upon the living by o.g. rose

Post on 04-Feb-2018






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7/21/2019 Upon the Living by O.G. Rose

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Qp`o tja Lbvbomιθςκβ ωαζρσΰθ 

@.M. W`sa

Mfgrbal gurst `pao tja c``r `d tja raiaptb`o jfll, lfumjbom lbna jbs jafrt w`ulc mbva `ut, kustfs tja prafijar, Hfttjaw, i`hhaotac `o j`w ja j`pac Mfgrbal jfco‒t jafrc jbh. 

“Yja‒s m`bom t` hfna f hfo jfppy t`obmjt,‘ Mfgrbal foo`uoiac, spafnbom vfmualy fg`ut wj` i`ulc ga foy`oa. Sja waccbom wfs flh`st `var foc Hfttjaw jfc gaao l``nbom d`r jbs wbda.

“Ja‒s fs irfzy fs @lc Hfo Draccy,‘ Hfttjaw huhglac, l``nbom fwfy. “]jft fg`ut @lc Hfo Draccy0‘ fsnac tja lbttla mbrl wj` tja prafijar jfc stuin il`sa t` fll

obmjt.“Ja lbvac `o tja `tjar sbca `d tja i`uoty,‘ Hfttjaw hfca up, “@oa cfy, jbs pfots `o

gfinmr`uocs, ja waot st`rhbom fr`uoc, l``nbom d`r jbs cfumjtar, foc o`tbiac tjft sja foc tjasarvfot g`y jfc m`oa hbssbom. Ja stfrtac t` tja jfy l`dt, lbna tjbs.‘ 

Hfttjaw put `o f gbm dr`wo, durr`wac jbs gr`ws, foc stfrtac hfrijbom bo plfia.“C` y`u no`w tja cbraitb`os t` tja j`tal0‘ Mfgrbal botarruptac.“B‒h o`t tja `oa t` fsn,‘ Hfttjaw fchbttac, `ut `d ijfrfitar. Mfgrbal‒s wbda, oavar dfr dr`h

h`obt`rbom Mfgrbal, wfs casiaocbom tja stfbrifsa. Sja cfoia upstfbrs wfs i`hbom t` fo aoc. Yjamlfoiac ft tja oaw prafijar foc pfusac, parjfps sj`wbom jbh s`ha sbmo `d raspait.

“R`u casarva f gattar tba,‘ sja sfbc. Hfttja w i`varac bt wbtj jbs jfoc, “Hy h`tjar ladt bt t` ha.‘ Hfttjaw wfs wafrbom f glfin tba, f wjbta i`llfrac sjbrt, suspaocars, foc njfnbs, lbna f hfo

abtjar gajboc tja tbhas `r sattbom tja oaxt dfsjb`o. Ja w`ra gbm mlfssas foc wfs luiny tjft jbs glfinfoc wjbta jfbr wfs gamboobom t` dfll `ut ft tjbrty; ja wfs tarrbgla ft i`hgbom bt.

“R`u oavar t`lc ha bd tjft pr`kait w`ulc ga `d sarvbia t` y`u,‘ Mfgrbal‒s wbda tflnac `o,“Ml`gfl ]bdb; s`uocs t`` m``c t` ga trua, c`aso‒t bt0‘ 

Yja stfyac bo tja no`w foc hfstarac tja frt `d oaws, wjbij wfs tja frt `d iraftbombhprassb`os.

“Bd ja ifo pull bt `dd,‘ Hfttjaw i`hhaotac, fwfra h`st fhgbtb`us uocartfnboms stfyacfhgbtb`us.“Bd B i`ulc `oly rahahgar jbs ofha ’  s`ha rbij hfo wfotbom t` ga rahahgarac d`r mbvbom

tja w`rlc draa botaroat. Jbs sftallbtas wbll supp`sacly ga up s``o. Foc y`u stbll jfvao‒t foswarac hyquastb`o! ] ̀ ulc vbca`s jalp y`u sprafc y`ur hassfma0‘ 

“B‒h sura grafc w`ulc jfva jalpac tja L`rc aft bo tja casart,‘ Hfttjaw i`hhaotac. Bdpa`pla i`ulc wftij f vbca` gad`ra saabom jbh bo pars`o, bt w`ulc rubo tja hystary, foc Hfttjaw wfso‒t sura bd hfrn atbom wfs w`rtj tja prbia.

“Vubta rbmjt,‘ Mfgrbal‒s wbda foswarac, “B‒ll hfna s`ha iflls foc wa‒ll stfrt puttbom tja sj`wt`matjar t`h`rr`w h`robom. Bo f yafr, wa‒ll jfva plaoty `d hftarbfl t` sjfra wbtj tja pa`pla> s``o,avary`oa wbll no`w y`ur dfia.‘ 

Ijurij wfs t`h`rr`w foc Hfttjaw jfco‒t caibcac yat bd ja w`ulc prafij fg`ut wjft ja

noaw ja sj`ulc prafij fg`ut. Bt wfs lfta, foc ft pfrtbas, dbocbom tjah axjfustbom, Hfttjaw spaot fshuij tbha fs ja i`ulc wbtj tja ijblcrao. H`ra raflbstbi tjfo fcults, ja c bco‒t daal foy prassura dr`htjah; tjay jfc o` no`wlacma `d sax. ]accboms wara tja w`rst pfrt fg`ut gabom f prafijar>d`rmbvbom sbos wfs gattar. Fs bd ft f cfy k`g, ft tjasa avaots, ja w`rrbac tjft jbs grfbo hbmjt turo t`husj> w`rsa stbll, ja w`rrbac tjft tjasa mftjarboms w`ulc parhfoaotly wbra jbs grfbo d`r stupbcbty. Sja ijurij wfs f daw hblas fwfy ’  ja i`ulc mat tjara bo tao hboutas ’  foc tja dull h``o w`ulc ifstf obia ml`w `o tja t`hgst`oas. Fr`uoc tjah rfo f cbrt pftj, f m``c plfia t` asifpa tja saxuflbtyfoc `glbmftb`o `d pa`pla, foc tja dbradlbas w`ulc ga `ut fr`uoc tja j`oaysuinla.

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  “Mratof bs stbll upstfbrs0‘ Hfttjaw sfbc t` o` `oa bo pfrtbiulfr. “B c`o‒t rahahgar saabom jar, gut B‒h sura,‘ Mfgrbal o`tac.“Hfttjaw, fchbt bt,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc aharmac dr`h tja oafrgy rastr``h, pr`gfgly cruon `o

jarsald, “R`u ralbmb`us typas flwfys jfta tja acuiftac. ]jy alsa w`ulc y`u jfta tja w`rlc0‘ “R`u hafo tja Bvy Lafmuas0‘

“Sjft‒s wjft B sfbc.‘ “B c`o‒t jfta tjah,‘ Hfttjaw cadaocac jbhsald , “R`u fsnac hy vbaw `d Jfrvfrc, foc Bfssuhac y`u cbco‒t wfot ha t` lba.‘ 

Hrs. W`tjijblc lfumjac foc sj``n jar jafc. Yja jfc i`odr`otac Hfttjaw `o tja t`pbi `varcbooar> ft avary waccbom, sja juotac jbh c`wo, ilfbhbom sja d`uoc wjft sbhpla d`ln jfc t` sfy s`‚botarastbom‒. J`wavar, sja fgruptly ladt tja i`ovarsftb`o wjao sja sfw aotar f prastbmb`us i`upla wj`sa dfias Hfttjaw mlbhpsac gut cbco‒t iftij. O`w, Hrs. W`tjijblc jfc i`ha gfin t` pr`va sja wfs rbmjt fg`ut tja t`pbi `d jar ij`bia, foc Hfttjaw wfs iartfbo sja w`ulc mat wjft sja wfotac. Ftmattbom tjft, sja wfs tja w`rlc‒s gast. 

“R`u sfbc bt nbllac tja botallaitufl iurb`sbty `d stucaots foc hfca tjah sifrac t` caftj `ddfblura,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc o`tac, tfnbom Hfttjaw gy tja frh foc pullbom jbh fsbca t` wjara sja w`ulcga tja iaotar `d jbs fttaotb`o, “C`aso‒t tjft s`uoc lbna jftrac t` y`u0 Vubta tja hytj bd B c` sfy s`

hysald.‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc struin Hfttjaw fs h`ra `d fo fitrass tjfo f pars`o, tja nboc ja sfw `o tja

i`vars `d hfmfzboas ja cbco‒t rafc gut i`ulco‒t jalp gut mlbhpsa bo tja mr`iary st`ras. Sjara wfsflwfys f h`haot wjao ja d`rm`t tjft ja wfs fwfna wjaoavar `oa `d tj`sa pbituras tflnac t` jbh.

“Sja c`it`r bso‒t jftadul wjao ja talls y`u tjft y`u jfva ifoiar, bs ja0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac. “B c`o‒t no`w,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc sbmjac, “B kust c`o‒t no`w fg`ut y`u prafijar-typas. ]jft

 wfs tja pjrfsa y`u usac bo tja sarh`o ’  ‚maobus bo tja dbomartbps‒ ’  tjft‒s wjft y`u lbva gy. R`ujfva tja luxury `d o`t no`wbom wjft y`u‒ra m`bom t` c` wbtj y`ur lbda; kust ‚saan dbrst tja Nbomc`h`d M`c foc Jbs Wbmjta`usoass‒  ’  tjft‒s fll y`u c`. Bt‒s t`` vfmua d`r tja rast `d us, t`` bhprfitbifl,gut hy g`y bs prfitbifl, tjr`umj foc tjr`umj, foc fs botallaituflly iurb`us fs tjay i`ha. Ja‒s flwfysrafcbom ravbaws `d g``ns tjft B c`ugt foy`oa jfs avar jafrc `d, g``ns tjft o`t avao y`u i`ulc

qu`ta. Cbc y`u no`w ja raiaotly t``n up fo Aomlbsj Hfk`r d`r Lfw Yij``l0 Sjfons t` Jfrvfrc, jac`aso‒t cafl wbtj hystbibsh `r ‚dbomartbp maobus‒; ja‒s d`iusac `o gabom suiiassdul. Ifo‒t ga foyh`ra i`oirata tjfo tjft, ifo y`u0‘ 

“Ifo s`ha`oa ga suiiassdul wj` c`aso‒t mrfcufta dr`h Jbmj Yij``l0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac.“B-B ifo‒t bhfmboa ’  ‘ Hfttjaw cbco‒t jfva foy camraas. Ja wfotac t` jalp jbs dftjar, f hbccla -ilfss, wjbta dfrhar,

naap tja dfrh. Y` ja spaot yafrs w`rnbom tjara, gut wjao jbs dftjar cbac foc tja tfxas `o tja lfocboirafsac, Hfttjaw jfc t` sall bt foc gaifha f prafijar.  Sja k`g mfva jbh plaoty `d tbha t` prfy ’  d`r d`rmbvaoass, mrfia, i`urfma, foc `tjar tjboms ’  foc ja h`vac dr`h o`rtjaro Oaw R`rn t``utsbca `d Urboiat`o, wjara ja wfs fpplybom t` ga f ifhpus hbobstar. Qocar M`c‒s p`war,Urboiat`o dl`urbsjac. Sj`umj o`t `ddbibflly tja jafc `d foy `d tja l`ifl ijurijas, wjaoavar tja

prafijars `r prbasts bo tja fraf wara tbrac `d c`bom waccboms `r sarh`os, tjay ifllac Hfttjaw t` dbllbo. Sj`umj ja lfinac iracaotbfls, ja wfs tja gast pard`rhar tjay jfc avar saao. Bt saahac t` i`haofturflly t` jbh, foc s` Hfttjaw jfc plaoty `d w`rn. Sja axparbaoia mfboac foc oatw`rns gublthfca up d`r tja lfin `d pfy. 

“C`as y`ur s`o jfva f dfv`rbta wrbtar0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac Hrs. W`tjijblc. H`st pa`pla cbco‒tfsn fg`ut g``ns ’  gattar t` fsn fg`ut w`rn foc plfos ’  gut Hrs. W`tjijblc l`vac tflnbom fg`ut jars`o avao bd tjft hafot tflnbom fg`ut tjboms tjft cbco‒t hfttar. 

