upper lachlan shire council the shire of villages · ph: (02) 4845 4100 fax: (02) 4845 1426 email:...

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All notices are authorised by JK Bell, General Manager.Please send all correspondence to the General Manager, PO Box 42, Gunning NSW 2581

The next Council Meeting will be held at the Council Chambers Crookwell on Thursday, 19 October 2017 from 6.00pmwww.upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au or find us on Facebook

Crookwell offices, 44 Spring St, Crookwell,PO Box 42 Gunning NSW 2581Ph: (02) 4830 1000 Fax: (02) 4832 2066Email: council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au

Gunning offices, 123 Yass St, Gunning,PO Box 42 Gunning NSW 2581Ph: (02) 4845 4100 Fax: (02) 4845 1426 Email: council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au

Taralga Community Service Centre, 29 OrchardSt, Taralga NSW 2580Ph: (02) 4840 2099 Fax: (02) 4840 2296 Email: taralgacsc@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au

Upper Lachlan Shire CouncilUpper Lachlan Shire Council


Emergency after hours contact numbers:Crookwell / Bigga / Binda / Tuena / Grabben Gullen / Laggan / Taralga and Big Hill areas: roads, bridges and rubbish tips, water and sewer: 0429 786 659.Gunning / Dalton / Breadalbane / Collector / Jerrawa areas: roads, bridges and rubbish tips, water and sewer: 0427 454 206.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Reminder: Councillor Meet and Greet

The community will have the opportunity to talkdirectly with Upper Lachlan Shire Councillors immediately prior to Ordinary Council Meetings.Select Councillors will gather at the CouncilChambers Crookwell (44 Spring Street, Crookwell)from 5.30pm to give residents the opportunity todiscuss matters contained in the Business Paperand any other items of interest.Please note, that due to work and other commitments, not all Councillors will be availableahead of Ordinary Council Meetings, however, aselect number of Councillors will be on hand for thecommunity to discuss matters important to them.Ordinary Council Meetings are held on the thirdThursday of the month (excluding January) from6.00pm at the Council Chambers Crookwell, withthe exception of the 16 November 2017 OrdinaryCouncil Meeting, which will be held at the CouncilChambers Gunning (123 Yass Street, Gunning).Business Papers are available on Council’s website: www.upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au, ahead ofeach Ordinary Council Meeting. Copies are alsoavailable to view at Council’s offices and GunningLibraries.

Quotations are invited and will be received up until 4.00pmon Friday, 27 October 2017, for the Review of the UpperLachlan Section 94 Development Contributions Plan.The project brief is available by contacting Council’sEnvironment and Planning Department on 4830 1018 orfrom Council’s website: www.upperlachlan.nsw.gov.auQuotations are to be submitted to: council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au and marked Review ofUpper Lachlan Section 94 Development ContributionsPlan.

Review of Upper Lachlan Section 94 DevelopmentContributions Plan

On Exhibition: New EngineeringPlan Checking Fees

Determinations Issued Between 1 to 30 September 2017

Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to introducenew engineering plan checking fees for State SignificantDevelopments, changes to land use and other referrals.It is proposed the fees would apply to all plans presentedto Council for review and approval not covered by development applications that are proposed to be locatedin the public domain.These include road and footpath upgrades, playgroundfacilities, stormwater infrastructure and other infrastructuresuch as new kerb and guttering. The fees would not applyto development applications, small-scale residential orbusiness developments.The list of fees are available to view on Council’s website(www.upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au), Council’s Offices inCrookwell, Gunning and Taralga and both Crookwell andGunning libraries.Submissions should be made via post to: JK Bell, GeneralManager, PO Box 42, Gunning NSW 2581 or email: council@upperlachlan.nsw.gov.au, by Monday, 6November 2017.For more information, please contact Council’s Director ofWorks and Operations Mursaleen Shah on 4830 1000.

Join the Garage Sale TrailUpper Lachlan Shire residents are encouraged to clean up their clutter and join in the Garage Sale Trail on the weekend of Saturday, 21 October and Sunday, 22 October 2017.

The Garage Sale Trail is a national initiative that seespeople from across Australia participate in one big weekend of garage sales.Mayor Brian McCormack OAM said Council was proud toget behind this year’s Garage Sale Trail.“The event is an opportunity for residents to clean out theirsheds, garages and cupboards and make a few dollarsfrom items they no longer have use for. It also promotesthe reuse or repurpose of items, which may otherwise endup as landfill or be illegally dumped,” Cr McCormack said.To register visit: www.garagesaletrail.com.au. To report illegal dumping go to ridonline.epa.nsw.gov.au or callEPA’s Environment Line on 131 555.Hard rubbish can also be disposed of free of charge at alltips in the Shire on Clean Up Australia Day, which will beheld on Sunday, 4 March 2018.

DA No. Proposal Property37/2017 Mixed Use

Development –CommercialPremises & TouristAccommodation

Lot B DP 367057 – 129Goulburn St, Crookwell

62/2017 Dwelling Lot 3 DP 1085894 – 431Iron Mine Rd, Crookwell

65/2017 Dwelling Lot 5 DP 1211033 – MarySt, Collector

67/2017 Garage/Shed Lot 1 DP 1228377 – 1Tulloh St, Crookwell

68/2017 Swimming Pool/Spa Lot 1 DP 1077503 – 2297Gurrundah Rd, Gurrundah

69/2017 Alterations/Additions Lot 2 DP 626075 – 16Colyer St, Crookwell

71/2017 Garage/Shed Lot 7 DP 1228006 – 1624Breadalbane Rd,Breadalbane

76/2017 Garage/Shed Lot 7 DP 38464 – 71Bunnaby St, Taralga

87/2017 TransportableDwelling

Lot 1 DP 1066071 – 8O’Sullivan St, Collector

2017 Sam Samra AwardsUpper Lachlan Shire Council has beennamed runner up in the inaugural SamSamra Awards in the category ‘MostImproved Small Sewerage ServiceProvider’.The Award was presented at the LocalGovernment NSW Water ManagementConference held recently in Dubbo.The Awards, co-sponsored by LocalGovernment NSW, the NSW Water Directorate and theDepartment of Primary Industries was open to 89 LocalWater Utilities across NSW. The Awards were determinedbased on an assessment of performance data from theNSW Water Supply and Sewerage PerformanceMonitoring Report and the NSW Water Supply andSewerage Benchmarking Report over the past 10 years.Mayor Brian McCormack OAM said it was wonderfulrecognition of the work undertaken by Council to improvewater supply and sewerage services in the Shire.

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