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Post on 14-Sep-2020






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University of Lodz





About city of Lodz

Lodz, the former textile industry empire, today is a city of

modern technologies, a city of culture and grand events.

It is a metropolis where a landscape of industrial architecture

mixes with silhouettes of the 20th century office buildings,

production halls, culture and sports buildings.

Lodz is situated 125 km away from Warsaw.

Lodz is one of the largest cities in Poland

(3rd place).

In 1423 King Władysław Jagiełło granted city rights

to the village of Łódź.

The city's name translated literally means ”a boat”.

The University of Lodz

Foundation date: 1945

Number of students: 40 000

Academic staff: 2 280

Number of international students: 1100

The University of Lodz is one of the

biggest and highest ranked universities

in Poland.


QS World University Rankings There has been just 4 Polish universities that made it to the

QS World University Rankings 2013 among which is University

of Lodz

BRICS&Emerging Economies Ranking 2013 University of Lodz took 100 place in the world emerging

economies ranking in the Times Higher Education World

University Rankings developed by Thomson Reuters.

Greenmetric 2012 UL first among Polish universities!

In global, environmental ranking of universities,

University of Lodz took 91 place.


Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Faculty of Chemistry

Faculty of Economics and Sociology

Faculty of Philology

Faculty of Philosophy and History

Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics

Faculty of Geographical Sciences

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Faculty of Law and Administration

Faculty of Management

Faculty of International and Political Studies

Branch in Tomaszow Mazowiecki

biologia (Biology)

ochrona środowiska (Environmental Protection)

biotechnologia (Biotechnology)

mikrobiologia (Microbiology)

genetyka (Genetics)

chemia (Chemistry)

analityka chemiczna (Chemical Analysis)

chemia kosmetyczna (Cosmetic Chemistry)

ekonomia (Economics)

finanse i rachunkowość (Finance and Accounting)

socjologia (Sociology)

europeistyka (European Studies)

informatyka i ekonometria (Informatics and Econometrics)

międzynarodowe stosunki gospodarcze (International Economic Relations)

praca socjalna (Social Work)

Courses in Polish

logistyka (Logistics)

gospodarka przestrzenna (Spatial Economics)

analityka gospodarcza (Economic Analysis)

pedagogika (Pedagogy)

psychologia (Psychology)

geografia (Geography)

turystyka i rekreacja (Tourism and Recreation)

gospodarka przestrzenna (Spatial Economics)

geoinformacja (Geoinformation)

geomonitoring (Geomonitoring)

studia regionalne (Regional Studies)

politologia (Political Science)

stosunki międzynarodowe (International Relations)

międzynarodowe studia kulturowe (International Cultural Studies)

prawo (Law)

administracja (Administration)

polityka społeczna (Social Policy)

Courses in Polish

prawo podatkowe i rachunkowość (Tax Law and Accounting)

zarządzanie (Management)

analiza i zarządzanie w biznesie (Business Management and Analysis)

logistyka (Logistics)

finanse i inwestycje (Finance and Investment)

prawo podatkowe i rachunkowość (Tax Law and Accounting)

marketing (Marketing)

rachunkowość (Accounting)

zarządzanie publiczne (Public Management)

zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi (Human Resource Management)

technologie informatyczne w logistyce (Information Technology in Logistics)

matematyka (Mathematics)

informatyka (Computer Science)

filologie (Philologies)

kulturoznawstwo (Cultural Studies)

filologia polska (Polish Philology)

Courses in Polish

informacja naukowa i bibliotekoznawstwo (Library and Information Science)

dziennikarstwo i komunikacja społeczna (Journalism and Social Communication)

logopedia z audiologią (Logopedics with Audiology)

lingwistyka dla biznesu (Linguistics for business)

archeologia (Archeology)

etnologia (Ethnology)

filozofia (Philosophy)

historia (History)

historia sztuki (History of Art)

okcydentalistyka (Occidental Studies)

regionalistyka kulturowa (Cultural Regionalistics)

fizyka (Physics)

informatyka (Computer Science)

administracja (Administration)

turystyka i rekreacja (Tourism and Recreation)

zarządzanie (Management)

leśnictwo (Forestry)

Courses in Polish

Bachelor’s Degree:

BA in Computer Science

BA in Economics

BA in Economics, European Studies

BA in Business Management

BA in Management and Finance

BA in English Studies

BA in International Relations, specialization:

- International Marketing, Asian Studies

BA in International Cultural Studies, specialization:

- International Encounters in Culture

Courses in English

Courses in English

Master’s Degree:

MA in English Studies

MA in Computer Science

MA in Economics

Ma in Governance in Sustainable Development (GAVA)

MA in Ecohydrology

MA in International Relations, specialization: International

Gender Studies, International Marketing, American Studies

and Mass Media, “Cultura – Sociedad – Política” (in Spanish)

MA in Political Studies, specialization : Political

Management (also in Russian)

Erasmus Mundus International Gender Studies (GEMMA)

Erasmus Mundus Ecohydrology (ECOHYD)

Postgraduate studies: International Marketing Management

Courses in French

Studies in cooperation with:

Universite Francois – Rebelais Tours


– 1st degree postgraduate studies


– 2nd degree postgraduate studies

Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3



– postgraduate studies

Competitive tuition fees

2000 – 3500 Euro

per academic year

Application fee 200 Euro

Approximate cost of living

300 Euro a month

International Cooperation

University of Lodz cooperates with 180 partner institutions from all over the world.

With some of the partners, the University of Lodz has signed agreements on dual diplomas:

Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (France)

Université François – Rabelais (Tours, France)

University of Maryland (USA)

Centria University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

University of Regensburg (Germany)

2+2 with ZhengZhou University (China)



University of Lodz actively participates in many international

programmes. Among them are:

Erasmus+, Erasmus Mundus, Campus Europae, FSS-Mécanisme

Financier Norvégien, CEEPUS, DAAD, Fulbright, Bourses du

Gouvernement Français, Grundtvig, Jean Monet.

According to the national statistics concerning Erasmus+, the

University of Lodz holds 1st position in the Staff Mobility for

Teaching Assignments, and 5th in Student Mobility ranking.


educational projects

UL actively participates in various international projects that are

aimed at improving the quality and increasing the attractiveness

of its educational offer. Currently - about 40 projects under the

educational programmes that are co-financed by the European

Commission, including the Lifelong Learning Programme

(Erasmus+, Comenius, Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci), Erasmus

Mundus, Culture, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, Alfa III and

Health. In case of three multilateral projects UL also acts as a

coordinator of international consortia: GAVA - Governance for

Sustainable Development, DysTEFL - Dyslexia for Teachers of

English as a Foreign Language, Homoresponsabilis in the

Globalized World.

More information is available at:

International research


In the area of the international research programmes we

implement 54 projects (including 24 projects within the 6th

Framework Programme, 22 within the programmes of the

Ministry of Science and Higher Education). The University

has also put forward 28 proposals within the 7th Framework


In total, 71 projects are financed by external institutions.

Learn more:

Mobility Direct Program

It is a new academic project for partner institutions of our

University which is addressed to BA and MA students who

wish to participate in one semester exchange at our

University, free of charge for the period of studies.

In October 2014 – 180 students from Kazakhstan, Ukraine,

Russia, China etc. are coming for one semester exchange.

(2013/14 – total number was 194).

A participating student is able to:

Spend a part of degree programme in a foreign country, in

an international academic environment

Discover a different country’s educational system

Improve foreign (eg. English) language skills

Learn customs, history, and traditions of a foreign country

Make new friends and have an unforgettable experience

Number of international

students at the University of Lodz

The number of international students is growing each


In 2013/14 academic year, the UL has received over

1000 students within full time studies and one

semester exchange programs combined together.

Most of them are from: Belarus, Ukraine, China,

Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Spain.

The School of Polish

for Foreigners

The School of Polish for Foreigners at the University of

Lodz is the biggest and the oldest school in its category

in Poland. It has been in operation since 1952.

It arranges basic Polish language courses as well as

specialized Polish language courses for history,

geography, biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and


Students can enroll in one-month, five-month

or nine-month courses.


It is available in one of the University’s 10

dormitories. Students live in twin-bedded rooms

and have a direct access to a kitchen and shower.

Centre for Sport and Recreation

It offers different kinds of sport activities:

Swimming pool, indoor basketball, volleyball and

handball courts, aerobics room, and a gym.

Thank you for your attention

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