“Ja‒s i`ostfotly ravbawbom d`r tja LYFSs,‘ sja foswarac. Hfttjaw ijfomac tja t`pbi, “Cbco‒t y`ur s`o `oia jalp gublc j`usas bo Jfbtb0‘ 

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  “Bo jbmj sij``l. B tjbon ja bs plfoobom f trbp t` s`hawjara bo Fdrbif gad`ra saocbom bo jbsfpplbiftb`o, gut B c`o‒t no`w bd ja‒s caibcac wjft ja wfots t` c` yat.‘

“Ja ifo c` foytjbom ja wfots wbtj jbs lbda.‘  “Ja no`ws tjft; fl`om wbtj Lfw, ja fls` tj`umjt fg`ut w`rnbom `o ]fll Ytraat.‘ “Foytjbom alsa0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac. Hrs. W`tjijblc l``nac ft jbh qubzzbiflly,

“D`r fll y`ur tfln `d M`c, y`u prafijars sura c`o‒t no`w huij fg`ut tja w`rlc.‘ “B‒h wall fiiust`hac t` dfblura,‘ Hfttjaw sfbc t` jbs cadaosa, “fs B j`pa bs y`ur s`o.‘  “Ja wfs fiiaptac bot` Jfrvfrc,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc lfumjac, “Waflly Hr. Dfrrfr, s`hatbhas B

 w`ocar bd y`u ifo tjbon d`r y`ursald.‘“Bd B wfso‒t bhpardait, B w`ulco‒t jfva t` try.‘ “R`u sj`ulc mat fo`tjar camraa,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc summastac t` Hfttjaw , “Sjao y ̀ u w`ulc

ga fo axpart ft s`hatjbom. ]`ulco‒t tjft ga f crafh i`ha trua0 Hy s`o ifo jalp; fpplbifots i`hat` jbh fll tja tbha d`r i`osultbom `o tjabr rasuhas. Ja‒s f hfstar ft plfoobom `ut suhhars t` hfnarasuhas sjboa, gut ga rafcy t` cbsj `ut s`ha h`oay. I`llamas wbll fiiapt foy`oa wj` jfs tja rbmjtaxparbaoias, gut tja rbmjt axparbaoias i`st f l`t. Hy s`o bs fls` f mraft wrbtar; ja no`ws axfitly j`wt` mat fir`ss t` tja fpplbiftb`o i`hhbttaas axfitly wjft tjay wfot t` jafr.‘ 

“C`as ja stbll c` husbi0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac, “B rahahgar ja aok`y ac tja pbfo`.‘

“Ja acbts,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc i`odbrhac, “B tjbon ja wfs trybom t` rai`rc s`hatjbom yastarcfyd`r Lfw Yij``l; tjay fiiapt `oa frt sfhpla dr`h fpplbifots. Jbs rai`rcbom wfs fg`ut tjbrty-sai`ocs ’  tjft‒s tja hfxbhuh laomtj fll`wac. B pars`oflly cbco‒t lbna bt, gut B‒h sura bt wbll s`uoc w`ocardulgy tja tbha ja‒s c`oa crassbom bt up. Ja‒s vary tflaotac. J`oastly, B i`ulco‒t bhfmboa gabom fhusbibfo bo t`cfy‒s w`rlc; bo tja pfst, y`u kust jfc t` no`w j`w t` plfy fo bostruhaot> t`cfy, y`ufls` jfva t` no`w j`w t` acbt.‘ 

“Sjay usac t` ga hfstars.‘ “Bt fll s`uocs tja sfha t` ha,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc i`odassac, “gut B‒h o`t `oa `d tj`sa wj`

no`ws f l`t fg`ut frt.‘ “C` y`u dboc bt gafutbdul0‘ “B sjfra bt wbtj hy drbaocs,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc fino`wlacmac, “R`u c`o‒t jfva f Dfiag``n

fii`uot, c` y`u0 R`u oaac `oa Hfttjaw> h`ra pa`pla i`ulc jafr y`ur sarh`os tjft wfy. R`ui`ulc p`st tjah. C`o‒t y`u wfot t` sprafc tja M`spal0 R`ur y`uom foc sj`ulc spafn tja lfomufma`d y`ur maoarftb`o. R`u c`o‒t tjbon y`u‒ra gattar tjfo tjah, c` y`u0 @d i`ursa y`u c`o‒t. B no`wtjft, gut `tjars hbmjt mat tja wr`om bhprassb`o. R`u sj`ulc mat f pr`dbla, bd d`r o`tjbom h`ra tjfot` hfna sura pa`pla c`o‒t hbsuocarstfoc y`u. R`u w`ulco‒t oaac t` usa bt> y`u‒c kust oaac t` jfvabt. L`ts `d pa`pla oavar l`m `dd, gut B‒h sura y`u‒c ga cbddaraot, gabom f prafijar foc fll.‘

“Bd B jfc bt, B‒h sura B w`ulc usa bt.‘  “@d i`ursa y`u w`ulc,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc fp`l`mbzac, “B cbco‒t hafo t` ga fssuhptbva.‘ Hfttjaw dalt tja i`ovarsftb`o wfs crfmmbom `o gut cbco‒t wfot t` ga ruca> ja wfs supp`sac

t` ga pb`us. Ja rahbocac jbhsald tjft, aspaibflly ft waccboms, i`ovarsftb`os wara hafot t` lfst.“Bs y`ur s`o cftbom foy`oa0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac foc Hrs. W`tjijblc gurst `ut lfumjbom,

“ Fmfbo Hr. Dfrrfr, y`u hbmjt ga f maobus wjao bt i`has t` prafijbom, gut y`u no`w o`tjbomfg`ut tja w`rlc. C`o‒t y`u no`w ja‒s f lafcar0 Yuraly tjara fra mbrls ja ifras fg`ut, mbrls ja c`aso‒tavao jfva tja tbha t` dbmura `ut ja‒s o`t botarastac bo, gut cfta0 Ft h`st, tjara wfs f mbrl ja wfslbvbom wbtj ’  Yfrfj, B tjbon.‘ 

“]j`‒s Yfrfj0‘ “O`g`cy,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc foswarac h`rgbcly. “Cbc sja h`va `o0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac jasbtfotly.“Yja cr`ppac `ut. B tjbon sja k`boac f wag stfrtup tjft wfots t` pr`vbca avary`oa wbtj f

draa i`llama acuiftb`o, gut B kust c`o‒t no`w wj` w`ulc wfot `oa tjao. Waflly Hfttjaw, y`u oaac

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Dfiag``n; pa`pla p`st stftusas fg`ut tjabr prbvfta lbvas. Bt w`ulc ga f huij afsbar wfy t` naap up wbtj hy s`o‒s fii`hplbsjhaots tjfo fsnbom ha fll fg`ut tjah> B lafva `ut catfbls. Bt‒s jfrc t` naapup. Fll ja c`as bs w`rn> ja oavar  slaaps.‘ 

“]jft‒s y`ur s`o f lafcar bo0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac> Hrs. W`tjijblc t`lc jbh tjft jar s`o oavarslapt avary tbha tjay tflnac.

“Kust avarytjbom,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc foswarac, “ja‒s tja t`p `d jbs ilfss. Foc wjft f cbvarsailfss bt bs! ]jaoavar B saa jbh, bt dblls ha wbtj k`y t` saa jbs paars; glfins, Fsbfos, Aur`pafos. R`uno`w, B jafrc s`ha`oa kust tja `tjar cfy sfy Fddbrhftbva Fitb`o sj`ulc ga gfsac `o ilfss, gut tjaoo` `oa w`ulc no`w j`w cbvarsa `ur Bvy Lafmuas wara! Cbvarsbty bs gafutbdul> bt w`ulc ga fwdul o`tt` saa bt.‘ 

“Jfva foy `d jbs drbaocs w`rnac d`r tja p`st `ddbia0‘ “Ur`gfgly. Kust gy l``nbom, y`u ifo tall tjft tjabr axparbaoias fra boiracbgly cbvarsa. B‒va saao 

tjabr Dfiag``n pr`dblas; tjay‒va c`oa sarvbia pr`kaits fll `var Fdrbif. Kust lfst obmjt, gatwaao acbtbomhusbi, hy s`o wfs tallbom ha fg`ut j`w ja wfs jalpbom `oa `d jbs drbaocs mat tbinats t` s`ha `d tjalass-no`wo mfllarbas bo Oaw R`rn. Bt‒s fhfzbom wjft tjasa maobusas c` wbtj tjabr draa tbha. WafllyHfttjaw, j`w ifo y`u galbava bo Jall wjao tjara bs s` huij m``c bo tja w`rlc0‘  

Hrs. W`tjijblc trfosiaocac jafrbom; wjao fsnac f quastb`o, sja flrafcy jfc fo foswar bo

hboc.“Jall bs uoraflbty,‘ Hfttjaw o`tac, staflbom dr`h Yt. Fumustboa. O` hfttar j`w huij ja

jftac tja bcaf, Jall saahac t` ga avarywjara. Ja i`ulc saa bt bo tja dutura, wjara tja gast focgrbmjtast `d tja prasaot wara `lc ’  f oaw, l`st maoarftb`o `d sjfcas, stfocbom fs bd ft fttaotb`o, wbtj`ut tja j`o`r `d wfr, l`st o`t kust fs tja suo sat, gut fls` fs bt r`sa.6  Foc yat Wavalftb`o sj`wacJall hfnbom tjboms gattar. 

“Gut y`u prafijars tfln `d Jall lbna bt‒s f jfrc, ah`tb`olass trutj. Lbstaobom t` y`u, bdfoytjbom, B tj`umjt Jall wfs f tfsta `d raflbty.‘

“Bt‒s tjft t``,‘ Hfttjaw ilfrbdbac. Hrs. W`tjijblc sj``n jar jafc,  “Fll tfln foc o` tj`umjt> hy s`o i`ulc oavar ga f prafijar.‘ Yftbsdbac tjft sja jfc w`o tja cagfta, Hrs. W`tjijblc ilfppac jar jfocs t`matjar foc rfo t`

tfln t` s`ha`oa sja `oly sfw ft waccboms. Hfttjaw pullac `ut f pbaia `d pfpar dr`h jbs p`inat fochfrnac `ut s`ha o`tas tjft ja jfc wrbttao afrlbar bo tja avaobom up`o dbrst saabom Hrs. W`tjijblc.Ja jfco‒t jfc tbha fl`oa yat t` arfsa tjah fdtar tjabr dbrst aoi`uotar. Sjay w`ulc jfva gaao d`r fsarh`o, fg`ut wjft ja jfc tj`umjt Hrs. W`tjijblc wfs bcaflbzbom, gut o`w tjft sja jfc sp`nao t`jbh, ja i`ulco‒t usa tjah bo m``c i`osib`us. Jbs supp`sbtb`os warao‒t trua, tj`um j tjay dbt t`matjargafutbdully lbna f l`mbi pr`glah. Sja sarh`o wfso‒t t` ga m`ssbp, gut fo bosbmjt bot` tja hbocs `dpa`pla (wj` w`ulc o`t ga bcaotbdbac) d`r tja gaoadbt `d fll. Yaabom pa`pla bospbrac Hfttjaw, gut o`ttjabr w`rcs; tjabr w`rcs prasaotac jbh wbtj h`rfl cblahhfs foc pr`vac t` jbh tjft tja wfys jatj`umjt pa`pla tj`umjt warao‒t flwfys rafl. Yp`nao t`, bd ja prafijac tja sarh`o ja jfc gaao w`rnbom `o, ja w`ulc ga lybom> uosp`nao t`, tjara w`ulc jfva gaao tja p`ssbgblbty tjft ja prafijactja trutj. 

Hfttjaw cbco‒t wfot t` lba. Ja turoac tja pfpar `var `ot` f glfon sbca foc l``nac fr`uoc tja r``h t` saa wj` wfs stblltjara. Yarh`os wara jfrc t` i`ha up wbtj d`r tja h`robom fdtar waccboms; tja obmjts gad`ra waras` dull `d tflnbom.

