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University of Alaska Anchorage

College of Arts & Sciences

Computer Science, Mathematical Sciences

Android System Display for Sensor and Automation


Brent Gonzales


Prof. Cavalcanti, PhD




Anchorage AK, May 2015.

© Copyright 2015


Brent Gonzales

Version 5.3


The purpose of this document is to describe, explain, and present the capstone project finished by

Brian Kapala, Sukjin Yooh, Nailya Galimzyanova, and Brent Gonzales. The capstone project is

titled Android System Display for Sensor and Automation. The purpose of this project is to

display engineering data and relevant announcements from UAA around the UAA campus,

specifically the Engineering and Industry Building. Also, the project will be available for website

and Android device access to all users.

The project includes five main sections: introduction, gas, electricity, temperature, and

announcements. The introduction section displays a warm welcome to the user explaining what

the application is. Gas, electricity, and the temperature section display graphs relevant to the

selected building. The announcement section displays relevant news or awards about UAA. The

user interface of the application functions in two ways. A user is able to interact with the

application at any time. If there are no users interacting with the application after a certain

amount of time, the application will change state into a slideshow-like manner, shifting between

tabs, graphs, and pictures under a specified time frame.

The project was developed in two ways: through a website and through Android. The reason why

we chose to split the project in two is because we were donated touch screen monitors by

Siemens. We concluded that the best way to present the project on these monitors is using an

Android operating system. A website on touch screen monitors would be somewhat messy due to

the nature of webpages being designed from mouse and keyboard use rather than Android device

usage. However, it was still desirable to have a website due to the request to have all devices able

to use the application.

The website uses the technologies HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, and C#. The Android uses a

Java based framework and the Android API. To develop, the Android software developers had a

choice to use Eclipse or Android Studio as an IDE. We chose Android Studio due to the Android

development community moving from Eclipse to Android Studio as their main IDE. Android

Studio is heavily more dedicated from Android development compared to Eclipse.

Our software development team used the Agile Methodology to develop the system. It was

unclear what the requirements were for the project, so we were unable to choose the Waterfall

Methodology. We needed to pick a methodology that responded well to change and Agile fit that

description. Professor Cavalcanti acted as the client in the project. The software developers

presented iterations to the customer on a weekly basis. Also, the software developers met weekly

providing a great team environment, which further help justify why Agile was a good idea.


The completion of this capstone project was the result of the hard work and support of many

different people. I would like acknowledge all of their help throughout the project.

Firstly, I would like to thank Professor Cavalcanti, the supervisor of the project. He had brought

the project to the group’s attention, and worked through various meetings and discussions in

order to move the project along.

Next, I would like to thank all of my of my group members, Brian Kapala, Sukjin Yooh, and

Nailya Galimzyanova for all of their hard work and determination to work together, meet

frequently, and develop a high quality piece of software.

I would also like to thank UAA for the opportunity to create software that is worthwhile.

I thank Siemens who was very patient and willing to collaborate with us through meetings and

allowing us to connect to their database.

Lastly, I would like to thank my family and friends who supported and encouraged me

throughout my capstone project.

Table of Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................5

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................5

1.2 Application ............................................................................................................................7

1.3 Motivation ..............................................................................................................................9

1.4 Recent Developments ...........................................................................................................10

2 System Integration and Modeling ..........................................................................................11

2.1 Technology Used for Implementation ..................................................................................12

2.2 Design View of System Architecture ...................................................................................13

2.3 Components Used in Project Development .........................................................................16

2.4 Coding Methodology ............................................................................................................17

3 Design and Testing / User Interface .......................................................................................19

3.1 Project Management .............................................................................................................19

3.2 Test Cases .............................................................................................................................22

3.3 User Interface .......................................................................................................................23

List of Figures 1.1 A simulation of the finished UAA Engineering & Industry Building ...................................6

1.2 Lucid Design Group’s software that displays similar data to what the project entails for

University of Alaska Fairbanks. ..................................................................................................7

1.3 The touch screen monitor supplied by Siemens to be displayed in the UAA Engineering &

Industry Building. .........................................................................................................................9

1.4 The logo for Github, the Git repository hosting service the developers chose to use for the

project ...........................................................................................................................................9

1.5 The HTC Dream, the first commercially released Android device.. ....................................10

2.1 The logo for Android Studio, the integrated development environment chosen for

developing the ASDSA system. .................................................................................................12

2.2 A picture laying out the organization of the structure of Android applications ...................13

2.3 The prototype of ASDSA after a few weeks of development ..............................................14

2.4 A visual representation of the activity stack in an Android application. .............................16

2.5 The Nexus 7, the Android development machine mainly used for development. ...............17

2.6 The Gantt chart for project development .............................................................................19

3.1 A study was done to compare both the waterfall and agile methodologies based on

completion rate ...........................................................................................................................20

3.2 A diagram showing the flaws of the waterfall model.. ........................................................21

3.3 The Agile Roadmap to Value from Agile Project Management For Dummies by Mark C.

Layton .........................................................................................................................................22

3.4 An example of the testing framework for Android development ........................................24

3.5 Picture of the user interface half way through development. ...............................................25

Chapter 1


1.1 Introduction

Android System Display for Sensor and Automation (ASDSA) is an application created for the

purposes of displaying engineering information on television sized monitors located in the

Engineering & Industry Building at the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). A webpage and

Android based version of the application has been developed mainly by five computer science

students at UAA. An interface for administrators has been developed for the purpose of

populating useful information to the application when necessary.

