urban revolution

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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A design journal for the poster of Urban Revolution *student assignment*




For this project , we are required to design an A3 sized poster for a fictional event.The event is called “Urban Revolu-tion”. Urban revolution is an event to promote street cultures such as skateboarding , rollerblading and graffiti as an artform which should be more accepted by the public. Art which are associated with these matters are show-cased and promoted as artpieces or sculpture for the public to enjoy.

As of present , much parts of the street culture are still deemed not acceptable to some parts of the public. Many people still do not consider graffiti as an artform and also those who do not consider rollerblading or skateboarding an actual sports as these are seen as vandalism as well as damage of public property. This event is made to hopefully change the perception of the public towards street culture.

The target audience will be the public who are not exposed to the street cultures as much compared to those who practice skateboarding or graffiti. The age range which this event is aiming for is from 12 years to 30 years.The crowd will be more of the younger audiences as they can change the perception of the public as they are more capable to do so. Many of the volunteers will be those who are involved with street culture such as skateboarders , street artist and more.

The project goal is to be able change the perception of the public towards street culture or be more acceptable towards it.So that graffiti will be seen as an artform and a way of self expression rather than vandalism.And also to make them aware that skate-boarding and rollerblading can be competitive and professional as any sports out there. As it is not possible for everyone to become aware of this , this event will be a kickstarter to more event to come in hope that it will become bigger so that more people will be able to attend and that the crowd will be larger in the future.



Original Image



This is colour is to show

the radical and dynamic-

ness of this event

This is colour is to

show passion of the

people involved.


Colour Chosen

I’ve chosen a picture of a skatepark with skaters ,rollerbladers and bikers to show the type of event it is going to be.This is also to show that it is a carefree event where fun and smiles are emphasized.

The image is then splitted into 2 parts and each with the event colour whish is teal and salmon.the contrast and saturation have been changed to make it more dramatic and also to match the of the words which are to be put in.

The words are then added in and the mode changed to multiply to get the effect of overprinting which is the style I’m going for.

An image of a skatepark is photoshopped and filtered with the 2 colours of the event : Teal & Salmon. Words that are related to the events are placed together and the mode is changed to “Mul-tiply”. The images are placed over the photshopped image to get the effect of “overprinting”.

Sponsors & the logotype is added into the poster. The logotype is added to the top part of the poster with the colour of teal and salmon. The sponsors are at the bot-tom left side of the poster and is coloured white to contrast with the picture.


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