“]jara‒s Mratof0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac jbhsald. Ja jfc gaao l``nbom d`r jbs wbda gad`ra Hrs.W`tjijblc fppafrac. Hfoy wara lafvbom, Hfttjaw sfw. Dfias, gut o` `oa. Hfoy wara suiiassdul wbtjjbmj camraas, gut Mratof wfso‒t tjara. Yja‒c wfot sax wjao tjay m`t j`ha, foc Hfttjaw w`ulcjfva t` pard`rh. Sja tj`umjt j`rrbdbac jbh. S` hfna jar jfppy, t` ilbhfx, ja‒c jfva t` bhfmboa

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p`ro`mrfpjy. Hfttjaw wfvac ft f w`hfo bo tja ir`wc, gut tja strfomar, uolbna Hrs. W`tjijblc,cbco‒t i`ha. 

“Fra y`u rafcy0‘Bt wfs jar v`bia.“B wfs l``nbom d`r y`u,‘ Hfttjaw sfbc.

“B tj`umjt y`u wara tflnbom t` Hrs. W`tjijblc.‘ “Yja wfs tflnbom t` ha.‘“@d i`ursa,‘ Mratof shblac s`dtly, “Ua`pla raflly lbnac j`w y`u jfoclac tja iarah`oy.‘“Sjay flwfys c`,‘ Hfttjaw foswarac. Jbs r`utboa oavar ijfomac. Mratof‒s lusj lbps dlfsjac

fo`tjar suiiulaot shbla foc jar gbm, glfin ayas mlbhharac. Yja wfs wafrbom f tbmjt, glfin crass,parjfps o` grf, foc jar Aur`pafo dfia wfs sp`tlass. Avao wjao Hfttjaw wfso‒t c`bom tja sarvbia,tjay wara bovbtac t` avary waccbom.

“Grusj hy jfbr, w`ulc y`u0‘ sja tahptac. Hfttjaw rfo jbs jfoc c`wo jar l`om, glfin jfbrfoc fl`om tja iurva `d jar gfin. Ja l``nac t` saa wjft oafrgy strfomars wara c`bom; h`st wara `otjabr pj`oas. ‚Lbda! Yax foc hbsary!‒ f Guoyfo-hfchfo succaoly irbac bo Hfttjaw‒s hboc ’  ja wfsstruin gy fo bcaf d`r f sarh`o ’  foc bt wfso‒t `ut `d dafr `d `ddaocbom tjft ja w`ulc radrfbo dr`husbom bt, gut dafr `d plfmbfrbsh ’  dafr `d usbom d`r jbs `wo mfbo wjft wfso‒t jbs. Ja wfs fsjfhac `d

usbom tja bhfmas `d `tjar w`hao t` grbom jbs wbda plafsura, foc plfmbfrbsh w`ulc ga f sbhblfr sbo. Foc tja i`omramftb`o wfso‒t `oa d`r fllusb`os; tjay‒c tjbon jbh dull `d jbhsald.

“R`u rafcy0‘ Mratof fsnac, puttbom jar jfocs `o jbs sj`ulcars. Hfttjaw‒s jfocs wara stbllfr`uoc jar l`war gfin. Ja dalt lbna snbppbom j`ha wbtj jar fs bd ijblcrao, fs tjay jfc t` tjabrj`oayh``o f yafr fm`. Sjay jfc hat oafr Urboiat`o fdtar Hfttjaw s`lc tja dfrh foc h`vac t`Oaw Karsay, bo Yhfll ]`rlc I`ddaa, wjara Hfttjaw lbnac t` rafc. Yja wfs tfnbom f yafr `dd ’  stbll wfs ’  fdtar dbocbom Urboiat`o t` ga f saxbst aovbr`ohaot; tja g`ys wara tfumjt t` flwfys tjbon `dtjahsalvas fs lafrobom wjbla tja w`hao wara hfca t` daal lbna tjay wara abtjar shfrt `r stupbc,parb`c. Mratof dbrst sfw Hfttjaw ft jbs ramulfr sp`t, jbs jafc gurbac bo f g``n, foc tj`umj sjacbco‒t no`w bt, tja ij`bia t` mlfoia ft jbh jfc tja uobotaocac i`osaquaoia `d mattbom jar hfrrbac.Yja sfbc jall` foc caibcac tjft sja lbnac jbh bostfotly; sja d`uoc jbh fo `lc s`ul yat d`ravar y`uom.

Ja dall bo l`va wbtj jar ofha. Mratof‒s h`tjar wfs stbll lbvbom `utsbca `d J`llyw``c, gut o`t jardftjar `r gr`tjar> Hfttjaw, f p``r, bhprfitbifl prafijar, w`ulc jfva oavar w`o jar jfoc bd tjay wara stbll flbva. Y``o fdtar haatbom jar, Hfttjaw l`st jbs vbrmbobty. Gad`ra ja wfs hfrrbac, ja jfcbhfmboac tjft sax wfs wjao ja foc f w`hfo w`ulc ga fgla t` ilbhfx t`matjar. Ja jfc gaao l``nbomd`rwfrc t` tjft ’  ja jftac gabom tja iaotar `d fttaotb`o  ’  foc ja jfc fls` fotbibpftac gabom draa `dsaxufl dfotfsbas; ja jfc tj`umjt `d hfrrbfma fs f dbobsj lboa, dr`h wjbij `oa `oly t``n vbit`ry lfps.Lbna jbs wbda, ja l`vac mbvbom plafsura, gut `oly Mratof m`t wjft sja wfotac. Hfttjaw oavar sfbcfoytjbom gaifusa ja cbco‒t wfot t` grafn jbs wbda‒s jafrt. Ja cbc jbs gast t` stfy fr`usac. Mratoftj`umjt ja wfs fo axiallaot l`var ’  ja oavar dfblac t` ilbhfx ’  foc tja h`ra l`va tjay hfca, tjah`ra l`va sja wfotac t` hfna.

“D`r0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac. Hfttjaw sfw jbs wbda wfs gurstbom `ut `d jar crass. ]jao ja cbco‒t

no`w wjara sja wfs, ja d`uoc jbhsald bhfmbobom jbs wbda jfvbom sax wbtj `tjar hao ’  f tarrbglarahbobsiaot `d jbs p`ro`mrfpjy fccbitb`o. Sja tj`umjt `d jar raiabvbom plafsura wbtj`ut jbsstrummlbom fr`usac jbh, t` Hfttjaw‒s mraft s`rr`w. Boo`iaotly, ja jfc tj`umjt tja bhfmas w`ulc vfobsj wbtj tja fccbitb`o. Ja jfc o`t no`wo tjft wjao ja purijfsac f lfpt`p ja jfc plfotac tjasaacs `d jbs parhfoaot trfosd`rhftb`o dr`h f jatar`saxufl t` f p`ro`saxufl. Sja sbo rapaotac, jbsbcaotbty saahac dbxac. Yax wfs wjao ja dalt jbs hboc foc g`cy wara splbt> avarywjara alsa, ja dalt, ftlafst, h`ra wj`la. 

“]jft c` y`u wfot ha t` sfy0‘ Mratof fsnac wbtj f sly shbla, slbcbom jar jfocs fr`uoc jbs wfbst foc pullbom jbh il`sar. Ja wfs tja iaotar `d jar fttaotb`o> t` avary`oa alsa oafrgy, ja wfs

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o`tjbom. Hfttjaw noaw wjft sja wfotac jbh t` sfy ja wfotac jar t` sfy ’  j`w i`odusbom! ’  gutsfbc bostafc,

“B l`va y`u.‘ “B l`va y`u,‘ Mratof sfbc gfin, suraly struin gy lust. Sjay usac ‚B l`va y`u‒ lbna h`st pa`pla

usac ‚jall`‒, foc tjay usac bt h`st curbom sax, wjao tjay wara trybom t` mat `oa fo`tjar t` l`sa

tjahsalvas bo tja fit. Ft j`ha, Mratof w`ulc uocrass jbh, wjbsparbom ‚B l`va y`u‒, uofwfra tjft ja wfs tjbonbom `d p`ro`mrfpjbi bhfmas. Fll s` tjft ja w`ulc ga fr`usac foc sja plafsac. Ja w`ulc c`bt `ut `d l`va, gut bd sja noaw wjft wfs jfppaobom wjbla tjay jfc sax, sja w`ulc fiiusa jbh `dfcultary, hfyga avao rfpa, foc sja w`ulc ga rbmjt. Bd ja t`lc jar wjft wfs m`bom `o bo jbs hboc, sja w`ulco‒t wfot t` jfva sax ’  dboflly! ’  gut ja w`ulc grafn jar jafrt. Ja wfotac jar t` ga jfppy, gutft tjbs p`bot bo jbs lbda, sax `oly pr`vbcac f hytj tjr`umj wjbij t` uocarstfoc tja w`rlc; tja p`bot`d lbda wfs t` jfva sax, yat hao jfc gaao starblbzac gy p`ro, foc juhfobty wfs grbllbfot ft fttahptbomt` hfna tja w`rlc f gattar plfia tjr`umj hafos `d hbsary. O` `oa i`ulc asifpa, gaifusa t` gas`ha`oa, y`u jfc t` usa tja botaroat. S`obmjt, Mratof w`ulc ravafl avarytjbom t` Hfttjaw, fs sjajfc i`uotlass tbhas gad`ra. Yja w`ulc ga `pao t` jbh, f syhg`l `d s`hatjbom. @d wjft0 @d wjft wfs sax f syhg`l0 Ja w`ulc w`ocar, jbs hboc alsawjara, foc sja w`ulc pull jbh bot` jar,fg`lbsjbom fll cbstfoia, yat grbombom o` oafroass.7



“Fra y`u `nfy0‘ “B‒h dboa,‘ Hfttjaw t`lc Mratof. “]jft c` y`u wfot ha t` c`0‘“Kust naap c`bom wjft y`u‒ra c`bom.‘ “Fra y`u sura y`u‒ra `nfy0‘ “B sfbc B‒h dboa.‘ “@nfy, s`rry> prataoc lbna B cbco‒t sfy foytjbom.‘ Mratof gaifha qubat foc dr`za.

“]jft c` y`u wfot ha t` c`0‘ “]jftavar y`u wfot,‘ Mratof foswarac, jar ayas il`sac. Hboutas pfssac. “J`w fra y`u daalbom0‘ Mratof fsnac. “Mraft.‘“B l`va y`u,‘ sja sfbc. Yja oavar d`riac jbh t` sfy bt gfin. Sjara wfs o` oaac; sja i`ulc

jafr bt bo jbs jafrt.“B l`va y`u.‘ “Fra y`u stbll `nfy0‘ “B‒h mraft.‘ “@w.‘ “Cbc B jurt y`u0‘ 

“B‒h dboa.‘ “Y`rry.‘ “O`, bt‒s `nfy.‘ “C` y`u wfot t` st`p0‘“O`.‘Yja ijfomac jar p`sbtb`o.“Bs tjft gattar0‘ “Fs l`om fs tjft w`rns d`r y`u.‘“]jft fg`ut y`u0 

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“B wfot bt t` w`rn d`r y`u.‘“Bt c`as.‘ “M``c.‘ Hboutas pfssac.“Hfttjaw0‘ 

“Mratof0‘ “]jft‒s wr`om0‘ “O`tjbom.‘ “Fra y`u `nfy0‘ “B‒h dboa.‘ “R`u ifo tall ha.‘ “O`, raflly, B‒h dboa.‘ “Fra y`u0‘ “B‒h kust tbrac.‘ “B‒h s`rry.‘“Bt‒s dboa.‘ “B sj`ulc jfva gaao h`ra tj`umjtdul.‘ 

“R`u fra tj`umjtdul.‘“B p`uoiac `o y`u.‘ “Sjft c`aso‒t hfna y`u tj`umjtlass.‘ “Gut B fh.‘“C`o‒t sfy tjft.‘ “Bt‒s trua.‘ “O` bt‒s o`t.‘ “R`u sj`ulc jfva hfrrbac s`ha`oa alsa.‘ “Mratof!‘ “R`u i`ulc jfva s`ha`oa wj` wfs tj`umjtdul.‘ “C`o‒t avar sfy  tjft fmfbo, avar!‘ 

“Gut bt‒s trua!‘ “Bt‒s o`t!‘ “Bt bs!‘ Bt wfs tjft tbha `d tja h`otj. Sjft tbha wjao Mratof irbac.


