usaid south sudan’s viable support to transition and ... wash... · viable support to transition...

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USAID South Sudan’s Viable Support to Transition and Stability Program (VISTAS) Contract No. AID-668-C-13-00004

To: Offeror

From: AECOM International Development South Sudan (AISS)

Date: Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Solicitation #: Request for Proposal (RFP) # VIS-ER 1673

Activity Title: WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East Jonglei State/ South Sudan

Reference: USAID/AECOM Contract No. AID-668-C-13-00004

Viable Support to Transition and Stability Program (VISTAS)

Dear Offeror:

Enclosed is a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a construction project, WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East, Jonglei State, South Sudan to be executed with the efforts and oversight of AECOM International South Sudan (AISS) Viable Support to Transition and Stability Program (VISTAS). AECOM International South Sudan (AISS) invites qualified construction Subcontractors to submit a best-value proposal for this work funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under Contract No. AID-668-C-13-00004, Viable Support to Transition and Stability Program (VISTAS).

I. Type of Subcontract: Awards resulting from this RFP will be Firm Fixed Price Subcontracts.

II. Submission of Questions: AISS/VISTAS will answer questions and provide assistance in understanding the requirements of this RFP. AISS will not provide guidance on the preparation of an Offeror’s proposal or information regarding cost or pricing or any other technical or administrative requirement that is addressed in the RFP package. Questions must be submitted no later than Monday, November 13, 2017(5:00PM, Juba, South Sudan local time). Offerors are required to address questions in writing to AISS-VISTAS via email ONLY:, with a copy to Offerors must insert in the subject line of their email the full solicitation number of this RFP. No individual questions will be answered over the phone or in person. Answers to those questions will be clarified in the Bidder’s Meeting ONLY

III. Bidders Meeting: All prospective Offerors are highly encouraged to attend the Bidders Meeting Thursday, November 16, 2017(3:00 p.m.), South Sudan local time at AISS Office, AISS Office, Former Winrock Office, Kololo Road, Plot No. 5, Block Number 3K South, 2nd, class area, Tong Ping, Juba South Sudan.

. No hard copy question are accepted.

IV. Meeting attendance is compulsory and mandatory! The results of the meeting will be addressed to all participants through email. In order to send the meeting results to all participants, everyone is required to fill the attendance sheet with their names and their contacts. Companies that fail to attend this meeting will be disqualified from the bidding process for this particular RFP.

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Offerors are highly encouraged to bring business cards to the meeting.

Submission of Proposals: The proposal (and all presented documents supporting the proposal – certificates of completion, construction contracts, CVs, diplomas, equipment invoices or registration documents etc.) MUST BE in English. The proposal should be comprised of the following two envelopes placed in a large sealed envelope clearly marked Proposal for RFP – VIS-ER1673, WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, , Twic East, Jonglei State South Sudan “To be opened only by a Procurement staff member who is not a member of the Evaluation Committee and a Witness

a. In one envelope:


• Technical Proposal: one (1) paper copy

b. In a second envelope:

• Price Proposal: one (1) paper copy

c. One (1) digital copy (on CD-ROM) of both Technical Proposal and Price Proposal1

d. In the large envelope; there should be the sealed envelope of the technical proposal and another sealed envelope for the price proposal packed in this large envelop, procurement staff will open the big envelope and find two sealed and closed envelops. Technical proposal envelop and Price proposal envelop should be sealed in the large envelop.

e. The technical proposal envelop should contain NO PRICE ELEMENTS

A proposal must be delivered to the address below by no later than

at all! Any technical proposal envelop that contain pricing will be rejected at this stage and the companies will be disqualified to continue the bidding process.

November 30th, 2017 at 16:00 Juba, South Sudan local time

V. Bidding – Offerors who wish to be considered for this RFP must submit proposals. Offerors who do not comply with the requirement of this RFP do so at their own risk. AISS/VISTAS reserves the right to disqualify proposal submissions submitted without meeting the qualifications.


AECOM International South Sudan Former Winrock Office, Kololo Road, Plot No. 5, Block Number 3K South,

2nd, class area, Tong Ping, Juba South Sudan.

Late submissions will not be accepted

VI. Offeror’s Agreement with Terms and Conditions – The completion of all RFP requirements in accordance with the instructions in this RFP and submission to AISS/VISTAS of the technical and price proposals will constitute an offer and indicate the Offeror’s agreement to the terms and conditions in this RFP and any attachments hereto. AISS/VISTAS reserves the right to award a subcontract without discussion and/or negotiation; however, AISS/VISTAS also reserves the right to conduct discussions and/or negotiations, which

1 The CD-ROM version does not need to include signed and stamped versions of the documents so long as the required signed and stamped documents are included in the hard copy version.

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among other things may require an Offeror(s) to revise its proposal (technical and/or price). Issuance of this RFP in no way obligates AISS to award a subcontract, nor does it commit AISS to pay any costs incurred by the Offeror in preparing and submitting the proposal.

