u.s. epa, pesticide product label, methyl parathion 4 ec ... · i / i / , i do not use this product...

Post on 24-Mar-2020






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Do not use this product for supplemental spray on peanuts after warebouse bas been fWed. Malathion 25WP is recommended. and sbould be UsH. according to direction on the label.

STOR.ID GRAIIIS (Shelled Corn. oats. Rice. Wheat. Rye. Barley. GraiD Sorgbum. or Garden Seed): Agaiast lasect pests listed above for Peanuts apply as follows:

CRIB RiSIDUAL SPRAT: For a residual wall and floor spray in cribs. storage bias. truct beds. grain elevators. boz cars. and sbips' holels before loading grain. apply 1 gallon per 25 gallons of water mating thorough application. Before applylag spray. clean storage areas thorougbly. Remove and burn all sweepings and trash.

BUll: SPRAY TR£ATIoIEIIT: Grain Going Into Storage: Miz one pint per 2 to 5 gallons (amount depending upon nozzle used) of water per 1.000 bushels. and spray on the graiD e .. nly as it is beiag loaded or turned iato fiaal storage.

IIOTE: The U.S. food and Drug Administration has set tolerances for pesticide residues. To martet crops baving .zc:ess residues may violate State law and will violate Federal law wilen sold ia intersatae commerce. If applications are needed later than allowed on this label. cbange to straigbt fungicide or to a mizture for which later use is directed.

COKDITIOIIS 0' SALE All statements concerning the use of this product apply only wilen used as directed. THI MAIlUPACTURD MADS 110 WARRAllTI£S. DPRiSSED OR IMPLIED. COIICOIIIIIG THIS PRODUCT OR ITS USE. WHICH nT£IID BETOIID THE DESCRIPTIOII 011 THE LABEL. Read all directions carefully.

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RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE Due to very high acute toxicity to

Humans and Birds

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For retail sale to and use only by certified applicator or persons under their dlre<:t 8UII-:;019II>IOn and only for those uses (oller~4 by th~ ~ertified applicator's certifi~ation. Direct supervision for this product is defined as the certified applicator being physically present during application. mixing. loading. repair and cleaning of application equipment. Commerical certified appUcat<irs must also ""nsure that all persons involved in these activities are Informed of the precautionary statements.


·O.O-dimetbyl-O-p-nitcopbenyl pbospborothioate __ ...... 43.3~ -Re!ated compounds ........................... _................................ 2 .3~

INERT HfGREDIENTS ........................................................... _... 54. 4~ TOTAL ..................................... IOO.O~

·Eqlliv~lent to <\ lbs. methyl parathion and r~lated compound'3 per gallon


DANGER PELIGRO PRECAUCION AL USUARIO: Si usted no lee ingles. no use este producto hasta que la etiqueta haya sido explicada ampliamente.


Call a doc.tor (physician). clinic or hospital immediately. E"IIPlitD that the victim has been exposed to methyl parathioq. •• eq.d describe his condition. If doctor cannot come, take victim to tUbie

• or hospital. Move victim immediately from the area where lIleUlll parathion is present. : .... IF INUAUD. remove victim to fresh air. If not bre""-)JIg. immediately give artificial respiration, preferably mouth.to­mouth. and maintain until doctor sees victim. If bleathiH"·,,s difficult, give oxygen. • ••• : IF IN EYES OR OK SIlK, immediately flush with plenty of wawi·for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated personal

Not Reviewed. Registrant claims to bE? in accordance with Reregistra!ion of Pesticide Produc Gu'.' <,1ce lor Phase 2 Response. Page 2.12. Active to lfo&n C:r .• mgc in Status.

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clothing and shoes to avoid continued possible exposure to victim or persons in attendance. IP SWALLOWED. induce vomiting immediately by giving two glasses of water and by touching back of throat with finger_DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING OR GIVE AlfymING BY MOUTH TO AN 'JIfCOIfSCIOUS PERSOII. Have victim lie down and keep quiet.