‚Fra y`u `nfy0‒ Mratof fsnac. ‚Yax bs cafc‒, Hfttjaw tj`umjt> ja i`ulc sfy bt ft tja pulpbt,no`wbom bt wfs trua, gaifusa sax wfs fll foy`oa tflnac fg`ut. Bd Hfttjaw mfva tjbs sarh`o, bt w`ulcga d`r tja ijblcrao, tja `oas wj` w`ulc gai`ha taaos foc l``n ft p`ro`mrfpjbi, acbtac w`hao bo

fotbibpftb`o `d rafl, uoiut sax, tja `oas wj` w`ulc ga uofgla t` asifpa tja p`ssbgblbty `d l``nbom ftp`ro`mrfpjy, lat fl`oa mrfsp j`w bt w`ulc rawbra tjabr grfbos.“B‒h dboa,‘ Hfttjaw foswarac jbs wbda. ‚Yax bs avarywjara!‒ tja i`omramftb`o w`ulc lfumj bo

rasp`osa, ‚Jfs juhfobty l`st bt0 Cbc wa l`sa bt lbna f ijblc0‒. ‚]a jfva nbllac bt,‒ Hfttjaw w`ulc sfy,foc tjay w`ulc raply, ‚]jft wara wa c`bom wjao wa uoijfboac tja afrtj dr`h bts suo0‒. ‚Hfnbommrfvao bhfmas,‒ Hfttjaw w`ulc raply, ‚tja nobvas tjft hurcar m`cs‒. 

‚]jft c` y`u wfot ha t` c`0‒ Mratof fsnac. Hfttjaw wfs sbttbom ft tja nbtijao tfgla, wjaraja flwfys sft t` wrbta jbs sarh`os. Mratof wfs stfocbom `var tja st`va, prapfrbom jarsald grafndfst.Hfttjaw jftac aftbom wjao ja wr`ta sarh`os; ja tj`umjt fll tja gl``c rfo dr`h jbs jafc t` jbs

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st`hfij, hfnbom jbh uofgla t` tjbon. Avao bd bt wfso‒t trua, gaifusa ja tj`umjt bt wfs trua, bt wfs.Mratof wfs fdrfbc jar prasaoia wfs cbstrfitbom jbh> sja l``nac oarv`us. Hfttjaw wfso‒t bo f m``ch``c; bt wfs dbva bo tja h`robom foc ijurij wfs bo f daw j`urs. Ja wbsjac ja w`ulc jfva w`rnac`o tja sarh`o lfst obmjt, gut lfst obmjt wfs gusy. Foc o`w ja i`ulco‒t st`p aovbsb`obom jbhsaldstfocbom ft tja pulpbt. ‚Sjara bs o` l`omar up `r c`wo; tja mraftoass `d tjbs caac bs t`` mraft d`r us,‒

ja sfw jbhsald tbracly cailfrbom. Ft tjbs p`bot, Hfttjaw w`ulc dfll sblaot foc l``n fmfbo ft jbsi`omramftb`o, foc tjay w`ulc stfra ft jbh bo fst`obsjhaot. Sjao Hfttjaw w`ulc casiaoc dr`h tjapulpbt, sbombom raqubah fatarofh ca` t` jbhsald foc tja cybom.

“Kust naap c`bom wjft y`u‒ra c`bom,‘ Hfttjaw foswarac. Mratof jfc gaao graftjbom jafvblyuocaroaftj jbh wjao Hfttjaw raflbzac ja jfc t` mbva tja sarh`o ja cbco‒t wfot t` mbva. ‚Yax bscafc‒ ’  tjft wfs tja sarh`o (gut bo f c`wo t` afrtj t`oa) ’  bt wfs tja grafc `d lbda tjft tja pa`plaoaacac ’  t` ga fwfnaoac foc sfvac. Ulfmbfrbsh fmfbost Obatzsija wfso‒t s`hatjbom ja sj`ulc dafr;cbc o`t Ijrbst sfy ‚ga o`t fdrfbc‒0 ]`ulc pa`pla ga rafcy d`r tjbs hassfma0 Oavar! Foc tjft wfs tjap`bot; wbtj tja caftj `d sax wfs tja caftj `d tja ifpfibty t` mrfsp tja hfmobtuca `d bts l`ss (jasj`ulc wrbta tjft c`wo). Gut j`w i`ulc ja no`w tjft0 ‚Yax wfs cafc.‒ 

‚Fra y`u sura y`u‒ra `nfy0‒ “B sfbc B‒h dboa.‘ 

Mratof cr`ppac jar ayas foc waot gfin t` dbxbom jarsald s`hatjbom t` aft. ]jft w`ulc sjatjbon0 Ja i`ulco‒t grafn jar jafrt; jbs sarh`o w`ulc jfva t` stfy f tj`umjt axparbhaot, lbna tja w`rn `d f Ubifss` wj` l`vac jbs dfhbly. Bd Hfttjaw t`lc tja i`omramftb`o tja trutj, sja w`ulci`oiluca ja wfs spafnbom dr`h axparbaoia. Ja wfotac t` mbva jar plafsura, o`t pfbo. Foc wjft bd bt wfs bhp`ssbgla t` ijfoma; wjft bd, `oia tja grfbo wfs wbrac gy p`ro`mrfpjy, bt i`ulco‒t ga uowbrac0 ]jft m``c tjao w`ulc i`ha dr`h jbs sarh`o0 Foc tjao wjft m``c w`ulc i`ha dr`h tallbom tjap`ro-fccbitac-nbcs l``nbom d`rwfrc t` sax tjft p`ro`mrfpjy wfs fs m``c fs bt m`t0 Fdtar caoybomtjabr saxufl casbras uotbl hfrrbfma (wbtj p`ro), fdtar dbmjtbom fmfbost tjabr saxufl wfots, fdtar suddarbom ’  d`r o`tjbom0 Foc jbs sarh`o w`ulc ga ‚Qo-Ijrbstbfo‒; bt w`ulc ga i`osbcarac vulmfr focbofppr`prbfta> sax wfso‒t s`hatjbom t` ga prafijac fg`ut. Ja dalt lbna fo frtbst wj` wfs f Ijrbstbfo(foc lfgalac f ‚Ijrbstbfo Frtbst‒) cagftbom wjatjar t` boiluca f sax siaoa bo jbs st`ry, foc Hfttjaw

 w`rrbac tjft jbs i`otaot w`ulc upsat hfoy `d jbs d`ll`wars. Gut hfyga Hfttjaw wfs kust trybom t`rftb`oflbza jbhsald `ut `d mbvbom tja sarh`o ja noaw ja oaacac t` mbva0 Hfttjaw l``nac ft jbs wbda,i`odusac.

“]jft c` y`u wfot ha t` c`0‘ ja fsnac. Hfttjaw w`ocarac t` wjft camraa p`ro`mrfpjy, bo wbrbom tja grfbo, jfc rairaftac tja vary

saldj``c `d juhfobty ’  tja saxufl sald ’  ‚tja am`tbi‒. Yaxuflbty, wjft Hfttjaw d`uoc suij f jfrcsjbp,jfc gai`ha bcaotbty> f ijfrfitarbstbi, f ijfrfitar. Ua`pla o`w cadboac tjahsalvas gy wjft turoactjah `o> saxuflbty jfc gai`ha f hytj, f st`ry bo wjbij pa`pla uocarst``c tjahsalvas foc tjabr w`rlcs. Sja hfo turoac `o gy hao wfs j`h`saxufl, gut wfs tja hfo turoac `o gy Fdrbifo- Fharbifos oamr`saxufl0 Sja hfo turoac `o gy tj`sa wj` rasbstac sax, tja c`hbsaxufl0 Lbna tjahfk`rbty, Hfttjaw wfs f p`ro`saxufl; ja wfs turoac `o gy bhfmas. Foc fs f mfy hfo i`ulc ilbhfx

 wbtj f w`hfo bd ja il`sac jbs ayas foc bhfmboac jbhsald wbtj f hfo, Hfttjaw i`ulc grbom jbs wbdak`y bd ja bhfmboac pj`t`mrfpjs. Bt wfs fll d`r Mratof‒s sfna, foc, Hfttjaw rafs`oac, y`u ifoo`ti`hhbt fcultary wbtj w`hao wj` c`o‒t axbst. Ytbll, gaifusa ja l`vac jar, ja usuflly dfotfsbzac fg`utf pj`t`sj`ppac-Mratof foc tjarad`ra rafs`oac ja wfso‒t uodfbtjdul t` Mratof wjao jfvbom sax wbtj tja Mratof bo jbs jafc. Fdtarwfrcs, jfvbom ilbhfxac, Hfttjaw gaifha h`ra i`odbcaot bo jbsi`ovbitb`o tjft sax wfso‒t fg`ut plafsura, gut fg`ut `vari`hbom tja oaac d`r plafsura. Sjr`umjrapatbtb`o foc g`rac`h. Foc wbtj tja oaac d`r sax waot tja oaac d`r cadbobtb`o.

“]jftavar y`u wfot,‘ Mratof foswarac. Bd sja wfotac jbh t` jalp dbx jar grafndfst (avaotj`umj ja kust m`t bo tja wfy, `r s` ja parjfps rftb`oflbzac), sja w`ulco‒t fsn. J`w w`ulc sja traft

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jbh, `oia sja galbavac tjft ja tj`umjt tjft sax jfc l`st bts ijfrh0 @oa ja st``c ft tja pulpbt focilfbhac ‚fll `d us fra tja hurcarars `d sax‒ foc sja galbavac tjabr l`va lbda jfc aocac0 @oia sjagamfo t` w`rry tjft sja jfc uoijfboac jbs casbra dr`h jbs g`cy  ’  tjft sja wfs wjy ja sfbc ‚sax bscafc‒ (tj`umj bt wfs tja iultura, `gsassac wbtj bcaotbty, tjft jfc lurac i`osib`us bot` f Ybsypjus- w`rlc `d plafsura-lass hfsturgftb`o wbtj`ut aoc) (ja sj`ulc wrbta tjft c`wo t``)0 Gut bt wfso‒t lbna

jbs hassfma w`ulc avao ga lbstaoac t`. Lfinbom f siraao. Lbna f g``n fg`ut M`c.‚J`w fra y`u daalbom0‒ Mratof fsnac. Hfttjaw shblac. ]jft wftar i`ulc juhfos usa t`ilafo btsald `d sax‒s gl``c0 ]jft p`sbtb`os, wjft mfhas foc i`stuhas, w`ulc i`uplas jfva t` ras`rtt`0 I`ulc `oly sluts fppafr saxufl0 F m``c frtbst sj`ws rftjar tjfo talls, gut j`w i`ulc ja sj`w jbs wbda wjft ja wfs tjbonbom wjbla tjay wara jfvbom sax (lat fl`oa jbs i`omramftb`o)0 Sja st`ry ifhadr`h tja tallbom> ‚sj`w, c`o‒t tall‒ wfs f rula d`r tj`sa wj` jfc o`tjbom t` sfy. @r d`r f iultura tjft ’  d`r fll bts tfln fg`ut o`t wfotbom pa`pla t` ga racuiac t` h`utjpbaias ’  kust cbco‒t wfot foy`oa t`no`w wjft wfs m`bom `o. Bosbca. ]jara tjara wfs p`ro. Ja i`ulc sj`w jar f shbla. Gut ja i`ulco`t sj`w jar j`w ja trbac t` shbla ’  j`w ja w`rnac gay`oc tja daalbom tjft bt wfs fll dutbla ’  tjara wfs o` wfy d`r jar t` uocarstfoc wjft ja wfs sj`wbom jar bd ja cbco‒t tall jar wjft ja wfstjbonbom. Foc ralftb`osjbps wara fll fg`ut i`hhuobiftb`o; wjft l`va i`ulc d`rhulfta bo f w`rlc tjftsj`wac gut oavar sp`na0 Gut parjfps tjft wfs tja p`bot.