VII. Compliance with RFP Instructions – Offerors are required to fully review all instructions and specifications contained in this RFP. Failure to do so will be at the Offeror’s risk. Non-compliance and non-conformance with the terms and conditions of this RFP may render an Offeror’s entire RFP package as non-responsive, disqualifying the Offeror’s bid from being reviewed. AISS/VISTAS reserves the right not to evaluate a non-responsive proposal.

VIII. Confirmation of Receipt of RFP – Please confirm receipt of this RFP by “Reply” email within to .

IX. Index of RFP – This RFP is comprised in its entirety of the following sections and appendices:

Sections of RFP:

Section 1 Proposal Submittal Documents

Section 2 Technical Proposal Documents

Section 3 Price Proposal Documents

Section 4 Scope of Work

Section 5 Inspection and Acceptance

Section 6 Special Subcontract Requirements

Section 7 Evaluation Criteria

X. Composition of Proposal – Offerors shall submit Proposal Submittal Documents (Section 1), Technical Proposal Documents (Section 2 – Appendices D through H) and Price Proposal Documents (Section 3 – Appendices I and J) for the works in accordance with the Scope of Work outlined in Section 4. The proposal will consist of Appendices D through J (see above).


Appendix A: Drawings & Technical Specifications

Appendix B: Proposal Cover Letter

Appendix C: Proposal Checklist

Appendix D: Past Performance, Experience & Technical Capability

Appendix E: List of Equipment

Appendix F: Anticipated Use of Local Labor

Appendix G: Staffing Plan

Appendix H: Work Schedule

Appendix I: Company Details and Financial Capacity

Appendix J: Bid Price Quotation Form and Instructions

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WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East, Jonglei State,

South Sudan


Use forms provided in the respective Appendices for all sections below.


Appendix B: Proposal Cover Letter: Letter must be signed by a person authorized to sign on behalf of the Offeror. This letter shall be included in the main envelope containing the Technical Proposal envelope and the Price Proposal envelope. The cover letter should be followed by a copy of offerors business registration, in order to have its proposal evaluated and be considered for award of this RFP project(s). The business registration must be valid at the time of proposal submission.

Appendix C: Proposal Checklist: As a best practice, the Offeror should include a completed copy of the Proposal Checklist in the main sealed envelope.


Note: Appendices D through H shall comprise the Technical Proposal. The Technical Proposal must be under separate, sealed envelope and clearly labeled as such.

Appendix D: Summary of Past Performance, Experience & Technical Capability: In order for AISS to evaluate past performance, offerors should list at least three (3) previous contracts/projects undertaken in rural areas of South Sudan within the last 3 years preferably in the area of the specific location of the individual proposal, by using the provided form template in the RFP. Offerors should also describe any additional presence in the specific region or county. This list should be supported by copies of both Certificates of Completion and Contracts.

Factors for evaluating Past Performance in Appendix D include:

• Experience in rural East Africa will be considered; however, rural South Sudan experience shall be given greater consideration. If possible, projects identified should be of similar designs and scope. If an Offeror does not have projects of a similar type in the specific or similar region or county, they should identify projects in Juba that show the ability to perform works as close as possible to the proposed construction in South Sudan.

• Offerors must provide the location and contact details for any site listed in Appendix D. AISS/VISTAS reserves the right to visit any site for inspection to evaluate an Offeror’s technical capability.

• The Offeror is required to distinguish between works performed as the prime contractor or subcontractor (to be noted under Description of Activities section); dollar values should be based on the portion of the project performed, i.e., works performed as a subcontractor should only include the dollar amount of the subcontract and not the prime contract.

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• Identified experience should be equal to or greater than the magnitude for this RFP project; less consideration will be given for projects identified that are lower than the magnitude of this RFP project.

Note: Greater consideration will be given to certificates of completion dated within the past six months. Completion certificates must be submitted on a client letterhead to be considered valid.

Additionally, in order to evaluate Experience & Technical Capability, the offeror should submit at least five (5) certificates of completion or recommendation letters for other projects performed in the past 5 years (2012 and onwards) (please do not repeat any of the three projects presented above). In no circumstances photos would be considered in lieu of certificates of completion or recommendation letters.

Appendix E: List of Equipment: The VISTAS Program has identified significant equipment, tools and materials required for the performance/construction of the project. The Offeror should fill Appendix E and propose the equipment and tools for use for this particular project only (not a list of total equipment and tools owned by the company). This list of equipment should be accompanied by copies of registration paperwork for the machinery, or invoices and / or payment vouchers for the other equipment and tools, confirming that the Offeror is in possession of each item listed, as well as to certify that these items are in good functional condition and should be in South Sudan.

Appendix F: Anticipated Use of Local Labor: The Offeror is required to complete the form provided in Appendix F – Anticipated Use of Local Labor. Appendix F differentiates between skilled and unskilled labor, and males and females.

