urine ngl

Post on 18-Oct-2015






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urine Ngi


The cervical part of trachea is related anteriorly with:

Urinary system

Questions 1 - 24For each of the following multiple choice questions select the one most appropriate answer:

1. The anterior surface of the right kidney is related with the following organs, except:

A.Right colic flexure

B.Descending duodenum



E.Small intestine

2. Occupies an anterior position in the renal pedicle:

A.Renal pelvis

B.Renal vein

C.Renal artery

D.Renal lymfatics

E.Renal nerves

3. The anterior surface of the left kidney is related with the following organs, except:


B.Transverse mesocolon

C.Left colic flexure


E.Horizontal duodenum

4. The nephrone consists of the following segments, except:

A.Collecting tubule

B.Proximal convoluted tubule

C.Renal loop of Henle

D.Distal convoluted tube

E.Renal glomerulus

5. The renal pyramids have the following features, except:

A.Are situated in the renal medulla

B.The apices project into the renal sinus

C.Represent the renal lobules

D.Display the collecting ducts

E.Are separated by the renal columns

6. The renal fascia has the following features, except:

A.Attaches on the nferior surface of the diaphragm

B.Its anterior layer fuses with the peritoneum

C.Is related posteriorly with the pararenal fatty tissue

D.Encloses the perirenal fatty tissue

E.Its layers fuse inferiorly supporting the kidney

7. The medial border of the left kidney is related with the folowing structures, except:

A.Inferior vena cava


C.Ascending duodenum

D.Left ureter

E.Left suprarenal gland

8. The renal artery gives off the following branches, except:

A.Superior polar

B.Middle suprarenal

C.Superior ureteral

D.Posterior segental

E.Inferior polar

9. The left renal vein has the follwing features, except:

A.Is longer than the right renal vein

B.Is situated posterior to the pancreas

C.Runs behind the aorta

D.Receives the left ovarian vein

E.Runs between aorta and superior mesenteric artery

10 The abdominal part of the right ureter is related anteriorly with the folowing structures, except:

A.Ileocolic artery

B.Right gonadal vessels

C.Small intestine



11. Are related with the posterior surface of the kidneys, except:

A.The 10th rib

B.The 11th rib

C.The 12th rib

D.Base of the lung

E.Diaphragmatic pleura

12 The renal sinus has the following features, except:

A.Can be approached through the hilum

B.Its wall is indented by renal papillae

C.Contains the whole renal pelvis

D.Is lined by the renal capsule

E.Contains minor and major calices

13. The abdominal part of the right ureter has the folowing features, except:

A.Is crossed anteriorly by the gonadal vessels

B.Limits posteriorly the ovarian fossa

C.Is crossed by the root of mesentery

D.Descends posterior to the peritoneum

E.Is situated laterally to the inferior vena cava

14. The pelvic part of the ureter, in male, crosses the following structures, except:

A.Umbilical artery

B.Obturator artery

C.Inferior vesical artery

D.Deferent duct

E.External iliac artery

15. The pelvic part of the ureter limits the ovarian fossa:






16. In the base of the broad ligament the ureter is crossed anteriorly by:

A.Deep uterine veins

B.Vaginal artery

C.Uterine artery

D.Cervicovaginal arteries

E.Vaginal veins

17. The last segment of the pelvic part of the ureter in male is related with the following structures, except:

A.Seminal vesicles

B.Ejaculatory ducts

C.Urinary bladder


E.Defferent duct

18. Are situated posteriorly to the urinary bldder, in male, except:



C.Rectovesical fascia

D.Seminal vesicles

E.Defferent ducts

19. Is situated anteriorly to the urinary bladder:


B.Umbilical artery

C.Pbic symphisis


E.Prevesical (supravesical) recess

20. Vesical mucosa:

A.Is adherent on the muscular layer below

B.Has a nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium

C.Has the same aspect throughout its all surface

D.Has an interureteric crest

E.Is supplied by the internal pudendal nerve

21. The vesical peritoneum:

A.Covers the whole urinary bladder

B.Covers only the posterosuperior surface

C.Covers the anterior surface

D.Forms, in female, the rectovesical pouch

E.Descends towards the vesical neck

22. The female urethra:

A.Is related posteriorly to the rectum

B.Runs postero-inferiorly behind the symphisis pubis

C.Is surrounded by smooth muscle

D.Is related anteriorly to the perineal body

E.Opens in the vestibule

23. Are situated on the posterior wall of the prostatic urethra, except:

A.Colliculus seminalis

B.Openings of the ejaculatory ducts

C.Opening of the prostatic utricle

D.Orifices of prostatic acini

E.Openings of bulbo-urethral glands

24. The shape of the urethral meatus, in male, is:

A.Oval, with the great axis transversely

B.T letter

C.Bounded on each side by a small labium

D.Reversed T letter


Questions 25 - 45In the following series of questions, one or more items is/are correct. Answer:A if 1,2 and 3 are correctB if 1 and 3 are correctC if 2 and 4 are correctD .if only 4 is correctE if all four are correct