ASDSA has a variety of features. Its main purpose is to display engineering information for

public display in a screensaver-like technique. It also displays relevant information about UAA,

such as recent accomplishments or recent events. The secondary features include an indoor

navigation system and an administrative interface.

Figure 1.1: A simulation of the finished UAA Engineering & Industry Building.

T. Bartlett Quimby, the dean of the College of Engineering at UAA, is one of the main driving

forces behind the project. The Engineering & Industry Building is currently under construction

and is set to be displayed on July 1, 2015. It is his vision to have the ASDSA application

available for display before the building opens to the public. The utilization of the application for

the engineering building’s opening day will allow the building to look more professional,

creative, and impressive to the visitors.

Figure 1.2: Lucid Design Group’s software that displays similar data to what the project entails

for University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The application displays electricity, water, and heating used during specific times. The

information is particularly useful to engineering professors, researchers, and students at UAA.

They are able to receive the information in real time from a variety of devices: the television

sized monitors in the Engineering & Industry Building, an Android device, or a webpage that can

be accessed by any device.

As stated before, the project is developed mainly by five computer science students: Brent

Gonzales, Brian Kapala, Sukjin Yooh, and Nailya Galimzyanova. The project was supervised by

Professor Adriano Cavalcanti, who also offered assistance during development. Other than

development, there are other groups who have assisted us with the project. Siemens, an

engineering company working on the building of the new engineering building at UAA, has

sensors placed inside the building to collect data for use in the application. UAA Facilities

provided us with data at the start of development with the purpose of creating a prototype that

later on was converted to work with the sensors of the new engineering building. The UAA IT

department provided a server where we can store the data received from Siemens.

The webpage application is developed using HTML, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, and C#. The

Android application is developed using the Java and Android API. The student developers

divided into two groups. The web developer is Nailya Galimzyanova. The Android developers

are Brent Gonzales and Sukjin Yooh. Brian Kapala was responsible for the backend database for

both versions of the application.

1.2 Application

As stated previously, two versions of the project were created: one accessible from a webpage

and one available on Android devices. At the start of development, a meeting was held between

the student developers, the supervisor, UAA Engineering, and Siemens. It was stated that the

monitors being supplied are Windows 8 computers. At first, the assumption was to create a

webpage to be displayed on the monitors. Following through with that plan would provide

application access to the monitors and users of any device. However, the developers determined

that it would be desirable for the monitors to have an Android interface, due to Android’s look

and feel being more suitable for a large touchscreen monitor compared to a webpage. Therefore,

the developers formed two separate groups to tackle a webpage version and an Android version

of the project.

Figure 1.3: The touch screen monitor supplied by Siemens to be displayed in the UAA

Engineering & Industry Building.

Both versions of the application run similarly. The application’s state depends on whether or not

it is being interacted with or not. If there is no user interaction, the application goes into

slideshow mode. Slideshow mode displays the engineering data and other relevant data about

UAA. This data is provided by the UAA Administration through the use of an administrative

interface. The administrative interface is linked to the application to allow updating in real time.

If there is user interaction within the application, the user may manually move been slides in the

slideshow or pick which type of engineering data they would like displayed. They are able to

access a variety of secondary features as well. After a period of time of interaction from the user,

the application defaults back to slideshow mode.

In slideshow mode, animations are used frequently. They are used specifically when the

slideshow automatically changes to another slide. Text and pictures fade in and move to a

position as opposed to being immediately displayed on the screen. This is to make the

application look fluid, professional, and unique. Custom sounds that function based off user

interaction have been integrated as well for the same reason. The sounds that have been added

are minimal; they are not to distract the user, but to enhance the feeling of pressing a button or

swiping a screen.

Figure 1.3: The logo for Github, the Git repository hosting service the developers chose to use

for the project.

The student developers and the supervisor used Github as our Git repository hosting service.

This provided us with distributed revision control and source code management functionality. In

other words, with a total of five people developing on the same project, Github allowed us to

structure the code in an organized way. A student developer would work on a portion of the code

and request a patch be made to the project. Then, the supervisor would review the patch and

either accept it or deny it. Also, GitHub is version control software, meaning that if two

developers worked on the same code at the same time, GitHub would have the tools necessary to

combine the code together (“GitHub For Beginners: Don’t Get Scared, Get Started,” 2013).

