urbact messina

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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City profile of Messina


City profile for Messina

University of Gastronomy…

The Department of Food Science and Environment of University of Messina will soon become University of Gastronomic Science. They are bound to invest in a new laboratory allowing them to better qualifying local food products. The demonstration of sustainable food buffet organised in the occasion of the LSG first meeting is a good way to promote the whole curriculum …

Az. Agricola Coop C.a.i.f.e…

This little family cooperative manage as well the culture of vegetable and the process. Listening to one of the 3 co-op entrepreneurs, the whole infrastructure could serve for other local production. Sales policy could also become more efficient.

Its albatros…

Fondazione Albatros is a high technical institute that sponsored a course for the enhancement of local products and local production. This private training centre trains for farmers that need resources on communication and management to develop their business.

Open air market…

Once a month, an organic market takes place in one of the squares of the city centre. The open-air market is organized and run by one of the largest environmental organizations in Italy and involves producers who hold organic certification.Weekly farmer’s markets of whole organic and zero-mile foods (wine, oil, fruit, etc.) are also organized by farm associations (Coldiretti). The open-air markets are periodically controlled by Municipal Police.

Purchasing solidarity group…

The Slow Food Association has proposed and initiated the creation of purchasing solidarity groups to stimulate principles of healthy and genuine eating. This initiative may facilitate the mechanism of purchase and sale and relink consumers with producers.

Restaurant with half local menu…

A project promoting restaurants with half of the food on the menu coming from local production was a successful idea. Nevertheless, it declined with the end of the project subsidies…


Agritourism is a growing trend in Sicily that enhance farmers to welcome tourists for local food meals and to host them at the farm. The development of such activities in Messina could become a successful way to revitalise declining farms through multifunctional farming…

“Mangiamolì giusti” and “Adopt a sheep”…

Slow Food organise an education campaign on how to eat properly fish: not too small to secure reproduction and not too old because of heavy metals. Other campaign from Lega Coop consists in building links between cities and countryside proposing urban inhabitants to adopt f sheep in a rural farm: a light idea that induces families to visit the sheep and permit reconnection with territory…

The home-made culture…

The cooking of traditional specialities used to take place traditionally at home every weeks. Since little time, emerging trend of home-made bread among younger generations can be observed and seems to reconfirm the home-made culture…

Canteen chef…

The experience of the canteen of the agricultural school gives an inspiring vision of what a canteen chef could be: he has is own micro-production and supplies some genuine products; he likes experimenting some new and special recipes as in the occasion of the LSG visit…

Faro DOC from the school…

Passionate staff from the agricultural school imagine a strategy to face school budget shortage: from teaching wine production they pass to producing quality wine with the launch of a new faro DOC high quality wine: first 12000 bottles to be sold this year…

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