unstoppable workshop workbook - pitbull...

Post on 31-Mar-2018






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www.PitBullMindset.com(c) 2017 Marguerita Vorobioff

© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff



State your intention for what you would like to receive from this workshop today.
















© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Key #1 – Clarity of Vision, Purpose & Direction

Any great achievement is born from a clear vision and coupled with a sense of purpose and certainty of direction. Write down your vision for your future below. _________________________________________________________________________














© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Key #2 – Focus and Attitude

Your goals and dreams are waiting for you, but you must focus on them relentlessly, and have an attitude of 'No Matter What' in order to achieve them. Challenges are inevitable, but with the right attitude, you can overcome anything that comes your way. Write down some simple shifts you can make in your attitude that will help you to achieve your goals and dreams faster. _________________________________________________________________________













© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Key #3 – Own Your Brilliance

You were born an infinitely powerful being, capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. You have gifts, talents, knowledge and skills that no one else on the planet has. Release yourself from the grip of believing in your mediocrity, own your brilliance, and ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Write down a list of the things you do naturally well that people compliment you on. Things you love to do that come easily to you. These are things you have unconscious competence in. They are part of your core genius. _________________________________________________________________________












© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Key #4 – Get Out Of Your Own Way

Your subconscious success blueprint will be the difference in realising your goals and living life in the sweet spot of success. Write down fears and doubts that are holding you back, slowing you down, and stopping you from being all you can be. _________________________________________________________________________














© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Key #5 – Consistent Inspired Action

With all the previous keys in place, consistent daily action toward your vision, for as long as it takes, will inevitably get you to your destination. If you're feeling any fear, doubt or uncertainty, taking positive action toward your goals will help to build your faith, belief and confidence. But just any action won't cut it, it must be INSPIRED ACTION! Write down several actions you can take in the next couple of days to get your closer to your goals and dreams. _________________________________________________________________________














© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff



Our beliefs determine how we feel, think, behave and ultimately the results we achieve. Our beliefs shape the events and circumstances in our lives. Some beliefs support us in the achievement of our goals and dreams, while others sabotage us. It’s the sabotaging beliefs we need to identify and release emotional attachment to if we want to change the results we’re getting.

Types of Beliefs (In order from least impactful to most impactful) ! Specific Beliefs – About a particular person / entity / thing

! Global Beliefs – A collective group or entity

! Rules Beliefs – Relationships and behaviour in specific circumstances

! Values Beliefs - What’s most important to you in your life

! Identity beliefs – Beliefs about yourself – (I am / I am not) ‘You are never going to behave consistently in a matter which is inconsistent with how you define yourself.’ Zig Ziglar

Identifying Limiting Beliefs

What do I want?

What belief prevents me from doing / being / having this now?

How would I like it to be?

Where did I learn this belief? Significant emotional event / learning experience)

Where have I felt this before in my life?

What significant events support that belief?

© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff



© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Decree of Abundance

By the light of God that I am By the love of God that I am By the power of God that I am By the heart of God that I am I decree I dwell in the midst of infinite abundance The abundance of God is my infinite source The river of life and abundance never stops flowing It flows through me into lavish expression Good comes to me through unexpected avenues And God works in a myriad of ways to bless me.

I now open my mind and my heart to receive all my good Nothing is too good to be true Nothing is too wonderful to happen No miracle is too big for God to manifest With God as my source, nothing amazes me.

I release all emotional attachment to my thoughts of past & future. One is gone and the other is yet to come

By the power of my belief Coupled with my purposeful, fearless actions And my deep rapport with God My future is created and my abundance made manifest. I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into the highest truth My mind is quiet

From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life And life gives back to me with magnificent increase As I am a beloved child of God I am deserving of all the wonderful things God has in store for me Blessings come in expected and unexpected ways And God provides for me in wondrous ways.

I am indeed loved unconditionally by God I am indeed grateful And I let it be so It is so. ~ Maureen Moss

© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Positive Mantras For Wealth Creation

I get rich doing what I love

I’m kind, I’m generous, I’m loving, I’m peaceful, I’m spiritual & I’m rich

I am a spiritual millionaire

Thank God I’m rich

Money comes to me through expected and unexpected avenues

I deserve all the money and wealth the Universe is sending to me

Everything is perfect and I’m in the right place to create my wealth starting now.

I’m grateful for all the abundance and wealth the Universe is sending me

I’m swimming in oceans of abundance

I am fully supported by the Universe in creating my future wealth now

I am open to receive all the wealth that is coming to me now

I am the essence of wealth and abundance

I was born abundant, and abundance and wealth is my birthright

I came from the source of abundance

I am that I am

Visualisation for Wealth Creation

Visualisation is a powerful tool for creating your future and manifesting what you desire.