25. Is (are) situated posteriorly to the kidney:1.Ilioinguinal nerve

2.Iliohypogastric nerve

3.Subcostal nerve

4.Quadratus lumborum

26. The lateral border of the kidney is related to:1.Descending duodenum

2.Ascending colon

3.Ascending duodenum

4.Descending colon

27. Are situated medially to the kidneys:1.Inferior vena cava




28. The inferior pole of the kidney stays on:1.Renal fascia

2.Pararenal fatty tissue

3.Vertebral column

4.Psoas muscle

29. The kidneys are situated between plans passing through:1.T12




30. The renal cortex displays:1.Yellowish color

2.Renal columns

3.Renal corpuscles

4.Medullary rays

31.:1.Aortic arch


3.Left subclavian artery

4.Hemiazygos vein

32. The right renal artery:1.Is longer than the left one

2.Runs behind the inferior vena cava

3.Runs behind the right renal vein

4.Gives five segmental branches

33. The renal capsule:1.Becomes adherent to the kidney consequently to renal diseases

2.Is a smooth muscular structure

3.Can be easily removed

4.Is adherent to the renal fascia

34. Is directly related with the superior renal pole:1.Diaphragm

2.Psoas muscle

3.Quadratus lumborum

4.Suprarenal gland

35. The left ureter is related anteriorly with:1.Sigmoid mesentery

2.Sigmoid arteries

3.Left colic vessels

4.Common iliac artery

36. Is medialy situated to the pelvic ureter:1.Hypogastric artery

2.Uterine artery

3.Obturator internus muscle


37. In femal, the pelvic part of the ureter:1.Forms the superior boundary of the ovarian fossa

2.Is related with the vaginal fornices

3.Is crossed posteriorly by the uterine artery

4.Has a part in the base of the broad ligament

38. Is (are) related to the base of the urinary bladder:1.Prostate


3.Seminal vesicles

4.Defferent duct

39. The urinary bladder:1.Has the base completely coverd by peritoneum

2.When empty the trigonal mucosa has folds

3.Is lined by columnar epithelium

4.The interureteric ridge

40. The spongiose part of the urethra:1.Pierces superiorly the bulb of the penis

2.Is dilated at its comencement as the intrabulbar fossa

3.Receives the bulbo-urethral glands

4.Is surrounded by the internal urethral sphincter

41. Mediastinal aspect of the left lung is related above the hilum to:1.Brachiocephalic artery

2.Aortic arch

3.Superior vena cava


42. The apex of the lung:1.Is 3-4 cm above the first costal cartilage

2.Is in the root of the neck

3.Is 2,5 cm above the medial 1/3 of the clavicle

4.Is covered by pleural dome

43. Apex of the lung is related anteriorly with:1.Scalenus anterior

2.Ventral ramus of T1

3.Subclavian artery

4.Superior vena cava

44. Apex of the lung is related posteriorly with:1.Stellate ganglion

2.Superior intercostal artery

3.Vertebral artery

4.Brachiocephalic artery

45. Base of the left lung is related with:1.Left lobe of the liver




Questions 46 - 80The group of questios below consists of numbered headings followed by a list of lettered words or phrases. For each heading select the one word or phrase which is most closely related to it.

Urinary blader:46.Superior surface


48.Inferolateral surfaces



A.Anterior vaginal wall

B.Not covered by peritoneum

C.Completely covered by peritoneum

D.Internal urethral and ureteric orifices

E.Internal vesical sphincter

51.Penile urethra

52.Urethral meatus

53.Membranous urethra

54.Prostatic urethra

55.Internal urethral sphincter

A.Navicular fossa

B.Concave in cross section

C.Urethral papilla

D.Origin of urethra

E.Transversus perinei profundus (urogenital diaphragm)

56.Reno-ureteral ligament

57.Form the renal pelvis

58.Renal papilla

59.Behind renal artery

60.Behind urinary bladder

A.Minor calix

B.Renal pelvis

C.Major calices

D.Origin of ureter

E.End of ureter

61.Splenic artery

62.Psoas muscle


64.Descending colon


A.Anterior surface of right kidney

B.Lateral border of left kidney

C.Anterior surface of left kidney

D.Inferior renal pole

E.Posterior surface of kidney

66.Renal artery

67.At the base of renal pyramids

68.Forms caipllaries around the renal tubules

69.Between renal pyramids

70.Between medullary rays

A.Interlobar arteries

B.Interlobular arteries

C.Arcuate arteries

D.Segmental arteries

E.Efferent arteriole

71.Thebesian valve

72.Eustachian valve

73.Mitral valve

74.Tricuspid valve


A.Inferior vena cava

B.Coronary sinus

C.Left atrioventricular opening

D.Right atrioventricular opening

E.Aortic opening

76.Anterior papillary muscle

77.Supraventricular crest

78.Outflow of the right ventricle

79.Moderator band

80.Posterior papillary muscle

Right ventricleA.Base

B.Septal wall

C.Anterior wall

D.Posterior wall


Questions 81 - 100The list of numbered words or phrases below is followed by a set of lettered headings. For each numbered word or phrase select the correct answer under:Aif the item is associated with a onlyBif the item is associated with b onlyCif the item is associated with both a and bDif the answer is associated neither with a nor with b

81.Root of mesentery

82.Common iliac artery

83.Ala of the sacrum


a)Left ureter

b)Right ureter

85.Hypogastric artery

86.Broad ligament

87.Genitovesical artery

88.Round ligament

a) Pelvic part of male ureter

b) Pelvic part of female ureter

89.Defferent duct

90.Umbilical artery


92.Rectouterine pouch

a)Male urinary bladder

b)Female urinary bladder

93.Loop of Henle


95.Capsule of Bowman

96.Renal papilla

a) Renal corpuscle b) Renal tubule97. Renal corpuscle

98. Renal papilla

99. Medullary rays

100.Collecting ducts

a) Cortexb) Medulla

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