2.1. Microorganism and inoculum preparation 122

4.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals 122

Table of contents


4.2.3. Features of the stirred tank reactor 122

4.2.4. Influence of the gas supply (in continuous and in pulses) on the

operation of a fed-batch stirred tank reactor for the degradation of



4.2.5. Influence of the feed regime (fed-batch and continuous) on the

operation of a stirred tank reactor for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX

and CBZ


4.2.6. Operation of a continuous stirred tank reactor for the

degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP


4.2.7. Extraction of pharmaceutical compounds and determination of

residual concentrations


4.2.8. Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on fungal biomass 126

4.2.9. Analytical techniques 126

4.3. Results 126

4.3.1. Influence of the gas supply (in continuous and in pulses) on the

operation of a fed-batch stirred tank reactor for the degradation of



4.3.2. Influence of the feed regime (fed-batch and continuous) on the

operation of a stirred tank reactor for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX

and CBZ


4.3.3. Operation of a continuous stirred tank reactor for the

degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP


4.4. Discussion 154

4.5. Conclusions 158

Chapter 5. Operation of fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with

immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium for the removal of five

pharmaceutical compounds: DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP


5.1. Introduction 164

5.2. Materials and methods 165

5.2.1. Microorganism 165

5.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals 165

Table of contents


5.2.3. Degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in a continuous fixed-

bed reactor using P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam


5.2.4. Degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in a continuous

stirred tank reactor (STR) using P. chrysosporium immobilized in

polyurethane foam


5.2.5. Determination of the residence time distribution (RTD) in a fixed-

bed reactor (FBR)


5.2.6. Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on the fungal biomass 168

5.2.7. Analytical techniques 168

5.3. Results 168

5.3.1. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a fixed-bed reactor with a

continuous air flow for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP 168

5.3.2. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a fixed-bed reactor with oxygen

pulses for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP 178

5.3.3. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a stirred tank reactor (STR) with

a continuous air flow for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and



5.4. Discussion 197

5.5. Conclusions 199

Chapter 6. Assessment of the degradation products of anti-

inflammatory drugs


6.1. Introduction 204

6.1.1. Degradation route of diclofenac and main degradation products 205

6.1.2. Degradation route of ibuprofen and main degradation products 206

6.1.3. Degradation route of naproxen and main degradation products 207

6.1.4. Derivatization of the anti-inflammatory drugs 208

6.2. Methodology 208

6.2.1. Samples analyzed 208

6.2.2. Procedure 209

6.2.3. Quantification of the metabolites 209

6.3. Results 210

6.3.1. Derivatization of the samples 210

Table of contents


6.3.2. Determination of the major degradation product of diclofenac: 4-



6.3.3. Determination of the major degradation product of ibuprofen: 1-



6.3.4. Determination of the major degradation product of naproxen: 6-



6.4. Discussion 235

6.5. Conclusions 237

General conclusions 239

Conclusiones generales 243

Conclusións xerais 247

References 251

Acronyms 269


Resumen general

Los compuestos farmacéuticos se utilizan ampliamente a nivel mundial con fines

terapéuticos y de mejora de calidad de vida en el ámbito de salud humana y animal. Existe

un gran número de grupos terapéuticos aplicados para el tratamiento de distintas

enfermedades o dolencias: antibióticos, analgésicos, anti-inflamatorios, anticonceptivos,

antidepresivos, antineoplásicos, antiepilépticos, anticonvulsivos, compuestos beta-

bloqueantes, reguladores lipídicos, medios de contraste para rayos X, tranquilizantes,

entre otros. Se ha calculado que el consumo a nivel mundial de este tipo de compuestos

supera las 1000 toneladas por año. El consumo de cada grupo terapéutico puede variar

dependiendo de si la venta se encuentra restringida a prescripción médica, tal es el caso

de los antidepresivos, o bien pueden comprarse libremente, tal es el caso de los anti-

inflamatorios. Tras su consumo y/o uso, estos compuestos se liberan al ambiente a través

de la orina y heces fecales ya sea en su forma original o bien en forma de metabolitos y

productos de degradación. Posteriormente, pueden ser transportados a través del sistema

de alcantarillado municipal, distribuyéndose en aguas superficiales o bien en aguas

subterráneas, en concentraciones variables desde ng/L hasta µg/L. Su presencia en el

medio acuático se debe, en gran medida, al hecho de que los tratamientos convencionales

de las estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales (EDARs) no los eliminan de forma

eficaz. Por ello, el agua residual municipal representa la fuente de emisión de compuestos

farmacéuticos más relevante. Por el contrario, estos compuestos se pueden detectar en

agua potable, si bien existen evidencias de la presencia de algunos de estos compuestos

en concentraciones muy bajas, del orden de ng/L, en este medio.

Estos compuestos pueden generar problemas de ecotoxicidad sobre los

organismos acuáticos y terrestres debido a sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, su distribución

y persistencia, pero principalmente debido al hecho de que estos compuestos han sido

diseñados para producir efectos biológicos en los seres vivos incluso en concentraciones

bajas. Por ello, existe un riesgo potencial a su exposición, ya que pueden afectar

organismos en diversas formas (cambios de sexo en organismos superiores,

modificaciones de crecimiento en plantas, deformidades anatómicas, entre otros). Los

fármacos son capaces de persistir en el ambiente durante períodos prolongados ya sea en

su forma original o como sus productos de degradación, dependiendo de su estructura

química así como de sus propiedades fisicoquímicas. Es importante conocer los

parámetros característicos de cada uno de ellos para determinar los métodos óptimos

para su eliminación eficaz. Las principales propiedades fisicoquímicas a tener en cuenta

Resumen general


que se encuentran potencialmente relacionadas con los mecanismos de eliminación de

estos compuestos son: (i) la solubilidad (S), que a su vez dependerá del pH ambiental,

presencia de sales y/o metales, temperatura; (ii) el coeficiente de Henry (H), indicador de

su volatilidad; (iii) la constante de disociación (pKa), que indica la tendencia que tiene cada

compuesto para disociarse; (iv) el coeficiente de partición octanol-agua (Kow), que indica el

carácter lipofílico de cada compuesto; (v) el coeficiente de distribución sólido-agua (Kd),

que se relaciona con la concentración del compuesto que se encuentra en la fase sólida o

líquida; (vi) finalmente la constante de degradación de pseudo-primer orden (Kbiol), que

indica la facilidad de biodegradación que presenta un determinado compuesto en

condiciones aeróbicas mediante lodos biológicos.

En los últimos años se han estudiado e implementado diversos métodos

fisicoquímicos y biológicos para eliminar estos compuestos en las EDARs así como en el

ambiente acuático. Algunos métodos como procesos de coagulación-floculación, flotación,

nitrificación-desnitrificación, biorreactores de membrana (MBRs) han demostrado altas

eficiencias de eliminación de compuestos farmacéuticos, especialmente aquellos

considerados en esta tesis doctoral. Sin embargo, algunos compuestos recalcitrantes tales

como fluoxetina, carbamazepina y diazepam requieren procesos avanzados de oxidación

(AOPs) para conseguir su eliminación completa. A pesar de la alta eficiencia de estos

métodos, la principal desventaja es su elevado coste comparado con el resto de los

procesos mencionados. Una alternativa para la eliminación de fármacos podría ser el uso

de hongos ligninolíticos de podredumbre blanca (WRF). Estos son un grupo de

microorganismos capaces de degradar la lignina, uno de los componentes de la madera,

con una estructura aromática altamente compleja. Estos hongos secretan enzimas

ligninolíticas durante su metabolismo secundario: manganeso peroxidasa (MnP), lignina

peroxidasa (LiP), peroxidasa versátil (VP) y Lacasa (Lac), que son responsables de la

generación de radicales libres altamente reactivos y con baja especificidad por substrato,

lo cual plantea su uso como una alternativa potencial para la eliminación de compuestos

altamente biodegradables. En esta tesis doctoral se ha evaluado la degradación de ocho

compuestos farmacéuticos pertenecientes a diversos grupos terapéuticos: antibióticos

(sulfametoxazol, SMX), antidepresivos (citalopram, CTL; fluoxetina, FLX), anti-

inflamatorios (diclofenaco, DCF; ibuprofeno, IBP; naproxeno, NPX), antiepilépticos

(carbamazepina, CBZ) y tranquilizantes (diazepam, DZP) por acción de tres cepas de WRF:

un hongo anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1, Bjerkandera adusta y Phanerochaete


En la primera parte del capítulo 1 se presenta una revisión bibliográfica acerca de

los compuestos farmacéuticos donde se incluyen algunos datos relevantes acerca de su

consumo y presencia en aguas. Además se explica brevemente las vías de entrada de

Resumen general


estos compuestos al ambiente acuático e incluso se plantean los posibles efectos tóxicos

que pueden generar estos compuestos tras su liberación al ambiente. Además se hace una

breve descripción de los compuestos pertenecientes a los grupos terapéuticos antes

mencionados así como los principales mecanismos de eliminación y sus propiedades

fisicoquímicas. Finalmente, se incluyen algunos métodos biológicos y fisicoquímicos que

han sido investigados de cara a su degradación. En la segunda parte de este capítulo se

hace referencia a la importancia que tienen los hongos ligninolíticos así como a las

principales características de las enzimas MnP, LiP, VP y Lac para así entender mejor la

capacidad de estos organismos y sus enzimas para la eliminación de compuestos

recalcitrantes incluyendo los fármacos considerados. Finalmente, se plantean los objetivos

principales de esta tesis doctoral.

En el capítulo 2 se incluyen los materiales y métodos utilizados. Primeramente, se

incluyen las tres cepas de hongos ligninolíticos seleccionadas así como una lista con los

compuestos farmacéuticos y los disolventes utilizados. Inicialmente se llevaron a cabo

ensayos de inhibición del crecimiento del micelio bajo diferentes concentraciones de

mezclas de fármacos para determinar la concentración máxima que estos

microorganismos pueden tolerar sin que se vea afectado su crecimiento. También se

presentan las condiciones de cultivo en estático, libre en forma de pellets e inmovilizado

en espuma de poliuretano, especialmente relevantes en los experimentos en

discontinuos; así como la preparación del pre-inóculo para los diferentes tipos de

biorreactor. Por ello, se presenta la configuración de los biorreactores empleados:

reactores de tanque agitado (RTA) y reactores de lecho fijo (FBR), operados con hongo

libre e inmovilizado, así como una breve descripción de los ensayos realizados, incluyendo

detalles sobre el sistema de pulsación de oxígeno y la distribución del tiempo de

residencia (RTD). Por otra parte, se describen los métodos para extraer los compuestos

farmacéuticos con acetonitrilo así como los ensayos de adsorción de fármacos sobre la

biomasa de los hongos y/o la espuma de poliuretano. Para la identificación y

cuantificación de los compuestos analizados se utilizó cromatografía líquida de alta

eficacia con un detector de array de diodos (HPLC-DAD) así como cromatografía de gases y

espectrometría de masas (GC-MS). Finalmente se enumeran las técnicas analíticas

utilizadas para realizar un seguimiento de los perfiles de fermentación durante los ensayos

de degradación.

Los primeros experimentos se describen en el capítulo 3 donde se ha estudiado el

efecto de diferentes concentraciones de los compuestos farmacéuticos seleccionados

sobre el crecimiento del micelio de las tres cepas de WRF cultivadas en placa para

determinar la concentración máxima de ensayo. Los resultados de este capítulo

permitieron determinar que los hongos pueden crecer sin problemas de inhibición a

Resumen general


concentraciones sobre 1 mg/L. Adicionalmente se analizó la capacidad de eliminación de

los fármacos en ensayos en discontinuo utilizando tres tipos de cultivo diferentes como

son los cultivos en estático, con pellets y con hongo inmovilizado en espuma de

poliuretano. Los cultivos con pellets presentaron los porcentajes de eliminaciones más

altos, más del 99% para DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ y 57% para DZP. Los ensayos de degradación

de fármacos indican que incluso niveles de actividad bajos de enzima pueden ser

suficientes para eliminar eficazmente estos compuestos. Estos resultados fueron la base

de un experimento posterior realizado en un RTA de 0.75 L, que se aplicó en la

degradación de cinco compuestos farmacéuticos diferentes (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ, DZP)

mediante el hongo anamorfo y P. chrysosporium. Finalmente se llevó a cabo un ensayo de

degradación de 24 h así como un experimento en fed-batch con pulsos diarios de

farmacos para analizar la eliminación de los tres anti-inflamatorios bajo la acción del

anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1. Se determinó un tiempo de residencia hidráulico (HRT)

adecuado para eliminar estos compuestos de 24 h o incluso inferior (se logró la

eliminación completa de IBP en sólo 4 h). Los compuestos anti-inflamatorios se eliminaron

de forma total por ambas cepas en el RTA, mientras que CBZ y DZP se eliminaron

parcialmente (desde 15% hasta 55%). El comportamiento de los pellets dentro del reactor

varió de una cepa a otra, debido a que el hongo anamorfo presentó un crecimiento

excesivo de biomasa. Debido a esto, se descartó la utilización de dicho hongo para

posteriores experimentos en fed-batch y continuo en biorreactores con el fin de evitar

problemas de compactación y taponamiento del lecho. Para los experimentos posteriores

de esta tesis se seleccionó P. chrysosporium.

En el capítulo 4 se describen las condiciones de operación en fed-batch y continuo

en un RTA con pellets de P. chrysosporium para la eliminación de DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ y

DZP. Uno de los objetivos es evaluar si los reactores en fed-batch o en continuo lograban

mantener o incluso superar los porcentajes de degradación obtenidos en experimentos

previos. Así, en un primer experimento se estudió el efecto del nivel de oxígeno sobre la

degradación de los tres anti-inflamatorios así como el efecto sobre la morfología de los

pellets durante una operación fed-batch en el reactor durante 30 días. En un reactor se

alimentaron pulsos de oxígeno con diferentes frecuencias mientras que en el otro se

aplicó un flujo de aire en continuo. Los resultados obtenidos durante este capítulo

demostraron que los niveles altos de oxígeno no tienen un efecto significativo sobre la

degradación de los fármacos, ya que los porcentajes de eliminación bajo el flujo de aire en

continuo y pulsos de oxígeno fueron similares (>99% para DCF e IBP y más de 77% para

NPX). Sin embargo, los pulsos de oxígeno favorecieron el control del crecimiento excesivo

de la biomasa mejorando así la operación y estabilidad del RTA durante períodos de

tiempo mayores. A pesar de esto, durante los siguientes ensayos se consideró un flujo de

Resumen general


aire en continuo como sistema de aireación del reactor debido a los menores costes de

operación. Posteriormente, se utilizó un RTA con pellets de la cepa seleccionada para

eliminar los tres anti-inflamatorios y el antiepiléptico CBZ durante una primera etapa en

operación fed-batch (26 días). A continuación, el biorreactor se operó en continuo hasta el

día 70. En un experimento adicional, se operó en continuo un RTA durante 50 días para la

eliminación de los tres anti-inflamatorios, incluyendo los compuestos recalcitrantes (CBZ y

DZP). Así, se demostró que la degradación de los fármacos se favoreció cuando el RTA

inició su operación en modo fed-batch durante algunas semanas consiguiendo

eliminaciones completas de los tres anti-inflamatorios y significativas de CBZ (hasta un

63%). Cuando el reactor cambió su operación a modo continuo el hongo fue capaz de

mantener la degradación parcial o total de estos compuestos durante más de 50 días

alcanzando los siguientes porcentajes de eliminación: DCF (34% - 90%); IBP (65% - 95%);

NPX (17% - 94%); CBZ (5% - 94%). Los resultados de la operación en continuo demostraron

que P. chrysosporium fue capaz de eliminar los anti-inflamatorios pero con tiempos de

residencias superiores. Además, se consiguió eliminar un 53% de CBZ, sin embargo no fue

posible eliminar DZP.

En el capítulo 5 se describen las condiciones de operación en FBRs utilizando P.

chrysosporium previamente inmovilizado en espuma de poliuretano para el tratamiento

en continuo de DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ y DZP durante 100 días. Para ello, se estudió el efecto

del nivel de oxígeno sobre la degradación de los fármacos así como sobre el control del

crecimiento del micelio mediante dos sistemas de aireación: flujo de aire en continuo y

pulsos de oxígeno. Los resultados de este experimento demostraron que el hongo

inmovilizado fue capaz de eliminar fácilmente los compuestos anti-inflamatorios durante

100 días de operación (78% - 99%), mientras que se consiguió eliminar parcialmente CBZ

(hasta el 90%) y DZP (hasta el 72%) bajo ambas condiciones de aireación (aire y oxígeno).

Se obtuvieron porcentajes de eliminación más altos para los compuestos recalcitrantes

durante la primera mitad de operación (hasta el día 40). Posteriormente, la eficiencia de

eliminación disminuyó en ambos reactores. Es importante mencionar que la degradación

de DZP se favoreció cuando había niveles altos de oxígeno dentro del biorreactor;

mientras que los porcentajes mayores de eliminación de CBZ se lograron bajo flujo de aire

en continuo. En un segundo experimento se procedió a analizar la degradación en

continuo de estos compuestos farmacéuticos en un RTA con hongo inmovilizado durante

50 días. Este reactor mantuvo una operación estable, sin problemas de taponamiento

durante el período establecido alcanzando altos porcentajes de eliminación para los anti-

inflamatorios. Sin embargo estos porcentajes fueron menores que los conseguidos en los

FBRs. La eliminación de los compuestos recalcitrantes CBZ y DZP también fue menor

Resumen general


cuando se utilizó el RTA bajo esta configuración: menos del 61% y menos del 40%,


En el capítulo 6 se incluye una revisión bibliográfica de los principales productos de

degradación de los tres anti-inflamatorios utilizados (DCF, IBP y NPX). Según las

referencias previas, los principales productos de degradación de DCF, IBP y NPX son 4-

hidroxi-diclofenac, 1-hidroxi-ibuprofeno y 6-O-desmetil-naproxen, respectivamente. Se

estudiaron los cromatogramas obtenidos por GC-MS en diversos ensayos de degradación

para determinar la presencia de compuestos que pudieran corresponder con sus posibles

metabolitos. Para ello, se han estudiado las posibles estructuras de los compuestos

originales y sus posibles metabolitos después de sufrir una derivatización.

Posteriormente, se evaluaron las posibles rutas de fragmentación de estos compuestos,

que deberían estar relacionados con los iones de cuantificación mayoritarios detectados

en los cromatogramas obtenidos durante los experimentos. Tras analizar los

cromatogramas, se pudo observar la presencia de diversos picos con iones de

cuantificación que podrían corresponder con los principales productos de degradación. Sin

embargo, no se ha podido identificar inequívocamente ni cuantificar su presencia ya que

sería necesario disponer de los compuestos patrón que no están comercialmente


Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis doctoral demuestran que los hongos

ligninolíticos tienen la capacidad para eliminar eficazmente productos como los anti-

inflamatorios, antibióticos y anti-depresivos, mientras que compuestos altamente

recalcitrantes como FLX, CBZ y DZP también se eliminaron, aunque de forma parcial. La

determinación de los productos de degradación y/o metabolitos es un aspecto de especial

relevancia de cara a plantear las posibles rutas de degradación de estos compuestos.


Resumo xeral

Os compostos farmacéuticos son utilizados amplamente a nivel mundial con fins

terapéuticos e de mellora de calidade de vida no ámbito de saúde humana e animal.

Existe un gran número de grupos terapéuticos aplicados para o tratamento de distintas

enfermidades ou doenzas: antibióticos, analxésicos, anti-inflamatorios, anticonceptivos,

antidepresivos, antineoplásicos, antiepilépticos, anticonvulsivos, compostos beta-

bloqueantes, reguladores lipídicos, medios de contraste para raios X, tranquilizantes,

entre outros. Calculouse que o consumo a nivel mundial deste tipo de compostos supera

as 1000 toneladas por ano. O consumo de cada grupo terapéutico pode variar

dependendo de se a venda atópase restrinxida a prescrición médica, tal é o caso dos

antidepresivos, ou ben poden comprarse libremente, tal é o caso dos anti-inflamatorios.

Tras o seu consumo e/ou uso, estes compostos libéranse ao ambiente a través dos

ouriños e feces fecais xa sexa na súa forma orixinal ou como metabolitos e produtos de

degradación. Posteriormente, poden ser transportados a través do sistema de rede de

sumidoiros municipal distribuíndose en augas superficiais ou ben en augas subterráneas

en concentracións dende ng/L ata µg/L. A súa presenza no medio acuático débese, en

gran medida, ao feito de que os tratamentos convencionais das estacións depuradoras de

augas residuais (EDARs) non os eliminan de forma eficaz. Por iso, a auga residual

municipal representa a fonte de emisión de compostos farmacéuticos máis relevante. Pola

contra, estes compostos pódense detectar en auga potable, aínda que existen evidencias

da presenza dalgúns destes compostos en concentracións moi baixas, da orde de ng/L,

neste medio.

Estes compostos poden xerar problemas de ecotoxicidad sobre os organismos

acuáticos e terrestres debido ás súas propiedades fisicoquímicas, a súa distribución e

persistencia, pero principalmente debido ao feito de que estes compostos foron

deseñados para producir efectos biolóxicos nos seres vivos mesmo en concentracións

baixas. Por iso, existe un risco potencial á súa exposición, xa que poden afectar

organismos en diversas formas (cambios de sexo en organismos superiores, modificacións

de crecemento en plantas, deformidades anatómicas, entre outros). Os fármacos son

capaces de persistir no ambiente durante períodos prolongados xa sexa na súa forma

orixinal ou como os seus produtos de degradación, dependendo da súa estrutura química

así como das súas propiedades fisicoquímicas. É importante coñecer os parámetros

característicos de cada un deles para determinar os métodos óptimos para a súa

eliminación eficaz. As principais propiedades fisicoquímicas a ter en conta e que se atopan

Resumo xeral


potencialmente relacionadas cos mecanismos de eliminación destes compostos son: (i) a

solubilidade (S), que á súa vez dependerá do pH ambiental, presenza de sales e/ou metais,

temperatura; (ii) o coeficiente de Henry (H), indicador da súa volatilidade; (iii) a constante

de disociación (pKa), que indica a tendencia que ten cada composto para disociarse; (iv) o

coeficiente de partición octanol-auga (Kow), que indica o carácter lipofílico de cada

composto; (v) o coeficiente de distribución sólido-auga (Kd), que se relaciona coa

concentración do composto que se atopa na fase sólida ou líquida; (vi) finalmente a

constante de degradación de pseudo-primeira orde (Kbiol), que indica a facilidade de

biodegradación que presenta un determinado composto en condicións aeróbicas

mediante lodos biolóxicos.

Nos últimos anos estudáronse e implementáronse diversos métodos fisicoquímicos

e biolóxicos para eliminar estes compostos nas PTAR así como no ambiente acuático.

Algúns métodos como procesos de coagulación-floculación e flotación, nitrificación-

desnitrificación, biorreactores de membrana (MBRs) demostraron altas eficiencias de

eliminación dos compostos farmacéuticos, especialmente os compostos considerados

nesta tese doutoral. Con todo, algúns compostos recalcitrantes tales como fluoxetina,

carbamazepina e diazepam requiren procesos avanzados de oxidación (AOPs) para

conseguir a súa completa eliminación. A pesar da alta eficiencia destes métodos, a

principal desvantaxe é o seu elevado custo comparado co resto dos procesos

mencionados. Unha alternativa para a eliminación de fármacos podería ser o uso de

fungos ligninolíticos de podremia branca (WRF). Estes son un grupo de microorganismos

capaces de degradar a lignina, un dos compoñentes da madeira, cunha estrutura

aromática altamente complexa. Estes fungos secretan encimas ligninolíticas durante o seu

metabolismo secundario: manganeso peroxidasa (MnP), lignina peroxidasa (LiP),

peroxidasa versátil (VP) e Lacasa (Lac), que son responsables da xeración de radicais libres

altamente reactivos e con baixa especificidade por substrato, o cal expón o seu uso como

unha alternativa potencial para a eliminación de compostos altamente biodegradables.

Nesta tese doutoral avaliouse a degradación de oito compostos farmacéuticos

pertencentes a diversos grupos terapéuticos: antibióticos (sulfametoxazol, SMX),

antidepresivos (citalopram, CTL; fluoxetina, FLX), anti-inflamatorios (diclofenaco, DCF;

ibuprofeno, IBP; naproxeno, NPX), antiepilépticos (carbamazepina, CBZ) e tranquilizantes

(diazepam, DZP) por acción de tres cepas de WRF: un fungo anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp.

R1, Bjerkandera adusta e Phanerochaete chrysosporium.

Na primeira parte do capítulo 1 preséntase unha revisión bibliográfica acerca dos

compostos farmacéuticos onde se inclúen algúns datos relevantes acerca do seu consumo

e presenza en augas. Ademais explícase brevemente as vías de entrada destes compostos

ao ambiente acuático e mesmo se expoñen os posibles efectos tóxicos que poden xerar

Resumo xeral


estes compostos tras a súa liberación ao ambiente. Ademais faise unha breve descrición

dos compostos pertencentes aos grupos terapéuticos antes mencionados así como os

principais mecanismos de eliminación e as súas propiedades fisicoquímicas. Finalmente,

inclúense algúns métodos biolóxicos e fisicoquímicos que foron investigados de cara á súa

degradación. Na segunda parte deste capítulo faise referencia á importancia que teñen os

fungos ligninolíticos así como ás principais características das encimas MnP, LiP, VP e Lac

para así entender mellor a capacidade destes organismos e as súas encimas para a

eliminación de compostos recalcitrantes incluíndo os fármacos considerados. Finalmente,

exponse os obxectivos principais desta tese doutoral.

No capítulo 2 inclúense os materiais e métodos utilizados. Primeiramente,

inclúense as tres cepas de fungos ligninolíticos seleccionadas así como unha lista cos

compostos farmacéuticos e os disolventes utilizados. Inicialmente levaronse a cabo

ensaios de inhibición do crecemento do micelio baixo diferentes concentracións de

mesturas de fármacos para determinar a concentración máxima que estes

microorganismos poden tolerar sen que se vexa afectado o seu crecemento. Tamén se

presentan as condicións de cultivo en estático, libre en forma de pellets e inmobilizado en

espuma de poliuretano, especialmente relevantes nos experimentos en descontinuos; así

como a preparación do pre-inóculo para os diferentes tipos de biorreactor. Por iso,

preséntase a configuración dos biorreactores empregados: reactores de tanque axitado

(RTA) e reactores de leito fixo (FBR), operados con fungo libre e inmovilizado; así como

unha breve descrición dos ensaios realizados, incluíndo detalles sobre o sistema de

pulsación de osíxeno e a distribución do tempo de residencia hidráulico (RTD). Por outra

banda, descríbense os métodos para extraer os compostos farmacéuticos con acetonitrilo

así como os ensaios de absorción de fármacos sobre a biomasa dos fungos e/ou a espuma

de poliuretano. Para a identificación e cuantificación dos compostos analizados utilizouse

cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia cun detector de array de diodos (HPLC-DAD) así

como cromatografía de gases e espectrometría de masas (GC-MS). Finalmente

enuméranse as técnicas analíticas utilizadas para realizar un seguimento dos perfís de

fermentación durante os ensaios de degradación.

Os primeiros experimentos descríbense no capítulo 3 onde se estudou o efecto de

diferentes concentracións dos compostos farmacéuticos seleccionados sobre o

crecemento do micelio das tres cepas de WRF cultivadas en placa para determinar a

concentración máxima de ensaio. Os resultados deste capítulo permitiron determinar que

os fungos poden crecer sen problemas de inhibición a concentracións sobre 1 mg/L.

Adicionalmente analizouse a capacidade de eliminación dos fármacos en ensaios en

descontinuo utilizando tres tipos de cultivo diferentes como son os cultivos en estático,

con pellets e co fungo inmobilizado en espuma de poliuretano. Os cultivos con pellets

Resumo xeral


presentaron as porcentaxes de eliminacións máis altos, máis do 99% para DCF, IBP, NPX,

CBZ e 57% para DZP. Os ensaios de degradación de os fármacos indican que mesmo niveis

de actividade baixos de encima poden ser suficientes para eliminar eficazmente estes

compostos. Estes resultados foron a base dun experimento posterior realizado nun RTA de

0.75 L, que se aplicou na degradación de cinco compostos farmacéuticos diferentes (DCF,

IBP, NPX, CBZ e DZP) mediante o fungo anamorfo e P. chrysosporium. Finalmente levouse

a cabo un ensaio de degradación de 24 h así como un experimento en fed-batch con

pulsos diarios de farmacéuticos para analizar a eliminación dos tres anti-inflamatorios

baixo a acción do anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1. Determinouse un tempo de residencia

hidráulico (HRT) adecuado para eliminar estes compostos de 24 h ou mesmo inferior

(logrouse a eliminación completa de IBP en só 4 h). Os compostos anti-inflamatorios

elimináronse de forma total por ambas as cepas no RTA, mentres que CBZ e DZP

elimináronse parcialmente (desde 15% ata 55%). O comportamento dos pellets dentro do

reactor variou dunha cepa a outra, debido a que o fungo anamorfo presentou un

crecemento excesivo de biomasa. Debido a isto, descartouse a utilización do devandito

fungo para posteriores experimentos en fed-batch e continuo en biorreactores co fin de

evitar problemas de compactación e taponamiento do leito. Para os experimentos

posteriores desta tese seleccionouse P. chrysosporium.

No capítulo 4 descríbense as condicións de operación en fed-batch e continuo nun

RTA con pellets desta cepa para a eliminación de DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ e DZP. Un dos

obxectivos adicionais é avaliar se os reactores en fed-batch ou continuo lograban manter

ou mesmo superar as porcentaxes de degradación obtidos en experimentos previos. Así,

nun primeiro experimento estudouse o efecto do nivel de osíxeno sobre a degradación

dos tres anti-inflamatorios así como o efecto sobre a morfoloxía dos pellets durante unha

operación fed-batch no reactor durante 30 días. Nun reactor alimentáronse pulsos de

osíxeno con diferentes frecuencias de pulsación mentres que no outro biorreactor

aplicouse un fluxo de aire en continuo. Os resultados obtidos durante este capítulo

demostraron que os niveis altos de osíxeno non teñen un efecto significativo sobre a

degradación dos fármacos, xa que as porcentaxes de eliminación baixo o fluxo de aire en

continuo e pulsos de osíxeno foron similares (>99% para DCF e IBP e máis de 77% para

NPX). Con todo, os pulsos de osíxeno favoreceron o control do crecemento excesivo da

biomasa mellorando así a operación e estabilidade do RTA durante períodos de tempo

maiores. A pesar disto, durante os seguintes ensaios considerouse un fluxo de aire en

continuo como sistema de aireación do reactor debido aos menores custos de operación.

Posteriormente, utilizouse un RTA con pellets da cepa seleccionada para eliminar o tres

anti-inflamatorios e o antiepiléptico CBZ durante unha primeira etapa en operación fed-

batch (26 días). A continuación, o biorreactor operouse en continuo ata o día 70. Nun

Resumo xeral


experimento adicional, operouse en continuo un RTA durante 50 días para a eliminación

do tres anti-inflamatorios, incluíndo os compostos recalcitrantes (CBZ e DZP). Así,

demostrouse que a degradación dos fármacos se favoreceu cando o RTA iniciou a súa

operación en modo fed-batch durante algunhas semanas conseguindo eliminacións

completas dos tres anti-inflamatorios e significativas de CBZ (ata un 63%). Cando o reactor

cambiou a súa operación a modo continuo o fungo foi capaz de manter a degradación

parcial ou total destes compostos durante máis de 50 días alcanzando as seguintes

porcentaxes de eliminación: DCF (34% - 90%); IBP (65% - 95%); NPX (17% - 94%); CBZ (5% -

94%). Os resultados da operación en continuo demostraron que P. chrysosporium foi

capaz de eliminar os anti-inflamatorios pero con tempos de residencias superiores.

Ademais, conseguiuse eliminar un 53% de CBZ, con todo non foi posible eliminar DZP.

Estes resultados demostran que os pellets de P. chrysosporium teñen a capacidade de

eliminar eficazmente compostos como DCF, IBP e NPX, así como eliminar parcialmente

compostos altamente recalcitrantes como CBZ e DZP, mesmo con baixas actividades


No capítulo 5 descríbense as condicións de operación en FBRs utilizando P.

chrysosporium previamente inmobilizado en espuma de poliuretano para o tratamento en

continuo de DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ e DZP durante 100 días. Para iso, estudouse o efecto do

nivel de osíxeno sobre a degradación dos fármacos así como sobre o control do

crecemento do micelio mediante dous sistemas de aireación: fluxo de aire en continuo e

pulsos de osíxeno. Os resultados deste experimento demostraron que o fungo

inmobilizado foi capaz de eliminar facilmente os compostos anti-inflamatorios durante

100 días de operación (78% - 99%), mentres que se conseguiu eliminar parcialmente CBZ

(ata o 90%) e DZP (ata o 72%) baixo ambas as condicións de aireación (aire e osíxeno).

Obtivéronse porcentaxes de eliminación máis altos para os compostos recalcitrantes

durante a primeira metade de operación (ata o día 40). Posteriormente, a eficiencia de

eliminación diminuíu en ambos os reactores (aire e osíxeno). É importante mencionar que

a degradación de DZP favoreceuse cando había niveis altos de osíxeno dentro do

biorreactor; mentres que as porcentaxes maiores de eliminación de CBZ lográronse baixo

fluxo de aire en continuo. Nun segundo experimento procedeuse a analizar a degradación

en continuo destes compostos farmacéuticos nun RTA con fungo inmobilizado durante 50

días. Este reactor mantivo unha operación estable, sen problemas de taponamiento

durante ó período establecido alcanzando altas porcentaxes de eliminación para os anti-

inflamatorios. Con todo estas porcentaxes foron menores que os conseguidos nos FBRs. A

eliminación dos compostos recalcitrantes CBZ e DZP tamén foi menor cando se utilizou o

RTA baixo esta configuración: menos do 61% e menos do 40%, respectivamente.

Resumo xeral


No capítulo 6 inclúese unha revisión bibliográfica dos principais produtos de

degradación dos tres anti-inflamatorios utilizados (DCF, IBP e NPX). Segundo as

referencias previas, os principais produtos de degradación de DCF, IBP e NPX son 4-

hidroxi-diclofenac, 1-hidroxi-ibuprofeno e 6-O-desmetil-naproxen, respectivamente.

Estudáronse os cromatogramas obtidos por GC-MS en diversos ensaios de degradación

para determinar a presenza de compostos que puidesen corresponder cos seus posibles

metabolitos. Para iso, estudáronse as posibles estruturas dos compostos orixinais e os

seus posibles metabolitos despois de sufrir unha derivatización. Posteriormente,

avaliáronse as posibles rutas de fragmentación destes compostos, que deberían estar

relacionados cos iones de cuantificación maioritarios detectados nos cromatogramas

obtidos durante os experimentos. Tras analizar os cromatogramas, púidose observar a

presenza de diversos picos con iones de cuantificación que poderían corresponder cos

principais produtos de degradación. Con todo, non se puido identificar inequivocamente

nin cuantificar a súa presenza xa que sería necesario dispor dos compostos patrón que

non están comercialmente dispoñibles.

Os resultados obtidos nesta tese doutoral demostran que os fungos

ligninolíticos teñen a capacidade para eliminar eficazmente produtos como os anti-

inflamatorios, antibióticos e anti-depresivos, mentres que compostos altamente

recalcitrantes como FLX, CBZ e DZP tamén se eliminaron, aínda que de forma parcial. A

determinación dos produtos de degradación e/ou metabolitos é un aspecto de especial

relevancia de cara a expor as posibles rutas de degradación destes compostos.


General summary

Pharmaceutical compounds are used worldwide for therapeutic purposes in human and

animal health. Particularly for pharmaceutical compounds, there are a number of

therapeutic groups applied for the treatment of several diseases or illnesses: antibiotics,

analgesics, anti-inflammatories, contraceptives, antidepressants, antineoplastics agents,

antiepileptics, anticonvulsants, beta-blocker compounds, lipid regulators, X-ray contrast

media, tranquilizers, among others. It is estimated that the worldwide consumption of

pharmaceuticals exceed 1000 tons per year. The consumption of each therapeutic group

may vary depending on whether the sale is restricted to a medical prescription, such is

antidepressants, or can be purchased freely in the counter as the case of anti-

inflammatory drugs. After their consumption and/or use, these compounds are released

into the environment via urine and faeces either in its original form as well as metabolites

and degradation products. Then, these compounds can be transported through the

municipal drainage system and distributed in surface water and groundwater in variable

concentrations ranging from ng/L to µg/L. Their presence in the aquatic environment is

mainly due to the fact that conventional treatments in the sewage treatment plants (STPs)

do not remove these compounds efficiently. Therefore, municipal wastewater is

considered as the most relevant emission source of pharmaceutical compounds. By

contrast, these compounds can be detected in drinking water, although there are

evidences of the presence of some of these compounds in very low concentrations, in the

order of ng/L.

These compounds may cause ecotoxicity problems on aquatic and terrestrial

organisms due to their physicochemical properties, distribution and persistence, but

mainly due the fact that these compounds have been designed to produce biological

effects on living organisms even at low concentrations. Therefore, a potential risk to

exposure exists, since some of these compounds could affect organisms in various forms

(sex changes in higher organisms, changes in plants growth, anatomical deformities,

among others). Pharmaceutical compounds are able to persist in the environment for long

periods of time either in its original form or as its degradation products, depending on

their chemical structure as well as their physicochemical properties. It is important to

know the particular parameters of each compound to determine the optimal methods for

their efficient removal. The main physicochemical properties which are potentially related

to the removal mechanisms are listed below: (i) solubility (S), which in turn depends on

pH, presence of salts and/or metals, temperature; (ii) Henry coefficient (H), related to

General summary


volatilization processes; (iii) dissociation constant (pKa), which indicates the dissociation

trend of each compound; (iv) octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow), indicative of the

lipophilic character of each compound; (v) solid-water distribution coefficient (Kd), related

to the concentration of the compound found in the liquid or solid phase; (vi) finally, the

pseudo-first order degradation constant (Kbiol), indicating the biodegradability by aerobic

activated sludge.

In recent years several physicochemical and biological methods have been studied

and implemented for the removal of these compounds in STPs. Some methods such as

coagulation-flocculation and flotation, nitrification-denitrification, membrane bioreactors

(MBRs), among others, have shown high removal efficiencies of pharmaceutical

compounds, especially the ones considered in this doctoral thesis. However, some

recalcitrant compounds such as fluoxetine, carbamazepine and diazepam require

advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to achieve complete removal. Despite the high

efficiency of these methods, the main disadvantage is their high costs when compared

with the other processes. An alternative for the elimination of pharmaceutical compounds

could be the use of white rot fungi (WRF). These are a group of microorganisms capable of

degrading lignin, a component of wood, with a highly complex aromatic structure. These

fungi secrete ligninolytic enzymes (LMEs) during their secondary metabolism: manganese

peroxidase (MnP), lignin peroxidase (LiP), versatile peroxidase (VP) and Laccase (Lac),

which are responsible for the generation of highly reactive free radicals with low substrate

specificity, which suggests their use as a potential alternative for removal of highly

biodegradable compounds. In this doctoral thesis the removal of eight pharmaceutical

compounds belonging to several therapeutic groups has been evaluated: antibiotics

(sulfamethoxazole, SMX), antidepressants (citalopram, CTL, fluoxetine, FLX), anti-

inflammatory (diclofenac, DCF, ibuprofen, IBP, naproxen, NPX), anticonvulsants

(carbamazepine, CBZ) and tranquilizers (diazepam, DZP) by three WRF strains: an

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, Bjerkandera adusta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium.

The first part of chapter 1 provides a literature review about pharmaceutical

compounds which includes some relevant information about their consumption and

occurrence in the environment. Also it is explain the pathways of these compounds into

the aquatic environment and even the toxic effects generated after the release of these

compounds into the environment. In addition, a brief description of the pharmaceutical

compounds belonging to the therapeutic groups mentioned above is included as well as

the main removal mechanisms and the physicochemical properties of each compound.

Finally, some biological and physicochemical methods which have been investigated for

their removal are included. The second part of this chapter refers to the importance of the

General summary


ligninolytic fungi as well as the main features of the enzymes MnP, LiP, VP and Lac to

achieve a better understanding of the ability of these microorganisms and their enzymes

for the removal of several recalcitrant compounds. Finally, the main objectives of this

thesis are presented.

In chapter 2 the materials and methods used. Firstly, the three strains of WRF and

a list of the selected pharmaceuticals as well as the chemical solvents used are detailed.

Initially experiments to assess mycelium growth inhibition under different concentrations

of mixtures of pharmaceuticals were conducted to determine the optimal concentration

which does not affect fungal growth. Also the culture conditions for static, free pellets and

immobilized fungus in polyurethane foam, particularly relevant during batch experiments,

are presented; as well as the preparation of the pre-inoculum required for the

experiments in bioreactors. Therefore, the configurations of two different types of

bioreactors are presented: stirred tank reactors (STRs) and fixed-bed reactors (FBRs)

operated with free and immobilized fungus. Moreover, a brief description of the

experiments carried out, including details about the oxygen pulsation system and the

residence time distribution (RTD), is included. On the other hand, methods for

pharmaceuticals extraction with acetonitrile as well as adsorption assays on fungal

biomass and/or polyurethane foam are described. For the identification and quantification

of the analyzed compounds, both high performance liquid chromatography equipped with

a diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

were used. Finally, a list of the analytical techniques used to perform a monitor of the

fermentation profiles during the degradation assays is included.

The first experiments are described in chapter 3 where the effect of different

concentrations of the selected pharmaceuticals of the mycelium growth of three strains of

WRF cultured in agar plates was assessed with the objective of determining the threshold

concentration. The results of this chapter indicated that concentrations lower than 1 mg/L

allowed fungal growth with no remarkable inhibition. Additionally, the ability for

pharmaceutical removal during batch assays was studied using static, free pellets and

immobilized fungus in polyurethane foam. Free pellets cultures attained the highest

removal percentages, above 99% for DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ, and 57% of DZP. The degradation

experiments pointed out that low level of enzyme activity may be enough to effectively

remove these compounds. These results were the basis for a subsequent experiment

conducted in STR of 0.75 L, which was applied for the degradation of five different

pharmaceuticals (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP) by the anamorph fungus and P.

chrysosporium. Finally, 24 h time-course and fed-batch experiments were carried out to

evaluate the removal of the three anti-inflammatory drugs under the action of the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1. A hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 24 h or even less (a

General summary


complete removal of IBP was achieved in only 4 h) was considered as sufficient for a major

operation. Anti-inflammatory compounds were totally removed in the STR by both fungal

strains, while CBZ and DZP were partially degraded (from 15% up to 55%). The behaviour

of free pellets within the STR may vary from one fungal strain to another, since the

anamorph fungus presented excessive biomass growth. Because of this, the use of this

fungus was discarded for the following experiments in fed-batch and continuous

bioreactors in order to avoid possible compaction and/or clogging problems. The fungus P.

chrysosporium was selected for all futher experiments.

Chapter 4 describes the operational conditions in fed-batch and continuous in a

STR with fungal pellets for removal of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP. The main objective was

to assess whether the fed-batch or continuous bioreactors were able to maintain or even

enhance the degradation rates obtained in previous experiments. Thus, in a first

experiment the effect of the oxygen level on the degradation of the three anti-

inflammatories as well as on pellet morphology were studied during a fed-batch operation

in a STR for 30 days. Oxygen pulses were added in a reactor using different pulse

frequencies while in the other one a continuous air flow was applied. The results obtained

in this chapter showed that high oxygen levels have no significant effect on the

degradation of the considered drugs, since the removal percentages under continuous air

flow and oxygen pulses were similar (>99% for DCF and IBP; >77% for NPX). However,

oxygen pulses favour pellets morphology by control of excessive fungal growth, improving

the operation and stability of the STR for longer periods of time. Despite this, during the

following experiments, a continuous air flow was considered as an aeration system of the

STR since it implies lower operational costs. Thereafter, the removal of the three anti-

inflammatories and the anticonvulsant CBZ were conducted in a STR with free pellets of

the selected strain in fed-batch mode (26 days). Subsequently, the bioreactor was

operated continuously until day 70. In an additional experiment, a continuous STR was

operated for 50 days for removal of the three anti-inflammatories, including the

recalcitrant compounds (CBZ and DZP). Thus, the degradation of these drugs was

enhanced when the STR began its operation in fed-batch mode for few weeks, with

complete removals for the three anti-inflammatory drugs and significant for CBZ (up to

64%). When the bioreactor was operated in a continuous mode, the fungus was able to

maintain the degradation of these compounds for more than 50 days with the following

degradation percentages: DCF (34% up to 90%); IBP (65% up to 95%); NPX (17% up to

94%); CBZ (5% up to 94%). The results of the continuous operation demonstrate that P.

chrysosporium was able to eliminate the anti-inflammatory drugs but after a longer

residence time. In addition, the drug CBZ was partially removed (53%) whereas the

removal of DZP was negligible.

General summary


In chapter 5 the application of immobilized P. chrysosporium in polyurethane foam

was considered for the continuous removal of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP for 100 days.

The effect of the oxygen level on the degradation of the drugs as well as on the fungal

growth was analyzed considering two aeration systems: a continuous air flow and oxygen

pulsation. The results of this experiment showed that the immobilized fungus was able to

easily remove the anti-inflammatory compounds (78% - 99%) for 100 days of operation,

while partial removal for CBZ (up to 90%) and DZP (up to 72%) under both aeration

conditions (air and oxygen) was obtained. The highest removal percentages for

recalcitrant compounds were achieved during the first half of the operation (up to day

40). Subsequently, the removal efficiency decreased in both reactors. It is noteworthy that

the degradation of DZP was favoured at high levels of oxygen; while the highest removal

percentage for CBZ was achieved under continuous air flow. In a second experiment the

continuous degradation of these pharmaceutical compounds in STR with immobilized

fungus for 50 days was analyzed. This bioreactor maintained a steady operation for the

established period, with high removal percentages for the anti-inflammatory compounds.

However, these percentages were lower than those achieved in the FBRs. The elimination

of CBZ and DZP was also lower in the STR under this configuration: less than 61% and less

than 40%, respectively.

Chapter 6 includes a review of the available literature related with the major

degradation products of the three anti-inflammatory compounds used (DCF, IBP and NPX).

According to literature, the major degradation products of DCF, IBP and NPX are 4-

hydroxy-diclofenac, 1-hydroxy-ibuprofen and 6-O-desmethyl-naproxen, respectively. The

chromatograms obtained by GC-MS during several degradation assays were analyzed in

order to determine the presence of peaks that could correspond to the potential

metabolites of the anti-inflammatories. Therefore, the possible chemical structures of the

parent compounds as well as their metabolites after derivatization were evaluated. Later,

the possible fragmentation pathways of these compounds were evaluated. Such patterns

would be related to the identification of the major ions detected in the chromatograms

obtained during the experiments. After analyzing the chromatograms, the presence of

different quantification ion peaks could correspond with the major degradation

products.However, a clearly identify or quantify of their presence was not possible, since

it would be necessary the standard compounds which are not commercially available.

The results obtained in this doctoral thesis demonstrate that ligninolytic fungi have

the ability to effectively remove compounds such as anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, anti-

depressants such as CTL, while highly recalcitrant compounds as FLX, CBZ and DZP were

also eliminated, albeit partially. The determination of degradation products and/or

General summary


metabolites is an aspect of special relevance facing the possible degradation routes of

these compounds.


