university of minnesota department contact training updated: february 22, 2015

Post on 21-Dec-2015






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Department Contact Training

Updated: February 22, 2015

Important Web Links

General SRT Information:

SRT HELP Support:: OR call 1-HELP (1-4357)

eXplorance Blue:

SRT Policy:

Roles and Responsibilities of Department Contacts

1. Distribute the SRT scanable answer sheets , header sheets and instructions to the classes that require paper administration.

2. Ensure all SRT answer sheets and corresponding header sheets will be returned to OMS within 10 days of the paper administration.

3. For SRT questions that arise:a. First, send an email to OR call

1-HELP. The IT Help Line should resolve most issues.

b. Second, if needed, contact OMS at 612-626-0006

Roles and Responsibilities of Department Contacts

3. Serves as the Point-of-Contact between OMS and Dept.

4. Works with Dept. Chair/Head to determine which courses in the Dept. will administer the SRT online and which courses will be paper administration. Contact is responsible for entering this information into eXplorance software. The default is SRT paper administration, unless the course is an online course.

5. Works with the Department’s Class Scheduler to ensure all course/instructor information is correct in PeopleSoft.

Project Timeline:

Spring 2015• Begin to Integrate UMC

• New SRT Form includes Instructor & Course Questions

• SRT Course Questions will be released to students

• PeopleSoft 9 integration

Phase V:Integration

Fall 2014• Full Production UMM, & Law School

• School of Nursing Launch

Phase IV:Customization

Summer 2014• Decommissioned the former SRT online site on June 30th, 2014

• SRTs new online replacement:

Phase III:Decommission

Spring 2014• SRT process same

• Full Production TC, UMC, & UMR

• Paper SRTs viewable in eXplorance Blue

Phase II:Implementation

Fall 2013• RFP Completed

• Contract Signed

• Initial Pilot in CEHD

• Adoption on-line SRTs TC

Phase I:Introduction


•All Dept. courses are visible to Dept. Admins•Tasks are assigned to Dept. Admins•Opt-in/Opt-out will be chosen by Dept. Admins•Links sent to Dept. Chair for SRT Reports (Report Reader)

New Authority ofDepartments

•Can be viewed in MyU Portal My Courses & Teaching tab•24/7 availability for Students to complete on-line SRT•Task based, automated email sent out to Students, Instructors, Dept. Admins, and Report Readers

ImprovingResponse Rates

•Mobile compatibility•Web based delivery•Accessibility compliance•Moodle integration•PeopleSoft integration•Multi-instructor SRTs•University policy and data privacy regulation compliance• Integration with University Data Infrastructure

New & UpdatedFeatures

• Paper Administration is the default • Beginning in Spring 2015, the default for

“completely online” courses will be set to web based collection

• If you let OMS know you want ALL courses for a department ID to have web-based data collection we can set this up right away; OR you may set this up yourself

Things to Note:

• Data is tied directly to the course database• Web collected SRT responses must have all

instructors linked to the course with an instructor role of PI/SI/TA before data collection starts in order to collect the data

• Instructors must be assigned one of these roles before paper collected data can be imported in to the system

Things to Note:

Stakeholder Group


Primary Privilege/Task

Additional Role/Responsibility

Student Rater (eXplorance) Default User


Form Fill Out

Completing the SRT within the Designated Window


Secondary Subject (eXplorance)

Subject View

Distributing Secondary Reminders to Complete the SRT

Report Viewer

Report Reader (UofM)

Report Viewing




Subject View Management

Determining Data-Collection Method (Online vs Paper)


Department Head (UofM)

Appointing “Department Contacts”

Appointing “Report Viewers”

Instructor/ Department Admin Task

• email to alert reports are available for viewing

Report Reader

Department Contact Task

• Choose Opt-in /Opt-out (online/paper data collection method)

Subject View Management

Instructor Task

• Live progress of response rates so Instructor can encourage participation

Subject View

Student Task

• Complete online data collection based on sent email and Moodle notification

Form Fill Out

Four Tasks:

Determined by the time between the first class meeting and the last class meeting listed in course database

• 1 to 5 days

• 1 days to complete SRT

• First reminder on last day

• Second reminder on last day

1-5 Days class duration

• 6 to 34 days

• 20% of course duration to complete SRT

• First reminder @ midpoint (10% of class)

• Second reminder on last day

6-34 Days class duration

• 35 to 59 days

• 7 days to complete SRT

• First reminder @ 4 day mark

• Second reminder on last day

35-59 Days class duration

• Greater than 59 days

• 14 days to complete SRT

• First reminder @ 7 day mark

• Second reminder on last day

>59 Days class duration

Dynamic Days: Length of time for completing an SRT

Logging In [1of3]: In Here

Once logged in, your menu options are viewable below the My Space heading. This includes your personal Home view.

