usc american college health association - national college ... · 5 executive summary the american...

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USC American College Health Association -

National College Health Assessment Report:

University Park Campus


Office for Wellness and Health Promotion University Park Health Center

Division of Student Affairs University of Southern California


Table of Contents

Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Methods ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Questionnaire …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7

Procedure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7

Response Rate ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7

Representativeness ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8

Analytic strategy/data preparation …………………………………………………………………………………………… 8

Healthy Campus 2020 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8

Demographics ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Health, Wellness, and Academic Success …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Frequency of Students whose Academic Performance was Impeded ……………………………………… 11

Frequency vs. Threat to Academic Success (Undergraduate Students) …………………………………... 13

Frequency vs. Threat to Academic Success (Graduate Students) …………………………………………….. 14

Emotional Wellbeing ..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15

Traumatic or Difficult to Handle ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15

Level of Stress ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Daytime Sleepiness ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16

Tired ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17

Frequency of Sleep Difficulties ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17

Safety and Violence …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 18

Safety perception …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 18

Walking at USC …………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………. 19

Biking at USC ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19

Physical Fights ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

Physical Assaults …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19


Verbal Threat …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 19

Stalking …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

Abusive relationships ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

Unwanted Sexual Advances or Assault ……………………………………………………………………………………. 19

General Health, Healthcare, and Medical Status …………………………………………………………………………………. 20

General Health ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20

Oral Health ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 20

Use of Healthcare System ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 20

Disabilities Status ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21

Disease Status ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

Depression History …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22

Sexual Behavior and Contraception …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

Unintended Pregnancy ………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 23

Emergency Contraception ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23

Number of Sexual Partners …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 23

Contraceptive/Birth Control Methods ……………………………………………………………………………………. 24

Condom Use …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 24

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

Blood Alcohol Level ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 25

Alcohol Consumption: Negative Consequences ………………………………………………………………………. 25

Alcohol Consumption: Protective Behaviors …..………………………………………………………………………. 25

Alcohol Consumption: Actual vs. Perceived ………………………………………………………………………….... 26

Alcohol Consumption: Binge Rate …………………………………………………………………………………………… 27

Substance Use v. Perception of Use ……………………………………….………………………………………………. 27

Exercise, Nutrition, and Weight …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30

Exercise Habits ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30

Fruit and Vegetable Intake ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 30

Weight …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 31


Body Mass Index …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 32

Limitations ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33

References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 34

Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 34

Appendix A ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 35

Appendix B ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36

Appendix C ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 39

Appendix D …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 40


Executive Summary The American College Health Association National College Health Assessment II (ACHA-NCHA II) was conducted by the Office for Wellness and Health Promotion on the University Park Campus in the spring of 2012. The resulting data provides a picture of the attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of USC-University Park Campus undergraduate and graduate students on health and academic success, safety, use of healthcare services, sexual behaviors, substance use, nutrition, and exercise. The following report includes a number of key findings: Health, Wellness, and Academic Success

Frequency of Students whose Academic Performance was Impeded – Undergraduate students reported that

the factors which most negatively impacted their academic functioning and also most frequently happened (high frequency & high threat) were stress, anxiety, sleep difficulties, internet use/computer games, participation in extracurricular activities and cold/flu/sore throat. None of these factors were high threat or high frequency for graduate students.

Traumatic or Difficult to Handle Situation – Undergraduate students reported that academics, intimate

relationships, and finances had been traumatic or very difficult for them to handle within the last 12 months. Graduate students reported academics, career, and finances as traumatic or difficult to handle.

Stress – Within the last 12 months, 55.5% of undergraduates and 57.1% of graduates experienced “more than

average” or “tremendous stress.” Sleep – 20.9% of undergraduate and 33.3% of graduate students felt tired during the day 5 to 7 days out of the

past week. Over the past seven days 24.3% of students surveyed stated that they felt that sleepiness was “more than a little problem”, 12.6% of students stated that they felt sleepiness was “a big problem”, and 5.1% of students stated that they felt sleepiness was “a very big problem”.

Safety and Violence

Safety Perception – The USC campus is considered “somewhat safe” or “very safe” during the daytime by

97.7% of students, while during the nighttime 75.8% of students consider it to be “somewhat safe” or “very safe.”

Walking on Campus - Within the last 12 months, while walking at USC, 51.3% of all students have witnessed a

collision that did not involve them. Biking on Campus - Within the last 12 months, while biking at USC, 18.6% of undergraduates have collided with

a bicycle. Healthcare, Medical, and Emotional Status

General Health – 91% of undergraduate and 94.6% of graduate students described their general health as

being excellent, very good, or good. Disease or Injury – The most frequently cited disease or injury experienced by both undergraduate and

graduate students within the last 12 months were allergy problems (18.2%), sinus infection (13.9%), and back problems (11.6%). Also, 11.9% of undergraduate and 17.2% of graduate students surveyed reported that they had ever been diagnosed with depression.


Healthcare System Usage – 19.8% of undergraduate and 28.4% of graduate students have been seen by a

healthcare professional at the campus student health center. 6.1% of undergraduate and 4.4% of graduate students have been seen by a mental healthcare professional at the campus Counseling Services.

Sexual Behavior and Contraception

Sexual Behaviors – 70% of undergraduate and 81.6% of graduate students have had either zero or one sexual

partner within the last school year. In addition, of those who had vaginal intercourse in the last 30 days, 39.9% of undergraduate and 28.2% of graduate students always used a condom.

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs

Cigarette Smoking – 11.7% of undergraduates and 6.6% of graduates reported that they smoked cigarettes one

or more days in the last month, with an additional 2.7% of undergraduates and 2.9% of graduates who reported that they smoke on a daily basis. However, most students have never smoked cigarettes (70.9% of undergraduate and 69.0% of graduate students).

Alcohol Consumption – 77% of undergraduate and 84.3% of graduate students had 0 to 4 drinks the last time

they partied. The “binge rate” (5 or more drinks the last time a person consumed alcohol) is significantly higher for undergraduate students (23%) than for graduate students (15.6%) (p<.001). Students under age 21 have a significantly higher calculated Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) than students at the age of 21 or above (p<.001).

Consequences of Drinking Alcohol – As a consequence of drinking, 43.4% of undergraduate and 21% of

graduate students who drank within the last 12 months also reported that they did something they later regretted. Of the respondents who, in the last 30 days had 5 or more drinks, 0.9% of undergraduate and 1.7% of graduate students drove a car afterward.

Exercise, Nutrition, and Weight

Exercise Habits – 18.8% of undergraduates and 12.1% of graduates participated in moderate-intensity exercise

at least five days per week. 29.6% of undergraduate and 27.2% of graduates participated in vigorous-intensity exercise at least three days per week.

Fruit and Vegetable Intake – 5.8% of undergraduate students and 9.3% of graduate students ate the

recommended allowance of 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Calculated Body Mass Index – 68.8% of students are at a healthy weight (BMI = 18.5-24.9).

Throughout the report, there are footnotes under each table or bar chart that refer to the corresponding question in the survey instrument. If you have any additional questions regarding the data provided in this report, please contact Katherine Verrochi, Health Educator, at the Office for Wellness and Health Promotion at 213-740-4777 or <>.