Chapter 1

General introduction


This chapter provides an extensive description of the environmental issues generated by

the release of pharmaceutical compounds in the environment. These compounds have

probably been present in water and the environment for as long as humans have been

using them. The drugs that we take are not entirely absorbed by our bodies, and are

excreted and passed into wastewater and surface water. Data about their consumption

and occurrence as well as the way how these compounds are released into the aquatic

environment are detailed. With advances in technology that improved the ability to detect

and quantify these chemicals, we can now begin to identify what effects, if any, these

chemicals have on human and environmental health and from this point, to design the

best strategy for their removal. A brief description of the therapeutic groups of the

considered pharmaceuticals in this research study: antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole), anti-

depressants (citalopram and fluoxetine), anti-inflammatories (diclofenac, ibuprofen and

naproxen), antiepileptics (carbamazepine) and tranquilizers (diazepam) is presented,

including the main physicochemical properties of each target compound (chemical

structure, solubility, Henry coefficient, pseudo-first order degradation, dissociation

constant, octanol-water partition coefficient and the solid-water distribution coefficient).

These characteristics are of major relevance as they may be indirect indicators of their

potential removal by different technologies according to mechanisms such as sorption,

volatilization and biodegradation. The development of alternative approach for their

degradation apart from physicochemical and biological treatments may be based on the

use of white-rot fungi (WRF) and their lignin modifying enzymes (LMEs). The rationale

behind this approach may be justified by the fact that these biocatalysts are capable to

degrade lignin and other recalcitrant compounds such as organic pollutants: polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dyes, chlorinated and phenolic compounds. This section

establishes the framework of the research developed in this doctoral thesis and aims to

defend why WRF may be a feasible option to be taken into account for the removal of

pharmaceutical compounds.

Chapter 1



1.1. Pharmaceutical compounds 21

1.1.1. Pharmaceutical compounds in the environment: consumption,

sources and fate


1.1.2. Therapeutic classes of the selected pharmaceuticals 26

1.1.3. Physicochemical properties of pharmaceutical compounds 28

1.1.4. Mechanisms of removal of pharmaceuticals 31

1.1.5. Main characteristics of the selected pharmaceuticals 33

1.1.6. Ecotoxicity of pharmaceutical compounds in the environment 36

1.1.7. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater by

physicochemical and biological technologies


1.2. White-rot fungi (WRF) and their lignin modifying enzymes (LMEs) 45

1.2.1. Characteristics of the white-rot fungi (WRF) 45

1.2.2. Lignin modifying enzymes (LMEs) and their mediators 49

1.2.3. Applications of white-rot fungi (WRF) and lignin modifying

enzymes (LMEs) 58

1.3. Objectives 61

General introduction


1.1. Pharmaceutical compounds

1.1.1. Pharmaceutical compounds in the environment: consumption, sources and fate

Pharmaceutical compounds comprise a wide group of organic compounds used for human

and veterinary medicine. Pharmaceuticals include prescription and over-the-counter (OTC)

drugs used for treatment of several diseases and can also be applied to illicit drugs. There

are more than 3000 compounds of this type, worldwide used, belonging to several

therapeutic classes such as antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, beta blockers,

contraceptives, lipid regulators, antidepressants, antineoplastic agents, tranquilizers,

anticonvulsants, among others (Fent et al., 2006). All these compounds have complex

molecules with different physicochemical and biological properties and they are

considered as emerging micropollutants due to several reasons: (i) their extensive and still

increasing use, providing continuous release of pharmaceuticals into the environment,

mainly via human or animal excretions; (ii) those drugs that might have low persistence,

may turn pseudo persistent when the replacement rate overcome the

transformation/removal rate, resulting in a constant environmental level of the

compounds; (iii) their potentially toxic effects on aquatic and terrestrial organisms, since

they are deliberately designed to cause a biological effect even at very low

concentrations; (iv) some of them may bioaccumulate in biota (Daughton and Ternes,

1999; Kummerer, 2007; Nikolaou et al., 2007; Reif et al., 2008).

A large consumption of these compounds by the population is evidenced,

contributing with the continuous release of the parent compound and/or their

metabolites. The quantity of pharmaceuticals consumed depends on their therapeutic

group; for example, anti-inflammatory drugs along with antibiotics are the groups of

medicines most commonly used. Therefore, significant concentrations of these

compounds have been detected in the environment (Daughton and Ternes; 1999; Ikehata

et al., 2006; Kümmerer, 2009a and 2009b; Ziylan and Ince, 2011). The consumption of

several compounds may vary between the different countries (Table 1-1). In 2005, Spain

was ranked in the eighth position in the pharmaceutical market in Europe (Gros et al.,

2010). The consumption data corresponds to the annual sales or consumption, including

prescribed drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs used for diagnosis (or a mixture of

both). However, internet sales were not included; therefore, the accurate value of

consumption of pharmaceuticals is uncertain but probably higher than some of the data

reported (Fent et al., 2006).

Chapter 1


Table 1-1. Consumption of several pharmaceutical compounds in different countries

Therapeutic group

and compound

Consumption per year


Acetylsalicylic acid

836 t in Germany (2001)2

Diclofenac 6.1 t in Austria (2004)1; 81.7 t in Germany (2004)2; 4.5 t in Switzerland

(2004)2; 9.6 t in Finland (2004)3; 940 - 1000 t (Global consumption)5,6 ;

26 t in England 2000)7; 4.4 t in Australia 1998)7

Ibuprofen 6.7 t in Austria (2004)1; 259.8 t in Germany (2004)2; 25 t in Switzerland

(2004)2; 70 t in Finland (2004)3; 162 t in England (2000)7; 14.2 t in

Australia (1998)7

Naproxen 1.7 t in Switzerland (2004)2; 6.7 t in Finland (2004)3; 35 t in England

(2000)7; 22.8 t in Australia (1998)7

Paracetamol 622 t in Germany (2001)2



88 t in Germany (2001)2 ; 6.3 t in Austria (2004)1; 40 t in England 4;

1000 t (Global consumption)5,6



0.9 t in Austria (2004)1



0.12 t in Austria (2004)1

(1) Clara et al., 2005; (2) Fent et al., 2006; (3) Lindqvist et al., 2005; (4) Vogna et al., 2004; (5) Zhang et al., 2008; (6) Zhang and GeiBen, 2010; (7) Ziylan and Ince, 2011.

Undoubtedly in the last century, the use of pharmaceuticals aided to improve both

the quality and length of life (Kummerer, 2007), but also contributed to the spread of

pharmaceutical compounds either from direct disposal or from the effluent of STPs. In

1976, Garrison et al. were the first to report the occurrence of clofibric acid (the active

metabolite from certain lipid regulators) in treated wastewater in USA at concentrations

ranging from 0.8 μg/L to 2 μg/L (Daughton and Ternes, 1999; Nikolaou et al., 2007).

Nowadays, the presence of several pharmaceuticals in the environment is a fact and it has

been confirmed in various countries, such as Germany (Ternes, 1998), Brazil (Stumpf et al.,

1999), Italy (Andreozzi et al., 2003; Zucatto et al., 2006), Spain (Carballa et al., 2004;

Suárez et al., 2009; Gonzalez-Alonso et al., 2010; Gros et al., 2010), Canada (Lishmann et

al., 2006), Finland (Lindqvist et al., 2005), India and Pakistan (Larsson et al., 2007), and

several other countries such as Australia, Austria, Croatia, France, Greece, Netherlands,

Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, where several pharmaceuticals -more than 80-

General introduction


could be detected at levels of μg/L in sewage, surface and groundwaters (Heberer, 2002;

Castiglioni et al., 2006).

After their administration, drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized and finally

excreted through urine and faeces, either as active compound and/or its metabolites;

even those pharmaceutical compounds used in ophthalmology and skin problems may

suffer an absorption process, with a final destination in the blood circulation system (Adler

et al., 2006; Mückter, 2006). Since pharmaceutical compounds are drugs for human

and/or animal use, two main metabolic pathways after their administration can be

distinguished (Figure 1-1).

Phase II metabolismGlucoronidation



Phase I metabolismOxidationHydrolisisReduction

Metabolites Conjugates

ExcretionBiliary (via liver)

Urinary (via kidney)


Figure 1-1. Metabolism of the drugs in the human and/or animal body (Adapted from Daughton

and Ternes, 1999; Pérez and Barceló, 2007).

In phase I several chemical reactions such as hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction,

alkylation and dealkylation may occur, meanwhile the conjugates, mainly glucoronides

and sulphonamides, are formed during phase II (Pérez and Barceló, 2007; Suárez et al.,

2008). It is noteworthy that a fraction of the pharmaceutical compounds pass through the

body unchanged. The degree to which a compound is transformed in the body essentially

depends on its pharmacology, structure and mechanism of action. In Table 1-2 the

percentages of bioavailability and unchanged excretion of a few drugs are reported.

Moreover, excretion percentages of a wide range of pharmaceuticals can be found in

literature (Bound and Voulvoulis, 2005; Jjemba, 2006).

Chapter 1


Table 1-2. Bioavailability to the body and unchanged excretion of some pharmaceuticals (Bound and Voulvoulis, 2005; Jjemba 2006)

Therapeutic group Pharmaceutical compound

Bioavailability to the body (%)

Unchanged excretion (%)

Anesthetics Lidocaine 35 <10

Antibiotic Amoxicillin 83 - 100 80 - 90

Ampicillin 25 - 75 30 - 60

Trimethoprim 90 - 97 60

Sulfamethoxazole 80 - 90 15

Anti-depressants Fluoxetine 72 2.5 - 11

Phenobarbitone 70 - 90 25

Antiepileptic Carbamazepine 60 - 85 1 - 3

Antihypertensive Bezafibrate 14 - 95 5 - 45

Anti-inflammatory Diclofenac - 15

Ibuprofen 85 - 100 1 - 8

Morphine 20 - 33 71.6

Biosulphonates Alendronate 0.9 - 1.8 40 - 60

Gastrointestinal Ranitidine 50 - 100 30 - 70

Tranquilizer Diazepam 85 - 100 1

Since the main pathway of human drugs is ingestion, excretion and disposal,

municipal wastewater is considered as the largest emission source of pharmaceuticals due

to the high concentrations of these compounds found in STP influents (Figure 1-2). A

significant contribution of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic ecosystem is expected to be

caused by manufacturing plants and effluents from hospitals. In fact, concentrations of

several drugs have been detected in a range between 5 µg/L - 50 µg/L in hospital effluents

in the north of Spain (Suárez et al., 2009) and up to 840 µg/L in STP influents close to drug

manufacture plants in India (Fent et al., 2006; Ternes et al., 2006; Larsson et al., 2007).

Another way by which pharmaceuticals can reach the environment is through out-of-date

or unwanted medications. In fact, they are often improperly disposed of with other

household waste, contaminating directly the wastewater or the ground water via

leachates (Zuccato et al., 2006). Both application to fields and subsequent runoff and

direct application in aquaculture are reported as the main sources of veterinary

pharmaceuticals in environment (Nikolaou et al., 2007).

General introduction


Pharmaceuticals for human use Veterinary medicines

Used as livestock therapeutic and growth


Added in fish feed


wastewater Landfilling

Livestock manure

Land application

Separate treatment

Sewage treatment plants (STPs)

Potable water treatment

Sewage sludge

Potable water



Surface water Groundwater

Hospital wastewater

Consumed in hospitals and


Consumed in households

Unused drugs

Figure 1-2. Main sources and routes of pharmaceutical compounds into the aquatic environment

(Adapted from Ikehata et al., 2006).

Pharmaceuticals have been detected in drinking water, groundwater, sewage and

fertilizer used in agriculture in concentrations in the range of nanograms per liter (ng/L) to

micrograms per liter (µg/L) (Clara et al. 2005; Jjemba, 2006; Ternes et al., 2006; Zucatto et

al. 2006; Larsson et al. 2007; Kim and Tanaka, 2009). In Table 1-3 the environmental

concentration of the considered pharmaceuticals in this doctoral thesis are shown as well

as their concentration in STP effluents, surface water and other exposure sites.

Although the concentrations in the environment are very low, some of these

compounds are considered recalcitrant; as they are not easily removed in STPs (Ternes et

al. 2006; Kosjek et al. 2007). Most of these compounds and their metabolites are hardly

detected by traditional analytical methods and for their accurate detection, the use of

sophisticated equipments such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or

liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS-MS) are required (Larsen et al., 2004).

Chapter 1


Table 1-3. Environmental concentration of the selected pharmaceuticals



Environmental concentrations

Concentration in STPs effluents

Concentration in surface waters

Other exposure sites where pharmaceuticals have been detected

CTL ng/L - µg/L7

0.34 ng/L12

80 ng/L

1 3 - 120 ng/L

9 770 - 840 µg/L in STPs influent

near to 90 bulk drug manufactures in India


FLX n.a. 0.01 - 0.099 µg/L1,12

0.012 - 44 ng/L9,12

0.1 - 10 ng/g in fish tissues


SMX ng/L - µg/L3,7,10,13,16

0.6 - 0.9 µg/L2,10,11

10 - 127 ng/L19,24

n.d. - 0.15 µg/L


DCF ng/L - µg/L3,7,10,13,16

0.17 - 2.5 µg/L5,6,7

1 - 49.1 ng/L6,8

0.002 - 33.9 µg/L



IBP ng/L - µg/L3,7,10,13,16

0.01 - 5.7 µg/L2,5,7

121.2 ng/L23

0.1 - 33.9 µg/L5,11,23

13 - 34 ng/L17,22,24

NPX ng/L - µg/L3,7,10,13,16

n.d. - 12.5 µg/L2,5,7

0.002 - 33.9 µg/L5,23

135.2 ng/L22

CBZ ng/L - µg/L3,7,10,13,16

1 – 2 µg/L

10 0.15 - 6.3 µg/L


1 - 2100 ng/L8,21,24

1.1 µg/L


23.1 - 1160 ng/L9,15,18,22,24

30 ng/L in drinking water and groundwater in Europe, USA and Canada


DZP ng/L - µg/L3,7,10,13,16

B.D.L - 0.66 µg/L1,5,7,24

1 ng/L - 1 µg/L


n.d.5, 24

n.a. (non available); n.d. (not detected); B.D.L. (below detection limit); (1) Calisto and Esteves, 2009; (2) Carballa et al., 2004; (3) Clara et al., 2005; (4) Cunningham et al., 2010; (5) Daughton and Ternes (1999); (6) Esplugas et al., 2007; (7) Fent et al., 2006; (8) Gagnon et al., 2008; (9) González-Alonso et al., 2010; (10) Ikehata et al., 2006; (11) Jjemba, 2006; (12) Kwon and Armbrust (2005, 2006); (13) Larsson et al., 2007; (14) Lindqvist et al., 2005; (15) Moldovan et al., 2007; (16) Reif et al., 2008; (17) Rodríguez et al., 2003; (18) Vogna et al., 2004; (19) Yang et al, 2011; (20) Zhang and GeiBen, 2010; (21) Zhang et al., 2008; (22) Zhang et al., 2007; (23) Ziylan and Ince, 2011; (24) Zuccato et al., 2006.

1.1.2. Therapeutic classes of the selected pharmaceuticals

Nowadays, there are a wide range of pharmaceutical compounds on the market for the

treatment of several diseases in humans and animals. These compounds belong to

different therapeutic classes such as antibiotics, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, β-blockers,

contraceptives, lipid regulators, antidepressants, antineoplastic agents, tranquilizers,

anticonvulsants, antihypertensive, diuretics, among others (Fent et al., 2006; Gros et al.,

2010). For research purposes of this doctoral thesis, 8 different pharmaceutical

compounds (more details in section 1.1.3.) have been chosen and they belong to the

following therapeutic classes:

General introduction



These compounds are characterized as a chemotherapeutic agent that inhibits the growth

of several microorganisms (bacteria, fungi or protozoa). Therefore, they are used for the

treatment of bacterial and viral infections in humans and animals. They are divided into

different sub-groups such as β-lactams, quinolones, tetracyclines, macrolides,

sulphonamides and others (Kümmerer, 2009a). Most of these drugs are obtained total or

partially from certain microorganisms, but some of them could be synthetic such as

sulphonamides. Although concentrations of antibiotics in the environment are generally

below 1 mg/L, the major issue about their use and release is the resistance among the

bacterial pathogens, which is worsened by the fact that it can be irreversibly safeguarded,

even in the absence of continued selective pressure (Daughton and Ternes, 1999). Their

persistence in the environment may affect the capacity of biological treatment to remove

organic matter and nutrients in STPs. Compounds such as amoxicillin, cephradine,

penicillin, azithromycin, erythromycin, roxithromycin, lincomycin, sulfadiazine,

sulfathiazole, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, tetracycline, spectinomycin are

representative of this therapeutic group (Alexy et al., 2004; Adler et al. 2006; Ikehata et

al.; 2006 Dantas et al., 2008).


This group of drugs is also called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and they

are extensively used for the treatment of anxiety, clinical depression, obsessive-

compulsive disorders and even bulimia. Serotonin is a biogenic amine present in the

nervous system and plays the role of a neurotransmissor, regulating hormonal and neural

mechanisms such as food intake and sexual behaviour in mammalians. In aquatic

organisms, it is involved in a wide array of reproductive functions (spawning, oocyte

maturation, parturition, etc), behaviours and reflexes (heartbeat rhythm, feeding/biting,

swimming motors patterns, beating of cilia, induction of larval metamorphosis,

aggression) and release of neurohormones (Daughton and Ternes, 1999; Fent et al., 2006).

Within this group of drugs, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline and citalopram

have been identified in STP effluents (Fent et al., 2006).

Antiepileptics and tranquilizers

Medical treatment of seizures has been carried out since 1857 and several compounds

such as potassium bromide and phenolbarbital with antiepileptic potency were used for

the treatment of epileptic patients. Epilepsy is the second most common central nervous

system (CNS) disease, produced by the excessive discharge of a group of neurons

(Mückter, 2006). Antiepileptic compounds are used for the treatment of trigeminal

Chapter 1


neuralgia and schizophrenia; since they act on the CNS by blocking the voltage-dependent

sodium channels of excitatory neurons, reducing cerebral activity (Fent et al., 2006).

Another class of drugs acting on CNS is the benzodiazepine family (tranquilizers), which

binds the GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) receptor in a specific site of the γ-sub-unit,

amplifying the inhibitory effects of this neurotransmissor and resulting in a diminished

neuronal activity (Fent et al., 2006). Within benzodiazepines available, only clonazepam,

diazepam and lorazepam have been extensively used in humans and small animals such as

cats, dogs and foals (Mückter, 2006).


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and

antipyretic effects and they are usually used for mitigate symptoms of arthritis, bursitis,

gout, swelling, stiffness and joint pain (Adler et al., 2006; Esplugas et al., 2007). Their

molecular target is the ciclooxygenase enzyme, which catalyzes the synthesis from

arachidonic acid of different prostaglandins, which are molecules implicated in a wide

range of processes (inflammation and pain, regulation of blood flow in kidney or

coagulation). The long-term treatment often leads to side effects, like renal damages or

renal failure, gastric or liver damages, triggered by the non-specific prostaglandin

inhibition (Fent et al., 2006). There are many different types of NSAIDs widely used

without prescription with an estimated annual consumption of several hundred tons in

developed countries (Ziylan and Ince, 2011). These compounds have been detected in

effluents from STPs in concentrations of 1 µg/L (Fent et al., 2006). The following

compounds: diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen, mefenamic acid, piroxicam,

acetylsalicylic acid and salicylic acid belong to this group (Ikehata et al., 2006).

1.1.3. Physicochemical properties of pharmaceutical compounds

Pharmaceuticals are not a homogenous group since they vary widely in their molecular

weight, structure, functionality, etc. The chemical structure of the pharmaceuticals can be

used for an alternative classification of these compounds; mainly for the active substances

within sub-groups of medicines (antibiotics such as β-lactams, cephalosporins, penicillins

or quinolones). These compounds may be treated as groups; however, even smaller

changes in their structure may affect their solubility or polarity (Kümmerer, 2009c). The

knowledge of physicochemical properties of pharmaceuticals not only explains their

bioavailability in animal systems, but is also a helpful tool for the rationalization of the

complex processes that take place throughout the STPs and for the choice of the analytical

procedures to detect them. The following physico-chemical properties: solubility (S),

Henry coefficient (H), pseudo-first order degradation constant (Kbiol), dissociation constant

General introduction


(pKa), octanol-water partition coefficient (log Kow) and solid-water distribution coefficient

(Kd) are considered of major relevance to evaluate a potential effective

removal/degradation treatment.

Solubility (S)

The majority of pharmaceuticals found in the aquatic environment present low or slight

solubility (Jjemba, 2006). The solubility is referred to the maximum amount of solute that

dissolves in water and/or other organic solvents at a given temperature. This process

increases the system entropy degree and the compatibility of intermolecular forces of

attraction, breaking bonds solute-solute and solvent-solvent; thereby, promoting the

formation of intermolecular bonds between the solute and solvent (Jjemba, 2006).

Environmentally solubility is closely related to several factors such as pH, existing metals,

presence of salts or complex agents, extreme temperatures, among others. The solubility

of the selected pharmaceuticals is shown in Table 1-4.

Table 1-4. Solubility of selected pharmaceuticals (The Merck Index, 2006; Suarez et al., 2008)

Therapeutic class Compounds Solubility

Antibiotic SMX ---


CTL Methanol, dimethyl sulfoxide (freely soluble); isotonic saline

(soluble); ethanol (sparingly soluble); ethyl acetate (slightly

soluble); heptane (insoluble).

FLX Methanol, ethanol (>100 mg/mL); ethyl acetate (2.0-2.5

mg/mL); toluene, cyclohexane, hexane (0.5-0.67 mg/mL)


DCF Deionized water, pH 5.2 (>9 mg/mL); methanol (>24

mg/mL); acetone (6 mg/mL); acetonitrile, cyclohexane,

chlorhydric acid (<1 mg/mL); phosphate buffer, pH 7.2 (6


IBP Water (relatively insoluble); organic solvents (easily soluble)

NPX Water (insoluble); 25 parts of ethanol (96%); 20 parts of

methanol, 15 parts of chloroform, 40 parts of ether


Antiepileptic CBZ Water (practically insoluble); alcohol, acetone, propylene

glycol (soluble).

Tranquilizer DZP Water (practically insoluble); chloroform,

dimethylformamide, benzene, acetone and alcohol


Chapter 1


Henry coefficient (H)

The Henry’s law express the ratio between the fraction of compounds present in the air

(Cair, µg/m3 air) and those dissolved in water (Cwater, µg/m3 wastewater) at equilibrium

(Equation 1-1). The Henry coefficient allows foreseeing the losses by evaporation of such

compounds, estimating the portion transferred from the water phase into the air and it

increases with temperature (Himmelblau, 1996; Joss et al., 2006a).




CH [Equation 1-1]

Dissociation constant (Ka)

The dissociation constant (Ka) is a measure of the acid strength of a compound. This

constant describes its tendency to be ionized or dissociated at a known pH. It is defined as

the equilibrium constant of the proton transfer reaction, but is usually expressed as its

negative decadal logarithm (pKa) (Equation 1-2). The ionization is strongly dependent on

pH and leads to the formation of charged species, governing the electrostatic interactions

with the surface of the microorganisms (Figure 1-3) (Joss et al., 2006a; Suárez et al., 2008).












[Equation 1-2]

Octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow)

The value of log Kow is an indicator of the lipophility of molecules. Kow is defined as the

ratio between the concentration of a compound in organic phase (n-octanol), [Coctanol]

(g/L) and that in water [Cwater] (g/L) (Equation 1-3). Hydrophobic compounds present high

values of log Kow, therefore are more easily adsorbed on soils, sediments, minerals and

dissolved organic material (Figure 1-3). In contrast, hydrophilic compounds show lower log

Kow, leading to enhanced bioavailability in the environment (Jjemba, 2006).


][ tan




CK [Equation 1-3]

Solid-water distribution coefficient (Kd)

The sorptive behaviour of pharmaceuticals in the environment is better summarized with

the solid-water distribution coefficient (Kd). This parameter expresses the ratio between

General introduction


the concentrations of a given compound in the solid and liquid phases at equilibrium

conditions (Equation 1-4).







[Equation 1-4]

where [Csorbed] represents the pharmaceutical concentration in the sludge (μg/L); [Csoluble],

the dissolved concentration of the compound (μg/L) and SS the suspended solid

concentration (gSS/L) (Suárez et al., 2008).

Pseudo-first order degradation constant (Kbiol)

Joss et al. (2006b) have determined pseudo first-order degradation kinetics (Kbiol) for a

large number of compounds. They performed batch experiments for 48 h with fixed

biomass concentrations (0.5 g VSS/L), where the selected pharmaceuticals were spiked at

a concentration of 3 µg/L. The biological degradation could be expressed as follows in

Equation 1-5:


dCbiol 0 [Equation 1-5]

where C (μg/L) is the concentration of the considered compound (and C0 its initial

concentration in the solution), t is the time, SS (gSS/L) the suspended solids concentration

and Kbiol (L/gSS·d) is the degradation rate constant of the pollutant. According to the

values established, three groups of compounds can be differentiated: (i) hardly

biodegradable compounds (Kbiol < 0.11 L/gSS·d); (ii) moderately biodegradable compounds

(Kbiol > 0.11 and < 10 L/gSS·d); (iii) highly biodegradable compounds (Kbiol > 10 L/gSS·d)

(Joss et al., 2006a).

1.1.4. Mechanisms of removal of pharmaceuticals


One factor that may influence on the removal efficiency of wastewater is the ability of

pharmaceuticals to interact with solid particles: both natural (clay, silt, microorganisms) or

added to the medium (charcoal, coagulants) because this characteristic facilitates their

removal by physicochemical (sedimentation, flotation, etc) or biological (biodegradation)

processes (Carballa et al., 2004). Solubility, pKa and Kow have been usually used to predict

the sorption of compounds in the environment. This process is considered as an important

removal mechanism in STPs. The solid-liquid distribution coefficient (Kd) takes into

account two main sorption mechanisms: adsorption and absorption (Larsen et al., 2004)

(Figure 1-3).

Chapter 1


Lipophilic cellmembrane Negatively


Adsorption of a dipolar ion or a positively charged

compound at the surface

Absorption of a hydrophobiccompound in the lipophilic

cell membrane










Figure 1-3. Sorption processes of the pollutants onto particles (Adapted from Larsen et al., 2004).

Absorption process refers to hydrophobic interactions of the aliphatic and

aromatic groups of a compound with the lipophilic cell membrane of the microorganisms

or the lipid fractions of the suspended solids. This mechanism is characterized by the

octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow), which is also an indicator of the lipophilicity of

the compound. In contrast, adsorption process is related to electrostatic interactions of

positively charged groups of chemicals with the negatively charged surfaces of the

microorganisms; this process is associated to the dissociation constant (Ka) (Jjemba,



The volatile fraction of a specific compound depends on the air flow that is in contact with

the wastewater, the type of aeration supply and the Henry coefficient (H). Pharmaceutical

compounds with low volatility are usually distributed in the environment through an

aqueous transport or through the food chain (Fent et al., 2006). It assumes particular

relevance for compounds with high H values which subsequently are subject to



There are several factors that may control the biological removal of pharmaceutical

compounds in STPs: concentration, chemical structure and physicochemical properties

(see section 1.1.5.), especially their Kbiol. Also, biodegradability of pharmaceuticals can be

influenced by different environmental factors, such as the type or adaptation of the

sludge (Joss et al., 2006b).

General introduction


1.1.5. Main characteristics of the selected pharmaceuticals

The following pharmaceutical compounds belonging to different therapeutic groups were

selected: antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole, SMX), antidepressants (citalopram, CTL;

fluoxetine, FLX), anti-inflammatories (diclofenac, DCF; ibuprofen, IBP; naproxen, NPX),

antiepileptic (carbamazepine, CBZ) and tranquilizers (diazepam, DZP). These compounds

represent a wide range of commonly prescribed therapeutic classes, most of them

included in the top 300 prescription from the Rx-List of Food and Drugs Administration

(FDA, 2005), with different physicochemical properties and potential severe effects on

aquatic environment (like antibiotics and anti-depressants). A brief description of each of

the selected compounds is included below.

Sulfamethoxazole (SMX)

Sulfamethoxazole (4-amino-N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl)-benzenesulfonamide) is one of the

classes of broad-spectrum antibiotics most widely used and effective against nearly all

gram-positive and many gram-negative bacteria. This compound is commonly used

together with trimethoprim (TMP) in a combination product known as Bactrim or Septra

(Drillia et al., 2005). The chemical formula of this compound is C10H11N3O3S and it is

classified as a polar molecule (Figure 1-4). This antibiotic is highly soluble in water (610

mg/L) and it is fairly dissociated at pH 7 (pKa 5.6-6.0). Concerning its Henry’s coefficient

(2.6·10-10 µg·m-3 air/µg·m-3 wastewater), its potential volatilisation is likely to be negligible

in STPs. Other features are a significant value of log Kd (2.4), which is related to potential

sorption; however, as it has a low log Kow value (0.9), SMX can be considered as an

hydrophilic compound. Finally, according to the biological removal in STPs, a low Kbiol

value (<0.1 L/gSS·d) classifies this compound as hardly biodegradable (Joss et al., 2006a;

Joss et al., 2006b; Suárez et al., 2008).

Figure 1-4. Chemical structure of SMX (Daughton and Ternes, 1999).

Citalopram (CTL) and fluoxetine (FLX)

The two compounds, CTL (RS)-1-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3-

dihydroisobenzofuran-5-carbonitrile)) and FLX (N-methyl-1-(4-trifluoromethyl)phenoxy)

benzene-propanamine) are antidepressants (Figure 1-5). Both are widely prescribed

worldwide for their potential as SSRIs and they are commercially known by the name

Prozac. There are a few studies about their degradation (Kwon and Armbrust, 2005 and

Chapter 1


2006; Redshaw et al., 2008; Paterson and Metcalfe, 2008; Calisto and Esteves, 2009). The

chemical formula of CTL and FLX are C20H21FN2O and C17H18F3NO, respectively. The former

is considered as a hydrophobic molecule due to its high log Kow (2.9-3.7) with rather low

solubility in water (31 mg/L), and potentially adsorbed on the sludge due to its low log Kd

(2.0). The CTL molecule has a low Henry’s coefficient (1.1·10-9 µg·m-3 air/µg·m-3

wastewater) which is indicative of negligible volatilisation. Fluoxetine is a more polar

compound with a log Kow value of 1.6, solubility in water of 60 mg/L and smaller log Kd

than CTL (0.7). This compound shows a higher Henry’s coefficient (3.6·10-6 µg·m-3

air/µg·m-3 wastewater). Finally, both show remarkable pKa values, respectively 9.6 and

10.1 (Joss et al., 2006a; Joss et al., 2006b; Suárez et al., 2008).

a b

Figure 1-5. Chemical structure of CTL (a) and FLX (b) (Daughton and Ternes, 1999).

Carbamazepine (CBZ)

Carbamazepine (5H-dibenz(b,f)azepine-5-carboxamide) is a widely spread used

anticonvulsant. Its chemical formula is C15H12N2O and its chemical structure is shown in

Figure 1-6. More than 72% of orally administered CBZ is absorbed, while the rest is

unchanged and discharged to the environment (Zhang et al., 2008). Therefore, due to its

recalcitrant behaviour and the high prescription volume, CBZ is often detected into the

aquatic environment (Cunningham et al., 2010). CBZ is a positively charged molecule

which may favour its sorption and it is moderately soluble in water (17.7 mg/L), quite

hydrophobic (log Kow 2.4-2.9), with a high pKa value (7.0) and with low log Kd constants

(0.1). The main feature of these substances is the very low value of Kbiol: <0.01 L/g·SS·d. As

most of the pharmaceuticals compounds, CBZ has a low Henry’s coefficient (4.4·10-9 µg·m-

3 air/µg·m-3 wastewater) which is associated to negligible volatilisation (Joss et al., 2006a;

Joss et al., 2006b; Suárez et al., 2008).

General introduction


Figure 1-6. Chemical structure of CBZ (Daughton and Ternes, 1999).

Diazepam (DZP)

Diazepam (7-chloro-1,3-dihydro-1-methyl-5-phenyl-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one), known

as Valium, is recommended to relieve anxiety, depression and insomnia due to its

tranquilizer properties (Fent et al., 2006). Its chemical formula is is C16H13ClN2O and is a

neutral molecule (Figure 1-7) moderately soluble in water (50 mg/L). Due to its log Kow

value (2.8-3.0), DZP can be considered as a quite hydrophobic compound. Moreover, DZP

has a low Kd constant (1.3), a low pKa value (3.3-3.4) and a low Henry’s coefficient (1.5·10-

7 µg·m-3 air/µg·m-3 wastewater). The main feature of this substance is the very low value

of Kbiol (~ 0) (Joss et al., 2006a; Joss et al., 2006b; Suárez et al., 2008).

Figure 1-7. Chemical structure of DZP (Daughton and Ternes, 1999).

Diclofenac (DCF), ibuprofen (IBP) and naproxen (NPX)

Three compounds of this type were considered for this study: DCF (2-((2,6-

dichlorophenyl)amino)-benzeneacetic acid-Na), IBP (α-methyl-4-(2-methylpropyl)-

benzeneacetic acid) and NPX ((S)-6-methoxy- α-methyl-2-naphthaleneacetic acid). The

chemical formula for DCF is C14H11Cl2NO2, for IBP is C13H18O2 and for NPX is C14H14O3.

These compounds are characterized by the presence of the carboxylic group in their

structure; thus, they are acid compounds (Figure 1-8) with pKa of 4.5 for DCF, 3.2 for NPX

and 3.1-4.0 for IBP. The main physicochemical properties of these compounds are:

Chapter 1


moderate solubility in water: 2.4, 21 and 16 mg/L for DCF, IBP and NPX, respectively and

low log Kd constants: 1.2, 0.9 and 1.1. These compounds have Kow values in a range

between 3.1 and 4.5. Their low Henry’s coefficient values (from 1.9·10-10 up to 6.1·10-6

µg·m-3 air/µg·m-3 wastewater) are not indicative of potential volatilisation. Regarding their

pseudo first-order degradation constant, IBP is considered as a highly biodegradable

compound due to the high value of Kbiol (9-35 L/g·SS·d); NPX is moderately biodegradable

(Kbiol 0.4-1.9 L/g·SS·d) while DCF is hardly biodegradable (Kbiol <0.1 L/g·SS·d) (Joss et al.,

2006a; Joss et al., 2006b; Suárez et al., 2008).

a b c

Figure 1-8. Chemical structure of DCF (a), IBP (b) and NPX (b) (Daughton and Ternes, 1999).

1.1.6. Ecotoxicity of pharmaceutical compounds in the environment

Pharmaceuticals are present at relatively low levels in the environment, but their

discharge via STPs is continuous (De Lange et al., 2006). Indeed, risk for acute toxic effects

is unlikely but chronic environmental toxic effects cannot be excluded (Péry et al., 2008).

There is evidence that some pharmaceuticals are able to persist in the environment for

long periods of time, causing sex changes in higher organisms, modifications in plant

growth and anatomical deformities in a wide variety of organisms (Jjemba, 2006).

Moreover, aquatic organisms are important targets as they are exposed via wastewater

effluents over their whole life (Fent et al., 2006).

The regulation about pharmaceuticals started recently. A guide book for the

assessment of human drugs in the environment has been published in 1998 by the FDA

which states that an environmental assessment report has to be provided if the expected

concentration in the aquatic environment is higher than 1 μg/L (Fent et al., 2006). On the

other hand, the European Union began to consider human drugs as potential toxic agents

with the Directive 92/18 ECC, where an ecotoxicity test for registration of pharmaceutical

was claimed. Finally, according to Directive 2001/83/EC, an application to register new

medicinal product for treatment of humans must be accompanied by an environmental

risk assessment (ERA) (EMEA, 2005; Fent et al., 2006; Nikolaou et al., 2007).

The negative impact caused by the release of pharmaceuticals into the

environment depends on several factors: their physiological activity, their physicochemical

properties, their wide distribution and the significant fact that these compounds were

General introduction


designed to produce biological effects in living organisms, even at low concentrations

(Carballa et al., 2008, Suarez et al., 2008). Therefore, it is important to determine the

potential exposure of pharmaceutical compounds that are excreted to the environment

(Mückter, 2006). There is an alternative classification in four groups of pharmaceutical

compounds depending on their possible environmental contamination and the effects

that can generate: (i) hormonally active compounds, found in STPs effluents in low

concentrations (ng/L). This type of compounds poses a health risk due to its high efficiency

at low concentrations and their potential effect as endocrine disruptors; (ii)

antineoplastics and cytostatics, characterized for their obvious cytotoxicity,

carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and embryotoxic properties. These drugs are considered as

highly reactive drugs; (iii) anti-infective agents, providing greater resistance to antibiotics,

which in turn creates a risk to the human population; (iv) halogenated compounds such as

X-ray contrast media, which present high resistance to biodegradation due to their great

mobility and persistence in the environment and food chain (Ikehata et al. 2006; Mückter,


Negative effects of pharmaceuticals on target species (humans or animals receiving

treatment) have been extensively studied during the product development (Crane et al.,

2006). The information collected in the clinical phases about the molecular target and the

mode of action of drugs in mammalians could be very useful to predict the possible effects

in other organisms, because receptors, biochemical pathways and enzymes are conserved

during the evolution (De Lange et al., 2006; Fent et al., 2006). Nevertheless, even if a

mechanism is shared among mammalians, lower vertebrates and invertebrates, it could

produce different outcomes and, as a consequence, also different side effects.

Furthermore it is necessary to consider the unexpected responses mediated via pathways

or receptors not occurring or not affected in mammals (Crane et al., 2006).

Toxicity of pharmaceuticals has generally been investigated with standardized tests

assessing the effects of acute exposure, whilst chronic effects were often improperly

calculated from relative short-term exposure (Crane et al., 2006; Fent et al., 2006).

Additionally, the endpoint usually evaluated is the organism survival, which is estimated

with the LC50 (concentration required to kill half the members of a tested population),

while sub-lethal effects such as alterations in reproduction strategy, changes in growth

rate, behaviour modifications or genetic mutations, that can occur at lower

concentrations, are often overlooked (Flaherty and Dodson, 2005). Another important

factor, only rarely investigated, is the influence of environmental parameters such as pH

on toxicity. Such studies would be of importance for acidic pharmaceuticals that may

induce different toxicities depending on speciation at different ambient pH (Fent et al.,


Chapter 1


Since drugs are ordinarily found in complex mixtures of unrelated chemicals with a

range of pharmacological activities, aquatic toxicity of pharmaceuticals mixtures can be

unpredictable and complex compared to individual pharmaceutical effects, suggesting

additive and synergic effects (Zuccato et al., 2006). Furthermore, the consequences of

pharmaceuticals exposure triggered on organisms from lower trophic levels should not be

overlooked, because their presence is critical for the community homeostasis (Daughton

and Ternes, 1999) and they may have direct effects on human health.

Maybe the most remarkable case of pollutants toxicity in non-target organisms is

the dramatic poisoning of the vulture populations of India and Pakistan (Oaks et al., 2004),

comparable to the disappearance of peregrine falcons and other predatory birds in the

1960s due to the pesticide DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) (Fent et al., 2006). Oaks

et al. (2004) demonstrated that diclofenac was responsible of the high mortality (>95%) of

the scavenging birds. Their death was mainly associated with visceral gout, caused by

renal failure and subsequent deposition of uric acid on and within the internal organs. The

phenomenon is based on alimental habits of the vultures, which are fed on dead domestic

livestock. In fact, in 1990s diclofenac was widely used in these regions as veterinary drug

for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. In addition, renal diseases

in mammalians and birds (chickens, cranes and quail) caused by NSAIDs are well-known.

For instance, Cleuvers (2004) investigated the impact of a mixture of several NSAIDs on

Daphnia magna finding a considerable toxicity effect, even at concentrations at which the

single substances showed no or only very slight effects. Bioaccumulation of this type of

compounds along with gemfibrozil (a blood lipid regulating agent) into fish blood plasma

(juvenile rainbow trout) was demonstrated by Brown et al. (2007).

Carlsson et al. (2006) investigated the acute effects of some β-blockers in two

crustaceans species (Ceriodaphnia dubia and D. magna), a sediment living amphipod

(Hyalella azteca) and the japanese rice fish (Orzyas latipes). These compounds belong to a

class of drugs used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension,

coronary artery disease or arrhythmias (Daughton and Ternes, 1998; Fent et al., 2006;

Ikehata et al., 2006). A reduction in the reproduction of the H. azteca species was

observed at an LC50 of 0.1 mg/L; while for C. dubia this value was of 0.24 mg/L. After 4-

week exposure to propanolol, the number of produced and hatched eggs by fish was

reduced. Additionally, alterations in plasma estradiol and testosterone levels were


The toxic effect of different putative SSRIs (among them, fluoxetine and

citalopram) has been analyzed in the last years. Fong et al. (2003) studied the effects of

low concentration of different antidepressants in zebra mussle Dreissena polymorpha and

General introduction


fingernail clam Sphaerium striatinum finding that this class of compounds takes part in

several reproductive processes, inducing spawning in mussel and parturition in clam.

Furthermore, using two fish species (juvenile rainbow trout and adult male guppies) the

effect of waterborne citalopram was investigated by Holmberg et al. (2011); no effect of

the drug was observed after 3-7 days of exposure. It cannot be excluded that the exposure

time was too short for the drug to have a significant effect; however in another research

study, the antidepressant fluoxetine was detected in japanese medaka tissues (O. latipes)

after only five hours of exposition to waterborne fluoxetine (Paterson and Metcalfe,

2009). Besides, low concentrations of fluoxetine (10 µg/L) may cause effects over the

reproduction of aquatic invertebrates species (D. magna and the snail Potamopyrgus

antipodarum) causing much more pronounced effects in the second generation of the

exposed individuals (Péry et al., 2008). This compound is responsible for the reduction of

ovarian estrogen levels and reduced the number of spawned eggs in zebrafish (Lister et

al., 2009). The chronic exposure of D. magna to fluoxetine was considered by Flaherty and

Dodson (2005) resulting in increased fecundity of the crustacean. They also found that the

mixture of fluoxetine and clofibric acid led to significant deformities, including malformed

carapaces and swimming setae. Moreover, when the concentration of clofibric acid was

increased, mortality of D. magna augmented appreciably.

Antibiotics exposure may have negative reproductive in the aquatic environment

since a high mortality rate for nauplii (free-swimming first stage of the larva of certain

crustaceans) and toxic effects on reproduction of D. magna was caused by an exposure to

this type of compounds (Kümmerer, 2009c). However, not only the aquatic environment

can be affected by the release of drugs. Pharmaceutical compounds that end up in arable

land can be available for plant uptake affecting their growth and development. The impact

depends on the type of agents, dosage, sorption, bioaccumulation and mobility in soil. The

effects of therapeutic agents on plants in soil seem to differ between compounds and

plant species. For instance, pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were negatively affected by

oxytetracycline and chlortetrachycline leading to a reduction in nodulation, fresh weight

and a reduced uptake of Ca, K and Mg. Moreover, the growth of radish and wheat was

unaffected by the presence of both antibiotics although the uptake of nutrients was

enhanced (Jjemba, 2002).

1.1.7. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds from wastewater by physicochemical and

biological technologies

Pharmaceutical compounds that are released into the environment are subject to various

factors such as distribution, absorption, metabolism and mobility. When these compounds

are transformed in the environment, it is commonly referred as degradation (Jjemba,

Chapter 1


2006). In the recent years different physicochemical and biological processes applied for

the removal of pharmaceuticals have been investigated as most of these compounds are

resistant to conventional treatments (Joss et al. 2006; Kosjek et al., 2007). A detailed

description of several research studies carried out previously for the degradation of the

selected pharmaceuticals is shown in the following section.

Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in sewage treatment plants (STPs)

STPs are mainly designed for the removal of organic matter and nutrients such as nitrogen

and phosphorous, typically present in high concentrations. In contrast, the presence of

pharmaceutical compounds in STPs represents only a very small fraction (Larsen et al.,

2004). Some of the most important pharmaceutical compounds found in STPs belong to

different therapeutic groups such as antibiotics, lipid regulators, anti-inflammatories,

antiepileptics, tranquilizers, X-ray media contrast and contraceptives (Larsen et al., 2004).

Most of these compounds come from domestic discharges, hospitals, industries and

municipal STPs (Carballa et al., 2004). Despite the dilution, degradation and sorption

processes of pharmaceuticals can be found in treated wastewater effluents, surface

waters and groundwater (Zuehlke et al., 2007).

Usually, STPs consist of a three stage process including: (i) Pre-treatment:

consisting of various physical and mechanical operations, such as screening, sieving, blast

cleaning and grease separation. It allows the removal of voluminous items, sand and

grease; (ii) Primary treatment, constituted by physical (sedimentation and flotation) and

chemical (coagulation and flocculation) processes used to remove matter in suspension (in

example solids, oils, grease and foam). Sedimentation and flotation are the most common

physical processes adopted; (iii) Secondary treatment, in which biological reactors carry

out the decomposition of organic matter and removal of nutrients. Among secondary

treatments there are various techniques, such as lagooning, aerobic and anaerobic

treatments and biofiltration processes; (iv) Tertiary treatment, designed to remove

remaining unwanted nutrients (mainly nitrogen and phosphorous) through high

performance biological or chemical processes.

Flowing through the STP, these compounds can run into four different major

routes (Lishman et al., 2006; Nikolaou et al., 2007; Suárez et al., 2008; Klavarioti et al.,

2009): (i) degradation to lower molecular weight compounds, or mineralization to CO2 and

H2O; (ii) sorption on suspended solids (sludge/biosolids) and subsequent removal as

sludge, provided that the compound entering the plant or the product of biologically

mediated transformation is lipophilic; (iii) cleavage of conjugates yielding the active parent

compound; (iv) release to the receiving water either as the original compound or as a

degradation product. However, the main removal processes of these compounds are

General introduction


based on solid sorption, volatilization, photo-oxidation and chemical and/or biological

degradation. Among the processes previously mentioned, biological degradation and

sorption are relevant for the removal of pharmaceuticals (Joss et al., 2006a; Suarez et al.,


Several pharmaceutical compounds have been studied throughout the different

units of STPs and the results showed that compounds such as DCF, DZP, CBZ and

roxithromycin (ROX) were not detected since they were below detection limit (BDL).

During secondary treatment, all the compounds were partially removed (35% up to 75%).

The final removal efficiencies were from 40% up to 65% for the anti-inflammatory drugs

and near 60% for E2 and SMX (Carballa et al., 2004). On the other hand, Kosjek et al.

(2007) carried out the removal of anti-inflammatory drugs including IBP, NPX, DCF as well

as ketoprofen (KPF) and clorfibric acid (CLOFI) in a pilot STP, finding that these compounds

were degraded above 87%, excepting DCF (up to 59%) and CLOFI (less than 30%).

The degradation efficiency of each pharmaceutical in STPs is clearly affected by the

nature of the drug, but also by parameters such as the treatment process considered, the

age of the activated sludge (solids retention time, SRT) and environmental conditions

(season, pH, redox condition, etc.) (Larsen et al., 2004; Zuccato et al., 2006). The overall

removal efficiencies for some pharmaceuticals are shown in Table 1-5.

Table 1-5. Overall removal efficiencies for some pharmaceuticals in STPs

Compounds Removal efficiency (%) Sorption Biodegradation

SMX 0 - 99 - -

DCF 0 - 80* Medium None - medium

IBP 60 - 99.7 None High

NPX 0 - 98 - -

CBZ 0 - 58 None None

* Mainly in the scope of 21% up to 40%. (Hofmann et al., 2007; Suárez et al., 2008; Zhang

et al., 2008; Sipma et al., 2010)

Coagulation-flocculation and flotation

These processes were designed to improve the removal of suspended solids and colloids

from wastewaters. In general, these processes of coagulation-flocculation and flotation,

significantly removed certain compounds: tranquilizers (DZP) and anti-inflammatory drugs

(DCF); whereas other compounds, such as anti-epileptics (CBZ) or certain anti-

inflammatory drugs (IBP and NPX), are very remained after treatment (Ikehata et al.