Note: Unskilled labor will be recruited and employed from the county to the maximum extent practical. It is highly preferred that 100% of all unskilled labor be from the county; however, should this prove unfeasible, under no circumstances may the unskilled labor rate from the district be below 90%, and the Subcontractor must demonstrate to the satisfaction of AISS why the rate is below 100%.

Appendix G: Key Personnel: The Offeror should describe the proposed technical and managerial key personnel team for this particular project and attach copies of their CVs, diploma(s), and a photo ID.(The Copies submitted should be clear and readable, un readable copies of diplomas will be rejected). If one individual fills more than one of the key personnel team roles, please state this in the proposal. Identifying an individual in the staffing plan and not utilizing them in that capacity during subcontract performance may be grounds for Termination for Default of any resulting subcontract.

Note: The successful bidder will be required to have the specified staff member on site(s) at all times during the period of performance, as Key Personnel will be considered essential for the completion of each work. Should any vendor choose to bid on the construction of the sites, key personnel lists and equipment mobilization plans must be included for each as a separate document.

Appendix H: Work Schedule: The Offeror should prepare a work schedule in general conformity with Appendix H. The schedule should include breakdown by procurement, mobilization to project site (including materials delivery and project office and housing for workers), and all construction activities (excavation, foundation, Fence, and landscaping) and the timeline and duration for each activity with a planned start and end date, including timeline for the

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procurement of materials and mobilization of personnel and transport of materials to the construction site.

Procurement and Logistics Plan – The offeror should submit a full procurement and logistics plan describing timelines for the procurement of materials and sourcing of those materials (including information on local, Juba or international sourcing) as well as the logistics of transporting that material to the work site (type/method of transport, routes to be taken, timeline for delivery, sequencing of shipments etc.). A special attention should be given to providing information as to the sourcing of local material (like sand and aggregate material), or clearly indicate that this information is not available at the bidding phase.

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Note: The Price Proposal must be under separate, sealed envelope and clearly labeled as such located in the large sealed envelope.

Appendix I: Company Details & Financial Capacity: Failure to provide complete, accurate data may deem a company financially incapable of completing a project during the cost evaluation. The offeror should submit bank account reports from the past three (12) months, as well as certified audited accounts for the past three years .

Priced Bill of Quantities: The Price Proposal shall be submitted in conformity with the submission guidelines outlined above in this RFP. The unit prices shall be fully burdened with all materials, labor, supervision, quality assurance, transport, security, overhead, profit/fee, risk and all other incidentals and obligations necessary for the completion of the work.

• Project cost will be fixed price in USD and it is the bidder’s responsibility to review all quantities and verify with construction drawings, BOQ, and SOW.

• Order of precedence is Drawings, BOQ and SOW.

• Costs proposals will be evaluated based on what is reasonable and practical for the nature of the proposed works and prevailing regional market rates for construction materials.

• The cost proposal and financial management scoring, as per the evaluation criteria, is 20 points out of the total points (100) allocated to evaluate the proposals.


4.1 General Background Information

AECOM International South Sudan (AISS) implements the USAID funded VISTAS - Viable Support to Transition and Stability program, funded by USAID. AISS is seeking a number of qualified and experienced construction Subcontractors for the WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East, Jonglei State, South Sudan.

Important considerations for construction

4.1.1 Compliance

All work must be completed in strict compliance with the contract documents. Compliance with Environmental Mitigation requirements will also be required.

4.1.2 Project Site Location

The project site location is Kongor, South Sudan

4.2 Detailed Description of the Works and Specifications

The subcontractor will be required to WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East, in Jonglei State, South Sudan. The following SOW lists major components of the subcontract but the bidder must refer to the drawings and BOQ for additional details. Below is scope of work and specifications. The subcontractor shall be responsible for, but not limited to:

1. Preliminary Survey and submission of Report: The successful bidder will be responsible for

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getting the selected sites checked by proper Geophysical / Geological and confirm the technical feasibility of drilling a successful borehole(s) for pump installation. If the selected site is not feasible the contractor will communicate VISTAS immediately after the survey

2. Bore Hole dia and Yield: The bore hole should have dia between 8" - 10". The borehole for a scheme should have a tested yield of over 5m3/hr.

3. Water quality: Before the end of pumping test two water bottles of 1litre each should be taken for full chemical and bacterial analysis. The water samples should be analyzed in a qualified and approved laboratory. Water suitability for human and livestock use should be assessed. Bacteriological and physiochemical water quality test of all the major Parameters such as Fe, Mn, F, Cl, bicarbonates, turbidity, etc .

4. Submersible Pump: Helical rotor DC submersible pump with a minimum capacity of pumping 5m3/hr at a minimum total dynamic head of 100m.

5. Solar Panels: Supply and install solar photovoltaic cells of to operate the pump as per recommendation by the pump manufacturer.

6. Control Panel: The Control Box should have a starter, a phase failure relay a low-level relay, an ammeter and a lockable weatherproof enclosure.

