unity of wilmington 2018.pdf · regularly scheduled weekly classes and programs curious souls...

Post on 25-Mar-2020






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Did you enjoy a certain Sunday Lesson? Want to own a permanent copy?

Past Sunday Lesson CDs can be ordered at the Sound Booth at the back of the Sanctuary.

Visit unitywil.com for YouTube replays of the services.

Unity of Wilmington 717 Orchard Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403

910-763-5155 or admin@unitywil.com Rev. Mindy Tucker, Senior Minister

Office Hours: Wednesday—Friday, 9:00 am—4:00 pm Closed Monday and Tuesday

2018 Year of Deepening

Vision for the World: United in Love, the world celebrates joy, abundance and harmony.

Mission Statement: Unity of Wilmington is a vibrant, loving spiritual community expanding

Consciousness and inspiring personal transformation.

Core Values: Spiritual, Uplifting, Dynamic, Loving, Inclusive Community

We are a vibrant, loving, spiritual community

expanding consciousness and inspiring personal transformation.

March 2018

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their

minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw

We all want to change something at some point in our lives. If you’re a perpetually aspiring perfectionist like me, you might find yourself wanting to change all the things all the time. While contentment is great, and I fully recognize the value and necessity for contentment and gratitude in daily life, complacency is not, and sometimes change is necessary.

Contentment and gratitude are celebrations for choices well made, decisions that have led us to the highest and best outcomes for our spiritual growth, emotional well-being, rich relationships, and healthy bodies. Appreciation of our choices and decisions opens the space for us to make more like them in the future. Why? Because we are on an evolutionary path of spirituality and practicality.

The question that comes to my mind is what compass are we using to navigate our evolutionary path? What moral and ethical foundation are we using to spring forth?

Do you ever recall being asked if you want to know what is important to you, what your priorities are in life, look at your checkbook? We spend money on that which we consider (consciously or unconsciously) most important. We could look at our calendar/daily to-do list and ask ourselves that same discovery question. Based on the results of what you’ve got booked, what are your priorities?

I read a story about a woman who justified her career as an entrepreneur so that she could spend more time with her family. When she completed the checkbook/calendar inventory, she realized the time she spent with her young family was minimal. Instead of letting shame take the reins, she had a frank conversation with herself facing the reality that she was acting apart from her beliefs. She be-gan to make different choices and different decisions (code word: changes). Mind you they weren’t big changes. She didn’t shut down her business, sell her client list or anything like that. What she changed was her thinking.

Changing our thinking is what the Unity Movement is all about. It is an invitation to reorient our lives around our values. It’s about shifting our perspectives and making different choices and decisions from a conscious-ness of what matters most in our lives.

As a spiritual community, what Unity of Wilmington values most are these things: spiritual, uplifting, dynamic, loving and inclusive community. Join us for our five-week series in discovery of how we can best embody these values – in community and in our personal lives.

Rev. Mindy

Regularly Scheduled Weekly Classes and Programs

Curious Souls Spiritual Study Group—Sunday 2:00 pm

A group of like-minded seekers who intend to encounter and explore authentic spirituality.

Current book: The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield.

The Power of Eight, Intention Group—Sunday 6:00 pm

There is power when people gather as a group to pray with intention. Questions? Call

Donna DeGuitus at 858-414-1531.

A Course in Miracles—Sunday and Wednesday 7:00 pm

ACIM teaches a thought system—a way of seeing and understanding—based on love and

oneness with Spirit and with each other.

Yoga Classes:

- with Michelle Crittenden: Mon. and Fri. 8:30 and 9:45 am; Wed. 8:30 am— $5. All levels

- with Lisa Keating: Mon. 5:30 pm—$5. Beginners

- with Philip Humphrey: Tue. 6:00 pm—$5; Sat. 9:30 am—$8. All levels

Men’s Group—Monday 7:00 pm

A unique group welcoming all men who wish to grow spiritually and mindfully through open-

minded and compassionate discussion in a safe, confidential fellowship.

Line Dancing Classes—Wednesday 3:00 pm

Melinda McKeon and Evelyn Bradley teach advanced line dancing in the Fellowship Hall.

Each class is one hour. Suggested love offering $3.

Mindshifters Group—Tuesday 5:00-6:30 pm

This group meets to work on dr. michael ryce’s tools for forgiveness, creation, healing, and much more. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Oasis—Wednesday 7:00 pm

A time for prayer, meditation and sharing Oneness Blessings.