Introduction Health promotion is defined by the World Health Organization as the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. Health promotion is a comprehensive and multi-strategic approach to health; it encompasses skills building and individual capacities, but also recognizes the impact of social, environmental, and economic conditions on public and individual health. The Ottawa Charter outlines five action areas in health promotion; build healthy public policy; create supportive environments for health; strengthen community action for health; develop personal skills; and re-orient health services. On college campuses, this systematic approach to health becomes the work of medical services, health promotion and wellness, residential life, hospitality, public safety, intramural and recreation sports, and fitness professionals, as well as local healthcare systems. In order to provide high quality services in these diverse areas, it is essential that there is data describing the health behaviors and status of the students as a population. This data helps to inform policy makers, administrators, faculty, staff, and students about current health beliefs and helps with strategic planning and resource allocation. The National College Health Assessment II (NCHA II) is a national research initiative coordinated by the American College Health Association (ACHA), to assist institutions of higher education in collecting data about the health and wellness of their students. The ACHA-NCHA II allows each campus to generate prevalence rates for alcohol use, sexual behavior, safety, exercise, and prevalence of disease. The goal of this assessment is to provide data on the prevalence, status, and misperceptions about student behavior. This data can guide the campus leadership by providing a firm basis for planning and evaluating services that can positively impact students’ safety, well-being and academic success. This report provides data on the population of students at the University Park Campus and highlights differences in the undergraduate and graduate student populations whose numbers are uniquely equally proportionate. There is an aggregate national report which is compiled by ACHA. While the sample is large, is it not a true national sample, as it is not representative of the vast diversity of either the institutions or the individuals enrolled therein. The report can be viewed at This report summarizes key points from the survey administered to students at the University Park Campus. Due to the length of the survey, not all data points have been included. Analyses of additional questions are available for interested readers through the Office for Wellness and Health Promotion in the University Park Health Center at 213-740-4777 or by visiting For a sample of the instrument used, please follow this link:


Questionnaire design. In 2008, ACHA introduced a new version of ACHA-NCHA questionnaire (ACHA-NCHA II). The ACHA-NCHA II questionnaire consists of sixty-five questions divided into eight sections: health; health education and safety; alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; sex behavior and contraception; weight, nutrition, and exercise; mental health; physical health; impediments to academic performance; and demographic characteristics. Procedure. The survey was conducted at the University of Southern California in the spring of 2012. The NCHA was emailed to 5668 randomly selected undergraduate and graduate students on the University Park Campus. All 5668 students were emailed a letter alerting them to the forthcoming survey, as well as two subsequent emails after receiving the survey in an effort to increase the return rate. Every 25

th participant was given a $10 Amazon gift

card. In addition, a lottery drawing for two $500 Visa gift cards were also offered as an incentive. Response rate. In 2012, 1235 completed surveys were returned for a response rate of 22%. Of those who responded, 54.7% indicated undergraduate status and 45.2% reported graduate status.


Representativeness. It appears the data collected does not accurately represent the USC University Park Campus student population, based upon the representativeness analysis performed on the 2012 data. Though the sample was robust, biases exist in the data. The largest bias occurred with regards to gender; there was an overrepresentation of females, 61.56% who returned the survey as opposed to the 51.1% representation of USC. Other discrepancies occurred, such as an overrepresentation of graduate students by 1.63%, and overrepresentation of Asian students by 1.41%. Please refer to Appendix A for the representativeness table). Analytic strategy/data preparation. This report focuses on the surveys that were conducted in 2012. Appropriate chi-squared tests or t-tests of statistical significance have been performed to determine the magnitude and direction of differences between undergraduate and graduate students. T-tests were performed on nominal data (responses to some scaled questions) and chi-squared tests were performed on categorical data (i.e. responses of yes/no, did/did not, etc). Throughout the report, p-values are reported in the charts or at the bottom of graphs. Healthy Campus 2020: In June 2012, Healthy Campus 2020 was published to identify nationwide health improvement priorities for individuals enrolled in tertiary education, and to provide measurable objectives and goals that are applicable. The 2012 USC baseline data is reported, when possible, to the corresponding student objectives. As we are in the early adoption phase, no goals or priorities have been set.



Descriptor Category Undergraduate (n = 663)

Graduate (n = 548)

Age Under 21 418 1

21-29 235 407

30 and higher 9 138

Gender Female 415 329

Male 244 213

Transgender 0 1

Year in School 1st year undergraduate 188 0

2nd year undergraduate 148 0

3rd year undergraduate 171 0

4th year undergraduate 139 0

5th year or more 17 0

Graduate 0 548

Full-time student status 654 507

Transferred to USC within last 12 months

156 110

Ethnicity White- not Hispanic (includes Middle Eastern) 329 255

Black - not Hispanic 34 24

Hispanic or Latino 84 70

Asian or Pacific Islander 250 195

American Indian, Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian

6 6

Multicultural or Biracial 43 29

Other 21 31

International student status 67 179

Membership in fraternity or sorority 134 40

Relationship status Not in a relationship 411 214

In a relationship but not living together 215 159

In a relationship and living together 32 171

Marital Status Single 644 390

Married/Partnered 12 139

Separated 0 3

Divorced 0 10

Other 4 3

Sexual Orientation Heterosexual 599 494

Gay/Lesbian 24 23

Bisexual 21 16

Unsure 14 10

Living Situation Campus Residence Hall 185 8

Fraternity or Sorority House 36 0


Other Campus Housing 137 24

Parent/guardian's home 36 47

Off-campus housing 253 413

Other 14 53

Source of health insurance USC Sponsored Plan 215 338

Parent's Plan 416 94

Another Plan 23 101

I don't have health insurance 1 14

Paid hours worked per week None 331 233

1 to 19 326 310

20 or more 0 0

Volunteered 1 or more hours per week

284 191

Organized college athletics participation

Varsity 36 4

Club Sports 97 33

Intramurals 533 119

The discrepancy between the total number of participants reported and the total number of participants reported

in this table exists because those participants who did not complete all questions on the Demographics section of

the survey were excluded from this demographic analysis.


Frequency List – Health-related Behavior or Concern of Students whose Academic Performance was Impeded Refer to Question 45 of the survey

“Within the last 12 months, have any of the following affected your academic performance?” (i.e., significant disruption in thesis, dissertation, research or practicum work; received an incomplete course, dropped a course; received a lower grade in a course, on an exam, or on an important project)

Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Alcohol 6.3 1.2 .000

Allergies 3.3 1.7 .027

Anxiety 23.2 12.4 .000

Assault Physical 0.4 0.2 NS

Assault Sexual 1.1 0.2 NS

ADHD 4.7 3.4 NS

Cold/Flu/Sore throat 20.1 8.5 .000

Concern for troubled family member or friend

12.9 8 .001

Chronic Health Problem 2.9 1.8 .013

Chronic Pain 3 2.3 NS

Death of Family Member or Friend

5.7 3.5 .004

Depression 12.3 8.9 .000

Discrimination 1.9 1.6 NS

Drug Use 2.8 0.8 .000

Eating disorder/problem 1.2 0.6 NS

Finances 6.4 5.6 NS

Gambling .6 0 NS

Homesickness 5.1 2.7 .001

Injury 3.1 1.3 NS

Internet use/Computer games

23.1 8 .000

Learning disability 2.3 2.2 NS

Participation in extracurricular activities

20.7 2.9 .000

Pregnancy 0.7 0.7 .006

Relationship difficulties 12.8 6.6 .000

Roommate difficulties 8.8 2.6 .000

STD/I .4 0 NS

Sinus infection/ear infection/strep

6.9 2.6 .005

Sleep difficulties 22.7 10.1 .000

Stress 35.8 18.3 .000

Work 14.8 10.2 .000


In previous years, only a frequency list, as seen above, was reported. What follows are cluster analyses, created by making a two dimensional graph representing a set of bi-variate data (scatter plot) of those who report experiencing a particular condition (frequency) crossed with those who reported the condition who experienced an academic impact (threat). This scatter plot displays health related issues that are of low threat/low frequency, low threat-high frequency, high threat/low frequency, and high threat/high frequency.

Legend for pages 10 and 11: “Scatter Plots - Threat to Academic Success Based on the Frequency of Health-Related Behavior or Concerns”






Emotional Wellbeing – Refer to Question 30 of the survey.