7. Rising Main: The pipe from the pump to well-head should be galvanised iron (GI).

8. Storage: 10 m3 capacity PVC tanks should be provided and installed over the steel support. The tank sits on a steel stand 6m above the ground.

9. Buried Pipes: Pipes are laid at a depth of 700mm and protected with sand cushion. Standard sizes used are 2”. Pipe jointing should be either flange or threaded fittings.

10. Tap-stands: The scheme should have 12 distribution points fixed on a concrete support tap stand. Control valve is set to regulate flow to the consumer. The detail of the tap is shown in the attached drawing in the annex.

11. Well Head and Gate valve Chamber: Well head and gate valve chamber should be constructed as per drawings and BOQ

12. Fencing: For security purposes compound should be fenced as per drawings.

13. Drainage: Drainage canals and soak away pit should be provided at distribution point as per drawings.

14. PV Panels: PV panels should be installed as per design with a security lock bar at top and bottom of the panel and will be secured with welding. The sub contractor will determine the number of panels required as per recommendation from the pump vendor and will submit the specs to VISTAS with the technical submission.

15. General Notes

• Power: the Subcontractor is required to provide any and all power required for construction activities. If the Subcontractor is allowed to use power from an adjacent property owner, it is the Subcontractor’s responsibility to reimburse the supplier of power for the consumption of this power.

• Concrete work: Before commencing concrete works on site, the subcontractor must notify the AISS Engineer or AISS representative, who must approve reinforcement, formwork, sand and aggregate purity, and mix ratio Quality Control methods prior to concrete

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placement. If approval has not been granted, AISS reserves the right to reject the concrete work and require the subcontractor to re-work at the subcontractor’s own cost. The concrete mix will be produced by concrete mixing machines. Hand mixing will not be accepted.

• Formwork: Formwork will be necessary for the casting of reinforced concrete members. All formwork, materials, and labor necessary to complete the work shall be the responsibility of the subcontractor. Proper spacing between formwork and reinforcement must meet the clear cover specifications in the drawings.

• Water: Water for construction will be the responsibility of the subcontractor to coordinate with the local community to obtain the necessary quantities or to deliver water to site.

• Erosion and Sediment Control Measures: The subcontractor shall install erosion and sediment control measures as necessary depending on the site topography, surrounding environment, and precipitation conditions, determined by the AISS Engineer or AISS representative. Erosion and sediment control measures may include an improvised silt fence/brush barrier. For sites where the topography has a slope greater than 5% or is near a water source, the subcontractor will be required to install the erosion and sediment control measures.

4.3 Period of Performance

The estimated period of performance is 3 months, however this period of performance may vary and will be finalized during the contract negotiations with the successful bidder. Project completion must be reached before rainy season, after which the roads will become increasingly impassable.

4.4 Anticipated Payment Schedule

Progress Payments will be paid upon satisfactory completion of milestones, as inspected and approved by the AISS Engineer or representative and based on the construction drawings, BOQ and SOW. A 10% retention payment will be deducted from each progress payment and paid two months after project completion to satisfy reasonable quality.

4.5 Progress Payment Schedule

The progress payment will be made on achievement of below indicative miles stones

Milestone Deliverable and/or Task % of work done

Mile Stone # 1

Mile stone # 2

Milestone # 3

Milestone # 4

Mile stone # 5

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Total 100.00

4.6 Mobilization for Construction Works

These milestones are indicative and actual Milestones will be established at the time of award

and % age will be determined at the time of contract signing

Upon award and signing of the subcontract, the Subcontractor shall mobilize all the required personnel (including an experienced project manager, supervisor, project engineer, foremen, equipment operators and other skilled and unskilled laborers), equipment, materials, tools and other implements in such numbers as will be required to initiate and complete the works. Mobilization will be agreed upon prior to the issuance of a Notice to Proceed. Prior to mobilization, the Subcontractor shall notify the Republic of South Sudan (RSS) staff member responsible for the site of their intention to occupy the site and carry out the work. The Subcontractor shall closely coordinate this activity with the RSS staff on site and ensure that the Subcontractor is well coordinated with the RSS security team on site.

4.7 Penalties

Financial penalties/deductions from payments may be imposed by AISS on the subcontractor for the following reasons, and will be incorporated as part of the awarded contract:

a. Failure to submit sand, gravel, soil, wood, or other material samples to Site Engineer or Senior Engineer before mobilization to the field.

b. Failure to adhere to the delivery schedule as agreed in the subcontract.

c. Failure to adhere to the specifications provided for in the design of the building.

d. Failure to follow dimensions and details from the contract plans.

e. Failure to have the specified site supervisor / key personnel on site at all times during the period of performance.

f. Failure to have specified equipment on site at all times (Thurayas, truck) or at appropriate time (concrete mixer, concrete vibrator, welder).

g. Work under the agreed subcontract to be subcontracted or assigned by the Subcontractor to others without the express written consent of AISS.

h. Failure by the Subcontractor to ensure construction documents are always on site, from construction commencement until the handover to AISS, including construction drawings, specification of materials, schedule of works, and scope of work and any change order/additional documents that are relevant to the scope of works of the project.