Chapter 1


2006). In a specific study, when a coagulant was used, the removal of the total suspended

solids (TSS) was enhanced from 40% up to 90% (Suárez et al., 2009). However, compounds

such as DZP, DCF and NPX were slightly removed (below 25%) and CBZ and IBP were not

degraded. During the flotation phase, the removal percentages were improved in all the

cases (Carballa et al., 2005). In other study of Suárez et al., (2009) more than 60% of anti-

inflammatory drugs were removed; despite this, the following compounds were not

removed: CBZ, DZP, ROX, SMX and also iopromide (IPM).

Other physicochemical processes

Generally, removal of pharmaceutical compounds is enhanced with the increase of sludge

age due to fortification of slowly growing bacteria as well as the establishment of diverse

biotic community with broad physiological capabilities. Biological systems with high sludge

age have a correlation with treatment efficiency; therefore, this process could be applied

for the removal of pharmaceutical compounds (Yu et al., 2009). These authors

demonstrated a satisfactory and steady removal of SMX and NPX (64% - 96%) and almost

complete removal of IBP (>94%). On the other hand, the removal of CBZ, DZP, CTL, IBP,

DCF and NPX was analyzed in a nitrifying-denitrifying process. Removal in a range between

68% and 82% for NPX and IBP was achieved, respectively; meanwhile more recalcitrant

compounds such as CBZ, CTL and DCF were removed in less than 10% (Suárez et al., 2005).

Moreover, the application of anaerobic digestion of sludge attained high removal

percentages in the case of antibiotics and the anti-inflammatory drug NPX. The rest of the

compounds were partially degraded (20%-60%), except for CBZ which was not removed

(Carballa et al., 2007). Also, low removal efficiencies (11% and 18%) of CBZ were achieved

in a combined anaerobic digester-constructed wetland pilot plant treating urban

wastewater by Reyes-Contreras et al. (2011).

Membrane bioreactors (MBR)

This technology uses membranes to retain the solids used in the secondary treatment and

was designed to substitute the second clarifier in the conventional activated sludge (CAS)

treatment. The most important features of a MBR are that the SRT can be significantly

increased and accurately controlled and that it makes feasible working with high biomass

concentrations (Clara et al., 2005). As a result, biodiversity rises inside the reactor since

the slowly growing microorganisms can develop themselves achieving complete

adaptation to pharmaceuticals and removal rate of lipophilic substances improves since a

larger quantity of sludge is available for sorption. The main disadvantages of the MBR are

the large energy demand and high investments (Larsen et al., 2004; Reif et al., 2008). The

removal of eight pharmaceutical compounds have been carried out in a STP where a MBR

General introduction


was operated at pilot scale at different retention times (Clara et al., 2005). The results

showed that CBZ was not removed, while compounds such as bisphenol A (BPA) (an

endocrine disrupting chemical, EDC) or IBP were degraded to a large extent (>90%). On

the other hand, Reif et al. (2008) found that compounds such as the anti-inflammatory

drugs IBP and NPX were not adsorbed, showing a high removal (above 84% for both). The

most recalcitrant compounds were DCF and CBZ with final removal lower than 9%, results

in agreement with those reported by Clara et al., (2005). This system achieves complete

retention of suspended solids; however, it implies high costs of operation and

maintenance as well as high energy consumption.

Membrane filtration and activated carbon demonstrated remarkable removal

efficiencies for compounds including IBP, NPX and BPA; however, degradation was limited

for other compounds, such as CBZ and DCF (<9%) (Clara et al. 2005; Von-Gunten et al.

2006; Reif et al. 2008). The removal of several persistent compounds in a sequential

membrane bioreactor (SMBR) with the addition of powdered activated carbon (PAC) was

studied by Serrano et al. (2011). PAC has been extensively used to promote the sorption

of organic micropollutants. Before the PAC addition into the SMBR, the removal of

compounds such CBZ, DZP and DCF were negligible, partial removal of NPX was observed

(up to 64%) and high yields of removal for FLX and IBP: 71% - 97%.

Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)

Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), based on the use of highly reactive species (for

example hydroxyl radicals, OH), have been applied as a treatment alternative (Klavarioti,

2009). Hydroxyl radicals are strong oxidants, capable of mineralize any organic molecule

to CO2 and inorganic ions. Generally OH radicals mediated reactions increase the number

of functional groups and the molecule’s polarity, two crucial features for the intended

properties of pharmaceuticals, leading to disappearance of its original medicinal activity

that should be proved by the analysis of oxidation products (Ternes et al., 2003). Among

them, it is worth considering ozonation (O3/H2O2), ultraviolet irradiation (UV/H2O2),

Fenton’s reagent (Fe2+/H2O2), electrolysis and ultrasounds (Klavarioti et al., 2009).

The degradation of pharmaceutical compounds using AOPs have been studied

since the year 2000, with high removals rates (above 90%) for several compounds such as

pesticides, anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, the antiepileptic CBZ and also

natural/synthetic estrogens (EDCs) (Vogna et al., 2004; Ikehata et al., 2006; Carballa et al.,

2007; Esplugas et al., 2007; Hofmann et al., 2007; Dantas et al., 2008; Gagnon et al., 2008;

Zylan and Ince, 2011). For instance, heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of the anti-

inflammatory DCF was conducted by Hofmann et al. (2007) using H2O2 as oxidizing agent,

which is easily to handle and low-priced. The catalytic oxidation of this type of pollutants

Chapter 1


depends on temperature and pH. In the mentioned study, the degradation rate of DCF

was doubled when the temperature was changed from 40°C to 60°C and extreme low pH

values were considered.

A couple of studies concerning the degradation of CTL and FLX using UV lamps

have been carried out by Kwon and Armbrust (2005 and 2006) finding that the former is

barely degraded (0.5%) after 30 days at pH 5 and 7 and only partially at pH 9. On the other

hand, the compound FLX is hydrolytic and photolytically stable under the assayed

conditions (pH and UV lamp). In contrast, complete abatement of CBZ by ultraviolet

irradiation (UV/H2O2) was achieved after only 4 min (Vogna et al., 2004). The degradation

of IBP was performed by using several AOPs, such as photolysis, UV-Vis(H2O2) and Photo-

Fenton processes. An evident decrease in the initial concentration of IBP was observed

(40% of removal) using Fenton’s reagent; on the other hand, the drug was unaffected

after a UV-Vis(H2O2) photolysis. Higher degradation percentages were observed when

using the photo-Fenton reaction, since this process promoted the decarboxylation of the

IBP molecule, which led to total decomposition (Méndez-Arriaga et al., 2010). Also, the

anti-inflammatory drug IBP was highly mineralized (92%) by a solar photoelectron-Fenton

process, an alternative treatment which uses sunlight as a source of UV light (Skoumal et

al., 2008).

Certainly ozonation is the most studied AOP for the application of pharmaceuticals

removal (Esplugas et al., 2007). Before disinfection, several pharmaceutical compounds

including DCF, NPX, IBP, CBZ, CLOFI as well as salicylic acid (SAL), triclosan (TCS) and a

metabolite of IBP, 2-hydroxyibuprofen (2-OH-IBP), were found in concentrations between

42 ng/L and 2556 ng/L. Most of these substances were partially eliminated (above 50%)

using an ozone dose of 10 mg/L; however, by doubling the dosage, the removal was up to

70%. Instead, using UV light only 25% of DCF and 40% of TCS were removed. The lower

removal efficiencies were obtained using the mixture of performic acid (<8%) (Gagnon et

al., 2008). Ternes et al. (2003) showed that a low dose of ozone (5-15 mg/L) is appropriate

to oxidize pharmaceuticals and estrogens. However, ozonation is still rather expensive,

leading to economical limitation for the feasibility of this method (Ternes et al. 2003;

Larsen et al. 2004).

Alternative methods for removal of pharmaceutical compounds

It is important to find alternative ways to carry out the degradation of pharmaceutical

compounds, since physicochemical technologies such as AOPs are effective in the removal

of these compounds but are costly. This thesis proposes the use of white-rot fungi (WRF),

a group of microorganisms capable of degrading lignin as well as other pollutants such as

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),

General introduction


synthetic dyes, pharmaceutical compounds and EDCs. (Field et al., 1992; Zeddel et al.,

1993; Wesenberg et al., 2003; Ikehata et al., 2006). A description of the main

characteristics of the WRF and their potential uses for the removal of organic pollutants is

included in the following section of this thesis.

1.2. White-rot fungi (WRF) and their lignin modifying enzymes (LMEs)

1.2.1. Characteristics of the white-rot fungi (WRF)

Although several microorganisms can grow on living and dead trees, filamentous fungi

constitute the dominant decomposers of plant fiber. Wood and other lignocellulosic

materials are composed of three main constituents, cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose,

which are strongly interconnected and chemically linked by non covalent forces and

covalent bonds. The major component of lignocellulosic materials is cellulose, a

macromolecule composed of several glucose units (45% of the dry weight of wood) and

represents the most abundant carbon source in the earth. Also, hemicellulose (25%-30%

of the dry weight of wood) is a complex polymer formed from residues of different

pentoses and hexoses. Finally, lignin provides plant support, impermeability and

resistance to microbial attack. Lignin is constituted by dimethoxylated (syringyl, S),

monomethoxylated (guaiacyl, G) and non-methoxylated (p-hydroxyphenyl, H)

phenylpropanoid units derived from its corresponding alcohol, p-hydroxycinnamoyl

alcohols, which in turn gives a variety of different sub-units including ethers and C-C bonds

(Figure 1-9) (Pérez et al., 2002, Martinez et al. 2005; Wong, 2008).

Lignin is the most recalcitrant compound from the wood, due to its complex

structure derived from the coupling of three alcohols (p-coumaryl, coniferyl and sinapyl)

(Wong, 2008). It also has a high molecular weight and is very insoluble, which hinders its

degradation resisting the attack by most microorganisms (Pérez et al., 2002). Under an

anaerobic process, the aromatic rings are not completely attacked meanwhile under

aerobic conditions, the breakdown of lignin occurs at a very low oxidation rate.

Basidiomycetes fungi are the only microorganisms capable to attack and break the lignin

molecule under aerobic conditions demonstrating the dissolution (formation of water-

soluble fragments) and mineralization (evolution to CO2) of natural and synthetic lignin by

an enzymatic process (Wong, 2008; Sanchez, 2009). Their hyphal growth, their ability to

secrete enzymes freely into the environment, particularly from growing tips, and their

ability to translocate nutrients through extensive mycelia, give them ecological

advantages over bacteria (Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997; Cabana et al, 2007).

Chapter 1


Figure 1-9. Lignin biosynthesis, structure and main lignin-unit linkages (Sette et al., 2011)

A broad range of types of wood decay can result from permutations of host

species, fungal species and conditions within the wood. There are four different types of

wood-decay fungi, reflected in the overall appearance and decay pattern: (i) Brown rot

fungi (BRF) belong exclusively to the class of basidiomycetes and they are able to

breakdown cellulose and hemicellulose, however lignin decomposition is limited

(Blanchette et al., 1989; Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997; Schwarze et al., 2000; Schwarze,

2007); (ii) Soft-rot fungi (SRF) belong mostly to the classes of ascomycetes and

deuteromycetes, although recent researches demonstrated that also basidiomycetes can

cause soft-rot. They degrade mostly cellulose and hemicellulose, while lignin results only

partially modified (Schwarze et al., 2000; Carlile et al., 2001; Schwarze, 2007); (iii) Stain

fungi (SF) some basidiomycetes cause a soft-rot decay pattern while a limited number of

ascomycetes fungi can colonize wood through parenchymatic rays and resin channels

causing coloration of softwood tissues; however, limited degradation is caused (Martínez

et al., 2005); (iv) White-rot fungi (WRF) belong to the class of basidiomycetes and certain

ascomycetes. They constitute the most important rotting fungi, since they are the only

able to mineralize lignin producing CO2 and water by two main processes: selective

delignification and simultaneous rot. Fungi that use the first strategy leave hemicellulose

General introduction


and cellulose relatively unchanged during the first step of decay, degrading mostly lignin

because their cellulose degrading enzymes operate only at the ends of the cellulose

chains; while the latter decay process is referred to a decomposition of the three

components of wood at nearly the same rate (Schwarze et al., 2000; Schwarze, 2007).

The term “white-rot” has been traditionally used to describe forms of wood decay

where lignin -as well as cellulose and hemicellulose- is broken down, leaving a light, white,

rather fibrous residue completely different from the brown powder left by brown rot fungi

(Schwarze et al., 2000; Carlile et al., 2001). The main characteristics of WRF are shown in

Table 1-6. These microorganisms are a diverse eco-physiological group that includes

basidiomycetes and degrading fungi (Wesenberg et al., 2003; Sei et al., 2008). Generally,

WRF are unable to use lignin as a sole carbon source but they degrade it in order to

remove a physical barrier and gain access to polysaccharides (Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997;

Yeo et al., 2007). Within this group, Phanerochaete chrysosporium is the most extensively

studied species, although other fungi such as Bjerkandera adusta, Trametes versicolor,

Pleurotus ostreatus are also well-known (Schwarze et al., 2000; Schwarze, 2007).

Table 1-6. Characteristic features white rot fungi (Schwarze et al., 2000; Martínez et al., 2005)

WRF Simultaneous rot Selective delignification

Host Hardwood, rarely softwood. Mainly broad-leaves; seldom in conifers

Hardwood and softwood. Broad–leaves trees, conifers

Fungi Basidiomycetes and ascomycetes (Trametes versicolor, Irpex lacteus, Phanerochaete chrysosporium)

Basidiomycetes (Ganoderma austral, Phlebia tremellosa, etc.)

Degradation Cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose Initial attack selective for lignin and hemicellulose; later cellulose

Consistency Brittle fracture Fibrous (stringy)

Strength Brittle fracture; great reduction of impact bending strength (at the initial stage); less drastic than in brown rot

Ductile fracture; slight increase in impact bending strength (at the initial stage)

Decay aspect Bleached appearance, lighter in colour than sound wood, moist, soft, and spongy

WRF are able to cause two forms of decay, differing in the target of decomposition

at the early stage of the process: some fungi adopt selective delignification while others

simultaneous rot, according to their enzymatic equipment (Martínez et al., 2005).

Selective delignification is characteristic of decay by certain strains of Ganoderma

applanatlum, Phellinuts pini, P. chrysosporiuim, P. tremellosa, and many others

(Blanchette et al., 1989). On the other hand, fungi such as T. versicolor, some strains of

Phlebia slubseriialis, P. chrysosporium, and others remove lignin, cellulose and

Chapter 1


hemicellulose, since they release enzymes that can degrade all the main constituents of

the cell wall (Schwarze et al., 2000; Blanchette et al., 1989).

Delignification is based on the WRF capacity to produce one or more extracellular

lignin-modifying enzymes (LMEs), which thanks to their lack of substrate specificity, are

also capable of degrading a wide range of xenobiotics also at relatively low concentrations

since they are not induced by either lignin or other related compounds (Mester and Tien,

2000). LMEs act by generating free radicals that randomly attack the lignin molecule,

breaking covalent bonds and releasing a range of mainly phenolic compounds. Since

radicals are highly reactive but short-lived molecules, they can reach only closer

lignocellulose material, forming erosion zone around the hyphae (Mester and Field, 1998;

Carlile et al., 2001). There are two main types of LMEs: peroxidases and laccases (phenol

oxidases). Some fungi are able to produce both types of enzymes, whereas others have

only one of them. The main LMEs are lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase

(MnP), versatile peroxidase (VP) and laccases (Lac). In addition, these fungi secrete

mediators of high molecular weight increasing the range of compounds potentially

biodegradable (Cabana et al, 2007). A detailed description of LMEs and mediators are

included in section 1.2.2.

These enzymes are essential for lignin degradation even if the mineralization of

this recalcitrant biopolymer requires the contribution of auxiliary systems by themselves

unable to degrade lignin (Carlile et al., 2001; Wesenberg et al., 2003; Cabana et al., 2007).

For example, synthesis of H2O2, a co-substrate of LiP and MnP, is entrusted to glyoxal

oxidase, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and aryl alcohol oxidase (AAO), while enzymes such

as glucose oxidase, aryl alcohol dehydrogenase (AAD), cellobiose dehydrogenase and

cellobiose/quinone oxidoreductase (QR) are involved in feedback circuits and link

ligninolysis with cellulose and hemicellulose degradation in nature (Wesenberg et al.,

2003; Martínez et al., 2005; Cabana et al., 2007; Wong, 2008).

White-rot fungi start LMEs production during their secondary metabolism, since

lignin oxidation provides no net energy to fungi (Wesenberg et al., 2003; Cabana et al.,

2007). In particular, LMEs production is caused by nitrogen starvation (Carlile et al., 2001)

(Figure 1-10). A culture medium with high nitrogen content permits full utilization of

glucose and rapid growth.

General introduction


Figure 1-10. Lignin breakdown by P. chrysosporium in culture medium with high nitrogen (A) and low nitrogen content (B). Symbols: (a) glucose concentration (initially 56 mM), (b) lignin

breakdown, (c) fungal biomass (c) (Carlile et al., 2001).

For P. chrysosporium lignin degradation takes place slowly. When the nitrogen

source is limiting, glucose utilization and fungal growth are slow. Exhaustion of the

nitrogen source is accompanied by a fall in the level of free intracellular amino acids,

which induces enzyme synthesis and a high rate of lignin breakdown. Fungi living on

cellulose brings into play their ligninolytic activity when nitrogen availability decreases,

leading to removal of a lignin coating and subsequent exposition of fresh cellulose and

bound nitrogen (Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997). In this way, hyphae grow up exploiting the

new C and N source and lignin decomposition is depressed while N level is adequate

(Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997; Carlile et al., 2001).

1.2.2. Lignin modifying enzymes (LMEs) and their mediators

These enzymes are responsible for generating highly reactive and non specific free radicals

which have an effect on lignin degradation (Kersten and Cullen, 2007). The nonspecific

nature and the extraordinary potential of the oxidizing peroxidases makes them attractive

for the development of bioprocesses such as pulp and bleaching paper as well as for the

degradation of recalcitrant compounds. Ligninolytic oxidoreductases include peroxidases,

which are able to oxidize non-phenolic lignin, and laccases, whose direct action is

restricted to phenolic units of lignin (that represent less than 10% of the total polymer

(Martínez et al., 2005). The main lignin-modifying enzymes are described below.

Chapter 1



They are a vast group of heme-containing enzymes which require the presence of H2O2 as

the electron acceptor to oxidize lignin and lignin-related compounds (Mester and Tien,

2000). Their mechanism of action entails mono-electronic processes and transforms

substrates in radicals, which subsequently evolves through non-enzymatic reactions.

Usually their prosthetic group is protoporphyrin IX, with histidine as axial ligand (proximal

His). Other conserved residues present in the distal side of all peroxidases are histidine

and arginine. These two aminoacids are directly involved in the reaction with H2O2 and the

stabilization of the intermediates (Martínez, 2002).

Peroxidases have a typical enzymatic cycle where the native (ferric) enzyme is

initially oxidized by H2O2, generating a two-electron oxidation state of the enzyme

(compound I). During the oxidation of the ferric enzyme, one electron is withdrawn from

Fe3+ and one from porphyrin, generating Fe+4. Compound I is then reduced back in two

steps via an Fe4+ intermediate (compound II) in the presence of appropriate reducing

substrates. Another reduction, involving a second molecule of specific substrate, takes

place in the third step of the reaction. The enzyme gets back to its resting state [Fe3+] and

one more radical product is formed. High concentrations of H2O2 can cause reversible

inactivation of the enzyme by forming compound III, a catalytically inactive intermediate

with a ferric-superoxo complex [PFe3+O2·-] that can be converted to the native state

(spontaneously or by oxidation with a substrate) releasing a superoxide anion (O2·-) (Figure

1-11) (Mester and Tien, 2000; Martínez, 2002; Wong, 2008).

Figure 1-11. Catalytic cycle of peroxidases. (Wesenberg et al., 2003).

General introduction


Lignin peroxidase (LiP, E.C.

It was the first ligninolytic enzyme isolated in 1980’s decade from the fungus P.

chrysosporium (Glenn et al., 1983; Tien and Kirk, 1983). It is a glycoprotein able to catalyze

the oxidation of non-phenolic and aromatic compounds with a similar structure to lignin.

The main characteristics of this extracellular N-glycosylated enzyme are shown in Table 1-

7. LiP shows a classical peroxidase mechanism: it can react with non-phenolic aromatic

substrates forming phenoxy radicals, but it is unique in its ability to oxidize substrates of

high redox potential (up to 1.4 V) (Wesenberg et al., 2003; Wong, 2008). In fact, it shows

the strongest oxidizing properties among peroxidases (E’0~1.2 V at pH 3.0), that enables it

to catalyze the oxidation of non-phenolic aromatic compounds without participation of

mediators, forming radical aromatic cations (Martínez, 2002; Wong, 2008). Its high redox

potential is due to the heme active site, more electron deficient than in other peroxidases

(Wesenberg et al. 2003; Ashger et al. 2008; Wong, 2008).

The LiP isoenzymes are globular glycoproteins with molecular mass between 38

and 47 kDa with a distinctive property of an unusually low pH optimum near pH 3 (Table

1-7) (Wesenberg et al., 2003; Wong, 2008). The substrate interaction site is localized at

the surface of the protein. In fact, even if deformation and enlargement of the heme

access channels can facilitate the movement of small molecules towards the active site of

the protein, the cleft size is too small to permit direct interaction between the ferryl

oxygen and the larger substrates of the enzyme (Martínez, 2002; Wong, 2008). Figure 1-12

shows the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme LiP.

Figure 1-12. Three-dimensional structure of LiP from P. chrysosporium (Wong, 2008).

LiP is an enzyme relatively specific to their substrates, being the preferred

substrate veratryl alcohol (VA) a natural metabolite (in P. chrysosporium produced at the

Chapter 1


same time as LiP) that increases the enzyme activity and the rate of lignin degradation

(Wong, 2008). The role of LiP in ligninolysis could be the next step after the lignin

fragments are released initially by MnP, since it is able to degrade a wide variety of

organic compounds with a redox potential above than 1.4 V in presence of H2O2: PAHs of

three and four rings, PCBs and dyes (Wesenberg et al., 2003, Yu et al. 2006; Ashger et al.

2008; Wong, 2008). The general mechanism of LiP catalyzed reaction consists of two steps

(Figure 1-13): (i) a 2e− oxidation of the native ferric enzyme (Fe3+) to yield compound I

intermediate that exists as a ferry iron porphyrin radical cation (Fe4+=O.+, LiP-I), with the

peroxide substrate (H2O2) cleaved at the O–O bond; (ii) a two consecutive 1e− reduction of

LiP-I by electron donor substrates to the native enzyme. The first 1e− reduction of LiP-I by

a reducing substrate, such as VA, yields compound II (Fe4+=O, LiP-I), and a VA radical

cation (VA.+). A second 1e− reduction returns the enzyme to the ferric oxidation state,

completing the catalytic cycle. LiP-I can also return to the native enzyme by a direct 2e−

reduction in some cases (Wong, 2008).

Figure 1-13. Catalytic cycle of LiP (Wong, 2008).

Manganese peroxidase (MnP, E.C.

Manganese peroxidase is a extracellular enzyme purified first time from P. chrysosporium

by Kuwahara et al. (1984) and is considered as the most common ligninolytic peroxidase

produced by almost all white-rot basidiomycetes and by various litter-decomposing fungi

(Wesenberg et al., 2003). MnP is constituted by extracellular glycoproteins with a

prosthetic group with an iron protoporphyrin. The optimal conditions for the secretion of

General introduction


this enzyme are the use of a substrate with low carbon and nitrogen content,

supplemented with Mn2+. MnP is a glycoprotein with molecular weights between 32 and

62.5 kDa (Table 1-7) which structure is shown in Figure 1-14 (Wesenberg et al., 2003;

Wong, 2008). This enzyme has a similar catalytic cycle to other peroxidases involving a 2e-

oxidation; however, MnP is unique in its ability to oxidize Mn2+, resulting in the formation

of diffusible oxidants (Mn3+) capable of penetrating the cell wall matrix and oxidizing

mainly phenolic substrates (Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997; Pérez et al., 2002; Wong, 2008).

Figure 1-14. Three-dimensional structure of MnP from P. chrysosporium (Wong, 2008)

The catalytic cycle is initiated by binding of H2O2 to the native (ferric) enzyme and

formation of an iron-H2O2 complex (Figure 1-15). Subsequent cleavage of the H2O2

oxygen-oxygen bond requires a 2e- transfer from the heme resulting in formation of MnP

compound I (Fe4+). Afterwards, the O-O bond is heterolytically cleaved and a H2O molecule

expelled. Subsequent reduction proceeds through MnP-II (Fe4+). Mn2+ ion acts as one

electron-donor for this porphyrin intermediate and is oxidized to Mn3+. The reduction of

compound II proceeds in a similar way and another Mn3+ is formed from Mn2+, thereby

leading to generation of native enzyme and release of the second water molecule.

Like other peroxidases, MnP is sensitive to high concentrations of H2O2 that cause

reversible inactivation of the enzyme by forming compound III, a catalytically inactive

oxidation state but can be rescued by Mn3+ (Hofrichter, 2002; Wong, 2008). Ions of Mn3+

are quite unstable in aqueous media. To overcome this drawback, they form complexes

with organic acids, such as malonic or oxalic acid, secreted by the fungus in significant

amounts that attack organic molecules non-specifically at location remote from the

enzyme active site (Hofrichter, 2002; Wong, 2008). These chelators could also accomplish

Chapter 1


other physiological functions; they enhance the dissociation of Mn2+ from the enzyme

improving its activity; allow the fungus to control pH; sequester Ca2+ ions to increase the

pore size of the plant cell wall and facilitate the penetration of the enzyme or react with

O2 to form H2O2 useful for the enzyme activity (Wong, 2008).

Figure 1-15, Catalytic cicle of MnP (Hofrichter, 2002).

Versatile peroxidase (VP, E.C.

The enzyme VP (Figure 1-16) is a peroxidase and is considered a hybrid between MnP and

LiP (Wesenberg et al., 2003). It can oxidize not only Mn2+ but also VA and phenolic

aromatic compounds with a high molecular weight by manganese-independent reactions

(Wong, 2008). This enzyme was able to oxidize hydroquinone in the absence of exogenous

H2O2 when Mn2+ is present (Pérez et al., 2002). VP is found in cultures of several fungal

strains such as Pleurotus and Bjerkandera species (Wesenberg et al. 2003; Ashger et al.

2008). It is interesting underline that VP enzyme shows different pH optimal for oxidation

of Mn2+ (pH 5) and aromatic compounds (pH 3), similar to those of optimal LiP and MnP

activity (Martínez, 2002). Molecular characterization of VP enzyme reveals structures

closer to the LiP than to the MnP isoenzymes of P. chrysosporium (Wong, 2008).

The VP catalytic cycle is similar to that of LiP, MnP and other heme peroxidases.

The enzyme catalyzes the electron transfer from an oxidizable substrate, involving the

formation and reduction of compound I and II intermediates. Compound I is a two

oxidizing equivalent intermediate, with one-oxidizing equivalent resided in the ferryl state

of the Fe4+ and the second localized as a porphyrin radical cation (Wong, 2008).

General introduction


Figure 1-16. Three-dimensional structure of VP from Pleurotus eryngii (Wong, 2008)


Laccase (Lac, E.C.

The enzyme Lac is part of the ligninolytic system and is a multi-copper oxidase that

catalyzes single electron oxidation of four phenolic molecules with the concomitant

reduction of oxygen to water (Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997; Wesenberg et al., 2003).

Laccase shows low substrate specificity and can react with diphenols, aryl diamines,

aminophenoles. The oxidation reaction of phenolic moieties is usually accompanied by

demethylation, decarboxylation and can also result in ring cleavage (Wesenberg et al.,

2003). Laccases catalyzed-oxidation depends on the redox potential of the type-I copper,

typically ranging between 500 - 800 mV. However, in presence of a mediator, Lac is able to

oxidize also non-phenolic molecules (Wong, 2008). A description of the mainly natural and

synthetic mediators is included in the following section of this chapter.

This enzyme is ubiquitous in all wood- and litter-transforming basidiomycetes, but

Laccase activity has also been found in plants and bacteria. Laccase has been isolated from

cultures of Aspergillus and thermophilic fungi such as Myceliophora thermophila and

Chaemotium thermophilium (Pérez et al. 2002; Wesenberg et al. 2003; Ashger et al.,

2008). In Figure 1-17 the structure of Lac enzyme is shown. Noteworthy that the active

site is well conserved (Wong, 2008, Martínez et al., 2005). Laccase contains four copper

atoms in its active site: type-I (T1, one Cu atom) that acts as electron acceptor from the

substrate, type-II (T2, one Cu atom) copper which forms a trinuclear copper-cluster with

the type-III copper (T3, two Cu atoms) where the reduction of O2 takes place (Martínez et

al., 2005; Wong, 2008). Laccases are a group of N-glycosylated extracellular isoenzymes

Chapter 1


with monomeric and dimeric protein structure and molecular masses of 60–390 kDa

(Table 1-9) (Wesenberg et al., 2003; Wong, 2008).

Figure 1-17. Three-dimensional structure of Lac from T. versicolor (Wong, 2008)

The catalytic cycle of this class of enzymes, shown in Figure 1-18, is described as

follows (Wong, 2008). In the resting state the enzyme is completely oxidized then a total

reduction of the metallic centers by four molecules of substrates (each one provides just

1e-). T1 site is the primary electron acceptor. Once totally reduced, the enzyme can bind a

dioxygen molecule.

Figure 1-18. Catalytic cycle of Lac (Wong, 2008).

General introduction


The diffusion of O2 into the active site is rate limiting, but subsequently the T2/T3

site binds it and rapidly moves to it 2e- from the T3 coppers, resulting in the formation of

peroxide intermediate. Afterwards, 1e- is transferred from T1 causing the decay of the

peroxide intermediate and the formation of the oxy radical intermediate, through the

cleavage of the O-O bond and the release of a water molecule. Finally, the last electron

transfer from T2 leads to the ejection of O2- as a second water molecule and closes the


Several WRF produce the three main LMEs (LiP, MnP and Lac), while others

produce only one or two of them. These enzymes are necessary for lignin degradation;

however, for its mineralization is necessary the combination of other processes with

additional enzymes. These auxiliary enzymes are glyoxal oxidase and superoxide

dismutase for intracellular production of H2O2, a co-substrate of LiP and MnP, as well as

glucose oxidase, alcohol oxidase and cellobiose dehydrogenase aryl involved in the

feedback loops and ligninolysis links during the degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose

in nature (Wesenberg et al., 2003, Cabana et al., 2007). Table 1-7 compares the main

characteristics of MnP, LiP and Lac enzymes.

Table 1-7. Main properties of MnP, LiP and Lac from WRF

MnP LiP Lac

Prosthetic group Heme Heme 1 type 1-Cu, 1 type 2-

Cu, 2 coupled type 3-Cu

Molecular weight (kDa) 32 - 62.5 38 - 47 59 - 110

pH optimal range 2.6 - 4.5 2 - 5 2 - 8.5

E0 (mV) 1510 1450 500 - 800

H2O2 - regulation + + -

Stability +++ + +++

Native mediators Mn2+; Mn3+ VA, 2Cl-14DMB

Specificity Mn2+ Aromatic compounds

(including nonphenolics)

Phenolic compounds

Secondary and

synthetic mediators



fatty acids



(-) none; (+) low; (++) medium; (+++) high; (VA) violuric acid; (2Cl-14DMB) 2-chloro-1,4-dimethoxybenzene acid; (3-HAA) 3-hydroxyanthralinic acid; (ABTS) 2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid); (HBT) 1-hydroxibenzothriazole (Wesenberg et al., 2003).

Chapter 1


Main enzymatic mediators

Due to the complexity of lignin molecule and the volume of LMEs excreted by fungi, direct

and specific interactions between lignin (or recalcitrant compounds with similar structure)

and enzymes are highly unlikely. Therefore, there are redox mediators with low molecular

weight which provide high redox potentials (> 900 mV) to attack lignin and are able to

migrate within the lignocellulose complex. Several natural mediators such as

syringaldehyde, acetosyringone, vanillin, acetovanillone, methyl vanillate and p-coumaric

acid by laccase (Cañas and Camarero, 2010) have promoted the oxidation of recalcitrant

dyes. Examples of native and synthetic mediators are shown in Table 1-8.

Table 1-8. Main fungal mediators (Wesenberg et al., 2003)

Mediator Microorganism (Enzyme)

Mn3+ Phanerochaete chrysosporium (MnP)

Organic acids (Malonate, oxalate) Armillaria mellea, Fomes annosus, Pleurotus ostreatus,

Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Phlebia radiata,

Nematoloma frowardii (LiP, MnP)

VA Phanerochaete chrysosporium (LiP)

3-HAA Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Lac)

2Cl-14DMB Trametes versicolor (LiP)

1-HBT Trametes versicolor, Trametes villosa, Pycnoporus

cinnabarinus, Botrytis cinérea, Myceliophthora

thermophila, Pleurotus ostreatus (Lac)

Violuric acid Trametes villosa, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus, Botrytis

cinérea, Myceliophthora thermophila (Lac)

ABTS Trametes versicolor, Coriolopsis gallica, Pleurotus

ostreatus (Lac)

1.2.3. Applications of white-rot fungi (WRF) and lignin modifying enzymes (LMEs)

White-rot fungi and their degrading enzymes have long been studied for biotechnological

applications as new potential tools for the biodegradation of harmful chemicals (Lee et al.,

2005; Yeo et al., 2007). These microorganisms have a unique lignin degradation system,

which is suitable for removal of not only lignin from wood but also various so-called lignin-

related pollutants from soil or water (Mester and Tien, 2000). A briefly description of the

potential applications of WRF and their LMEs is included below.

Paper pulp biobleaching

Several strains of WRF such as Coriolus versicolor, P. eryngii, P. radiata, P. chrysosporium,

B. adusta, among others, as well as their enzymes, are able to degrade wood and

General introduction


lignocellulosic residues. Furthermore, WRFs or LMEs could represent a method for the

treatment of waste bleach liquor to remove degraded lignin fragments. The dominant

process during the bleaching of pulp is known as Kraft and is based in an alkaline

extraction and bleaching of pulp. It is interesting to use a biological alternative capable to

degrade lignin without the generation of harmful residues (Kerem et al., 1992, Moreira et

al., 1997b; Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997; Higuchi 2004; Feijoo et al. 2008; Hammel and

Cullen, 2008). Selective delignification might also increase the value of wood, straw and

bagasse (the residual fiber from sugar cane processing) by conversion of their

lignocellulosic material into feed or biofuel (Sinsabaug and Liptak, 1997; Wong, 2008).

Moreover, natural phenolic mediator could be obtained as by-product during the

industrial process of biomass conversion improving the degradation of lignin by the

laccase-mediator system (Cañas and Camarero, 2010).

Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

These compounds may have toxic effects on microorganisms, plants and animals; and

therefore they are classified as compounds with a significant risk to human health. They

are difficult to degrade due to its low water solubility and strong lipophilic character;

furthermore they tend to accumulate and persist in the environment (Ding et al., 2008).

Degradation of anthracene, dibenzothiophene, fluoranthene, chrysene, pyrene,

phenanthrene, benz(a)anthracene, perylene, acenaphthene, naphthalene, fluorene and

acenaphthylene has been conducted using Lentinus trigrinus, B. adusta, I. lacteus, P.

chrysosporium, T. versicolor, as well as a consortium of several WRF. Evenmore, the

enzymes (MnP, LiP and Lac) were also used for this purpose (Johannes et al., 1998; Eibes

et al., 2005; Valentin et al., 2006; Valentin et al., 2007; Ding et al., 2008; Mohammadi and

Nasernejad, 2009; Chen et al., 2010). On the other hand, the use of the laccase-mediator

system using natural mediators has shown the transformation and detoxification of

aromatic compounds (Cañas and Camarero, 2010).

Degradation of chlorinated and phenolic compounds

These compounds are among the most abundant recalcitrant waste produced by the

pulping and paper industry with a generation of a high biological oxygen demand (BOD), a

highly toxicity and a persistent colour (Rubilar et al., 2008). There are studies of the

degradation of compounds such as pentachlorophenol (PCP) (Rubilar et al., 2007),

hexacychlorohexane (Quintero et al., 2007), phenolic resins (Gusse et al. 2006). In a recent

work performed by Xiao et al. (2011), high degradation percentages of two organochlorine

pesticides (dieldrin and aldrin) were achieved by several fungal species of the genus


Chapter 1


Removal of dyes

Dyes are widely used in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and textil industries, generating

a large amount of highly coloured effluents. This colouration affects the penetration of

sunlight, slowing the photosynthesis with a consequently inhibition of aquatic biota

growth and interfering with the solubility of gas in the water. In addition, many of these

dyes are toxic and may be carcinogenic (Rodriguez-Couto, 2009). Sewage treatment is

unable to remove dyes completely (Chander and Arora, 2007) and therefore, an

alternative to physicochemical and some biological treatments for the degradation of dyes

present in textile effluents might be the use of WRF and their LMEs. Several in vitro

studies have been conducted to analyze the degradation of dyes, for example using MnP

enzyme produced by Bjerkandera sp. BOS55 (Lopez et al. 2004), LiP and MnP produced by

P. chrysosporium (Moldes et al., 2003; Yu et al., 2006), Lac (Camarero et al., 2005; Mishra

et al., 2011; Rodríguez-Couto, 2011). In vivo studies to perform the degradation of Orange

G and the remazol brilliant blue R dye (RBBR) with 30 fungal strains reported the best

results with B. adusta, P. chrysosporium and P. ostreatus (Eichlerová et al., 2007). Other

studies confirm the potential of Grammothele subargentea, P. chrysosporium and T.

versicolor (LPSC strain 436) to degrade dyes in cultures with immobilized and free mycelia,

as well as in solid-state fermentation (SSF) (Boehmer et al., 2006; Chander and Arora,

2007; Saparrat et al., 2008).

Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and reduction of their estrogenic


EDCs are a group of compounds defined as any substance or mixture of exogenous

substances that cause alteration of the functions of the endocrine system and

consequently cause adverse health effects of an organism (Esplugas et al., 2007). The

presence of EDCs in industrial and STPs effluents are of great interest because they are

classified as recalcitrant compounds that may have negative effects on living organisms

since they are able to regulate the estrogenic activity (Tsutsumi et al., 2001). These

compounds are not easily removed by conventional activated sludge process due to its

resistance to biodegradation and several physicochemical treatments (ozonation,

photocatalytic degradation and adsorption with activated carbon) (Sei et al., 2008). In the

recent years removal of compounds with estrogenic activity such as estrone and genistein

(Tamagawa et al., 2005 and 2006a), bisphenol A (Hirano et al., 2000, Tsutsumi et al. 2001;

Soo-min et al., 2005), nonylphenol (Tsutsumi et al., 2001; Soares et al., 2005; Soares et al.,

2006) 4-tert-octylphenol (Tamagawa et al., 2006b) have been performed using WRF and

their enzymes with satisfactory results.

General introduction


Degradation of pharmaceutical compounds

One of the latest applications of ligninolytic fungi and their enzymes is the degradation of

pharmaceutical compounds. Removal of several compounds such as DCF, IBP, NPX and

CBZ has been performed during in vivo assays by several strains of WRF (Ganoderma

lucidum, Phanerochaete sordida, T. versicolor, I. lacteus, P. chrysosporium,) achieving

satisfactory degradations (Marco-Urrea et al., 2009; Marco-Urrea et al., 2010a; Rodríguez-

Rodríguez et al., 2010a, 2010b; Hata et al., 2010a). Also, the use of LiP, MnP, VP and the

so-called Laccase-mediator system has been studied for the degradation of several

pharmaceuticals (Zhang et al., 2008; Hata et al., 2010b; Lloret et al., 2010; Marco-Urrea et

al., 2010b; Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al., 2010a; Zhang and Geiβen, 2010; Eibes et al., 2011).

1.3. Objectives

The general objective of this thesis is the evaluation of the potential ability of three white-

rot fungi (WFR) (an anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, Bjerkandera adusta and

Phanerochaete chrysosporium) for the removal of eight pharmaceutical compounds

belonging to several therapeutic groups: anti-depressants (citalopram and fluoxetine),

antibiotic (sulfamethoxazole), anti-inflammatories (diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen),

antiepileptics (carbamazepine) and tranquilizers (diazepam).

The specific objectives to achieve this general goal are described below:

i) Determination of the possible inhibitory effect of pharmaceuticals and their

mixtures on the growth of the three WRF in plates.

ii) Comparison of different cultivation techniques (static, free pellets and immobilized

fungus) to determine the optimal conditions that favour the degradation of

pharmaceuticals and also avoid any possible adsorption onto the biomass or

immobilization support.

iii) Determination of the hydraulic residence time (HRT) required for the removal of

these compounds by WRF during batch (24 h time-course) and fed-batch

degradation experiments.

iv) Scale-up of the process to a stirred tank reactor (STR) of 0.75 L operated in batch

to evaluate if the selected WRF (the fungal strain which presents the highest

removal rates) is able to maintain the removal efficiency under these conditions.

v) Study of the degradation of the considered pharmaceuticals in STRs (2 L) using two

different aeration conditions (continuous air flow and oxygen pulses) in a fed-

batch reactor with pellets of the selected WRF. In addition, an operation of a STR

Chapter 1


from fed-batch to continuous will be conducted to determine if the fungus is able

to maintain degradation of the target compounds.

vi) A fixed-bed reactor (FBR) with immobilized fungus in polyurethane foam will be

operated for the removal of the selected pharmaceuticals, evaluating the influence

of gas supply as a continuous air flow or as oxygen pulses. Moreover, a STR with

immobilized fungus will be operated to analyze if it is possible to maintain the

process efficiency and stability.

vii) The GC-MS chromatograms of the different experiments will be analyzed in order

to find the major metabolites of the three anti-inflammatory drugs (DCF, IBP and



Chapter 2

Materials and methods


In this chapter the materials and methods required in the development of this doctoral

thesis are described. Three white-rot fungi were used and their culture media and

incubation conditions specified. Different culture techniques for the inoculums, static,

pellet and immobilized cultures are detailed. A list of the pharmaceutical compounds

evaluated are presented with comprehensive information about the methodology and

operational conditions used for their determination and quantification, such as High

Performance Liquid Chromatography with a Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD) and Gas

Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. In addition, the methodology to

evaluate the adsorption of the target compounds on the fungal biomass is included.

Furthermore, this chapter includes the description of the configuration of the bioreactors

applied for the removal of the target compounds: stirred tank reactors (STRs) and fixed-

bed reactors, including the formulation of the feed media and the selection of the

operational conditions. Under certain bioreactor configurations, a pulsing device was used

for the supply of oxygen pulses. The hydraulics behaviour of the bioreactors was

determined by means of residence time distribution (RTD) experiments. Finally, several

analytical techniques such as pH, reducing sugars, total organic carbon (TOC), total

nitrogen content (NT), enzymatic activity of manganese and versatile peroxidases,

peroxide concentration, biomass concentration and morphology and size of pellets by

stereomicroscopy are described at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 2



2.1. Microorganisms 65

2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals 65

2.3. Culture conditions 66

2.3.1. Pre-inoculum 66

2.3.2. Static cultures 66

2.3.3. Pellets and immobilized cultures 66

2.3.4. Preparation of the pre-inoculum for the stirred tank reactors

(STRs) and fixed-bed reactors (FBRs)


2.3.5. Mycelium growth inhibition at different pharmaceuticals



2.4. Bioreactors configuration 67

2.4.1. Stirred tank reactor (0.75 L) 67

2.4.2. Stirred tank reactor (2 L) 68

2.4.3. Fixed-bed reactors (0.167 L) 69

2.4.4. Hydraulics of the bioreactors: pulsing device and determination

of the Residence Time Distribution (RTD)


2.5. Identification of pharmaceutical compounds 71

2.5.1. Extraction of pharmaceutical compounds 71

2.5.2. Quantification of the adsorption extent of pharmaceuticals on

fungal biomass


2.5.3. High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array

Detector (HPLC-DAD) analysis


2.5.4. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis 73

2.6. Analytical techniques 78

2.6.1. Reducing sugars 78

2.6.2. Total organic carbon concentration 78

2.6.3. Total soluble nitrogen content 78

2.6.4. pH determination 78

2.6.5. Peroxide concentration 78

2.6.6. Biomass concentration 78

2.6.7. Microscope 79

2.6.8. Determination of enzymatic activities 79

Materials and methods


2.1 Microorganisms

In this study three fungal strains were considered: an anamorph species of Bjerkandera,

Bjerkandera adusta (ATTC 90940) and Phanerochaete chrysosporium (ATTC 24725). The

former was isolated in South Chile and provided by the Laboratory of Environmental

Biotechnology of Universidad de la Frontera (Temuco, Chile), being previously classified as

Anthracophyllum discolor. It comprehensive characterization indicated that this strain was

an anamorph of Bjerkandera, being then classified as Bjerkandera sp. R1 (Taboada-Puig et

al., 2010). The other species were obtained from the culture collection of the University of

Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The strains were grown in maintenance slants with yeast

extract agar at 30°C for 7 days and then transferred to plates with malt extract agar and

incubated at 30°C for 5 -7 days before the start of the experiments. In Table 2-1 the

compositions of the media used are shown.

Table 2-1 Chemical formulation of slants and malt extract agar

Maintenance slants Malt extract agar

Composition (g/L) Composition (g/L)

Glucose 20 Glucose 10 Agar 15 Agar 15 Peptone 5 Malt extract 3.5 Yeast extract 2 KH2PO4 1 MgSO4·5H2O 0.5

2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals

The pharmaceuticals used in this work were antidepressants: citalopram (CTL) and

fluoxetine (FLX); antibiotics: sulfamethoxazole (SMX); anti-inflammatories: diclofenac

(DCF), ibuprofen (IBP) and naproxen (NPX); antiepileptic: carbamazepine (CBZ), all of them

purchased from Sigma-Aldrich as pure grade. Another pharmaceutical compound used

was a tranquilizer: diazepam (DZP) from Roche Pharma, (pure grade). A range of solvents

were used for the extractions and for the preparation of the pharmaceutical mixtures:

acetone (J.T. Baker, 99.5%), ethyl acetate (J.T. Baker, 99.5%), acetonitrile (J.T. Baker,

99.8%), methanol (J.T. Baker, HPLC grade, 99.8% and Panreac, 99.5%) and n-hexane (J.T.

Baker, 95%).

Chapter 2


2.3. Culture conditions

2.3.1. Pre-inoculum

The pre-inoculum for all the cultures was obtained from static submerged cultures using

Fernsbach flasks (1 L) with 100 mL of modified Kirk medium (Tien and Kirk, 1988) and 6-8

plugs of malt extract agar with active fungus. In Table 2.2 the composition of the medium

used is shown.

Table 2-2 Composition of modified Kirk medium

Composition (g/L) *Formulation of the trace element solution


Glucose 10 MgSO4 3 Ammonium tartratea 0.2 MnSO4 0.5 Peptoneb 5 NaCl 1 KH2PO4 2 FeSO4·7H2O 0.1 MgSO4·H2O 0.5 CoCl2 0.1 CaCl2 0.1 ZnSO4·7H2O 0.1 Sodium acetate 3.3 CuSO4 0.1 Tween 80 (10%)c 5 mL H3BO3 0.01 Trace elements* 10 mL Na2MoO4·2H2O 0.01 AlK(SO4)2·12H2O 0.01 Nitrilotriacetate 1.5

a Only for P. chrysosporium cultures;

b Only for the Bjerkandera cultures;

c Only

for agitated cultures to improve pellet formation.

2.3.2. Static cultures

Static cultures were performed in Erlenmeyer flasks (100 mL) containing 15 mL of

modified Kirk medium. Each flask was inoculated with three plugs (6 mm) of malt extract

agar with active fungus and statically incubated at 30°C during different incubation times.