We chose to place the BSD license on the project. The BSD is a permissive and simple software

license that allows other software developers to freely use the software, but is not responsible for

how it is used. This was decided to be the best course of action because the project is academic

based; the goal is not revenue. The BSD license protects the student software developers and

UAA, the eventual owners of the software.

1.3 Motivation

Webpage development has come a long way than what it used to be. The World Wide Web was

invented about 25 years ago by Tim Berners-Lee, a software engineering who worked at a large

particle physics laboratory. He desired to have a set of technologies that would allow the Internet

to become useful and accessible to the average person. Around the end of 1990, he was

successful and the first Web page was created (“History of the Web,” n.d.).

After the World Wide Web was created, the importance of web development increased further. It

became inconvenient for users to always have to use software on their operating system. This

was also an inconvenience for software developers because they have to create multiple versions

of the software to function correctly on multiple devices. This pushed towards a movement to

create websites with the sole purpose of running software. This allowed for a development team

to create only one version of the project to be applicable for everyone with a browser (“A really

brief history of web development,” n.d.).

The web development part of this project can be thought of simply as software built into a

browser. The main purpose for creating the software into the web is to allow most computing

device with internet access to use the software. This will maximize the amount of people who

use the software.

UAA is in the process of reforming the technologies it is using. Currently, it is using ColdFusion

but will eventually switch over to .NET/C# technologies. Because of this, the web development

portion of the project will be programmed in C#. As of yet, it has not been currently decided who

will maintain the software of ASDSA. However, it is preferable to use more updated technology

on the chance UAA will maintain the software.

Figure 1.5: The HTC Dream, the first commercially released Android device.

In 2003, Andy Rubin, the co-founder of Android Inc, stated that there is “tremendous potential in

developing smarter mobile devices that are more aware of its owner’s location and preferences”

(“A complete history of Android,” 2008). In 2005, Google purchased Android Inc.

Android devices are used frequently enough around the UAA campus that UAA has created the

app “UAA Mobile,” an app that allows users stay connected with UAA, find out how to get

around campus, and look up course schedules. Students and facility at UAA are likely to be

familiar with an interface that has an Android look and feel. Because of this, the touch screen

monitors displaying our application was implemented in Android. The software development

team feels that a touch screen monitor should be implemented using a framework that is

designed for touch and swiping gestures.

The UAA Engineering & Industry Building is opening July 2014, before the ASDSA software

was developed. It is unlikely that many people know the layout of the building. It would prove

useful to have indoor navigation available for confused students and facility.

1.4 Recent Developments

According to a study by The Nielsen Company in 2014, in the United States, about 52% of

mobile users are using an Android device and about 43% of mobile users are using an Apple

device (“By the Numbers: iPhone vs. Android,” 2014). This wasn’t always the case in the past.

Chapter 2

System Integration and Modeling

2.1 Technology Used for Implementation

For a software development project, it is helpful to make use of an IDE, or an integrated

development environment. An integrated development environment is a “set of programming

tools for writing applications (source code editor, compiler, debugger, etc.), all activated from a

common user interface and menus.” (“IDE Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia,” n.d.).

Essentially, we believe that an IDE is a required tool for efficient software development. The

main developers had a couple choices for the main IDE to use for software development. The

choices considered were Eclipse and Android Studio.

Eclipse is available for development in multiple different languages, with Java being its main

focus. Android offers a plugin for Eclipse, called Android Development Tools. Eclipse has been

a successful IDE for over 10 years. Most of our developers regularly use Eclipse for

development for most purposes.

Figure 2.1: The logo for Android Studio, the integrated development environment chosen for

developing the ASDSA system.

Android Studio was created only for the purpose of Android development. The first stable

version was released in December 2014. None of our developers had used Android Studio


We were hesitant to choose Android Studio because of how new it was and due to the fact we

were all used to Eclipse. However, a software development team must adapt to the most useful

and efficient technology available. Android Studio is now considered in many circles as the

official IDE for Android development. Because the application is much newer and optimized for

just Android development, it runs considerably faster than Eclipse. The interface is tailored

completely to the idea of Android development; the project files hold no clutter unlike the

Eclipse counterpart. Also, Android Studio allowed for real time simulation of what the Android

application would look like on the device through the use of a convenient preview screen.

While the computer monitors donated by Siemens originally had the Windows 8 operating

system on it, we found it necessary to tailor the application with more of a tablet look and feel

instead of a computer look and feel. The reason for this is because the monitors are touch screen

and interactive through the use of swiping. These types of interactive capabilities are not usually

intuitive when you have access to a mouse.

We have decided to dual partition the monitors with an operating system which are targeting

tablets. The main operating systems for tablets are Android OS and iOS. All of the developers

agree that Android OS is the best decision for the project. There is a lot of support for dual

partitioning a computer with Android OS, whereas the support for iOS is nonexistent. Also, all of

the developers are well versed in Java, the language mainly used for Android programming. iOS

uses Objective-C and Swift, languages that nobody has been familiarized with.