Cure Notices will be administered in advance to allow the contractor to make corrections prior to a penalty being issued.

4.8 Testing, Equipment, Standards and Procedures

Local materials should be used when possible. The Subcontractor shall submit sand and gravel samples for AISS approval before mobilizing materials to the site. Materials that do not meet the requirements shall not be used.

Imported materials (e.g. cement and reinforcing steel) shall bear with them certifications of their suitability. The AISS Engineer shall be furnished copies of the certification from manufacturers that illustrate the classification, strength capacities, and material properties of these items.

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4.9 Quality Control

AISS has developed a Quality Control Plan detailing all aspects of the construction work attached to this RFP. This manual must be maintained on site at all times. Failure to adhere to quality standards outlined in the manual may result in financial penalties.

4.10 Safety Requirements

The Subcontractor shall ensure that employees are supplied with proper safety equipment and follow procedures that protect Subcontractor employees. The Subcontractor shall establish a safety zone around the work areas and establish safety practices to prevent staff injuries. The Subcontractor shall be solely liable for any injury or damage to any staff and/or property during the course of the jobs. This includes all costs involved with such injury or damage.

The Subcontractor is also responsible to ensure all staff and laborers have access to adequate sanitation as is acceptable in the community. The Subcontractor shall sign a Safety Plan Acknowledgement Letter as part of the Awarded Contract that covers the life of the project.

4.16 Security Plan

The Subcontractor is responsible for the security on the project site and within the property limits of the proposed site. AISS may assist the Subcontractor in coordinating with the local security personnel and community; however, it is the Subcontractor’s responsibility to secure the site and all project works and material until handover of site.

4.17 Delivery and Storage of Materials and Equipment

The Subcontractor shall be responsible for all materials transport, storage, and providing any necessary security containers, and Fence and protection from the weather. At the end of the project, the Subcontractor shall remove all debris created by construction activities. The Subcontractor is responsible to control all theft and unauthorized use of materials and equipment on site.

4.18 Deliverables during Construction

Before and during the implementation of the project, the Subcontractor shall deliver to AISS the following:

• A Schedule of the Works • Contractor Quality Control Plan – AISS provided • Sampling and Testing Plan • Safety Plan • Security Plan • Submittals Register ( Visitors and Instructions) • Updates to the Work Schedule as Needed • Request for mile stone payment on completion of each mile stone • Request for Final Acceptance

4.19 Clean up

The Subcontractor shall keep the work site clean and neat at all times, removing all debris and refuse promptly at the end of each day from the site. At the end of the project work, the Subcontractor shall clean up the site to the satisfaction of the RSS staff responsible for the site.

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4.20 Change Order

Any change in Plans, Specifications and Deadlines proposed by the Subcontractor are required to be submitted to the AISS Senior Engineer or his representative for approval in written form


prior to the commencement of work. Any change in costs must be approved by the Chief of Party. Under no circumstances may any technical approvals be considered binding that are not in written form as prepared may any change in costs be considered binding that are not approved in writing by the AISS and issued by the AISS Senior Engineer. Under no circumstances Chief of Party.

5.1 Workmanship, Quality Control and Superintendence

In accordance with FAR Clause 52.236-6 “Superintendence by the Contractor” (APR 1984), at all times during performance of this Subcontract and until the works are completed and accepted, the Offeror shall have on the work site a competent Site Supervisor who is approved and accepted by AISS. The Site Supervisor will have authority to act on behalf of the Offeror.

The Offeror is expected to produce works which conform in quality and accuracy of detail to the standards, drawings, and specifications. Offeror shall institute a quality control system and provide, dependent on the project scope and as agreed with AISS, experienced staff such as, but not limited to, managers, engineers, foremen, surveyors, materials technicians and other technical staff, together with all transport, instruments and equipment, to ensure adequate supervision and execution of the works at all times. The Subcontractor shall keep AISS records of all work performed and tested.

Workmanship of the complete projects is expected to be commensurate with construction of similar construction by AECOM in the region. All items of the work will be inspected by AISS Engineers to confirm quality of workmanship. The Subcontractor is liable to replace any rejected work in a reasonable time frame. The Subcontractor shall allow representatives from USAID, as well as representatives of other organizations or the public, to inspect and observe the work at any time. Visitors should be asked to sign a log book with name, time, organization, and comments.

The cost of all supervision and process control carried out by the Offeror shall be deemed to be included in the overall subcontract cost. As such, the Subcontractor shall include such costs within the work item unit rates.