2.3.3. Pellets and immobilized cultures

The grown mycelium from the Fernsbach flasks was used as inoculum for Erlenmeyer

flasks (250 mL) containing 90 mL of modified Kirk culture medium and then were

inoculated with 9 mL of homogenized mycelium. The immobilization support consisted of

polyurethane foam cubes (volume, 0.5 cm3; density, 20 kg/m3; superficial area, 414±10

m2/m3) obtained from Copo Ibérica (Vigo, Spain) (Moreira et al., 1997a). Before use, the

support was washed with methanol and rinsed three times with distilled water, and then

it was sterilized in autoclave and dried at room temperature. The support/liquid volume

ratio used was 0.015 g/mL. The flasks were filled with 90 mL of modified Kirk culture

medium and the support (1.35 g) and then inoculated with 9 mL of homogenized

Materials and methods


mycelium. The flasks were incubated at 30°C and agitated at 150 rpm in an orbital shaker

(C24 Incubator Shaker, New Brunswick Scientific, USA) during 3-5 days until the formation

of pellets or the immobilization of the fungus was evident.

2.3.4. Preparation of the pre-inoculum for the stirred tank reactors (STRs) and the fixed-

bed reactors (FBRs)

Flasks with pellets were withdrawn by filtration using sterile gauze and used as inoculum

for the STRs. The pre-inoculum used for the bioreactors is depending on the volume of the

vessel. Accordingly, pellets from 3 flasks were transferred to the STR of 0.75 L; while 5

flasks were used for the STR of 2 L. Moreover, in the case of the fixed-bed reactors, 3

flasks with immobilized fungus were transferred to the reactor.

2.3.5. Mycelium growth inhibition at different pharmaceuticals concentrations

According to the protocol defined by Soo-Min et al. (2005), a plug of agar with active

fungus was inoculated on malt extract agar plates, which contained mixtures of several

pharmaceutical compounds at different concentrations. Besides, fungal plates with no

pharmaceuticals were used as controls. The plates were incubated at 30°C for 6 days, and

the hyphal extension of each fungus was measured daily from the center of the colony to

the edge of the plate, considering that the maximal growth corresponded to a hyphal

extension of 4 cm, covering the whole surface of the plate. The inhibition is negative if the

fungus was able to grow as in the control plates while positive when the fungus showed

slow or negligible growth.

2.4. Bioreactors configuration

2.4.1. Stirred tank reactor (0.75 L)

A stirred tank reactor (STR) from Biostat Q multiple fermenter (B. Braun Biotech

International, Melsungen, Germany) was used to carry out the pharmaceuticals

degradation experiments (Figure 2-1a). The fermenter consisted of four autoclavable

vessels (0.75 L) with magnetic stirring. All the vessels were connected to a supply unit

which comprised gas supply system (air) and a thermostat unit with a 1 kW heater and a

circulation-pump supplies heated water (max. 60°C) and a cooling water supply for

temperature control (from 20°C up to 50°C) by circulating thermostated water through

the jacket of each vessel.

The aeration flow was measured by four rotameters with a central pressure

reducer. Also, each vessel had two auxiliary pumps connected to the control module for

pH control, when necessary. As shown in Figure 2-1b the culture vessels have an upper

Chapter 2


stainless steel lid with three addition ports (for connection to acid, alkaline agent and feed

supply), one rising pipe for sample withdrawal and two adapters for connection of pH

and/or dissolved oxygen (PO2) electrodes. On-line pH data was processed by software

MFCS/DA 3.0 (Module operator service program, Sartorius Systems, Germany); while

dissolved oxygen concentration was measured off-line by means of an electrode (Oxi 340i

from Wissenschaftlich Technische Werk, Germany). The operating conditions of this

bioreactor will be described in detail in chapter 3.

1 24



0 m


110 mm





a b

Figure 2-1 Stirred tank reactors (STRs) from a Biostat Q multiple fermenter connected to a control module (a) and main characteristics of each vessel (b).

Symbols: (1) sample point; (2) aeration/oxygenation point; (3) PO2 sensor; (4) pH electrode; (5) magnetic stirre; (6) thermostated water.

2.4.2. Stirred tank reactor (2 L)

Degradation experiments were performed in a 2-L fermenter Biostat B plus (Sartorius,

Melsungen, Germany) (Figure 2-2a). The culture vessel consisted of a jacketed glass vessel

designed for temperature control via a thermostated system. The configuration includes a

stirrer drive and gas supply system. In Figure 2-2b the main characteristics of the culture

vessel used are shown. The upper lid of the vessels includes ports for sampling, for

connection to acid, alkaline and substrate solutions, for sample withdrawal and for

electrodes. Dissolved oxygen concentration and pH were continuously monitored by pO2

and pH electrodes and data were processed by software MFCS/DA 3.0 (Module operator

service program, Sartorius Systems, Germany). The operating conditions of this bioreactor

will be described in chapter 4.

Materials and methods


1. Sample point2. Aeration/oxigenation point3. Feed pipe4. Acid pipe5. Stirrer6. PO2 sensor7. Temperature sensor8. pH electrode9. Thermostated water

1 63





47 8



230 mm


a b

Figure 2-2. Stirred tank reactor (STR) from a Biostat B plus fermenter (a) and main characteristics of the vessel (b). Symbols: (1) sample point; (2) aeration/oxygenation point; (3) feeding pipe;

(4) acid pipe; (5) stirrer; (6) PO2 sensor; (7) temperature sensor; (8) pH electrode; (9) thermostated water.

2.4.3. Fixed-bed reactors (0.167 L)

The bioreactor consisted of a glass column with an internal diameter of 4.5 cm and a

height of 20 cm. The bioreactor was designed with a jacket to control the temperature via

circulation of thermostated water. Figure 2-3a shows the configuration of fixed-bed

reactor (FBR) and Figure 2-3b shows the characteristics of the columns. The

immobilization support consisted of polyurethane foam inoculated as described

previously. The feeding was added through the bottom of the column and samples were

withdrawn from the medium and upper port. Two aeration conditions were used:

continuous air flow and oxygen pulses. The operating conditions of this type of

bioreactors will be described in chapter 5.

2.4.4. Hydraulics of the bioreactors

Pulsing device

An electrovalve located at the end of a flexible membrane tube (FMT) controlled by a

cyclic timer was used to inject oxygen with a pulsing flow (Figure 2-4) (Roca et al., 1994).

The pulsing frequency is defined as the inverse of the sum of the opening and shutting

times of the electrovalve (Moreira et al., 1996).

Chapter 2




41. Feeding2. Diffussing glass beads3. Air/oxygen supply port4. Polyurethane foam support5. Reactor sampling6. Filter6. Pulsing device7. Effluent sampling





a b

Figure 2-3. Immobilized bioreactor (0.167 L) (a) and main characteristics of the bioreactor (b). Symbols: (1) feeding port; (2) glass spheres; (3) air/oxygen supply port; (4) polyurethane foam

support; (5) reactor sampling port; (6) filter; (7) effluent sampling port.

Different shutting times of the electrovalve were assayed (between 15 and 60 min)

to maintain the maximum concentration of dissolved oxygen during the degradation

assays performed in the 2-L STR and the FBR; therefore, the pulsing frequency used was

maintained in a range between 0.0163 min-1 and 0.0625 min-1.







Figure 2-4 Pulsing device. (1) oxygen supply; (2) manometer; (3) flexible membrane tube (FMT); (4) electrovalve; (5) cyclic timer; (6) filter; (7) bioreactor input stream

Materials and methods


Determination of the Residence Time Distribution (RTD)

The determination of the RTD curves by stimulus-response experiments was carried out to

characterize the hydraulics of the bioreactors. An aliquot of 1 mL of lithium chloride (LiCl,

77 g/L) was injected as a tracer and samples were taken every hour during three residence

hydraulic times. Then, the concentration of Li was determined by ionic chromatography in

a chromatograph 861 Advanced Compact IC using a Metrosep column C3 (Metrohm). The

mobile phase was nitric acid (3.5 mM). The limits of detection were in the range of 0.05–5

mg/L. The experimental data obtained were adjusted to the tank-in-series model to

determine the hydraulics of the bioreactors (Levenspiel, 1999). Using the RTD calculated,

the number of tanks connected in series (N) can be determined; this expression

represents the number of tanks necessary to model the reactor as N ideal tanks in series.

If N is small, the characteristics of the reactor will be similar that those from a complete

stirred tank reactor (CSTR); while if N is higher, the reactor will have a behavior similar to a

plug flow reactor (Fogler, 2006).

2.5 Identification of pharmaceutical compounds

Eight different pharmaceuticals were used in this doctoral thesis: CTL, FLX, SMX, DCF, IBP,

NPX, CBZ and DZP. Depending on the available methods to determine the compounds

while avoiding interferences between them, three different concentrated mixtures (2000

mg/L each) of pharmaceutical compounds were used (Table 2-3).

Table 2-3. Stock solutions of the pharmaceutical compounds (2000 mg/L)

Mixtures of compounds Solvent Determination method

CTL, FLX and SMX Acetone HPLC

DCF, IBP and NPX Methanol GCMS

GCMS CBZ and DZP Acetone

2.5.1. Extraction of pharmaceutical compounds

Before sampling, acetonitrile was added (1:1) for the extraction of the pharmaceutical

compounds. The flasks were sealed with Teflon and agitated for 2 h at 180 rpm in a shaker

(Ika Labortechnik, HS 501 Digital, Germany). From the supernatant of each flask, samples

were withdrawn according to a protocol specific for each analysis.

2.5.2. Quantification of the adsorption extent of pharmaceuticals on fungal biomass

At the end of the operation of the STR, a final extraction was carried out to determine the

concentration of pharmaceuticals that could be adsorbed on the biomass. For this

purpose, the biomass was taken and blended in order to homogenize the sample. Then,

Chapter 2


50 mL of this blended mycelium was placed in an Erlenmeyer flask and 50 mL of

acetonitrile were added. The samples were agitated for 2 h at 150 rpm. With the FBR, the

immobilized fungus from the column was divided in three parts: the upper, the medium

and the bottom of the column. With the upper and bottom parts, an extraction with

acetonitrile (1:1) as previously described was carried out in order to determine the

residual concentration; meanwhile with the medium part the measurement of the

biomass content was conducted. After the agitation of the samples with acetonitrile,

samples were analyzed for the determination of the residual concentration of

pharmaceuticals by HPLC-DAD and GC-MS.

2.5.3. High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD)


Residual concentrations of CTL, FLX and SMX were measured by High Performance Liquid

Chromatography - Diode Array Detection (HPLC-DAD). After extraction with acetonitrile, 2

mL were taken from each flask and centrifuged in an Eppendorf centrifuge for 15 min at

7000 rpm (Alresa, mod Digicen, Spain). Thereafter, 1 mL was withdrawn from the

supernatant to determine the concentration of the selected compounds in a HPLC-DAD by

using a Lichrosphere column (100 RP-18 5 µ Lichrocart 250-4, Merck). In Table 2-4 the

operation conditions of HPLC are shown.

Table 2.4 Operational conditions of HPLC-DAD


Eluent Acetonitrile : Buffer phosphate (50 mM, pH 2.2)

Elution conditions 40:60

Flow (mL/min) 0.6

Time (min) ~ 12 ~ 25 ~ 5

Wavelength (nm) 275 226 205

Volume (μL) 250

Detection limit (0.1 mg/mL); Retention time (30 min)

The spectrum of each of the three pharmaceutical compounds analyzed by HPLC-

DAD as the chromatogram obtained after the analysis of the standard solution is shown in

Figures 2-5 and 2-6, respectively.

Materials and methods


nm220 240 260 280 300 320










nm220 240 260 280 300 320











nm220 240 260 280 300 320








min5 10 15 20 25 30













Figure 2-5. HPLC-DAD spectrum of CTL, FLX and SMX (a) and HPLC-DAD chromatogram corresponding to the stock solution of CTL, FLX and SMX (b).

2.5.4. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis

Residual concentrations of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP were measured by Gas

Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) (Saturn 2100T, Varian, USA). After agitation

with acetonitrile, 10 mL from each flask were placed in glass tubes sealed with Teflon and

agitated in a shaker at 180 rpm for 2 h (Ika Labortechnik, HS 501 Digital, Germany). From

the supernatant of each sample, a volume of 10 mL was withdrawn and placed in glass

tubes sealed with Teflon and centrifuged at 7000 rpm for 15 min. An aliquot of 4 mL was

taken from each tube, diluted in 100 mL water and then a Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) was

carried out with 60 mg OASIS HLB cartridges (Waters closet, Milford, MA, USA) previously

supplemented with 3 mL of ethyl acetate, 3 mL of methanol and 3 mL of distilled water

adjusted to pH 2 by hydrochloric acid (1 M) (Figure 2-6).

The cartridges were then dried with a nitrogen stream for 45 min and eluted with 3

mL of ethyl acetate. To determine the soluble fraction of DCF, IBP and NPX by GC-MS an

aliquot of 0.8 mL of the extract was taken and 200 µL of MTBSTFA (N-Methyl-N-(tert.-

butyldimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide) was added for the derivatization of the anti-

inflammatory species.

Chapter 2


Figure 2-6. Solid phase extraction (SPE) before the GC-MS analysis

The second fraction of the extracted was used for the determination of the

concentration of neutral compounds (CBZ and DZP) where an aliquot of 1 mL was

withdrawn, supplemented with 10 µL of the internal standard PCB 30 (2,4,6-

trichlorophenyl) and thereafter, the samples were analyzed. Table 2-5 shows the GC-MS

operational conditions and the detection/quantification limits for each compound

(Reddersen and Heberer, 2003; Rodríguez et al., 2003; Reif et al., 2008).

Table 2-5 Operational conditions for the determination of pharmaceuticals by GCMS

Chromatographic parameters Acid compounds Neutral compounds

Split-splitless injector

Splitless time 1 min 1 min

Injection temperature 280°C 250°C

Gas flow (He) 1 mL/min 1 mL/min

Pressure pulse No 30 PSI (1 min)

Injector (time/volume) 1 µL 1 µL

Solvent Ethyl acetate Ethyl acetate

Temperature program

Initial temperature 50°C 60°C

Initial time 1 min 2 min

1st ramp 10°C/min 10°C/min

Temperature 1 180°C 250°C

Time 1 7 min 0 min

Materials and methods


Table 2-5 (continued). Operational conditions for the determination of pharmaceuticals by GCMS

Chromatographic parameters Acid compounds Neutral compounds

2nd ramp 10°C/min 20°C/min

Temperature 2 230°C 280°C

Time 2 25 min 9.5 min

3rd ramp - 20°C/min

Temperature 3 - 250°C

Time 3 - 5 min

Mass spectrophotometry

Ionization mode Electronic impact Electronic impact

Filament current 10 µA 20 µA

Ion ramp temperature 220°C 220°C

Transference line temperature 280°C 280°C

Voltage 1700-1750 V 1700-1750 V

Scan velocity 1 s/scan 0.76 s/scan

Mass spectrum 100-330 m/z

(10-25 min)

140-420 m/z

(25-57 min)

45-400 m/z

Quantification ion (m/z) DCF (352+354+356)

IBP (263)

NPX (287)

CBZ (193+236)

DZP (256+283)


Detection limit (mg/L) DCF (0.1)

IBP and NPX (0.025)

CBZ (0.4)

DZP (0.2)

Quantification limit (mg/L) DCF (0.3)

IBP and NPX (0.075)

CBZ (1.2)

DZP (0.6)

The chromatograms for each of the analyzed compounds (acid and neutral) are

shown in Figure 2-7. The mass spectrum of acid (DCF, IBP, NPX) and neutral (CBZ and DZP)

compounds can be observed in Figure 2-8.

Chapter 2












Figure 2-7. GC-MS chromatograms of acid (A) and neutral compounds (B).

Materials and methods







Figure 2-8 Mass spectrum of the pharmaceutical compounds analyzed

Chapter 2


2.6. Analytical techniques

2.6.1. Reducing sugars

The concentration of glucose was analyzed with the dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method

using D-glucose as a standard. An aliquot of 0.5 mL was withdrawn from the sample and

placed in a glass tube, then 0.5 mL of DNS was added. The glass tubes were heated in

water bath for 5 min. After a rapid cooling with cold water, 5 mL of distilled water were

added to each tube. The optical density was measured at 540 nm and a calibration curve

was used for the determination of the glucose concentration (Miller, 1959).

2.6.2. Total organic carbon concentration

Total organic carbon (TOC) concentration was measured in a Shimadzu analyzer (TOC

5000) provided with a NDIR detector for the evaluation of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced

during the combustion of the sample at 680°C in presence of platinum as catalyst.

2.6.3. Total soluble nitrogen content

The concentration of total nitrogen (NT) was determined using a Dohrmann nitrogen

analyzer at 850°C with vanadium trichloride (VCl3) as catalyst. The standard solution based

in potassium nitrate in a concentration range of 0–20 mg/L. All the chemical compounds

were purchased by Sigma-Aldrich.

2.6.4. pH determination

The pH value was measured using a electrode connected to a pH meter GLP 21 from

CRISON (Barcelona, Spain). Before the measurement, a calibration of the electrode was

carried out at room temperature using two buffer dissolutions at pH 4 and 7.

2.6.5. Peroxide concentration

Peroxide concentration was measured by a colorimetric method with Peroxide-Test strips

(0.5-25 mg of H2O2 per liter) purchased from Merckoquant (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).

2.6.6. Biomass determination

Biomass concentration was determined as dry weight with 0.45 µm pore-size filters

previously dried until constant weight. The samples were filtered by vacuum and the

filters were placed into an oven at 105°C for 2 h. The difference between the weight of the

filter before and after drying determines the biomass concentration.

Materials and methods


2.6.7. Microscope

Samples of approximately 10 mL were taken every 2-3 days from the bioreactor and then

an aliquot was placed in a Petri plate in order to measure the diameter of the pellets. The

morphology and size of the pellets were measured by using image analysis with a

stereomicroscope (Stemi 2000-C, Zeiss, Germany) with a digital camera (Coolsnap, Roper

Scientific Photometrics, Germany). The images obtained were analyzed with the Image

Pro Plus software (Media Cybernetics, Inc, USA).

2.6.8. Determination of enzymatic activities

All enzyme activities were determined spectrophotometrically (Shimadzu UV-1603) at

30°C. Enzymatic activity of MnP and VP was measured by the oxidation of

dimethoxyphenol (DMP) at 468 nm as described by Field et al. (1992). The reaction

mixture contained 200 µL of sodium malonate at pH 4.5 (250mM), 50 µL of DMP (20 mM),

550 µL of distilled water, 50 µL of MnSO4·H2O (20 mM), 50 µL of sample to analyze and

100 µL of H2O2 (4 mM). LiP activity was measured by oxidation of veratryl alcohol to

veratraldehyde in presence of H2O2 at 310 nm of wavelength as described by Tien and

Kirk, 1988. The reaction mixtures contained 2 mM of veratryl alcohol, 0.4 mM of H2O2 and

50 mM of tartaric acid. Laccase activity was determined by measuring the oxidation of

5mM ABTS (2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) at 436nm in 100mM

sodium acetate buffer, pH 5 (ε436 = 29,300M−1 cm−1) (Muñoz et al., 1997). All the

enzymatic activities were expressed as international units (U), defined as the amount of

enzyme per 1 µmol substrate/min.


Chapter 3

Removal of pharmaceutical compounds by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments

(static, free pellets and immobilized cultures)*


The removal of eight pharmaceuticals (CTL, FLX, SMX, DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP) was

performed by three fungal strains (an anamorph strain of Bjerkandera sp. R1, Bjerkandera

adusta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium). To evaluate the feasibility of pharmaceuticals

degradation, the toxicity of these compounds on fungal growth was assessed. Once the

threshold concentrations of the different compounds were determined, batch

experiments using static, free pellets and immobilized cultures were carried out.

Thereafter, a constrained set of pharmaceuticals and two fungal strains (the anamorph of

Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P. chrysosporium) were selected for further experiments in batch

stirred tank reactors (STRs). Finally, a fed-batch assay with three compounds: DCF, IBP and

NPX, was carried out with the objective of establishing the approximate time required for

their degradation and the hydraulic residence time (HRT) to perform future experiments

in continuous reactors. All the fungi were able to grow at pharmaceuticals concentrations

below 2 mg/L. All the strains removed DCF, IBP and NPX under the different types of

culture. The time-course degradation curve showed that the anamorph fungus totally

removed IBP in less than 4 h, while DCF and NPX were eliminated up to 85% after 24 h.

Moreover, this fungal strain attained to degrade the three compounds, even when daily

pulses were added. Concerning to recalcitrant compounds such as CBZ and DZP, the

former was totally removed in static and free pellets cultures, whereas partial

degradations were observed in immobilized cultures (28%) and in the STR (55%); for the

Chapter 3


latter, only partial removals up to 57% were observed during all the assays. The results

obtained will be useful for future experiments in bioreactors operating as fed-batch and

continuous, to investigate if the fungi are able to degrade these drugs and also to study

the effect of the nutrients addition on degradation of pollutants.

* Part of this chapter has been published as:

Rodarte-Morales AI, Moreira MT, Feijoo G, Lema JM. (2010). Evaluation of two fungal strains for

the degradation of pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs). Chemical Engineering

Transactions 20:31-36 (Eds. Bardone E, Viglia A) ISBN 978-88-95608; ISSN 1974-9791.

Rodarte-Morales AI, Feijoo G, Moreira MT, Lema JM. (2011). Degradation of selected

pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) by white-rot fungi. World Journal of

Microbiology and Biotechnology 27:1839-1846.

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments



3.1. Introduction 84

3.2. Materials and methods 85

3.2.1. Microorganisms 85

3.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals 85

3.2.3. Mycelium growth inhibition at different pharmaceuticals



3.2.4. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in batch experiments

(static, pellets and immobilized cultures)


3.2.5. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in a stirred tank reactor 86

3.2.6. Extraction of pharmaceuticals and determination of residual



3.2.7. Adsorption of pharmaceuticals in the different fungal cultures 87

3.2.8. Time-course degradation of anti-inflammatory drugs by pellets of

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1


3.2.9. Degradation of anti-inflammatory drugs by pellets of the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 in a fed-batch experiment


3.2.10. Analytical techniques 87

3.3. Results 87

3.3.1. Mycelium growth inhibition by different pharmaceuticals



3.3.2. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in static cultures 88

3.3.3. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in free pellets cultures 92

3.3.4. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in immobilized cultures 95

3.3.5. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in a stirred tank reactor 98

3.3.6. Time-course degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX by pellets of the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1


3.3.7. Fed-batch assay for the degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX by

pellets of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1


3.4. Discussion 108

3.5. Conclusions 114

Chapter 3


3.1. Introduction

The use of ligninolytic fungi for removal of recalcitrant compounds has generated interest

due to their high oxidative potential associated to the secretion of oxidative enzymes

(Field et al. 1992; Wesenberg et al., 2003; Ikehata et al. 2006; Ding et al., 2008). In recent

years, several studies have been published related to the removal of pharmaceutical

compounds by white-rot fungi (WRF) and their ligninolytic enzymes (Marco-Urrea et al.,

2009; Hata et al., 2010a; Lloret et al. 2010; Marco-Urrea et al., 2010a; Rodríguez-

Rodríguez et al., 2010b; Zhang and Geiβen, 2010). There are several environmental factors

that may affect or promote the production of enzymes such as formulation of the culture

medium, culture method, agitation, air or oxygen supply, among others (Moreira et al.,

1998, Xiong et al., 2007). Therefore, the physiology and morphology of the fungus are

factors of major importance, which will depend on the incubation conditions used.

This type of microorganisms typically grow as a biofilm in static cultures, as pellets

in shaken flasks or immobilized over a wide range of supports (Moreira et al. 1997a;

Rogalski et al., 2006; Xiong et al., 2008, Huang et al., 2010). The fungal biofilm is formed in

those cultures with no agitation, where agar plugs with active fungus are used as inoculum

and the fungus tends to grow forming a biofilm on the surface of the liquid medium or the

solid support. Fernsbach flasks are typically used for this type of culture as they provide a

large surface area that favors passive aeration for fungus to grow. Potential disadvantages

of this type of culture are related to the fact that lag phase of microbial growth may be

longer and consumption of nutrients slower. Some reports indicate that agitation and/or

aeration favor the ligninolytic system of these microorganisms (Rogalski et al., 2006).

Pellet formation is considered as a natural immobilization process of the fungal

mycelium which occurs by aggregation of free spores to spore clusters with the

subsequent germination and formation of small aggregates surrounded by a loose hyphal

network; then, aggregation of the primary fungal cores to the final full-size pellets. The

main disadvantages are related to the problems encountered by the fact that fungal

pellets tend to grow uncontrollably, forming hyphal branches and aggregates of pellets,

with their subsequent breakdown into fragments that may cause clogging of lines and

probes, preferential paths and increase of viscosity.

The use of porous support enables physical entrapment into the reticulated matrix

and provides a large surface area that improves oxygen and nutrient diffusion (Moreira et

al., 1998). Moreover, the fungal growth is restricted to the support, which avoids

problems derived from the aggregation of mycelia. Certain compounds to be degraded

have to assess the potential adsorption of these compounds onto the support surface,

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


which may render into limited biodegradation and the need of an extraction stage to

desorb them.

The aim of this chapter was to study the potential ability of three WRF strains: an

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, Bjerkandera adusta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium

to degrade a wide range of pharmaceutical compounds belonging to different therapeutic

groups: anti-depressants (citalopram and fluoxetine), antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole), anti-

inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen), anti-epileptics (carbamazepine)

and tranquilizers (diazepam). These compounds have been selected based on their

different physicochemical properties that influence their degradability. The experiments

were carried out in static, free pellets and immobilized cultures using the three fungal

strains selected. An additional objective of the batch assays was the quantification of the

potential adsorption of the pharmaceutical compounds onto the biomass or the

immobilization support.

The screening procedure will allow selecting those fungal strains with the highest

ability to degrade the pharmaceuticals in a batch stirred tank reactor (STR). Finally, a fed-

batch assay with three compounds: DCF, IBP and NPX, will be carried out with the

objective of determining the approximate time required for their degradation and

accordingly, the hydraulic residence time (HRT) to perform future experiments in

continuous reactors.

3.2. Materials and methods

3.2.1. Microorganisms

The white-rot fungi used in this chapter were the anamorph strain of Bjerkandera sp. R1,

Bjerkandera adusta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Different types of cultures were

considered: growth in plates, static cultures, free pellets and immobilized mycelia in

polyurethane foam. A description of each of these cultures is included in chapter 2.

3.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals

The pharmaceutical compounds used in this chapter were CTL, FLX, SMX, DCF, IBP, NPX,

CBZ and DZP in two concentrated stock solution prepared as indicated in chapter 2. The

decision of preparing two separated stocks of pharmaceutical compounds depends on the

analytical methods considered to determine its residual concentration (See chapter 2).

Chapter 3


3.2.3. Mycelium growth inhibition at different pharmaceuticals concentrations

Fungal tolerance to different concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds was studied in

agar plates according to the protocol defined in chapter 2.

3.2.4. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in batch experiments (static, pellets and

immobilized cultures)

Static, free pellets and immobilized fungi cultures were prepared individually for the three

fungal strains as described in chapter 2. Pharmaceutical compounds were added from two

mixtures to provide the desired concentration (~1 mg/L) immediately after inoculation of

the static cultures or once pellets were formed or fungus was immobilized (at day 4) in

shaken flasks. Experiments were performed in triplicate. In addition, abiotic controls were

used to verify any possible adsorption or evaporation. All the cultures were incubated for

two weeks and samples from all the assays were taken after 2 h and then after 4, 7 and 14

days to carry out the extraction and analytical determination of the compounds.

3.2.5. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in a stirred tank reactor

Batch experiments were performed in a 0.75 L stirred tank reactor (STRs) fermenters

(Figures 2-1 and 2-2 in chapter 2). Three vessels were filled with 0.7 L of modified Kirk

medium (pH 4.5) (Tien and Kirk, 1988) and a single pulse of a mixture of DCF, IBP, NPX,

CBZ and DZP (~ 1 mg/L) was added at the beginning of the assay to each vessel. One vessel

was used as an abiotic control (culture medium) meanwhile other two vessels were

inoculated with pellets previously formed corresponding to three flasks with anamorph

fungus and P. chrysosporium, respectively. Stirring was fixed at 150 rpm and the

temperature was set at 30°C throughout the assay. Samples of 10 mL were taken daily in

order to follow the profile fermentation and to estimate the residual concentration of the

pharmaceuticals. The dissolved oxygen content was measured to each withdrawn sample

with an electrode WTW Oxi 3401 (Weilheim, Germany).

3.2.6. Extraction of pharmaceuticals and determination of residual concentrations

The extraction of compounds with acetonitrile was carried out and the determination of

the residual concentrations of pharmaceuticals was carried out by HPLC-DAD or GCMS

depending on the type of compound, as described in chapter 2.

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


3.2.7. Adsorption of pharmaceuticals in the different fungal cultures

Assays were carried out to discard any possible adsorption or volatilization process of the

pharmaceutical compounds. A detailed description of the procedure applied for each type

of fungal culture is included in chapter 2.

3.2.8. Time-course degradation of anti-inflammatory drugs by pellets of anamorph of

Bjerkandera sp. R1

A time-course degradation experiment was carried out in pellet cultures as indicated in

chapter 2. Samples were withdrawn just after the addition of anti-inflammatories and

then after 2, 6, 10 and 24 h in order to follow the degradation of the three compounds

and to determine their residual concentration by GC-MS as described in chapter 2.

3.2.9. Degradation of anti-inflammatory drugs by pellets of the anamorph of

Bjerkandera sp. R1. in a fed-batch experiment

A fed-batch experiment was carried out in pellet cultures as indicated in chapter 2. Once

the pellets were formed, a daily pulse of the three anti-inflammatory compounds: DCF,

IBP and NPX was added in the period between days 4 and 9. Each day a sample was taken

to determine the residual concentration of pharmaceuticals by GC-MS.

3.2.10. Analytical techniques

A description of the analytical techniques used in this study was previously detailed in the

Materials and methods chapter.

3.3. Results

3.3.1. Mycelium growth inhibition at different pharmaceuticals concentrations

Initial experiments were performed to determine the threshold concentration of different

pharmaceutical compounds, from which the growth of the three fungi was affected and

inhibitory effects were evident. In the experiments with CTL, FLX and SMX, no significant

differences were observed between the control and experimental plates at concentrations

below 2 mg/L (Figure 3-1, left column). However, the mixture of five pharmaceuticals

(DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP) at 2 mg/L had a significant effect on the growth of the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and B. adusta (Figure 3-1, right column) which showed

slower extension. Once checked that the concentration of 1 mg/L of the considered

pharmaceuticals did not significantly affect fungal growth, the degradation experiments

were performed in flasks, considering this as the concentration to be assayed.

Chapter 3








0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Time (days)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Time (days)







0 1 2 3 4 5 6



m g


th (


)Time (days)

Control (0 mg/L) 1 mg/L 2 mg/L








0 1 2 3 4 5 6



m g


th (



Time (days)

Control (0 mg/L) 1 mg/L 2 mg/L







0 1 2 3 4 5 6



m g


th (



Time (days)

Control (0 mg/L) 1 mg/L 2 mg/L







0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Time (days)

Control (0 mg/L) 1 mg/L 2 mg/L

























Time (days) Time (days) Figure 3-1. Inhibition of the fungal growth of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (a), B. adusta (b)

and P. chrysosporium (c) at different concentrations of two pharmaceuticals mixtures. Symbols: control 0 mg/L (○), 1 mg/L (■), 2 mg/L (▲).

3.3.2. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in static cultures

The evolution of the fermentation obtained during the static experiments is shown in

Figure 3-2. The profile of B. adusta is not shown because the results were similar to those

obtained for the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, except for the VP activity which it was

similar to the MnP activity detected after 2 weeks with P. chrysosporium (~20 U/L).

Contrarily, after 11 days of static incubation, VP activities up to 900 U/L were detected for

the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1. LiP nor Laccase activities were detected in any of the

analyzed samples. Glucose consumption rate by the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1

remained constant during the first week of the experiment (0.24 g/L·d), increasing during

the second week (1.54 g/L·d). In the case of P. chrysosporium, the consumption rate was

similar to the one obtained by the anamorph (0.29 g/L·d); however, at day 5 a slight

increase in this consumption rate was observed (0.75 g/L·d). The pH values were detected

in the range of 4.5 – 5.6 and the peroxide content was in the range of 0.5 – 2.0 mg H2O2/L

for the three fungi throughout the experiment (data not shown). The content of biomass

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


was determined by dry weight and after two weeks, the biomass obtained from the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 was 2.8 g/L, for B. adusta was 2.1 g/L and finally, for P.

chrysosporium was 1.8 g/L.














0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



ic a











n (g


Time (days)

Glucose - ControlGlucose - Anamorph sp. R1 of Bjerkandera adustaGlucose - P. chrysosporium

Figure 3-2. Profile fermentation during static experiments. Symbols: glucose control (□), glucose - Bj. sp. R1 (■), VP activity - Bj. sp. R1 (▲), glucose - P. chrysosporium ( ), MnP activity - P.

chrysosporium ( ).

In Figure 3-3 the morphology of the fungal cultures after 14 days in static

incubation is shown. It can be observed that the anamorph fungus showed higher growth

when compared with the other strains. Also, another difference was that the anamorph

fungus and B. adusta presented brown mycelia, while P. chrysosporium showed white


a b c

Figure 3-3. Appearance of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (a), B. adusta (b) and P. chrysosporium (c) after 14 days of incubation in static cultures.

Chapter 3


During the degradation experiments, abiotic controls were used to detect any

possible adsorption, volatiliztion and/or photodegradation of the compounds. It is

important to note that the abiotic controls for the three fungi were the same and the

recovery percentage after 14 days is shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Recovery of pharmaceuticals from the abiotic control after 14 days in static cultures

Compound Residual

percentage (%) Compound Residual

percentage (%)

CTL 95 IBP 85

FLX 87 NPX 93

SMX 76 CBZ 96

DCF 85 DZP 69

The degradation extent of the pharmaceutical compounds, the results obtained by

the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, B. adusta and P. chrysosporium are shown in Figure

3-4. It is important to note that the three WRF were able to remove all the compounds,

except FLX and DZP, where partial eliminations were achieved. In the case of the

anamorph fungus (Figure 3-4a), compounds such as CTL, SMX and CBZ were partially

removed at day 7 (80%, 53% and 91%). Anti-inflammatory compounds such as DCF and

IBP were eliminated easily at day 4; meanwhile a high concentration of NPX was detected

at this time (57%) reaching total removal at the end of the experiment. Finally, recalcitrant

compounds such as FLX and DZP were partially removed at the end of the experiment

(46% and 57%, respectively).

Similar results were obtained by B. adusta when statically cultured (Figure 3-4b)

where FLX and DZP were partially degraded (23% and 39%, respectively) while the other

compounds were totally eliminated. Higher percentages of FLX were found at day 7 and

14 (88% and 77%, respectively). After one week of experiment, compounds such as CTL

and CBZ were partially degraded (44% and 31%, respectively); however, after 14 days a

total elimination was observed. The three anti-inflammatory drugs (DCF, IBP and NPX) and

the antibiotic (SMX) were removed even after 7 days (up to 88%), achieving a total

elimination at the end of the experiment.

The results obtained with the fungus P. chrysosporium (Figure 3-4c) indicate that

this fungus was not able to remove totally FLX and DZP, since only partial eliminations

were reached (21% for the former and 52% for the latter compound). Anti-inflammatory

drugs were highly degraded at day 4 (70% up to 97%). On the contrary, although a total

degradation of CTL, SMX and CBZ was achieved at the end of the experiment, more than

75% of the initial concentration of these compounds was detected at day 7.

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments













al p



ge (%


Phanerochaete chrysosporium in static culturesControl (day 0) Control (day 7) Control (day 14) P. chrysosporium (day 7) P. chrysosporium (day 14)













al p



ge (


Bjerkandera adusta in static culturesControl (day 0) Control (day 7) Control (day 14) B. adusta (day 7) B. adusta (day 14)












al p



ge (%


Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 in static culturesControl (day 0) Control (day 7) Control (day 14)


Figure 3-4. Degradation of pharmaceuticals by anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (a), B. adusta (b) and P. chrysosporium (c) during static cultures. Symbols: abiotic control (day 0) (□), abiotic control

(day 7) ( ), abiotic control (day 14) ( ), fungal culture (day 7) ( ), fungal culture (day 14) (■).

Additionally, adsorption experiments were carried out during the static cultures

(Table 3-2). The results showed similar range of concentrations in the flasks with

inactivated biomass and in the abiotic controls (referred as 100%). Also it can be observed

partial degradations with active biomass of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (68% of SMX),

in the case of B. adusta (19% of SMX) and P. chrysosporium (9% - 65% for DCF, IBP, NPX

and CBZ). Thus, adsorption of the pharmaceutical compounds on the fungal mycelium was


Chapter 3


Table 3-2 Recovery percentage of pharmaceuticals during adsorption experiments

Anamorph of Bjerkandera

sp. R1 B. adusta P. chrysosporium

Active biomass

(residual %)

Inactivated biomass

(residual %)

Active biomass

(residual %)

Inactivated biomass

(residual %)

Active biomass

(residual %)

Inactivated biomass

(residual %)

SMX 32 >100 81 >100 >100 88

DCF >100 >100 >100 >100 35 100

IBP >100 >100 >100 >100 89 96

NPX >100 >100 >100 >100 59 99

CBZ >100 >100 >100 >100 91 >100

DZP >100 >100 >100 >100 >100 >100

3.3.3. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in batch free pellets cultures

The profile fermentation corresponding to the free pellet cultures is shown in Figure 3-5.

During this experiment only two fungi were used (the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and

P. chrysosporium) since during static cultures the fungal strain B. adusta showed the

lowest degradation percentages. Only DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP were considered in this















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



ic a











n (g


Time (days)

Glucose - Anamorph sp. R1 of Bjerkandera adusta

Figure 3-5. Profile fermentation during agitated experiments. Symbols: glucose - control (□),

glucose - Bj. sp. R1 (■), VP activity - Bj. sp. R1 (▲), glucose - P. chrysosporium ( ), MnP activity - P. chrysosporium ( ).

The enzymatic activity was measured throughout the experiment and the results

showed only VP activities up to 900 U/L with the anamorph fungus while in the case of P.

chrysosporium only 35 U/L of MnP were detected after 14 days of experiment. Glucose

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


consumption during the first days of the experiment was similar for both fungi (0.05 –

0.08 g/L·d). In the case of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, an increase up to 2.13

g/L·d at day 11 was observed; meanwhile, this rate was maintained around 0.55 g/L·d with

P. chrysosporium throughout the rest of the experiment. The pH values were maintained

between 4.3 and 5.7 for both fungi and the peroxide content was similar to that detected

during the static experiments (< 2 mg H2O2/L) (data not shown).The content of biomass

was measured after 14 days obtaining 2.25 g/L for anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and

1.46 g/L of biomass for P. chrysosporium. In Figure 3-6 it can be observed that the

morphology of the pellets of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P. chrysosporium

was similar, except by the color.

a b

Figure 3-6. Appearance of the pellets of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (a) and P. chrysosporium (b) at day 5 before the pharmaceuticals addition.

During the agitated experiments, abiotic controls were used to discard any possible

adsorption, volatilization and/or photodegradation of the compounds. It is important to

note that the abiotic controls for the three fungi were the same and the recovery

percentage after 14 days is shown in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. Recovery of pharmaceuticals from the abiotic controls during static experiments

Residual percentage

Compounds Abiotic control (day 14th)

DCF 63

IBP 80

NPX 78

CBZ 97

DZP >100

In Figure 3-7a the results obtained by pellets of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp.

R1 are shown. This fungus is able to degrade all the compounds after 7 days of incubation,

Chapter 3


some of them even after day 4 (data not shown), such as the anti-inflammatory drugs

(DCF, IBP and NPX). In the case of CBZ, a partial degradation of 33% was achieved after

only 4 days reaching a total elimination at day 7. Diazepam was partially degraded (27%)

at the end of the experiment.












al p



ge (%


Pellets of P. chrysosporiumControl (day 0) Control (day 14) P. chrysosporium (day 7) P. chrysosporium (day 14)













al p



ge (%


Pellets of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 Control (day 0) Control (day 14)

Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (day 7) Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (day 14


Figure 3-7. Degradation of pharmaceuticals by pellets of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (a) and P. chrysosporium (b) during agitated cultures. Symbols: control (day 0) (□), control (day 14) ( ),

fungal culture (day 7) ( ), fungal culture (day 14) (■).

According to the degradation of pharmaceutical compounds by pellets of P.

chrysosporium, a similar behavior to that of the anamorph fungus was observed (Figure 3-

7b). A total removal of the anti-inflammatory drugs was observed at day 4; however, CBZ

maintained the initial concentration at this time of the experiment. This compound was

partially eliminated (33%) at day 7 and a total removal after 14 days was observed. In the

case of DZP, this compound was hardly degraded during the first week of experiment

(<2%), although an elimination of the 43% of the initial concentration was observed after

two weeks of experiment.

The determination of potential adsorption on the flask glass surface and on the

fungal biomass was carried out in samples taken before and after the extraction with

acetonitrile. The results showed that IBP and NPX were not detected in the samples with

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


active biomass before the extraction, suggesting total elimination; however, these

compounds were detected in the samples after extraction (66% and 4%, respectively).

Also, higher concentrations were detected in the abiotic controls if an extraction was

carried out, except in the case of DCF (Table 3-4).

Table 3-4. Recovery percentage of anti-inflammatories during agitated experiments.

Before extraction After extraction

Abiotic control Active biomass Abiotic control Active biomass

DCF 52 9 56 n.d. IBP 95 n.d. >100 66 NPX 91 n.d. 99 4

(n.d.) not detected

3.3.4. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in batch immobilized cultures

In Figure 3-8, the fermentation profiles corresponding to the immobilized cultures of the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P. chrysosporium are shown. The time course of the

fermentation was carried out until the 12th day in order to maintain a high volume of the

culture medium, since the flasks containing polyurethane foam presented lower volume

of free culture medium due to its absorption by the foam.














0 2 4 6 8 10 12



ic a











n (g


Time (days)

Glucose - Anamorph sp. R1 of Bjerkandera adusta

Figure 3-8. Profile fermentation during immobilized experiments. Symbols: glucose - control (□),

glucose - Bj. sp. R1 (■), VP activity - Bj. sp. R1 (▲), glucose - P. chrysosporium ( ), MnP activity - P. chrysosporium ( ).

Concerning the cultures with the anamorph fungus, enzymatic activities of VP

where maintained throughout the experiment in the range of 351 – 1029 U/L, reaching

the maximum value at day 6. In the case of P. chrysosporium low activities of MnP were

Chapter 3


detected (24 U/L). Enzymatic activities of LiP or Lac were not detected. The glucose

consumption rate for both fungi detected at day 5 was in the range of 1.4 – 1.7 g/L·d,

decreasing to values of 0.2 g/L·d for the anamorph fungus at day 6, while these rates were

near to zero for the rest of the experiment. Contrarily, in the case of P. chrysosporium a

constant glucose consumption rate were detected between days 5 and 11 (0.53 g/L·d).

The pH was detected in a range between 4.3 and 5.6 for both fungi and the peroxide

concentration was similar to static and pellet experiments. A large biomass growth was

evidenced during the immobilized experiments (Figure 3-9). The determination of biomass

content was carried out after 14 days obtaining 2.66 g/L for the anamorph fungus and

1.54 g/L for P. chrysosporium.

a b

Figure 3-9. Appearance of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (a) and P. chrysosporium (b) after 14 days of incubation in immobilized cultures.

During the experiments, abiotic controls were used to discard any possible

adsorption, volatilization and/or photodegradation of the compounds. It is important to

note that the abiotic controls for the two fungi were the same and the recovery

percentage after 14 days is shown in Table 3-5. Contrarily to static and agitated cultures,

higher recovery percentages for all the compounds were detected after 14 days of

experiment, except in the case of CBZ, where a recovery of 80% was achieved.

Table 3-5 Recovery of pharmaceuticals from abiotic controls

Residual percentage

Compounds Abiotic control (day 14th) Compounds Abiotic control (day 14th)

DCF >100 DZP >100

IBP >100 CBZ 80

NPX >100

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


The immobilized anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 was able to remove up to 93% of

the initial concentration of IBP and NPX (Figure 3-10a) while only partial elimination of

DCF was observed (77%). In the case of CBZ less than 18% of degradation was achieved;

meanwhile DZP was not degraded. P. chrysosporium was able to eliminate completely

DCF and IBP even before 7 days of incubation, although only 50% of elimination was

achieved for NPX (Figure 3-10b). In the case of CBZ and DZP, this microorganism showed

higher percentages of removal than the anamorph fungus (28% and 21%, respectively).












al p




P. chrysosporium immobilizedControl (day 0) Control (day 7) Control (day 14) P. chrysosporium (day 7) P. chrysosporium (day 14)













al p





Figure 3-10. Degradation of pharmaceutical compounds by anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (a)

and P. chrysosporium (b) immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: control (day 0) (□), control (day 7) ( ), control (day 14) ( ), fungal culture (day 7) ( ), fungal culture (day 14) (■).

Adsorption experiments were carried out from samples taken before and after the

extraction with acetonitrile. In Table 3-6, the results showed that DCF, IBP and NPX were

not detected in the abiotic control either in active biomass before extraction; although

after extraction they were detected up to 100% in the case of the abiotic controls and

variable percentages in the case of the fungal samples (3% - 110%). CBZ and DZP were

detected in high percentages in all the cases.

Chapter 3


Table 3-6 Recovery percentage of pharmaceuticals during immobilized experiments.

Before extraction After extraction

Abiotic control Active biomass Abiotic control Active biomass

DCF n.d. n.d. >100 33 IBP 88 n.d. >100 3 NPX 87 n.d. >100 8 CBZ 80 99 79 82 DZP 92 95 >100 >100

(n.d.) not detected

3.3.5. Removal of pharmaceutical compounds in a stirred tank reactor

Treatment of five different pharmaceuticals was carried out during 13 days in a STR using

pellets of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P. chrysosporium. In Figures 3-11 and 3-

12 the fermentation profiles obtained during the experiment with both fungal strains are

shown. It is important to highlight that the feeding medium used was different for each

strain, since it was prepared according to the conditions to maximize the activation of the

ligninolytic system of each fungus (see chapter 2). Regarding the anamorph fungus,

complete glucose depletion after only 4 days can be observed in Figure 3-11. A single peak

of VP activity (17 U/L) was detected at day 9. The pH was not controlled during the

experiment and it was maintained in a range of 4.4 - 5.8.














0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



ic a











n (g



Time (days)

Figure 3-11. Profile fermentation of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 during batch assays in a STR. Symbols: glucose – abiotic control (□), glucose – Bj. sp. R1 (■), pH – abiotic control (○), pH – Bj. sp.

R1 (●), VP activity – Bj. sp. R1 (▲).

In Figure 3-12 it can be observed the fermentation profile obtained by pellets of P.

chrysosporium in a STR. The glucose consumption by these pellets was slower than the

fungal pellets of the anamorph, since P. chrysosporium consumed only 4.4 g of glucose

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


throughout the assay. Despite this, a higher enzymatic activity of MnP (32 U/L) was

detected after 11 days of assay. As in the case of the anamorph fungus, pH was not

controlled during the experiment and it was maintained in a range between 3.6 and 5.2.
















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



ic a











n (g



Time (days)pH - Pc Glucose - Pc pH - Control Glucose - Control MnP - Pc

Figure 3-12. Profile fermentation of P. chrysosporium during batch assays in a STR. Symbols: glucose – abiotic control (□), glucose - P. chrysosporium (■), pH – abiotic control (○);

pH – P. chrysosporium (●); MnP activity – P. chrysosporium (▲).

Concerning to the content of dissolved oxygen in the reactor, the gas flow was

maintained at 1 L/min throughout the assay. In Figure 3-13 it can be observed that the

oxygen in the reactor with pellets from both strains decreases from 7.8 mg/L until 1.6

mg/L at day 4, maintaining the dissolved oxygen below this concentration until the end of

the assay.






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



ed o


n (m


Time (days)

Figure 3-13. Dissolved oxygen concentration during batch assays in a STR. Symbols: Bj. sp. R1 (■); P. chrysosporium (●).

