until today prescriptions until today for what ails...

Post on 06-Aug-2020






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I am now willing to forgive myself . . . because I am not always aware of what I am doing that

causes myself harm.

Until today, you may have believed you had all the answers. You may have convinced yourself

that what you did not know or could not do was impossible. Just for today, write 109 times, I

forgive myself. For I know not what I do.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for believing that I know it all and can do it all alone!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for remaining loyal to inaccurate information about myself.

Until today, you may have been struggling to reconcile what you know and feel about yourself,

what you are capable of doing and what you are worthy of receiving with, what you were told

about yourself by parents, childhood care-givers, society and others who had influence in your

life. Just for today, examine the unconscious loyalties you may have to the inaccurate infor-

mation you may have been provided.


I now am willing to forgive myself . . . for believing my worth is established by what others

have told me or believe about me.

Until today, you may have experienced di�culty in moving beyond the images, impressions

and information you received as a child. Just for today, forgive yourself for believing inaccu-

rate information and remaining loyal to the patterns and images that have supported the


Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for believing things about myself that were not true!



I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for forgetting that I am not in charge! Spirit is!

Until today, you may have been caught up in what appears to be going wrong or bad. Just for

today, practice forgiving yourself for believing that bad things can happen in the realm where

the goodness of Spirit reigns supreme.

Today, I am devoted to remembering that at all times, in all situations, under all circum-

stances, there is a great Spirit of good in charge!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for the judgments I have held about myself and against myself.

Until today, you may have thought it was important to learn how to forgive others. Just for

today, be devoted to forgiving yourself for all of the infractions you have committed against

your Self.

Today, I am devoted to accepting forgiveness from myself for myself!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing I am not worthy of love.

Until today, you may have been preoccupied with the ways and times others have denied you

love, or thwarted your e�orts to become prosperous and abundant. Just for today, forgive

yourself for being the one and only one who has stood against you on your quest to realize

the abundance of everything good and loving.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for denying my Self the prospering and abundant

blessings of love!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing there is something wrong with being wrong

about some things!

Until today, you may have allowed yourself to believe that if you do the wrong thing you will

not recover. Just for today, take a risk! Take a chance! Do something you fear might be wrong.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for believing I could never do anything wrong!



I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing there was something wrong about

needing correction.

Until today, you may have been resistant to acknowledging to yourself those things about you

that you know require some correction. Just for today, acknowledge them to yourself. Forgive

yourself for them. Then, claim your own forgiveness from anyone else that may have been


Today, I am devoted to surrendering any resistance to acknowledging those things about

myself that are in need of correction!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for engaging in actions and behaviors I now believe are


Until today, you may have wrestled with thoughts and feelings of unworthiness. You may have

convinced yourself that there were things for which you could never be forgiven. Just for

today, open your heart to yourself, for yourself. Forgive yourself for everything you have

thought, said or done which you may have told yourself could not be forgiven.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for my own resistance to forgiving myself!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for not being willing to risk proving that someone may

be wrong about me.

Until today, you may not have been aware of the things you have done in response to the

black hole in your heart. Or, you may have done many things in an e�ort to deny, avoid, or

ignore that the black hole exists. Just for today, step down into the hole and forgive yourself.

Today, I am devoted to opening up the hole in my heart and forgiving myself for everything I

have allowed to be buried there!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for all of the time I have refused and resisted following

my intuition.

Until today, you may have spent a good portion of your day beating up on yourself for all the

things you did or did not do to your satisfaction. Just for today, take a cue from the angels and

the good spirits of life. Forgive yourself for the way you have treated yourself.

Today, I am devoted to following the Divine Order to Cease and Desist all forms of self-criti-

cism and self-judgment!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for being critical of my mother.

Until today, you may have been harboring judgments or negative opinions about your mother

and the way she did or did not mother you. Just for today, forgive yourself for judging your

mother. Once you do, there will be nothing left to forgive her for.

Today, I am devoted to o�ering myself total forgiveness for the judgments I have held about

and against my mother!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for the judgments I have held about and against my


Until today, you may not have realized that what you think, feel and judge about your own

father is construed by the universal intelligence as judgments about the one true Father. Just

for today, open your heart to the Father. Ask him to give you the courage and compassion to

forgive yourself for judging your father.