“Have you ever…?” Yes, in the last 12

months No, not in the last 12 months

No, never P-Value


Felt things were hopeless

48.2 40.3 17.5 24.2 34.3 35.5 .011

Felt overwhelmed by all you had to do

89.8 81 3.3 5.7 7.0 13.4 .000

Felt exhausted (not from physical activity)

85.4 77.4 5.5 7.7 9.1 14.9 .000

Felt very lonely 63.7 53.5 15.2 22.8 21.1 23.7 .000

Felt very sad 65.1 58.5 14.9 17.8 20 23.8 NS

Felt so depressed that it was difficult to function

35 31 18.9 26.6 46.1 42.5 .03

Felt overwhelming anxiety

51.6 48.1 13.4 17.2 35 34.7 NS

Felt overwhelming anger 36.5 33.5 21 23 42.5 43.6 NS

Intentionally injured yourself

5.4 2.8 11.2 10.8 83.5 86.4 NS

Seriously considered suicide

5.9 3.5 12.1 10.5 82 86.1 NS

Attempted suicide 1.1 1.1 6.1 5.3 92.8 93.6 NS

Traumatic or Difficult to Handle – Refer to Question 33 of the survey.

“Within the last 12 months, have any of the following been traumatic or very difficult for you to handle?”

Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Academics 47 43.7 NS

Career related issue 24.6 34.9 .000

Death of family member or friend 12.6 10.3 NS

Family problems 27.3 23 NS

Intimate relationship 33.7 24.3 .000

Other relationships 30.1 17.4 .000

Finances 31.1 29.7 NS

Health problem of family member/partner

17.3 14.7 NS

Personal appearance 24.7 12.1 .000

Personal health issue 16.7 15.2 NS

Sleep difficulties 23.6 23.4 NS

Other 9.1 8 NS


Level of Stress – Refer to question 37 of the survey.

“Within the last 12 months, how would you rate the overall level of stress you have experienced?”

Daytime Sleepiness – Refer to Question 43 of the survey.

“People sometimes feel sleepy during the daytime. In the past 7 days, how much of a problem have you had with sleepiness (feel sleepy, struggling to stay awake) during your daytime activities?”






















No stress Less than average stress

Average stress More than average stress

Tremendous stress




















Not at all A little More than a little

Big Very big




Frequency of Sleep Difficulties – Refer to Question 44 of the survey.

“In the past 7 days, how often have you…”

a) Awakened too early in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep? b) Felt tired, dragged out, or sleepy during the day? c) Gone to bed because you just could not stay awake any longer? d) Had an extremely hard time falling asleep?

Tired – 26.5% of students felt tired during the day 5 to 7 days out of the past week. Refer to Question 42 of the survey.























0-1 days 2-4 days 5-7 days

Awakened too early

Felt tired during the day

Gone to bed because cannot stay awake

Had an extrememly hard time falling asleep

In the graph above, undergraduate and graduate results are combined.


Safety Perception – Refer to Question 7 of the survey.

“How safe do you feel (at the following place and time combinations)?” UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS:


0.5 2.7 1.7



14.6 17.5



54.8 57.1



27.9 23.7













On campus (daytime)

On campus (nighttime)

Community around USC (Daytime)

Community around USC (nighttime)

Not safe at all

Somewhat unsafe

Somewhat safe

Very safe

0.7 4.5 4.1



27.9 24.6



44.8 49.8











On campus (daytime)

On campus (nighttime)

Community around USC (daytime)

Community around USC (nighttime)

Not safe at all

Somewhat Unsafe

Somewhat safe

Very safe


Abusive relationships and Unwanted Sexual Advances or Sexual Assault – Refer to Question 5 and Question 6 of the survey, respectively.

“Within the last 12 months, have you been in a relationship that was…?”

Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Emotionally abusive 7.7 7.6 NS

Physically abusive 1.5 1.6 NS

Sexually abusive 1.2 0.6 NS

“Within the last 12 months, have you experienced…?”

Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Sexual touching without your consent 9.7 4.0 .002

Attempted sexual penetration without your consent 3.5 1.1 .034

Sexual penetration without your consent 1.2 0.9 NS

Stalking – 4.4% of undergraduate and 3.7% of graduate students reported that they had been a “victim of stalking” within the last 12 months. (Q5G)

Verbal Threat – 18.5% of undergraduate and 11.9% of graduate students reported that they were verbally threatened within the last 12 months (p=.01). (Q5C)

Physical Assaults – 3.7% of undergraduate and 2.5% of graduate students reported that they were physically assaulted (does not include sexual assault) within the last 12 months. (Q5B)

Physical Fights – 5.8% of undergraduate and 1.1% of graduate students reported being involved in a physical fight within the last 12 months (p=.001). (Q5A)

Walking at USC – Within the last 12 months, while walking at USC, 18.9% of all students have

collided with a bicycle. Within the last 12 months, while walking at USC, 25.5% of undergraduate

students have collided with a bicycle. Within the last 12 months, while walking at USC, 51.3% of all

students have witnessed a collision that did not involve them. (Q69)

Biking at USC – Within the last 12 months, while biking at USC, 18.6% of undergraduates have

collided with a bicycle. (Q73)


General Health – Refer to Question 1 of the survey.

“How would you describe your general health?”

Use of HealthCare System – Refer to Question 79 and Question 80 of the survey, respectively.

“Within the last 12 months, have you been seen by a medical healthcare professional (e.g.

Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Nurse)?”

Location Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Have you been seen by a medical healthcare professional…

At campus Student Health Center 19.8 28.4 .000 At other healthcare facilities 23.9 28.2

Both 33.3 19.4

Neither 22.9 24.0










0.3 0







Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor



Oral Health – 69.5% of students (76.8% of undergraduates and 60.7% of graduates) have had a

dental exam and cleaning in the last 12 months. (Q39)


“Within the last 12 months, have you been seen by a mental healthcare professional (e.g. Counselor, Psychologist, Social Worker, Psychiatrist)?”

Location Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Have been seen by a mental healthcare professional…

At campus Counseling Services 6.1 4.4 NS At other counseling facilities 7.0 10

Both 3.5 2.6

Neither 83.5 83.0

Disabilities Status – Refer to Question 65 of the survey.

“Do you have any of the following disabilities or medical conditions?”

Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 6.5 4.2 NS

Chronic illness 2.3 4.8 .017

Deaf/Hard of Hearing 2.1 1.5 NS

Learning disability 2.4 2.8 NS

Mobility/Dexterity disability 0.8 1.7 NS

Partially sighted/Blind 2.7 1.7 NS

Psychiatric condition 4.1 5.0 NS

Speech or language disorder 1.1 1.1 NS

Other disability 1.2 0.7 NS

Disease Status – Refer to Question 41 and Question 31 of the survey, respectively.

“Within the last 12 months, have you been diagnosed or treated by a professional for…?”

Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Allergies 19.4 16.7 NS

Asthma 6.4 8.1 NS

Back pain 11.9 11.2 NS

Broken bone/Fracture/Sprain 6.2 4.8 NS

Bronchitis 5.5 5.3 NS

Chlamydia 0.8 0.9 NS

Diabetes 0.8 1.3 NS

Ear infection 6.7 5.3 NS

Endometriosis 0.5 1.5 NS

Genital herpes 0.5 1.3 NS

Genital warts/Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 0.8 2.2 .034

Gonorrhea 0.6 0.7 NS

Hepatitis B or C 0.8 0.6 NS

High blood pressure 1.5 2.6 NS

High cholesterol 3.0 4.6 NS


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) 0 0.4 NS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 1.5 2.8 NS

Migraine headache 2.7 6.1 .004

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 0 0.4 NS

Repetitive Stress Injury 0.9 2.2 NS

Sinus Infection 15.9 11.6 .031

Strep throat 10.3 4.8 .000

Tuberculosis 0.2 0.7 NS

Urinary tract infection 7.5 8.2 NS

“Within the last 12 months, have you been diagnosed or treated by a professional for…”

Yes, and treated with medication, psychotherapy, or both %

Yes, diagnosed but not treated %



Anorexia 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 NS

Anxiety 3.5 5.7 2.2 1.7 NS

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

3.2 5.7 2.2 1.7 NS

Bipolar Disorder 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 NS

Bulimia 0 0.2 0.5 0.4 NS

Depression 3.4 6.1 1.5 0.7 NS

Insomnia 1.4 2.2 0.6 0.4 NS

Other sleep disorder 0.2 0.7 0.3 1.1 NS

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) 0.8 0.2 1.2 0.7 NS

Panic Attacks 1.4 2.0 0.8 1.1 NS

Phobia 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 NS

Schizophrenia 0.3 0 0 0 NS

Substance abuse or addiction 0.2 0 0.5 0.2 NS

Other addiction (e.g. internet, sexual) 0.2 0 0.2 0 NS

Other mental health condition 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.2 NS

Depression History – 14.3% of students surveyed (11.9% of undergraduate and 17.2% graduate students) responded yes to “Have you ever been diagnosed with depression?” Refer to Question 32 of the survey.