5.2 Quality Control Plan

The AECOM South Sudan Quality Control Plan provides the necessary controls, inspections, and testing of all items of work of AISS construction activities to ensure compliance with the applicable plans and specifications. By following the methods outlined in the plan, good workmanship and construction will be achieved, resulting in a durable and functional structures. The Quality Control Plan controls the quality of the project outputs, and it must be in place and agreed by all concerned parties prior to the commencement of any construction activities. The system should include the following components, which are detailed further throughout the document:

• The quality targets to be achieved in relation to the project’s technical and contractual requirements.

• The specific responsibilities of the involved construction, supervision, inspection, and review parties.

• The specific procedures, methods and work instructions to be applied. • Methods for dealing with revisions and changes the progress of the project (change orders).

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• Inspection check lists.


6.1 Executive Order on Terrorism Financing (AAPD 02-04, Mar 2002)

The offeror is reminded that U.S. Executive Orders and U.S. law prohibits transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of the recipient to ensure compliance with these Executive Orders and laws. This provision must be included in all purchase orders/sub-awards issued under the Prime Contract. In addition to conducting a background check for any new personnel, the Offeror agrees to conduct a search for the prospective employees name on the following site:

6.2 Communications with USAID and Other Agencies

The offeror is prohibited from any written or oral communications with or to USAID. In the event communication with USAID is required, the Offeror will work through the Senior Engineer to receive authorization to do so.

6.3 Branding

Subcontractors are not allowed to co-brand USAID funded activities, materials or commodities with their logo. VISTAS will provide and monitor Branding material during the life of the project.

6.4 English Language Requirement

All designs, work plans, reports and other deliverables shall be provided in English. The successful Offeror shall have a minimum of one English-speaking representative on site at all times when work is in progress.

6.5 Environmental Compliance

AISS will institute environmental monitoring and mitigation actions in accordance with the Environmental Review Report submitted to USAID. These actions will include worker safety, storm water management, pollution control, sanitation compliance, and other topics relevant to safety and health. This plan will be provided to the subcontractor upon approval by USAID and signing of the Notice to Proceed.

6.6 All Offerors whom are willing to be considered to the award are obliged to obtain DUNS number from

DUNS and Sam Registration (important notice) and register in the Sam website at Offerors cannot have a contract without this registration is complete, which takes up to 8 weeks for completion, Offerors are encouraged to begin the process while they are in the submission of the proposal so it will be complete at the time this procurement finalized. VISTAS will look for the email that you receive from the DUNS website that you begin the process with.

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7.1 Technical and Financial/Management Capability

The Offerors’ proposal shall be evaluated to determine overall technical capability to effectively implement the project. The sub-factors used to determine this will be:

• Past Performance (20 points), Contractor wishing to take the points are expected to submit the below:

At least three (3) Completion certificate and contracts of civil construction works to similar projects (15 points) in rural and remote areas of South Sudan (5 points). (Appendix D). These projects should be completed within last 03 years.

• Experience and Technical Capability (25 points)

Company should have minimum documented experience of civil construction in south Sudan for the past of 5 years (2012 onwards). Documentation accepted to support this experience may include: certificates of completion, reference letters, or final payment vouchers for previous projects completed in the last 5 years (Appendix D). Photos will not be considered to evaluate experience and technical capability. The company should present at least five (5) certificates, recommendation letters, or final payment voucher, to obtain the maximum 25 points. If less than five (5) projects are presented, each project presented will be scored with 5 points. The company should not repeat the projects listed in Past performance.

• Equipment (10 points) – Evaluation of the type, capacity, quantities, ownership, age and location of relevant equipment that the Offeror can use for the work (please refer to Appendix E). The offeror’s list of equipment will be evaluated against the understanding of the offeror which equipment, machinery, and tools are needed for successful implementation of this particular project. Only equipment that is supported by registration paperwork (for the motor vehicles), invoices of purchase or payment vouchers (for the other machinery, equipment and tools) will be taken into consideration. An open rental contract with a machinery or equipment provider would be considered in lieu of the registration documents or invoices / payment voucher. The list of equipment should clearly state the condition of each proposed item and should be available in South Sudan.

• Anticipated Local Employment (5 points) – Offeror’s plan for employing both skilled and unskilled labor of both genders at the project site (please refer to Appendix F).

• Proposed Key Staff (5points) – Offeror’s proposed key personnel has the necessary South Sudan experience, skills, and education to complete the project, evaluation will be done based on the CVs provided alongside with copies of their diplomas and a photo ID (please refer to Appendix G). VISTAS senior engineer may request to meet the individuals submitted the CVs with their ID and photograph at later stage. The Copies submitted should be clear and readable, unreadable copies of diplomas will be rejected.

• Work Schedule (5 points) – This is whether the Offeror understands the activities to be undertaken, the order in which they should occur, and the timeline by which they should be completed (please refer to Appendix H). A complete work schedule that sequences all activities according to best construction practices and provides information for the

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timeline of procurement of materials as well as mobilization of personnel and materials to the site

• Technical specifications of the proposed pump and PV system (5 Points); The bidder has to submit the technical specifications of the proposed pump and PV System.