Today, I am devoted to opening my heart to forgive myself for the judgments I have held

about and against my father!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for allowing the shadows of my past to eat away at me.

Until today, you may not have used the sacred crow energy of vision. You may have been

scratching, pecking, and staring at your shadow, afraid it would wake up and eat you. Just for

today, use the shadows of the past as a mirror. Look for the talents, skills or abilities that you

can use to chart your flight forward. Use what you see in the shadows of your life as your

encouragement to move beyond an old way of being into a new vision of yourself.

Today, I am devoted to viewing all the shadows of my past through forgiving eyes!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for holding on to grievances and grudges.

Until today, you may have been holding against others those things that are di�cult for you to

accept, acknowledge or admit about yourself. Just for today, Circle! Don’t attack! See yourself

in everyone else knowing that they are simply mirroring to you an inner reflection. If for some

reason you believe they are not, bless them and move on.

Today, I am devoted to not being a judge or critic of anyone that includes myself!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for acting like I am nothing when the truth is I am everything.

Until today, you may have been waiting for something to change. Just for today, work on

changing yourself and the ideas you have about who you are and who you are not.

Today, I am devoted to stepping into my divinity, my power and my true position in life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for my inability, unwillingness and resistance to see

and/or accept people exactly as they are.

Until today, you may have been viewing others as a function of what you think about them.

You may not have realized that your thoughts were filled with fear, judgments and a multitude

of things that simply may not be true. Just for today, see everyone with whom you interact as

your teacher. Realize they are teaching you things about yourself. See everyone as your

student. Remember, you are learning to see everyone through the eyes of love and truth.

Today, I am devoted to seeing the truth about myself in everyone else!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for forgetting that I am not in charge! Spirit is!

Until today, you may have been caught up in what appears to be going wrong or bad. Just for

today, practice forgiving yourself for believing that bad things can happen in the realm where

the goodness of Spirit reigns supreme.

Today, I am devoted to remembering that at all times, in all situations, under all circum-

stances, there is a great Spirit of good in charge!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for the judgments I have held about myself and against myself.

Until today, you may have thought it was important to learn how to forgive others. Just for

today, be devoted to forgiving yourself for all of the infractions you have committed against

your Self.

Today, I am devoted to accepting forgiveness from myself for myself!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing I am not worthy of love.

Until today, you may have been preoccupied with the ways and times others have denied you

love, or thwarted your e�orts to become prosperous and abundant. Just for today, forgive

yourself for being the one and only one who has stood against you on your quest to realize

the abundance of everything good and loving.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for denying my Self the prospering and abundant

blessings of love!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing there is something wrong with being wrong

about some things!

Until today, you may have allowed yourself to believe that if you do the wrong thing you will

not recover. Just for today, take a risk! Take a chance! Do something you fear might be wrong.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for believing I could never do anything wrong!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for taking more on than is necessary or required for me

to take on.

Until today, you may not have realized the presence, power and authority of Grace in your life.

Just for today, call on Grace to work in you, as you, and through you. And please, try not to tell

her what to do. Women really don’t like that.

Today, I am devoted to acknowledging and accepting the power of God’s grace in every

aspect of my life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for criticizing myself.

Until today, you may have allowed yourself to believe that human mistakes, the challenges of

human life and the things you have experienced in you humanness were greater than your

spirit as a human being. Just for today, forget that! Stumble, fall, crawl or hitch a ride all the

way to the finish line.

Today, I am devoted to relying on the spirit of life, of good, of grace and mercy to catch me

when I stumble or fall!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for being hard, rigid, unable to bend or give.

Until today, you may have believed that it was necessary to stand your ground and fight to get

what you want. Just for today, bend your way, asking that the Divine Force and Source of life

to show you the way.

Today, I am devoted to remaining flexible and in alignment with the divine order of all things!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for holding on to the need to be right.