Chapter 3


Figure 3-14 shows a picture of both reactors after 10 days and it can be observed

that the pellets from both fungal strains showed a similar size and present hyphal

branches; despite this, there were no clogging problems throughout the assay and no

growth was observed on the sensors or probes. The estimated concentration of biomass

at the end of the assay was of 3.1 g/L for the anamorph of Bjerkandera while for P.

chrysosporium only 1.9 g/L were measured.


Figure 3-14. Pellets of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 (a) and P. chrysosporium (b) in a STR (0.75 L).

Results corresponding to the degradation of anti-inflammatory compounds are

shown in Figure 3-15. In the case of the abiotic controls, more than 75% of the initial

concentration of these compounds was detected at the end of the assay; although before

the 10th day, this residual percentage was higher (>85%) in the case of IBP and NPX; while

for DCF this decrease was observed since day 5.

Complete degradation of IBP after only 24 hours was observed in both fungal

reactors. Meanwhile DCF and NPX were totally degraded by the anamorph fungus after 4

days. On the contrary, it took more than 10 days to attain total removal by P.

chrysosporium. The maximum degradation rates for the three compounds were achieved

in a range between (0.24 – 1.56 mg/L·d) by both fungal strains during the first day of

assay. The results corresponding to CBZ and DZP are shown in Figure 3-16. The residual

percentage of these compounds detected in the abiotic controls at the end of the

experiment was above 95% of its initial concentration. In the case of fungal cultures,

partial removal of CBZ (55%) was achieved by both strains. This behaviour was also

observed for DZP in the bioreactor with pellets of the anamorph fungus.

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments










0 3 6 9 12 15



al p



ge (%


Time (days)


Abiotic control Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 P. chrysosporium









0 3 6 9 12 15



al p



ge (%


Time (days)


Abiotic control Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 P. chrysosporium









0 3 6 9 12 15



al p



ge (%


Time (days)


Abiotic control Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 P. chrysosporium



Figure 3-15. Degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX by the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P.

chrysosporium in a STR. Symbols: abiotic control (□), Bj. sp. R1 (■), P. chrysosporium (▲).

Finally, less than 15% of degradation of DZP was detected in the bioreactor vessel

with pellets of P. chrysosporium. Between days 2 and 4, the degradation rates of CBZ and

DZP by the anamorph fungus were in a range of 0.19–0.67 mg/L·d, the maximum

corresponding to the antiepileptic compound (CBZ). Contrarily, since day 1 to day 4,

Chapter 3


higher degradation rates were observed for both compounds by P. chrysosporium (0.16–

0.90 mg/L·d).










0 3 6 9 12 15



al p



ge (%


Time (days)


Abiotic control Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 P. chrysosporium









0 3 6 9 12 15



al p



ge (%


Times (days)


Abiotic control Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 P. chrysosporium


Figure 3-16. Degradation of CBZ and DZP by the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P.

chrysosporium in a STR. Symbols: abiotic control (□), Bj. sp. R1 (■), P. chrysosporium (▲).

In Table 3-7 the results of the final extraction of the biomass with acetonitrile are

shown. None of the three anti-inflammatory drugs were detected at the end of the

experiment. The biomass of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 showed high

concentrations of the drugs CBZ and DZP (3 and 50 fold, respectively) than the observed

onto the biomass of P. chrysosporium.

Table 3-7. Residual concentration of pharmaceuticals onto biomass

Pharmaceuticals concentration (mg drug/g biomass)

Anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1

P. chrysosporium

CBZ 0.176 0.056 DZP 0.426 0.008

n.d. (not detected)

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


3.3.6 Time-course degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX by pellets of the anamorph of

Bjerkandera sp. R1.

Once the anti-inflammatory drugs are demonstrated to be easily degraded by the three

fungal strains, a time-course experiment was carried out with pellets of the anamorph of

Bjerkandera sp. R1. Figure 3-17 depicts the fermentation profiles during the 10 days of the

experiment. Glucose concentration remained constant throughout the experiment in the

abiotic controls (Figure 3-17a); meanwhile in the flasks with fungal pellets a slow

consumption was observed during the first stage since the fungus depleted 2.4 g of

glucose in five days. Complete glucose depletion was observed in the following 24 hours

after the addition of the anti-inflammatory drugs.







0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Time (days)














0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



ic a



of M










n (g


Time (days)

Pulse addition















0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



ic a











n (g



Time (days)

Figure 3-17. Profile fermentation of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 pellets during 10 days. Symbols: pH – control (○), pH – Bj. sp. R1 (●), glucose - control (□), glucose – Bj. sp. R1 (■), VP

activity – Bj. sp. R1 (▲).

Chapter 3


The enzymatic activity was almost negligible during the first stage of this assay and

a single peak was detected after the addition of the anti-inflammatory drugs (18 U/L)

(Figure 3-17a). The value of pH was maintained in a range of 4.5 - 4.7 in the abiotic

controls. In the flasks with pellets of the anamorph fungus the pH range was between 4.7

and 5.7 until day 6, which correspond to the end of the time-course degradation of 24

hours; while at the end of the fermentation a high pH value was detected (>6) (Figure 3-








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


l org




n (g


Time (days)

TOC - Control TOC - BR1

Pulse addition

Figure 3-18. Total organic carbon (TOC) content throughout 10 days. Symbols: TOC control (□), TOC – Bj. sp. R1 (■).

The total organic carbon content decreased down to 2 g/L in fungal cultures

(Figure 3-18) where biomass concentration in the 24 h time-course was quantified in a

range from 0.9 g/L at the beginning and 2.2 g/L at the end of the experiment (data not


Concerning to the degradation of three anti-inflammatory drugs (DCF, IBP and

NPX) by pellets of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, a time-course assay was carried out

after 5 days of incubation and the results are shown in Figure 3-19. The concentration of

the three compounds was maintained constant in the abiotic controls; meanwhile it is

noteworthy that the anti-inflammatory IBP was completely eliminated after only four

hours by the fungal pellets and degradation above 85% for DCF and NPX were achieved

after 24 hours.

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24






n (m


Times (hours)







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24








Times (hours)







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


F c







Times (hours)

Figure 3-19. Degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX during batch assays with pellets of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1. Symbols: abiotic control (○), Bj. sp. R1 (●).

3.3.7. Fed-batch assay for the degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX by pellets of the

anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1.

A fed-batch assay was carried out for the degradation of the anti-inflammatory drugs by

Bjerkandera sp. R1. After 5 days of incubation, a pulse of DCF, IBP and NPX was added

daily for the next 4 days (Figure 3-20). As expected, glucose concentration was maintained

in concentrations near to 9 g/L in the abiotic control while in the fungal cultures, 3.4 g of

Chapter 3


glucose were depleted during the first stage (until day 5). In the fed-batch experiment,

complete glucose consumption was observed between days 5 and 7. The enzymatic

activity was measured and a peak was observed at day 3 (200 U/L). After glucose

depletion, the enzymatic activity of VP increased until values of 350 U/L and this activity

was maintained at the end of the experiment.















0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



ic a



of M










n (g


Time (days)

Glucose - Control Glucosa - BR1 MnP - BR1

Pulses addition














0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14



ic a











n (g



Time (days)

Figure 3-20. Profile fermentation during fed-batch assay with pellets of the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1. Symbols: glucose - control (□), glucose – Bj. sp. R1 (■),

VP activity – Bj. sp. R1 (▲).

During the first stage of this assay (until day 3) the content of organic carbon was

invariable (6 g/L) in both, abiotic control and fungal pellets flasks; after the addition of the

first anti-inflammatory drugs pulse at day 5, the TOC was detected in a range between 6.9

- 10.1 g/L, showing an increase until 14 g/L in the abiotic controls and a slight increase in

the fungal pellets flasks (9.9 g/L) after the addition of four drugs pulses. At the end of the

assay, a decrease of the concentration of TOC was observed in the abiotic controls and

flasks with pellets (6.5 g/L and 1.9 g/L, respectively) (Figure 3-21a). Fungal biomass was

measured throughout the experiment (Figure 3-21b). When the fed-batch strategy

started, 1 g/L of biomass was detected in the flasks with fungal pellets. This concentration

increased until values near to 2 g/L after the addition of the four drugs pulses, detecting

2.1 g/L of biomass at the end of the experiment.

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments








0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



s co




n (g


Time (days)









0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


l org




n (g


Time (days)


TOC - BR1 TOC - Control

Pulses addition



Figure 3-21. Total organic carbon (TOC) content (a) and biomass concentration (b) measured throughout 10 days batch assay. Symbols: TOC control (□), TOC – Bj. sp. R1 (■),

biomass – Bj. sp. R1 (♦).

Figure 3-22 shows the degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX during a fed-batch

experiment. Accumulation of the anti-inflammatories concentrations in the abiotic

controls was observed; also, after the last pulse addition (day 3) the residual

concentration of these compounds was maintained stable for 24 hours. In the case of the

flasks with fungal pellets, the concentration of these compounds in the fed-batch

operation was similar to that of the abiotic controls, but in lower concentrations; after

four days a total degradation up to 93% for the three compounds was observed.

Chapter 3







0 1 2 3 4


X c








Time (days)







0 1 2 3 4






n (



Times (days)







0 1 2 3 4


F co




n (



Times (days)

DCFPulses addition

Figure 3-22. Degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX by anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 during batch assays with daily pulse addition. Symbols: abiotic control (○), Bj. sp. R1 (●).

3.4. Discussion

In this chapter, three white rot fungi (anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, B. adusta and P.

chrysosporium) were evaluated for their capacity to degrade eight pharmaceutical

compounds. Previously to the degradation experiments, the possible inhibition of the

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


fungal growth in malt agar plates at different concentrations of pharmaceuticals was

evaluated and the results showed that concentrations below 2 mg/L did not affect

mycelium growth. It is important to mention that not only the pharmaceuticals

concentration could affect the fungal growth, but also the mixtures and the type of

compounds; this means that a concentration up to 2 mg/L of a mixture of three or less

pharmaceutical compounds does not affect fungal growth. Furthermore, compounds such

as SMX could have a greater inhibitory effect over the mycelium than the rest of the

compounds, since this compound is an antibiotic. The effect of the five pharmaceuticals at

1 mg/L was quite low and accordingly this was the concentration selected for all


Three types of fungal culture were investigated: static, free pellet and immobilized

cultures. The results of these batch assays showed that B. adusta was the fungal strain

with the lowest degradation percentages; for this reason, this WRF was discarded in the

following experiments. With the selected strains (the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and

P. chrysosporium) the degradation of five pharmaceutical compounds in a STR was carried

out using free pellets, since this type of culture showed the best results concerning to the

total elimination of all the compounds and partial removal for recalcitrant compounds

such as CBZ and DZP. In addition, since during the experiments in the STRs it was

demonstrated a rapid elimination of anti-inflammatory drugs, the degradation of these

compounds was analyzed during a 24 h time-course degradation experiment and a fed-

batch experiment using pellets of the anamorph fungus to determine the HRT required for

further assays and to investigate the feasibility of further treatment after daily pulses


High enzymatic activities of VP were observed using the three types of cultures

(static, free pellets and immobilized cultures) for the anamorph fungus; while P.

chrysosporium achieved low MnP activities. In the case of the STR and the time course

degradation experiment, low enzymatic activities (MnP and VP) by both strains were

detected throughout the assay; however, during the fed-batch assay higher activities were

observed by the anamorph fungus. These differences between the anamorph of

Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P. chrysosporium might be due to the glucose consumption rate

during the experiments was higher for the former. This could affect the enzymatic

production since nutrient deprivation enhances the production of ligninolytic enzymes

(Wesenberg et al., 2003). Also, each fungus showed a different growth; in this chapter it

was observed that the anamorph of Bjerkandera showed a noticeable growth, while P.

chrysosporium presented a limited and controlled growth. Another explanation of this

difference could be the nitrogen sources used for each fungus: peptone for the anamorph

Chapter 3


fungus and ammonium tartrate for P. chrysosporium; these sources has been selected to

produce a positive effect on the ligninolytic system of each fungus.

Regarding the degradation of antidepressants and antibiotic drugs, the elimination

of these compounds was carried out only during static assay. Citalopram and fluoxetine

are very persistent and significant concentrations have been detected in effluents of STPs

(Kwon and Armbrust, 2005; 2006). In this chapter, the three fungal strains degraded

completely CTL whereas lower removals percentages were observed for FLX. At the

present time, there is no research on the degradation of these compounds by action of

WRF or their ligninolytic enzymes. In fact, there are a few investigations about the

elimination of anti-depressants using different technologies. In example, Kwon and

Armburst (2005) reported the photodegradation of CTL in alkaline conditions (pH 9) after

more than 60 days of treatment, while the degradation was negligible at pH 5-7. Other

authors have reported only limited removal percentages of FLX, lower than 10% after 60

days of treatment (Redshaw et al. 2008). This compound is highly recalcitrant to

hydrolysis, photolysis and microbial degradation, and its total degradation is still a

challenge to be attained (Kwon and Armbrust, 2006). Another compound that was totally

removed during static cultures was SMX, a pharmaceutical drug that belongs to the

therapeutic class of the antibiotics and for this reason it could be a problem to investigate

its degradation using microorganisms. Previous studies reported degradations of 60%

after treatment in STPs and 52% in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) (Carballa et al. 2004;

Reif et al. 2008). In the case of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), Dantas et al. (2008)

reported that the nearly complete abatement of SMX by means of an ozonation process at

a dose of 0.4 g ozone/L.

Anti-inflammatory drugs degradation was investigated using the three fungal

strains incubated in three types of cultures. Also, the degradation of these compounds

was analyzed in a STR by pellets of anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P. chrysosporium.

In addition, a time-course assay and a fed-batch assay were carried out using pellets of the

anamorph fungus. These compounds are one of the major classes of pharmaceuticals used

worldwide, and residues of these drugs have been found in treated wastewater at

concentrations ranging from 42 to 2556 ng/L (Gagnon et al. 2008). In this chapter, a total

elimination of DCF, IBP and NPX was observed using the three fungal strains, regardless of

the type of culture. Also, it was demonstrated that they can be degraded when the

process was scaled up to a STR. These results led into a more accurate investigation of the

degradation during a 24 h time-course experiment and a fed-batch experiment

demonstrating that the anamorph fungus has the ability to eliminate these compounds in

shorter periods of time, even after only 4 hours; also it was observed that this strain can

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


eliminate these compounds even when daily pulse additions were added into the

medium. The removal of these compounds has been studied using different technologies

such as MBRs finding that DCF was not removed, while the rest of the anti-inflammatory

drugs was highly eliminated (Clara et al., 2005; Reif et al., 2008); activated sludge process

in STPs demonstrated a partial removal for NPX and IBP (up to 70%) (Carballa et al., 2004);

coagulation-flocculation and flotation processes achieved a limited removal of these

compounds (Suárez et al., 2009); on the other hand, the use of AOPs may improve the

removal efficiencies of the three compounds (Ikehata et al., 2006; Gagnon et al., 2008). As

it can be observed, the results of the degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX using the previously

mentioned technologies is strongly depending on the selected compound and the

characteristics of the used technology. Although the results obtained in this chapter were

better than those reported above, the removal efficiency will mainly depend on the HRT,

the physicochemical properties and the initial concentration of the pharmaceuticals used.

In the recent years, the use of WRF and its ligninolytic enzymes has demonstrated that

pellets of the fungi Trametes versicolor and P. chrysosporium were able to achieve a

complete degradation of high concentrations of IBP and NPX (10 mg/L) (Marco-Urrea et

al., 2009; Marco-Urrea et al., 2010b). Also, Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al., (2010a) using

pellets of the same fungus showed a partial removal of NPX (47%) after 24 hours in

bioslurry cultures and complete depletion in solid-phase systems after three days.

Another WRF used in a recent study was Phanerochaete sordida, a fungus that showed a

complete removal of DCF (Hata et al., 2010a). These results were similar to those obtained

in this chapter with respect to fungal pellets, where a complete degradation of three anti-

inflammatory compounds was achieved even in short periods of time. In the case of

ligninolytic enzymes, in vitro assays were carried out using purified Laccase finding a

complete removal of DCF after less than 5 h (Marco-Urrea et al., 2010a). These results are

similar to those obtained by Lloret et al., (2010) who found that to achieve a complete

removal of the drug DCF it was necessary 1 hour under the action of Laccase using several

mediators, while only a partial removal of NPX was observed after 8 h using the mediators

1-hydrozybenzotriazole (HBT) and violuric acid (VA). Other enzymes such as versatile

peroxidase (VP) and lignin peroxidase (LiP) have achieved total depletion of DCF (Zhang

and Geiβen, 2010; Eibes et al., 2011). The results reported above demonstrated that when

concentrated enzymes were used, a total removal was observed in shorter periods of time

(hours) than those obtained in our results (days) using fungal pellets. Despite this, it is

important to highlight that apparently there is not a strict dependence on a given level of

peroxidase production to carry out the degradation, since a complete degradation of

these compounds was achieved in this chapter even at low MnP activities using P.


Chapter 3


Two of the most persistent pharmaceuticals in the environment are

carbamazepine (CBZ) and diazepam (DZP). The former is a carboxamide-type anti-

convulsant and has been found ubiquitously in the aquatic environment at 1-2 µg/L;

meanwhile the latter is a benzodiazepine-type anti-anxiety agent used for the treatment

of many other neurological and psychiatric disorders and motion sickness (Ikehata et al.

2006). Carbamazepine was totally eliminated during static and free pellets cultures,

meanwhile low degradations were detected in immobilized cultures. In the case of DZP,

none of the fungi or cultures (static, pellets and immobilized) were able to completely

degrade this compound. The removal of these compounds by an anamorph of Bjerkandera

sp. R1 and P. chrysosporium was analyzed when the process was scaled up into a STR;

however, fungal pellets were only able to achieve partial eliminations. Degradation

percentages in the range of 9% up to 50% of CBZ and DZP have been reported using

several technologies such as coagulation-flocculation and flotation processes, nitrifying-

denitrifying plants and MBR (Carballa et al., 2005; Clara et al., 2005; Reif et al., 2008;

Suárez et al., 2005). Comparing our results with those mentioned above, higher removals

were achieved in this chapter; however, as it was mentioned previously these removal

efficiencies will depend on several factors such as the type of process and the HRT, among

others. The use of WRF or its ligninolytic enzymes for the degradation of CBZ have

attained partial removal of this compound in fungal cultures (Marco-Urrea et al., 2009;

Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al., 2010a). In the case of in vitro experiments, when the VP and

LiP enzymes were used no significant removal was observed (Zhang and Geiβen, 2010;

Eibes et al., 2011). Contrary to these results, using the so-called Laccase-mediator system

a partial removal of CBZ (26%) was observed after 24 h enhancing this removal up to 66%

when a fed-batch assay was carried out for a period of 48 h (Hata et al., 2010b). It has not

been found further investigations about the degradation of DZP by fungal pellets or fungal

enzymes action. Comparing the results mentioned above with those obtained in this

chapter, it can be seen that the removals were similar using pellets or enzymes; however

in the case of the latter, these eliminations were achieved in a shorter period of time


Concerning to adsorption processes, it was demonstrated that all compounds,

maintain their initial concentration in the abiotic controls; also it was proved that the use

of acetonitrile to extract these compounds from the biomass or support was successful.

Since an extraction was carried out to each withdrawn sample, adsorption of

pharmaceuticals on fungal mycelium was excluded. At the end of the STR operation an

extraction of the final biomass content is always necessary in order to determine the

residual concentration of the pharmaceutical compounds. In this chapter it was

demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory drugs were not adsorbed onto the biomass of

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


both fungal strains and great difference was observed between the biomass

corresponding to the anamorph fungus and P. chrysosporium in the case of CBZ and DZP.

Anti-inflammatory drugs were eliminated rapidly comparing with CBZ and DZP during all

the experiments. This could be due to the differences in their chemical structure and their

physicochemical properties. A deeper study should be necessary to understand the

different biodegradability of each compound. The difference between these compounds

might be due to the fact that the biodegradability of the anti-inflammatory drugs can be

influenced by different factors as the chemical structure and physicochemical properties

of each compound as their liphophilic character (Kow), the acid dissociation constant (pKa)

and the pseudo first-order degradation constant (Kbiol) (Suárez et al., 2008). The Kow and

the pKa are related to a sorption process into the solids; however, in this chapter these

compounds were not detected onto the biomass. In addition, CBZ and DZP are classified

as hardly biodegradable compounds due to their Kbiol constant (Joss et al., 2006).

Accordingly to the operation of the STR, this bioreactor was operated as batch

culture in order to analyze if the degrading ability showed by both fungal strains during

batch experiments in flasks could be maintained or even improved when the process was

scaled-up to a STR. The results obtained after almost two weeks of operation as batch

culture showed that the performance of the bioreactor was stable throughout the assay,

although worst elimination than those obtained during batch assays in flasks were

attained for CBZ and DZP. A further investigation is necessary for future assays in STR with

a greater volume and using different operation conditions in order to improve the

degradation of these recalcitrant compounds. Biomass content measured at the end of

the assay was higher in the case of the anamorph fungus and no clogging problems were

observed; however this assay was carried out for only two weeks. In order to find out if

these fungal strains could generate clogging problems is necessary to carry out an assay

for a longer period of time. The aeration system applied to this bioreactor was a

continuous air flow with the aim to favour the enzymatic production, although low MnP

activities were detected. It has been reported that the use of oxygen pulses in this type of

bioreactors may have a positive influence over pellets morphology and helps to avoid an

excessive mycelia growth (Moreira et al., 1996). In future assays, the influence of a

continuous air flow or oxygen pulses over the pellets growth and the degradation of the

pharmaceuticals will be studied.

It has been demonstrated by comparing the results of degradation of

pharmaceutical compounds that the three types of cultures and the three fungal strains

used in this chapter were very different. Static cultures tend to present a slow metabolism

than those cultures with agitation or aeration supply; this could affect their ability to

Chapter 3


degrade the compounds. Despite this, in this chapter it can be observed that the three

fungal strains showed glucose consumptions and enzymatic activities similar during static

and free pellets cultures; meanwhile during immobilized assays higher glucose

consumption was obtained and high enzymatic activities were maintained throughout the

assay. Related to free pellets cultures, this type of culture demonstrated to be the optimal

culture for the elimination of several compounds; this could be due to the higher aeration

in the system that could favour the nutrients consumption rate. Finally the use of

immobilized fungus on a support like polyurethane foam helps to control the mycelia

growth depending on the strain used; also provide a higher aeration into the system, a

higher fungal active surface, the nutrients consume rate is higher, among other; in this

chapter two fungal strains were immobilized (anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P.

chrysosporium) without clogging or growth problems.

3.5. Conclusions

In this chapter a batch degradation of a mixture of eleven pharmaceuticals was carried out

by three different fungal cultures (static, free pellets and immobilized cultures) using three

fungal strains: an anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, B. adusta and P. chrysosporium. The

results were different depending on the incubation type and the fungus used. The best

culture conditions were using free pellets, since high elimination of the pharmaceutical

compounds was achieved in shorter periods of time and also high enzymatic activities

were observed. It was demonstrated that an extraction with acetonitrile is always

necessary to recover these compounds from the biomass or support. The fungal strain B.

adusta was excluded for future assays since this WRF obtained the lowest removals. When

the process was scaled up to a STR using pellets of the fungal strains selected (anamorph

fungus and P. chrysosporium), the degradation of the anti-inflammatory drugs was

maintained, although worst results were observed for the elimination of CBZ and DZP than

the results obtained during batch experiments in flasks. The operation of the reactor was

steady throughout the assay even when a high content of biomass was measured in the

case of the anamorph fungus. Low enzymatic activities were detected using both fungal

strains; however this concentration was enough to carry out the degradation of the

considered pharmaceuticals. It was demonstrated that the anti-inflammatory drugs could

be degraded in less than 24 hours and that the WRF are able to eliminate these compound

even after a daily addition. Since the results obtained in this chapter demonstrated that

both fungal strains have the ability to achieve from total to partial degradation of five

pharmaceuticals (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP), all these compounds were selected for

future experiments. In addition, since it was demonstrated that these compounds were

slightly adsorbed onto the fungal pellets of P. chrysosporium, this fungus was selected to

Removal of pharmaceuticals by three white-rot fungi in batch experiments


continue the experimental investigation. Another advantage to use this fungus instead of

the anamorph is the lower mycelia growth that will avoid clogging problems facilitating

the operation of the bioreactor for longer periods of time. Furthermore, these findings will

be useful to analyze the degradation of these compounds and to optimize the operation

and performance of STRs and/or fixed bed reactors (FBRs) operating under different

feeding conditions (fed-batch or continuous).


Chapter 4

Development of a free pellets reactor with Phanerochaete chrysosporium for removal

of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP. From fed-batch to continuous strategy*


Different operational conditions were sequentially evaluated to maximize the removal of

DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in a stirred tank reactor operating with free pellets of

Phanerochaete chrysosporium. In a first experiment, a fed-batch operation was conducted

for 30 days to carry out the degradation of the three anti-inflammatory drugs.

Additionally, the influence of gas supply, either by continuous aeration or periodic

pulsation of oxygen, on the process efficiency was evaluated. Evolution of pellet

morphology was monitored to establish the potential effect that the gas composition and

mode of supply may exert on pellet formation and development. The three anti-

inflammatory drugs were efficiently removed at high oxidation rates, especially under

oxygen pulsation. Among these compounds, NPX presented a slightly lower removal with

variable percentages (77% up to 99%) and a slight accumulation between days 12 and 22.

Not only the pulsation of oxygen maintained higher levels of dissolved oxygen but it also

controlled pellet extension and morphology. In a subsequent experiment, the bioreactor

was operated in a fed-batch mode (stage I) for 26 days and thereafter, it was changed to

continuous mode until day 70 (stage II). The target compounds considered for this

experiment were DCF, IBP, NPX and CBZ. During the fed-batch stage the fungus was able

to completely remove DCF, IBP and NPX meanwhile only partial removal was attained for

CBZ (30% - 63%). During the continuous stage, the bioreactor was capable to maintain

Chapter 4


efficient removal of all the compounds with a slight decline from day 55th. Finally, a

continuous experiment was carried out to confirm the degradation of the former four

compounds, including a more recalcitrant one: DZP. The bioreactor operation was

maintained steady for 50 days and attained high removal efficiencies of the three anti-

inflammatories, partial removal of CBZ (<53%) and negligible removal of DZP were


* Part of this chapter has been published as:

Rodarte-Morales AI, Feijoo G, Moreira MT, Lema JM. (2011) Biotransformation of three

pharmaceutical active compounds by the fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium in a fed batch

stirred reactor under air and oxygen supply. Biodegradation. DOI 10.1007/s10532-011-9494-9.

Rodarte-Morales AI, Feijoo G, Moreira MT, Lema JM. (2011). Evaluation of two operational

regimes: fed-batch and continuous for the removal of pharmaceuticals in a fungal stirred tank

reactor. Chemical Engineering Transactions (Submitted).

Rodarte-Morales AI, Feijoo G, Moreira MT, Lema JM. (2011). Operation of stirred tank reactors

(STRs) and fixed-bed reactors (FBRs) with free and immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium

for the continuous removal of pharmaceutical compounds. Biochemical Engineering Journal


Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy



4.1. Introduction 120

4.2. Materials and methods 122

4.2.1. Microorganism and inoculum preparation 122

4.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals 122

4.2.3. Features of the stirred tank reactor 122

4.2.4. Influence of the gas supply (in continuous and in pulses) on the

operation of a fed-batch stirred tank reactor for the degradation of



4.2.5. Influence of the feed regime (fed-batch and continuous) on the

operation of a stirred tank reactor for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX

and CBZ


4.2.6. Operation of a continuous stirred tank reactor for the

degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP


4.2.7. Extraction of pharmaceutical compounds and determination of

residual concentrations


4.2.8. Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on fungal biomass 126

4.2.9. Analytical techniques 126

4.3. Results 126

4.3.1. Influence of the gas supply (in continuous and in pulses) on the

operation of a fed-batch stirred tank reactor for the degradation of



4.3.2. Influence of the feed regime (fed-batch and continuous) on the

operation of a stirred tank reactor for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX

and CBZ


4.3.3. Operation of a continuous stirred tank reactor for the

degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP


4.4. Discussion 154

4.5. Conclusions 158

Chapter 4


4.1. Introduction

On-going initiatives rely on the use of white-rot fungi (WRF) for the oxidation of a wide

range of organic pollutants structurally similar to lignin, such as synthetic dyes, polycyclic

aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pharmaceutical

compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) (Field et al., 1992; Zeddel et al.,

1993; Wesenberg et al., 2003; Ikehata et al., 2006). Specifically for pharmaceuticals, this

type of compounds are considered as emerging pollutants and are suspected to present a

remarkable impact on the environment because they have been designed to affect

biochemical and physiological functions of humans and animals. Moreover,

pharmaceuticals compounds may cause increased aquatic toxicity and endocrine

disruption (Ikehata et al., 2006; Jjemba, 2006). Among the different classes of

pharmaceuticals, some of the most commonly used worldwide are anti-inflammatory

drugs, such as diclofenac (DCF), ibuprofen (IBP) and naproxen (NPX) which possess

analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting the synthesis of

prostaglandin (Ikehata et al., 2006). Belonging to the group of pharmaceuticals, two of the

most recalcitrant compounds are carbamazepine (CBZ), a carboxamide-type anti-

convulsant as well as diazepam (DZP), a tranquilizer recommended for depression and

anxiety; both compounds have been found ubiquitously in the aquatic environment at low

concentrations: 1-2 µg/L (Fent et al., 2006; Ikehata et al. 2006).

Different fungi (Trametes versicolor, Phanerochaete sordida, Phanerochaete

chrysosporium) have been used for the removal of anti-inflammatory and antiepileptic

drugs, either by whole cultures or by the oxidative action of the enzymes produced

(Marco-Urrea et al., 2009; Hata et al., 2010a; Lloret et al. 2010; Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al.,

2010). Although the application of oxidative enzymes has been proven efficient, they

require the presence of specific cofactors and mediators to activate the catalytic cycle,

some of which have been reported to be toxic or scarcely biodegradable (Cañas and

Camarero, 2010). Moreover, their use is beset by additional operational barriers:

reusability, cost and denaturation of the enzyme (Cabana et al., 2007). In this chapter, the

fungal strain selected was P. chrysosporium, the best known WRF that produces two

extracellular peroxidases: lignin peroxidase (LiP) and manganese peroxidase (MnP) (Glenn

et al., 1983; Tien and Kirk, 1983; Kuwahara et al., 1984). These ligninolytic enzymes are

produced during the secondary metabolism of the fungus and their synthesis and

secretion are induced by nutrient limitation (Wesenberg et al., 2003). The use of this

fungal strain has some advantages over other WRF since this fungus has no restrictions

due to genetic modifications as it is a readily available strain. In addition, this

microorganism is ideal for discontinuous processes since its ligninolytic system is activated

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


during secondary metabolism. Several environmental conditions can be modified to

improve the production of ligninolytic enzymes: culture age, medium composition, culture

technique (static, agitated and immobilized), reactor configuration, aeration supply (air or

oxygen) and agitation rate, among others (Feijoo et al. 1995; Moreira et al., 2000b;

Rogalski et al. 2006). Specifically for P. chrysosporium, this fungus has been reported to

require high levels of oxygen concentration to promote the production of ligninolytic

enzymes (Dosoretz et al., 1990; Moreira et al. 1996; Jiménez-Tobon et al., 1997,

Rothschild et al., 1999).

The enzymatic production by ligninolytic fungi has been scaled up to stirred tank

reactors (STRs) in the last years (Moreira et al., 2000a; Rogalski et al., 2006). The stability

of the bioreactor will depend on the operational conditions and the ability of the fungus

to produce enzymes. When fungal pellets are used, excessive fungal growth with the

release of mycelial fragments may limit the viability of the bioreactor operation. This

event may cause clogging problems inside the reactor with the formation of preferential

pathways, which will render in a dead volume of the reactor with low availability of

nutrients and oxygen (Ehlers and Rose, 2005). A strategy to avoid the overgrowth of

pellets could be based on the way how gas is supplied, either air or oxygen in a continuous

or pulsing mode. A continuous gas supply maintains a constant level of dissolved oxygen,

which may be beneficial for the enzymatic production; however, this alternative cannot be

used for oxygen supply as it would largely increase the cost of operation. On the other

hand, the supply of gas by means of a pulsation device could have a favorable effect on

the stress generated on the bioparticle and may prevent excessive fungal growth by the

shear stress on the pellet surface. In this case, the use of oxygen could be considered as an

option because the consumption is limited and controlled during the process and its cost

may be affordable (Dosoretz et al., 1990; Moreira et al., 1996; Xiong et al. 2008; Kenealy

and Dietrich, 2004). As was evidenced in a previous work, the supply of gas in periodic

pulses not only controlled the extension of pellets but also their size. Pellets from the

pulsed bioreactor showed a spherical and compact shape (Moreira et al, 1996). On the

contrary, when the bioreactor was continuously aerated, the fungal pellets tended to

grow and aggregate and mycelial fragments were released with the subsequent clogging

of the bioreactor bed.

This research work approaches a degradation system based on the use of a fungal

STR operated with free pellets of P. chrysosporium. Two different aeration systems

(continuous air flow and oxygen pulses) and two nutrient addition strategies (fed-batch

and continuous) were considered for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP. The

operation under fed-batch regime, with the controlled addition of glucose and

pharmaceutical compounds, aimed at maintaining the fungal culture active and avoiding

Chapter 4


overflow metabolism (formation of side metabolites) and nutrient deprivation. Later on,

the reactor was changed to a continuous mode with the objective of assessing if the

degradation of these pharmaceutical compounds could be maintained in a continuous


4.2. Materials and methods

4.2.1. Microorganism and inoculum preparation

The white rot fungus used in this chapter was Phanerochaete chrysosporium. A detailed

description of the preparation of the pre-inoculum for the stirred tank reactor (STR) was

included in chapter 2.

4.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals

Five pharmaceutical compounds (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP) were taken from a stock

solution prepared as indicated in chapter 2. Different concentrations were used during the

three experiments: 1 mg/L (DCF, IBP, NPX), 0.5 mg/L (CBZ) and 0.25 mg/L (DZP).

4.2.3. Features of the stirred tank reactor

In this chapter, all the experiments were conducted using a STR (2 L) using different

operation conditions. A detailed description of the main characteristics of the bioreactor

used was included in chapter 2.

4.2.4. Influence of the gas supply (in continuous and in pulses) on the operation of a fed-

batch stirred tank reactor for the degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX.

The configuration of the STR used during this experiment is shown in Figure 4-1. Agitation

was fixed at 200 rpm and temperature maintained at 30°C. The hydraulic retention time

(HRT) was 24 h, as concluded from previous batch experiments, which showed efficient

degradation of the three anti-inflammatory drugs in less than 24 h (results from chapter

3). The vessel was filled with 1.5 L of modified Kirk medium (pH 4.5) (Tien and Kirk, 1988)

and fungal pellets previously formed from 5 flasks were added as inoculum. Pulses of

glucose (3 - 6 g/L) and pharmaceuticals (~1 mg/L) were added sequentially every 3 - 4 d

when decay in the glucose concentration was observed in the air and oxygen reactors.

Daily pulses of anti-inflammatory drugs were added during the third week of the oxygen

experiment to analyze if the fungus was able to remove these compounds at this moment

of the operation. In the air reactor, the vessel was continuously aerated for 30 d with a

variable air flow to maintain the dissolved oxygen concentration as high as possible.

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy







Addition of feed medium and pharmaceutical compounds

Figure 4-1. STR in fed-batch operation for degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX.

In the oxygen reactor, a pulsing device consisting of an electrovalve located at the

end of a flexible membrane tube (FMT) described in chapter 2 was implemented to supply

oxygen in pulses. The pulsing frequency is calculated by the inverse sum of the opening

and shutting times of the electrovalve. Different pulsing frequencies were assayed to

assure high levels of dissolved oxygen (Table 4-1). Samples were withdrawn from the

bioreactor every 3-4 days throughout the experiment.

Table 4-1. Pulsation frequencies of the bioreactor operated with oxygen supply.

Days Opening time


Shutting time


Pulsing frequency


0-2 1.5 15 0.0606 2-6 1 15 0.0625

7-15 1 60 0.0164 15-20 1.5 60 0.0163 20-21 2 45 0.0213 21-30 1.5 60 0.0163

4.2.5. Influence of the feed regime (fed-batch and continuous) on the operation of a

stirred tank reactor for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX and CBZ.

Two configurations were used in this experiment: a fed-batch experiment (Figure 4-1) and

continuous feeding (Figure 4-2). Fungal pellets previously grown from 5 flasks were

transferred into the reactor which was filled with 1.5 L of modified Kirk medium (pH 4.5)

(Tien and Kirk, 1988). During stage I (days 0-24), pulses of glucose (3-6 g/L) and

Chapter 4


pharmaceuticals were added sequentially at days 0, 4, 7, 14 and 20; meanwhile from day

25, the reactor operated with a continuous feeding of glucose (50-300 mg/L·h) and

pharmaceutical compounds (~0.04 mg/L·h). The bioreactor was continuously aerated for

70 d with a variable air flow to maintain the dissolved oxygen concentration close to

saturation values. The modification of the glucose feeding rate depends on the substrate

consumption rate by the fungus (Table 4-2). The glucose addition rate was modified to

maintain a set-point of glucose in the effluent below 2 g/L. The rationale behind this

strategy is based on the fact that a low concentration of glucose in the effluent is desirable

as it will assure the maintenance of the culture viability while it avoids the secretion of

secondary proteases, which will inactivate the produced enzymes.






Figure 4-2. Configuration of a continuous operation in a STR using free pellets. Symbols: (1) Feed reservoir, (2) P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam, (3) air supply, (4) sampling

point, (5) effluent reservoir, (6) filter.

During stage I, the monitoring of the main variables were controlled in a time

course experiment at days 0, 4, 7, 14 and 20 to analyze the ability of the fungus to remove

these compounds at different stages of the fermentation. These experiments were based

in samples taken immediately after the moment of the pharmaceutical compounds

addition, then every half hour until 2 hours, then every 2 hours until 8 hours and finally

after 24 hours. Before the addition of the drugs, a sample was withdrawn from the

bioreactor (~60 mL) and filtered; the extracellular liquid was placed in a flask and

pharmaceutical compounds pulses were added to assess the capability of the extracellular

fluid containing MnP to carry out the degradation of the target compounds under an in

vitro perspective, that is, by the single action of the enzyme in the absence of the fungal

culture. In parallel, abiotic controls were carried out using sterile distilled water to discard

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


any volatilization and/or photodegradation of the compounds. When a continuous

operation was performed (stage II), samples were taken twice per week to monitor the


Table 4-2. Glucose feeding rates used during the continuous stage.

Period (days) Glucose feeding rates (mg/L·h)

27-29 300 31-35 285 35-41 220 42-46 50 48-54 70 55-60 90 61-70 130

4.2.6. Operation of a continuous stirred tank reactor for the degradation of the DCF, IBP,


Configuration of a continuous operation in a STR was shown in Figure 4-2. As in previous

experiments, the bioreactor vessel was filled with 1.5 L of modified Kirk medium (pH 4.5)

(Tien and Kirk, 1988) and the inoculum consisted of pellets from 5 flasks. A continuous

operation was conducted for 50 days of operation and feeding rates of glucose are shown

in Table 4-3. The glucose addition rate was modified to maintain a set-point of glucose in

the effluent below 2 g/L.

Table 4-3. Glucose feeding rates used during the continuous experiment.

Period (days) Glucose feeding rates (mg/L·h)

0-5 150 5-7 175

8-11 260 12-15 300 16-19 220 20-24 260 25-29 170 29-40 270 41-50 225

A continuous air flow was used to maintain significant levels of dissolved oxygen in

the culture broth. Pharmaceutical compounds were added in the feed medium at

different concentrations: 1 mg/L (DCF, IBP, NPX), 0.5 mg/L (CBZ) and 0.25 mg/L (DZP).

Samples were withdrawn daily for monitoring the main operational variables and twice

per week to determine the residual concentration of the pharmaceutical compounds.

Chapter 4


4.2.7. Extraction of pharmaceuticals and determination of residual concentrations

Samples of 10 mL containing culture medium and fungal pellets were withdrawn during

the bioreactor operation at the sampling times indicated above. Then 10 mL of

acetonitrile were subsequently added for the extraction of pharmaceuticals. The

procedures for the extraction and determination of the residual concentration of the

considered pharmaceuticals by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were

described in chapter 2.

4.2.8. Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on the fungal biomass.

Determination of pharmaceuticals adsorption on the mycelia was carried out to discard

any possible adsorption, volatilization and/or photodegradation process of the

pharmaceutical compounds. The methodology to carry out these experiments was

described in chapter 2.

4.2.9. Analytical techniques

A description of the analytical techniques used in this study was indicated in Materials and

methods chapter.

4.3. Results

In this chapter three different experiments were performed using pellets of P.

chrysosporium in a STR for long operational periods (up to 70 days). The first experiment

aimed at the degradation of three anti-inflammatory drugs (DCF, IBP and NPX) using a

fungal reactor under different aeration conditions (continuous air flow and oxygen

pulses). In a subsequent experiment the effect of the feeding regime (fed-batch and

continuous feeding) was evaluated for the efficiency of removal of the anti-inflammatory

compounds mentioned above as well as an antiepileptic drug (CBZ). Finally, a third

experiment was conducted to assess if the fungus was able to maintain a continuous

removal of five pharmaceutical compounds (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP). In addition, the

evolution of the main variables of the process was monitored in time course experiments

at certain operational days to assess the ability of the fungus to remove these compounds

at different stages of the fermentation. The evolution of the main parameters of the

operation was monitored during the different experiments. The operational strategy has

to assure that the viability of the bioreactor operation is maintained both in fed-batch or

continuous operation. It is important to remark that the fungal reactor should be

operated in conditions close to secondary metabolism when the ligninolytic system is

promoted. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze several variables that could affect the

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


process, such as glucose concentration, total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN),

pH, dissolved oxygen concentration and enzymatic production. Variables indicative of

nutrient concentrations are glucose, TOC and TN. If these parameters are controlled and

maintained in optimal concentrations, primary metabolism may be avoided and cell lysis

prevented. The optimal pH value to maintain the fungus in secondary metabolism is in a

range of 4.5 and 5.0; with restricted variations towards acidic or basic values, depending

on the secretion of organic acids or proteases, respectively. A level of dissolved oxygen

close to saturation favours the activation of the ligninolytic system. This is also related

with the activity of oxidases which are indirectly determined by the level of free peroxide,

since they generate peroxide in their cycle and peroxidases corresponding to MnP for this

fungus, P. chrysosporium. Another important aspect to take into account is the evaluation

of the hydrodynamics of the reactor as it may influence the efficiency of the operation and

thus the degradation of the selected drugs.

4.3.1. Influence of the gas supply (in continuous and in pulses) on the operation of a fed-

batch stirred tank reactor for the degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX

A fed-batch experiment was carried out in a STR operated with pellets of the fungus P.

chrysosporium for the degradation of three anti-inflammatory drugs (DCF, IBP and NPX).

The configuration of the bioreactor is shown in Figure 4-3.




Figure 4-3. Configuration of a STR operated as fed-batch with fungal pellets. Symbols: (1) module operator service program, (2) air supply, (3) vessel with fungal pellets, (4) oxygen supply

Two aeration strategies were considered to compare the effect of the gas supply

on the enzymatic production and the degradation of the pharmaceutical compounds. The

Chapter 4


operation was steady for 50 days for the bioreactor with air supply and 30 days for the

bioreactor with oxygen pulsation; however, for comparison purposes, only the data

corresponding to the transformation of the pharmaceuticals until day 30 are presented.

The operation of air and oxygen reactors is presented in Figures 4-4, 4-5 and 4-6.

The values of pH showed different behavior depending on the level of oxygen in the

medium (Figure 4-4a).







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30







n (g


Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Time (days)


Figure 4-4. pH value (a) and glucose concentration (b) in the air (□) and oxygen (■) bioreactors

At the beginning of the operation of the air reactor, pH increased from 4.5 until

5.3; then a decrease until values near to 4 was observed. When high levels of oxygen were

detected, pH decreased during the first 6 days of the experiment and an increase until 5.4

was detected for the rest of the experiment. Regarding glucose depletion, glucose was

added at the beginning of both experiments (10 g/L). It was depleted with similar

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


consumption rates in both reactors (0.5 g/L·d) (Figure 4-4b, stage I). During the second

period of the air reactor, a pulse of 20 g/L of glucose was added ensuing into a high

consumption rate of glucose: 1.7 g/L·d (Figure 4-4a, stage II).

Similar trends to those obtained for the glucose concentration were found for TOC,

starting at a concentration of 4 g/L and decreasing up to values of 1.4 g/L. The addition of

glucose in pulses reached maximum values of 10.5 g/L and 2.6 g/L for TOC in the air and

oxygen reactor, respectively (Figure 4-5). The concentration of nitrogen was maintained

below 0.02 g/L (data not shown).








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


l org


ic c





Time (days) Figure 4-5. Total organic carbon in the air (◊) and oxygen (♦) reactors

Enzymatic activity was detected at low levels in a range of 5 U/L up to 40 U/L

during both assays (Figure 4-6a). Peroxide concentration was detected at low levels,

between 0.5 and 5 mg/L throughout both experiments. The concentration of dissolved

oxygen in the oxygen reactor was maintained between 22 and 29 mg/L; except for the

period between days 3 and 6, when this concentration decreased to a range of 7-8 mg/L

due to a shortage in the operation and a change to air supply (Figure 4-6b). Low oxygen

levels were detected in the experiment with air supply (2-7 mg/L).

Chapter 4









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30



ed o


n (m



Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30



ic a


iy M




Time (days)


Figure 4-6. Enzymatic activity of MnP (a) and dissolved oxygen content (b) in the air (◊)

and oxygen (♦) reactors

During the operation of the reactor with air supply, 8 pulses of pharmaceuticals

were added. In the case of DCF, transformation percentages in the range of 65%-99%

were obtained (Figure 4-7a). A similar behavior was observed in the reactor with oxygen

pulsation, where a considerable reduction of the initial concentration up to 93% was

obtained after the addition of 4 pulses of pharmaceuticals during the first 2 weeks of the

experiment. During the period of daily pulses of pharmaceuticals, DCF was transformed by

94% after a short period, between 6 and 18 h. Finally, during the last week of experiment,

this compound was totally degraded after each pulse (Figure 4-7b).

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy










0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30








n (m


Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30








n (m


Time (days)

Figure 4-7. Degradation of diclofenac by pellets of P. chrysosporium in presence of air and oxygen.

Symbols: reactor with air supply (□), reactor with oxygen pulsation (■).

Regarding IBP, complete removal was achieved in both reactors, even when daily

pulses were added (Figure 4-8). For the case of NPX, transformation percentages between

78%-99% in the experiment with air supply were obtained (Figure 4-9a). Similar results

were obtained in the oxygen reactor, where after the first 3 weeks of experiment,

transformations up to 82% were achieved; however, during the last week of incubation,

an increase of this percentage was observed (up to 97%) (Figure 4-9b).

Chapter 4










0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30








n (m


Time (days)









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30








n (m


Time (days)

Figure 4-8. Degradation of ibuprofen by pellets of P. chrysosporium in presence of air and oxygen.

Symbols: air reactor (□), oxygen reactor (■).

In Figure 4-10, a summary of the degradation kinetics obtained during the third

week of the experiment with oxygen pulsation can be observed. Diclofenac was easily

transformed in the short term, 83% after only 2 h while in the longer term, total removal

was observed after 23 h. In the case of IBP, this compound was transformed only by 30%

after 2 h and completely transformed after 15 h. Finally, for NPX, transformation

percentages of 9% and 83% were achieved after 2 and 23 h, respectively. The degradation

rates obtained during this experiment were in the range of 1.03-1.07 mg/L·d for all the

analyzed compounds.