• Procurement and Logistics Plan (5 points) – A detailed procurement and logistics plan is to be included in the bid, and shall include, at a minimum, the following:

o Procurement plan, for both local and other procurement, including material sourcing (with concrete names of the places from where the material will be sourced locally or procured centrally / internationally)

o Local transport and logistics plan, including detailed route and water movements, as applicable, for both local and other procurement of material

• Cost proposal (15 points) and Financial Management Capacity (5 points) – This score relates to the Offeror’s cost and financial management capacity to complete the activity (please refer to Appendix I).

7.2 Selection by Means of Best Value Determination

AISS/VISTAS shall select for award by making a best value determination. A best value determination means that, in AISS/VISTAS’s estimation, the selected offer will provide the greatest overall benefit to the VISTAS Project in response to the requirements stated in this RFP. AISS/VISTAS will use the trade-off process

• Are proposed costs realistic for the work to be performed under the award?

to make a best value determination, which means that it may be in the interest of AISS/VISTAS to consider award to other than the lowest priced offeror or other than the highest technically rated offeror. The evaluation factors and allocated points are presented in Section 7.1 of this RFP. In total, the technical evaluation factors, when combined, are more important than the total offered price. This process permits trade-offs among price and non-cost factors and allows AISS/VISTAS to accept other than the lowest price proposal. The perceived benefits of a higher price proposal shall merit the additional cost. However, even though technical factors are significantly more important than price, cost data will be evaluated on the basis of cost reasonableness, allowability and realism based on the following considerations:

• Do the costs reflect a clear understanding of the work requirements?

• Are the costs consistent with the various elements of the Offeror’s technical proposal?

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RFP for WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East, Jonglei State, South Sudan



Please see attached drawings and specifications.

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((edit portions in yellow)

FROM: Insert Company Name

Insert Company Address

TO: AECOM International South Sudan

Former Winrock Office, Kololo Road, Plot No. 5, Block Number 3K South, 2nd, class area, Tong Ping, Juba South Sudan.

Attention: Procurement Manager

Subject: (RFP) # VIS-1673 /WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East, Jonglei State, South Sudan

Ladies and Gentlemen:

We, the undersigned, offer to undertake the proposal (RFP) # VIS-ER-1673 in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated _____________, 2017.

Our proposal shall be binding upon us, including mutually agreed upon modifications resulting from subcontract negotiations, up to four months from the date of submission.

We understand that AISS / VISTAS is not required to accept and/or evaluate proposals that do not conform to the instructions of this RFP, and additionally, AISS / VISTAS may reject all proposals and not award a subcontract for this RFP.

Sincerely yours,

Authorized Signature

Name of Signatory:

Title of Signatory:

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(Please check all that apply and include this page in the sealed envelope with the proposal)

RFP- VIS-1673

FROM: Insert Company Name

Company address / South Sudan

RFP for WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East, Jonglei state, South Sudan.

Have you?

Submitted your technical and financial proposal to AISS/VISTAS in a sealed envelope containing the following items:

cover letter

one sealed envelope with one hard copy of Technical Proposal

another sealed envelope with one hard copy of Price Proposal

one electronic copy (CD-ROM) of Technical Proposal and Price Proposal

by the required deadline

Does your proposal include the following?

Cover Letter (Appendix B)

Summary of Past Performance, Experience, and Technical Capability (Appendix D)

Certificates of Final Completion for the projects in Appendix D (no template provided)

Other Past Performance References (letters from clients verifying the quality of the work)

List of Equipment (Appendix E)

Anticipated Local Labor (Appendix F)

Staffing Plan (use template in Appendix G) including CVs for Overall Manager, top Technical

Position, and top On-Site Position (no template provided)

Work Schedule (Appendix H)

Company Details and Financial Capacity, Including Copy of business registration certificate, valid certificate of incorporation, valid tax clearance certificate. (Appendix I)

Bid Price Quotation Form (Appendix J)

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(Projects should fall in the range of $100,000 or above. Copies of the Offeror’s Certificates of Final Completion and Contracts must be attached for each of the three projects presented).

Project #1

Project Name/Title Description Of Work Cost in USD Site Location (Region/County) Client Reference Name: Email: Telephone: Type of Contract (e.g. fixed price, time-and-materials, cost plus fixed fee, etc.)

Were You a Prime or a Sub Contractor? Quality Assured Contract (Yes/No) List Quality/Environmental Standards Applicable

Contract Awarded Value And Final Cost Start Date – End Date Contract Commencing Date Contract Period (No. Of Weeks) Actual Date Of Practical Completion Applicant Performance Report Available? Delays – External Factors (Working Days) Delays – Internal Factors (Working Days) Final Completion/ Certificate of completion

Page 20 of 28

Project #2

Project Name/Title Description Of Work Cost in USD Site Location (Region/County) Client Reference Name: Email: Telephone: Type of Contract (e.g. fixed price, time-and-materials, cost plus fixed fee, etc.)