Until today, you may not have been aware that you may still need external validation to feel

good about yourself. This need may have been hidden in the crevices of your mind as the need

to be right. Just for today, should you find yourself defending a position or fighting to prove

that you are right, surrender! Drop your hands to your side. Take a deep breath. Ask yourself,

"What is it that I believe is wrong with me or about me?" Answer that question for yourself and

you will never again need to be right. You will know when you are. Nothing else will matter.

Today, I am devoted to healing myself of the need to be right!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing that people who do not agree with me are wrong.

Until today, you may have questioned, opposed, resisted, or even detested di�erences. Just for

today, open your heart. Be willing to embrace di�erent points of view, di�erent habits, di�er-

ent responses, di�erent opinions and the di�erences that exist between yourself and others.

Today, I am devoted to embracing and celebrating di�erences, and to forgiving myself for

believing that they are wrong!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing I could o�er something to others before I

have o�ered it to myself.

Until today, you may have been seeking revenge for what you believe was done to you with-

out thought to what you have been doing to yourself. Just for today, make a choice. Ask

yourself, is the need for revenge greater than my desire to feel better? If it is, you are not ready

to be healed. If it is not, call forth compassion and forgive yourself for choosing anger over


Today, I am devoted to experiencing and expressing a spirit of compassion in myself and for



I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing that telling the truth can hurt me or cause

me harm.

Until today, you may have avoided the risks associated with telling the truth. Just for today,

forgive yourself for believing that telling the absolute truth, as you know it, could bring you

anything other than good.

Today, I am devoted to claiming my freedom! I am willing to tell the truth!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing there was something wrong about

needing correction.

Until today, you may have been resistant to acknowledging to yourself those things about you

that you know require some correction. Just for today, acknowledge them to yourself. Forgive

yourself for them. Then, claim your own forgiveness from anyone else that may have been


Today, I am devoted to surrendering any resistance to acknowledging those things about

myself that are in need of correction!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for engaging in actions and behaviors I now believe are


Until today, you may have wrestled with thoughts and feelings of unworthiness. You may have

convinced yourself that there were things for which you could never be forgiven. Just for

today, open your heart to yourself, for yourself. Forgive yourself for everything you have

thought, said or done which you may have told yourself could not be forgiven.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for my own resistance to forgiving myself!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for not being willing to risk proving that someone may

be wrong about me.

Until today, you may not have been aware of the things you have done in response to the

black hole in your heart. Or, you may have done many things in an e�ort to deny, avoid, or

ignore that the black hole exists. Just for today, step down into the hole and forgive yourself.

Today, I am devoted to opening up the hole in my heart and forgiving myself for everything I

have allowed to be buried there!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for all of the time I have refused and resisted following

my intuition.

Until today, you may have spent a good portion of your day beating up on yourself for all the

things you did or did not do to your satisfaction. Just for today, take a cue from the angels and

the good spirits of life. Forgive yourself for the way you have treated yourself.

Today, I am devoted to following the Divine Order to Cease and Desist all forms of self-criti-

cism and self-judgment!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for being critical of my mother.

Until today, you may have been harboring judgments or negative opinions about your mother

and the way she did or did not mother you. Just for today, forgive yourself for judging your

mother. Once you do, there will be nothing left to forgive her for.

Today, I am devoted to o�ering myself total forgiveness for the judgments I have held about

and against my mother!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for the judgments I have held about and against my


Until today, you may not have realized that what you think, feel and judge about your own

father is construed by the universal intelligence as judgments about the one true Father. Just

for today, open your heart to the Father. Ask him to give you the courage and compassion to

forgive yourself for judging your father.

Today, I am devoted to opening my heart to forgive myself for the judgments I have held

about and against my father!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for not being willing to acknowledge my own anger

toward myself.

Until today, you may have been unable or unwilling to recognize that how you allow yourself

to be treated is a reflection of how you believe you should be treated. Just for today, examine

yourself. Seek out and call forth the unexpressed anger you may be harboring and directing

toward yourself. Examine the people and situations in your life in which you feel abused. Ask

yourself, "Why am I still so angry with myself that I would subject myself to this kind of treat-


Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for all the things I may have told myself

are unforgivable!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing that I have the power to create victims.

