us financial reform analysis

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 US Financial Reform Analysis


    US Financial Reform

    Material Changes or More ofthe Same?

    Pre se n te d b y

    ,D a vid Ta te FR M

  • 8/9/2019 US Financial Reform Analysis




    Remedies for systemic risk

    Derivative activities, proprietarytrading, securitizations

    Initiative to control compensation

    Consumer Protection Agency

    Reform of Freddie Mac and Fannie

    Mae Reforming Credit Rating Agencies

    State rights vs. federal Preemption


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    Impact of Reforms

    Type of Impact

    Will it prevent anothereconomic/financial

    meltdown? What impact will it

    have on financialinstitutions viabilityand profitability

    Broader impacts:consumerprotection, otherbusiness



    No cannot changehuman nature,

    cannot manage allcomplex cause andeffects

    Less profitable, morestable, slowergrowth in the shortrun

    Minimal consumerprotection /


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    Preventing the Next Crisis

    You can pass a law against excess, andsomewhere down the road some excesswill appear at some point from some

    direction, and no one will know it at thetime, and everyone will know it inhindsight

    Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein

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    US Political Process

    Both Senate and House have passedfinancial reform legislation

    A joint committee is formed to reconcile

    the differences Timing of the process is dependent on

    the complexity of the issues and thedifferences between the two versions

    Outcomes can be unpredictable Also a few regulatory initiatives have

    been proposed by the bank regulators

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    Remedies for Preventing the NextCrisis

    Increased Monitoring

    Lender of Last Resort

    Limitation on scope of activities Increased transparency

    Adjusting compensation practices

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    Increased Monitoring: OversightCouncil

    Creation of a systemic risk regulator Nine member board consisting of all

    financial regulators with Sec. ofTreasury as Chairman

    Identify firms that pose systemic risk--

    no free passes, hedge funds could betagged

    $50 billion is recommended sizethreshold

    Collection and consolidation of

    information on risk positions andcompany interrelationships

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    Expanded Fed Powers

    Fed has power to force sale ordiscontinuation of high risk activitiesvia 2/3 vote of Board of Governors

    Enforcement powers covering largefirms identified by Oversight council

    Directs Fed to develop prudentialstandards for large firms covering the

    following areas: Risk-based capital, leverage limits

    Liquidity requirements

    Risk management practices

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    Orderly Resolution Authority

    Create 3 judge panel with power to appointFDIC as receiver for troubled large firms

    Must make determination within 24 hours ofrequest by Secretary of Treasury - Decisioncan be appealed to US Court of Appeals

    Request from Secretary of Treasury must besupported by analysis form both the FDIC andBoard of Governors approved by 2/3 of itsmembers

    additional steps for broker/dealer operations

    insurance companies are referred to state courtsfor resolution

    Study to be conducted to assess ability toliquidate large firms under bankruptcy codeand to determine how to promoteinternational coordination during liquidationof large firms

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    Key Features of ResolutionProcess

    Potential for future Bailouts FDIC can draw on Treasury funds to conduct


    FDIC to develop procedures for use of availablefunds

    Potential for Confusion FDIC given power to adjust priority of unsecured

    claims to minimize the loss

    FDIC given power to enforce or repudiatecontracts including derivative transactions

    Netting of exposure by counterpartiesdisallowed for 5 days following receivershipappointment

    Need for Retribution Management responsible for failure must be


    Management and BOD can be held personally

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    Lender of Last Resort& other Systemic Risk Safeguards

    Tightens standards used by Fed forgranting loans to distressed firms

    Use of 13(3) emergency powers to

    grant liquidity funds to firms (used tosupport AIG) House bill eliminates emergency powers Senate bill requires development of

    procedures and approval of Secretary

    of Treasury Exempts banks from 10% concentration

    limits in cases of acquisition of bankin default

    Requirement to create living wills or

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    Potential Impact of Reforms

    Reforms create a cumbersome anduntested resolution process

    Unlikely to create a zen-like calmamong investors during next periodof financial turmoil

    Level of uncertainty could be even

    greater during next financial crisis

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    Hedge Fund Reporting Must provide systemic risk data to SEC

    Data on assets and trading positions


    Counterparty risk exposure

    SEC can conduct inspections to ensure accuracy of

    submitted information SEC can obtain information about the identity, investments,

    and affairs of their clients

    Exempts venture capital fund, private equity fund, andfamily offices complete definitions to be developed by

    SEC Requires following studies

    Determine the feasibility of hedge fund selfregulation

    Study of short-selling, esp. compliance with naked

    short selling ban

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    Next Reining inComplexity

    CDOs CDS Z-traunch SwapsCMBS

    You can catch more fish in murkywaters

    Chinese proverb

    , ,new wrinkle some innovative technique yet they

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    Proprietary Trading RestrictionsVolcker Rule

    Senate Bill contains the followingprovision

    Requests a study to be performed within

    one year Actual implementation would await

    drafting of regulations

    Regulations are likely to include thefollowing:

    Apply restrictions only to banks withaccess to Fed Window

    Banks could still execute trades forclients

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    Limits on DerivativeActivities