Number of Sexual Partners – Refer to Question 19 of the survey.

“Within the last 12 months, with how many partners have you had oral sex, vaginal intercourse, or anal intercourse?”








6.5 5.2 6.7








0 1 2 3 4 or more



Emergency Contraception – Among respondents who indicated that they were sexually active, 13.0% of undergraduate and 7.9% of graduate students have used or had a partner who used emergency contraception (“morning after pill”) within the last 12 months. (Q24)

Unintended pregnancy – Among respondents who have had vaginal intercourse, 0.6% of undergraduate and 0.9% of graduate students have unintentionally become pregnant or gotten someone else pregnant within the last 12 months. (Q25)


Contraceptive/Birth Control Methods – Refer to Question 23B of the survey.

“Please indicate whether or not you or your partner used each of the following methods of

birth control to prevent pregnancy the last time you had vaginal intercourse?”

Undergraduate % Graduate % P- Value

Birth control pills 57.6 51.6 NS

Birth control shots 2.2 0.9 NS

Birth control implants 1.3 0.3 NS

Birth control patch 0.9 0.6 NS

Condom (male) 66.4 58.0 .03

Condom (female) 0.6 1.3 NS

Contraceptive sponge 0.9 1.0 NS

Diaphragm or cervical cap 0.9 0.6 NS

Fertility awareness 4.7 6.6 NS

Intrauterine device 3.1 3.8 NS

Spermicide 3.4 2.6 NS

Sterilization 0.9 4.4 .006

Vaginal ring 6.3 8.3 NS

Withdrawal 23.5 14.2 .003

Other method 2.2 1.9 NS

Percentages represent students who used a method of birth control to prevent pregnancy the last time they had vaginal intercourse. Columns sum to more that 100% because multiple responses were possible.

Condom Use – Refer to Questions 21 and 22 of the survey.

“Within the last 30 days, how often did you or your partner(s) use a condom or other

protective barrier (e.g. male condom, female condom, dam, glove) during…?”

Undergraduate % Graduate %

Engaged in this activity

Always used a condom

Engaged in this activity

Always used a condom

Oral sex 40.7 0.7 42.3 3.8

Vaginal Intercourse 37.6 28.5 50.6 20.8

Anal Intercourse 5.1 22.0 4.9 29.2


Blood Alcohol Level – Refer to Question 10 and Question 50 of the survey.

P Value

Under 21 21 and older

Mean .0621 .0337

Median .0273 .0116

0.08 or higher 30.7% 26.3% .000

1.00 or higher 13.5% 10.0% .000

The formula for estimating BAC is applied to the reported number of drinks and the number of hours for the last time students “partied”/socialized, weight, and estimates for total body water weight (58% for males and 49% for females) and the average rate of alcohol metabolism (a decline of .017 per hour). The formula does not control for food consumption and assumes that alcohol was consumed at a constant rate over the drinking episode.

Alcohol Consumption: Negative Outcomes - Refer to Question 16 of the Survey.

“Within the last 12 months, have you experienced any of the following as a consequence of your drinking?”

Yes Responses, excludes “non-drinkers”

Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Did something you later regretted 33.6 16.2 .000

Forgot where you were or what you did 29.8 14.2 .000

Got into trouble with the police 1.8 0 .006

Had sex with someone without giving your consent 1.7 0.2 .035

Had sex with someone without getting their consent 0.3 0.4 NS

Had unprotected sex 13.1 9.6 NS

Physically injured yourself 17.1 4.8 .000

Physically injured another person 2.7 0.4 .006

Seriously considered suicide 1.7 0.6 NS

Alcohol Consumption: Protective Behaviors - Refer to Question 15 of the survey.

“During the last 12 months, when you ‘partied’/socialized, [did you always]…?”

Undergraduate % Graduate % P-Value

Alternate non-alcoholic with alcoholic beverages 9.3 13.2 NS

Avoid drinking games 14.3 42.5 .000

Choose not to drink alcohol 5 4.7 NS

Determine, in advance, not to exceed a set number of 14.9 24.0 .000



Eat before and/or during drinks 34.0 38.9 NS

Have a friend let you know when you have had enough

14.1 19.1 .046

Keep track of how many drinks you are having 34.8 50.4 .000

Pace your drinks to 1 or fewer per hour 9.6 24.5 .000

Stay with the same group of friends the entire time you were drinking

32.6 54.8 .000

Stick with only one kind of alcohol when drinking 9.4 19.3 .000

Use a designated driver 68.6 52.2 .000

Since multiple responses were possible, more than 100% may be indicated. Students responded to a 5-point Likert scale that ranged from “Never” to “Always”. Chi-square tests were performed on all the responses; only the “Always” responses of students who “partied/socialized” are represented in the table for simplicity, however the p-values represent the range from never to always, not just “Always”.

Alcohol Consumption: Last Time “Partied”/Socialized Actual v. Perceived - Refer to Question 10 and Question 12 of the survey.

“The last time you ‘partied’/socialized how many drinks of alcohol did you have?” Undergraduate Students




3.4 6.3











0 1 to 4 5 to 7 8 or more




Graduate Students

Undergraduate students were more likely to have had more alcoholic drinks at the .000 level of significance. Undergraduate students were also more likely to perceive that the typical student had more alcoholic drinks at the .000 level of significant difference.

Substance Use v. Perceptions of Use – Refer to Question 8 and Question 9 of the survey.


“Within the last 30 days, on how many days did you use…?”

Substance Never Not in last 30 days One or more days Used daily

Alcohol 20.8 11.2 67.6 0.5

Hookah 64.0 25.7 10.1 0.2

Marijuana 59.6 17.4 20.1 2.9

Cigarettes 70.9 14.7 11.7 2.7

Cigars 78.8 16.3 4.5 0.3

Smokeless tobacco 91.5 6.7 1.7 0.2

Cocaine 91.2 5.3 3.3 0.2

MDMA (Ecstasy) 89.5 7.9 2.6 0

Sedatives 95 2 3 0

Hallucinogens 93.8 4.5 1.7 0

















0 1 to 4 5 to 7 8 or more



Binge Rate – Of students who drink, 46.3% of undergraduate and 25.1% of graduate students had five or

more drinks of alcohol at a sitting one or more times in the last 2 weeks. (Q13)


Methamphetamine 98 1.7 .2 .2

Opiates 98.2 1.5 .3 0

Inhalants 97.6 1.7 .8 0

Anabolic steroids 99.5 .3 .2 0

Other amphetamines 93.6 3.2 2.7 0.5

Other club drugs 97.7 2 .3 0

Other illegal drugs 94.5 4 1.4 .2

“Within the last 30 days, how often do you think the typical student at your school used…?”