Going Deeper—Thursday 7:00 pm

A 45-minute silent group meditation.

Choir Rehearsal—Thursday 7:00 pm

Join us if you are interested in participating in Sunday Worship services.

Words of Wisdom Book Group—Friday 10:00 am

The group is discussing the book Awakening the Buddha Within by Lama Surya Das. Every-

one is welcome to attend. Questions? Call Barbara McGirt 910-431-8045.

Emmet Fox Study Group—Saturday 11:00 am

Emmet Fox was a New Thought spiritual leader and author. We are studying The Sermon

on The Mount: The Key to Success in Life. Contact Terri Mann 470-2745 with questions.

Community and Worldwide Service Ongoing Projects

Collection of Books for Homes of Hope—India—Homes of Hope, founded by Paul Wilkes of Wilmington, supports nine orphanages in India for girls and a school for both girls and boys. Volunteers list books for resale on Amazon.com to raise funds. Additionally, some books go to children and libraries in India and to those serving in our military. You can drop your book donations off in the church office.

Collection of Box Tops for Education— We collect the Box Tops for Educa-tion coupons found on many General Mills products. Roland-Grise Middle School PTA receives ten cents for each box top. A jar is located on the foyer table for the coupons. We have donated $170 in box tops to date.

Refreshments for


If your last name begins with the letters S-Z, would you be willing to bring in after service refresh-ments: fruit, cheese and crack-ers, raw veggies, cookies, or other finger foods. Thanks!

Birthdays for March

3 Charly Rose Noell Rowan 6 Angel Maldonado 8 Jeanne Corbin 10 Mac McConatha 13 Randy Rose 15 Rene Pare Richard Rooks 24 Peggy Duncan 26 Shantel Davis Alan Held

Birthday Sunday

Sunday, March 4, 9 and 11 am

Youth Ed Community Meeting Sunday, March 4, 12:30 pm

Healing Night

Monday, March 5, 7-9:00 pm

Reconnective Healing Workshop

Tuesday, March 6, 7 pm

Game Night

Friday, March 9, 7:00 pm

Garden Work Day

Saturday, March 10, 9:00 am—Noon

Celebration of Life for Champion King

Saturday, March 10, 1:00 pm

Ladies Lunch at Porches Cafe Tuesday, March 13, Noon

Lottery Drawing for Gallery Space

Wednesday, March 15, 8

Annual Yard Sale Saturday, March 17, 8:00 am-1:00 pm

Soup Sunday

Sunday, March 18, after both services

Newsletter Deadline

Tuesday, March 20

Mark Earlix

Healing Circle

Friday, March 23, 7:00 pm Healing Workshop

Saturday, March 24, 10:30-4:00 pm

Chili Cook Off Sunday, March 25, Noon

Maundy Thursday Service

Thursday, March 29, 7:00 pm

Girls Night Out at Slainte Irish Pub

Tuesday, March 27, 6:00 pm

Children’s Easter Party Saturday, March 31, tbd

Birthday Sunday

March 4

We welcome birthday celebrants and cupcake donations.

Soup Sunday

March 18

Bring a pot of soup to share!

As you start your spring cleaning, please hang on to your gently

used items for our ….

ANNUAL YARD SALE: March 17, 8:00 am—1:00 pm Please bring in your items in now. Please be sure they are clean and in good repair. Help will be needed to sort and price items. Many volunteers are needed for this event! Sign-up sheets are located in the entryway or contact Jennifer Allen at 791-5206 if you are willing to help. Work days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:00 am—Noon. Volunteers are needed all morn-ing on the day of the sale. Make room for more good in your life! Out with the old and in with the new!

Youth and Family Ministry Community Meeting Sunday, March 4, 12:30 pm

"Our children are sacred. Our role as caretakers of their spiritual growth is sa-

cred. We can consciously commit to deepening our support of youth ministry

within our church families. We can open our hearts and church doors to wider

communities, sharing our vision and our positive beliefs. Let us join together as

a Unity family and clearly answer Myrtle Fillmore's call, "Who will take care of

the children?" ~Robin Clark Join us on March 4th for a conversation about re-creating a youth program that is sustainable by re-building a strong founda-tion through vision, Unity principles and sound administrative practices!

Birthday Sunday March 4, 9:00 and 11:00 am

Join us as we celebrate our congregants born in March. We welcome cupcake donations.