Were You a Prime or a Sub Contractor? Quality Assured Contract (Yes/No) List Quality/Environmental Standards Applicable

Contract Awarded Value And Final Cost Start Date – End Date Contract Commencing Date Contract Period (No. Of Weeks) Actual Date Of Practical Completion Applicant Performance Report Available? Delays – External Factors (Working Days) Delays – Internal Factors (Working Days) Final Completion/ Certificate of completion

Page 21 of 28

Project #3

Project Name/Title Description Of Work Cost in USD Site Location (Region/County) Client Reference Name: Email: Telephone: Type of Contract (e.g. fixed price, time-and-materials, cost plus fixed fee, etc.)

Were You a Prime or a Sub Contractor? Quality Assured Contract (Yes/No) List Quality/Environmental Standards Applicable

Contract Awarded Value And Final Cost Start Date – End Date Contract Commencing Date Contract Period (No. Of Weeks) Actual Date Of Practical Completion Applicant Performance Report Available? Delays – External Factors (Working Days) Delays – Internal Factors (Working Days) Final Completion/ Certificate of completion

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Offeror must show that company is in possession of all equipment listed below – by providing registration paperwork for motor vehicles and invoices or payment vouchers for the other equipment and tools. All fields should be completed properly, especially the condition of the equipment / tools.

Description of equipment and machinery Production


Technical condition

new workable needs repair

Note: The Company will submit the copy of the owner ship certificates of the equipment and machinery. I confirm that all above mentioned equipment is available in South Sudan and VISTAS staff can inspect the equipment at any stage. Company: Signature: Name: Stamp:

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(Complete the table and provide a description of the plan for anticipated use of local labor below.)

Type of Local Laborer Total Number of

Local Males (# of Individuals)

Total Number of

Local Females (# of Individuals)



Total Local Labor

(Offeror’s description of its plan for anticipated use of local labor on project must be presented below)

Skilled Labor Plan: (Skilled labor Plan should be submitted in tabular format indicating total numbers, designation and anticipated days of work at site)

Unskilled Labor Plan: (Unskilled labor Plan should be submitted in tabular format indicating total numbers and anticipated days of work at site)

Plan to Include Female Labor:

Note: Unskilled labor will be recruited and employed from the county to the maximum extent practical. It is highly preferred that 100% of all unskilled labor be from the county; however, should this prove unfeasible, under no circumstances may the unskilled labor rate from the county be below 90%, and the Subcontractor must demonstrate to the satisfaction of AISS why the rate is below 100%.

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Description of personnel category

(A CV with copies of diplomas and a photo ID must be provided for each individual identified below.)

Core Executive personnel of the company

Title/Designation Name Experience

А. Administrative staff

Company Director

Project Manager

Finance Manager

В. Engineers and technical personnel to be at site all times

Project Engineer

Site Foreman



Company: Signature: Name: Stamp :

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Kindly Refer to Excel Work Plan attached with this RFP.

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Full Name

To be submitted with Price Proposal

Year the company was established under current business name: ______________

Did company have previous business name or associations, i.e. Joint Venture, Partnership, etc:

Yes (Include Type): ____________________ No: ______

How many years was your organization in business under the above business name or association:

Former name and/or years: ___________________________________________________

Indicate whether organization is:

(Please check appropriate box)

Sole Trader Joint Venture

Partnership Limited Liability Company

Other: ____________________

If a Partnership, list details of all current partners:


In what other types of business are you financially engaged?

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List the annual gross revenue in USD generated from work for the current year to date and the previous four (4) years:

(Annual gross revenue is the amount in USD generated by your company prior to any payouts or expenses i.e. you received $500,000 (Revenue) to do a project of that you pay out for salaries, overhead, subcontracts, etc. the amount of $400,000 (Expenses) generating a profit of $100,000.)

Type of Construction

Current Year

2016 2015 2014 2013

Public Buildings

Private Buildings


The following documents must also be attached. Failing to provide below listed documents may lead to disqualification of the bid.

• Bank statements for the last 12 (twelve) months

• Complete certified audited accounts for the last three (3) fiscal years (2015, 2016, and 2017)

• Company valid Registration certificate.

• Company valid certificate of incorporation.

• Tax identification Certificate.

• Valid tax clearance certificate.

If a Joint Venture, complete the following.

(1) Are you registered as a joint venture with GOSS? If yes, provide a copy of the certificate. If not, provide a copy of the Joint Venture agreement between the two parties.

(2) Describe the proposed role of each Joint Venture member in the project.

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RFP- VIS- ER 1673

FROM: Insert Company name

Bill of Quantities & Bid Price Quotation for RFP for WASH Support to JDF Supported Clinic in Kongor, Twic East, Jonglei State, South Sudan

See attached Excel file

[End of RFP]

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