Logging In [2of3]:

Logging In [3of3]:Click Dashboard to view all Courses within your department

Dashboard [1of2]:To navigate to Subject View Management (SVM), click the drop down arrow next to Task Type

Click the drop down arrow next to Project to select the term

Dashboard [2of2]:

To navigate to Opt in/Opt out, find the course you wish to change, Click Select in the same row of the course to the far right

Subject View Management [1of4]:

• You must choose either Opt in OR Opt out • Click Opt in button to choose On-Line Mode• Click Opt out button to choose Paper Mode (chosen below)• Click Finalize button to save and return to Dashboard

Subject View Management [2of4]:

If you have clicked “Finalize” and find you need to make a change, contact the OIT help

line via

Things to Note:

To narrow the search of courses populating the results window, click Subject Dropdown arrow to display one course at a time

Subject View Management [3of4]: Finding a Specific Course

• Courses are “owned” by the DEPTID associated with the course (CLASS_NBR) in the course database.

• Secondary access can currently be granted at the SUBJECT level.

• Cross listed courses are available to all units with students in the “classroom”.

• Dissertation, internships/externships and many practicum courses are not listed by filtering. These may be added by request.

Things to Note:

To find and view all courses with a specific status, click Task Status dropdown arrow

Subject View Management [4of4]: Course Status

Instructor/ Department Admin Task

• email to alert reports are available for viewing

Report Reader

Department Contact Task

• Choose Opt-in /Opt-out (online/paper data collection method)

Subject View Management

Instructor Task

• Live progress of response rates so Instructor can encourage participation

Subject View

Student Task

• Complete online data collection based on sent email and Moodle notification

Form Fill Out

Four Tasks:

• Web collected data will have reports available three weeks after the last class meeting date. (This is to account for Finals Week and the 72 hour grade submission window.)

• Paper collected data will be reported as quickly as processed. IMPORTANT - Please note: ALL Paper SRTs need to be submitted to OMS within 10 days after data collection!

• (Spring and Summer 2014 reporting updates are still currently a manual process.)

When Will Reports Be Available?

Instructor/ Department Admin Task

• email to alert reports are available for viewing

Report Reader

Department Contact Task

• Choose Opt-in /Opt-out (online/paper data collection method)

Subject View Management

Instructor Task

• Live progress of response rates so Instructor can encourage participation

Subject View

Student Task

• Complete online data collection based on sent email and Moodle notification

Form Fill Out

Four Tasks:

Subject View and Subject View Management•Instructors (and contacts with SVM) can view the response rates during the open window.•Currently these tasks are tied together with the course selection but will be separated with spring 2015 update to the software.•When SV and SVM separated will only show when data collection is occurring.

Instructor/ Department Admin Task

• email to alert reports are available for viewing

Report Reader

Department Contact Task

• Choose Opt-in /Opt-out (online/paper data collection method)

Subject View Management

Instructor Task

• Live progress of response rates so Instructor can encourage participation

Subject View

Student Task

• Complete online data collection based on sent email and Moodle notification

Form Fill Out

Four Tasks:

Login to eXplorance BlueClick Dashboard to view all Courses with open data collection forms

Blue Terminology

Blue refers to courses as “Subjects” and Instructors as

“Secondary Subjects”

Course items are asked once for each


Instructor items are asked once for each

instructor in the course

Instructor Items

Course Items

Moodle BPI Plug-in (Student)

Login toMyU

Blue Subject View Management Review

(Selecting Paper/Web Data Collection Method)Determine which courses will be using web/online data

collection. (Note: All instructors for the course will use either paper or online collection since the process is

tied to the central database feed.)

Go to to the dashboardHere you will see a large number of Subject View

Management tasksUse the filter at the top to find a specific course, or a

specific set of courses (be sure to filter by Subject instead of Project)

Click SelectChoose Opt In (use online SRTs) or Opt Out (use paper

SRTs)Click Finalize

Blue Subject View Management Review

(When is it available?)

Currently anytime during the term (after the first class meeting has been completed)

When Subject View and Subject View Management are separated in the software anytime up to the time data collection is to start


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