2.2 Design View of System Architecture

Android programs based in Java have a common structure to them. This includes a manifest file,

resource files, an automatically generated R file, activity files, and miscellaneous files.

Figure 2.2: A picture laying out the organization of the structure of Android applications.

As stated on Android’s Developers website, “every application must have an

AndroidManifest.xml file (with precisely that name) in its room directory. The manifest file

presents essential information about your app to the Android system, information the system

must have before it can run any of the app’s code.” (“Android Manifest,” n.d.). Particularly for

this project, the manifest file has many uses. Firstly, it provides an access point to the first screen

when the application is started up. It also acts as a container for reference points for all other

possible screens (or activities) the application may use. Lastly, the application is only to be used

in a landscape mode. The reason why we chose this design choose is because the application will

be displayed on touch screen monitors that are mounted to the wall. These devices will not have

the capability to rotate. Consequently, to be consistent, we have required all devices to force

landscape mode when using our application. This functionality is acquired by listing the

restriction inside the manifest file.

Resource files provide layout functionality, picture functionality, and customization for the

application. For an Android application to function correctly in multiple screen settings, layouts

must be utilized (“Resources Overview”, n.d.). Without layouts, Android programmers would

have to create interfaces using a pixel system. Using pixels to display widgets on the screen is

not recommended due to the various screen sizes that are possible for Android devices. There are

multiple different types of layout managers in Android. The layout manager that will be utilized

the most is relative layout. Relative layout lets you position widgets relative to either the parent

widgets or sibling widgets.

Figure 2.3: The prototype of ASDSA after a few weeks of development.

To provide pictures at run time for Android, they can be stored inside the application using

resource files. ASDSA’s prototype used many images in resource files. This prototype allowed

the testing of the announcement tab found at the bottom right of the screen. The announcement

tab is designed to provide large pictures that look similarly to brochures. Eventually however, the

main goal is to allow the administrators of University of Alaska Anchorage to post various types

of announcements onto the ASDSA application announcements tab. When this is officially

implemented, there will no longer be a strong use for stored resource files. The reason is because

stored resource files act as an offline tool for the Android application. This type of approach

would not be feasible in an application that needs to be updated in real life. The administrators

would have to implement an update themselves and require all of their users to update as well.

Alternatively, instead of resource files, we are using a database that the administrators will

connect to. The application will check a certain location of the database on a server to see if

there are any updates from the administration. If there are, the application will update on all

devices simultaneously as long as each device as an internet connect.

Picture resources have another place in the ASDSA application besides prototypes. Our icon is

considered an important picture resource because it gives the user prior information on what our

application is going to look like and react when opened. There are also some customization

features in the ASDSA application. The interface is designed to be colored similarly to the colors

of the University of Alaska Anchorage, which is green and gold. To increase the look and feel,

gradients are used so the application looks more interesting, as opposed to a pure color. When a

tab is pressed, the pressed tab has a lighter shade of green and all of the other tabs have a darker

shade of green. This is done also by using picture resources.

Resource files are mostly used during run time, or in other words, when the program begins

execution. For example, when the ASDSA application begins, Android reads the layout resource

files and determines where to place all of buttons and other widgets. However, there are times

where it is necessary to manipulate widgets or other types of resources in a dynamic sense, or in

other words, after run time. This is done in the actual programming code execution. For the Java

code to reference the resource files, under the covers Android Studio automatically creates what

is known as the file. This file is responsible for linking the resource files to the code. It

works by generating an identification number for each resource or widget. Inside the code, there

is a convenience method accessible by Android Activity Classes called findViewById which can

utilize the file to obtain the resource or widget. It is also worth noting that the file

is not designed to be changed by the programmer.

An activity can be thought of as the screen that is displayed to the user on an Android device.

This activity file usually has a corresponding layout resource file attached to it in order to

provide an interface. When the user interacts with the screen of the Android device, the user is

technically interacting with the activity file. Depending on the context of the Android

application, there will either be only one activity or many activities. It is in a rare circumstance

that an Android application will not have any activities.

Figure 2.4: A visual representation of the activity stack in an Android application.

For ASDSA, we considered the design choices of using one activity compared to using multiple

activities for the entire application. If only one activity is used throughout the application, the

interface design may look cleaner. However, the programming code and layout resources are all

centralized into one area, which may result into cluttered code. If multiple activities are used

throughout the application, code will ultimately be cleaner. Certain functionalities of the

application can be split into their own respective files. However, this comes with the cost of a

fluid looking interface. In order to change activities, Android has to close the previous activity

and open a new one, which may result in a user interface transition that does not look as fluid as

it could. There is another advantageous quality to include multiple different activities. As

activities are created, the previous activity is not necessarily destroyed. The previous activity is

stored on what is called the activity stack. The activity stack can be thought of as a location for

previous activities to be stored in a stack. A stack is an abstract data type that allows elements of

the stack to be stored in a last-in first-out idea. In other words, the most recent element that

enters the stack is the first to be removed from the stack. In Android, if an activity exists and a

new activity is going to be created, the existing activity is stored on the top of the activity stack.