    Standard derivative contracts moved toexchanges

    Non-standard contracts must be reportedand reviewed by systemic risk regulator

    Derivative and swap transactions must bemoved outside of the bank

    Adjustment in requirement likely duringreconciliation

    At minimum, change is likely to allowactivity in an affiliate under holdingcompany

    Provisions in this area take effect 180 days

    from enactment no opportunity to adjust

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    Impact of DerivativeClearinghouse

    Provides transparency on size of marketand unusually large positions

    Unanswered questions:

    Appropriate level of capitalization Systemic risk of large margin calls, i.e.,

    AIG would still have failed based oncall for increased collateralization oncredit default swaps

    Does not eliminate the large losspotential of asymmetric risk contracts

    that accept extreme tail risk Limitation on access to Fed lending

    powers could increase risk of contagion

    and systemic risk

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    Securitization Activities

    Requirement for retention of risk was stripped outof Senate bill in amendment process, could beput back in during reconciliation, or could beleft up to the regulators

    FDIC proposed rule on retention of risk forsecuritization

    5% retention for 1st yr put backs

    Rating agency compensation must be partiallydeferred

    Prudential rules for loans held on books will applyto loans securitized

    Recent accounting rules create greatertransparency by requiring gross-up of exposurefor certain sercuritizations

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    Rules on Compensation

    Requires all companies to submit forshareholder vote a resolution coveringany material changes In

    compensation Mortgage brokers cannot be

    compensated based on differences inloan rates

    Regulatory initiative to create standardsdesigned to promote alignment ofcompensation and risk managementincentives

    Stock options vs cash compensation

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    Consumer ProtectionAgency

    Creates independent agencydedicated to consumer protection

    Broad coverage: banks and credit

    unions, all mortgage relatedbusiness, debt collectors, creditbureaus

    Some details still under debate Exemption of some small businesses?

    Independent rule-making authority?

    Source of funding?

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    Credit Rating Agencies

    Regulated by new government officewithin SEC

    Power to suspend and revoke rating

    agency license by type of security Annual inspections conducted, which will

    be made public

    Can prescribe methodology standards

    Enhance transparency and internalindependence

    Requires separation of sales and ratings


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    Other Requirements forNRSRO

    Requires credit rating agency toreport any potential illegal activitiespursued by clients

    Meet standards for employeequalifications

    Studies to be conducted

    How to reduce reliance of ratingswithin financial regulations

    Review alternate paradigms for

    compensation of credit ratings

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    Government SponsoredEntities (GSEs)

    Cost of supporting GSEs is politicalAchilles heal for Democrats andObama administration

    Reform bill requires Treasury tocomplete a report by Jan. 31, 2011

    Potential Options

    Smaller specialized governmentagencies similar to FHA, VA

    Privatize core of operations or gradual


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    Problems that Remain

    No clear standards for internationalcooperation during times of crisis

    Most financial institutions and other largecorporations rely heavily on short-term

    funding sources Constant innovation and complexity of

    products prevents accounting industryfrom developing rules to give accuratepresentation of financial status

    Short-term investor prospective eliminatesincentive for in-depth analysis required toadequately evaluate large financialinstitutions

    How do we estimate risk within individualfinancial institutions

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    Potential Next Crisis

    Sovereign Debt

    Reliance on short-term fundingremains dilemma for both finance

    and non-finance companies Difficult for China to avoid bubble

    Trade friction between slow growth

    free market economies of US &Europe versus government directedeconomies of Asia esp. China.

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    Potential Opportunities

    If limits are imposed on GSE lending it willprovide greater opportunities for privatelending organizations

    Banks and Wall street firms could re-engage

    in securitization market with lower riskloans

    Potential reemergence of private mortgageinsurance companies

    Enhanced opportunities for community andregional banks due to tougher regulationof large banks and fewer number of largebanks

    Proprietary trading opportunities will shiftto firms outside of banks hed e funds,

    P ti f St t B ki

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    Preemption of State BankingLaws

    All federal banks charters enjoy some level ofpreemption rights

    Preemption allows for more efficient operation

    Prevents states attorney generals from suing banks

    Defining level of preemption via court cases Watters vs. Wachovia rule that operating

    subsidiaries are covered by preemption

    Cuomo vs. clearinghouse allows state attorneygenerals to bring suit against national banks

    Last minute amendment to Senate Bill (Carper

    amendment) Attorney generals can sue banks, but only for

    violations of regulations written by the ConsumerFinancial Protection Bureau

    House members may fight to limit preemption rightsduring reconciliation

    White house states publically that it wants to limitreem tion, but is allowin democrats to reinstate

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    Best Guess Result

    Preemption will be preserved withsome carve out for state attorneygenerals

    Language is likely to be sufficientlyambiguous and will generateadditional legal challenges

    Why did big banks and Wall

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    Why did big banks and WallStreet firm not see the dangers

    of the bubble?We are so accustomed to disguiseourselves to others that in the endwe become disguised to ourselves.

    17th century author Francois de LaRochefoucauld

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