See £1~w1l~re On Label For Additional Precautionary statem<en~ ---------------_._-------------i!PA Reg. No. 51036-13 EPA Est. No. 51036-GA- i


P.O. BOI 5943 LAKELAND. FL. 33&07


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PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards To Humans And Domestic Animals


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POISONOU~ IF SWALLOWED, INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. RAPIDLY ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. REPEATED EXPOSURE MAY, WITHOUT SYMPTOMS, BE INCREASINGLY HAZARDOUS. Do nl')t bre:tthe vapors or dust. Do not get 1n eyes, on st.in or on clothing If symptoms or signs of poisoning include blurred visjon, abdominal cramps and tightness in the chest. get medical attention immediately.

POISON SIGNS (Symptoms) Methyl Parathion is a very dangerous poison. It rapidly entcr~ the i'ody ')n contact with all skin surfaces and eyes. Clothing wet with this material must be removed immediately. Exposed persons must receive prompt medical treatment or they may die. Some of the signs and symptoms of poisoning are: Headaches, nausea. vomiting. cramps. weakness. bluned vision, pin-point pupils. tightness in chest, labored breathing, nervousni-ss. sweating, ",-atering of eyes, drooling or frothing of mO"llth and no~e. muscle spasms and coma. NOTH TO PHYSICIAN Antidote - administer atropine sulfate in large doses, TWO to FOliR mg Intravenously or intramuscularlY as soon as cy:tnosts IS overcome. Repeat at 5 to 10 minute intervals until signs of dlropinization appear. 2-PAM chloride is a pharmacologic antidote and may be administered as an adjunct to, but not a substitute for, atropine which is a symptomatic and often life :;aving antidote. DO NOT GIVE MORPHINE OR TRAIfQUILIZERS BECAUSE THESE ANTIDOTES MAY PRODUCE ADVERSE EFFECT ACCENTUATING THE PHARMACOLOGIC EFFECT OF THIS PRODUCT. This product is a strong cholinesterse inhibitor aftectitgl •• tIle

• central and peripheral nervous systems and produdng cardiCl&.and respirator y depression. At first sign of pulmonary edema: ·t&e pa.tient should be given supplemental oxygen and t{ea\ed symptomatically. Continued absorption of the poison may: l1c!tbr and f~'tal r~lapses bave been reported after initial improveOl~ts. VERY CLOSE SUPERVISIOIf OF THE PATIENT IS INDICATED FdA:AT LEAST 43 HOURS. • •••••


This pestiCide is highl, lozie to aquatic invertebrates and wildlife. Birds in treated areas may be killed. Do not apply direcUy to


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water or wetiands (swamps, bogs, marshes and potholes). Runolf dud drill. from target areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in adjacent aquati<. sites. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. AQUATIC SITES (RICE) This pesticide is highly toDC to aquatic invertebrates and wildlife. Shrimp and other aquatic organisms may be killed at recommended application rates. Do not contaminate water hy cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. BEE PRECAUTION This jicodu(;t is highly toxic to bees exposed tv dired treatment or residues on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds if bees are vi!;iting the treatment area.

PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS I)() not use or store near heat Of open Hame.

la CASt: OF: FIRE - Use water spray, foam, dry chemical or C02. :;PILL OR LEAK - keep all unprotected persons away. Cover with absorbent such as soda ash, lime, clay or saw dust. Sweep up and bury. Wash area thoroughly with strong lye solution.

WORK SAFETY R.ULES Tne National PestiCide Telecommunication Network is available for recommendations regarding poisoning management, emergency treatment, and other information regarding the toxicily of methyl parathion. The toll free numbec for the National Pesticide Telecommuncation Network is 1-300-353-1313. If handled indoors provide mechanical exhaust ventilation. Keep all unpcotected persons, children, livestock, and pets away from treated area or Where there is danger of drift. Do not rub eyes or mouth with hands. If you feet sick in any way, STOP work and get belp rigbt away. See First Aid (Practical Treatment) section: ••• :. HANDLE THE CONCENTRATE OIiLY WHEII WEARING THE FOLLO~.loNG • • PROTECTIVE CLOTHIIiG AND EQUIPMENT: •••• Wear a protective suit of one or two pieces that covers all p4rtS. of the body except the head, hands, and feet. Wear chemical resistant gloves, chemical resistant apron, and chemical rolJ\lt~nt shoes, shoe coverings, or boots. Wear goggles or a face shield. Wear a pesticide respirator approved by the National Institu.~.for Occupational Safety and Health under the prOViSions ot 3,.d. J!n part II. • .: ••• USE ONLY WHEII WEARIIIG THE FOLLOWING PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMEIIT DURllfG MIIIRG/LOADIlfG, APPLICATIOR, REPAIR