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy












0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30



n c







Time (days)











0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30



n c







Time (days)

Figure 4-9. Degradation of naproxen by pellets of P. chrysosporium in presence of air and oxygen. Symbols: reactor with air supply (□), reactor with oxygen pulsation (■).

Chapter 4










0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24





l co




n (m


Time (hours)


Figure 4-10. Time-course of the degradation of diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen during the third week of the oxygen reactor. Symbols: DCF (●), IBP (■), NPX (▲).

Residual concentration of anti-inflammatory drugs adsorbed onto the biomass is

shown in Table 4-4. Low quantities of the three anti-inflammatory drugs were detected

per gram of biomass corresponding to the reactor with air supply and almost undetectable

amounts were found in the reactor vessel (1112.9 cm2). In the case of the experiment with

oxygen pulsation, only NPX was detected in low quantities per gram of biomass and per

cm2 of the reactor vessel.

Table 4-4 Residual concentration of anti-inflammatory drugs onto biomass and reactor vessel

Anti-inflammatory concentration


(mg drug/g biomass)


(mg drug/cm2 vessel)

Air reactor

DCF 0.011 1.0 E -5

IBP 0.001 7.2 E -7

NPX 0.005 6.5 E -6

Oxygen reactor DCF n.d. n.d. IBP n.d. n.d. NPX 0.017 8.8 E -6

n.d. (not detected)

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


A high concentration of biomass was measured at the end of the experiment with

air supply (6.5 g/L). This excessive growth of fungal mycelium caused an evident increase

of the broth viscosity (Figure 4-11). It is important to highlight that this experiment was

carried out until day 50. Nevertheless, for comparison purposes with the oxygen reactor,

data were depicted only until day 30. During the second stage of the oxygen reactor, two

pulses of glucose (~2 g/L) were added at days 18 and 23, which led to a limited

consumption of glucose: 0.3 g/L·d and restricted biomass growth (1.5 g/L) after 30 days of

operation (Figure 4-4, stage II). Thus, glucose consumption per gram of biomass was 0.26

g glucose/g biomass per day for the air reactor; while in the oxygen reactor it was 0.20 g

glucose/g biomass per day.

Day 2 Day 12

Day 1 Day 18 Day 30



Figure 4-11. Appearance of the reactor with air supply (a) and the reactor with oxygen pulsation (b) operated with pellets of P. chrysosporium.

Figure 4-12 shows the photographs corresponding to the pellets from the air and

oxygen reactors at days 7 and 30. As expected, the pellet diameters from both reactors

were similar at the beginning of both experiments: 2.8 mm. However, shortly after day 7,

the size of the pellet from the oxygen pulsed reactor was smaller than the one from the

continuous supply of air (2.3-fold approx.) and the pellet was dense and hyphae-free while

the one of the air reactor presented filamentous growth.

Chapter 4


Day 7

Day 30

Day 7

Day 30

a b

Figure 4-12. Pellet morphology by stereomicroscope from the reactor with air supply (a) and the reactor with oxygen pulsation (b)

4.3.2. Influence of the feed regime (fed-batch and continuous) on the operation of a

stirred tank reactor for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX and CBZ

Configuration of the STR operated as fed-batch was already showed in Figure 4-3 with a

continuous air supply. After 26 days of operation, the feeding regime of the reactor was

changed to continuous until day 70 (Figure 4-13).






Figure 4-13. Configuration of a STR with fungal pellets during a continuous operation. Symbols: (1) module operator service program, (2) feed medium port, (3) reactor vessel filled with fungal

pellets, (4) effluent sampling, (5) effluent reservoir

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


The evolution of the fermentation during the operation of the reactor with air

supply and fed-batch and continuous feeding are presented in Figures 4-14, 4-15 and 4-16.

Fed-batch Continuous feeding






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


l org




n (g


Time (days)

TOC (g/L)


















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70







n (g











n ra

te (m



Time (days)


Figure 4-14. Glucose concentration, consumption and feed rate (a) and total organic carbon content (b) in the free pellets reactor. Symbols: glucose concentration in the reactor effluent (■),

glucose feeding rate (—), glucose consumption rate (◊), TOC (●)

During the fed-batch stage, the reactor was fed with 10 g/L of glucose that was

depleted at day 12; then, five pulses of glucose were added to the reactor (~2.5 g/L) at

days 12, 14, 19, 21 and 24. During this stage, the consumption rate of glucose was

maintained around 1.3 g/L·d (Figure 4-14a, fed-batch stage). At day 26th, the reactor

started the operation with continuous feeding using different glucose feeding rates (50-

300 mg/L·h) and substrate concentrations were detected below 5 g/L in the effluent

during the first 5 days of this stage. Thereafter, the feeding rate was reduced in order to

Chapter 4


maintain the glucose concentration in the effluent below 2 g/L (Figure 4-14a, continuous

stage). Besides, TOC was detected during the fed-batch stage at concentrations of 3.7 g/L,

decreasing to values of 0.3 g/L (Figure 4-14b, fed-batch stage). When the reactor started

to operate with a continuous feeding, TOC was detected at a concentration of 1.5 g/L until

day 40, and then decreased to values below 0.5 g/L due to the low glucose addition rate

(Figure 4-14b, continuous stage). Total nitrogen content was maintained below 0.03 g/L

during the 70 days of the experiment (data not shown).









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70



ic a


y M




Time (days)



Fed-batch Continuous feeding







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Time (days)




Figure 4-15. pH value (a) and enzymatic activity (b) detected during the fed-batch and continuous experiment in a STR.

The pH value in the reactor was detected in a range of 3.7 up to 5.3 during the fed-

batch stage (Figure 4-15a). Then, an increase of pH was observed until values of 6.1 during

the continuous stage, although the highest values were measured during the last 10 days

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


of experiment. Negligible activities of the enzyme MnP were detected throughout the

experiment; only a peak of 60 U/L at day 20 was observed (Figure 4-15b). Peroxide

content was maintained below 2 mg H2O2/L during both stages of the experiment (data

not shown).

Gas flow was maintained at 3.0 L/min during the fed-batch stage; meanwhile

during the continuous feeding stage, aeration flow was in a range between 1.0-2.5 L/min.

Agitation was fixed at 200 rpm throughout the experiment, except during the last week

when 250 rpm were used. Dissolved oxygen concentration during the fed-batch stage was

maintained below 4 mg/L during the initial 20 days of experiment, decreasing to values

near to zero during the last days of this stage (Figure 4-16, fed-batch stage). Contrary to

this, when a continuous feeding was added, oxygen was maintained in a range between

2–8 mg/L until day 69, then this value decreased until zero (Figure 4-16, continuous







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70



ed o


n (m


Time (days)

Dissolved oxygen

Fed-batch Continuous feeding

Figure 4-16. Dissolved oxygen (♦) during the experiment with pellets of P. chrysosporium

Figure 4-17 shows the results of the time-course degradation experiments that

were carried out at days 0, 4, 7, 14 and 20. Diclofenac was slightly removed at the

beginning of the bioreactor operation: only 30% at day 1. In the following days, removal of

this compound was enhanced with degradation percentages around 80% (days 4, 7 and

14) and a maximum removal of 94% at day 20 (Figure 4-17, DCF). In terms of degradation

rate, the lowest rate was obtained at day 0: 0.4 mg/L·d. Average degradation rates

between 0.8-1 mg/L·d were observed at days 4, 7 and 14 and finally, the highest removal

rate of 1.5 mg/L·d was achieved at day 20.

Chapter 4


Ibuprofen shows a similar trend as DCF since the lowest rate corresponded to day

0 where less than 66% were degraded after 8 h. Thereafter, 95% of this compound was

efficiently degraded after 24 h. Even more, a degradation percentage of 50% was achieved

after a very short period of time: only 30 min at day 20. These results implied that overall

degradation rate was maintained around 1.0 mg/L·d during the first 20 days of operation

(Figure 4-17, IBP).








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24



al c







Time (hours)

Day 0 Day 4 Day 7 Day 14 Day 20












0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24




l co







Time (hours)

Day 0 Day 4 Day 7 Day 14 Day 20


Figure 4-17. Time-course degradation of diclofenac (a) and ibuprofen (b) by pellets of P.

chrysosporium during the fed-batch stage. Symbols: day 0 (□), day 4(◊), day 7 (Δ), day 14 (*), day 20 (○).

Naproxen was partially degraded (57%) after 24 hours at day 0, higher percentages

achieved at days 4, 7 and 14 (~80%) and finally the maximum removal was reached at day

20 (94%) (Figure 4-18, NPX). The corresponding degradation rates were ranged between

0.6-1.3 mg/L·d. Contrary to the results shown above, the antiepileptic CBZ was only

partially degraded at day 4 and 7 (64% and 32%, respectively) with degradation rates in

the range of 0.5-0.7 mg/L·d (Figure 4-18, CBZ).

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy









0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24



al c







Time (hours)

Day 0 Day 4 Day 7 Day 14 Day 20











0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24



al c







Time (hours)

Day 0 Day 4 Day 7 Day 14 Day 20


Figure 4-18. Time-course degradation of naproxen (a) and carbamazepine (b) by pellets of P. chrysosporium during the fed-batch stage. Symbols: day 0 (□), day 4(◊), day 7 (Δ), day 14 (*), day

20 (○).

Table 4-5 shows the residual percentage of the drugs analyzed in the extracellular

liquid and the abiotic control after 24 h. These experiments were performed to assess the

capability of the extracellular fluid containing MnP to carry out the degradation of the

target compounds under an in vitro perspective, that is, by the single action of the enzyme

in the absence of the fungal culture. Moreover, the monitoring of abiotic controls would

allow quantifying any volatilization process. A slight removal in the extracellular liquid was

observed specially in the case of DCF (day 7) as well as IBP and NPX (day 20). In addition,

low activities of MnP were detected throughout this stage, except at day 20 where above

60 U/L were detected. In the case of abiotic controls more than 83% of the compounds

were detected after 24 hours in all the experiments analyzed.

Chapter 4


Table 4-5. Residual percentage in the extracellular liquid and abiotic control after 24 h.

Residual percentage (%) Days DCF IBP NPX CBZ

Extracellular liquid 0 93 87 95 >100 4 >100 94 87 98 7 75 93 96 >100

14 96 >100 >100 99 20 80 76 70 >100

Abiotic control 0 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 4 94 96 97 90 7 95 90 84 83

14 90 99 95 93 20 89 96 92 93

n.d. (not determined)

Figures 4-19 and 4-20 shows the feeding and degradation rates of DCF, IPB, NPX

and CBZ obtained during the continuous stage in this experiment. The reactor feeding

medium was prepared every 5 or 7 days, as needed, including the pharmaceutical

compounds. For this reason, feeding rates of pharmaceutical compounds to the reactor

were varied. In the case of DCF feeding rates, these were detected in a range between 0.9

and 1.4 mg/L·d, except between days 40 and 47 when an increase up to 1.7 mg/L·d was

applied. Concerning DCF degradation rates, it can be observed that this compound was

highly degraded during the period between days 26 and 54 (up to 90%); then, a decrease

in this rate was observed between days 55 and 63 (34%-70%). Finally, the degradation

rate started to increase from day 66 until the end of the experiment (69%-82%) (Figure 4-

19, DCF). Regarding the feeding rates of IBP, a range of 0.8-1.2 mg/L·d was applied with

removal percentages above 94% until day 54th. Thereafter, a slight decrease was observed

until the end of the experiment, although the percentages were higher than those

obtained for DCF (65%-95%) (Figure 4-19, IBP).

Figure 4-20 shows the results for NPX, where it can be observed that the feeding

rates of this compound were detected in a range of 0.9-1.3 mg/L·d throughout the

experiment, although during the last two days of the experiment this rate was of only 0.7

mg/L·d. This compound was highly degraded in the period between the days 26-54 in a

range of 77% up to 94%; from the day 55 until the day 66, the removal rates have suffered

a notorious decline, until 21% of removal. Finally, during the last days of experiment, the

fungus was not able to eliminate this drug, though a 17% or removal of NPX was detected

the last day.

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


















20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70




n ra

te (m








Time (days)

Media movil (IBP) mg/L*d Media movil de la velocidad de alimentación …













20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)

Media movil (DCF) mg/L*d Media movil de la velocidad de alimentación …



Figure 4-19. Feeding rates (—) and degradation rates (◊) of DCF and IBP during the continuous stage of the bioreactor with pellets of P. chrysosporium.

On the other hand, CBZ feeding rates were maintained with a decreasing tendency

from 2.2 mg/L·d until 1.0 mg/L·d throughout the experiment; although a slightly increase

can be observed during the last days of experiment (1.3 mg/L·d). The results obtained

during the degradation of CBZ were different from those obtained for the anti-

inflammatory drugs (Figure 4-20, CBZ). Regarding to the degradation of CBZ, during the

first days of this experiment (26th until 28th) the fungus was able to remove this

compound in a range of 58%-80%. After this day, the reactor was able to maintain high

degradation rates (72%-93%) until day 53; however at day 40 a decrease until 38% was

observed. From day 54, the removal rates of this compound were decreasing again until

only 5%; despite this, an improvement in the degradation rate can be observed during the

last week of the experiment achieving removals ranging from 25% to 44%.

Chapter 4
















20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)

Media movil (CBZ) mg/L*d Media movil de la velocidad de alimentación …













20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)

Media movil (NPX) mg/L*d Media movil de la velocidad de alimentación …



Figure 4-20. Feeding rates (—) and degradation rates (◊) of NPX and CBZ during the continuous stage of the bioreactor with pellets of P. chrysosporium.

Table 4-6 shows the residual concentration of three anti-inflammatory drugs and

an antiepileptic drug that were absorbed on the fungal biomass and reactor vessel. At the

end of this experiment, it was possible to detect all the analyzed compounds in the

biomass. High quantities of NPX and CBZ were detected per gram of biomass (up to 0.099

mg of drug). In the case of DCF and IBP, around 0.022 and 0.039 mg of this drugs were

detected per gram of biomass. On the other hand, almost undetectable amounts of the

three anti-inflammatories were found in the reactor vessel, while CBZ could not be

quantified since the amount of this compound was below the minimum detection limit.

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


Table 4-6 Residual concentration of pharmaceuticals on the fungal biomass and reactor vessel

Pharmaceuticals concentration

Biomass (mg drug/g biomass)

Vessel (mg drug/cm2 vessel)

DCF 0.039 5.6 E-6

IBP 0.022 1.3 E-5

NPX 0.067 1.1 E-5 CBZ 0.099 BDL

BDL (below detection limit)

The operation of the reactor was steady during the 70 days of the experiment

achieving a final biomass concentration of 7.8 g/L. During the fed-batch stage, the

appearance of the reactor pellets was maintained as shown in Figure 4-21 (day 8), where

the pellets were dense and compact; however a filamentous growth started to show after

3 weeks of experiment (Figure 4-22, day 20). Once the continuous feeding started (Figure

4-21, day 40), excessive growth of the fungus was observed; then hyphal branches and

aggregates of pellets started to breakdown.

Day 8 Day 40

Figure 4-21 Appearance of the pellets of P. chrysosporium during the fed-batch and continuous experiment in the bioreactor.

The morphology of the pellets and their size were determined throughout the

experiment; however to discuss this aspect only a few examples are shown in Figure 4-22

(days 1, 20, 40 and 70). A constant size throughout the experiment, in the range of 3.2-4.0

mm, was maintained. The release of aggregates of pellets was observed at day 40. New

pellets with a compact aspect were formed from the fragments of fungal mycelia (Figure

4-22, day 70). Despite the excessive fungal growth, no clogging problems were observed

throughout the 70 days of operation in the STR.

Chapter 4


Day 1 Day 20

Day 40 Day 70 Figure 4-22. Pellet morphology by stereomicroscope during the aerated experiment

4.3.3. Operation of a continuous stirred tank reactor for the degradation of the DCF, IBP,


A continuous operation (nutrients and pharmaceutical compounds) was performed in this

experiment for the removal of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP by pellets of P. chrysosporium.

The configuration of the STR operated with a continuous feeding was the same as in the

stage II of the previous experiment (Figure 4-23). A continuous air flow was also used in

this experiment and the reactor was operated during 50 days.

The feed medium was added with a glucose concentration in a range between 4

g/L and 6 g/L during the experiment. Glucose was detected below 2 g/L in the effluent

until day 30; then an increase until 3 g/L was observed (Figure 4-23a). This increase is

related to the necessary changes in the addition rates. Since the HRT was of 24 hours, the

feeding rate of glucose was maintained in a range between 150 mg/L·h and 250 mg/L·h

(Figure 4-23b). Glucose consumption was negligible during the first days of experiment; it

was until day 5 when a high consumption was observed. Despite this, from day 30 until

the end of the experiment the fungus was able to consume about 60% of the glucose

added into the reactor (Figure 4-23b).

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy







0 10 20 30 40 50
















Time (days)








0 10 20 30 40 50









Time (days)


Figure 4-23. Glucose concentration (a) as its addition and consumption rates (b) during the continuous experiment in a STR. Symbols: feed medium (□), reactor effluent (■), glucose addition

rate (—), glucose consumption rate (♦)

As shown in Figure 4-24a, the pH value in the reactor increased from 4.5 until 5.4

during the start of the operation; then, it was maintained below 5. The pH was not

controlled through the 50 days of operation. Low enzymatic activities were detected

throughout the experiment; however, a high peak of activity of MnP (200 U/L) was

observed during the last days of the experiment (Figure 4-24b).

Chapter 4








0 10 20 30 40 50




c a





P (



Time (days)






0 10 20 30 40 50


Time (days)


Figure 4-24. pH value (a) and enzymatic activity (b) during the continuous experiment in a STR.

Symbols: feed medium (○), reactor effluent (●), enzymatic activity (▲).

In this experiment, a continuous air flow was maintained to aerate the reactor, for

this reason the maximum concentration of dissolved oxygen detected was 7.9 mg/L

(Figure 4-25a). At the beginning of the experiment, a high level of oxygen was measured;

then, a decrease until concentrations below 2 g/L during the period between day 7 and 38

was detected. Finally, an increase of this parameter was observed during the last days of

the experiment. The content of TOC is also shown in Figure 4-24b. When the operation

started, concentrations of organic carbon were similar in the feed medium and the

effluent. In the former this content was maintained between 2 g/L and 3 g/L; while in the

outlet stream of the reactor the TOC was detected below 2 g/L until the end of the

experiment (Figure 4-25b). The concentration of total nitrogen was detected below 0.05

g/L in the feed medium and the reactor effluent; also the peroxide content was measured

finding concentrations below 2 mg/L over the 50 days of experiment (data not shown).

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy








0 10 20 30 40 50


l org




nt (


Time (days)








0 10 20 30 40 50



ed o


n (m


Time (days)


Figure 4-25. Dissolved oxygen (a) and total organic carbon (b) during the continuous experiment in a STR. Symbols: dissolved oxygen (▲), feed medium (◊), reactor effluent (♦)

The addition and consumption rates of the three anti-inflammatories drugs are

shown in Figure 4-26. The drug DCF was not removed when the experiment started (day

1); however, high consumptions were observed during the first two weeks of experiment,

except at day 12 (Figure 4-26a). From day 15 until the end of this experiment, this drug

was easily degraded by the fungus P. chrysosporium. Ibuprofen degradation showed the

same behavior than DCF drug, since low removals were detected at the start of the

bioreactor, excepting at day 12. This decrease in the removal efficiency of the anti-

inflammatory drugs might be caused for an adjustment of the reactor volume with fresh

medium just before the sample was withdrawn. Finally, highly removals were achieved in

the period between day 15 and day 50 (Figure 4-26b).

Chapter 4














0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m









Time (days)



















0 10 20 30 40 50











g ra

te (m



Time (days)

















0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)



Figure 4-26. Feeding rates (—) and degradation rates (◊) of DCF (a), IBP (b) and NPX (c) during the

continuous experiment in a STR.

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


Removal of NPX was negligible during the first days of experiment; however,

partial degradations below 70% until day 15. In addition, at day 12 the decrease in the

removal efficiency that was observed for DCF and IBP was also detected in this case. A

removal percentage of 50% was maintained in the period between days 15 and 40; then a

slight increase of the elimination percentages was detected up to 92% and 87% of

degradation at days 44 and 50, respectively (Figure 4-26b).













0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)















0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)



Figure 4-27. Feeding rates (—) and degradation rates (◊) of CBZ (a) and DZP (b) during the

continuous experiment in a STR

Contrarily to the anti-inflammatory drugs, the elimination of CBZ was maintained

almost negligible during the first two weeks of assay (Figure 4-27a). From day 20 until day

50, the removal of CBZ was maintained between 24% up to 63% of degradation. On the

other hand, it was impossible to detect the drug DZP during the first days of assays; this

could be due to an analytical problem. Therefore, the feeding rate of this compound was

Chapter 4


increased until 0.6 mg/L·d until day 40; then the feeding rate was the same as the original

addition (around 0.2 mg/L·d). This strategy does not improve the degradation of DZP, but

at least the compound was detected by GC-MS (Figure 4-27b).

The degradation percentages achieved for each of the pharmaceutical compounds

used in this experiment are shown in Figure 4-28. Anti-inflammatory drugs were easily

degraded by fungal pellets in the STR during a continuous operation. On the other hand,

the degradation of compounds such as CBZ was improving as the assay progressed

whereas DZP was not degraded in this experiment.






0 10 20 30 40 50




n p



ge (%


Time (days)

(DCF) mg/L*d


Figure 4-28. Degradation tendency of DCF, IBP, NPX and CBZ during the continuous experiment in

a STR. Symbols: DCF ( ), IBP ( ), NPX ( ), CBZ ( ), DZP (*).

The adsorption of the pharmaceutical compounds onto the fungal biomass was

analyzed (Table 4-7). Low quantities of the three anti-inflammatory were detected in the

pellets of P. chrysosporium meanwhile the compound DZP showed the highest

concentration per gram of biomass. All the compounds were detected in concentrations

almost negligible in the vessel of the bioreactor.

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


Table 4-7 Residual concentration of pharmaceuticals onto biomass and reactor vessel

Pharmaceutical concentration

Biomass (mg drug/g biomass)

Vessel (mg drug/cm2 vessel)

DCF 0.000 2.7 E-7

IBP 0.003 1.1 E-6

NPX 0.012 3.0 E-6 CBZ 0.014 4.7 E-6

DZP 0.028 1.1 E-5 BDL (below detection limit)

The STR was operated during 50 days with pellets of the fungus P. chrysosporium

using a continuous air flow. The appearance of the vessel reactor is shown in Figure 4-29.

At the beginning of the experiment the reactor has an optimal mixture; however, an

excessive mycelium growth was observed after 28 days of operation (Figure 4-29, day 28).

For this reason, approximately 500 mL of medium (including pellets and free mycelium)

were removed from the reactor and replaced with fresh medium. The content of the

biomass recovered was of 7.3 g/L. At day 29, the reactor showed an appearance similar to

the start of the reactor. Finally, after 50 days of operation the reactor showed again an

excessive growth with a final concentration of biomass of 8 g/L.

Day 1 Day 28 Day 29 Day 50

Figure 4-29. Appearance of the STR during the continuous experiment

Also, the morphology and appearance of the pellets were determined during the

experiment (Figure 4-30). The continuous air flow caused an excessive fungal growth.

Pellets from the inoculum showed a slight formation of hyphal branches with a size of 9.3

mm (Figure 4-30, day 1) and this appearance was also observed at day 10. In the following

days, fragments of fungal mycelia formed pellets of smaller size: 7 mm (days 30 and 50).

Chapter 4


Day 1 Day 10

Day 30 Day 50

Figure 4-30. Pellet morphology by stereomicroscope during the aerated experiment

4.4. Discussion

In this chapter the degradation of five pharmaceutical compounds (DCF, IBP, NPX, CZB and

DZP) was carried out by action of pellets of P. chrysosporium in a scale-lab reactor. To

achieve a better understanding of the viability of this process, it was conducted a strategy

based in two operational strategies: fed-batch mode and continuous operation. The

former was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of the process and to establish the

optimal conditions which enable and promote the oxidative action of this microorganism.

On the other hand, the continuous configuration of the bioreactor was used establishing a

continuous input and output flows; the main drawback of this process is the stability of

the operation of a continuous bioreactor with filamentous fungi, whose degradative

ability will depend on the maintenance of the conditions similar to those that regulate the

secondary metabolism.

Once considered the two operational strategies (fed-batch and continuous), the

selection of the bioreactor type to perform the degradation assays was required. Thereby,

a stirred tank reactor (STR) was selected for the assays conducted in this chapter; this type

of bioreactor works predominantly in a steady-state since volume and temperature are

not time-depending. Moreover, the fungus P. chrysosporium was used in this chapter

since it is a well-known WRF which has demonstrated its degradative potential over a

variety of environmentally persistent compounds via its ligninolytic system (Mester and

Tien, 2000; Miura et al., 2004). This potential was also showed in this doctoral thesis, since

this fungal strain showed a high removal of pharmaceuticals by free pellets (results from

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


chapter 3). Although the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 showed similar or even higher

removal percentages than P. chrysosporium, this strain was discarded due to its excessive

growth which could cause clogging problems affecting the viability of the process during a

continuous operation in a STR.

Three degradation experiments were conducted in this chapter: in a first

experiment, a fed-batch operation in a STR was conducted for 30 days to carry out the

degradation of the three anti-inflammatory drugs. Additionally, the influence of gas

supply, either continuous aeration or periodic pulsation of oxygen, on the process

efficiency was evaluated. In a later experiment, the bioreactor was operated in a fed-

batch mode (stage I) for 26 days and thereafter changed to continuous mode until day 70

(stage II) and finally, a continuous experiment was carried out for more than 50 days to

confirm the degradation of the five pharmaceuticals considered.

The operation of the STR remained stable during the three experiments for

periods of time between 30 and 70 days, despite the fact that they are operated with

filamentous fungi which often have an excessive mycelium growth that might cause

clogging problems into the reactor. Several variables were analyzed during the operation

of the STR in order to monitor the evolution of the microbial metabolism. The fungus P.

chrysosporium was able to achieve a great consumption rate of nutrients under the three

different feeding strategies used. The ligninolytic system of this microorganism is

activated during the secondary metabolism; when the nutrients are in low concentration,

the primary metabolism and proteases production can be avoided. The pH was

maintained in values near to the optimal (4.5) during the first days of each experiment;

however, this parameter can be influenced by the presence of organic acids endogenously

produced by the fungus or free ammonia, obtained from the decomposition of proteins by

extracellular proteases. It is important to ensure a high oxygen level throughout the

degradation process, since it can improve the enzymatic production of MnP and also the

removal of the pollutants; however, low enzymatic activities were detected during the

first two experiments. Despite this, it was possible to remove the pharmaceutical

compounds both in the reactors operated with air or oxygen supply as well as with fed-

batch or continuous feeding. When the bioreactor started the operation with a

continuous feeding a higher activity of MnP was reached. Other authors have removed

this type of compounds with low levels of MnP enzyme suggesting that the degradation by

fungal cultures could take place intracelularlly by the action of cytochrome P450 system

(Hata et al., 2010; Marco-Urrea et al., 2009; Marco Urrea et al., 2010a).

According to the degradation of the five pharmaceutical compounds (DCF, IBP,

NPX, CBZ and DZP), the addition rates of these drugs have been controlled due to the

Chapter 4


conditions of operation, avoiding their accumulation into the bioreactor and improving

their removal. Anti-inflammatory drugs are easily removed using several technologies,

including in sewage treatment plants (STPs) (Huber et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2008; Ziylan

and Ince, 2011). Other pharmaceutical compounds, like CBZ and DZP, need oxidative

treatments for its degradation since they are not removed in conventional STPs (Esplugas

et al., 2007; Calisto and Esteves, 2009; Kim and Tanaka, 2009). The degradation of DCF,

IBP, NPX and CBZ by fungal action has been studied achieving high removal percentages;

in fact, the use of ligninolytic enzymes like Laccase enhances the removal of these

compounds (Marco-Urrea et al., 2009; Hata et al., 2010; Lloret et al. 2010; Marco-Urrea et

al., 2010b; Zhang and Geiβen, 2010; Eibes et al., 2011;).

In this chapter, the drugs DCF, IBP and NPX achieved from partial to total

degradation depending on the feeding operation of the bioreactor. When the bioreactor

started with a fed-batch operation, these compounds were totally removed regardless of

the gas supply (air or oxygen); while when the reactor operation was changed to a

continuous feeding, in all the studied cases, the elimination efficiency decreased over the

progress of the experiment. Finally, when the bioreactor started with a continuous

operation, the removal of the three anti-inflammatory took a longer period of time.

Another important result of this chapter was the slight accumulation of NPX that takes

place between days 12 and 22 in the aerated and oxygenated reactor. There is no clear

evidence that explains this fact, but it may be due to a decline in the glucose consumption

observed in this period resulting from a slowdown in the fungus metabolism. Moreover, it

may also be attributed to an accumulation of either NPX or its degradation products, since

Lindqvist et al. (2005) have reported higher concentration of this compound in effluents of

STPs than in the influents, which is attributed to a possible hydrolysis of the metabolites,

forming the parent compound. This behavior was also observed during the fed-batch

stage, however when a continuous feeding was added to the reactor, a negligible

accumulation of this compound was observed. The degradation of recalcitrant compounds

such as CBZ and DZP was almost negligible; only the former achieved partial removal

percentages during the fed-batch stage and total removal during the continuous stage of

the second experiment performed in this chapter. As the anti-inflammatory drugs, it

seems that a fed-batch operation enhances the removal of this compound while during a

continuous operation the fungus needs more time to reach a complete depletion of this

drug. The differences between the degradation percentages achieved for the five

pharmaceutical compounds may be related to their physicochemical properties. Ibuprofen

is a readily biodegradable drug perhaps due to its chemical structure with one aromatic

ring; while DCF has two aromatic rings connected by an N-H functional group as well as

the presence of two chlorine atoms (Ziylan and Ince, 2011). Moreover, recalcitrant

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


compounds such as CBZ and DZP have a very small Kbiol (<0.01 L/g·SS·d and <0.1 L/g·SS·d,

respectively) indicating that they are hardly biodegradable (Joss et al., 2006).

Regarding with the time-course degradation experiments, it is important to note

that several degradation rates were achieved at different stages of the fungal

fermentation. This indicates that the fungal age have an effect over the degradation of

some compounds such as DCF and CBZ. With respect to the adsorption of the drugs in the

biomass, this process depends on the physicochemical properties of each compound, as

their octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) and their acid dissociation constant (pKa)

(Suárez et al., 2008). From the selected pharmaceutical compounds in this chapter, CBZ

and DZP are more likely to be attached on the surface of solids. This is in accordance with

the results of the adsorption experiments performed in this chapter since both

compounds were detected in higher concentrations in the pellets than the anti-

inflammatory drugs.

Concerning to the feeding conditions, the lowest concentration of pharmaceutical

compounds were detected during the fed-batch experiment, even when in this

experiment a large amount of pharmaceutical compounds was added. Typically during a

fed-batch operation the fungus growth is activated after each nutrients pulse; also there is

an improvement of the degradation rates of the target compounds after each pulsation. In

contrast, during a continuous operation, the removal efficiency of the pharmaceutical

compounds decreases throughout the assay. Moreover, the size of the pellets may also

influence the adsorption of these compounds, since the surface to adhere will depend on

the size of the fungal mycelium. On the other hand, the adsorption may also be related to

the efficiencies of degradation and the accumulation of the drugs, since the higher

concentration of these compounds per gram of biomass was detected in those

experiments where the compounds were not completely degraded. Feeding strategy

could also have a positive effect over the pellets morphology, since in this study it was

found that when the bioreactor started the operation with a continuous addition of

nutrients, the pellets showed a higher size than those obtained when the experiment

started with a fed-batch operation; also, a great amount of this pellets maintained the

spherical and compact shape until the last day of experiment and only a few percentage of

these pellets have fragmented and formed aggregates.

With respect to the effect of the gas supply, fungal growth under high oxygen level

conditions controls pellet morphology and enzyme production and was found to be

optimal for a delignification process (Moreira et al., 1996; Rothschild et al., 1999; Miura et

al., 2004). For instance, Moreira et al. (1996) obtained spherical shape and hyphae-free

pellets when applying oxygen pulsations, favouring in this way fungal morphology.

Chapter 4


Otherwise, when a continuous air flow was used an excessive fungus growth was

observed. Disrupted pellets release mycelium fragments on the medium which in turn

forms aggregates in the reactor. This is in accordance with the results of this chapter,

where significant differences of pellets morphology where observed, depending on the

gas supply. The application of pulses of oxygen favoured the pellets morphology which in

turn stabilized the operation of the STR; however, in the fed-batch reactor with a

continuous air flow, there were no clogging problems even though the pellets showed a

filamentous growth. This could impede a continuous operation where it is necessary to

maintain a constant output flow; despite this, it is important to note that during the

continuous operation of the STR with air an overgrowth of the mycelium was observed

but no clogging were detected into the reactor. Although this, it was necessary to remove

biomass at day 28 from the reactor which started its operation in continuous. Concerning

to the effect of the oxygen level associated with the degradation of the pharmaceutical

compounds, there were no significant differences between the aerated and the

oxygenated; therefore a configuration using air can be an optimal alternative for removal

of these compounds since it reduces operating costs.

4.5. Conclusions

In this chapter the degradation of several pharmaceutical compounds by pellets of P.

chrysosporium in a STR was analyzed under a fed-batch and a continuous operation. Also

the influence of a continuous air flow and oxygen pulses over the morphology of the

pellets as well as the degradation efficiencies were analyzed. According to the obtained

results during the fed-batch experiment, the addition of oxygen pulses may control the

growth of fungal biomass, thus facilitating the operation of the reactor with high removal

percentages for DCF, IBP and NPX (80% - 99%). Meanwhile, the aerated reactor presented

excessive growth, with removal rates of the three anti-inflammatories in the range of

65%-99%. These findings prove that the oxidative capability of this microorganism for the

anti-inflammatory drugs is not restricted to an oxygen environment, as generally

accepted. In the case of the second experiment, the three anti-inflammatory drugs

mentioned above were used, but also an antiepileptic was analyzed (CBZ). The results

showed that these compounds can be partially or totally removed during the fed-batch

stage after a short period of time; this degradation efficiency is related to the culture age.

When a continuous feeding was added, the elimination of these drugs was maintained

stable until day 55, then a decrease of the removal was observed for all the cases. Finally,

during the third experiment, a continuous feeding was used for the removal of DCF, IBP,

NPX, CBZ and also DZP. When this type of operation was used since the beginning of the

experiment, the elimination of the anti-inflammatory drugs took more time than during a

Removal of pharmaceuticals in a free pellets reactor: From fed-batch to continuous strategy


fed-batch experiment. The drug CBZ was partially removed at the end of the operation;

while DZP was not removed throughout the experiment. It seems that a higher elimination

of these pharmaceutical compounds can be achieved during a fed-batch experiment.

Despite this, from the results of this chapter it can be concluded that the optimal

configuration could be a fed-batch bioreactor operating for a few weeks; then a change to

a continuous feeding might enhance and maintain the removal of these compounds for

longer periods of time.


Chapter 5

Operation of fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium

for the removal of five pharmaceutical compounds: DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP


Fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium were

applied for the removal of three anti-inflammatory drugs (DCF, IBP, NPX), an antiepileptic

drug (CBZ) and a tranquilizer (DZP). The influence of gas supply either as a continuous flow

of air or as pulses of oxygen on the efficiency of the process was evaluated in the fixed-

bed configuration. This type of bioreactor was proven to maintain a stable and feasible

operation for 100 days with total removal of the three anti-inflammatory drugs regardless

of the aeration system. In the case of the antiepileptic compound, high removal

percentages (from 60% up to 89%) were obtained until day 40 under both aeration

conditions. Thereafter, the efficiency of degradation decreased to 50% in the aerated

reactor and to a larger extent, between 20% and 50% in the reactor with oxygen

pulsation. Conversely, removal of diazepam was favored in the oxygen reactor with

remarkable degradation percentages higher than 60% after 100 days while values below

40% in the air reactor. Under both aeration conditions, low levels of MnP activity were

detected, slightly higher (up to 30 U/L) in the oxygen reactor. The other assessed

configuration, stirred tank reactor with immobilized fungus, attained stable operation for

50 days. A complete removal of DCF and IBP was achieved even when negligible activities

of MnP were detected; the anti-inflammatory NPX was almost totally degraded during the

first days of assay (until day 3) but then a decrease of the removal efficiency was

Chapter 5


observed. Carbamazepine showed a similar degradation tendency than NPX, but with low

removal percentages. Finally, the removal of DZP was lower than in the fixed bed reactor

(up to 40%) and it was negligible from day 30 until the end of the experiment. Also, in this

chapter adsorption experiments were carried out and the results showed that low residual

concentrations of all the selected compounds were detected in the fixed-bed reactors.

* Part of this chapter has been submitted as a research paper as:

Rodarte-Morales AI, Feijoo G, Moreira MT, Lema JM. (2011). Operation of a stirred tank reactor

(STR) and fixed-bed reactor (FBR) with Phanerochaete chrysosporium for the continuous

degradation of pharmaceutical compounds. Biochemical Engineering Journal (Submitted).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium



5.1. Introduction 164

5.2. Materials and methods 165

5.2.1. Microorganism 165

5.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals 165

5.2.3. Degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in a continuous fixed-

bed reactor using P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam


5.2.4. Degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in a continuous

stirred tank reactor (STR) using P. chrysosporium immobilized in

polyurethane foam


5.2.5. Determination of the residence time distribution (RTD) in a fixed-

bed reactor (FBR)


5.2.6. Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on the fungal biomass 168

5.2.7. Analytical techniques 168

5.3. Results 168

5.3.1. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a fixed-bed reactor with a

continuous air flow for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP 168

5.3.2. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a fixed-bed reactor with oxygen

pulses for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP 178

5.3.3. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a stirred tank reactor (STR) with

a continuous air flow for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and



5.4. Discussion 197

5.5. Conclusions 199

Chapter 5


5.1. Introduction

In recent years the configuration of a fixed bed reactor (FBR) with immobilized ligninolytic

fungi has been applied for the production of ligninolytic enzymes or for the removal of

various pollutants, especially dyes and phenolic compounds (Linko et al., 1996; Moreira et

al. 1997a; Moreira et al., 1998; Mielgo et al. 2002; Ehlers and Rose, 2005; Moldes et al.,

2005; Rogalski et al., 2006; Sedighi et al., 2009). The operation of this type of bioreactors

is affected by diverse environmental factors such as medium composition, culture age,

feeding strategy (fed-batch or continuous), hydraulic residence time (HRT), aeration

supply, among others (Moreira et al. 1996; Jiménez-Tobon et al., 1997, Rothschild et al.,

1999; Kaushik and Malik, 2009).

Nowadays there are many types of supports that have been used to immobilize

white rot fungi (WRF) such as agarose gel, nylon-web, silicon tubing, porous plastic

material, sintered glass, kissiris (mineral glass foam material) and polyurethane foam

(Linko et al., 1996; Moldes et al. 2005; Sedighi et al., 2009). The immobilization support

typically has a large surface area that facilitates the adhesion of the microorganism.

Concerning the operation of the bioreactor, immobilization of the fungus avoids the

washout of the biomass and it also provides mechanical strength to the bioparticle,

superior to that of free mycelia or pellets. This culture technique restricts the growth of

the fungus to the external and inner surface of the support and thus, excessive extension

of the mycelia is controlled avoiding clogging problems and maintaining the reactor

operation stable for longer periods of time (Brauer, 1988; Elhers and Rose, 2005).

Moreover, the use of a support favours mass transfer for oxygen and nutrients in contact

with the bioparticle (Moreira et al., 1998). However, there are several important

drawbacks of FBRs that have to be highlighted: the lack of homogeneity and mechanical

stirring that may encounter mass transfer limitations, the compaction of the support, the

formation of preferential pathways that imply that a fraction of the reactor is not

operative and it is considered as a dead volume (Ehlers and Rose, 2005). A strategy to

overcome these drawbacks may rely on the way how the gas is supplied into the reactor,

either continuously or in pulses. A continuous air flow ensures a constant flow at low

operation costs whereas the use of a pulsing oxygen flow may maintain high levels of

dissolved oxygen at moderate costs and even control the extension of mycelia by means

of the mechanical stress on the bioparticle (Dosoretz et al., 1990; Kenealy and Dietrich,

2004; Xiong et al., 2008).

In previous chapters of this thesis, the fungus P. chrysosporium demonstrated the

ability to remove a wide range of pharmaceutical compounds, regardless of the culture

technique considered (static, free pellets and immobilized cultures). In particular in the

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


case of immobilized culture, this strain was able to remove three anti-inflammatory

compounds (DCF, IBP and NPX) and an antiepileptic (CBZ), whereas partial degradation of

DZP was attained (chapter 3). In the case of pellet culture, this fungus was able to remove

these compounds in a stirred tank reactor (STR); however, operation of free pellets

reactor presented clogging problems due to excessive fungal growth (Moreira et al.,

1996). An alternative configuration based on the use of a conventional STR may be that

one operating with immobilized fungus. In principle, this option may be valuable to

combine the advantages of the two bioreactor configurations: homogeneity of the culture

medium, high surface area for fungal colonization with controlled growth, improved mass

transfer of nutrients and oxygen, prevention of preferential pathways and clogging.

In this chapter three degradation experiments were conducted for the removal of

five pharmaceutical compounds: DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP by immobilized P.

chrysosporium. This strain was selected for a number of reasons: it is a well known fungus

able to degrade a wide variety of pollutants via its ligninolytic system, it is an accessible

microorganism which simplifies the process, it is characterized by a low biomass growth

compared with the other strains used in chapter 3 (the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1

and B. adusta) and finally, this fungus has shown a great ability to remove several

pharmaceutical compounds even at low enzymatic activities (chapters 3 and 4). The

support chosen was polyurethane foam because it is cheap, readily available and has an

adequate mechanical strength. The influence of gas supply either as a continuous flow of

air or as pulses of oxygen on the efficiency of the process was also evaluated in a FBR. In

parallel, a STR with immobilized fungus was operated to assess the efficiency of

degradation in this configuration as well as the process stability.

5.2 Materials and methods

5.2.1. Microorganisms

The white-rot fungus used in this chapter was Phanerochaete chrysosporium. In chapter 2

a description of the preparation of the pre-inoculum for fixed-bed reactor (FBR) and

stirred tank reactor (STR) is included.

5.2.2. Pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals

Pharmaceutical compounds considered in this chapter were DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP

from a stock solution prepared as indicated in chapter 2, at three different concentrations:

1 mg/L (DCF, IBP and NPX), 0.5 mg/L (CBZ) and 0.25 mg/L (DZP).

Chapter 5


5.2.3. Degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in a continuous fixed-bed reactor using

P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam.

The description of the main characteristics of the FBR used was already detailed in chapter

2. In figure 5-1 the configuration of the continuous operation of the FBR is shown.










Figure 5-1. Configuration of a continuous operation of a fixed-bed reactor. Symbols: (1) Feed bottle, (2) glass spheres, (3) P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam,

(4) middle port, (5) filters, (6) pulsing device, (7) air or oxygen supply, (8) effluent from the upper port, (9) effluent reservoir.

Polyurethane foam with 3 or 4 day immobilized fungus corresponding to three

flasks was transferred to the reactor. The feed medium was formulated on the basis of the

Kirk culture medium, adapted to a continuous operation (Tien and Kirk, 1988) with the

feeding rates specified in Table 5-1. Two ways of gas supply were considered: one reactor

was supplied with a continuous air flow (1 L/min), whereas a second reactor was aerated

with pulses of oxygen. The oxygen pulsing frequency was maintained at 0.0625 s-1.

Temperature was maintained at 30°C and pH was not controlled by acid or alkali addition

and the level of dissolved oxygen was measured off-line by means of an external electrode

(chapter 2). Degradation experiments under both aeration conditions were carried out for

100 days and the hydraulic retention time (HRT) selected for the operation was 24 h as

calculated from the results presented in chapters 3 and 4. Samples were withdrawn twice

per week from the upper port of the reactor and every 10 days from the middle port of

the reactor.

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


Table 5-1. Feeding rates in the operation of the fixed-bed (FBR) and stirred tank reactors (STR)

Oxygen FBR Air FBR Air STR

Compounds Feeding rate

(mg/L·h) Feeding rate

(mg/L·h) Feeding rate


Glucose 125-250 125-250 125-250

Ammonium tartrate 0.6-2.08 0.6-1.04 0.6

KH2PO4 83.3 83.3 83.3

MgSO4 20.8 20.8 20.8

CaCl2 4.2 4.2 4.2

Sodium acetate 113.3 113.3 113.3

MnSO4 3.5 3.5 3.5

Trace elements* 0.4 0.4 0.4

Tiamine* 0.04 0.04 0.04

DCF, IBP, NPX 0.042 0.042 0.042

CBZ 0.021 0.021 0.021

DZP 0.010 0.010 0.010 * (mL/L·h)

5.2.4. Degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in a continuous stirred tank reactor

(STR) using P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam

The description of the main characteristics of the STR used in this experiment was

included in chapter 2 (Figure 2-3 and 2-4). The configuration of the continuous operation

of the STR using P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam is shown in Figure 5-

2. The reactor vessel (2 L) was filled with active fungus previously immobilized in

polyurethane foam (3 - 4 days) corresponding to four Erlenmeyer flasks. From the

beginning of the experiment until day 9 the reactor was filled with 1.5 L of modified Kirk

medium (Tien and Kirk, 1988) with the feeding rates described in Table 5-1; then, from

day 10 until the end of the experiment the volume of the reactor was increased until 1.75

L in order to maintain a homogeneous agitation. The feed medium was added in the upper

port of the reactor vessel while the effluent was withdrawn from the bottom of the

reactor. A continuous air flow (0.5 – 3 L/min) was used during this experiment and the

temperature was maintained at 30°C by circulation of thermostatized water through the

reactor jacket. The experiment was carried out for 50 days with an HRT of 24 h and

samples were withdrawn twice per week.

Chapter 5







Figure 5-2. Configuration of a continuous operation in a STR using immobilized fungus. Symbols: (1) Feed bottle, (2) P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam, (3) air supply, (4) sampling

point, (5) effluent reservoir, (6) filter.

5.2.5. Determination of the residence time distribution (RTD) in a fixed-bed reactor


The protocol to determine the residence time distribution (RTD) in both FBRs was

described in chapter 2.

5.2.6. Adsorption of pharmaceutical compounds on the fungal biomass

The potential adsorption of pharmaceuticals on the immobilized fungus was carried out to

discard any possible adsorption or volatilization process of the pharmaceutical

compounds. The methodology to carry out these experiments was described in chapter 2.

5.2.7. Analytical techniques

A description of the analytical techniques used in this study was indicated in the Materials

and methods chapter.

5.3. Results

5.3.1. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a fixed-bed reactor with a continuous air flow for

the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP

Degradation of five pharmaceutical compounds was carried out using a FBR with

immobilized P. chrysosporium. A continuous air flow was used as the aeration system and

the configuration of the reactor is shown in Figure 5-3. As in the experiments conducted in

chapter 4 of this doctoral thesis, several parameters were measured throughout the

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


experiments. The FBR and the STR with immobilized fungus were operated under a

continuous regime in order to study the ability of P. chrysosporium to degrade the

pharmaceutical compounds considered in this chapter. The use of immobilized fungus in a

FBR provides an easy operation for longer periods of time with a high mass transfer for

nutrients and oxygen; also, the fungal growth can be controlled. To achieve a stable

operation it is necessary to monitor the nutrients concentration inside the column in

order to avoid the formation of undesirable metabolites such as proteases which

promotes cell lysis. Also, the pH value may be maintained in values near to 4.5, which is

the optimal pH for the activation of the ligninolytic system, which is also related with high

oxygen levels. To analyze the efficiency of the bioreactor, it is necessary to determine the

hydrodynamics of the FBR.









Figure 5-3. Fixed-bed reactor configuration with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam and a continuous air flow. Symbols: (1) feed medium reservoir, (2) feed addition port, (3)

middle port, (4) upper port, (5) air supply, (6) air supply port, (7) effluent reservoir, (8) thermostatized water.