Featured Vocalists

March 4—Heather Setzler March 25—Unity singers March 11—Tyler McKaig April 1—Jason Aycock and Heather Setzler March 18—Chris Rickert

Reconnective Frequencies (RF) Exploration Group Tuesday, March 20, 1:00 pm

Reconnective Frequencies enable a return to an optimal state of balance, wholeness and vitality. It’s tangible, measurable… you can actually feel it! It brings about healings that are often instantaneous and tend to last for the per-son’s lifetime. And the only tools required are your consciousness and pres-ence. Our group is focused on concepts, practices, and frequencies of Reconnective Healing. All are wel-come to attend. For more information, please contact Rev. Nickie Golden (808-389-6715) or Peg Ostby (371-3966).

Healing Night Monday, March 5, 7:00-9:00 pm

This evening of healing is open to all wishing to receive healing energy. Different healing modalities will be of-fered. Contact Sis Tyler at 452-0415 if you have any ques-tions. Love offerings accepted.

Healing Nights are held on the first Monday of the month.

Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday, March 11, 2:00 a.m.

Set your clocks ahead when you go to bed

on Saturday night.

Special Thanks to…

We are grateful to our many volunteers who support the ministries of Unity of Wilmington. We appreciate you! Want to help? Contact Gail O’Brien our Vol-unteer Coordinator at obriengp77@gmail.com (742-5524) or Annette Cook at admin@unitywil.com (763-5155). Thanks to…

- Payton Andrews, Nancy McLaughlin, Amanda Smith, and Linda Veale for teaching Sunday School in February. We appreciate your love for our children.

- Susan Darnell and Dameron Midgett for hosting dr. ryce during Feb. 18-23rd, and operating the sound system and setting up chairs. - George Dolan for changing out fuses on the theater lights.

- Christine Lyons for setting up the February Potluck/Game Night. - The Nominating Committee (Liz Freeman, Liz Greenwald, Noell Rowan, Rev. Mindy, and Janette Wellman) and the Prosperity Team (Jim Bitto, Annette Cook, Elaine Dalrymple, Christine Lyons, Lainie Mauger, Randy Rose and Rev. Mindy) for their work in prepara-tion of Unity’s Annual Meeting.

Diversity Dates for March

1 – St. David of Wales Day, Celtic Christian 3 – Holi, Hindu 17 – St. Patrick’s Day, Celtic Christian 20 – Spring Equinox, Pagan 28 – Khordad Sal, Zoroastrian 29 – Mahavir Jayanti, Jain 29, 30 – Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Christian 30+ -Passover, Jewish 31 – Hanuaman Jayanti, Hindu

Diversity Statement: We believe that all people are created with sacred worth. Our ministries and outreaches are inclusive and open-minded, free of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, physical disabil-ity and sexual orientation. We recognize and honor the Divine within as the one common denominator that we share on our human journey.

Nickie’s Notions

Gay Hendricks in his book Conscious Living: Finding Joy in the Real World makes the statement: “The only way to

attract the love you want is to love and embrace your self.”

I find this a powerful statement; yet, learning to live this statement can bring forth some challenges in life. Many of us spend far more time criticizing and blaming ourselves than we do others. Some of us find it easy to give to others, yet limit our own generosity toward our self. Often times we have not been taught to engage in thoughts, feelings, and actions that are self-loving. Moreover, when we have done so, we have been called conceited or narcissistic.

When we turn our loving attention toward our inner being, we can find ways to support and nourish our self. We can identify when we need time alone and ask for it. We can understand when we would like to have external support and then we can reach out to a friend we trust. When we are willing to direct our atten-tion inward, we can begin to appreciate who we are and our own unique gifts. We can actually give to our self what we often reserve for others.

Learning to love our self can begin with simply affirming, “I love myself.” If you want to up the ante, try saying this to yourself while looking in the mirror. Start slow, maybe five times and see if you can build up the number of times in a day that you affirm your love for yourself. Each time you look in a mirror you could make a positive statement about yourself. Treat this as a science experiment. Begin to affirm your self love regularly for a week and see if you begin to notice any changes in your self esteem, any changes in the amount your blame or criti-cize your self, or even in the degree to which love returns to you. The Buddha states: “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is

more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person

is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire

universe deserve your love and affection.”

Rev. Nickie Golden

Amazon Smiles on Unity of Wilmington

Amazon Smiles is a program offered by Amazon wherein if you shop through the Amazon Smiles portal, Unity of Wilmington will receive a nickel for every $10 you spend. What an easy and fun way to support Unity! Unity earned $27.11 during the months October—December, 2017.