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AND CLEANING OF APPLICATION EQUIPMENT, DISPOSAL OF PESTICIDE, AND EARLY REENTRY INTO TREATED FIELDS: Prvlective suit of one or two pieces covering all parts of the body ~%cept th~ head, hands, and feet; chemical re_istant gloves; ch~mical resi!)tant boots; goggles or face shield; hood or wide brimmed hat; NIOSK approved respirator. !F MIIING/LOADllfG IS PERFORMED USING A CLOSED SYSTEM, THE Io'(JLLOWING I1ltOTECTIVE CLOTHING AND I!:QUIPM~NT MAf HE WORN AS AN ALTERNATIVE: Long-sleeve shiel; long-legged pants; chemi<.a1 re:;istanl glove:;; chemical resistant apron; shoes and socks. Goggles or face shield must t>e worn wilen the system is under pressure. All other protective clothing and equipment required for use with op~n systems must be available nearby. IF APPLICATION IS PERFORMED USING AN ENCLOSED CAB OR COCKPIT, THE FOLLOWING PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT MAY BE WORN AS AN ALTERNATIVE: Long-sleeve shirl and long-legged pants; shoes and socks. Chemical resistant gloves must be available in the cab or cockpit and must be worn during entry to and exit from the application vehicle. All other protective clothing and equipment reqUired for use during api>lication must be available in the cab and must be worn when exiting the cab into treated !!rea. When used for this purpose, contaminated clothing may not be brought bact. into the cab unless in an enclosure such as a plastic bag. REMEMBER - THIS CLOTHING IS IiiADEQUATE TO PROTECT YOU DURING REPAIR Arm CLEANING OF APPLICATION EQUIPMENT AND EARLY REENTRY TO TREATED AREAS. REFER TO PROTECTIVE CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ABOVE. IMPORTANT! If pesticide comes in contact with skin, wash off with '3oap and watel and contact a physician immediately. Always wash bands, (ace and arms with soap and water before smptuitg, eating, drinking, or loileting. • ••••• AFTER won:: Before removing gloves, wash them with soa.,·thd water. Take off all work clothes and shoes. Shower usinl_sQaP and water. Wear only clean clothes when leaving job - dO·Dot wear contaminated clothing. Personal clothing worn during: ~p'pk must be stored and laundered separately from protective clotbing and household articles. Store protective clothing separatel,. ~m ~rsonal clothing. Clean or launder protective clothing aIle, eacb use. Respirators must be cleaned and tillers replaced accordl~·lo instructions included with the respirators. Protective dothing and protective equipment heavily contaminated or drenched with

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DlRECTIOBS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner ineonsistent with its labeling.

CHEMl6ATlON PROHIHITION Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.

RE-ENTRY STATEMEBT Do not apply this product in such a manner as to directly or through drift expose workers or other persons. Reentry into treated fields is prohibited for 4& hours after '!?plication. unless aU protedive -::lothing and equ~pment required for ~uly reentry as <1escribe<1 elsewbere on the label are worn. ~ecallse certain states may require more restndlve re-ent.ry intervals for various crops treated with this product, consult your Slate Department of Agricullure for fmUter informiltion. iiritwu or oral warnings must be given to workers who are ~xpect\?d to be in a treated area or in an area about to be treated with this product. ORAL WARBINGS shall inform workers of areas or fields that may !lot be entered, without protective eqUipment and dothing 'ipe~tlted on this label, during treatment or for '\3 hours tollowing treatment. Follow First Aid Treatment instructions shown on this label in case of accidental exposure. When oral warnings are given, warnings shall be given in a language customarily understood by workers. Oral warnings must be given if there is reason to believe that written warnings cannot be understood by workers. WRITTEB WARNINGS must include the following information. UANGI!R! Area treated with parathion on (date of applicatioln ... ~o

• not enter without appropriate protective clothing for 43 bAun. Follow First Aid Treatment instructions shown on this pCGftCt label in case of accidental exposure. • •• ATTENTIOB : ••••• To avoid excessive residues of parathion on food or forage ~f~)s always observe tb& statements found under -Directions for Use-. limiting the time before harv4tSt when parathion may be app~~. Because thiS material is poisonous by stln contact. InhalatlPti.:or swallowing it should not be used in such a manner or fMle4r weather conditions as will permit dlifl of the spray onto areas not

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intended to be treated. Do not apply or allow drift to areas occupied by unprotected humans or beneficial animals.