This is important for Android to know because of the back button. By default, when the back

button is pressed, it looks at the top of the activity stack and reloads that activity. The obvious

problem that comes with only having one activity there is no predefined behavior for the back

button (besides exiting the entire application). If an application is created with only one activity,

and the back button is utilized is some way, the developers have to manually create functionality

for the back button. This further clutters the code because it is a job normally suited for the

Android API.

After balancing the pros and cons of using multiple activities compared to one activity, we

decided it would be best for our application to only use one activity. ASDSA is an application

designed to look aesthetically pleasing. It is a priority for the application to look fluid,

professional, and have expected behavior. While cleaner code is important, we predict that it is

unlikely that this software will be updated or improved much later in the future, lowering the

importance of good code design. However, we will still make the attempt to have the centralized

code well documented and logically and cleanly ordered. As stated before, the application will

mainly be displayed on public view using large touch screen monitors. When a user opens an

application, usually they have access to the application itself and the navigation bar. This is

functionality we do not want to give users of the large touch screen monitors. Through some

tweaks of the Android operating system, we were able to display an app and make it not possible

for a user to close. By doing this, we have effectively removed the back button from the

application. Because of this, the importance of the default behavior of the back button had does

not carry any weight for this particular application.

2.3 Components Used in Project Development

For our application, we chose to develop with a Nexus 7. The reason is because in the Computer

Science and Engineering department at UAA, one of the professors has extra tablets available for

development usage.

Figure 2.5: The Nexus 7, the Android development machine mainly used for development.

The Nexus 7 we used was released July 2013. The number seven in the Nexus 7 name designates

the screen size in inches. The resolution is 1200 x 1920 pixels, with around 232 pixels per inch

pixel density. The operating system used is Android OS. Nexus 7’s are also equipped with a

GPS, a 5 megapixel camera, 16 GBs of space, 2 GB of RAM, and a 1.5 GHz CPU (“Asus

Google Nexus 7 (2013)”, n.d.).

Our application will be designed to work on all screen sizes, so the fact that it is a nexus 7 is not

of particular importance. We would be able to use nearly any Android device for project


The main purpose of the ASDSA application is to be displayed on the large touch screen

monitors located at the Engineering & Industry Building at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

This monitor is equipped with a built in computer includes a Windows 8.1 64-bit operating

system, an optical disc drive, an Intel 4th Generation Core i5 processor, a screen resolution of

2560 x 1440, and a screen size of 27 inches.

Even though the touch screen monitor came with Windows 8.1, we have set up a dual partition

on the computer for the Android operating system. The reason is because our software

development team has mainly experience with Android programming. Secondly, the only

feasible alternative on a Windows 8.1 operating system was to create a webpage. Our software

development team does not have much experience with web development. Also, we concluded

that users generally do not find websites to be intuitive when it comes to a touch screen monitor.

2.4 Coding Methodology

We have decided as a group to use the Agile methodology approach. Simply put, the Agile

methodology is a set of rules to follow for development. It includes but is not limited to: “close

interaction between the development team with a customer; the development team is accountable

for saying how long things will take; short development cycles, and frequent releases; fast

response to feedback and new information; planning and design are de-emphasized.” (“What is

an agile software development methodology, in layman’s term?,” n.d.).

Specifically for our development team, we are delivering chapters of a capstone paper and

features of the ASDSA software. Personally, I am responsible with my other software

development team member for the graphical user interface and the possible interactions that the

ASDSA application has. For the first deliverable, I have delivered a prototype which includes a

simple interface which bottom tabs that matched the University of Alaska Anchorage’s color

scheme. The buttons are designed as radio buttons, meaning only one button can be pressed at

the time. At that time in development, the buttons held no functionality, besides changing to a

color shade of green when selected. For the second deliverable, I have delivered additional

functionality to the earlier prototype. Combined with my teammates help, we integrated a picture

swiping and zooming functionality to the application for the purpose of the announcement tab.

Figure 2.6: The Gantt chart for project development.

2-Feb 12-Feb 22-Feb 4-Mar 14-Mar24-Mar 3-Apr

Create Clickable Tabs

Swipe and Zoom Functionality

Graph Implementation

Connect Application to Database

Automatic Running of Application

Chapter 3

Design and Testing / User Interface

3.1 Project Management

In software development methodologies, we can think of them as split into two parts. There is

the coding methodology portion and the project management portion. In the previous chapter, it

was stated that the Agile methodology was chosen for this project, and the coding methodology

was explained. In this chapter, we will explain the other portion of Agile, the project

management methodology, and compare it to the Waterfall methodology.

Figure 3.1: A study was done to compare both the waterfall and agile methodologies based on

completion rate.

