unm – taos syllabus course...

Post on 26-May-2018






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Course Name: Myofascial Yoga & Anatomy Trains Instructor: Kirstie Segarra MA LMT Office Hours: By phone and appointment only Contact: 575-741-7808 or kirstie@taosnet.com Textbook: Required: Anatomy Trains, by Thomas Meyers ISBN 9780443102837 Third Edition and

Myofascial Yoga by Kirstie Segarra ISBN 9781484838785

Recommended: Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith, Publisher Celestial Arts, Berkely CA, ISBN 978-1-58761-225-1


1. Yoga Mat (if you want your own) 2. Stretchy, loose clothing appropriate for practice

Course Description: Myofascial Yoga is a blending of different disciplines in yoga slowed down to facilitate the opening of connective tissue in the body to assist the muscles and fascial body in stretching safely. This course will emphasize the blending of breath with movement in a conscious way of using the mind-body connection. Students will learn postures that include stretching, breathing, body mechanics alignment and form along with inner attention to ones’ self. The application of Thomas Myers work in Anatomy Trains will be taught explicitly throughout the course to deepen ones understanding of how our bodies compensate for injury patterns, traumas and other issues in the connective tissue. This course is a core track in the Yoga Teacher Training Program. Course Objectives:

1. Learn basic yoga postures, flowing movement, alignment and breath use in safe and secure manner 2. Increase strength and flexibility 3. Increase vitality with breath practice in postures and meditation on 4. Basic understanding of Anatomy Trains.

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrates proper alignment on Asana 2. Explain Anatomy Trains. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of Anatomy Trains.

Expectations: [Homework, projects, class participation and the like. Also no cell phones (turn off).]

1. Students will comply with the hygiene and dress code. 2. Attendance is crucial aspect of this course. See attendance policy below. 3. Student must be prepared to begin Asana at 9 am. 4. Student is expected to keep up with the reading materials as described in the outline.

Course Requirements: • Projects – Mid-term and Final • Presentations – Individual • Quizzes – unannounced • Exercises – In class

Attendance Policy:

• Students must attend class regularly and punctually. Students should be in class and prepared to start at the start of class.

• Tardiness beyond 15 minutes will be considered an absence. • If you arrive late to class you should enter quietly and not engage in conversation. You are expected

to talk to another student to find out what you missed outside of class time not the instructor. It is very disruptive to other students to arrive late and distract from class time.

• Excessive absences may result in a student being dropped from the class. It is UNM-Taos policy that a student MAY be dropped by their instructor after one absence equaling 3 clock hours.

• Due to the fact that this program is regulated by Yoga Alliance and the yoga teacher training program is taught as contact hours with a Licensed Instructor teaching NO MAKE UP is allowed. You must clock hours in with a Licensed Instructor in order for the course to count toward licensure. If make up is offered a fee of $50/hour will be charged to cover the faculty cost for instructing outside of class time.

Grading Policy: Attendance - 40% Participation - 30% Midterm - 5%

Final exam - 5% Technique Evaluation by Instructor 20%

Service-Learning: Service-learning is the integration of community service into course study; an experiential approach to teaching and learning. The instructor may offer students an opportunity to integrate relevant service-learning into course study. Students interested in incorporating community-based service into their studies, may choose from the service-learning options outlined in the course description and course outline to replace some or all class assignments. Service-learning experiences must receive prior approval by the instructor in order to count for credit. The instructor will work with the student to identify appropriate projects and community partners as well as help structure the learning experience. Service-learning activities must meet course objectives, contribute significantly to a community need, include reflection on the service experience, and be part of a student’s grade. ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act): In accordance with University Policy 2310 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an accommodation and who registers with Amie Chavez-Aguilar at Student Services (737-6200, aca@unm.edu). It is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to our attention, as the instructor is not legally permitted to inquire. Students who may require assistance in emergency evacuations should contact the instructor as to the most appropriate procedures to follow. Academic Integrity: The policy of the University of New Mexico-Taos is that academic honesty is one of the basic steps toward personal and academic development. All University policies regarding academic honesty apply to this course. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating or copying, plagiarism (claiming credit for the words or works of another from any type of source such as print, Internet or electronic database, or failing to cite the source), fabricating information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. The University’s full statement on academic honesty and the consequences for failure to comply is available in the college catalog or online at http://taos.unm.edu. Dropping the course:

It is the student’s responsibility to drop a course. The instructor is not required, nor should be expected, to drop a student from the official roster. Do not assume that failing to come to class will result in your being dropped from the course. Due Process: If you have any problems in the class that cannot be directly handled by talking with the instructor, the appropriate person to contact is the Academy Head or the Student Affairs Department.