Chapter 5


The glucose concentrations of the feed medium and of the output streams (middle

and upper ports of the reactor) are presented in Figure 5-4 as well as the calculated

feeding and consumption rates of glucose. The glucose concentration detected in the

middle port of the reactor was similar to that of the upper port (Figure 5-4a), indicating a

high degree of homogeneity in the bioreactor.







0 20 40 60 80 100










n ra

te (m



Time (days)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100










Time (days)



Figure 5-4. Glucose concentration (a) and glucose feeding and consumption rate (b) in the fixed-bed reactor Symbols: glucose – feed medium (□), glucose – reactor middle port ( ), glucose –

reactor upper port (■), glucose feeding rate (—), glucose consumption rate ( ).

Two feeding addition rates were considered during the operation: 125 mg/L·h until

day 70 and 250 mg/L·h from day 71 until the end of the experiment (Figure 5-4b) in order

to maintain low levels of glucose in the effluent to avoid the secretion of proteases. As can

be observed, the consumption of glucose was maintained low until day 15; however, from

day 20 (except for very few days) the feeding and consumption rates achieved similar

values, indicating that the fungus P. chrysosporium was able to consume most of the

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


glucose added in the feed stream. In Figure 5-5a values of pH in the reactor and the feed

medium are shown. Although the feed medium was prepared with a pH of 4.5, the value

of pH of the effluent stream was maintained between 4.5 and 5.5 throughout the

experiment. Regarding the enzymatic activity, this parameter was detected below 10 U/L

throughout the experiment (Figure 5-5b). Concentration of hydrogen peroxide was

detected in a range between 0.5 and 2 mg/L throughout the experiment (data not shown).

Both variables indicate that production of oxidative enzymes, specifically oxidases and

MnP as peroxidase takes place during the operation although at low levels. Dissolved

oxygen concentration was maintained in a range between 6–8 mg O2/L (Figure 5-6a).







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



ic a



of M




Time (days)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Time (days)



Figure 5-5.pH detected (a) and enzymatic activity of MnP (b) in the fixed-bed reactor Symbols: pH – feed medium (○), pH – reactor middle port ( ), pH – reactor upper port (●), MnP – reactor

middle port ( ), MnP – reactor upper port (▲).

Chapter 5


The content of total organic carbon (TOC) was measured in the feed medium with

values below 2 g/L until day 65 and then an increase up to 2.5 g/L coincident with the

change in the feeding rate at day 75. Moreover, the TOC was determined in the middle

port and the effluent of the reactor with concentrations in a range between 0.66–1.77 g/L

(Figure 5-6b). The total nitrogen content was maintained below 0.1 g/L in the feed

medium as in the effluent of the reactor.






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


l org


ic c





Time (days)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



ed o


n (m


Time (days)


Figure 5-6.Dissolved oxygen (a) and total organic carbon (b) detected in the fixed-bed reactor Symbols: dissolved oxygen ( ), TOC – feed medium (○) TOC – reactor middle port ( ), TOC –

reactor effluent (●).

Regarding the visual appearance of the bioreactor, only the support placed at the

bottom of the reactor was submerged at the beginning of the experiment and was

maintained semi-submerged for two weeks (Figure 5-7). The exterior of the polyurethane

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


foam presented a slight sporulation in the hollow spaces of the reactor during the first

two weeks of experiment.

Day 0 Day 14 Day 35 Day 100Day 50

Figure 5-7. Appearance of the fixed-bed reactor with a continuous air flow

A slight darkening of the support through the column was observed at day 35,

being more intense in the bottom. In parallel, spores were observed in the upper zone of

the reactor and the fungus attained to grow on the surface of the porcelain plate. Dark

spots in several regions of the support were observed after 50 days of experiment,

maintaining this appearance until the end of the experiment. Biomass concentration at

the end of the experiment was of 1.89 g in the reactor, which means a concentration of

11.3 g/L.

The study of the hydrodynamic behavior of the aerated FBR was carried out by the

determination of the residence time distribution (RTD). A stimulus-response technique

was carried out using lithium chloride (LiCl) as a tracer. The results were adjusted to the

tank-in-series model (Levenspiel, 1999) and the obtained curve is shown in Figure 5-8. The

hydraulic behavior of this reactor was similar to 6 complete stirred tanks, intermediate

behavior between completely mixed and plug flow.

Chapter 5







0 1 2 3 4



Aerated reactor

Figure 5-8. Residence time distribution (RTD) of the aerated fixed-bed reactor

The comparison of the feeding and consumption rates of the anti-inflammatory

drugs is presented in Figure 5-9. DCF, IBP and NPX were largely removed throughout the

experiment. In fact, the removal of DCF and IBP was maintained higher than 90% in both

effluent ports of the reactor (Figure 5-9a and 5-9b) while NPX showed a removal

percentage in a range between 78%-92% in the middle port and higher than 84% in the

upper port (Figure 5-9c). The efficiency of degradation was maintained stable during 100

days (Figure 5-11).

The other compounds considered (CBZ and DZP) presented higher recalcitrance

with partial degradation (Figure 5-10). The highest removal of the antiepileptic in the

medium port was observed from the beginning of the experiment until day 41 (from 60%

up to 85%); whereas it decreased below 30% during the rest of the experiment, except for

the period between days 50 and 90, where no degradation was detected in the medium

port (Figure 5-10a). Higher degradation percentages were obtained in the upper port,

ranging from 50% up to 90% during the first half of the experiment; while during the rest

of the assay, partial removals were detected (from 23% up to 50%). The measurement of

the concentration of CBZ in the middle and upper ports evidenced gradients of

concentration through the reactor column (Figure 5-11a).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)

(NPX) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)

(IBP) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente



















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100











g ra

te (m



Time (days)

(DCF) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente


Figure 5-9. Feeding and degradation rate of DCF (a), IBP (b) and NPX (c) in a fixed bed reactor with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: feed medium (—), reactor middle

port ( ), reactor effluent port (■).

Chapter 5














0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m









Time (days)

(DZP) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente
















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m









Time (days)

(CBZ) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente


Figure 5-10. Feeding and degradation rate of CBZ (a) and DZP (b) in a fixed bed reactor with P.

chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: feed medium (—), reactor middle port ( ), reactor effluent port (■).

Diazepam was not detected by GC-MS during the first days of experiment, which

may be attributed to an adsorption process onto the polyurethane foam. No significant

differences in the degradation of DZP were observed between both effluent ports of the

reactor, with removal percentages in a range between 45% and 72% until day 30. Then,

during the rest of the experiment the removal was maintained between 14% and 40%

until day 50. The period between days 50 and 60 the degradation was negligible in both

ports, extending this behavior in the medium port until day 90. The upper port achieved a

partial degradation below 46% from day 60 until the end of the assay; meanwhile in the

middle port the degradation was detected in percentages between 14% and 32% during

the last 10 days of experiment (Figure 5-10b).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n p



ge (%


Time (days)












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n p



ge (%


Time (days)



Figure 5-11. Degradation tendency of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in the middle port (a) and the upper port (b) of the fixed-bed reactor with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam.

The degradation tendency of each of the selected pharmaceutical compounds is

shown in Figure 5-11. It is noteworthy that the anti-inflammatory compounds are

removed in both ports of the FBR (medium and upper port); however, compounds such as

CBZ and DZP showed a different behaviour, depending on the port where the sample was


At the end of the assay in the FBR, the support was taken from the column and

divided in three parts: the upper, the medium and the bottom of the column. With the

upper and bottom fractions, an extraction with acetonitrile was carried out in order to

determine the residual concentration. In addition, using the three fractions, the

determination of the biomass content was conducted resulting in 1.89 g of total biomass

in the column with 4.05 g of polyurethane foam (equivalent to 11.3 g/L). The results of the

Chapter 5


adsorption experiment are shown in Table 5-2. Low concentrations (below 0.066 mg of

drug per g of biomass) of the considered pharmaceutical compounds were detected in the

polyurethane foam.

Table 5-2. Residual concentration of pharmaceuticals onto biomass and polyurethane foam

Pharmaceutical concentration

Upper zone (mg drug/g biomass)

Bottom zone (mg drug/ g biomass)

DCF 0.000 0.031

IBP 0.012 0.033

NPX 0.049 0.066

CBZ 0.017 0.013

DZP 0.034 0.029

5.3.2. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a fixed-bed reactor with oxygen pulses for the

degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP

The effect of the gas supply on the degradation of the pharmaceutical compounds: DCF,

IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP, was assessed in the FBR operated with oxygen pulses. The

configuration of the reactor is shown in Figure 5-12.

Glucose concentrations as well as the addition and consumption rates of glucose

are shown in Figure 5-13. The concentrations of glucose in both outlet streams were

similar until day 36; however, since almost negligible values were detected, the feed was

added also through the medium port. This strategy was conducted in order to maintain

the glucose in a low concentration but not limited into the reactor; this promotes the

viability of the process and avoids cell lysis. The concentration of glucose in the upper port

increases until 3.6 g/L after the new feeding strategy and it was maintained below 3 g/L

until the end of the experiment (Figure 5-13a).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium










Figure 5-12. Fixed-bed reactor configuration with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam with oxygen pulses. Symbols: (1) feed medium bottle, (2) feed addition port, (3) reactor medium port, (4) reactor effluent port, (5) pulsing device, (6) oxygen supply port, (7) effluent

bottle, (8) thermostatized water.

The feed medium was supplemented into the reactor by means of two addition

rates: 250 mg/L·h throughout the experiment except for the period between days 9 and

19, where the addition rate was of 125 mg/L·h (Figure 5-13b). The decrease of the feeding

rate was conducted since the fungus was unable to deplete all the glucose present in the

feed flow and consequently secondary metabolism was avoided. Low consumption rates

were detected until day 10 in the effluent of the reactor. After the implementation of two

feeding ports (day 36) a slight decrease of the glucose consumption was observed; despite

this, nearly total consumption of glucose was achieved during the second half of the

experiment (Figure 5-13b).

Chapter 5








0 20 40 60 80 100










n ra

te (




Time (days)

Glucose consumption rate (mg/L*h) Velocidad de alimentación glucosa







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100










Time (days)

Alim Reactor Efluente


Figure 5-13. Glucose concentration (a) and glucose feeding and consumption rate (b) in the fixed-bed reactor Symbols: glucose – feed medium (□), glucose – reactor medium port ( ), glucose –

reactor effluent (■), glucose feeding rate (—), glucose consumption rate ( ).

The pH of the feed medium was maintained approximately in 4.5 throughout the

experiment. Moreover, the pH was detected between 4.7 and 5.7 in both effluent ports

until day 36 (Figure 5-14a). Due to these high values of pH, the implementation of a

second feeding addition port was also necessary, since high values of pH are related to

protease secretion. Low enzymatic activities were detected until day 69 (below 10 U/L);

then two peaks were detected at days 70 and 90 achieving a maximum MnP activity of 30

U/L (Figure 5-14b) while the concentration of hydrogen peroxide was detected between

0.5 and 2 mg/L throughout the experiment (data not shown).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



ic a




P (U


Time (days)

Reactor Efluente







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Time (days)

Alim Reactor Efluente


Figure 5-14.pH detected (a) and enzymatic activity of MnP (b) in the fixed-bed reactor Symbols: pH – feed medium (○), pH – reactor medium port ( ), pH – reactor effluent (●), MnP – reactor

medium port ( ), MnP – reactor effluent (▲).

A pulsing device was used to supply oxygen in a pulsed flow with a pulsation

frequency of 0.0625 s-1, which means that the electrovalve opens 1 and closes for 15 s.

This frequency was used in order to maintain the maximum concentration of dissolved

oxygen in the reactor, which was maintained in a range between 15 mg/L and 23 mg/L

until day 20; then remained below 20 mg/L during the rest of the experiment (Figure 5-

15a). The measurement of this parameter was conducted off-line with an external

electrode; it was necessary to wait approximately 5 minutes in order to obtain enough

sample volume to perform the measurement, for this reason the values are indicative.

Chapter 5







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


l org







Time (days)

Alimentación TOC TOC









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



ed o


n (m


Time (days)



Figure 5-15.Dissolved oxygen (a) and total organic carbon (b) detected in the fixed-bed reactor Symbols: dissolved oxygen ( ), TOC – feed medium (○) TOC – reactor medium port ( ), TOC –

reactor effluent (●).

There was no difference between the concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC)

detected in the middle and upper ports (at least until day 36). A concentration of TOC in a

range between 2-3 g/L was detected in the feed medium; while in the outlet streams less

than 2 g/L were measured (Figure 5-15b). The concentration of total nitrogen was

maintained below 0.15 g/L in all the withdrawn samples during 100 days.

Regarding the appearance of the support, its aspect was similar to that of the

aerated FBR at the beginning of the experiment (Figure 5-16). Preferential pathways

formed by the action of the feed and gas flows were observed after two weeks; also a

slightly darkening of the upper zone and spores of P. chrysosporium were observed.

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


Day 0 Day 14 Day 20

Day 100Day 30 Day 50

Figure 5-16. Appearance of the fixed-bed reactor with oxygen pulses

Polyurethane foam presented a complete darkening and also hyphal growth above

the porcelain plate was observed after 20 days. It is noteworthy that after the addition of

a second feeding port (at day 36), the darkening of the support at the bottom and the

middle of the column disappeared; this was due to the fact that the feed medium was

added into the reactor by this zone. The appearance of the reactor support from day 50

until the end of the experiment was similar, except for the fading of some darkening

zones. The final concentration of the biomass was of 1.07 g in the column, which means a

concentration of 6.41 g/L.

As in the previous experiment of this chapter, the study of the hydrodynamic

behavior of the oxygenated FBR was performed by the determination of the residence

time distribution (RTD) using lithium chloride as a tracer. The results concerning to the

adjusted curve to the tanks-in-series model by Levenspiel (1999) are shown in Figure 5-17.

The hydraulics of the reactor corresponds to 1.6 complete stirred tanks.

Chapter 5







0 2 4 6 8



Oxygenated reactor

Figure 5-17. Residence time distribution (RTD) of the oxygenated fixed-bed reactor

The results of the degradation of DCF, IBP and NPX in the pulsed fungal bioreactor

are shown in Figure 5-18. There was no significant difference between the feeding and

degradation rates in the specific case of DCF (Figure 5-18a). Above 83% of removal in the

upper port was detected for IBP and NPX; however in the medium port the highest

removals were detected in the case of the former (> 92%) than the latter (> 69%).

Regarding the degradation of CBZ, only partial removal was achieved (Figure 5-

19a). Until day 30 there was no differences between both outlet streams with

degradations between 40% and 80%; however, at day 36 lower removals were detected in

the upper port (< 10%). The degradation of CBZ was maintained with decreasing tendency

from the middle of the experiment until the end achieving eliminations from 20% up to

60% (Figures 5-19a and 5-20).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium
















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m









Time (days)

(NPX) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)

(IBP) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente















0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m









Time (days)

(DCF) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente


Figure 5-18. Feeding and degradation rate of DCF (a), IBP (b) and NPX (c) in a fixed bed reactor with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: feed medium (—), reactor

medium port ( ), reactor effluent port (■).

Chapter 5












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m









Time (days)

(DZP) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente














0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)

(CBZ) mg/L*d Alimentación Reactor medium port Efluente


Figure 5-19. Feeding and degradation rate of CBZ (a) and DZP (b) in a fixed bed reactor with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: reed medium (—), reactor medium

port ( ), reactor effluent port (■).

A different case was the degradation of DZP, since this compound was not

detected until day 28 neither in the medium port nor the upper port of the reactor. This

could mean its total removal; however, due to its low biodegradability and its

physicochemical properties, this behavior might be due to an adsorption process.

Diazepam started to appear in the upper port at day 28 with an increasing removal

tendency over the experiment progressed. A maximum elimination of 72% was achieved

and the degradation was maintained stable around 60% during the last days of

experiment (Figure 5-19b).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n p



ge (%


Time (days)

(DCF) mg/L*d










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100




n p



ge (%


Time (days)

(DCF) mg/L*d



Figure 5-20. Degradation tendency of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in the medium port (a) and the upper port (b) of the fixed-bed reactor with P. chrysosporium

immobilized in polyurethane foam.

The degradation tendency of the five pharmaceutical compounds in the oxygen

pulsed bioreactor is shown in Figure 5-20. The anti-inflammatory drugs and the

antiepileptic drug maintained a high elimination (>60%) until day 36 in the medium port;

after this day this port was used as feeding port. Moreover, the drug DZP was not

detected in this port (Figure 5-20a). Contrary to these results, better degradations were

observed in the upper port; furthermore, the three anti-inflammatory compounds

maintained their removal tendency until the end of the experiment. The case of CBZ and

DZP was different, since the degradation of the former tends to decrease while the

removal of the latter increase over the experiment progressed (Figure 5-20b).

As in the FBR with air, the support was divided into three parts in order to carry

out the determination of the residual concentration of the target compounds and to

Chapter 5


measure the amount of biomass within the reactor. The final content of biomass was of

1.07 g which according to the bioreactor volume it was equivalent to 6.4 g/L. The results

of the residual concentration of pharmaceutical compounds are shown in Table 5-3. All

the compounds were detected in a concentration in a range between 0.005- 0.026 g per

gram of biomass. Comparing these results with those obtained in the FBR with a

continuous air flow, lower amounts of DCF, IBP and CBZ were detected in the oxygenated

FBR; NPX was detected in higher amounts at least in the upper zone of the column while

similar results were found for DZP.

Table 5-3. Residual concentration of pharmaceuticals compounds onto biomass and polyurethane foam

Pharmaceutical concentration

Upper zone (mg drug/g biomass)

Bottom zone (mg drug/ g biomass)

DCF 0.002 0.001 IBP 0.001 0.001 NPX 0.026 0.009 CBZ 0.002 0.001 DZP 0.010 0.006

5.3.3. P. chrysosporium immobilized in a stirred tank reactor (STR) with a continuous air

flow for the degradation of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP

The configuration of a STR with immobilized P. chrysosporium is shown in Figure 5-21. The

reactor was operated for 50 days; however, an increase of the reactor volume (from 1.5 L

to 1.75 L) and an adjustment of the gas flow (0.5 L/min) were necessary at day 9 in order

to keep the maximum agitation of the support.

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium







Figure 5-21. Stirred tank reactor (STR) configuration with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam and a continuous air flow. Symbols: (1) module operator service program,

(2) feed medium port, (3) reactor vessel filled with immobilized fungus, (4) effluent sampling, (5) effluent reservoir.

Glucose concentration detected in the feed medium and the effluents are shown in

Figure 5-21 as well as their feeding addition and consumption rates. The concentration of

glucose in the effluent was higher or similar to that of the feed medium until day 10

(Figure 5-21a); for this reason a decrease in the feeding rate was decided: from 250

mg/L·h to 125 mg/L·h (Figure 5-22b). After this modification, glucose consumption was

almost complete.

Chapter 5









0 10 20 30 40 50










n ra





Time (days)







0 10 20 30 40 50









Time (days)


Figure 5-22. Glucose concentration (a) and glucose feeding and consumption rate (b) in a STR with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: glucose – feed medium (□), glucose

– reactor effluent (■), glucose feeding rate (—), glucose consumption rate ( ).

The pH in the feed medium was maintained between 4.2 – 4.7 throughout the

experiment. In the effluent, the pH increased until values around 5.0 after 30 days of

experiment; then, a pH decay was observed (Figure 5-23a). No enzymatic activity was

observed throughout the experiment (Figure 5-23b).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium








0 10 20 30 40 50




c a





P (



Time (days)








0 10 20 30 40 50


Time (days)



Figure 5-23. pH detected (a) and enzymatic activity of MnP (b) ) in a STR with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: pH – feed medium (○), pH – reactor effluent (●),

MnP - reactor effluent (▲).

The concentration of dissolved oxygen was maintained around 5 mg/L during the

50 days of experiment (Figure 5-24a). Also, total organic carbon (TOC) content was

detected above 2 g/L when the feeding addition rate was 250 mg/L·h; while TOC was

below 1.9 g/L with the lower feeding medium (Figure 5-24b). Total nitrogen content was

measured below 0.05 g/L in all the samples and the content of hydrogen peroxide was

maintained between 0.5 and 2 mg/L throughout the experiment (data not shown).

Chapter 5







0 10 20 30 40 50


l org




n (g


Time (days)







0 10 20 30 40 50



ed o


n (m


Time (days)

Dissolved oxygen


Figure 5-24. Dissolved oxygen (a) and total organic carbon (b) detected in a STR with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: dissolved oxygen (▲), TOC – feed

medium (○), TOC – reactor effluent (●).

Concerning to the appearance of the immobilized fungus in the STR, until day 9 the

volume was of 1.5 L with an agitation of 200 rpm and the gas flow was added in a range

between 2-3 L/min; this caused that the polyurethane foam was kept retained in the

surface of the medium avoiding a homogeneous mixture. For this reason, the volume of

the reactor was increased until 1.75 L and the gas flow was decreased until 0.5 L/min; this

allowed a homogeneous agitation of the support and high dissolved oxygen content.

Unlike the FBRs, there was no change in the aspect of the polyurethane foam in

the STR, specifically the colour of the support. A slight mycelium growth was observed

attached to the inner walls of the reactor vessel after 20 days of experiment. No loss of

support cubes in the effluent was observed throughout the experiment, except at day 28,

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


where a small amount of polyurethane foam was recovered from the effluent reservoir.

The extraction of the pharmaceutical compounds and the biomass determination were

carried out with this support (Figure 5-25).

Day 0 Day 10 Day 21 Day 35 Day 50

Figure 5-25. Appearance of P. chrysosporium immobilized in a stirred tank reactor with a

continuous air flow.

At the end of the experiment, all the support and free mycelia was recovered from

the reactor vessel; then an extraction with acetonitrile and the determination of the

biomass was performed. Considering the amount of biomass measured at day 28 and the

biomass content at the end of the experiment it was found 3.4 g of biomass in the STR,

which means a concentration of 2 g/L.

The results regarding to the elimination of DCF, IBP and NPX are shown in Figure 5-

26. The feeding and degradation rate of DCF and IBP were similar throughout the 50 days

of assay, achieving removal percentages above 93% for both compounds (Figures 5-26a

and b). A high removal of NPX was detected during the first 3 days of assay (above 90%);

however, a decrease in the efficiency of elimination until percentages in a range between

65% and 77% were observed until the end of the assay (Figure 5-26c).

Regarding to the removal of the antiepileptic and the tranquilizer, these drugs are

characterized by their recalcitrant behavior. Carbamazepine was partially removed at the

beginning of the assay (until day 3) in a range between 50% and 61%; then, the

degradation of this compound decreases until percentages below 30% maintaining this

removal until the end of the assay (Figure 5-27a). The same behaviour was observed for

the removal of DZP which was removed in a percentage below 40% until day 20; then the

elimination of this compound was negligible. Despite this, during the period between days

35 and 50, the removal of DZP was maintained in a range between 18% and 47% (Figure 5-


Chapter 5
















0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)

















0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m









Time (days)

















0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)



Figure 5-26. Feeding and degradation rate of DCF (a), IBP (b) and NPX (C) in a STR with P.

chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: feed medium (—), reactor effluent port (■).

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium













0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)











0 10 20 30 40 50




n ra

te (m





g ra

te (m



Time (days)



Figure 5-27. Feeding and degradation rate of CBZ (a) and DZP (b) in a STR with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam. Symbols: feed medium (—), reactor effluent port (■).

The degradation tendency of the considered compounds is shown in Figure 5-28.

The elimination of DCF and IBP is remarkable since above 80% of this compounds were

degraded by the fungus P. chrysosporium. Similar results were observed for the drug NPX

which was highly removed at the beginning of the experiment; however, the degradation

percentages were maintained between 60 and 80% during the rest of the assay.

Concerning to CBZ, this compound showed a decrease tendency, from degradation around

60% until negligible percentages at day 30. From day 35 until the end of the experiment,

the removal efficiency increases until 30%. Similar behavior was observed for DZP, since

from day 35 until the end of the assay, the degradation of this compound increased.

Chapter 5











0 10 20 30 40 50




n p



ge (%


Time (days)


Figure 5-28. Degradation tendency of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in the medium port (a) and the upper port (b) of the STR with P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam.

At the end of the experiment, the determination of the residual concentration of

the pharmaceutical compounds that could be adsorbed onto the polyurethane foam and

the biomass was conducted. Therefore, all the support and free mycelium were taken out

from the reactor and an extraction with acetonitrile was carried out. The results of this

experiment are shown in Table 5-4. High amounts of all the considered compounds were

found in the support. Diclofenac showed the highest amount (15.9 mg of drug per gram of

polyurethane foam with biomass) followed by the drug NPX. From the rest of the

compounds, IBP was the one with the lowest amount adsorbed. In the bioreactor vessel,

almost negligible concentrations were detected for all the compounds.

Table 5-4. Residual concentration of pharmaceuticals onto biomass-polyurethane foam and the bioreactor vessel.

Pharmaceutical concentration

Biomass and polyurethane foam (mg drug/g)

Vessel (mg drug/cm2)

DCF 15.97 0.003

IBP 0.411 0.002

NPX 5.32 0.001

CBZ 1.43 0.0004

DZP 2.60 0.000

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


5.4. Discussion

Degradation of five pharmaceutical compounds (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP) was

conducted in FBRs and STRs using P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam.

Also, two aeration strategies were studied in the FBR: a continuous air flow and oxygen

pulses added by a pulsing device. Concerning to the continuous STR, the gas supply

consisted in air. The operation of the bioreactors was maintained stable for 100 for the

FBRs and 50 days for the STR.

Operational parameters of FBRs were monitored throughout the assays; glucose

concentration was maintained in low values in order to promote the secondary

metabolism of the fungus P. chrysosporium and consequently avoided a possible cell lysis

by secretion of proteases. However, during the FBR with oxygen pulses, it was necessary

to implement a second feeding addition port due to the increase of the pH value and the

low consumption of glucose. This strategy was successful since the concentration of

glucose was maintained below 3 g/L and the pH value was detected near to 5; however

towards the end of this assay, an increase of the pH was observed. This increase was also

detected in the FBR with continuous air flow, indicating the low viability of the bioreactor.

Concerning to the assay conducted in a STR with immobilized fungus, the content of

glucose inside the bioreactor was high during the first 10 days of assay, but a decrease of

the feeding rate favour the consumption rate. The pH detected in this assay showed a

decrease during the last days, this may be related with the secretion of organic acids.

According to the effect of the gas supply over the enzymatic activity, high levels of oxygen

favour the ligninolytic system of P. chrysosporium; this is in accordance with the results of

this chapter since low values were detected in the FBR and the STR with continuous air

flow while in the FBR with oxygen pulses higher activities were observed.

The support in FBRs showed large changes in its color during experiments. When

oxygen pulses were added, the support presented a total darkening whereas only small

black spots were observed in the aerated reactor. Moreover, this darkening was not

observed during the STR experiment. The factors that might have caused this darkening or

appearing of black spots have not been studied; however, Blanchette (1984)

demonstrated that black spots within decayed wood are usually produced by several fungi

and are always associated with delignification of wood. Also, in the study of Blanchette

(1984) a total darkening was observed in those areas of wood where a delignification

process occurred by several fungal strains; in addition, manganese oxides deposits were

detected in those areas. A process of oxidation of manganese may have occurred during

the FBRs experiments conducted in this chapter. It has been demonstrated that high levels

Chapter 5


of oxygen promote lignin degradation and enzyme production (Dosoretz et al, 1990;

Moreira et al. 1996; Jiménez-Tobon et al., 1997, Rothschild et al., 1999). Perhaps the level

of oxygen in the bioreactor is related to the darkening of the support, since when a high

concentration of dissolved oxygen was maintained a total support darkening was

observed. Despite these conclusions, a further study would be necessary to clarify the

causes of these black spots on the FBRs. Concerning to biomass content, high levels of

oxygen tend to control fungal growth and this was demonstrated in the oxygenated FBR

where it was detected almost the half of the biomass obtained in the aerated reactor. In

contrast, the use of immobilized fungi instead of free mycelia in a STR controls the

excessive fungal growth.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are characterized by their high biodegradability due to

their pseudo first-order degradation constant (Kbiol), while CBZ and DZP are classified as

hardly biodegradable compounds (Joss et al., 2006). The removal of the three anti-

inflammatory drugs have been studied in sewage treatment plants (STPs) achieving

removals above 60% for all the compounds, although the removal of DCF is usually around

20-40% (Lindqvist et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2008). Higher degradations have been

reported using several technologies such as advanced oxidation processes (AOPs),

membrane bioreactor (MBR), conventional activated sludge (CAS), among others (Huber

et al., 2005; Hofmann et al., 2007; Sipma et al., 2010; Ziylan and Ince, 2011). Otherwise,

low removals of recalcitrant compounds such as CBZ and DZP in STPs have been reported

(Redshaw et al., 2008; Calisto and Esteves, 2009); however, the use of AOPs may improve

the degradation of these compounds (Vogna et al., 2004; Esplugas et al., 2007; Kim and

Tanaka 2009). Currently there is no research using white-rot fungi immobilized in FBRs

and STRs for the removal of pharmaceutical compounds. Although in recent studies the

use of ligninolytic fungi and their enzymes to remove pharmaceutical compounds during

batch and fed-batch experiments have been performed achieving high removals, even

when high concentrations were used (up to 10 mg/L) (Marco-Urrea et al . 2009; Marco-

Urrea et al., 2010b; Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al., 2010). Furthermore, ligninolytic enzymes

are able to degrade DCF, IBP and NPX in shorter periods of time (only a few hours) than

during in vivo fungal cultures (Lloret et al. 2010; Marco-Urrea et al., 2010a; Zhang and

Geiβen, 2010; Eibes et al., 2011); although, it was necessary 2 days for the removal of 66%

of CBZ with the enzyme Laccase in a fed-batch experiment (Hata et al., 2010). Satisfactory

results were found during the continuous removal of these compounds in both types of

reactors, even high removals were found for recalcitrant compounds such as CBZ and DZP.

Regarding the effect of gas supply used (continuous air flow and oxygen pulses) on

the degradation of pharmaceutical compounds in FBRs, the three anti-inflammatories

were highly degraded regardless of the aeration supply. Moreover, the removal of CBZ

Operation of a fixed-bed and stirred tank reactors with immobilized P. chrysosporium


was enhanced when continuous air supply was used, maintaining a partial removal until

the end of the experiment; while a degradation with a decreasing tendency was observed

during the oxygenated FBR. Also, the use of oxygen pulses significantly improves the

removal of DZP. On the other hand, a total removal of DCF and IBP in the STR with

immobilized fungus was maintained throughout the 50 days of assay; while NPX was

highly degraded at the beginning of the assay but a decrease of the removal efficiency was

observed as the assay progressed. Carbamazepine was partially removed (up to 60%) in

the STR at the beginning of the experiment, maintaining degradation percentages below

30% throught the 50 days of operation. Up to 40% of DZP was removed until day 20 in the

STR; then, the removal was negligible until day 35, where an increase of the removal

efficency was observed (up to 47%). Despite the low activities of MnP it was possible to

achieve a total or partial removal of all the selected pharmaceutical compounds; this low

concentration might be enough to degrade these compounds.

Another important aspect to take into account is the possible adsorption of these

compounds in polyurethane foam. One strategy to counter this problem is to perform an

extraction with acetonitrile. Anti-inflammatory compounds tend to be adsorbed on

biomass or support due to their liphophilic character (Kow) and their acid dissociation

constant (pKa) which are associated with the processes of sorption into the solids (Suarez

et al., 2008). Low concentrations of all the compounds were found onto the support and

the fungal biomass; however, significant differences were detected between the medium

and the upper port as well as between the aerated and oxygenated FBRs. It seems that

when a continuous air flow was added into the reactor, compounds such as DCF, IBP and

NPX tend to be adsorbed in the bottom of the column; and contrary results were observed

in the oxygenated FBR since higher residual concentrations of these compounds were

detected in the upper zone of the column. Higher concentrations of CBZ were detected in

the aerated FBR and regardless of the gas supply, similar concentrations were observed

for DZP in both bioreactors. Contrary to the FBRs, when a STR was used with immobilized

fungus, higher concentrations of all the considered compounds were found adsorbed in

the support and the fungal biomass.

5.5. Conclusions

In this chapter the removal of five pharmaceutical compounds (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and

DZP) was conducted by the fungus P. chrysosporium immobilized in polyurethane foam.

Using fixed-bed reactors (FBRs), the effect of a continuous air flow or oxygen pulses

addition over the enzyme production and the degradation of pollutants were analyzed.

Moreover, the removal of these compounds was also studied using the fungus

immobilized in a stirred tank reactor (STR). Compounds such as DCF, IBP and NPX were

Chapter 5


easily removed under both aeration conditions in the FBRs. Contrary to these results,

recalcitrant compounds such as CBZ and DZP were partially degraded throughout the

experiment. In the specific case of CBZ, the degradation of this compound was favoured

when a continuous air flow was used; while the removal of DZP was maintained stable

during the last 50 days of the oxygenated FBR. Concerning to the degradation of these

compound in the STR, the results showed that DCF and IBP were effectively removed,

while NPX was partially removed. Lower degradation percentages were achieved for CBZ

and DZP compared with those obtained in the FBR. Low concentrations of the five

pharmaceutical compounds were detected in the polyurethane foam from the FBRs

indicating that these compounds were barely adsorbed under this configuration; however

significant differences in the residual concentration were observed through the column of

the FBR. Higher values were detected in the upper zone when oxygen pulses were added

and the contrary occurred when a continuous air flow was added. High concentrations of

DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP were found in the support and the fungal biomass within the

STR. Low levels of enzymatic activity were detected in the FBR under both aeration

conditions; however, it was demonstrated that high concentrations of oxygen improves

the enzymatic production, since the high activities were detected in the oxygenated FBR.

In the case of the STR, it was no possible to detect enzyme production. A darkening

process that might be related with the oxidation of manganese and the oxygen level was

observed in the polyurethane foam during the oxygenated FBR; meanwhile only small

black spots were observed in the aerated reactor. This darkening process was not

detected in the support from the STR.


Chapter 6

Assessment of the degradation products

of anti-inflammatory drugs*


A tentative identification of the degradation products of DCF, IBP and NPX was performed

in this chapter. Based on the chemical structure of the selected compounds as well as the

available information from literature, three main degradation products were considered:

4-hydroxy-diclofenac (4-OH-DCF), 1-hydroxy-ibuprofen (1-OH-IBP) and 6-O-desmethyl-

naproxen (6-O-DM-NPX). The chemical structure of these compounds suffered a

derivatization process using N-methyl-N-(tert.-butyldimehtylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide

(MTBSTFA) before the analysis by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS).

Then, using the derivatized structure of each of the degradation products, a tentative

fragmentation pattern related with the major quantification ions detected in the GC-MS

chromatograms was suggested. In all the analyzed samples, the presence of 4-OH-DCF and

1-OH-IBP was detected; however, the peaks corresponding to the former showed a higher

intensity than those corresponding to the latter; this means that IBP and its degradation

product were more easily removed than DCF or 4-OH-DCF. Concerning 6-O-DM-NPX

derived from the parent compound NPX, the degradation product was also detected in

samples from the beginning of the experiment, indicating that this compound might be

present in the stock solutions from a possible hydrolysis of NPX. A secondary peak with a

quantification ion of m/z:285 was determined in analyzed samples, which could be related

to the loss of the carboxylic group from the fragmented molecule of the derivatized 6-O-

DM-NPX. It seems that all the chemical structures might suffer the loss of the tert-butyl-

sylil derivatives, oxygen and hydrogen atoms; also, the loss of the carboxylic group may

occur. To ensure the accurate identification of the degradation products of the three anti-

Chapter 6


inflammatory drugs with the equipment used, standards are required in order to compare

their mass spectrum (MS) and their retention time with those of samples.

*Part of this chapter has been published as:

Rodarte-Morales AI, Feijoo G, Moreira MT, Lema JM. (2011). Operation of stirred tank reactors

(STRs) and fixed-bed reactors (FBRs) with free and immobilized Phanerochaete chrysosporium

for the continuous removal of pharmaceutical compounds. Biochemical Engineering Journal


Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs



6.1. Introduction 204

6.1.1. Degradation route of diclofenac and main degradation products 205

6.1.2. Degradation route of ibuprofen and main degradation products 206

6.1.3. Degradation route of naproxen and main degradation products 207

6.1.4. Derivatization of the anti-inflammatory drugs 208

6.2. Methodology 208

6.2.1. Samples analyzed 208

6.2.2. Procedure 209

6.2.3. Quantification of the metabolites 209

6.3. Results 210

6.3.1. Derivatization of the samples 210

6.3.2. Determination of the major degradation product of diclofenac: 4-



6.3.3. Determination of the major degradation product of ibuprofen: 1-



6.3.4. Determination of the major degradation product of naproxen: 6-O-



6.4. Discussion 235

Chapter 6


6.1 Introduction

In the year 1829, German scientists were able to isolate the first non-steroidal anti-

inflammatory drug (NSAID): salicylate, which was recovered from willow bark. For 130

years, this anti-inflammatory was the only one in the market until the development of

indomethacin in the 1960’s decade. Over the last 50 years, several compounds with anti-

inflammatory potential have been developed worldwide (Green, 2001). This type of drugs

is a group of pharmaceuticals used for the treatment of inflammation and pain caused for

several illnesses such as arthritis, bursitis, gout or swelling (Adler et al., 2006; Esplugas et

al., 2007). This group of compounds belong to several chemical classes such as salicylates,

propionic acid derivatives, acetic acid derivatives, fenamates, naphthylalkanone, indoles,

oxicams, among others (Green, 2001; Ziylan and Ince, 2011). Some examples of these

drugs are diclofenac (DCF), ibuprofen (IBP), indomethacin (INM), naproxen (NPX),

mefenamic acid (MFA), piroxicam (PRX), ketoprofen (KPF), acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and

salicylic acid (SAL) (Ikehata et al., 2006; Ziylan and Ince, 2011).

Anti-inflammatory drugs are extensively consumed worldwide without

prescription, achieving a global consumption of several hundreds of tons (Clara et al.,

2005; Lindqvist et al., 2005; Fent et al., 2006; Zhang and Geiβen, 2010; Ziylan and Ince,

2011). Recent investigations have reported their presence in concentrations from ng/L up

to µg/L in the aquatic environment, including sewage treatment plants (STPs) influents

and effluents, as well as surface waters and groundwaters (Daughton and Ternes, 1999;

Rodríguez et al., 2003; Vogna et al., 2004; Fent et al., 2006; Zuccato et al., 2006; Esplugas

et al., 2007; Larsson et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2007; Ziylan and Ince, 2011). The release of

anti-inflammatory drugs requires special attention since it may be an environmental

problem due to their toxicity effects and possible bioaccumulation in organisms in the

aquatic environment (Cleuvers, 2004; Oaks et al., 2004; Brown et al., 2007).

After their administration, drugs can be metabolized in one or more metabolites

through several chemical reactions (hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, alkylation and

dealkylation). Additionally, drugs are biotransformed into more water-soluble compounds

by glucuronidation in the liver; this process is catalyzed by the enzymes UDP-

glucuronosyltransferanses (UGTs), which covalently bind glucuronic acid from UDP-

glucuronic acid (UDPGA) to molecules with hydroxyl, carboxyl, amine or thiol groups.

Finally, these compounds are excreted in a mixture of the parent compound and/or their

metabolites into the environment (via urine or faeces). It is noteworthy to mention that

the original compound often is the minor component of the mixture (Weigel et al., 2004;

Adler et al., 2006; Aresta et al., 2006; Mückter, 2006; Pérez and Barceló, 2007). This

chapter will focus on the assessment of the degradation products of three anti-

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


inflammatory drugs: diclofenac (DCF), ibuprofen (IBP) and naproxen (NPX), after fungal


6.1.1. Degradation route of diclofenac and main degradation products

Diclofenac belongs to the anti-inflammatory class of the acetic acid derivatives and it has

been reported to be metabolized in the human body to its hydroxylated (4’-

hydroxydiclofenac (4’-OH-DCF), 5-hydroxydiclofenac (5-OH-DCF), 3’-hydroxydiclofenac (3’-

OH-DCF) and 4’,5-dihydroxydiclofenac (4’,5-(OH)2-DCF) or methoxylated forms (3’-

hydroxy-4’-methoxydiclofenac (3’-OH-4-OMeDCF) and further conjugated to glucuronides.

These metabolites have been found in urine and plasma samples in their free and

glucuronide-conjugated forms (Scheurell et al., 2009). These compounds have been

detected in STPs influents and effluents; being the concentration of the parent compound

much higher than that of the metabolites (Stülten et al., 2008a and 2008b). The chemical

structure of DCF and its metabolites are shown in Figure 6-1.


3’-OH-DCF 3’-OH-4-OMeDCF 4’,5-(OH)2 DCF

Figure 6-1. Chemical structure of DCF and its metabolites (Stülten et al., 2008a)

The natural degradation pathways of DCF and its metabolites may occur by a

partial biodegradation and photodegradation in surface waters in extended periods of

time in the environment (Ziylan and Ince, 2011). DCF and its degradation products are

metabolized depending on the type of application: oral administration, intramuscular via

or biliary excretion; also, during ointment application only 6% of DCF is resorbed through

the skin, while the rest of the compound is washed away (Stülten et al., 2008a and 2008b).

In Table 6-1 the excreted percentages of each compound for different types of

administration are shown.

Chapter 6


Table 6-1. Percentages of excretion of DCF and its main metabolites

Compound Oral






DCF - 6.5% < 5%

4’-OH-DCF 16% 18.1% 10% – 20%

3’-OH-DCF 2% 1.4% 5% - 10%

5-OH-DCF 6.1% 8.2% -

3’-OH-4-OMeDCF <0.01% - -

4’,5-(OH)2-DCF - 15.4% -

(Stülten et al., 2008a and 2008b)

6.1.2. Degradation route of ibuprofen and main degradation products

Ibuprofen belongs to the class of the propionic acid derivatives (Green, 2001; Ziylan and

Ince, 2011). These compounds have been detected in STPs effluents and the aquatic

environment in concentrations between 0.7 µg/L and 3.5 µg/L (Weigel et al., 2004). After

ingestion of IBP, only 15% of the parent compound is excreted as IBP while 26% and 43%

are excreted as hydroxyl-ibuprofen (OH-IBP) and carboxy-ibuprofen (CX-IBP), the main

degradation products of IBP. Concerning the formation of IBP degradation products in

STPs, the formation of one or other of the OH-IBP and CX-IBP during the conventional

activated sludge process (CAS) will depend on the aeration conditions: CX-IBP is mainly

formed under anaerobic conditions, while the formation of OH-IBP is enhanced under high

oxygen levels. Despite this, the total amount of both metabolites represented less than

10% of the parent compound, suggesting that the major source of these compounds is

human excretion (Zwiener et al., 2002). After fungal treatment by Trametes versicolor,

Marco-Urrea et al. (2009) identified three metabolites: 1- hydroxy-ibuprofen (1-OH-IBP),

2-hydroxy-ibuprofen (2-OH-IBP) and 1,2-dihydroxy-ibuprofen (1,2-(OH)2-IBP). The

structure of these compounds and the suggested pathway is shown in Figure 6-2.

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs





Figure 6-2. Suggested pathway of the degradation of IBP by the fungus T. versicolor (Marco-Urrea et al., 2009).

6.1.3. Degradation route of naproxen and main degradation products

The drug NPX belongs to the class of the propionic acid derivatives (Green, 2001; Ziylan

and Ince, 2011). After oral administration, this compound can be partially metabolized to

its 6-O-desmethylated metabolite and then both compounds are excreted via urine in

unchanged or conjugated forms. The compound 6-O-desmethyl-naproxen (6-O-DM-NPX)

is considered the major metabolite of the degradation of NPX (Aresta et al., 2006). The

structure of NPX and its major metabolite is shown in Figure 6-3.


Figure 6-3. Chemical strucutre of NPX and its major metabolite (Adapted from Marco-Urrea et al.,


From 50% up to 80% of NPX is removed in CAS units; however, in some cases STPs

effluents may contain higher concentrations of the parent compound than in the influent.

This could be attributed to the fact that approximately 60% of NPX can be excreted as

Chapter 6


hydrolysable conjugates which could be converted to the original compound increasing its

concentration (Khan and Ongerth, 2004; Ziylan and Ince, 2011). Moreover, several

photoproducts can be formed in the environment due to NPX and its metabolites are

sensitive to sunlight. These photoproducts have been reported to present toxicity,

genotoxicity and mutagenesis. In experiments with algae, rotifers and crustaceans, the

parent compound was proved to be less harmful to the organisms than its metabolites

(Isidori et al, 2005; Ziylan and Ince, 2011).

6.1.4. Derivatization of the anti-inflammatory drugs

DCF, IBP and NPX are nonvolatile and/or thermally unstable. For this reason, a

derivatization process which converts the original compound into metabolites with much

improved volatilies is necessary for GC-MS analysis. In this case, all the analyzed samples

were derivatized with N-methyl-N-(tert.-butyldimehtylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA)

which provides greater thermal and hydrolytic stability to the compounds by formation of

methyl-terbutyl-silyl derivates (Rodríguez et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2010). In Figure 6-4 the

chemical structure of the derivatizant agent MTBSTFA is shown.

Figure 6-4. Chemical structure of MTBSTFA.

In this chapter, chromatograms obtained by gas chromatography–mass

spectrometry (GC-MS) during the degradation experiments conducted in this doctoral

thesis (chapters 3, 4 and 5) were analyzed in order to carry out a tentative identification of

the main degradation metabolites of DCF, IBP and NPX: 4-OH-DCF, 1-OH-IBP and 6-O-DM-

NPX. It is important to mention that a derivatization process was performed in all the

samples. For this reason, the structure of the original compound and the derivatized

compound were different. In section 6.3 a detailed description of this process is given.

6.2. Methodology

6.2.1. Samples analyzed

GC-MS chromatograms obtained in different degradation experiments were analyzed: fed-

batch to continuous experiment with air flow and oxygen pulses in a STR (chapter 4,

section 4.3.1), fed-batch to continuous experiment in a STR (chapter 4, section 4.3.2),

continuous experiment in a STR (chapter 4, section 4.3.3) and continuous experiment with

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


air and oxygen in a fixed-bed reactor (chapter 5, sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2). A detailed list of

all the samples analyzed is included in Table 6-2. All the chromatograms were analyzed

with the software Saturn GC-MS workstation version 5.52 (Varian, Inc., Walnut Creek,

California, USA).

Table 6-2. GC-MS chromatograms analyzed

Experiment Bioreactor Type of culture Samples (days)


(air and oxygen)

STR Free pellets Air (0, 10, 20 and 30)

Oxygen (0, 10, 20 and 30; also three samples

from the 24-h degradation time-course during

the 3rd week of experiment)

Fed-batch to continuous


STR Free pellets Fed-batch operation (0 and 20)a

Continuous operation (29, 40, 52, 59 and 69)

Continuous experiment


STR Free pellets 0, 19, 33, 50 and the sample from the final

extraction with ACN (day 50)

Continuous experiment

(air and oxygen)





20, 40, 68, 100 and the sample from the final

extraction with ACN (day 100)b

a Corresponding to 0, 8 and 24 hours of experiment

b Withdrawn samples from the top and the bottom of the column.

6.2.2. Procedure

To conduct the tentative identification of the major degradation products of the three

anti-inflammatories considered, it was necessary to study the chemical structures of each

compound. It is noteworthy that the mass spectrum (MS) of the original compound is

different than the derivatized drug. The chemical structure will depend on the derivatizant

agent used (MTBSTFA in this case). From the derivatized structures of each anti-

inflammatory drug as well as their metabolites, it was assumed the way how these

molecules might suffer a fragmentation process. Then, the GC-MS chromatograms were

analyzed in order to find those peaks with similar MS to the expected after fragmentation

of the parent compound to the metabolite.