Waterfall is a very linear methodology for software development. The sequence of events

according to Segue Technologies (“Waterfall vs. Agile: Which is the Right Development

Methodology for Your Project?”, July 5th, 2013):

1. Gather and document requirements

2. Design

3. Code and unit test

4. Perform system testing

5. Perform user acceptance testing (UAT)

6. Fix any issues

7. Deliver the finished product

Waterfall has its pros and cons. Because it’s a linear process, team members are able to focus on

one portion at a time. High customer presence is not required as all requirements for the software

is decided at the beginning. Lastly, progress of the team is easily measured.

Using a waterfall approach definitely has some downfalls. Requirements are set at the very

beginning. It frequently happens that a customer requests a feature to be done, but may change

their mind about it midway through development. Also, a customer may not be able to accurately

describe what feature he or she really wants. It is difficult and expensive to go backwards in a

linear software methodology.

Figure 3.2: A diagram showing the flaws of the waterfall model.

The Agile methodology is called an iterative software development methodology. It focuses on a

team-based, high customer involvement environment. As stated by the Agile Project

Management for Dummies, the 12 Agile Principles are (“Agile Project Management For

Dummies,” n.d.):

1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery

of valuable software.

2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness

change for the customer's competitive advantage.

3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months,

with a preference to the shorter timescale.

4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support

they need, and trust them to get the job done.

6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a

development team is face-to-face conversation.

7. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and

users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.

9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.

10. Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done — is essential.

11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.

12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes

and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Figure 3.3: The Agile Roadmap to Value from Agile Project Management For Dummies by

Mark C. Layton.

By using the agile methodology, a software development team can solve most of waterfall’s

problems. Requirements are not set in stone at the beginning and they are subject to change at

any time. It is a common problem that a customer does not know exactly what they want for their

software. An agile-like solution is to create a prototype of the application. The prototype itself

should not take significant time to create, but rather help form an idea from the customer’s

requirements. From there, the customer can decide on whether or not to pursue further into the

direction of the prototype or to change directions. Because agile is an iterative process, software

developers are required to provide what are called iterations. An iteration is a single development

cycle commonly used in the agile software development methodology (“What is Iteration?, n.d.).

Iterations can last between one week or two weeks, depending on how often the customer wants

to meet and depending on how long the software developers estimated to work on the project.

Of course, there are disadvantages with the agile approach. The level of customer involvement

has to be very high in order for the iterative process. This takes time and dedication from the

customer. Because of this, it is difficult or impossible with a customer who is uncooperative or

unavailable to meet regularly to use the agile methodology. Also, because of the iterative nature

of Agile, the code itself will suffer because less time was allotted to it due to the strong emphasis

of customer involvement.

Specifically in our project, we chose to use the Agile Methodology as listed in the previous

chapter. The nature of our project did not provide an obvious way to receive large amounts of

system requirements. It was somewhat vague what the client wanted, and we had a large amount

of creative freedom regarding designing the application. Because of this, the waterfall

methodology was not applicable for the project.

Using the Agile Methodology was a good idea because the supervisor, Professor Cavalcanti, also

acted as the customer for the project. Every week on Wednesday we met up to review the

progress that we have made. Also, the software developers met up on Friday of every week to

develop in a team based environment, which the Agile Methodology recommends.

3.2 Test Cases

Testing is important because programs are written by humans. Humans are bound to make

mistakes. Testing is a form of checking our work (“Why is software testing necessary?”, n.d.).

The more complicated a program gets, the more likely it is to have errors. Since the capstone

project is large in size, involves a team of developers, and is highly expected to produce a quality

product, it is necessary to use a testing framework.

To test the project, we have decided to use the JUnit framework. By using the JUnit framework,

we created test cases classes, mock objects, and mock methods. Also, you are able to control the

lifecycle of an Android application by using instrumentation. Certain functions are called by

exiting, destroying, pausing, or starting an application. Normally, a programmer would not be

able to have direct access to this, but by using instrumentation, it is possible. For example, the

programmer would be able to assert whether or not the activity of an application correctly

restores its data when the activity is destroyed or paused (“Testing Fundamentals,” n.d.).

Our test cases are as follows:

1. Project should respond to click events. Buttons should click and enable as required,

and disable as required. Images should be swipeable and zoomable.

2. Project should display announcements when the announcement button is enabled.

3. Project should display graphs of corresponding engineering data when the correct

button is enabled.

4. Project should automatically start a slide show if there are no interactions after 10


5. Project should stop slide show if there was an interaction in the last 10 seconds.

6. Project should update engineering data every 15 minutes from the database correctly.

7. Project should not crash over long periods of time.

Figure 3.4: An example of the testing framework for Android development.

3.3 User Interface

The user interface includes buttons, pictures, and graphs. The bottom half of the application

includes the tabs (or buttons) designed to change the interface. For example, clicking the

announcement tab will display UAA related announcements such as news and events. Clicking

the electricity, water, or gas tabs will display engineering related information in the form of

graphs. If the application is not being interacted with, the application will go into a slideshow-

like manner and run through the tabs itself, displaying appropriate data depending on the selected


Figure 3.5: Picture of the user interface half way through development.