Course Outline: Myofascial Yoga & Anatomy Trains

Week SECTIONS Description Assessments Lab/Practicum


Introduction Introduction to Myofascial Yoga—What is it? History of Anatomy Trains Course Expectations of the student. Breathing/pranayama and application to movement, introduction to integrations series (child’s pose, downward facing dog, and ragdoll). Introduction to Moolahara and Bandas

75 min Asana Practice

2 Read Introduction and Chapter 1: The world according to fascia

Continuation of breath/pranayama work and introduction to Sun Salutation A Reflection on Moolarhara Exercises Introduction to Anatomy Trains-Thom Myers

75 min Asana Practice

3 Read Chapter two: The rules of the game

Breathing/pranayama work and introduction to Sun Salutation B DVD: Introduction by Tom Myers

75 min Asana Practice

4 Read Chapter 3: The superficial back line

Continuing with breath work and introduction to Core Strengthening series. DVD: Superfical back line

75 min Asana Practice

5 Continue Chapter 3: superficial back line

Continuing with breath/pranayama work, applying it to deeper and longer holding of an asana (posture), and introduction to Crescent Lunge Series. Primal Anatomy Review of Superficial backline

75 min Asana Practice

6 Chapter 4: The superficial front line

Bringing awareness into movement with breath and pranayama practice into the asana (posture ) flow, review any problem areas, re-inforce the “edge” and awareness of where it is. Introduction to Balancing Series. DVD: Superficial front line

75 min Asana Practice

7 Continue Chapter 4: The superficial front line

Continuing with breath/pranayama work and introduction to Triangle Series. Introduction to Fourth Chakra

75 min Asana Practice

8 Midterm Build a tensigrity model to be turned in. Discussion and Reflection as a group. Directions available in Tom’s book or online.

Tensigrity Model Due

75 min Asana Practice

9 Read Chapter 5: The later line

Continuing with breath/pranayama work and introduction to Hip Openers and Spine Strengthening Series. DVD: Lateral line

75 min Asana Practice

10 Continue Reading Chapter 5: Lateral line

Practice breath and pranayamas with releasing into seated forward bends and inversions. Primal Anatomy Lateral Line

75 min Asana Practice

11 Read Chapter 6:The spiral line

Practice breath and Surrender Series DVD: Spiral line

75 min Asana Practice

12 Continue Reading Chapter 6

Review of Asana, increasing body awareness in asana, continuation of spiral line. Primal Anatomy

75 min Asana Practice

13 Read Chapter 7:The arm line

Practice DVD: The arm lines

75 min Asana Practice

14 Chapter 8: Functional Line

Practice DVD: Functional lines

75 min Asana Practice

15 Chapter 9: the deep front line

Practice DVD: Deep front line

75 min Asana Practice

16 Final Final Paper Due-Design a complete practice to teach focusing on specific Anatomy Trains. Paper should be a minimum of 5 pages, with graphics, Sanskirt and English names, contraindications and benefits to all asana.

Paper 75 min Asana Practice

Total Techniques 45 hours

Tensegrity Model Making

This tensegrity model building technique is quick and easy. You will need some 3/16" hardwood dowels, straight steel pins, and 2" x 1/16" rubber bands. Cut the

rods into 6" sections.

Cut the pins in half with the cutting back of a needle nose pliers.

Grab the head half of the cut pins with your pliers and twist them into the ends of your dowels. Join sets of rubber bands, by loop knotting them together, in sets

twos (if your are making a basket weave tensegrity) or sets of 3 (if you are making a ziz-zag tensegrity). Hook your sets of bands on your dowels. If need be

wrap the bands around the pin to prevent them from slipping.

Join the dowels to each others bands by inserting the pin heads into the band

loop knots of other dowels.

Here we have three dowels joined to each others bands. This is the beginning of

a ziz-zag tensegrity.

Continue to add dowels to the bands of other dowels.

You can see the beginning of a truncated dodecahedron tensegrity.

The bands are self adjusting and allow you to construct shapes fast. If you want

to make the model out last the bands use clove hitches to replace the bands with strong thread.

Clove Hitch

Here is a finished basket weave tensegrity.

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