6.2.3. Quantification of the metabolites

Since the standards of the identified metabolites were not commercially available, the

formation of metabolites was estimated from the relative area (Tf/T0) measured by GC-MS

peaks of the corresponding metabolite at the analyzed day of experiment (Tf) and the

relative area of the parent compound at the beginning of the experiment (T0).

Chapter 6


6.3. Results

Removal of three anti-inflammatory drugs by the fungus P. chrysosporium took place in all

cases: static, free pellets and immobilized fungus, as well as two bioreactors

configurations: stirred tank reactor (STRs) and fixed-bed reactors (FBRs) (chapters 3, 4 and

5). However, the identification of their main degradation products is not straightforward

since in many cases the MS of the metabolites is very similar to its parent compound.

Additionally, the standards of the suggested metabolites are not commercially available;

therefore the detected peaks in the samples are supposed to correspond to those of the

anti-inflammatory major metabolites reported in literature. Despite this, a tentative

identification of the metabolites obtained was carried out by the analysis of GC-MS

chromatograms. A better understanding about the way how the parent compounds could

fragment to form its major metabolites may be achieved by using the data published

about these compounds.

6.3.1. Derivatization of the samples

When anti-inflammatory drugs are derivatizated, the hydroxyl group from each molecule

reacts with the MTBSTFA resulting in the loss of a hydrogen atom and the formation of

methyl-terbutyl-sylil derivatives (Rodríguez et al., 2003). In Figure 6-6 the chemical

structures of DCF, IBP and NPX, as well as their respective major metabolites after the

derivatization process are shown.

Table 6-3. Derivatized structures of DCF, IBP and NPX and their major metabolites

Compound (MS and quantification ion)

Chemical structure and their MS of fragmentation

DCF derivatized (m/z: 409) (m/z: 352+354+356)

4-OH-DCF derivatized (m/z: 539) (m/z: 337+379)

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


Table 6-5 (continued)

Compound (MS and quantification ion)

Chemical structure and their MS of fragmentation

IBP derivatized (m/z: 320) (m/z: 263)

1-OH-IBP derivatized

(m/z: 450)

(m/z: 263+305+320)

NPX derivatized (m/z: 344) (m/z: 287)

6-O-DM-NPX derivatized (m/z: 444) (m/z: 313)

6.3.2. Determination of the major degradation product of diclofenac: 4-hydroxy-


The main degradation product of DCF is the hydroxylated metabolite (4-OH-DCF). This

compound has a molecular ion of m/z: 539. After the loss of the tert-butyl-sylil derivative,

as well as the carboxylated fragment, the main quantification ion is m/z: 380±1

(depending on the loss of a hydrogen atom). Moreover, a possible breakdown of the

aromatic ring and the loss of a hydrogen atom is described in Figure 6-5, corresponding to

a compound with a MS of m/z: 339±1. Please note that the loss of 1 or 2 additional

hydrogen atoms gives a MS of m/z: 338±1. In Figure 6-6 the fragment pattern of 4-OH-

DCF is shown. For this reason, the GC-MS chromatograms were studied in order to find

those peaks with these quantification ions (m/z: 380+338).

Chapter 6


380 1 m/z

340 1 m/z

339 1 m/z

Figure 6-5. Metabolite 4-OH-DCF after the possible fragmentation.

Regarding the degradation of DCF, the selected ion monitoring (SIM)

chromatogram for all the analyzed samples was of m/z: 352+254+256, which corresponds

to the parent compound. Additionally, the ions m/z: 337+379 were selected since a peak

with these major quantification ions was found in all the analyzed samples (Figures 6-6 to

6-10). It seems that degradation of DCF and the consequent formation of 4-OH-DCF by

fungal transformation during a fed-batch experiment in a STR depends on the gas supply

(chapter 4, section 4.3.1). When a continuous air flow was introduced into the reactor, the

tentative metabolite was the only compound detected (Figure 6-6). On the other hand,

under high levels of oxygen, both compounds were detected (Figure 6-7). Furthermore,

during the third week of the experiment in the STR with oxygen, a degradation time-

course of 24 hours was performed daily after the addition of a pulse of the pharmaceutical

compounds. Figure 6-8 shows the GC-MS chromatogram corresponding to the 13th day of

experiment. It shows an evident disappearance of the peak corresponding to DCF (m/z:

352+354+356), while the degradation product remains after 18 hours. Besides, the GC-MS

chromatograms corresponding at day 0 and 20 of the fed-batch experiment in a STR

(chapter 4, section 4.3.2), clearly show that the culture age have a great influence on the

degradation of anti-inflammatory. At the beginning of the experiment, the fungus P.

chrysosporium was not able to remove DCF but after 20 days this compound was

completely degraded within 8 hours. Moreover, the appearance of 4-OH-DCF is

remarkable on both days (data not shown). Furthermore, at day 26 this bioreactor

changed its operation from fed-batch to continuous operation. The presence of 4-OH-DCF

is noticeable from the beginning of this stage until day 52. However, a greater proportion

of this compound was observed during the last days of operation as well as the presence

of the parent compound (data not shown). Different results with respect to the presence

of the DCF degradation product were observed when the STR started in continuous

operation (chapter 4, section 4.3.3). The hydroxylated metabolite of DCF was detected in

all the analyzed samples except at day 0; while DCF was only detected at the beginning of

the experiment (Figure 6-9). Finally, the peak corresponding to the suspected metabolite

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


was not detected during the experiments in the fixed-bed reactor (chapter 5, section

5.3.1). However, at the end of the experiment an extraction with acetonitrile was carried

out to the support and the results of the GC-MS showed a peak with a high signal with the

same MS than those detected in the other experiments (m/z: 337) (Figure 6-10).

100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






147 161 175 199 211 227245

263 285 319


355 379 394 416

31 32 33 34 35 36minutes


































Figure 6-6. Degradation products of DCF during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with continuous air flow. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 4-OH-DCF; SIM chromatogram m/z:

352+354+356+337+379 corresponding to: (b) day 0; (c) day 10; (d) day 20; (e) day 30 after an extraction with acetonitrile.

Chapter 6


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






147 163 185 211 227 245 261 295 319


362 379 395


















31 32 33 34 35minutes















Figure 6-7. Degradation products of DCF during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with oxygen pulses. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 4-OH-DCF; SIM chromatogram m/z:

352+354+356+337+379 corresponding to: (b) day 0; (c) day 10; (d) day 30; (e) day 30 after an extraction with acetonitrile.

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






147 171188 199 213 225

245261 282 304 320


354 368 379 396 416

31.0 31.5 32.0 32.5 33.0 33.5 34.0 34.5minutes
















Oxygen (24 h degradation assay )










Figure 6-8. Degradation products of DCF during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with oxygen pulses (day 13). Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 4-OH-DCF; SIM chromatogram m/z:

352+354+356+337+379 corresponding to: (b) 0 h; (c) 4 h; (d) 18 h.

Chapter 6


100 200 300 400m/z






147 245281 319


379 405



























30 31 32 33 34 35 36minutes
















Continuous STR

Figure 6-9. Degradation products of DCF during a continuous experiment in a STR. Symbols: (a)

tentative mass spectrum of 4-OH-DCF; SIM chromatogram m/z: 352+354+356+337+379 corresponding to: (b) day 0; (c) day 19; (d) day 33; (e) day 50; (f) day 50 after a final extraction

with acetonitrile.

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


100 200 300 400m/z







295 319















29 30 31 32 33 34minutes






Continuous FBRs





Figure 6-10. Degradation products of DCF during a continuous experiment in a fixed-bed reactor after a final extraction from the upper zone and bottom of the column (day 100). Symbols: (a)

tentative mass spectrum of 4-OH-DCF; SIM chromatogram m/z: 352+354+356+337+379 corresponding to: (b) oxygen pulses; (c) continuous air flow.

6.3.3. Determination of the major degradation product of ibuprofen: 1-hydroxy-


According with several authors, the major IBP degradation product is 1-hydroxy-ibuprofen

(1-OH-IBP) (Weigel et al., 2004; Ziylan and Ince, 2011). This compound is probably formed

from the fragmentation of IBP as described in Figure 6-11. After derivatization of the

parent compound, 1-OH-IBP has a molecular mass of m/z: 450 with a major quantification

ion of m/z: 263 and also two identification ions such as m/z: 305 and m/z: 320. The loss of

the tert-butyl-sylil groups and also both oxygen atoms might correspond to a

quantification ion of m/z: 319±1. In addition, the breakdown of the carboxylated group

provides a quantification ion of m/z: 305±1. Moreover, a compound with a major

quantification ion of m/z: 263 implies the loss of the propane group (CH3-CH2-CH3).

Chapter 6



319 1 m/z

262 1 m/z

262 1 m/z

262 1 m/z319 1 m/z

Figure 6-11. Degradation product 1-OH-IBP after the possible fragmentation.

The SIM chromatogram presented peaks at m/z: 263+305+320 (Figures 6-12 to 6-

18). A peak with high intensity of ion of m/z: 263 was observed in all the analyzed cases;

this peak could correspond with the IBP degradation product, 1-OH-IBP. As in the previous

case, the influence of the gas supply on the formation of 1-OH-IBP was observed since

peaks with higher intensity were found when the gas supply consisted of a continuous air

flow (Figures 6-12 and 6-13). Additionally, during the monitorization of the operation of

the bioreactor with oxygen pulsation, the degradation of IBP was remarkable. Despite this,

a slight formation of 1-OH-IBP was observed (Figure 6-14).

This degradation product was also detected in a STR during the fed-batch

operation at days 0 and 20. It is noteworthy to mention that the degradation of the parent

compound is enhanced with the culture age and the peak corresponding to 1-OH-IBP has a

greater signal at the beginning of the experiment than at day 20 (data not shown). During

the continuous operation of this experiment, the presence of this degradation product

was notable from day 20 until day 52. From that day until the end of the experiment, a

decrease in the intensity of the peak was observed (data not shown). When the STR

started the operation with a continuous feeding, the metabolite 1-OH-IBP was also

detected (Figure 6-15). It is important to highlight the degradation of IBP throughout the

experiment and the low signal of the peak detected after the extraction with acetonitrile.

In contrast with the degradation product of DCF, the presence of 1-OH-IBP was

detected with similar signals in samples from the fixed-bed reactor under both aeration

conditions (air and oxygen) (Figures 6-16 and 6-17). The peak corresponding to the parent

compound was not detected during the aerated experiment and the degradation product

peak was detected in higher intensity under air supply than oxygen pulses. This was also

observed after the final extraction with acetonitrile where the peaks with higher areas

were observed in the aerated fixed-bed reactor (Figure 6-18).

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






105 117 133151








17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5 20.0minutes




































Figure 6-12. Degradation products of DCF during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with continuous air flow. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 1-OH-IBP; SIM chromatogram m/z:

263+305+320 corresponding to: (b) day 0; (c) day 10; (d) day 20; (e) day 30 after an extraction with acetonitrile.

Chapter 6


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






115 131151

179 191


235 249



305 320

16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5 19.0 19.5minutes







































Figure 6-13. Degradation products of IBP during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with oxygen pulses. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 1-OH-IBP; SIM chromatogram m/z: 263+305+320 corresponding to: (b) day 0; (c) day 10; (d) day 20; (e) day 30; (f) day 30 after an extraction with


Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






111 134151

179 191





305 320

17 18 19 20minutes






















Oxygen (24 h degradation assay )










Figure 6-14. Degradation products of IBP during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with oxygen pulses (day 13). Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 1-OH-IBP; SIM chromatogram m/z:

263+305+320 corresponding to: (b) 0 hours; (c) 4 hours; (d) 18 hours.

Chapter 6


175 200 225 250 275 300 325m/z






179 191


219 235 243



305 320














































16 17 18 19minutes

















Continuous STR

Figure 6-15. Degradation products of IBP during a continuous experiment in a STR. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 1-OH-IBP; SIM chromatogram m/z: 263+305+320 corresponding to:

(b) day 1; (c) day 19; (d) day 33; (e) day 50; (f) day 50 after a final extraction with acetonitrile.

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z










235 249




16 17 18 19minutes





























Air a










Figure 6-16. Degradation products of IBP during a continuous experiment in a fixed-bed reactor with air. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 1-OH-IBP; SIM chromatogram m/z: 263+305+320

corresponding to: (b) day 20; (c) day 40; (d) day 68; (e) day 100.

Chapter 6


175 200 225 250 275 300 325m/z






175 191


219 235 245




305 320


















16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.5minutes







FBR + Oxygen

Figure 6-17. Degradation products of IBP during a continuous experiment in a fixed-bed reactor with oxygen pulses. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 4-OH-IBP; SIM chromatogram m/z:

263+305+320 corresponding to: (b) day 20; (c) day 40; (d) day 100.

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


175 200 225 250 275 300 325m/z






179 191


219 235 249



305 320













15 16 17 18minutes









Continuous FBRs





Figure 6-18. Degradation products of IBP during a continuous experiment in a fixed-bed reactor (day 100 after a final extraction with acetonitrile). Symbols: (a) tentative mass

spectrum of 1-OH-IBP; SIM chromatogram m/z: 263+305+320 corresponding to: (b) oxygen pulses; (c) continuous air flow; ( , ) upper zone of the column; ( , ) bottom of the column.

6.3.4. Determination of the major degradation product of naproxen: 6-O-desmethyl-


After the analysis of the considered GC-MS chromatograms, the presence of a peak which

MS corresponds to a major quantification ion of m/z: 313, observed in all the analyzed

samples (Figures 6-20 to 6-26). This peak might correspond to the major degradation

product of NPX: 6-O-desmethyl-naproxen (6-O-DM-NPX) (Aresta et al., 2006). From the

chemical structure of the derivatized compound (m/z: 444) a fragmentation pattern is

described in Figure 6-19. The losses of the tert-butyl-sylil groups as well as both oxygen

atoms are required to form a compound with the same major quantification ion as the

one detected in the analyzed samples.

Chapter 6


313 1

313 1

Figure 6-19. Degradation product 6-O-DM-NPX after the possible fragmentation.

In all the analyzed samples, a SIM chromatogram of m/z: 313 was observed. A peak

with this major quantification ion was observed during the fed-batch experiment in the

STR with air and oxygen pulses. It is important to note that peaks with high signal, similar

to that corresponding to the parent compound, were detected since the beginning of the

experiment (Figures 6-20 and 6-21). This means that the degradation product could be

present in the stock solution; this will be discussed in section 6.4.

The initial presence of these peaks was also detected during the 24 hours time-

course experiment in the oxygen pulsed reactor. In addition, the relative area of these

peaks was maintained throughout the experiment. Besides, the degradation of NPX is

remarkable in Figure 6-22. Similar results were observed in a STR operating in a

continuous regime where the presence of 6-O-DM-NPX was detected. Additionally, the

degradation of the parent compound was observed. After extraction with acetonitrile, a

peak corresponding to the tentative metabolite showed a higher signal than the sample

taken at day 50, before the extraction (Figure 6-23).

Both compounds were also detected in the fixed-bed reactor with air and oxygen

addition (Figures 6-24 and 6-25). At the end of the experiments performed in the fixed-

bed reactor, the extraction with acetonitrile of the upper and bottom zone of the column

showed higher amounts of the NPX degradation product on the support of the bioreactor

(Figure 6-26).

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






143 157 171 185 199 221 241 263 281


337 356 369 416































26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5 29.0 29.5minutes

Figure 6-20. Degradation products of NPX during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with continuous air flow. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 6-O-DM-NPX; SIM chromatogram

m/z: 287+313 corresponding to: (b) day 0; (c) day 10; (d) day 20; (e) day 30.

Chapter 6


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






143 159 171 185 199 228 242 263 282 296


337 355 369 397 411

27.5 28.0 28.5 29.0minutes








































Figure 6-21. Degradation products of NPX during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with oxygen pulses. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 6-O-DM-NPX; SIM chromatogram m/z: 287+313 corresponding to: (b) day 0; (c) day 10; (d) day 20; (e) day 30; (f) day 30 after an extraction with


Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






147 159 171 185 207 221 241263

281 295


337 355 369 383 397 411

26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5 29.0 29.5minutes






















Oxygen (24 h degradation assay )











Figure 6-22. Degradation products of NPX during a fed-batch experiment in a STR with oxygen pulses (day 13). Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 6-O-DM-NPX; SIM chromatogram

m/z: 287+313 corresponding to: (b) 0 hours; (c) 4 hours; (d) 18 hours.

Chapter 6


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






143 157 171 185 199 213 227 241 256 270 284 297


337 355 369 386

26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5minutes













































Continuous STR

Figure 6-23. Degradation products of NPX during a continuous experiment in a STR. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 6-O-DM-NPX; SIM chromatogram m/z: 287+313 corresponding to: (b)

day 1; (c) day 19; (d) day 33; (e) day 50; (f) day 50 after a final extraction with acetonitrile.

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






141 153 169185

198 244 259 272


311 329 351 412

26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5minutes





































Figure 6-24. Degradation products of NPX during a continuous experiment in a fixed-bed reactor with continuous air flow. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 6-O-DM-NPX; SIM chromatogram m/z: 287+313 corresponding to:(b) day 20; (c) day 40; (d) day 68; (e) day 100.

Chapter 6


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






147 171 185 199 227 241 263 283 297


337 355 384 396 416

26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5minutes











































Figure 6-25. Degradation products of NPX during a continuous experiment in a fixed-bed reactor with oxygen pulses. Symbols: (a) tentative mass spectrum of 6-O-DM-NPX; SIM

chromatogram m/z: 287+313 corresponding to: (b) day 20; (c) day 40; (d) day 68; (e) day 100.

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


100 150 200 250 300 350 400m/z






143 157 171 185 199 213 227 241 256 269 284 298


337 355 369













26.0 26.5 27.0 27.5 28.0 28.5minutes










Continuous FBRs





Figure 6-26. Degradation products of NPX during a continuous experiment in a fixed-bed reactor (day 100 after a final extraction with acetonitrile). Symbols: (a) tentative mass

spectrum of 6-O-DM-NPX; SIM chromatogram m/z: 287+313 corresponding to: (b) oxygen pulses; (c) continuous air flow; ( , ) upper zone of the column; ( , ) bottom of the column.

As explained before, the estimation of the concentration of degradation

compounds was carried out from the relative area of the peaks corresponding to the

degradation products and the relative area of the parental compound at time zero (T0) is

shown in Table 6-4.

Chapter 6


Table 6-4. Quantification of the degradation products by their relative area

Type of


Bioreactor operational

conditions Relative area (Tf/T0)


STR Fed-batch with continuous air flow

0 1.8 0.13 1.63

10 2.8 0.11 1.67

20 n.d. 0.26 0.94

30 19.7 1.15 17.12

Fed-batch with oxygen pulses

0 0.07 0.09 0.81

10 0.03 0.06 0.67

20 n.d. 0.06 0.68

30 0.07 0.09 0.91

ACN 0.69 0.09 1.27

24 h degradation experiment

0 h 0.29 0.07 0.80

4 h 0.16 0.07 0.86

18 h 0.33 0.07 0.095

Fed-batch to continuous Fed-batch operation Day 0 0 h n.d. 0.23 1.19

24 h 0.21 0.17 2.02

Day 20 0 h 10.58 0.14 4.39

24 h 23.28 0.53 7.97

Continuous operation 29 2.76 0.35 0.02

40 1.92 0.45 0.01

52 0.66 0.31 5.00

59 0.38 0.49 4.09

69 2.40 0.39 4.79

Continuous feeding 0 0.00 0.22 2.87

19 9.22 0.12 1.20

33 3.93 0.12 0.50

50 0.46 0.06 0.12


8.24 0.06 6.27

FBR Immobilized fungus with a continuous air flow

20 n.d. n.d. n.d. 40 n.d. 2.03 3.39 68 n.d. 0.95 1.70

100 n.d. 0.43 0.21 ACN 0.02 0.07 n.d.

Immobilized fungus with oxygen pulses

20 n.d. 0.81 n.d. 40 n.d. 0.69 n.d. 68 n.d. 1.68 1.30

100 n.d. 0.02 0.11 ACN 0.27 0.45 3.13

n.d. (not detected); ACN (sample corresponding to the final extraction with acetonitrile at the end of the experiment).

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


6.4. Discussion

The identification of anti-inflammatory metabolites via fungal transformation is a novel

research line and quite few investigations are available in literature (Marco-Urrea et al.,

2009; Hata et al., 2010; Marco-Urrea et al., 2010a; Marco-Urrea et al., 2010b). As detailed

previously, the main degradation product of DCF is 4-hydroxy-diclofenac, for IBP is 1-

hydroxy-ibuprofen and for NPX is 6-O-desmethyl-naproxen (Weigel et al., 2004; Aresta et

al., 2006; Stülten et al., 2008a and 2008b; Scheurell et al., 2009; Ziylan and Ince, 2011).

These compounds have been detected in the aquatic environment, even in higher

concentrations than the parent compound (Khan and Ongerth, 2004; Weigel et al., 2004;

Stülten et al., 2008a and 2008b). Acidic compounds, such as DCF, IBP and NPX (pKa 4.2 –

4.9) are highly hydrophilic; therefore, they remain in the aqueous phase during a CAS

process. However, in the specific case of IBP and its carboxylated metabolites, these

compounds are easily removed in STPs whereas the hydroxylated compounds from IBP

are commonly found in STPs effluents and consequently in the aquatic environment

(Weigel et al., 2004).

The tentative identification of the main metabolites of the three anti-inflammatory

drugs is not a straightforward study due to the fact that in many cases both the parent

compound and its metabolite have similar MS. Moreover, the use of standards is required

in order to compare the MS and the retention times by GC-MS analysis. Previous to the

GC-MS analysis, the three anti-inflammatory drugs require to be derivatizated in order to

convert the original compound into one with much higher stability and volatility

(Rodríguez et al., 2003; Zhang et al., 2010). After derivatization of DCF, IBP and NPX, the

formation of tert-butyl-sylil derivative occurred due to the reaction with the hydroxyl

groups from the pharmaceutical molecules.

Diclofenac is metabolized into the cell by cytochrome P450 system, resulting in

the formation of the major metabolite which is 4’-OH-DCF (Stülten et al., 2008a and

2008b; Scheurell et al., 2009; Hata et al., 2010; Marco-Urrea et al., 2010a; Ziylan and Ince,

2011). Both compounds have been synthesized by filamentous fungi (Webster et al.,

1998); and recently, the production of 4’-OH-DCF using an extracellular peroxygenase of a

basidiomycete (Agrocybe aegerita) was described by Kinne et al., (2009). These

compounds could be classified as hardly biodegradable in the STPs due to the presence of

two chlorine atoms and N-H functional group that could inhibit the rate of growth of

sewage bacteria (Ziylan and Ince, 2011). Considering the results obtained in this chapter,

the presence of 4-OH-DCF was demonstrated in all the degradation experiments. What

seems to be evident is the effect of operating conditions on the intensity of its peak. For

Chapter 6


instance, during fed-batch operation in an aerated STR, the presence of this degradation

product was much higher than in the oxygen bioreactor. This fact could be related the

positive effect of high levels of oxygen on removal efficiency. Also, the degradation of this

compound during a continuous operation showed an increase of the relative area of 4-


Ibuprofen has been reported to be largely transformed to its OH and CX

derivatives, which may later be converted to the parent compound after a hydrolysis

process (Ziylan and Ince, 2011). In samples from a river near to Hamburg in Germany, OH-

IBP was the major compound, while in seawater samples CX-IBP was the dominant

compound. These could be due to the fact that the carboxylated metabolite can be

formed from the hydroxylated compound; also CX-IBP is more stable at low temperatures

than IBP and OH-IBP. In this chapter the 1-OH-IBP was selected as the main metabolite of

the degradation of IBP, since formation of the hydroxylated metabolites is enhanced

under aerobic conditions, whereas the carboxylated metabolites are formed under

anaerobic conditions (Zwiener et al., 2002). The results obtained in this chapter shows the

presence of the degradation product 1-OH-IBP in all the analyzed samples. This metabolite

as well as IBP was highly removed throughout the experiments. The high removal

efficiency of these compounds may be related to the presence of only one aromatic ring,

which possibly makes the molecules easily biodegradable (IBP has a Kbiol from 9 up to 35


The main NPX degradation product, 6-O-desmethyl-naproxen, has been found

after a fungal transformation with T. versicolor (Marco-Urrea et al., 2010b). These authors

suggest that the enzyme laccase catalyzes the removal of a hydrogen atom from the OH

group of the NPX structure using molecular oxygen as a primary electron acceptor to form

free radicals. In the results obtained after the analysis of the GC-MS chromatograms, the

presence of a peak with a MS corresponding to the tentative degradation product (6-O-

DM-NPX) was found. The major quantification ion suggested from the fragmentation

pattern of this compound is m/z: 313±1; also, a peak with a quantification ion of m/z:

285±1 was observed but with a low intensity. If the fragmented structure of the 6-O-DM-

NPX loses its carboxylic group, the major quantification ion would be m/z: 285, which

could correspond to the same degradation product as the peak with the quantification ion

of m/z: 313±1. Therefore, both peaks could correspond to the degradation product 6-O-

DM-NPX. Despite this, the GC-MS chromatograms of the degradation of NPX were

included in this chapter since they provide information about the degradation of NPX as

well as the accumulation and/or maintenance of the intensity of the tentative metabolite.

Degradation products of anti-inflammatory drugs


6.5. Conclusions

A tentative identification of the degradation products of DCF, IBP and NPX was conducted

in this chapter. These compounds were highly degraded during the degradation

experiments corresponding to chapters 4 and 5. From the derivatized structure and with

the information about the main metabolites of these compounds found in literature, three

major degradation compounds were considered: 4-hydroxy-diclofenac, 1-hydroxy-

ibuprofen and 6-O-desmethyl-naproxen, corresponding to DCF, IBP and NPX, respectively.

A fragmentation pattern of the derivatized structure of the degradation products was also

suggested in this chapter. After analysis of GC-MS chromatograms of the selected

experiments, the presence of a peak corresponding with the fragmented structure of 4-

OH-DCF was detected in all the analyzed samples. Moreoever, it was shown that high

oxygen levels may enhance the degradation of this compound and its parental compound.

Ibuprofen and its main metabolite (1-OH-IBP) were also detected in all the samples

corresponding to the degradation experiments in a STR and a FBR. Both compounds

showed low values of relative area; this means that low or even negligible amounts of the

metabolite were found. NPX degradation product (6-O-DM-NPX) appeared not only at the

end, but also at the beginning of the experiment (in a lower extent). In addition, a

secondary peak with a quantification ion of m/z: 285 was also found after an analysis of

the GC-MS chromatograms corresponding to the calibration pattern and the analyzed

samples. This peak showed a lower intensity than the one with the quantification ion of

m/z: 313. The loss of the carboxylic group from the fragmented molecule of 6-O-DM-NPX

gives the same quantification ion than that detected with the secondary peak. Therefore,

it seems that both peaks correspond with the tentative degradation product. An accurate

identification of the degradation products of the three anti-inflammatory drugs requires

the use of the standards that are not commercially available.


General conclusions

The results obtained in this doctoral thesis demonstrate the ability of the ligninolytic fungi

for removal of emerging pollutants such as pharmaceutical compounds. Three different

strains of white-rot fungi (WRF) were used with the goal of the elimination of eight

pharmaceutical compounds belonging to different therapeutic groups. Therefore,

different culture conditions (static, pellets and immobilized fungus) in batch experiments

were studied. In addition, it was examined the removal of these compounds in two types

of bioreactors (stirred tank and fixed bed reactors) using different operational conditions:

batch, fed-batch and continuous, with a stable operation for long periods of time (from 30

days to 100 days); also, the effect of two aeration systems (air and oxygen) were analyzed.

Finally, the major degradation products of the three anti-inflammatory compounds (DCF,

IBP and NPX) were likely identified in the chromatograms obtained by gas

chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

The main conclusions obtained in this doctoral thesis are presented below.

i) The three WRF used (anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1, Bjerkandera adusta and

Phanerochaete chrysosporium) are able to grow in plates without inhibition effects under

concentrations of all pharmaceuticals up to 1 mg/L.

ii) Acetonitrile (1:1) permits a complete extraction of pharmaceuticals from biomass

and/or fungal mycelium. This solvent does not interfere during the analysis of these

compounds by high performance liquid chromatography with a diode array detector

(HPLC-DAD) or gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC-MS).

iii) The WRF used are able to remove (biotransform) partially or completely the eight

pharmaceutical compounds selected (CTL, FLX, SMX, DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ, DZP) either

grown in static, free pellets or immobilized fungus using polyurethane foam. High removal

efficiencies even at low levels of enzymatic activity were achieved.

iv) From the three cultivation techniques used, the highest degradation efficiency

corresponded to free pellets cultures, especially for compounds such as DCF, IBP, NPX,

SMX, CTL and CBZ; while only partial removal were achieved for FLX and DZP.

v) The lowest degradation percentages were obtained by the fungus B. adusta, while

the anamorph fungus and P. chrysosporium achieved similar values during batch


General conclusions


vi) The three anti-inflammatory used can be degraded in 24 h (even lower -4 h- for

IBP), by the anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1. Therefore, a hydraulic residence time (HRT)

of 24 h was established for a continuous operation in stirred tank reactors (STRs) and fixed

bed reactors.

vii) Both fungi, anamorph of Bjerkandera sp. R1 and P. chrysosporium, were able to

effectively remove DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP in a batch operation in a STR with pellets.

However, the former fungus showed an overgrowth which may cause clogging problems

within the bioreactor, while P. chrysosporium showed a more controlled growth even

under a continuous air flow as aeration system.

viii) During the operation of a STR in fed-batch mode, the three anti-inflammatory

compounds were completely eliminated, while CBZ and DZP were only partially removed

in a bioreactor with pellets of P. chrysosporium.

ix) Similar degradation efficiencies of DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP by pellets of P.

chrysosporium were obtained in a continuous STR under air or oxygen; however, pulses of

oxygen showed a positive effect over the pellets morphology, allowing also for a

controlled growth.

x) Continuous operation of a STR with pellets of P. chrysosporium was stable for

periods of time up to 70 days.

xi) Culture age can exert an influence over the elimination of the pharmaceuticals

considered, since these compounds were slightly degraded during the first days of

operation of a STR in fed-batch mode, while after three weeks of operation a complete

and rapid removal were achieved.

xii) When STR starts the operation with a continuous feeding, elimination of five drugs

(DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ and DZP) was lower, suggesting than a first stage which favours

biomass growth in the reactor can improve degradation yield.

xiii) Operation of a fixed-bed reactor with P. chrysosporium immobilized on

polyurethane foam was maintained stable for 100 days, demonstrating that the use of a

support favours the stability of the operation. This system allowed an effective

degradation of the three anti-inflammatory compounds (DCF, IBP and NPX) under both

aeration conditions (air and oxygen pulses).

xiv) The procedure of gas supply affects in opposite way the efficiency of degradation

of DZP and CBZ. Therefore, a high level of dissolved oxygen improves the elimination of

DZP, whereas CBZ degradation is higher in conditions of continuous airflow.

General conclusions


xv) Oxygen can cause a darkening process when applied pulses of oxygen, which could

be related to precipitation of manganese oxides on the support surface.

xvi) Immobilization of fungus in polyurethane foam promotes the stability of the

operation of the STR; however, elimination of the five considered pharmaceuticals was

lower than in the fixed-bed reactor.

xvii) The major degradation products (4-hydroxy-diclofenac, ibuprofen 1-hydroxy-, 6-O-

desmethyl-naproxen) of the three anti-inflammatory used (DCF, IBP, NPX) seem to be

detected in the chromatograms obtained by GC-MS. However, it would be desirable to use

the patterns of parent compounds to confirm these results.


Conclusiones generales

Los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis doctoral demuestran la capacidad de los hongos

ligninolíticos para la eliminación de contaminantes emergentes como son los compuestos

farmacéuticos. Se utilizaron tres cepas diferentes de hongos ligninolíticos (WRF) para

evaluar la eliminación de ocho compuestos farmacéuticos pertenecientes a diferentes

grupos terapéuticos. Se estudiaron diferentes condiciones de cultivo (estático, pellets y

hongo inmovilizado) en ensayos en batch. Además se analizó la capacidad de eliminación

de estos compuestos en dos tipos de biorreactores (reactores de tanque agitado y de

lecho fijo) utilizando diferentes modos de operación: discontinuo, fed-batch y continuo,

con operación estable durante períodos prolongados de tiempo (desde 30 días hasta 100

días). También se consideró el efecto de dos sistemas de aireación (aire y oxígeno).

Finalmente se llevó a cabo una identificación tentativa de los principales productos de

degradación de los tres compuestos anti-inflamatorios (DCF, IBP y NPX) a partir de los

cromatogramas obtenidos por cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS).

Las principales conclusiones obtenidas en esta tesis doctoral se presentan a continuación:

i) Las tres cepas de hongos utilizadas (anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1, Bjerkandera

adusta y Phanerochaete chrysosporium) pueden crecer en placa sin efectos de inhibición

en concentraciones de fármacos de hasta 1 mg/L.

ii) Se demostró que el uso de acetonitrilo (en una relación 1:1) permite efectuar

eficazmente la extracción de los fármacos de la biomasa. Este compuesto, además, no

interfiere en el análisis de estos compuestos por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución

con un detector array de diodos (HPLC-DAD) o cromatografía de gases y espectrometría

de masas (GC-MS).

iii) Los tres hongos utilizados son capaces de eliminar (biotransformar) parcial o

totalmente los ocho compuestos farmacéuticos considerados (CTL, FLX, SMX, DCF, IBP,

NPX, CBZ, DZP) ya sea en cultivos estáticos, como pellets libres o micelio inmovilizado en

espuma de poliuretano. Se logró alta eficiencia de eliminación incluso a niveles bajos de

actividad enzimática.

iv) De las tres técnicas de cultivo utilizadas, los mejores resultados se obtuvieron con

cultivos de pellets, especialmente para DCF, IBP, NPX, SMX, CTL y CBZ; mientras que sólo

se consiguió una eliminación parcial de FLX y DZP.

Conclusiones generales


v) El hongo B. adusta consiguió las menores eficacias, mientras que el anamorfo de

Bjerkandera y P. chrysosporium alcanzaron valores similares durante los experimentos en


vi) Los tres anti-inflamatorios considerados pueden eliminarse en un corto período de

tiempo: 24 h (incluso en 4 h para IBP), por el hongo anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1. Por

ello, se estableció un tiempo de residencia hidráulico (HRT) de 24 h para la operación de

los reactores de tanque agitado (RTAs) y reactores de lecho fijo.

vii) Se demostró que tanto el hongo anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1 como P.

chrysosporium son capaces de eliminar de forma eficaz los siguientes compuestos: DCF,

IBP, NPX, CBZ y DZP en operación discontinua en un RTA con pellets. Sin embargo se

observó que el primero tiene un crecimiento excesivo que puede ocasionar problemas de

taponamiento dentro de los biorreactores, mientras que P. chrysosporium tiene un

crecimiento más controlado incluso bajo un flujo de aire en continuo como sistema de


viii) Durante la operación de un RTA en modo fed-batch, se observó que los tres

compuestos anti-inflamatorios se eliminaron de forma completa mientras que CBZ y DZP

sólo parcialmente en un reactor con pellets de P. chrysosporium.

ix) La eficacia de eliminación de DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ y DZP en un reactor con pellets de

P. chrysosporium con flujo de aire en continuo o bien con pulsos de oxígeno fueron

similares; sin embargo, la pulsación de oxígeno presentó un efecto positivo sobre la

morfología de los pellets ya que permitió controlar su crecimiento.

x) La operación en continuo de un RTA con pellets de P. chrysosporium se mantuvo

estable por períodos de tiempo de hasta 70 días.

xi) La edad del cultivo puede influir sobre la eliminación de los fármacos considerados,

ya que estos compuestos fueron ligeramente degradados durante los primeros días de

operación del RTA en modo fed-batch, mientras que se consiguió eliminarlos completa y

rápidamente a partir de tres semanas de operación.

xii) Cuando el RTA comenzó a operar con alimentación en continuo, la eliminación de

cinco fármacos (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ y DZP) fue menor, lo cual parece indicar que una

primera fase en la que se favorezca el crecimiento de la biomasa en todo el reactor puede

favorecer el rendimiento final de degradación.

xiii) Se mantuvo la operación de un reactor de lecho fijo con P. chrysosporium

inmovilizado en espuma de poliuretano de forma estable durante 100 días, demostrando

así que el uso de un soporte favorece la estabilidad de la operación. Este sistema permitió

Conclusiones generales


la degradación eficaz de los tres anti-inflamatorios (DCF, IBP y NPX) bajo ambas

condiciones de aireación (aire y pulsos de oxígeno).

xiv) El procedimiento de suministro de gas afectó de forma opuesta la eficiencia de

degradación de DZP y CBZ. Por ello, un alto nivel de oxígeno disuelto mejora la eliminación

de DZP, mientras que la degradación de CBZ es mayor en condiciones de flujo de aire en


xv) El oxígeno puede generar un proceso de oscurecimiento del soporte cuando se

aplica en pulsos, lo cual podría estar relacionado con la precipitación de óxidos de

manganeso sobre la superficie del soporte.

xvi) Al utilizar un RTA con hongo inmovilizado en espuma de poliuretano, se favorece la

estabilidad de la operación del biorreactor; sin embargo, la eliminación de los cinco

fármacos considerados fue menor que en el reactor de lecho fijo.

xvii) En los cromatogramas obtenidos por GC-MS parece detectarse los principales

productos de degradación (4-hidroxi-diclofenaco, 1-hidroxi-ibuprofeno, 6-O-desmetil-

naproxeno) de los tres anti-inflamatorios utilizados (DCF, IBP, NPX). Sin embargo, sería

deseable utilizar los patrones de los compuestos originales para confirmar estos



Conclusións xerais

Os resultados obtidos nesta tese de doutoramento demostran a capacidade dos fungos

ligninolíticos para a eliminación de contaminantes emerxentes como son os compostos

farmacéuticos. Utilizáronse tres cepas diferentes de fungos ligninolíticos (WRF) para

analizar a eliminación de oito compostos farmacéuticos pertencentes a diferentes grupos

terapéuticos. Estudáronse diferentes condicións de cultivo (estático, pellets e fungo

inmobilizado) en ensaios en batch. Ademais analizouse a capacidade de eliminación

destes compostos en dous tipos de biorreactores (reactores de tanque axitado e de leito

fixo) empregando diferentes modos de operación: descontinuo, fed-batch e continuo con

operación estable durante períodos prolongados (desde 30 días ata 100 días). Tamén se

considerou o efecto de dous sistemas de aireación (aire e osíxeno). Finalmente levouse a

cabo unha identificación tentativa dos principais produtos de degradación dos tres

compostos anti-inflamatorios (DCF, IBP e NPX) a partir dos cromatogramas obtidos por

cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas (GC-MS).

As principais conclusións obtidas nesta tese de doutoramento preséntanse a


i) As tres cepas de fungos utilizadas (anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1, Bjerkandera

adusta e Phanerochaete chrysosporium) poden crecer en placa sen efectos de inhibición

en concentracións de fármacos de ata 1 mg/L.

ii) Demostrouse que o uso de acetonitrilo (nunha relación 1:1) permite efectuar

eficazmente a extracción dos fármacos da biomasa. Este disolvente ademais non interfere

na análise destes compostos por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución cun detector

array de diodos (HPLC-DAD) ou cromatografía de gases e espectrometría de masas (GC-


iii) Os tres fungos utilizados son capaces de eliminar (biotransformar) parcial ou

totalmente os oito compostos farmacéuticos considerados (CTL, FLX, SMX, DCF, IBP, NPX,

CBZ, DZP) xa sexa en cultivos en estático, coma pellets libres ou micelio inmobilizado en

espuma de poliuretano. Acadouse unha alta eficiencia de eliminación mesmo a niveis

baixos de actividade encimática.

iv) Das tres técnicas de cultivo empregadas, os mellores resultados obtivéronse con

cultivos de pellets especialmente para compostos como DCF, IBP, NPX, SMX, CTL e CBZ;

mentres que só se conseguiu unha eliminación parcial de FLX e DZP.

Conclusións xerais


v) O fungo B. adusta conseguiu as menores eficacias, mentres que o anamorfo de

Bjerkandera e P. chrysosporium acadaron valores similares durante os experimentos en


vi) Os tres anti-inflamatorios considerados podense eliminar nun curto período de

tempo: 24 h (mesmo en 4 h para IBP), polo fungo anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1. Por iso,

se estableceu un tempo de residencia hidráulico (HRT) de 24 h para a operación dos

reactores de tanque axitado (RTAs) e reactores de leito fixo (FBRs).

vii) Demostrouse que tanto o fungo anamorfo de Bjerkandera sp. R1 coma P.

chrysosporium son capaces de eliminar de forma eficaz os seguintes compostos: DCF, IBP,

NPX, CBZ e DZP en operación descontinua nun RTA con pellets. Sen embargo, observouse

que o primeiro ten un crecemento excesivo que pode ocasionar problemas de

taponamento dentro dos biorreactores, mentres que P. chrysosporium ten un crecemento

máis controlado mesmo baixo un fluxo de aire en continuo como sistema de aireación.

viii) Durante a operación dun RTA en modo fed-batch, observouse que os tres

compostos anti-inflamatorios foron eliminados completamente, mentres que CBZ e DZP

só parcialmente nun reactor con pellets de P. chrysosporium.

ix) As eficacias de eliminación de DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ e DZP nun reactor con pellets de

P. chrysosporium con fluxo de aire en continuo ou ben con pulsos de osíxeno foron

similares; con todo, a pulsación de osíxeno amosou un efecto positivo sobre a morfoloxía

dos pellets xa que permitiu controlar o seu crecemento.

x) A operación en continuo dun RTA con pellets de P. chrysosporium mantívose

estable por períodos de tempo de ata 70 días.

xi) A idade do cultivo pode influír sobre a eliminación dos fármacos considerados, xa

que estes compostos foron lixeiramente degradados durante os primeiros días de

operación do RTA en modo fed-batch, mentres que se conseguiu eliminalos completa e

rapidamente a partir das tres semanas de operación.

xii) Cando o RTA comezou a operar con alimentación en continuo, a eliminación de

cinco fármacos (DCF, IBP, NPX, CBZ e DZP) foi menor, que parece indicar que unha

primeira fase na que se favoreza o crecemento da biomasa en todo o reactor pode

favorecer o rendemento final de degradación.

Conclusións xerais


xiii) Mantívose a operación dun reactor de leito fixo con P. chrysosporium inmobilizado

en espuma de poliuretano de forma estable durante 100 días, demostrando así que o uso

dun soporte favorece a estabilidade da operación. Este sistema permitiu a degradación

eficaz dos tres anti-inflamatorios (DCF, IBP e NPX) baixo ambas condicións de aireación

(aire e pulsos de osíxeno).

xiv) O procedemento de subministración de gas afectou de forma oposta a eficiencia

de degradación de DZP e CBZ. Por iso, un alto nivel de osíxeno disolto mellora a

eliminación de DZP, mentres que a degradación de CBZ é maior en condicións de fluxo de

aire en continuo.

xv) O osíxeno pode xerar un proceso de oscurecemento do soporte cando se aplica en

pulsos, o cal podería estar relacionado coa precipitación de óxidos de manganeso sobre a

superficie do soporte.

xvi) O emprego dun RTA con fungo inmobilizado en espuma de poliuretano, favorece a

estabilidade da operación do biorreactor; con todo, a eliminación dos cinco fármacos

considerados foi menor que no reactor de leito fixo.

xvii) Nos cromatogramas obtidos por GC-MS parece detectarse a posible presenza dos

principais produtos de degradación (4-hidroxi-diclofenaco, 1-hidroxi-ibuprofeno, 6-O-

desmetil-naproxeno) dos tres anti-inflamatorios utilizados (DCF, IBP, NPX). Con todo, sería

desexable utilizar os patróns dos compostos orixinais para confirmar estes resultados.



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1,2-OH-IBP 1,2-hydroxy-ibuprofen

1-OH-IBP 1-hydroxy-ibuprofen

2-Cl-1,4-DMB 2-chloro-1,4-dimethoxybenzene acid

2-OH-IBP 2-hydroxy-ibuprofen

3-HAA 3-hydroxyanthralinic acid

3-OH-4-OMeDCF 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-diclofenac

3-OH-DCF 3-hydroxy-diclofenac

4,5-(OH)2-DCF 4,5-dihydroxy-diclofenac

4-OH-DCF 4-hydroxy-diclofenac

5-OH-DCF 5-hydroxy-diclofenac

6-O-DM-NPX 6-O-desmethyl-naproxen

AAD Aryl alcohol dehydrogenase

AAO Aryl alcohol oxidase

ABTS 2,2-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)

ACN Acetonitrile

AOP Advanced oxidation process

ASA Acetylsalicylic acid

BDL Below detection limit

BOD Biological oxygen demand

BPA Bisphenol A

BRF Brown-rot fungi

C Concentration of a compound (µg/L)

C0 Initial concentration of a compound (µg/L)

Cair Fraction of compound present in the air (µg/m3 air)

CAS Conventional activated sludge

CBZ Carbamazepine

CLOFI Clorfibric acid

CNS Central nervous system

Coctanol Concentration of a compound in organic phase (n-octanol) (µg/L)

Csoluble Dissolved concentration of a compound (µg/L)

Csorbed Concentration of a compound in the sludge (µg/L)

CSTR Complete stirred tank reactor

CTL Citalopram

Cwater Fraction of compound present in the water (µg/m3 water)

CX-IBP Carboxyl-ibuprofen



DCF Diclofenac

DDT Dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane

DMP Dimethoxyphenol

DNS Dinitrosalicylic acid

DZP Diazepam

EDAR Estación depuradora de aguas residuales

EDC Endocrine disruptor chemical

ERA Environmental risk assessment

FBR Fixed-bed reactor

FDA Food and drug administration

FLX Fluoxetine

FMT Flexible membrane tube

GABA γ-aminobutyric acid

GC-MS Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

H Henry’s coefficient

HBT 1-hydroxybenzothriazole

HPLC-DAD High performance liquid chromatography with a diode array


HRT Hydraulic residence time

IBP Ibuprofen

INM Indomethacin

IPM Iopromide

Ka Dissociation constant

Kbiol Pseudo-first order degradation constant

Kd Solid-liquid distribution coefficient

Kow Octanol-water partition coefficient

KPF Ketoprofen

Lac Laccase

LC50 Lethal concentration 50

LC-MS/MS Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry

LiP Lignin peroxidase

LME Lignin modifying enzyme

MBR Membrane bioreactor

MFA Mefenamic acid

MnP Manganese peroxidase

MS Mass spectrum

MTBSTFA N-methyl-N-(tert.-butyldimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide



N Number of tanks-in-serie

n.a. Non available

n.d. Not detected

NPX Naproxen

NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

NT Total nitrogen

OH-IBP Hydroxyl-ibuprofen

OTC Over-the-counter

PAC Powdered activated carbon

PAH Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

PCB Polychlorinated biphenyls

PCB30 2,4,6-thrichlorophenyl

PCP Pentachlorophenol

Pka Negative decadal logarithm of the dissociation constant

PO2 Dissolved oxygen

PRX Piroxicam

QR Quinone oxidoreductase

RBBR Remazol brilliant blue R

ROX Roxithromycin

RTA Reactor de tanque agitado

RTD Residence time distribution

S Solubility

SAL Salycilic acid

SF Stain fungi

SMBR Sequential membrane bioreactor

SMX Sulfamethoxazole

SOD Superoxide dismutase

SPE Solid phase extraction

SRF Soft-rot fungi

SRT Solid retention time

SS Suspended solids (gSS/L)

SSF Solid state fermentation

SSRI Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor

STP Sewage treatment plant

STR Stirred tank reactor

t Time



T0 Relative area of the parent compound at the beginning of the


TCS Triclosan

Tf Relative area of the corresponding metabolite at the analyzed day of


TMP Trimethoprime

TOC Total organic carbon

TSS Total suspended solids

UDP UDP-glucuronosyltranferanses

UDPGA UDP-glucuronic acid

VA Veratryl alcohol

VP Versatile peroxidase

WRF White-rot fungi

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