STORAGE ABD DI SPOSAL Do not contaLlinate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal.

STORAGE ABD HABDLIIIG: I. Handle container carefully so as to avoid damage and prevent spills, 2. Do not use or store in or around t.be bome. 3. Store ,ontainec in a well ventilated place. 4. Empty container r~tains vapor and product r~sidue. Observe all labeled safeguards until container is cleaned, reconditioned or dC3troyed. 5. Keep out of reach of children and domestic animals. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL Wastes of this pesticide are acutely hazacdous. Improper disposal of excess pesticide. spray mixtures. or rinsate is a violation of Federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of a,cording to label use instructions. contact your state p~sticide or Environmental Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste Representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance. CONTAINER DISPOSAL Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or rp.conditioning or pundure and dispose of in a sanitary landfill. or incineration. or. if allowed by state and local authorities. by burning. If burned. stay out of smoke.

RECOMMENDED USES This product is designed for application after dilution with water and for use by trained operators USlDg airplane or power &ro1\nd equipment. The hazards and precautions for handling the ptb~ffct in this container are equally applicable to it after dilutiog·'Mth

•••• water for spray application. Add the concentrate to the sl¥ay tank while filling With water and mix thoroughly either by lUMPS of a tank agitator or pump by-pass. For best results, thorqug\lly cover aU surfaces to be treated with spray. Rates of appliWU6n given below should not be exceeded. lIever apply lat.r than indicated to assure residue levels at harvest are below toletNrces established by the Food and Drug Administration. : •••• Consult the state Agricultural Extension Service or Ezperidient Station for specific recommendations regarding application. dosage and timing of concentrate to sufficient water to apply at least l

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gallons of water per acre. For application by aircraft, add tile amouut of concentcate desire4 per acre to 1/2 to 3 gallons of waur consisunt with crop growth and good coverage. Greaur quantities of water may be required to give sufficient coverage of orchard tr~es.

CEREAL BARLEY. OATS. RYE AND WHEAT: For barley thrips. use 1/2 to 314 PlOt per acre. For aphids. armyworms up to third iDstar. ieafiloppers and winter grain mites, use 1/2 to 1 1/2 pints per acre. For climbing cutworms use 1/4 to 1 pint per acre. FOI <:.hinch bugs. false chinch bugs and Say·s plant bugs. use 1 1/2 pints per acre. For western or brown wbeat mites, use 1 pint pH acr~. Do not use more than 1/2 pint per acr~ within 15 days of harvest. CORN: For control of armyworms up to third instar. climbing t;utworms. corn leaf aphids. corn rootworm adults. fall armyworms and stiuk bugs, use 1/2 pint per acre. Do not apply within 12 days of hal vest. Do uot apply to corn dudug the pollen sh~d p~riod.

RICE~ For rice stink. bugs. use 1/2 to 1 pint per acre. Do not apply '..n.thin 15 d::-.ys 01 harvest. Shrimp. crabs and cra7fish may be kille<1. Do not apply where these are important resources. SORGHUM: For corn leaf aphids and mites. use I pint per acre. For sorgbum midges. use I pint to 1 quart per acre. 2 applicattons. 3 to 5 days apart when approximately <)Oll of the beads bave completely emerged from the boot (\c not later than start of ~looming. Do not apply closer than 21 days before harv~st. Leaf injury may occur on some hybrid varieties of sorghum. Spray a few roW'S a week or so before booting to test effects upon plants.