Substance Never Not in last 30 days One or more days Used daily

Alcohol 2.7 1.2 87.0 9.0

Hookah 9.2 21.5 67.4 1.8

Marijuana 5.7 6.3 80.9 7.2

Cigarettes 6.7 14.8 68.7 9.8

Cigars 17.4 29.9 50.7 2.0

Smokeless tobacco 30.9 25.2 4203 1.7

Cocaine 35.3 22.6 41.0 1.1

MDMA (Ecstasy) 30.7 25.4 43.5 0.5

Sedatives 42.9 23.3 32.9 0.9

Hallucinogens 41.5 26.7 31.3 0.5

Methamphetamine 51.2 23 25.2 0.6

Opiates 57.0 20.1 22.6 0.3

Inhalants 55.2 21.8 22.6 0.3

Anabolic steroids 48.6 19.5 31.3 0.6

Other amphetamines 39.4 23.6 36 1.1

Other club drugs 46.7 22.5 30.5 0.3

Other illegal drugs 41.9 23.4 33.8 0.9


“Within the last 30 days, on how many days did you use…?”

Substance Never Not in last 30 days One or more days Used daily

Alcohol 18.7 14.9 65.5 0.9

Hookah 75.1 22.3 2.6 0

Marijuana 72.6 20.4 6.6 0.4

Cigarettes 69 21.4 6.6 2.7

Cigars 78.9 19.8 1.3 0

Smokeless tobacco 93.6 5.9 0.6 0

Cocaine 95.6 4.0 0.2 0.2

MDMA (Ecstasy) 94.1 5.5 0.4 0

Sedatives 95 3.5 1.5 0

Hallucinogens 94.7 5.1 0.2 0

Methamphetamine 98.5 1.3 0.2 0

Opiates 99.4 0.4 0.2 0


Inhalants 98.9 0.9 0.2 0

Anabolic Steroids 99.6 0.2 0.2 0

Other amphetamines 95.2 3.9 0.6 0.4

Other club drugs 98.9 1.1 0.3 0

Other illegal drugs 98.3 1.5 0.2 0

“Within the last 30 days, how often do you think the typical student at your school used…?”

Substance Never Not in last 30 days One or more days Used daily

Alcohol 5.2 3.3 79.8 11.8

Hookah 15.4 25.2 57.4 1.9

Marijuana 14.1 12.4 68.0 5.6

Cigarettes 8.1 13.6 68.1 10.2

Cigars 15.9 30.9 51.1 2.1

Smokeless tobacco 29.3 24.8 42.6 3.3

Cocaine 40.7 26.4 32 0.8

MDMA (Ecstasy) 36.9 27.0 35.9 0.2

Sedatives 36.0 28.2 35.0 0.8

Hallucinogens 43.8 29.5 26.4 0.4

Methamphetamine 51.6 23.8 24.0 0.6

Opiates 54.0 24.1 21.4 0.6

Inhalants 52.0 26.1 21.3 0.3

Anabolic steroids 48.1 21.9 29.3 0.8

Other amphetamines 40.7 25.1 32.4 1.8

Other club drugs 45.5 24.8 29.5 0.2

Other illegal drugs 44.4 27.1 27.9 0.9


Exercise Habits – Refer to Question 29 of the survey.

“On how many of the past 7 days did you do moderate-intensity cardio or aerobic exercise (caused by a noticeable increase in heart rate such as a brisk walk) for at least 30 minutes?

“On how many of the past 7 days did you do vigorous-intensity cardio or aerobic activity (caused by large increase in breathing or heart rate, such as jogging) for at least 20 minutes?”

In the graph above, undergraduate and graduate results were combined.

Fruit and Vegetable Intake – Refer to Question 28 of the survey.

“How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you usually have per day?”



















0 days 1 to 2 days 3 to 4 days 5 to 7 days

Moderate exercise

Vigorous Exercise




5.8 5.9












I don't eat fruits and vegetables

1-2/day 3-4/day 5 or more




Weight – Refer to Question 26 of the survey.

“How would you describe your weight?”





2.1 0.8













Very underweight

Slightly underweight

Right weight Slightly overweight

Very overweight



Fruit and Vegetable Intake – The daily USDA recommended allowance of fruits and vegetables is 5-9.

In 2012, 5.8% of undergraduate and 9.3% of graduate students ate the recommended allowance of 5

or more servings per day. (Q28)


Body Mass Index (BMI) – Calculated using Questions 47, 49a, 49b, and 50 of the survey.

BMI Male % Female % Total %

<18.5 Underweight 3.1 8.4 6.4

18.5-24.9 Healthy Weight 65.1 71.2 68.8

25-29.9 Overweight 25.1 14.2 18.5

30-34.9 Class I Obesity 4.8 4.2 4.4

35-39.9 Class II Obesity 1.7 1.1 1.3

>40 Class III Obesity 0.2 0.8 0.6

Mean 23.8 22.72 23.14

Median 23.29 21.63 22.24

Standard Deviation 3.85 5.12 4.70

This figure incorporates reported height and weight to form a general indicator of physical health. Categories defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) 2000, reprinted in 2004. Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic. WHO Tech Report Series: 894.



Surveys are only useful to the extent that they reflect the opinions of the student population. While we have documented the sample representativeness of the USC University Park Campus in terms of demographics, the degree of representativeness in terms of health-related attitudes and opinions is unknown. The survey results do correlate to similar studies completed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Monitoring the Future, and the American College Health Association. When a survey includes questions on sensitive subjects such as drug use and sexuality, there is always the possibility that a response bias has influenced the results. However, the literature shows that an anonymous health behavior survey, such as the ACHA-NCHA, gives the responder an opportunity to share more accurate information than would otherwise be provided. In general, the best way to minimize the chances of a response bias is to achieve a high response rate. The response rate of approximately twenty percent achieved in these surveys is in alignment with the steady downward trend of response rates over the past few years. As such, the response rate is not of sufficient size to ensure representativeness on all important factors. It is therefore recommended that the results described in this report be thought of as preliminary until further research is done.


The wellbeing of a college student can be related to learning, academic functioning, and performance. Therefore, this data can be utilized by various departments on campus to form partnerships in order to provide a more integrative approach to advancing health, as health supports the learning mission of our institution. Most students reported their general health as being excellent, very good, or good. However, there are a number of specific health issues such as stress, sleep, and anxiety that negatively impact the lives of students and should continue to be addressed. Safety related to bicycles in the academic core and the lack of fruit and vegetable consumption draw attention to systemic or environmental interventions. Finally, with respect to the misperceptions held by students around the alcohol and sexual behaviors of their peers, continued efforts by the campus community to create and support an accurate picture of USC students are greatly needed. The mission of the University of Southern California is the “development of human beings and society as a whole through the cultivation and enrichment of the human mind and spirit.” In order to truly facilitate this mission, the wellbeing of students must be a top priority. The data provided by the American College Health Association -National College Health Assessment II is a tool for all departments to use in order to advance the health of our students as it enriches student learning and cultivates the human mind and spirit.



ACHA-NCHA website: Office for Wellness and Health Promotion (OWHP): Student Counseling Services website: Student Medical Services website: Student Wellness - BeWellUSC: If you have any questions about this document and/or the data presented please call 213-740-4777 or email


This report would not have been possible without the contributions, dedication, and patience of the following individuals:

Michael Jackson, Vice President of Student Affairs Larry Neinstein, Executive Director, University Park Health Center Paula Swinford, Director, Office for Wellness and Health Promotion

Katherine Verrochi, Health Educator, Office for Wellness and Health Promotion Eduardo Molina, Director, Institutional Research Janice Schafrik, Director, Center for Testing and Assessment A special thanks to the entire Wellness and Health Promotion staff, including the Peer Health Educators (PHEs) for their continued support and feedback.

Thank you to all the students who sent in completed surveys; your efforts help us to serve you better.