The subconscious mind does not understand the difference between ‘fantasy’ and ‘reality’, and it’s language is pictures and feelings.

When you present it with a picture, real or imagined, and you add strong emotions, your subconscious mind will go about creating that reality for you.

In order to create the reality you want, construct a strong picture in your mind and focus on it, with emotion, often. Your subconscious will go about creating situations, circumstance and events that will support this new vision for your future.

This is why vision boards are such a powerful tool.

© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff



Abundance Choice Discovery Friendship

Acceptance Clarity Discrimination Frugality

Accomplishment Cleanliness Diligence Fulfilment

Accuracy Collaboration Drive Fun

Achievement Co-operation Ecstasy Generosity

Acknowledgement Comfort Education Giving

Activity Commitment Effectiveness Good will

Adaptability Compassion Efficiency Grace

Adventure Confidence Empathy Gratitude

Aesthetics Congruency Empowerment Growth

Affection Connection Energy Guidance

Agility Consciousness Entertainment Happiness

Altruism Consistency Enthusiasm Harmlessness

Ambition Contentment Equality Harmony

Appreciation Contribution Excellence Healing

Approachable Control Excitement Health

Assertiveness Correctness Expediency Heart

Assurance Courage Experience Honesty

Attentiveness Creativity Expressive Honour

Audacity Credibility Fairness Hope

Authenticity Curiosity Faith Humility

Awareness Daring Fame Humour

Balance Decisiveness Family Hygiene

Beauty Dedication Fashion Imagination

Belonging Dependability Fearlessness Inclusiveness

Bliss Detachment Fidelity Independence

Bravery Determination Fitness Influence

Brilliance Devotion Flexibility Insight

Calmness Dignity Focus Insightfulness

Career Direction Forgiveness Inspiration

Caring Discernment Freedom Integrity

© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Cheerfulness Discipline Friendliness Intellectual growth

Intelligence Organization Respect Thoughtfulness

Intimacy Originality Reverence Tidiness

Introspection Outrageousness Richness Timeliness

Intuition Passion Sacredness Tolerance

Intuition Patience Sacrifice Traditionalism

Joy Peace Security Tranquillity

Justice Perceptiveness Selflessness Transcendence

Kindness Perseverance Sensitivity Transformation

Knowledge Persistence Serenity Transparency

Leadership Persuasiveness Service Trust

Learning Philanthropy Sexuality Trustworthiness

Legacy Playfulness Sharing Truth

Liberty Pleasure Silence Understanding

Logic Popularity Simplicity Union

Love Positivity Sincerity Uniqueness

Loyalty Power Skilfulness Unity

Making A Difference Practicality Solitude Usefulness

Mastery Presence Spirit Valour

Maturity Precision Spirituality Victory

Meekness Privacy Spontaneity Virtue

Meticulous Professionalism Spunk Vision

Mindful Prosperity Stability Vitality

Modesty Punctuality Status Vivacity

Money Purity Stillness Warmth

Motivation Purpose Strength Wealth

Neatness Recognition Success Welcoming

Obedience Relationships Support Willingness

Oneness Relaxation Surrender Winning

Open-mindedness Reliability Sustainability Wisdom

Openness Resilience Sympathy Wonder

Optimism Resolve Teamwork Youthfulness

Order Resourcefulness Thoroughness

© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


IDENTIFY YOUR VALUES What is most important to me?

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What experience or emotions do those values give me?

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© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Values Hierarchy

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How do your values support or hinder achievement of your goals?






© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Strategic Action Plan Create your strategic action plan below, detailing 3 to 5 things you can do today to get closer to your goals and dreams. _________________________________________________________________________















© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff



© 2017 PitBull – Marguerita Vorobioff


Peace Love Money 3 Day Intensive Empowerment Retreat

YES, I am ready to break free of my limiting belief systems around success, wealth and freedom, and commit to being at peace with myself, creating a life I love and embrace making money! 3 Days of Intensive Transformation I will work with you personally to transform your success and wealth blueprint and clear blocks that are holding you back, slowing you down and standing in the way of you creating your vision for your future. You’ll be living in at Gindabara on beautiful Coochiemudlo Island just off the coast of Brisbane. Meals and accommodation are provided. Dates:________________________________ Value: $2,997 One on One Strategy Session Begin the transformational journey before the weekend begins with a one-on-one breakthrough session with me to identify your blocks and get clarity of direction. Value: $497 Total Value: $3,494 Price Today: ______________

Name: __________________________________ Date: _________________

Credit Card #: ___________________________________________________

Expiry Date:_____________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________________

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