Chapter 4

Results and Discussion

4.1 Introduction to Results and Discussion

As stated in previous chapters, the purpose of the project is to display engineering related

information in the form of graphs and to display various types of information from UAA such as

announcements or awards. The project displays all this information using large touch screen

monitors donated by Siemens. In addition to the monitors, users can view the application through

a webpage accessible through all possible devices with an internet connection as well as an

Android app available through Google Play.

It would be interesting to empirically record the results of user interactions of the application in a

real world scenario. Depending on the results, developers could make adjustments to the project

to enhance user experience, repair bugs or crashes, add functionality, or make the design more

aesthetically pleasing. Unfortunately, in this project, we have run into time constraints, and were

unable to test out the application in a real world environment before the capstone project paper

was documented. Instead, this chapter will be formatted by first stating what the results are of

completing the application. Secondly, there will be a discussion about how these results will be


Figure 4.1: Picture of one of the smaller versions of the touch screen monitor (20 inch) in


4.2 Results

After finishing the app, it is finally time record the results found by the application.

The application is mainly used for displaying information. There are five tabs that provide

different functionality. The introduction tap displays a helpful and friendly message to the user

explaining what the application is about. The electricity, water, temperature, and gas tabs display

graphs to the user. The announcements tab displays events, accomplishments, and other useful

information about UAA. The main interface includes no action bar (menu bar found on the app

of numerous Android applications). The tabs are given a UAA color scheme. Unselected tabs are

colored with a background of dark green with a text color of gold. Selected tabs are colored with

a background of gold with a text color of dark green. The dark green and gold colors picked are

picked with specific color values as found in the UAA Branding Book. The background of the

application is black.

4.3 Discussion

As developers, we are responsible for the design choices we make in our application. The

specific design choices we have as made with the intent to enhance the user experience for the


As stated before in previous chapters, the driving force behind this project is UAA. Therefore, it

makes sense for the developers formulate the design choices to match UAA’s expectations. Plus,

the application would be displayed in a UAA building (the College of Engineering & Industry

building). We decided to use a dark green and gold theme based off UAA’s Branding Book.

Specifically, the dark green value is #00583D and the gold value is #FEE300. The tabs found on

the bottom are given these colors. When a button is unselected, the unselected tab displays a dark

green background with yellow font. When a button is selected, the selected tab displays a yellow

background with dark green font. In other words, the colors flip to represent the currently

selected radio button.

Figure 4.2: A page from the UAA Branding Book, showing the specific colors UAA uses from

official documents or products.

One of the first decisions the developers made was to remove the concept of the action bar. The

reason is because there is not purpose to display the title of the app. The reason behind this is that

the title of the project is already displayed in the introductions tab. A second title would

redundant. Secondly, the menu items such as about and text size are unnecessarily for this type

of application. If secondary buttons need to be added, they can be added without the action bar.

Lastly, by removing the action bar, there is other room for other components. This is especially

important when the application is run on a mobile device.

Figure 4.3: Side by side comparison showing how much space is saved by removing the action


UAA’s branding colors are found to be very darkly colored. That is why the developers decided

that the common background should be black. Using a matching color scheme is preferable for

the user, as it would be unpleasant for a user having to view a program which has poor design

choice. A black background matches well with the UAA colors of dark green and gold. It helps

brings the attention of the all other components of the application such as the tabs, the graphs,

and the announcements.

The announcement tab is meant to give a warm welcome to the user. As soon as the user starts

the application, the announcement tab is displayed. It gives the application its title, gives credit to

the developers and UAA for allowing this project to take off, and explains what the project’s

goal is.

The electricity graph is colored yellow-green to logically represent physical lightning. It is in

units of kilowatt hour (kWh). The electricity graph is the most unique. The reason behind this is

because the user is able to view electricity usage as well as electricity demand. Electricity

demand does not depend on sensors in the building. It is gathered from the Siemen’s database

which determined the current cost of electricity so that the software developers could parse it

into a graph form.

The water graph is colored white and blue, similarly to the color of the ocean. It is in units of

gallons per hour. The temperature is yellow and red, signifying a hot temperature. It is in units of

Fahrenheit and Celsius. The gas graph is colored magenta and black, similarly to a type of gas.

Libraries are one form of integrating open source code into one’s existing project. The reason

why libraries exist is because developers believe that one another should not have to reinvent the

wheel once a task is completed. The graphs used inside the project was not created by the

developers of the project. We made used of a library called A Simple XY Plot. Using this open

source library allowed our developers to reuse code and to save time to focus on other parts of

the project.

At the technical level, A Simple XY Plot defines an XYPlot View using XML, and assigns a

single XYSeries to it. XYPlot acts as the container image to be displayed in the application, and

XYSeries is an object created programmatically with the graph values implemented into it.

Figure 4.4: An example of the usage of the library A Simple XY Plot.