Until today, you may have believed that you would be forever indebted by the consequences

your actions have had on others. Just for today, acknowledge to yourself those times you have

been thoughtless, careless, negligent or abusive to others. Forgive yourself. Ask for forgiveness

and then, continue to dance.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving my errors and to acknowledging that there are no

victims in my life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . For not taking time to deal with certain unpleasant


Until today, you may have not realized you were angry or understood why you are angry. Just

for today, set an intention to heal any unexpressed anger that may be present in your life. Go

to a quiet place, with pen and paper. Take a few deep breaths. Ask your anger to speak to you.

Be aware of the thoughts that come into your mind. See the images. Write down the thoughts.

Write about the feelings. When you are finished, forgive yourself for holding on to the anger

for so long. Then, ask the Holy Spirit to transform the anger into a passion for life.

Today, I am devoted to healing unresolved and unexpressed anger!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for refusing to acknowledge what my life is showing me

about myself.

Until today, you may have been resistant to examining how you have contributed to the

incomplete, uncomfortable or dysfunctional areas of your life. You may have believed that if

you were to blame, you would be punished. Just for today, take blame out of the life evalua-

tion equation. Honestly examine and evaluate your choices, responses and reactions to the

situations in your life about which you are not pleased or satisfied. Forgive yourself for being

resistant to accepting your full share of responsibility. Put yourself in the center of your life and

accept full responsibility for all things that may be spinning out of control.

Today, I am devoted to acknowledging my responsibility for every aspect of my life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for making life and living harder than it is meant to be.

Until today, you may have held to the position that life is hard and taken a stance that is bound

to prove that you are right. Just for today, make a distinction between the process of life and

the conditions in your life. You just may determine that what you are telling yourself about the

process is becoming evident in the conditions.

Today, I am devoted to examining all the things I am telling myself about the process of life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for holding myself hostage to things God has already

forgiven me for.

Until today, you may have considered yourself guilty for many things for which God has

already o�ered you forgiveness. Just for today, pray for the ability to experience and express

God’s forgiveness toward yourself.

Today, I am devoted to receiving, experiencing and expressing God’s forgiveness as



I forgive myself for not understanding . . . each person has an experience of the experience

they are having.

Until today, you may have assumed that just because they say so, others know what you know,

feel what you feel, and will do what you do. Just for today, be devoted to putting forth the

e�ort and energy required to gain clarity at the beginning of all relationships. Define your

words. Identify your expectations. Clarify what you are saying, what you understand about

what is being said, and what is expected from you.

Today, I am devoted to gaining clarity!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for allowing the shadows of my past to eat away at me.

Until today, you may not have used the sacred crow energy of vision. You may have been

scratching, pecking, and staring at your shadow, afraid it would wake up and eat you. Just for

today, use the shadows of the past as a mirror. Look for the talents, skills or abilities that you

can use to chart your flight forward. Use what you see in the shadows of your life as your

encouragement to move beyond an old way of being into a new vision of yourself.

Today, I am devoted to viewing all the shadows of my past through forgiving eyes!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for holding on to grievances and grudges.

Until today, you may have been holding against others those things that are di�cult for you to

accept, acknowledge or admit about yourself. Just for today, Circle! Don’t attack! See yourself

in everyone else knowing that they are simply mirroring to you an inner reflection. If for some

reason you believe they are not, bless them and move on.

Today, I am devoted to not being a judge or critic of anyone that includes myself!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for acting like I am nothing when the truth is I am everything.

Until today, you may have been waiting for something to change. Just for today, work on

changing yourself and the ideas you have about who you are and who you are not.

Today, I am devoted to stepping into my divinity, my power and my true position in life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for my inability, unwillingness and resistance to see

and/or accept people exactly as they are.

Until today, you may have been viewing others as a function of what you think about them.

You may not have realized that your thoughts were filled with fear, judgments and a multitude

of things that simply may not be true. Just for today, see everyone with whom you interact as

your teacher. Realize they are teaching you things about yourself. See everyone as your

student. Remember, you are learning to see everyone through the eyes of love and truth.

Today, I am devoted to seeing the truth about myself in everyone else!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for taking more on than is necessary or required for me

to take on.