To access Amazon Smiles with credit towards Unity of Wilmington, you can cut and paste the following link in your browser and access Amazon.


Chili Cook Off Sunday, March 25, Noon

Calling all Chili Chefs and Connoisseurs! Enter your favorite chili recipe and compete for bragging rights for the “best” chili this side of the Rio Grande! A donation

of $5 will get you a scorecard to taste and vote on your favorite fare. Space is limited to twelve contestants, so sign up today! Prizes will be awarded! All proceeds benefit Unity of Wilmington.

‘Soup’ Sunday

March 18 after both services

‘Soup’ Sundays are a great way to fellowship while enjoying a delicious cup of soup. Please sign up if you are willing to bring a pot of soup to share. Your love offering will support the sound reduc-tion project in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you!

Thanks to those who prepared soup in February: Tom Andrews, Annette Cook, Elaine Dalrymple, Liz Greenwald, Carol Jenkins, Phyllis Millette, Beverly Perry and Janette Wellman.

Women’s Gatherings:

Tuesday, March 13, Noon —Ladies Lunch

Tuesday, March 27, 6:00 pm—Girls Night Out Fun and social gatherings for the women of Unity! We will meet at Porches Café, 1030 Chair Rd., Castle Hayne, for lunch and Slainte, Monkey Junction, 5607 Carolina Beach Road for Girls Night Out. You may sign up in the lobby or contact Beverly Perry (910-

465-6375) for lunch or Kara Williams (919-780-9317) for dinner to reserve or to cancel your spot. Please make your reservation at least 24 hours before the meal.

Garden Work Day Saturday, March 10, 9:00 am—Noon

Hi Gardeners,

Well, the hard work is done. The side yard along the sanctuary has mulched paths bordered by bricks. Most of the weeds have been tamed. The large shrubs are under control. And the center garden is filled with plants and ground covers. But as you know, yards require maintenance. So if you have an hour or two to spare on Saturday, we will be doing a little raking, weeding, and what-ever YOU think needs to be done to continue to make the area look good. Just bring a pair of work gloves and your favorite garden tool. We do have some rakes, etc. in the garage if you don’t have one. Looking forward to see-ing you.

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Veale at 862-812-6283.

Celebration of Life for Champion King Saturday, March 10, 1:00 pm

Everyone is invited to attend the Celebration of Life for Champion King. Champion, who joined Unity of Wilmington in 2004, made his transition in early December. He was a much loved member of our community.

There will be a reception after the service and we invite you to bring finger foods to share.

Welcome New Board Members

Christine Lyons and Jim Bitto were elected to Unity of Wilmington’s Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting on February 11th. Cynthia Bayless and Noell Rowan were elected to the Nominating Committee. We thank you for your will-ingness to serve! The Board members are:

Lainie Mauger—President Janette Wellman - Vice President Randy Rose—Treasurer Carol Jenkins—Secretary Jim Bitto and Christine Lyons—Members at Large

Again, we thank Sherron Herdtner for serving as President on the Board of Di-rectors of Unity of Wilmington.

Men’s Group Mondays, 7:00 pm

There is a lot of energy in the Men’s Group. Ten or so thinking, caring men can explore just about any topic. Though discussions may range deep and wide, they always boil down to the individual and what is right for each man.

After all the meetings, readings, work-shops, lectures, meditating, praying, dealing with the potential intellectual overload, etc., it comes down to feeling a path of the heart that brings us through one more day. We take personal respon-sibility for our spiritual choices and weave together a community way of life which sustains us to the very end. That’s what we do in the Men’s Group.

We meet in Room 102 at 7:00-9:00 pm every Monday. For more information contact Jim at 910-232-1598 or Lendon at 910-616-0633.

Weekly Contemplative Offerings

Oasis—Every Wednesday, 7:00 pm

Join us for a time of prayer, meditation and Oneness Bless-ings as we settle down for a brief mid-week break. Every-one is welcome.

Going Deeper—Every Thursday, 7:00 pm

Going Deeper meets each Thursday at 7:00 pm for a time in the silence. Each time we meditate we open our awareness of the Divine Presence that we are on this earth. Mediation is a spiritual practice that invites growth, changes lives, and improves health.

“The secret to achieving inner peace lies in understanding our inner

core values – those things in our lives that are most important to us –

and then seeing that they are reflected in the daily events of our lives.”

Hyrum W. Smith

Blessing for a Gathering

May we Experience the Presence

Both Within and Without.