 Sja w`rlc cbco‒t wfot l`va.‚Yax wfs cafc.‒ “Mraft,‘ Hfttjaw foswarac. “Fra y`u lbstaobom t` ha0‘Hfttjaw l``nac up,“R`u fsnac ha j`w B wfs daalbom.‘ “Il`sa, gut o`,‘ Mratof dr`woac. Yja t``n jar grafndfst t` tja `tjar r``h foc fta fl`oa.

Hfttjaw sft tjara, tja tbp `d tja pao `o jbs pfpar. Ja pradarrac wrbtbom t` typbom; paos cbco‒t jfva ]b-Db. Ja t``n f caap graftj foc waot gfin t` w`rn. Foc ja tj`umjt fg`ut jar sbttbom fl`oa,aftbom, sfybom o`tjbom. Hfttjaw‒s gbmmast cbsfpp`bothaot wfs wjao ja d`uoc `ut tjft w`hao cbco‒traiabva plafsura bo sax tja sfha wfy fs cbc hao, caspbta wjft fll tja (saxbst) h`vbas foc bhfmas

summastac. Fs f i`llama stucaot, ja jfc saao capbitb`os `d w`hao wj` cbco‒t wfot t` jfva sax wbtjtjabr jusgfocs foc jfc w`ocarac wjy w`hao w`ulc fit s` saldbsjly> ja tj`umjt tjao tjft, sboia w`hao aok`yac sax tja sfha wfy fs cbc hao, tja `oly rafs`o w`hao w`ulc caoy sax wfs `ut `d fcasbra t` axaribsa p`war `var hao, t` sj`w tjah wj`‒s g`ss. Lass iyobiflly, ja tj`umjt bt wfsgaifusa bt t``n w`hao f wjbla t` ‚wfrh up‒ wjbla hao taocac t` m` strfbmjt bo. ]jao ja tj`umjttjft, Hfttjaw tj`umjt fg`ut j`w saldbsj hao i`ulc ga foc caibcac ja w`ulc ga ‚sl`war‒ foc h`rai`osbcarfta. S` jbs calbmjt, `o jbs j`oayh``o, ja d`uoc tjft Mratof l`vac sax. Foc tjao ja d`uoc`ut tja rafl rafs`o wjy w`hao `dtao rasbstac sax; w`hao rfraly ilbhfxac bo paoatrftb`o. Sjadahfla plafsura iaotar wfs l`iftac kust f daw boijas fg`va wjara tja hfbo avaot `iiurrac. Il`sa,gut o`. Ja cbc s`ha rasafrij foc d`uoc tja h`st i`hh`o s`lutb`o wfs hfsturgftb`o, wjbij`iiurrac curbom p`ro`mrfpjy. Sja j`rr`r. Gut o` `oa noaw tjbs gaifusa bt wfs oavar spallac `ut,

flwfys bofppr`prbfta foc uolbtarfry.Hfttjaw dalt lbna ja jfc gaao trbinac; ja jfc wfbtac uotbl hfrrbfma t` jfva sax, foc bt wfso‒tuotbl hfrrbfma tjft ja cbsi`varac ja foc jbs wbda cbco‒t axparbaoia hutufl, ilbhftbi plafsura. Ja jfct` raiabva, foc ja jftac gabom tja iaotar `d fttaotb`o. Jar plafsura i`ulc i`ha gad`ra `r fdtar; t`axparbaoia bt t`matjar t``n bhp`ssbgla i``rcboftb`o. Bd bt wfso‒t jbs purp`sa bo lbda, ja‒c sbt bo tjai`omramftb`o foc lbstao t` s`ha`oa alsa prafij (gut bt wfs gaifusa ja dalt tjft wfy, no`wbom tjft ja wfs juhgla, tjft Hfttjaw noaw ja wfs supp`sac t` prafij). Hfttjaw jfc j`pac sax wfs wjara jai`ulc axparbaoia tja plafsura `d saldlassoass. Bostafc, ja dalt saldbsj, foc w`rsa stbll ja d`uoc jbhsaldjfvbom t` bhfmboa p`ro`mrfpjy; tja w`rlc jfc arfsac tja sp`t tjft sax usac t` fiiass ’  tjft sp`t

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 wjara tja hboc, g`cy, foc spbrbt gaifha `oa. Caspbta fll tja swaft foc t`bl, ja i`ulc `oly fppr`fijbt. Il`sa, gut o`. Gad`ra, curbom, foc fdtar sax, tjara wfs drfmhaotftb`o. Gut bd Hfttjaw wfs ft lafstmbvbom Mratof plafsura, ja i`ulc jfva afsbly w`rnac tjr`umj fll tjft, gut t` cafl wbtj tja haotflcbsplfiahaot foc splbttbom `d jbhsald foc yat sax ga fll fg`ut jbh ’  wall ’  bt kust cbco‒t hfna saosa. Foc wjft fls` cbco‒t hfna saosa wfs tjft caspbta fll tja tfln foc ‚acuiftb`o‒ fg`ut sax, bt wfs oavar

tfumjt tjft w`hao rfraly ilbhfxac curbom sax, fs bd avary`oa sairatly fmraac o`t t` haotb`o bt (avaotja w`hao). Fll t` naap tja hytj flbva. Sja hytj tjr`umj wjbij juhfos uocarst``c lbda. Sja hytjbo wjbij fll tjboms wara hfca bot` syhg`ls. Yyhg`ls `d wjft0 Sja hytj. ]jft wfs tja hytj0 Sjftfll tjboms wara syhg`ls. @d sax. Sjft avarytjbom bo tja w`rlc wfs fg`ut sax (axpait sax, wjbijsyhg`lbzac o`tjbom).9 Cbc pfraots no`w gattar0 Cbc pfraots no`w tjft ‚sax wfs cafc‒0 @d i`ursatjay cbc; tjay cbco‒t tfln t` tjabr ijblcrao fg`ut sax gaifusa tjay cbco‒t wfot t` sjfttar tja st`ry. Sja hytj. Sja gbrcs foc tja gaas. J`w i`ulc tjabr ijblcrao lbva wbtj`ut f st`ry bo wjbij t` gaijfrfitars0 Yfirbdbibflly, tja pfraots napt tja trutj t` tjahsalvas, galbavbom ‚sj`w, c`o‒t tall‒  ’  lat tjaijblcrao sj`w tja trutj t` tjahsalvas ’  lat tjah lbva l`omar. Foc tallbom tjah tja trutj w`ulc `olyhfna tja ijblcrao jfstao tja cfy wjao tjay lafroac tja trutj d`r tjahsalvas; tja crfw `d ‚tjad`rgbccao drubt‒ w`ulc straomtjao. Foc s` pfraots sfbc o`tjbom foc Hfttjaw dalt trbinac, tj`umjHfttjaw uocarst``c. ]jao Obatzsija‒s ‚hfchfo‒ rfo t` tja hfrnatplfia foc irbac boiassfotly,

tj`sa wj` wara oafr lfumjac gaifusa ja wfs fitbom lbna ja jfc axparbaoiac f mraft ravalftb`o> bodfit, tja hfo prafijac wjft avary`oa flrafcy noaw (bd foytjbom hfca jbh ‚hfc‒, bt wfs tjbs). ]btj`ut w`rcs foc `rmfobiflly, fs bd i``rcboftac gy f cbrait`r, tja ir`wc h`inac tja hfo, no`wbomtjft, tj`umj tjay hfy uobotaotb`oflly pr`v`na tja hfo t` sj`w jbhsald h`ra `d tja trutj, bt wfsgast t` try t` cbsjafrtao jbh dr`h tja quast foc calfy jbs pluhhat bot` bosfobty `r o`rhfliy. ]jaotja hfo ‚kuhpac bot` tjabr hbcst foc pbariac tjah wbtj jbs ayas‒ foc mfva jbs spaaij, tja ir`wcscbc o`t spafn> wjao ja dbobsjac, tjay wara sblaot, fst`obsjac gy j`w d``lbsjly tja hfo galbavac ja wfs f gafrar `d ravalftb`o. ]jao tja hfo tjraw c`wo jbs lfotaro foc ladt, tja ir`wc graftjac f sbmj`d ralbad, tj`umj tjay wara sfc tjft tja hfo wfs `dd t` sj`w jbhsald wjft avary`oa jfc flrafcysaao. Sja hfo‒s frr`mfoia w`ulc jfva `ddaocac tjah bd tjay cbco‒t rahahgar tjft tjay wara `oialbna jbh, galbavbom tjay noaw wjft `tjars cbco‒t foc tjft `tjars jfc c`oa tja nbllbom d`r wjbij tjay

 wara aquflly lbfgla. Sja pa`pla jafrc tja hfo sbombom lftar tjft cfy> tjay `oly lbstaoac. Sja hfo jfclafroac fg`ut tja hytj bo wjbij juhfobty lbvac, gut ja jfc o`t yat lafroac tjft tja hytj jfc t` m``o. Sja hfo wfs yat t` try t` raplfia bt wbtj s`ha (Dauargfijbfo ) ‚suparhfo‒, d`r tja s`-ifllac‚hfchfo‒ wfs yat t` ga truly hfc. Sja hfo jfc `oly lafroac tja trutj> ja jfco‒t trbac yat t` arfsa bt.Ja t`lc `tjars t` arfsa bt, gut ja jbhsald wfs yat t` gambo tja add`rt. Ja wfs stbll bo tja bcaf-pjfsa,gut `oa cfy ja w`ulc l`sa jbs hboc> tjao, ja w`ulc jfva sax.

 Sjara wfs o` rafs`o t` prafij ‚sax bs cafc‒ ’  Hfttjaw caibcac ’  tja i`omramftb`o flrafcynoaw.

Jbs sarh`o w`ulc `oly flbaofta jbs wbda.


Mratof wfs wfbtbom d`r Hfttjaw oafr tja ifr wjara ja nbssac jar. Sjay m`t bo foc, jafcbomt` ijurij, Hfttjaw turoac `o tja rfcb` foc d`uoc f s`om Mratof lbnac. Mratof w`u lco‒t wfot t`tfln `var bt. Foc succaoly fo bhfma jbt Hfttjaw `d f C`hboftrbx. G`cy gaftao. Bo sughbssb`o. Sjapfssb`o. Yuddarbom l`va. ‚Cfccy, c`o‒t jurt ha!‒. Tbit`ry bo cadaft. G`cy. Aftao. Ja wfs sbin! Sjasuccao bhfma rahbocac Hfttjaw `d tja crafh ja jfc bo wjbij ja slapt wbtj f cafc g`cy> bo tjftcrafh, ja d`uoc jbhsald saabom bt jfppao wbtj`ut wbllbom t` saa bt, lbna f hfo wj`‒s ayas wara d`riac`pao, strfppac t` f ijfbr, wftijbom jall. Jall; tja fppafrbom `d bhfmas y`u c`o‒t wbll. Wfoc`hly. ]btj`ut wfrobom. Hfttjaw‒s puobsjhaot. ]fs ja f c`hbsaxufl0 Hfttjaw i`ulc oavar ga f m``c

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dftjar, gabom f sbin h`ostar (`r s` parjfps ja rftb`oflbzac t` fv`bc tja rasp`osbgblbty `d ijblcrao).Ja i`ulco‒t bhfmboa jbhsald survbvbom tja aoclass foxbaty. @d jfvbom prfitbifl cfumjtars wj`tj`umjt tjay jfc t` mbva g`ys tjabr g`cbas `r tja g`ys w`ulc l``n ft p`ro foc dfll vbitbh t` d`riastjft rubo hfrbtfl botbhfiy.3 (Foc bt o`t w`rnbom.) @d jfvbom s`os wj` tj`umjt tjay jfc t` mbva tjabrg`cbas t` mbrls `r tja mbrls w`ulc daal rakaitac. (Foc bt o`t w`rnbom. Sja grfbos flrafcy gabom wbrac.