Until today, you may not have realized the presence, power and authority of Grace in your life.

Just for today, call on Grace to work in you, as you, and through you. And please, try not to tell

her what to do. Women really don’t like that.

Today, I am devoted to acknowledging and accepting the power of God’s grace in every

aspect of my life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for criticizing myself.

Until today, you may have allowed yourself to believe that human mistakes, the challenges of

human life and the things you have experienced in you humanness were greater than your

spirit as a human being. Just for today, forget that! Stumble, fall, crawl or hitch a ride all the

way to the finish line.

Today, I am devoted to relying on the spirit of life, of good, of grace and mercy to catch me

when I stumble or fall!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for being hard, rigid, unable to bend or give.

Until today, you may have believed that it was necessary to stand your ground and fight to get

what you want. Just for today, bend your way, asking that the Divine Force and Source of life

to show you the way.

Today, I am devoted to remaining flexible and in alignment with the divine order of all things!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for holding on to the need to be right.

Until today, you may not have been aware that you may still need external validation to feel

good about yourself. This need may have been hidden in the crevices of your mind as the need

to be right. Just for today, should you find yourself defending a position or fighting to prove

that you are right, surrender! Drop your hands to your side. Take a deep breath. Ask yourself,

"What is it that I believe is wrong with me or about me?" Answer that question for yourself and

you will never again need to be right. You will know when you are. Nothing else will matter.

Today, I am devoted to healing myself of the need to be right!

SELF-FORGIVENESSHere is a prayer for you today.

Blessed and Divine Holy Spirit:

Today I forgive myself. I forgive myself for judging my Self as less than perfect and as

less than a perfect creation of God. I forgive myself for judging my Self as not enough and not

good enough. I forgive myself for not asking for what I need and want. I forgive myself for all

that I have put my self through trying to make my life work without the things that my Self

needed and deserved. I forgive myself for believing I do not deserve to be happy. I forgive

myself for all of the things I have done and not done in response to and in support of this

belief. I forgive myself for judging my Self as unworthy. I forgive myself for all the things I have

done that have supported and encouraged this belief.

I forgive myself for all the judgments I have held about my Self. I forgive myself for all

the judgments I have held against my Self. I forgive myself for all of the behaviors and actions I

have engaged in which have in any way supported me in holding judgments about and against

my Self. I forgive myself for the judgments I have held against my body. I forgive myself for all

of the judgments I have held about my abilities or inabilities. I forgive myself for believing I

have any inabilities. I forgive myself for the judgments I have held about my Self and against

my Self that have not allowed my God-given abilities to shine through me.

I forgive myself for judging my Self as weak. I forgive myself for judging my Self as

unable. I forgive myself for judging my Self as being anything other than whole, perfect and

complete. I forgive myself for being angry with my Self. I forgive myself for all of the things I

have done to justify anger, support anger and in response to anger. I forgive myself for the

things that I have done and not done to justify remaining angry with my Self. I forgive myself

for not trusting my Self. I forgive myself for all the things I have done to support the belief that

my Self was untrustworthy. I forgive myself totally, completely and unconditionally for all

judgments I have held about and against my Self for I now realize how these judgments have

diminished the perfect unfolding and development of the divine Self I am.



I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing that people who do not agree with me are wrong.

Until today, you may have questioned, opposed, resisted, or even detested di�erences. Just for

today, open your heart. Be willing to embrace di�erent points of view, di�erent habits, di�er-

ent responses, di�erent opinions and the di�erences that exist between yourself and others.

Today, I am devoted to embracing and celebrating di�erences, and to forgiving myself for

believing that they are wrong!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing I could o�er something to others before I

have o�ered it to myself.

Until today, you may have been seeking revenge for what you believe was done to you with-

out thought to what you have been doing to yourself. Just for today, make a choice. Ask

yourself, is the need for revenge greater than my desire to feel better? If it is, you are not ready

to be healed. If it is not, call forth compassion and forgive yourself for choosing anger over


Today, I am devoted to experiencing and expressing a spirit of compassion in myself and for



I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing that telling the truth can hurt me or cause

me harm.