May we Hear with Loving ears,

May we Speak from Wisdom

And Understanding,

May we open our Mind to Receive

And our Heart to Care.

May our words give Hope

And call forth our Desires.

May we want Blessings for others,

More than for our Self.

May this Gathering be Fruitful

And yield many Blessings

For our Community

and each other.

Words of Wisdom Book Group Every Friday, 10:00—11:45 am

In a circle of love and fellowship, we take turns reading a masterful and inspiring book, pausing frequently for insightful comments or a spirited discussion. Many times the discussion enable a rich and interesting ex-perience to unfold. We end in prayer and those who wish, lunch together. Enhance your life and join us as you are able. Current read: Awakening the Buddha

Within by Lama Surya Das. Questions? Contact Barbara McGirt 790-5555.

New Members Class Sundays, April 8 and 15, 12:30-2:30 pm

Becoming a member at Unity of Wilmington indicates a definite, considered choice to be an integral part of this Unity spiritual community. It represents a commitment to the manifestation of Unity principles in one’s life, and a com-mitment to share in the joys and responsibilities of co-creating and maintain-ing this on-going Unity ministry.

These two 2-hour classes serve as an introduction to Unity principles as well as the history and structure of our governance. While attendance is manda-tory for membership in Unity of Wilmington, people are welcome to attend without joining.

Facilitated by Rev. Mindy Tucker and Rev. Dr. Nickie Golden. If you have been a member at another Unity church, you may be eligible to transfer your membership. Contact Rev. Mindy for more information: revmindy@unitywil.com.

New Member Induction Sunday, April 22

2018 Attraction Coupon Books Only $25 each

The 2018 Attraction book is one of the best deals in town. There are many buy-one-get-one free lunches and dinners for local restaurants (Elijah’s, The Pilot House, etc.) as well as discounts on activities such as golf, bowling, etc. local retailers, and more! Unity receives $10 for each book sold.

Mark Earlix

Mark Earlix is an internationally know healer, intuitive, master teacher, author and ordained priest. Mark has been initiated into two orders of Gnosticism. At the core of his teachings lies not only the awakening of the divinity and well-ness within all, but also the experiential understanding of what is going on be-yond the philosophical level. This understanding ensures real transformation and wellness of both mind and body. He genuinely feels his gift of healing is available to all, and he teaches his unique techniques in experiential work-shops, his writings and individual appointments. Mark is a sought-after public speaker and published Creator: The Revelation of Healing Yourself and Others in 2004, Take My Life in 2006; and Awaken the

Healer Within in 2010.

Healing Circle—Friday, March 23, 7:00 pm

This Circle is for anyone interested in Healing in the Body for neurological, skeletal, biological, aches or physical pain. We will chat about what expectations or questions you may have before the ”Healing Circle” will begin. Love offerings accepted.

Workshop—Saturday, March 24, 10:00 am—4:30 pm

• What if ... you could heal yourself or another? Learn how to manipulate energies from destructive to constructive

• What if … the touch of your hand could relieve chronic pain, injury and dis-ease?

Learn experiential exercises to show you Light, Healing and Intuition.

• What if ... the prayer of your heart could alleviate suffering?

• What if ... YOU could heal? Don’t miss this enlightening workshop that will teach you how to use your in-nate power of healing. Cost is $125. There will be an hour break for lunch so you may bring your own or go out for a quick bite. Personal Appointments are available: March 26, 27 and 28, 11:00 am—5:30 pm. Sign up in the lobby. (Sign-up now, Appointments fill quickly)

Detox Workshop with Dr. Buffalino and Beth Ventre Saturday, April 7, 10:00 am—3:00 pm


· Liver and Lymph System Review

· Where toxicity is hidden in your life

· Action Steps to decrease toxicity. You will learn these techniques: Manual Lymph drainage technique Liver Acupressure Liver Enzymes and Bioimpedance Analysis

· Free radicals-how they accelerate aging and how antioxidants help

- Food toxicity and nutrients that decrease toxic burden

· Hands on small group demonstrations Cost: $50 if paid by March 30th, $60 afterwards. Bring your own lunch.

Dr. Louis Buffalino

Dr. Buffalino has been in practice for over 25 years. He has recently moved to Wilmington to be closer to his family. His understanding of the human body can only be accomplished after seeing thousands of patients. He takes the time to listen and really get to the cause of your problem using diagnostic testing and kinesiology.

He is a graduate of Los Angeles College of Chiropractic and has held licenses in New York, Montana, and North Carolina.