Appendix A

Representativeness of 2012 Sample

Descriptor Returned Survey Responders % All UPC Students % Difference


Female 61.56 51.1 -10.46

Male 38.44 48.9 10.46


Undergraduate 54.17 55.8 1.63

Graduate 45.83 44.2 -1.63


American Indian 0.24 0.2 -0.04

Asian 20.11 18.7 -1.41

Black 4.46 5.0 0.54

Hispanic 13.38 12.7 -0.68

Non Resident 18.0 18.8 0.8

Pacific Islander .08 .02 -0.06

Two or more Races 3.49 2.5 -0.99

White 38.04 38.5 0.46


Appendix B

NCHA 2012 Supplemental Questions – 30 response fields

67. Are you of Hispanic or Latino descent?

a. No

b. Yes

68. What is your racial background? (mark all that apply)

a. White

b. Black or African American

c. Asian

d. American Indian or Alaska Native

e. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

69. Within the last 12 months, while walking at USC, (mark all that apply),

a. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with a pedestrian

b. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with a bicycle

c. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with a car, truck, or bus

d. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with a skateboard

e. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with an electric cart

f. I witnessed a collision (e.g. “accident”) that did not involve me.

g. None of the above have happened

70. How often do you use a bicycle on and/or around USC?

a. I don’t ride a bicycle at USC

b. Less than one day a month

c. 1-3 days per month

d. 1-4 days per week

e. 5-7 days per week

71. From USC, how far do you ride a bicycle?

a. I don’t ride a bicycle at USC

b. I ride only in the USC campus academic core (Vermont, Jefferson, Figueroa, and


c. I ride in the larger USC University Park neighborhood bordered by Budlong

(which is west of Vermont), Adams to the north, Figueroa to the east, and Exposition

to the south

d. I ride beyond the larger USC University Park neighborhood bordered by

Budlong (which is west of Vermont), Adams to the north, Figueroa to the east, and

Exposition to the south

72. Do you feel confident cycling on the urban streets around campus?

a. Yes, I feel confident

b. I do not feel confident

c. I don’t ride a bicycle at USC

73. Within the last 12 months, while biking at USC, (mark all that apply),

a. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with a pedestrian

b. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with a bicycle


c. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with a car, truck, or bus

d. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with a skateboard

e. I have collided (e.g. “accident”) with an electric cart

f. I witnessed a collision (e.g. “accident”) that did not involve me

g. None of the above have happened

h. I do not ride a bicycle at USC

74. Which of the following would you be most interested in attending to learn more about safe

cycling and bicycle traffic laws?

a. Thirty minute video/webinar

b. One hour brownbag on urban cycling and commuting

c. Two hour on-bike ride through campus with bike safety skills tips

d. Eight hour Confident City Cycling class including four hours on street and four hours on

bike instruction on busy city streets around campus.

e. Not interested in attending any of these

75. Within the last 12 months, has anyone sent frightening or threatening messages to your cell

phone, email account, social media account, or posted something frightening or threatening

about you on a gossip blog?

a. No

b. Yes

76. Within the last 12 months, has anyone said something frightening or threatening to you in


a. No b. Yes

77. Within the last 12 months, has someone fondled, kissed, rubbed, or touched you, and you

wanted it to stop, but it did not?

a. No, this has not happened to me

b. Yes, but not within the past 12 months

c. Yes, and I was drunk at the time

d. Yes, and I was “out of it” at the time

e. Yes, and although I was not drunk or “out of it” the person did not stop

78. Within the last 12 months, has a man put his penis into your vagina or butt, or had oral sex

with you when you wanted it to stop, but it did not?

a. No, this has not happened to me

b. Yes, but not within the past 12 months

c. Yes, and I was drunk at the time

d. Yes, and I was “out of it” at the time

e. Yes, and although I was not drunk or “out of it” the person did not stop

79. Within the last 12 months, have you been seen by a medical healthcare professional (e.g.

Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Nurse)? Please choose one response.

a. I have not been seen by a medical healthcare professional in the last 12 months. b. I have been seen by a medical healthcare professional on staff at the student health

center on campus c. I have been seen by a medical healthcare professional on staff at a healthcare facility

other than at the student health center on campus


d. Both B and C. 80. Within the last 12 months, have you been seen by a mental healthcare professional (e.g.

Psychologist, Social Worker, Psychiatrist or Counselor)? Please choose one response. a. I have not been seen by a mental healthcare professional in the last 12 months. b. I have been seen by a mental healthcare professional on staff at the student

counseling center on campus c. I have been seen by a mental healthcare professional on staff at a counseling facility

other than at the student counseling center on campus d. Both B and C.


Appendix C

Supplemental Questions, Valid Percents Reported

1. 15.8 % of USC students are Hispanic or of Latino descent. (Q67)

2. 60.1% of students identify as white, 6.1% of students identify as Black or African American, 33.4% of students

identify as Asian. 2.0% of students identify as American Indian or Alaskan Native, and 1.6% of students identify

as Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. (Q68)

3. Within the last 12 months, while walking at USC,

a. 15.6% of students collided with a pedestrian (Q69)

b. 19.7% of students collided with a bicycle (Q69)

c. 2% of students collided with a skateboard (Q69)

d. 1.6% of students collided with an electric cart (Q69)

e. 53.6% of students witnessed a collision that did not involve them (Q69)

f. 39.6% of students did not experience any of the listed events (Q69)

4. 63.3% of students do not ride a bicycle at USC. 2.4% of students ride a bicycle less that one day a month. 3.7%

of students ride a bicycle 1-3 days per month. 7% of students ride a bicycle 1-4 days per week. 23.6% of

students ride a bicycle 5-7 days per week. (Q70)

5. 13.1% of students ride only in the USC academic core. 16.3% of students ride in the larger USC University Park

neighborhood. 7.0% of students ride beyond the larger USC University Park neighborhood. (Q71)

6. 65.6% of USC bikers feel confident cycling on the urban streets around campus. (Q72)

7. Within the last 12 months, while biking at USC,

a. 6.2% of bikers have collided with a pedestrian (Q73)

b. 11.8% of bikers have collided with a bicycle (Q73)

c. 1.7% of bikers have collided with a car, truck, or bus (Q73)

d. 3.4% of bikers have collided with an electric cart (Q73)

8. 83.3% of students are not interested in attending proposed safety interventions to learn more about safe

cycling and bicycle traffic laws. (Q74)

9. Within the last 12 months, 3.4% of students have received frightening or threatening messages to their cell

phone, email account, social media account, or something frightening or threatening was posted about them

on a gossip blog. (Q75)

10. Within the last 12 months, 11.6% have had someone say something frightening or threatening to them in

person. (Q76)

11. Within the last 12 months, 6% of students had someone fondle, kiss, rub, or touch them, and they wanted it to

stop but it did not. (Q77)

12. Within the last 12 months, 1.7% of students had a man put his penis into the respondent’s vagina or butt, or

had oral sex with them when they wanted it to stop, but it did not. (Q78)

13. 23.9% of students have been seen by a medical healthcare professional on staff at the student health center on

campus. 25.8% of students have been seen by a medical healthcare professional on staff at a healthcare facility

other than at the student health center on campus. 29.3% of students have been seen by a medical healthcare

professional at both the student health center and a healthcare facility other than the student health center.