Until today, you may have avoided the risks associated with telling the truth. Just for today,

forgive yourself for believing that telling the absolute truth, as you know it, could bring you

anything other than good.

Today, I am devoted to claiming my freedom! I am willing to tell the truth!

TO EXPERIENCE MORE LOVEHere is a prayer for you today.

Blessed and Divine Spirit of Love:

I ask for, accept and receive your forgiveness for anything and all things that I have

done in violation of the law of love. I ask for, accept and receive Self-forgiveness for all things

and anything I have done in violation of the law of love. I forgive myself for all of the ways I

have chosen fear instead of love. I forgive myself for all of the ways I have chosen anger

instead of love. I forgive myself for all of the ways I have chosen shame over love. I forgive

myself for all of the ways I have chosen guilt over love. I forgive myself for holding on to

thoughts and feelings, which have blinded me to the presence of love. I forgive myself for

believing that anything or anyone other than love had power in my life. I forgive myself for

doubting, denying, dodging and undermining the power of love in my life.

I forgive myself for denying myself the joy of a loving relationship. I forgive myself for

all things and anything I have done and not done to support the belief that I was unworthy of a

loving relationship. I forgive myself for anything and all things I have done to remain in

relationships that were unloving. I forgive myself for all the things I have and have not done to

support and maintain the unloving relationships in my life. I forgive myself for all things and

anything I have done to deny myself the joy of a loving relationship with others and myself. I

forgive myself for denying myself the joys of prosperity and abundance. I forgive myself for all

things and anything I have done and not done to support the belief that I am unworthy of

prosperity and abundance. I forgive myself for all of the ways I have denied, doubted, wasted

and abused prosperity and abundance when it has presented itself in my life. I forgive myself

totally and unconditionally for all things and anything I have done, in all ways and any way I

have done it to deny the prosperous and abundant presence of God’s love in my life.



I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for not being willing to acknowledge my own anger

toward myself.

Until today, you may have been unable or unwilling to recognize that how you allow yourself

to be treated is a reflection of how you believe you should be treated. Just for today, examine

yourself. Seek out and call forth the unexpressed anger you may be harboring and directing

toward yourself. Examine the people and situations in your life in which you feel abused. Ask

yourself, "Why am I still so angry with myself that I would subject myself to this kind of treat-


Today, I am devoted to forgiving myself for all the things I may have told myself

are unforgivable!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing that I have the power to create victims.

Until today, you may have believed that you would be forever indebted by the consequences

your actions have had on others. Just for today, acknowledge to yourself those times you have

been thoughtless, careless, negligent or abusive to others. Forgive yourself. Ask for forgiveness

and then, continue to dance.

Today, I am devoted to forgiving my errors and to acknowledging that there are no

victims in my life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . For not taking time to deal with certain unpleasant


Until today, you may have not realized you were angry or understood why you are angry. Just

for today, set an intention to heal any unexpressed anger that may be present in your life. Go

to a quiet place, with pen and paper. Take a few deep breaths. Ask your anger to speak to you.

Be aware of the thoughts that come into your mind. See the images. Write down the thoughts.

Write about the feelings. When you are finished, forgive yourself for holding on to the anger

for so long. Then, ask the Holy Spirit to transform the anger into a passion for life.

Today, I am devoted to healing unresolved and unexpressed anger!

RELEASING TOXIC EMOTIONS AND THOUGHTSHere is a prayer for you today.

Dear God:

Thank you for reminding me that I am not guilty! Thank you for reminding me that I

am worthy of love, I am entitled to happiness, and that you want me to have both.

Thank you for reminding me that while I have made mistakes, I have learned from

them the things I needed to know about myself.

Thank you for showing me that when I judge myself others will judge me, and when I

condemn myself others will support my e�orts.

Thank you for showing me that when I complain about what is missing. I miss the

opportunity to express my gratitude for all that I have.

Thank you for forgiving me for all the times I have spoken words of blame, condemna-

tion and faultfinding. Thank you for allowing me to feel the sting of my own words in the

words others have directed toward me.

Thank you for being so patient with my impatience. Thank you for being so giving

when I was withholding. Thank you for being so gentle and compassionate with me when I

have been so hard on myself.