D`r bhfmas. D`r o`o-raflbtbas.) @d jfvbom ijblcrao wj` i`ulc jfva sax wbtj foy`oa; hfla `r dahfla.@d jfvbom ijblcrao wj` i`ulco‒t asifpa; wj` i`ulco‒t ‚mrfg f gbta t` aft‒ wbtj drbaocs uofwfra `dtja p`ssbgblbty `d saxufl bov`lvahaot ’   wj` i`ulco‒t wftij f gafutbdul foc boo`iaot dblh fg`ut tw`,dahfla drbaocs wbtj`ut tjbonbom tjft tja ijfrfitars hbmjt ga slaapbom t`matjar. O`w tjft sax wfsuog`uoc. O`w tjft tjara wfs uo-lbhbtac draac`h. Avary`oa wfs gbsaxufl. Bd Hfttjaw jfc f s`o, jai`ulco‒t lat jbh jfom `ut wbtj tja d``tgfll tafh wbtj`ut w`ocarbom bd ’  (Ifptura tja tj`umjt!) ’  Bdja jfc f cfumjtar, ja i`ulco‒t lat jar jfva f slaap`var wbtj jar dall`w ijaarlafcars wbtj`ut w`ocarbom bd tjay w`ulc ’  (Jfc ja o` sald-i`otr`l0) ’  Sjara wfs flwfys tja p`taotbfl d`r saxgatwaao fll pa`pla `d fll maocars foc typas, gut o`w, tjfons t` taijo`l`my, vfrbac foc wbca saxuflbty wfs f pravflaot, fiiaptfgla bcaf. Foc bt w`ulco‒t ga jfrc d`r f jatar`saxufl g`y t` bhfmboa fijaarlafcar wjbla plfybom fr`uoc wbtj tja qufrtar ’  (Yt`p, plafsa. Gut bd ja cbc, o`t tafijbom jbhsaldt` dfia tja j`rr`rs s` tjft ja i`ulc prafij fg`ut tjah, tjr`umj Hfttjaw, tjabr raflbty w`ulc o`t

strbna pa`pla jfrc ao`umj (foc tja iaos`rsjbp w`ulc pr`vbca f ‚glfon spfia‒ tjr`umj wjbijbhfmboftb`os i`ulc lura foc rubo). Gut bd ja cbco‒t iaos`r jbhsald, tjr`umj Hfttjaw, tja j`rr`rshbmjt strbna `tjars tja wr`om wfy. @ddaocbom tjah. Yifocflbzbom tjah. Frhbom tjah wbtjs`hatjbom t` jfta jbh `var.) ’  Yfybom ‚B wfs g`ro tjbs wfy‒. ]jft f h`ostar! Hfttjaw wfs fh`ostar. Sja caftj `d sax ’  wjbij, rafijac tjr`umj Av`lutb`o, aotfblac tja sfirbdbia `d ijblcrao t`lbhbtlass draac`h foc tja sfirbdbia `d hfrrbfma t` ‚trfcbtb`ofl hfrrbfma‒ (hfrrbfma lbna tjft `dY`l`h`o, wj` jfc i`uotlass sax pfrtoars, foc Fgrfjfh, wj` slapt wbtj Jfmfr)  ’  wfs tja gbrtj `dtja iyg`rm-lbna p`ro`saxufl (`r ‚taijo`saxufl‒). Bt dalt s` w`ocardul t` no`w ja wfs hfrrbac t`Mratof, gut ja jfc t` no`w bt pfssac fll tja bhfmas foc strfomaoass `d jbs hboc. Bd Mratof noaw wjft ja wfs tjbonbom sja w`ulc oavar wfot t` jfva sax wbtj jbh fmfbo. Uarjfps ja sj`ulc tall jar0Ga j`oast. Hfttjaw cbco‒t wfot t` lba. Gut parjfps sja w`ulc mat turoac `o gy c`bom wjft sja

rasbstac. F c`hbsaxufl. Ijrbst ’  ja wfs sbin. ]fs sja m`bom t` d`ria jbh t` jfva sax wjao tjay m`tj`ha0 Bt wfs tja hbccla `d tja cfy, wjao pa`pla wara lafst lbnaly t` c` bt. ]fs sja f C`hboftrbx0Yja l`vac hfnbom jbh daal m``c. ]`hao galbavac tjft hao ‚`oly wfotac t` jfva sax‒, s` bdHfttjaw, ofnac, wfso‒t fr`usac, Mratof w`ulc tjbon sja wfs c`bom s`hatjbom wr`om `r tjft sja wfso‒t fttrfitbva. Ja cbco‒t wfot jar t` daal tjft wfy, s`, `ut `d l`va, ja flwfys bhfmboac wjft jajfc t` bhfmboa (foc jftac jbhsald d`r bt). Lbna f hfo wj` t``n `ut l`fos up`o l`fos t` guyjfppboass, fll wjbla vbvbcly bhfmbobom jbhsald pfybom tjah fll gfin foc pr`kaitbom `ot` jbs flwfys-s``o-t`-ga-jbs j`usa tja hfnboms `d jfppy hah`rbas. Yax wfs jfrc> p`ro`mrfpjy, afsy.Hfsturgftbom foc l``nbom ft bhfmas, Hfttjaw jfc h`ra i`otr`l foc cbco‒t jfv a t` w`rry fg`ut wjft s`ha`oa alsa wfs tjbonbom; p`ro`mrfpjy jfc mbvao jbh foc tja w`rlc f dflsa saosa `d afsa. Foc bo rafl sax, wjara tjara wfs lass i`otr`l foc o` aojfoiac raflbty foc ilbhfx h`ra cbddbiult,

pa`pla tj`umjt s`hatjbom wfs wr`om> foc sboia pa`pla vfluac tjahsalvas gy tjabr saxuflpard`rhfoia, tjay jftac tjahsalvas. Hfttjaw trbac t` i`ovboia jbhsald tjft sax wfs f lafrobompr`iass ’  y`u ifo‒t ga ‚rbmjt `r wr`om‒ wjao y`u‒ra stbll lafrobom ’  gut ja strummlac t` galbava bt.Avarywjara ja l``nac, sax wfs capbitac fs s`hatjbom y`u kust ‚no`w j`w t` c`‒, wjao rafllypa`pla jfc o` bcaf. Bt wfs iluhsy, i`odusbom, foc fwnwfrc. Gut o`t bo p`ro`mrfpjy; p`ro`mrfpjy wfs dlfwlass. Afsy. Lbna ‚M`c fg`va m`c‒, p`ro`mrfpjy wfs ‚Yax fg`va sax‒.1 Bhfmas wara lbda, foct` saa wfs t` gafr; tja bhfmas `d w`hao ja sfw wara gy wjbij ja catarhboac j`w t` traft tjah‚lfcy -lbna‒> bhfmas `d w`rn trfoslftac bot` j`w ja tj`umjt `oa wfs t` fit ft w`rn> bhfmas `d i`llamaaquflac tja i`llama lbda. Avary`oa fobhftac bhfmas> bhfmas wara p`wardul. Foc wjao ja l``nac ft

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jar, lbna fo bhfma trfosp`sbom fo`tjar, ja sfw f p`ro h`cal `var Mratof. Foc tjft h`cal wfs fMratof wj` cbco‒t axbst. Uj`t`sj`ppac. D`riac. Ufbotac `var. Sja aojfoiac Mratof (ijfomac avarys` sugtly ’  f slbmjt rfbsa `d tja ayagr`ws jara, f slbmjt grbmjtaobom `d tja ijaans tjara)  wfs oaiassfryd`r Hfttjaw t` hfna Mratof jfppy (`r s` parjfps ja rftb`oflbzac). Lbna s`ha`oa wj` wfs ‚turoac`o‒ gy saxufl fgusa (wj` s`haj`w hfofmac t` fv`bc gabom ‚turoac `dd‒ gy jbs `wo h`ostr`sbty foc

f mbrl‒s j`rr`r), foc wj` tj`umjt `d rfpa fs f 

sarvbia. Fs hfnbom f mbrl daal casbrac. Foc wj`tj`umjt mbrls sfbc ‚plafsa, c`o‒t‒ gaifusa tjay wara gabom p`lbta. ]j` lbac t` jbhsald gaifusa lybom wfs tja gast wfy t` fttrfit foc t` ga fttrfitac. Wacuibom pa`pla t` tjboms. Ubitura(s) (pa`pla) ’  tjft‒s wjft pa`pla wara ’  dlft ijfrfitars. ]jao pa`pla cbac, `oly bhfmas (bo tja bhfmboftb`o) rahfboac.(Ca)i`hp`sbtb`o(s). @oia cafc, tja pbitura(s) (pa`pla) wara acbtac, s`ha calatac, s`ha cbssaitac,fll rat`uijac ’  d`rhulftbom hah`rbas (hfoy wjbij cbco‒t axbst). Y` tjft pa`pla cbco‒t d`rmat wj`tjay wara. Y` tjft tjay jfc bhfmas t` pr`kait dr`h tjabr hbocs tjr`umj tjabr ayas `ot` wflls/pa`pla.  Hfnbom pa`pla kust lbna tja h`vbas. S` tja ofnac aya. Fs Mratof lbac bo gac, lbna s`ha`oa plfybomcafc. ]jft wfs tja cbddaraoia gatwaao oair`pjblbf, hfsturgftb`o, foc slaapbom wbtj f w`hfo wj`cbco‒t axbst0 Lbna f cafc g`cy up`o wjbij tja fr`usac i`ulc pr`kait tjabr dfotfsbas uobojbgbtac, s`tja p`ro`saxufl pr`kaitac dfotfsbas up`o tja lbvbom. Qp`o fll tja lbvbom foc tja cafc. U`ro iraftacoair`pjblbfis. Sjbs wfs tja trutj, tja trutj wjbij Hfttjaw jfc draaly ij`sao t` pursua foc

cbsi`var. @acbpus, tja rbccla-s`lvbom maobus ‚wj` noaw‒ (jbs h`tjar), cbco‒t saa wjft tja glbocpr`pjat sfw, foc, wjao tja maobus lafroac tja trutj, ja stfggac `ut jbs ayas (t` bhpr`va jbs vbsb`o). F gaoadbt `d gabom glboc w`ulc ga tjft Hfttjaw i`ulco‒t saa p`ro`mrfpjy, gut ja cbco‒t wfot t`plfmbfrbza Y`pj`ilas. Ja wfotac t` ga jbhsald. Jbs rafl sald. Gut j`w i`ulc ja ga jbs rafl sald bd jai`ulco‒t avao ga rafl wbtj jbs wbda0 @oa dlasj. Cbvbcac gy bhfmas.   Foc tja fttahpt `d tja hboc t`stucy btsald wfs puobsjfgla gy oair`pjblbf. Foc bt wfs fll fo bllusb`o. F ST raflbty. F hytj. S` lbvagy. Hfttjaw tbmjtaoac jbs jfocs fr`uoc tja staarbom wjaal. Lbna ja wfs gabom wjbppac. Ja wfotacraflbty. F h`haot `d pfssb`o. D`r rafl. F h`haot tjft bhfmas i`ulco‒t ga hfca `d. Gut ja jfcaxparbaoiac p`ro`mrfpjy, foc bo rubobom tja hystary, ja jfc ruboac tja pfssb`o. Sja suddarbom. Yax wfs t` ga no`wo gy ‚tja maobus ^…X bo ^tjaX dbomartbps‒ tjft ‚no`ws o`t wjft bt c`as‒; tja taijobqua wfs t` aharma dr`h tja axparbaoia, gut tjft i`ulc `oly `iiur bd tjara wfs o` prb`r no`wlacma ’  bd