14. 6.0% of students have been seen by a mental healthcare professional on staff at the student counseling center

on campus. 8.6% of students have been seen by a mental healthcare professional on staff at a healthcare

facility other than at the student health center on campus. 3.4% of students have been seen by a mental

healthcare professional at both the student health center and at a healthcare facility other than the student

health center. (Q80)


Appendix D

Healthy Campus 2020

Data reported: USC NCHA UPC 2012 data (undergraduate and graduate breakdown reported when

available), USC NCHA UPC 2009 data, ACHA-NCHA national aggregate baseline data, ACHA-NCHA target

for 2020

Health Impediments to Academic Performance

AI-1.1 Reduce the proportion of students who report that their academic performance was adversely

affected by stress in the past 12 months. (Q45.29)

USC UPC 2012: 28%

Undergraduate: 35.8 %, Graduate: 18.3%

USC UPC 2009: 22.6%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 27.4

ACHA-NCHA target: 24.7

AI-1.2 Reduce the proportion of students who report that their academic performance was adversely

affected by sleep difficulties in the past 12 months. (Q45.28)

USC UPC 2012: 16.8%

Undergraduate: 22.7%, Graduate: 10.1%

USC UPC 2009: 13.8%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 20.0%

ACHA-NCHA target: 18

AI-1.3 Reduce the proportion of students who report that their academic performance was adversely

affected by anxiety difficulties in the past 12 months.(Q45.3)

USC 2012: 18.3%

Undergraduate: 23.2%, Graduate: 12.4%

USC UPC 2009: 14.8%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 18.3%

ACHA-NCHA target: 16.5%


AI-1.4 Reduce the proportion of students who report that their academic performance was adversely

affected by cold/flu/sore through in the past 12 months.(Q45.7)

USC 2012: 14.8%

Undergraduate: 20.1%, Graduate: 8.5%

USC UPC 2009: 15.4%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 18.0%

ACHA-NCHA target: 16.2

AI-1.5 Reduce the proportion of students who report that their academic performance was adversely

affected by work in the past 12 months.(Q45.30)

USC 2012: 12.5%

Undergraduate: 14.8%, Graduate: 10.2%

USC UPC 2009: 10.9%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 13.7%

ACHA-NCHA target: 12.3%

Health Communication/Health IT/ECBP

HC HC/HIT-a (Developmental) Increase proportion of students who report that their healthcare

providers have satisfactory communication skills.

No data to report.

ECBP-7.2 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on injury prevention

from their institution. (Q2.7)

USC 2012: 25.7%

Undergraduate: 31.4%, Graduate: 18.8%

USC 2009: 25%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 28.8%

ACHA-NCHA target: 31.7%


ECBP-7.3 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on violence prevention

from their institution. (Q2.19)

USC 2012: 31.9%

Undergraduate: 39.7%, Graduate: 21.8%

USC 2009: 36%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 36.0%

ACHA-NCHA target: 39.6%

ECBP-7.4 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on suicide prevention

from their institution. (Q2.17)

USC 2012: 24.1%

Undergraduate: 29.4%, Graduate: 17.9%

USC 2009: 19.7%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 30.1%

ACHA-NCHA target: 33.1%

ECBP-7.5 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on tobacco use from

their institution. (Q2.18)

USC 2012: 17.9%

Undergraduate: 23.1%, Graduate: 11.6%

USC 2009: 16.5%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 35.1%

ACHA-NCHA target: 38.6%

ECBP-7.6 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on alcohol and other

drug use from their institution. (Q2.1)

USC 2012: 59.2%

Undergraduate: 86.2%, Graduate: 26.4%

USC 2009: 62.2%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 64.8%


ACHA-NCHA target: 71.3

ECBP-7.7 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on pregnancy prevention

from their institution. (Q2.10)

USC 2012: 32%

Undergraduate: 43.4%, Graduate: 18.0%

USC 2009: 35.8%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 41.0%

ACHA-NCHA target: 45.1%

ECBP-7.8 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on sexually transmitted

disease/infection (STD/I) prevention from their institution. (Q2.14)

USC 2012: 40.7%

Undergraduate: 55.3%, Graduate: 23.2%

USC 2009: 42.8%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 52.2%

ACHA-NCHA target: 57.4%

ECBP-7.9 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on nutrition from their

institution. (Q2.8)

USC 2012: 36.4%

Undergraduate: 47.7%, Graduate: 22.2%

USC 2009: 45.8%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 52.4%

ACHA-NCHA target: 57.6%

ECBP-7.10 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving information on physical activity

from their institution. (Q2.9)

USC 2012: 46.2%

Undergraduate: 56.4%, Graduate: 33.3%

USC 2009: 46.9%


ACHA-NCHA baseline: 56.9%

ACHA-NCHA target: 62.6%

Injury and Violence Prevention

HC IVP-a Increase the proportion of students who report wearing a helmet always or most of the time

when riding a bicycle within the last 12 months. (Q4.2)

USC 2012: 12.4%

Undergraduate: 8.8%, Graduate: 19.7%

USC 2009: 16.2%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 34.4%

ACHA-NCHA target: 37.8

IVP-22 Increase the proportion of students who report wearing a helmet always or most of the time

when riding a motorcycle within the last 12 months. (Q4.3)

USC 2012: 45%

Undergraduate: 66.7%, Graduate: 35.7%

USC 2009: 90.5%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 85.8%

ACHA-NCHA target: 94.4%

IVP-33 Reduce the proportion of students who report being physically assaulted within the last 12

months. (Q5.2)

USC 2012: 3.2%

Undergraduate: 3.7%, Graduate: 2.5%

USC 2009: 3.0%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 4.7%

ACHA-NCHA target: 4.2%


IVP 39.3 Reduce the proportion of students who report being in an intimate relationship that was

emotionally abusive within the last 12 months. (Q6.1)

USC 2012: 7.9%

Undergraduate: 7.7%, Graduate: 7.6%

USC 2009: 7.8%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 10%

ACHA-NCHA target: 9.0%

IVP 39.1 Reduce the proportion of students who report being in an intimate relationship that was

physically abusive within the last 12 months. (Q6.2)

USC 2012: 1.5%

Undergraduate: 1.5%, Graduate: 1.6 %

USC 2009: 2.1%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 2.5%

ACHA-NCHA target: 2.3%

IVP 39.2 Reduce the proportion of students who report being in an intimate relationship that was

sexually abusive within the last 12 months. (Q6.3)

USC 2012: 0.7%

Undergraduate: 1.2%, Graduate: .6%

USC 2009: 1.4%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 1.6%

ACHA-NCHA target: 1.4%

HC IVP-b Reduce the proportion of students who report being sexually touched without their consent

within the last 12 months. (Q5.4)

USC 2012: 6.0%

Undergraduate: 9.7%, Graduate: 4.0%

USC 2009: 5.5%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 6.0%


ACHA-NCHA target: 5.4%

IVP-40 Reduce the proportion of students who report being sexually penetrated without their consent

within the last 12 months. (Q5.6)

USC 2012: 2.0%

Undergraduate: 1.2%, Graduate: .9%

USC 2009: 1.6%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 1.5%

ACHA-NCHA target: 1.4

HC IVP-c Increase the proportion of students who report feeling very safe “on this campus” at night.


USC 2012: 25.5%

Undergraduate: 27.9%, Graduate: 22.8%

USC 2009: 17.6%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 31.9%

ACHA-NCHA target: 35.1%

Mental Health and Mental Disorders

MHMD-2 Reduce the proportion of students who report attempting suicide within the last 12 months.


USC 2012: 1.1%

Undergraduate: 1.1%, Graduate: 1.1%

USC 2009: 0.8%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 1.3%

ACHA-NCHA target: 1.2%


MHMD-3 Reduce the proportion of students who report experiencing an eating disorder/problem within

the last 12 months. (Q31.1,5)

Bulimia – USC 2012: 0.9%

Undergraduate: 1.1%, Graduate: .6%

USC 2009: 0.5%

Anorexia – USC 2012: 1.1%

Undergraduate: 1.1%, Graduate: .6%

USC 2009: 0.9%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 5.3%

ACHA-NCHA target: 4.8%

MHMD-6a Increase the proportion of students reporting a diagnosis of depression and receiving

treatment within the last 12 months. (Q31.6)

USC 2012: 7.2%

Undergraduate: 5.7%, Graduate: 8.9 %

USC 2009: 5.8%

MHMD-6b Increase the proportion of students reporting a diagnosis of anxiety and receiving treatment

within the last 12 months. (Q31.2)

USC 2012: 7.5%

Undergraduate: 6.5%, Graduate: 8.7%

USC 2009: 7.9%

Nutrition and Weight Status

NWS-8 Increase the proportion of students who are at a healthy weight. (Q26.3)