Chapter 5

Summary and Conclusion

5.1 Summary

We have completed an important and worthwhile project. Engineering on Display will be used

throughout campus to display engineering related data and UAA news. With four exceptional

members, we have created two versions of the application: the website and the Android app. The

Android app will allow efficient usage of the touch screen monitors while the website will allow

all types of applications to access the app. Using this approach, we have succeeded in using the

touch screen monitors in an aesthetically pleasing way without limiting users to one type of


5.2 Implications

As of today, Android applications are still in the early stages comparatively to other types of

platforms. We predict that Android will continue to grow in popularity as more uses and

functions from the Android operating system come to light, as for example the Engineering on

Display project. As a team, we are assisting in the advancement of the future. Students and

faculty will see the progress we have made, from using our project for real-world issues. The

project will be physically displayed for many people to view and learn from.

As stated before, the Engineering on Display project was heavily influenced by the Dean of the

College of Engineering. University of Alaska Fairbanks contracted Lucid Design Group to

develop software similar to the one in this project. Stemming from this idea, he thought it would

be a great idea to create a similar system from the students of University of Alaska Anchorage.

Clearly, there are many positive outcomes to this approach in creating a system. The software

developer students received no pay for the project, thus saving UAA a significant amount of

money compared to UAF. The student developers also got the opportunity to work on a project

that was interesting, worthwhile, and held in a professional real-world setting especially seen

between the meetings of the student software developers and Siemens and the UAA IT


5.3 Recommendations for Future Development

The software development team agrees that it is a healthy trait to be overly ambitious.

Nevertheless, we find it unfortunate to conclude that there are features yet to be done. At the start

of the project, it was desired to have an indoor navigation system implemented in the new

Engineering & Industry building. Due to time constraints, we were unable to commit to that level

of work load of software development. Fortunately, because this is a capstone project and not

paid contract work, any desired work could be finished next year during the next capstone


A common idea for future development is to allow students to work on development the app for

even more sensors or more buildings. This idea is likely to be implemented due to the various

parties suggestion this idea. For example, both the Dean and Siemens would like to see this

project take off in later semesters.

Figure 4.2: How indoor navigation works.

5.4 Conclusion

When starting the project, it quickly came to the team’s realization that a project like this will

provide many challenges. The project definitely proved to be harder than expected. Nevertheless,

the team pushed forward, overcoming the obstacles such as database configuration and graphical

user interface manipulation with timers. With persistence, even the difficult projects will end up

with success.

Appendix A - UML

Appendix B – Source Code


package ASDSA.uaa.ASDSA;

import android.content.Context;



import android.os.Build;


import android.os.Bundle;

import android.view.GestureDetector;

import android.view.LayoutInflater;

import android.view.Menu;

import android.view.MenuItem;

import android.view.MotionEvent;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.animation.Animation;

import android.widget.ImageView;

import android.widget.RadioButton;

import android.widget.TabHost;

import android.widget.TabWidget;

import android.widget.ViewFlipper;


import ASDSA.uaa.announcements.SwipeGestureDetector;

import ASDSA.uaa.announcements.ScaleImageView;

public class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity {

private static final int SWIPE_MIN_DISTANCE = 120;

private static final int SWIPE_THRESHOLD_VELOCITY = 200;


private ViewFlipper mViewFlipper;

private ScaleImageView previous;

private ScaleImageView current;

private ScaleImageView next;

private RadioButton btnIntroduction;

private RadioButton btnElectricity;

private RadioButton btnWater;

private RadioButton btnGas;

private RadioButton btnAnnouncements;


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



Animation.AnimationListener mAnimationListener = new Animation.AnimationListener(){

public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation){


public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation){


public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation){



mViewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) this.findViewById(;

SwipeGestureDetector swipeGestureDetector = new SwipeGestureDetector(this,

mAnimationListener, mViewFlipper);

final GestureDetector detector = new GestureDetector(swipeGestureDetector);

mViewFlipper.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {


public boolean onTouch(final View view, final MotionEvent event){

detector.onTouchEvent (event);

return true;



// previous = (ScaleImageView) findViewById(;

// previous.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(;


// current = (ScaleImageView) findViewById(;

// current.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.two));


// next = (ScaleImageView) findViewById(;

// next.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.three));

previous = (ScaleImageView) findViewById(;

InputStream is = getResources().openRawResource(;

Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);



current = (ScaleImageView) findViewById(;

is = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.two);

bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);



next = (ScaleImageView) findViewById(;

is = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.three );

bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);



// // show tab dividers -- has to be done programmatically

// LayoutInflater inflater = this.getLayoutInflater();

// View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_main, null);

// TabHost tabHost = (TabHost) view.findViewById(;

//// tabHost.getTabWidget().setDividerDrawable(R.drawable.example1);

//// if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11)






public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.

getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

return true;



public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

// Handle action bar item clicks here. The action bar will

// automatically handle clicks on the Home/Up button, so long

// as you specify a parent activity in AndroidManifest.xml.

int id = item.getItemId();

//noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement

if (id == {

return true;


return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);




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