Beth Ventre, PT

As a 1982 graduate of the University of Connecticut, Beth has practiced physical therapy in a variety of set-tings. After extensive training in manual therapy tech-niques, she found these to be the most powerful yet gentle forms of treatment. In 1992 she began teach-ing manual therapy courses and in 2017 Beth also became a certified Holistic Health Coach through the International Institute of Holistic Medicine.

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Sunday, March 25th, 9:00 and 11:00 am

Palm Sunday Completing our five-week series on Unity of Wilmington’s Core Values, we not only celebrate the triumphal demonstration of our Christ consciousness, we embrace all people as unique expressions of God and celebrate our one-ness.

Featured vocals: Unity Choir

Thursday, March 29th, 7:00 pm

Maundy Thursday Service A special Communion Service and Foot Washing with sacred ritual. Fa-cilitated by our Leadership Team.

Saturday, March 31st, time TBD—Children’s Easter

Celebration Easter egg hunt, crafts, bouncy house, and

more! All children and parents are welcome to join in the fun!

Sunday, April 1st, 9:00 and 11:00 am—Easter Sunday Joy is at the beginning, in the middle, and again at the end of the story of Jesus’ life. Joy is something we are born with, an innate essence, an undeniable gift. Joy is not something that comes from action. Rather, it is an expression that arises from deep within. Join us Easter morning as we celebrate the joy rising in all of humanity! Guest vocalists: Jason Aycock and Heather Setzler

Easter Flowers—Please help us decorate our Sanctuary for Easter with beautiful spring flowers. To purchase a flower in memory or in honor of someone, please fill out the form in the bulletin, include your check or cash for $15 and return it to the office by March 27th. You may take a flower home after the service on Easter Sunday. We will include an insert in the bulletin on Easter Sunday listing all those who are being honored and remembered.

Fellowship Circles for March

Fellowship Circles are a social opportunity for getting to know others in a small informal group. Meeting for breakfast, lunch or dinner, bowling, museum visits, boat rides, etc. are a lot of fun.

Hosts for March:

Sharon and Kris Butterfield Christine Moughamian Liz Freeman and Jim Downer Liz and Bob Greenwald Kathy Rublein Connie Worth

Check out our events on Meetup Www.meetup.com/Unity_Wilmington

Like us on Facebook Unity of Wilmington

Game Night Friday, March 9, 7:00 pm

Join us for a fun night of fellowship! This is a great way to meet others and give your brain a good workout as you play intriguing games. Bring your favorite game and snack to share and join in a time of camaraderie. Everyone is invited. Please sign up in the lobby so we can plan ac-cordingly. Suggested love offering $3.

A Spiritual Study Group

Sundays, 2:00 pm

We are listening to and discussing The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. All are welcome to join in the discussion. Facilitated by Shirley Melito.

Mark Your Calendars Volunteer Appreciation Dinner—Sunday, April 29, 5:00 pm

Art Gallery Ministry Lottery Draw, Wednesday, March 14

Unity of Wilmington runs and operates a small art gallery ministry as a way to acknowledge and honor the movement of Spirit in the creative expression of our members. We recognize that art sometimes helps tell those important sto-ries and brings a reflective or meditative perspective to spiritual ideas that per-meate our lives.

Art galleries have cropped up in both spiritual communities and mainline churches across the U.S. in the past decade. Our Board approved the gallery in November 2017 and the Fellowship Hall was transformed with the assistance of Andrew Edwards and Cecelia Butler.

Members of Unity of Wilmington who wish to participate will be selected by a lottery method and will be allowed to display their work for a one month period.

For more information on the “rules” for participation and entry into this lottery, please contact the church office or Cecelia Butler, Coordinator.

We look forward to beautiful and interesting exhibits through-out the year!

Community and Worldwide Service Project for March—Yard Sale

Mission: To bond together in love to engage in meaningful service to ourselves,

our local community and the world.

The yard sale is our second biggest fundraiser for the church and we are asking for your support through donations of items, volunteers to assist with pricing and sorting prior to the event, and many helpers needed the day of the event, including cleaning up afterwards. Sign up sheets are located in the lobby. We appreciate all the help! Items not sold go to The Rescue Mission, disAbility Resource Center, Paws

Place, Home of Hope, and more. Other projects happening this year include: Collection of items for various nonprofits, working on a Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry project, Meals on Wheels Lasa-gna Project, creation of cards, a baby shower for a non-profit, and more.

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