o` h`vbas, pbituras, `r bhfmas jfc gaao saao gad`rajfoc.4

 Bd tja dbomartbps oavar ‚ilbinac‒ f lbon foc`oly ifrassac tja snbo. Yax wfs t` ga no`wo fs tja Mrfoc Ifoy`o wfs no`wo gy bocbvbcufls wj`aharmac `ut `d f d`rast foc d`uoc tjahsalvas gaj`lcbom bt d`r tja dbrst tbha, jfvbom oavar jafrc `dbt gad`ra, jfvbom oavar saao pbituras `d bt, jfvbom o` w`rcs d`r bt (f pars`o wj`sa axbstaoia gaifhabhp`ssbgla fs tja botaroat gaifha pr`dusa).= Lbna f pars`o jfvbom o` bcaf wjft lfy bosbca f prasaottjft tja pars`o cbco‒t no`w ja `r sja wfs t` succaoly raiabva.  ]btj tja l`ss `d hystary waot tjal`ss `d tja ifpfibty d`r rafl axparbaoia. Hfttjaw wfotac raflbty, gut wjao ja wfs y`uom focbmo`rfot, ja castr`yac jbs fgblbty t` axparbaoia bt. Lbna f g`y wj` sj`t jbhsald gad`ra ja noaw wjftf muo wfs. Hfttjaw jfc l``nac ft p`ro`mrfpjy, foc o`w ja wfs c``hac. I`ulc s`ha`oa sfvajbh0 Hfttjaw lfumjac; t` wfot f jar` wfs t` wfot f w`rlc wjara jar`as wara oaacac. FocHfttjaw sfw f o`o-pj`t`sj`ppac-Mratof tall jbh tjft bt wfs ‚o` gbm cafl‒ bd ja wfs dfotfsbzbom  fs

l`om fs bt hfca jbh jfppy. Foc succaoly ja bhfmac jafrbom f l`uc v`bia lbna f truhpat, foc ja sfwgad`ra jbh f w`rlc wjara f ijblc wfs wflnbom wbtj jbs h`h tjr`umj f hfll foc iftijbom  f mlbhpsa`d f i`hhaotft`r `o tja oaws tflnbom fg`ut saxufl bcaotbty. Foc succaoly f dbragfll sj`t dr`h tjaUr`hatjafo ST foc lfocac bo tja g`y‒s jfocs, foc tj`umj tja g`y i`ulc usa tja dbra d`r m``c, ja wfs t`` y`uom t` raspait tja dbra, foc, hbsjfoclbom bt d`r `oly fo bostfoia ’  fs fll ijblcrao wbll c` bogabom ijblcrao ’  tja g`y ifumjt dbra. Foc jbs h`tjar sirafhac foc tjraw wftar `o tja g`y, gut tjadbra cbc o`t m` `ut. Foc Hfttjaw succaoly sfw i`uotlass ijblcrao ’  dlbppbom tjr`umj pfmas `o tjabotaroat foc ST stftb`os, mlfoibom ft hfmfzboa i`vars, `varjafrbom i`ovarsftb`os ’  foc i`uotlassdbragflls sj``tbom `ut dr`h tjasa saahbomly  rfoc`h s`urias foc lfocbom bo tja jfocs `d tja

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ijblcrao. H`st `d tja ijblcrao ifumjt dbra h`haots fdtar tja dbra frrbvac, gut s`ha hfofmac t` ifrrybt bo tjabr jfocs d`r f daw j`urs, cfys, avao yafrs, foc s`ha usac tja dbra t` dbx tjahsalvas haflsfoc t` stfy wfrh bo tja wbotar. Gut avaotuflly tjay hfca f hbstfna ’  stuhglac `var f st`oa,soaazac, tflnac t` tja wr`om pars`o ’  foc tja dbra sprafc. Gurobom tjah flbva. Foc tjao Hfttjawsfw f l`oa dbmura stfocbom `o f straat bo Oaw R`rn Ibty. Sja dbmura wfs wafrbom f ifpa. Bt wfs obmjt,

dbragflls wara sj``tbom dr`h uopracbitfgla s`urias fll fr`uoc, foc ijblcrao wara iftijbom dbra. Sjaifpa-wafrbom dbmura wfs f hfo. F Yuparhfo. Ja wfs fs dfst fs f spaacbom gullat; ja ifumjt f mlbhpsa`d f dbragfll jafcbom t`wfrc f ijblc foc zbppac `var, si``pbom tja ijblc bot` jbs frhs. Gut tja dbra wfs flrafcy bo tja g`y‒s jfocs foc tja Yuparhfo stfrtlac tja ijblc, foc i`osaquaotly tja dbra ifumjt`ot` tja g`y‒s il`tjbom. Sja ijblc sirafhac foc tja Yuparhfo st`ppac foc glaw jbs hbmjtyjurrbifoa-lbna graftj up`o tja ijblc, gut tja dbra cbc o`t m` `ut foc tja ijblc wfs gl`wo fwfy. Focsuccaoly tjara wfs fo`tjar ijblc foc fo`tjar dbragfll foc tja Yuparhfo dlaw `var foc gl`inac tjadbragfll dr`h jbttbom tja ijblc, gut tjao fo`tjar dbragfll jafcac t`wfrc tja ijblc wjbla tja Yuparhfo wfs gl`inbom tja dbrst. Foc tja ijblc ifumjt dbra foc tja Yuparhfo sfw oafrgy f ijblc wj` ja jfcsfvac yafrs fm`. Yja wfs f y`uom w`hfo, foc succaoly sja ifumjt dbra. Dbragflls wara avarywjara. Sja Yuparhfo i`ulco‒t st`p tjah. F y`uom hfo sirafhac fs tja dbra i`osuhac jbh, gut bt cbc o`tnbll jbh. Gurobom jbh d`ravar. Foc tja Yuparhfo dlaw up `var tja ibty foc jbmj `var tja w`rlc, foc

 wbtj jbs supar vbsb`o, ja sfw tjft dbragflls wara i`osuhbom pa`pla fll fir`ss tja ml`ga. Foc ja sfwtjft o`t avao tja fcults wara bhhuoa foc tjft h`st `d tjah wara flrafcy `o dbra, bmobtac curbomijblcj``c. Y`ha fcults jalc tja dbra bo tjabr jfocs foc usac bt t` grbom wfrhtj t` tja draazbom, gut wjao tja draazbom t`uijac tja dbra, rftjar `o purp`sa `r `o fiibcaot, bt sprafc bot` tjabr jfocs, foctjao tjay wara ft rbsn `d gabom i`osuhac. Foc tja fcults wj` wara o`t `o dbra wara cybom `d `lcfma foc rfoc`h jfppaoboms, foc tj`sa gurobom d`ravar gaifha fll wj` lbvac. Foc tja Yuparhfoi`ulco‒t put tja dbras `ut. O`t wbtj jbs jaft vbsb`o . O`t wbtj jbs straomtj. O`t wbtj f mlfss `d wftar.Yuccaoly f dbragfll sj`t up t`wfrc tja Yuparhfo gut ja wfs fgla t` put jbs jfocs `var jbs ayas foctja dbragfll wfs cbddusac; tja Yuparhfo jfc tja suparp`war t` arfsa pfrts `d jbs hboc ft wbll> tjalaftjar-wafrbom hfo i`ulc truly hfna jbhsald d`rmat foytjbom ja jfc saao. Sja Yuparhfo jfc fobcaf tjao foc dlaw t` f j`spbtfl foc rbppac `dd jbs il`tjas foc crassac lbna f oursa. Foc tjao ja

 wfbtac bo tja r``h wjara gfgbas wara g`ro, foc wjao f glfzbom h`tjar sirafhac foc f gfgy, uo-bmobtac, p`ppac `ut `d jar w`hg, tja cbsmubsac Yuparhfo sabzac tja ijblc foc dlaw fwfy dfstar tjfof spaacbom gullat. Foc ja nbcofppac tw` h`ra gfgbas foc t``n tjah t` f cbstfot ifva bo tja cbstfoth`uotfbos. Foc tjara tja Yuparhfo ijfboac tjah t` r`ins, dac tjah, foc aotartfboac tjah wbtjsjfc`w puppats ja iraftac usbom tja lbmjt dr`h tja ifva aotrfoia. Foc tja ijblcrao lfumjac focl`vac tjabr lbvas, foc tja Yuparhfo wfs tjabr jar`. Foc tja Yuparhfo, bd ja i`ulc o`t st`p tjahjbhsald, fssurac tjft tja ijblcrao w`ulc oavar lbstao t` foy`oa wj` ifha dr`h tja w`rlc bot` tjaifva. Avao bd `oa `d tja ijblcrao, glbocac gy iurb`sbty, s`haj`w asifpac foc ifha gfin foc t`lctja `tjar tw` wjft ja jfc saao, tja `tjar tw` w`ulc o`t lbstao foc w`ulc nbll tja lbfr.  Foc tjao tjaYuparhfo w`ulc m` `ut foc dboc fo`tjar gfgy wj` wfs yat t` iftij `o dbra foc grbom tja ijblc t`tja ifva. Foc tja Yuparhfo i`osbcarac nbcofppbom fll tja ijblcrao `d tja w`rlc, d`r o` `oa i`ulc

st`p jbh, foc ja cbc o`t wfot tja ijblcrao t` ga i`osuhac.“R`u rafcy0‘ Mratf fsnac fs tjay pullac up t` tja ijurij. Hfttjaw wbsjac sja w`ulc gapftbaot. ]jy0 ]jy mbva tja sarh`o0 ]jft w`ulc ja fii`hplbsj `tjar tjfo try t` c` tja rbmjt tjbom0Lbna f Yuparhfo0 Hfttjaw cbco‒t foswar jbs wbda. S`obmjt, Mratof w`ulc wfot t` hfna Hfttjawdaal m``c. Yja w`ulc ravafl avarytjbom t` jbh, fs sja jfc i`uotlass tbhas gad`ra. Yja w`ulc ga`pao t` jbh, f syhg`l `d s`hatjbom. @d wjft0 @d wjft wfs sax f syhg`l0

“B l`va y`u,‘ Mratof sfbc. U`ro`mrfpjy.Yax wfs f syhg`l `d p`ro`mrfpjy.

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“Sjft‒s f sarh`o B w`o‒t d`rmat,‘ Mratof i`hhaotac. Fs tjay cbc a vary Yuocfy, lbna pa`plamraatbom dfhblbfr strfomars bo tja hfrnatplfia, tja i`omramftb`o t`lc Hfttjaw j`w huij tjay

aok`yac tja sarvbia. Hfttjaw tjfonac tjah wbtj f gbm shbla foc fsnac tjah j`w tjabr dfhblbas warac`bom, o`t wfotbom t` tfln fg`ut bt. ]jao Hfttjaw prafijac, bt jalpac jbh tfna jbs hboc `dd tjadfit tjft s` hfoy pa`pla wara wftijbom jbh gy bhfmbobom tjft ja wfs `o talavbsb`o; ja i`ulc jbcagajboc f ifharf yat daal fs bd ja wfs `pao t` tja puglbi. Ja aovbsb`oac jbhsald uocar grbmjt lbmjts,tja fucbaoia jfrc t` saa gay`oc tjah. Sja tj`umjt `d gabom wftijac gy i`uotlass strfomars wfs lassdrbmjtaobom tjfo tja raflbty `d `oa pars`o. Durtjarh`ra, bhfmbobom jbhsald dr`h cbddaraot ifharffomlas jalpac jbh daal cyofhbi, f saosftb`o oaiassfry d`r f m``c, bospbrbom pard`rhfoia. ]jao jahassac up, ja bhfmboac tja hbstfnas acbtac fwfy> wjao ja s`uocac cry, ja bhfmboac husbi> wjaotja i`omramftb`o l``nac h`tb`olass, ja bhfmboac tjah fwa-struin. Bt napt jbh m`bom. H`stbhp`rtfotly, ja napt rahbocbom jbhsald tjft jbs i`omramftb`o cbco‒t no`w wjatjar wjft ja wfssfybom wfs dr`h pars`ofl axparbaoia `r dr`h tja axparbaoia `d s`ha`oa alsa. Yarh`os warafgstrfitb`os, foc tja pars`ofl wfs d`ravar hbxac wbtj tja cbstfot, tja fut`gb`mrfpjbifl wbtj tja

gb`mrfpjbifl. “B dalt lbna B wfs wftijbom f h`vba,‘ s`ha`oa sfbc. Hfttjaw wfs jfppy tjft tja alcar wfs

plafsac foc fsnac jbh j`w ja wfs c`bom. Sja `lc ifrpaotar cbco‒t tfln huij. “Bt wfs f glassbom,‘ s`ha`oa alsa i`hhaotac. Hfttjaw cbco‒t rai`mobza jar. “Bs tjft fll0‘ Hfttjaw pr`gac. Bt wfs jbs k`g t` hfna tja dl`i n daal lbna tjay jfc stappac

`utsbca `d  tja w`rlc d`r f lbttla gbt. J`wavar, `var tja yafrs, ja d`uoc jbhsald jfvbom t` ras`rt t`dfoibar foc h`ra alfg`rfta `rft`ry prfitbias t` suiiaac. Ja wfs cbsfpp`botac bo jbhsald wjaoavarja ladt pa`pla daalbom lbna tjay jfco‒t gaao tfnao t` fo`tjar w`rlc. 

