
Post on 27-Jul-2015






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Alabama Tribute April 1st ,1852 Northeners Break Law by Not Catching Slaves

Compromise of 1850 includes the Fugitive Slave Act, which makes Northern citizens arrest runaway slaves. Now realistically speaking telling a Northern citizen to do that is like telling a turtle to run faster.It simply won't happen.

All congress is doing is trying to take away cruelty from the states. But slavery is not cruel.Without it slaves would not know what to do. Slavery gives them a roof,food, and family.

Henry Clay is fighting in court to end slavery, but I'm sure one visit to my plantation and close-by ones his opinion would be changed. My slaves know that they work for a way of life.

The chart below shows many statistics, but one that stands out more than the other agriculture and industry percents. If our agriculture is working well, then the North should not be able to help slaves escape plantations.

The Underground Railroad is basically whites helping slaves escape plantations.This is really starting a uproar in the South. The Northeners are basically trying to get rid of slavery, because of cruelty. Well why don't we argue that the North's industry factories are unfair. If the North gets what they want by taking our way of life, then I'm afraid I smell something else coming.

Article By-Brett Valentine

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