Thank you for your wisdom, God!

Thank you for your mercy, God!

Thank you for your love, God!

Thank you for showing me and reminding me that You are the one who knows me,

accepts me, and loves me just as I am.

Thank you for reminding me that I am not guilty! I am growing! I am learning! I am

remembering the truth of you God that is etched into my soul. The truth is, I am a child of

love! I am a child of God! I am freed from all guilt, shame, unworthiness, helplessness, hope-

lessness and any other disappointment within myself about myself.



I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for refusing to acknowledge what my life is showing me

about myself.

Until today, you may have been resistant to examining how you have contributed to the

incomplete, uncomfortable or dysfunctional areas of your life. You may have believed that if

you were to blame, you would be punished. Just for today, take blame out of the life evalua-

tion equation. Honestly examine and evaluate your choices, responses and reactions to the

situations in your life about which you are not pleased or satisfied. Forgive yourself for being

resistant to accepting your full share of responsibility. Put yourself in the center of your life and

accept full responsibility for all things that may be spinning out of control.

Today, I am devoted to acknowledging my responsibility for every aspect of my life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for making life and living harder than it is meant to be.

Until today, you may have held to the position that life is hard and taken a stance that is bound

to prove that you are right. Just for today, make a distinction between the process of life and

the conditions in your life. You just may determine that what you are telling yourself about the

process is becoming evident in the conditions.

Today, I am devoted to examining all the things I am telling myself about the process of life!


I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for holding myself hostage to things God has already

forgiven me for.

Until today, you may have considered yourself guilty for many things for which God has

already o�ered you forgiveness. Just for today, pray for the ability to experience and express

God’s forgiveness toward yourself.

Today, I am devoted to receiving, experiencing and expressing God’s forgiveness as



I forgive myself for not understanding . . . each person has an experience of the experience

they are having.

Until today, you may have assumed that just because they say so, others know what you know,

feel what you feel, and will do what you do. Just for today, be devoted to putting forth the

e�ort and energy required to gain clarity at the beginning of all relationships. Define your

words. Identify your expectations. Clarify what you are saying, what you understand about

what is being said, and what is expected from you.

Today, I am devoted to gaining clarity!

FAITH PRAYERHere is a prayer of faith that will activate many positive changes in your

mind, life and all of your life’s a�airs.

I now consciously call forth the consciousness and activity of the Highest and Most

Divine power of life into every atom, every molecule, every cell, every tissue, every organ,

every muscle, and every active system in my being. I invite the consciousness and activity of

this power to gently and lovingly transform every energy, every pattern, every belief, every

program, every idea, every attitude, every perception, every understanding, every decision,

every agreement, every expectation, every judgment, every intention, every motivation, and

every behavior, bringing it into alignment and agreement with the perfect will of the Creator of

my life, so that I will recognize the next most appropriate step toward the divine plan for my


I now consciously call forth the consciousness and activity of the Highest and Most

Divine power of life into every atom, every molecule, every cell, every tissue, every organ,

every muscle, and every active system in my being. I invite the consciousness and activity of

the Holy Spirit to gently and lovingly transform every energy, every pattern, every belief, every

program, every idea, every attitude, every perception, every understanding, every decision,

every agreement, every expectation, every judgment, every intention, every motivation, and

every behavior, bringing it into to alignment and agreement with the perfect wisdom and

peace of the Creator of my life, so that I will understand the next most appropriate step toward

the divine plan for my life.

I now consciously call forth the consciousness and activity of the Holy Spirit into every

atom, every molecule, every cell, every tissue, every organ, every muscle, and every active

system in my being. I invite the consciousness and activity of the Holy Spirit to gently and

lovingly transform every energy, every pattern, every belief, every program, every idea, every

attitude, every perception, every understanding, every decision, every agreement, every

expectation, every judgment, every intention, every motivation, and every behavior, bringing it

into to alignment and agreement with the perfect love of the Creator of my life, so that I will

take the next most appropriate step toward the divine plan for my life. For all I have received

and all that is yet to come, I am so very grateful! And So It Is!


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