“B dalt ’  B c`o‒t avao no`w j`w t` casirbga bt,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc sfbc. “C` y`u jfva foy tj`umjts0‘ “B w`ulco‒t no`w wjara t` gambo,‘ Hrs. W`tjijblc i`odassac. 

“]jft wfs s`hatjbom y`u lbnac fg`ut tja sarh`o0‘ “B‒h ft f l`ss d`r w`rcs.‘ Hfttjaw l``nac fr`uoc d`r tja lbttla mbrl wbtj wj`h ja jfc spaot lfst avaobom, curbom tja

 waccbom raiaptb`o. Ja lbnac jar jums, gut i`ulco‒t rahahgar jar ofha. Ja fls` l``nac fr`uoc d`rMfgrbal‒s wbda; sja jfc wfotac t` gambo sj``tbom  vbca`s t`cfy. Yja hust jfva gaao sbin.

“R`u tjbon tja oawlywacs jfc f mraft obmjt0‘ Mfgrbal fsnac Hfttjaw, lfumjbom, tja tj`umjto`t ir`ssbom jbs hboc tjft tja quastb`o wfs bofppr`prbfta. Hfttjaw shblac foc Mfgrbal pfttac jbh`o tja gfin, jafcbom `ut d`r luoij gajboc f lbttla mbrl, kust lbna tja rast `d tja i`omramftb`o. Mratof wfs wfbtbom d`r Hfttjaw oafr tja ifr. Sjay m`t bo foc, jafcbom j`ha, Hfttjaw turoac `o tja rfcb`foc d`uoc f s`om sja lbnac.

“B l`va y`u,‘ Mratof sfbc. 

“B l`va y`u,‘ Hfttjaw rasp`ocac. Sjay pullac bot` tja crbvawfy. Mratf m`t `ut, wafrbom fdbttac crass wbtj jbmj-jaalac sj`as. Hfttjaw l``nac gfin t`wfrc tja ijurij ’  bt wfs `oly f dawhblas fwfy.

“]`ulc y`u lbna s`hatjbom t` aft0‘ Mratof fsnac, puttbom jar pursa `o tja nbtijao  tfglaoaxt t` Hfttjaw‒s g``ns. 

“]all…‘ “R`u c`o‒t jfva t` aft foytjbom.‘ “…yas ’  B tjbon B w`ulc lbna s`hatjbom .‘ 

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  Hfttjaw t``n f saft ft tja tfgla foc d`lcac jbs jfocs t`matjar, l``nbom t` prfy. Ja usufllytypac d`r fo j`ur fdtar sarvbia.

“]jft w`ulc y`u lbna0‘ Mratof fsnac.“]jft c` y`u wfot0‘ “B c`o‒t jfva f pradaraoia.‘

“Kust dbx ha wjft y`u wara m`bom t` dbx y`ursald.‘ “]`ulc y`u lbna f sfocwbij0‘ “Bd y`u‒ra m`bom t` jfva `oa.‘ Mratof turoac `o tja `vao, `paoac f ifgboat, foc rafijac d`r tja grafc. Yja no`inac `var

tja sflt foc bt spbllac `o tja dl``r. Hfttjaw r`sa dr`h jbs saft.“Kust naap c`bom wjft y`u‒ra c`bom,‘ Mratf sfbc. Hfttjaw mrfggac f wat rfm foc wbpac up

tja hass.“B‒h s`rry,‘ Mratof sfbc. “C`o‒t sfy s`rry.‘ Hfttjaw nbssac jbs wbda foc tjao l``nac ft jar.“Fra y`u flrbmjt0‘ ja fsnac.“B‒h dboa.‘ 

Mratof turoac t` tja radrbmarft`r.“Mratof0‘ “B sfbc B‒h dboa.‘ Hfttjaw ifha up gajboc jbs wbda foc put jbs jfocs fr`uoc jar wfbst.“Fra y`u irybom0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac. Mratof il`sac tja radrbmarft`r foc turoac t` Hfttjaw.

Yja l``nac ft jbh> jar lbps shblac,“O`.‘“R ̀ u‒ra flrbmjt0‘ Hfttjaw fsnac. “Fra y`u0‘“B‒h wbtj y`u, frao‒t B0‘ Hfttjaw foswarac. Jbs jfocs rafijac t` j`lc jar, foc succaoly

Mratof nbssac jbh. Yja uogutt`oac jbs i`ft foc tjraw bt `dd.

“Sja `vao,‘ Hfttjaw wjbsparac, gatwaao nbssas. Mratof put jar jfocs fr`uoc jbs dfia focpullac jbh bo. Sjao sja rbppac `dd Hfttjaw‒s tba foc nbinac `dd jar sj`as. Hfttjaw stuhglac bot`jar fs sja lbinac jbs afr foc rafijac t` turo `o tja husbi plfyar oaxt t` tja radrbmarft`r. Sjara wfshusbi d`r f h`haot foc tjao Hfttjaw turoac bt `dd. Mratof rafijac t` cbh tja lbmjts gut Hfttjawmrfggac jar jfoc foc pullac bt bot` jbs ijast. Mratf lafpt `ot` tja nbtijao tfgla foc wrfppac jarlams fr`uoc Hfttjaw. Yja rbppac `dd jbs sjbrt foc pullac `dd jbs galt lbna f ijblc pullbom tja rbgg`o`dd f prasaot. Yja uozbppac jar crass foc pullac Hfttjaw‒s jafc bot` jar sj`ulcar wjara Hfttjawnbssac jar foc mlfoiac up t` l``n ft jbhsald bo tja hbrr`r `o tja wfll. Ja i`ulc saa Mratof‒s gfinfoc iurvftura. Ja pbinac jar up dr`h uocar tja lams `dd tja tfgla foc lfbc jar `o tja dl``r, stbll `ot`p. Yja uoilbppac jar grf.

“B l`va y`u,‘ Mratof pfotac fs sja rbppac `dd tja lfst `d Hfttjaw‒s il`tjas, pullac jbh bot`

jar, foc h`foac. Hfttjaw rastac jbs jafc `o jar sj`ulcar foc tuinac jbs o`sa bot` tja sbca `d jaroain, swaftbom. Mratof sirafhac. Hfttjaw pusjac jbhsald up foc l``nac Mratof bo tja ayas. Foctjara wfs f daalbom mr`wbom, dfstar foc dfstar, foc ja ilaoijac jbs taatj foc ‚tja atarofl j`urmlfss `daxbstaoia ^…X turoac `var fmfbo foc fmfbo‒.: 

L`va i`oquarac fll.Hfttjaw graftjac jafvbly, jbs ijast rbsbom wbtj Mratof‒s. Yja shblac, tafrs bo jar ayas, foc

l``nac t` sfy s`hatjbom, gut cbco‒t. Hfttjaw iuppac jar jafc foc nbssac jar. Sja ijurij wfs `olyf daw hblas fwfy ’  ja s`hatbhas wflnac `o tja cbrt pftj fr`uoc tja t`hgst`oas. Mfgrbal‒s wbda wfsrbmjt; ]b-Db w`ulc s``o ga i`varbom tja w`rlc. Avary`oa w`ulc mat wjft tjay wfotac> tja w`rlc

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 w`ulc fijbava i`ooaitbvbty. Sja sbmofl w`ulc dfll `o avary pfrt `d tja ml`ga, fiiassbgla foytbha,foywjara. Bt w`ulc dfll `o tja ijurij foc tja t`hgst`oas, uocar tja dull h``o, `var tja dbradlbasfoc tja j`oaysuinla, `var tja il`tjac foc ofnac g`cbas `d avary hfo, w`hfo, foc ijblc,i`osuhhftbom tjah bot` `oa ’  ‚f w`rlc wbtj`ut aoc‒ ’  hbxbom gafuty, wjbij i`ulc sfva tja w`rlc, wbtj tja dfgrbiftac ’  tja jar`bi wbtj tja pr`glahftbi ’  lbna hbln foc gl``c.2 Ja nbssac jbs wbda

sl`wly fs ja sfw tja sbmofl dfllbom dfbotly tjr`umj tja w`rlc foc dfbotly dfllbom, lbna tja casiaot `d tjaJ`ly Ypbrbt, up`o fll tja lbvbom foc tja dfna.

7/21/2019 Upon the Living by O.G. Rose

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Bospbrac gy

6.  Garofrc Jfonbos `d GarofrcJfonbos.i`h ’  h`st o`tfgly bo ramfrc t` tja bcafs bo tja d`urtjsaitb`o bov`lvbom c`hboftrbxas, oair`pjblbf, foc pj`t`mrfpjy.

7.   Sjbs pbaia bs i`ostruitac t` hftij “Sja Cafc‘ gy Kfhas K`yia, foc hfoy `d tja lboas flluca

t` tjft hfstarpbaia, aspaibflly tja aoc. Kafo Gfucrbllfrc wfs fo`tjar pbv`tfl bospbrftb`o.9.  Yaitb`o B wfs bospbrac gy “C`o‒t Yaoc R`ur Nbcs t` tja Bvy Lafmua‒ gy ]bllbfh Carasbawbiz,

fs ifo ga d`uoc jara;jttp;//www.oawrapuglbi.i`h/frtbila/66:=3=/bvy-lafmua-sij``ls-fra-`varrftac-saoc-y`ur-nbcs-alsawjara 

3.  Yaitb`o BBB wfs bospbrac gy Drbacrbij Obatzsija, Sja Mfy Yibaoia (6::7, 6::=). Ufrf. 671> ]fltar Nfudhfoo ac. (Oaw R`rn; Tbotfma, 62=3), pp.6:6-:7.X

1.  Yaitb`o BT wfs wrbttao wbtj Ijrbst foc tja Hacbf gy Hfli`lh Hummarbcma bo hboc.

4.   Sja st`ry wfs fls` wrbttao wbtj “ Tbrmbobf ]``ld‒s Bcaf `d Urbvfiy‘ gy K`sjuf W`tjhfo bohboc, fs ifo ga d`uoc jara; jttp;//www.oawy`rnar.i`h/`olboa/gl`ms/k̀ sjufr`tjhfo/7563/5=/vbrmbobf-w``ld-bcaf-`d-



6 Fllusb`os t` Sja Yuo Fls` Wbsas gy Aroast Jahhbomwfy foc “M``c Ua`pla‘ gy Cfvbc D`star ]fllfia.

7 Fllusb`o t` “Sja Sjbom‘ gy Hfrtbo Jabcammar.

9 Fllus`o t` f Vu`ta gy @sifr ]blca.

3Bospbrac gy Kaoobdar Lfwraoia Tfobty Dfbr  botarvbaw, fs ifo ga d`uoc jara; jttp;//www.vfobtydfbr.i`h/vd-

j`llyw``c/7563/65/kaoobdar-lfwraoia-i`var 1Bospbrac gy Uful Sbllbij.


Dfrrar, Fustbo. Sja Assaotbfl Yarh`os. Acbtac foc Botr`cuiac gy Laslba J`ulcao. Ifhgrbcma,Hfss. I`wlay Uuglbiftb`os, 6226; 6. Fls` d`uoc bo “F Ur``d `d tja Dfbtj; Fustbo Dfrrar‒s Ifsad`r Sjabsh‘, f cbssartftb`o gy ]bllbfh HiDatrbcma ]bls`o, Capfrthaot `d Walbmb`us Ytucbas,Qobvarsbty `d Tbrmbobf, 62:9; 66.

=Bospbrac gy ]flnar Uariy.

: Fllusb`o t` ‚Sja Atarofl Waturo‒ gy Obatzsija. 

2 Fllusb`o t` C`st`avsny. 

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