FIELD AND FORAGE CROPS ALFALFA AND CLOVER: For control of alfalfa weevil larvae. aphlds (including spotted alfalfa aphids) and climbing cut"~. use 1/3 to I pint per acre. For alfalfa caterpillars. alfalfa. M4\lt weevils, armyworms up to third instar, clover leal weevil~·:tnd

• webworms. use 1 pint per acre. For Egyptian alfalfa weevils. leafhoppers. Lygus bugs and spider mites. use 1 to 2 pinlS··per acre. Do not treat closer than 15 days before harvest, cuttl.:or grazing. In California and lIevada do not use more than 1/4 pint ~f atf~. Do !lOt apply if the tfOP Of w~s in t.he treatment"Wu •• • are in bloom. • •• COTTON: For control of thrips. use 1/4 to 1/2 pint per acre.·:"or cotton leafwolms, use 1/4 to 1/3 pint per acre. For glasshoppers and fall armyworms up to third instar. use 1/2 pint per acre. For

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spider mites (does not control all species), use 1/2 to 3/4 pint per acre. For ,onu·ol of fleahoppers, Lygus and other mirids, use 1/4 pint to I quart per acre. For boll weevils, aphids and garden webworms. use 1/2 to I pint per acre. For false chinch bugs. use 1 pint per acre. For cabbage loopers and cutworms. use I to 2 pints per aere. for bollworms. salt marsh caterpillars. armyworms 11p to tbtrli instar, cotton leaf perforators and stint bugs. use 1 'lnart pM acre. Applications sbould be made at 4 to 5 ttay intervals until contr()l is obt.ained. At above dosages, application may be made up to the day befole balV~st, if barvest will be ...... ith mechanical picters.

CAUTION: When necessary to enter treated cotton fields within 1& heur:: after application. protective clothing ShOl.11d be worn. Do !tot apply within 5 days of bandpieting cotton. (jRASS (Forage): For control of armyworms up to third tnstar, crested wheat bugs. talse chinch bugs, grassboppers and ieafhoppers, use I 1!2 pints per acre. Do not apply witbin 15 days of harvest or grazing. HOPS: For control of aphids and spider mites, use 1 quart per acre. Do not treat closer than 15 days before harvest. SOYBEANS: For control of climbing cutworms and three-cornered alfalfa hoppers, use 1/2 pint per aere. For eontrol of garden webworms, use 1/2 to 1 pint per acre. For control of aphids. blts~r beetles, MeXican bean beetles, stint bugs, two-spotted mites and velvet bean caterpillars, use I pint per acre. For bollworms, cabbage loopers, fall armyworms up to third instar, and green clover worms, use I quart per acre. Do not apply closer than 20 days before harvest or grazing. SUGAR BEETS: For aphids, armyworms up to third ins tar , flea beetles. leafhoppers. Lygus bugs, stint bugs and webworms. usc 1/4 pint per acre. Do not treat closer than 20 days before harvest, 60 days If tops are to be fed to livestock. E ••• :. TOBACCO: For control of green peacb aphids, use I /2 pint..~r

• • acre. for (ontr()l of surface feeding or climbing cutworms, use·t12 to 1 pint per acre. • • •

CAUTION: When necessary to enter treated tobacco fields Within 1& hours after application. protective clothing should be worl.::po not apply within 5 days of priming tobaeco or within 15 days. of cutting tobacco. A void contact with plant juices when primidJo ~ cutting tobacco ••• : VETCH: For control of aphids, armyworms up to third i"i, climbing cutworms. leafhoppers. Lygus bugs. spider mites and

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vet~h oruchids, use i to 2 pints per acre. Do not treat cioser than 1'5 days before harvest or grazing.

FRUIT APPLY AT THE RATES INDICATED FOR THE FOLLOWING CROPS. MAKE NO APPLICATION CLOSER THAN H DAYS BEFORE HARVE~T. APPLY AS FREQUENTLY AS NEEDED TO CONTROL INSECTS. APPLES: For (ontrol of aphids, codling moths, plum curculio, <;(':).les and red-banded leat rollers, use ltl pint to I quart per 100 gailon~; of water. For codling moths, plum curculio and red­o.ulded i~ai roilers, appiy at petal fail and 3 to 4 apvlications, a to 14 days thereafter, to maintain control. Do not use more than 6 quarts of this product per acre. Do not apply wilen trees or :mbstantial numbers of weeds in the orchard (grove) are in bloom. GRAPES: For control of aphids, grape leaf folders and grape leafhoppers, use 1/2 to t pint per 100 gallons of water. Do not lise more than 1 1/2 pints of this product per acre. PEACHES, PLUMS AND PRUNES: For contr('l. of aphids, peach tree borets, plum cur~u1io dud Oriental fruit moths, use 1/2 pint to 1 quart per 100 gallons of water. Spray tree trunks at time of moth flight to control peach tree borers. For plum curculio and Oriental fruit moths, apply at petal fall or shuck split and 3 to .. applications, & to 14 days thereafter, to maintain control. Do not lIse more than 1 gallon of this product per acre. Do not apply wben trees or slIbstantial numbers of weeds tn tne orchard (grove) are in bloom. STRA WBERRIES: For control of aphids, use 1 to I 1/2 pints ~er acre.