USC 2012: 68.8%

Undergraduate: 64.2%, Graduate: 55.2%

Male: 65.1%, Female: 71.2%

USC 2009: 72.0%

Male: 68.7%, Female: 74.6%


ACHA-NCHA baseline: 61.6%

ACHA-NCHA target: 67.8%

NWS-9 Reduce the proportion of students who are obese. (Q26.5)

USC 2012: 6.3%

Male: 6.7%, Female: 6.1%

USC 2009: 5.2%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 11.6%

ACHA-NCHA target: 10.4%

NWS-14/15 Increase the proportion of students who report eating 5 or more servings of fruits and

vegetables per day. (Q28)

USC 2012: 7.1%

Undergraduate: 5.8%, Graduate: 9.3%

USC 2009: 7.6%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 6.0%

ACHA-NCHA target: 6.6%

Physical Activity and Fitness

PA-2.1 Increase the proportion of students who report meeting current federal guidelines for aerobic

physical activity. (Q29.1,2)

USC 2012: 15.8% of students are meeting or exceeding the federal guidelines for aerobic activity

by doing moderate-intensity cardio or aerobic exercise, and 8.5% of students are meeting or exceeding

the federal guidelines for aerobic physical activity by doing vigorous intensity cardio activity.

USC 2009: 14.3% of students are meeting or exceeding the federal guidelines for aerobic activity

by doing moderate-intensity cardio or aerobic exercise, and 7.5% of students are meeting or exceeding

the federal guidelines for aerobic physical activity by doing vigorous intensity cardio activity.

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 48.7%

ACHA-NCHA target: 53.5%


PA-2.2 Increase the proportion of students who report meeting current federal guidelines for muscle-

strengthening activity. (Q29.3)

USC 2012: 32.8%

Undergraduate: 36.4%, Graduate: 28.2%

USC 2009: 31.5%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 37.6%

ACHA-NCHA target: 41.4%

Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV

STD-1 Reduce the proportion of students who test positive for Chlamydia as reported by their university

health services in the last 12 months. (Q41.6)

USC 2012: 0.8%

Undergraduate: 0.8%, Graduate: 0.9% (reporting those who tested positive)

USC 2009: 0.5%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 3.4%

ACHA-NCHA target: 3.1%

STD-4 Increase the proportion of university health services who report routinely screening sexually

active women under the age of 26 for Chlamydia.

No data to report.

HIV-17a Increase the proportion of sexually active students who report using condoms, most of the time

or always, for vaginal intercourse in the last 30 days. (Q22.2)

USC 2012: 50.3%

Undergraduate: 59%, Graduate: 41.9%

USC 2009: 53.5%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 51.0%

ACHA-NCHA target: 56.1%


HIV-17b Increase the proportion of sexually active students who report using condoms, most of the time

or always, for anal intercourse in the last 30 days. (Q22.3)

USC 2012: 32.8%

Undergraduate: 34.0%, Graduate: 32.3%

USC 2009: 33.9%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 28.2%

ACHA-NCHA target: 31.0%

HIV-14 Increase the proportion of students who report having ever been tested for HIV. (Q39.6)

USC 2012: 26.8%

Undergraduate: 19.7%. Graduate: 35.2%

USC 2009: 28.1%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 25.7%

ACHA-NCHA target: 28.3%

Family Planning

FP-1 Decrease the proportion of female students who report an unintended pregnancy in the last 12

months. (Q25.3)

USC 2012: 0.7%

Undergraduate: 0.6%, Graduate: 0.9% (Recognize partner pregnancy, therefore report

both male and female)

USC 2009: 1.3%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 1.5%

ACHA-NCHA target: 1.4%

FP-3 Increase the proportion of college university health services that report offering (dispense,

prescribe, or sell) emergency contraception.

No data to report.


FP-6 Increase the proportion of students or their partner who report using contraception during the last

vaginal sexual intercourse. (Q23.1)

USC 2012: 79.8%

Undergraduate: 82.4%, Graduate: 77.1%

USC 2009: 84.9%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 56.6%

ACHA-NCHA target: 62.3%

Substance Abuse

SA-13 Reduce the proportion of students who report using marijuana (pot, weed, hashish, hash oil)

within the last 30 days. (Q8.6)

USC 2012: 15.7%

Undergraduate: 23%, Graduate: 7%

USC 2009: 14.4%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 17.0%

ACHA-NCHA target: 15.3%

SA-14 Reduce the proportion of students who report engaging in high-risk drinking of alcoholic

beverages within the last 12 months. (Q10)

No data to report.

Change to question 13, five or more drinks in a sitting, nondrinkers INCLUDED

SA-19 Reduce the proportion of students who report nonmedical use of prescription drugs within the

last 12 months.

USC 2012: Antidepressants- 2.8%, Erectile Dysfunction- 1.1%, Pain- 6.7%, Sedatives- 3.6%,

Stimulants- 7.2%

USC 2009: Antidepressants- 2.1%, Erectile Dysfunction- 1.1%, Pain- 6.8%, Sedatives- 4.1%,

Stimulants- 6.5%


HC SA-d Reduce the proportion of students who report driving after consuming any alcohol within the

last 30 days. (Q14)

USC 2012: 26.5%

Undergraduate: 14.9%, Graduate: 39.2%

USC 2009: 29.7%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 17.9%

ACHA-NCHA target: 16.1%

Tobacco Use

TU-1a Reduce the proportion of students who report cigarette use within the last 30 days. (Q8.1)

USC 2012: 12.2%

Undergraduate: 14.4%, Graduate: 9.4%

USC 2009: 12.5%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 16%

ACHA-NCHA target: 14.4%

TU-1b Reduce the proportion of students who report smokeless tobacco use within the last 30 days.


USC 2012: 1.3%

Undergraduate: 1.9%, Graduate: .6%

USC 2009: 2.3%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 3.9%

ACHA-NCHA target: 3.5%

HC TU-e Reduce the proportion of students who report hookah use within the last 30 days. (Q8.2)

USC 2012: 6.9%

Undergraduate: 10.3%, Graduate: 2.6%

USC 2009: 9.3%


ACHA-NCHA baseline: 8.2%

ACHA-NCHA target: 7.4%

Immunization and Infectious Disease

IID-12 Increase the proportion of students who report receiving influenza vaccine in the last 12 months.


USC 2012: 32.8%

Undergraduate: 36.5%, Graduate: 28.0%

USC 2009: 29.6%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 39.9%

ACHA-NCHA target: 43.9%

IID-8a Increase the proportion of students who report receiving Hepatitis B vaccine. (Q40.1)

USC 2012: 69.3%

Undergraduate: 70.4%, Graduate: 68.1%

USC 2009: 73.8%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 73.0%

ACHA-NCHA target: 80.3%

IID-8b Increase the proportion of students who report receiving Human Papillomavirus/HPV vaccine.


USC 2012: 37.7%

Undergraduate: 46.9%, Graduate: 26.5%

USC 2009: 28.7%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 33.2%

ACHA-NCHA target: 36.5%


IID-8c Increase the proportion of students who report receiving Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine.


USC 2012: 80.2%

Undergraduate: 77.4%, Graduate: 83.8%

USC 2009: 80.7%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 70.9%

ACHA-NCHA target: 78.0%

IID-8d Increase the proportion of students who report receiving Meningococcal vaccine. (Q40.5)

USC 2012: 54.7%

Undergraduate: 61.3%, Graduate: 47.3%

USC 2009: 56.6%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 54.7%

ACHA-NCHA target: 62.8%

IID-8e Increase the proportion of students who report receiving Varicella (chicken Pox) vaccine. (Q40.6)

USC 2012: 50.4%

Undergraduate: 65.5%, Graduate: 43.6%

USC 2009: 40.7%

ACHA-NCHA baseline: 43.4%

ACHA-NCHA target: 47.7%

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