OIL ~EED CROPS SAFFLOWER: For aphids and Lygus bugs, use I pint per acre before flowering. Do not apply after flowering. SUNFLOWER: For control of sunflower moth, use I quart per acre. Malee no more than 3 applications at 5 day intervals. Do not:~p.ly within 30 days of harvest. • ••••

VEGETABLES •••••• APPLY AT THE RATES INDICATED FOR THE FOLLOWING <;ROpS. MAlE NO APPLICATIONS CLOSER THAN 5 DAYS BEFORE HARVE'Sl.· SWEET POTATOES: For control of aphids, armyworms up to: tIllsd instar, surface feeding and climbifalJ cutworms, flea .,..tles, tealhop~rs and mites, use 3/4 quart ~r acre. • ••••• APPI.Y AT THE RATES INDICATED FOR THE FOLLOWING \RQPS. MAlE NO APPLICATIONS CLOSER THAN 7 DAYS BEFORE HARVUI'.·

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ARTICHOKE: For control of aphids. armyworms up to third instar. surface feeding and climbing cutworms. flea beeU~. leafhopp~rs. mites and artichoke plume moths, use I quart per acre. BROCCOLI: For control of aphids, armyworms up to third instar, flea beetles, leafhoppers and mites, use I to 3 pints per acre. For eabbage loopers and stink bugs, use 2 to 3 piats per acre. Rates above 1 pint should not be applied closer than 2 I days before harvest. BRUSSELS SPROUTS: For control of aphids. armyworms up to third instar, nea beeUes, leafhoppers and mites, use I to 3 pints vee cl\::re. For cabbage loopers and stink bugs, use 2 to 3 pints per acre. Rates above 1 pint should not be applied closer than 21 da7s !>efore harvest. CAULIFLOWER: For eontrol of aphids. armyworms up to thirij lnstar. flea beetles, leafhoppers and mites, use 1 to .3 pints p4?r acre. For cabbage loopers and stink bugs, use 2 to 3 pints per acre. Rates above I pint should not be applied closer than 2 I UilYS befote harvest. KOHLRABI: For control of aphids, armyworms up to third instar. n~a beetles, leafhoppers and mites, use 1 to 3 pints per acre. For cabbage loopers and stink bugs, use 2 to 3 pints per acre. Rates ~bove I pint should not be applied closer than 2 I days of harvest. RUTABAGAS: For control of aphids, armyworms up to third instar, flea beetles, leafhoppers and mites, use I to 3 pints per acre for cabbage loopers. use 2 to 3 pints per acre. Rates above I pint should not be applied <Joser than 21 days before harvest. APPLY AT THE RATES INDICATED FOR THE FOLLOWING CROPS. MAKE ItO APPLICATIOIiS CLOSER mAli 10 DAYS BEFORE HARVEST. CABBAGE: For control of aphids, armyworms up to third instar, flea beetles, leafhoppers and mites, use I to 3 pints per acre. For o:abbage loopers and stink bugs, use 2 to 3 pints per acre. Rates above I pint should not be applied closer than 2 I days ~'lf,.re harvest. •

•••• COLLARDS, KALE AIID MUSTARD: Por control of CfpAi4s. armyworms up to third ins tar, flea beetles, leafhoppers and mites, use I to 3 pints per acre. For cabbage loopers and stink buis:·ue 2 to 3 pints per acre. Rates above I pint should not be appli~d closer than 2 1 days before harvest. • •••

• PEAS: For control of aphids, armyworms up to third instar •• flea • •• beetles, leafhoppers, Lygus bugs and Lites, use I to 2 pints" ~er

acre. For cabbage loopers, cowpea curculio, surface feediOg:luid climbing cutworms and sUnk bugs, use 2 pints per acre. Rates above I pint should not be applied closer than 15 days before

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