united peninsula association’s community update newsletter 1012 .pdf · brothers. termites are...

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United Peninsula Association’s Community Update: Seventh Edition October 2012

President’s Comments:

What a fast paced year 2012 has been on the Peninsula! We really need your help even for an hour a

month ---- YOU can make a difference.

Just in case you have not heard the latest - SSRUS wants to buy 7 of the front 9 holes of Tiger Point Golf

Course - WEST to expand the sewer treatment facility. Now won’t that be great for our property values

in SRSH?????? More will be discussed at the October 30th General Meeting. Please plan on attending!

The latest member of our United Peninsula Association Board is Ms. Josie Cotti, CEO of the Gulf Breeze

Chamber. The Chamber has been a loyal member of UPA since our reactivation in 2008. Josie will bring

a great positive, “can-do” attitude to our Board of Directors, as well as a fresh business sense to our

projects and efforts going forward.

***** Please try to join us at our next General Meeting October 30th, to hear how the

Amendments could directly affect you from Property Appraiser Greg Brown’s perspective.

Also, hear from our new Clerk of the Court (SRC) Don Spencer and what he plans to initiate

when he takes office. *****

COMING SOON - HWY 98 safety improvements and repaving projects continue to dominate UPA’s

involvement. Look for the re-pavement efforts to begin after the first of the year and more pedestrian

access ramps and sidewalks to follow. If you have not seen the improvements going in at Greenbriar /

Country Club Drive and HWY 98, stop by the Sonic Drive-in and check out the new light that is expected

to be operational before year’s end.

Design of our new 5,000+ square foot Tiger Point multipurpose building has been finalized and

is being budgeted. Look for the ground breaking in early 2013.

Please step forward and volunteer to help us on projects that directly affect you and our peninsula. We

need you to join our efforts and help us make a difference in your backyard! Otherwise, we need to

close our doors and go back to fending for ourselves individually.

The following article “The Monsters in our Neighborhood” was written by our Treasurer, Mike Andel.

For comments, input, or to volunteer, please contact one of your Board members!

Don Richards, President



The Monsters in our Neighborhood Florida State Representative Doug Broxson, Doug.Broxson@myfloridahouse.gov ,

the Florida Department of Agriculture, www.floridatermitehelp.org and United Peninsula

Association, www.unitedpeninsula.org are sponsoring educational meetings to get the

word out about a very serious problem we have in the coastal regions of the Gulf. The

last standing room only meeting was held at the new Pensacola State College Campus – South on

September 20, 2012. Mike Andel, PIHOA President attended and this is what he learned. We would like to get

this out to all of our neighbors.

Representative Broxson started the meeting with the following warning: There are Monsters in our

Neighborhoods! The Coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico have been invaded with “Monsters.” They are not

some new science fiction creature, but in fact have been around for thousands of years. The problem now is

they are multiplying faster than modern science can eradicate them. They will completely demolish anything

eatable they like and cost us all millions of dollars in property losses. Our Peninsula is particularly attractive to

these Monsters in the dark of night. The really bad guys are called Coptotormes Formosanus better known

around as Formosan Subterranean Termites. Originally from Formosa in the Far East, they migrated here

from New Orleans around 20 years ago. Their little brothers are the better known Eastern Subterranean

Termites and have been here for ages. They are bad enough but they do not compare with their Formosan

brothers. Termites are often called the “silent destroyer” because they may be secretly hiding and thriving in

homes or yards without any immediate signs of damage. While each termite species thrives in different

climates and eats different types of food, all termites require four things to survive — food, moisture, shelter

and optimal temperature. Unfortunately, all of our homes, regardless of their construction type, can provide

these ideal conditions for termite infestation.

Formosan Subterranean Termite Eastern Subterranean Termites

The Facts:

Both types of these home destroyers are subterranean. That is, their main homes or colonies are

usually in the ground. But they both love to eat cellulose, wood, or wood products, wherever they can find it.

There are other types as well, but they are usually not as problematic.

They search out food from their colonies and when they find something good to eat they start a new

colony there. Dead trees, piles of wood, boxes, firewood, paper, and especially your home contain their

favorite foods. Sometimes even live wood, tree roots, bushes, etc., will get eaten if there is not enough dead

cellulose matter available.

Either type can be controlled, killed, but they must be treated differently.

Eastern Subterranean Termites start from the ground and usually stay near the ground. Formosan

Subterranean Termites come from the ground also, but move upwards either by tubes that are much harder to


spot or by that spring swarm we see each year to the highest reaches of your structure such as your eaves and

attic and stay there to build their colonies – all they need is water and cellulose.

Eastern Subterranean Termites build colonies of 2 to 5 million members, which are bad enough.

Formosan Subterranean Termites multiply till they have as many as 10 million members. That’s right 10

million. Think of how much they can eat and how quickly they can do it. The typical damage from Eastern

Subterranean Termites is $3,000 to $5,000. Yet from Formosan Subterranean Termites it is not unreasonable

to be over $30,000. How much does a new roof or a second floor wall cost? Eastern Subterranean Termites

also swarm in the spring during the day and are susceptible to being eaten by birds and other daytime

predators. However, Formosan Subterranean Termites swarm in the spring at night when there are fewer

predators around. There’s that Monster in the dark of night again. When a colony has matured, the winged,

swarming termites can be seen around windows and doors. Winged termites are highly attracted to sources of

light and are most active in the spring. These termites are looking for a new breeding site with moisture. They

mate, lay their eggs and create another colony, spreading infestations throughout multiple locations.

One thing in our favor is that all of them must have a continuous source of water or dampness to

survive. Stop the water or dampness and they die or go somewhere else. Leaking roofs, dripping faucets,

down spouts too close to the house, A/C condensation drips and any leaky hole for vents, etc. in your roof not

properly sealed are what they are looking for. They can only survive a day or two without water. When they

swarm, looking for a way in, but they can’t find a continuous source of water, they die. If they can find a

continuous damp spot they breed, lay their eggs and then begin eating your home or business away.

Protection: The key is to not attract them in the first place by leaving your lights on

at night in the springtime and to have a very dry house.

During the spring or early summer (usually May) when we have all these swarms of termites around,

they are attracted to light first. Do not leave your porch light or accent lights on all night. Cover your

windows so light is not shinning out too brightly or even go dark inside for the evening. Do not attract them

and they will look for moisture somewhere else. They will go to the street lights by the thousands, but there is

not much moisture or wood there and by morning they will mostly die. We have all seen the hundreds of

wings in those May mornings lying around. That’s a good thing because they did not find the water they

needed. If you want a light on all night you may as well leave the front door open and let them in.

We still must protect our homes by controlling these Monsters. Having a good protection plan in

place with a reputable termite eradication company is required if you own any type of structure here. It is

very difficult to do it yourself. If you do it wrong or incompletely you will get termites and who is going to fix

the damage? Why you are of course! It’s not covered by homeowners insurance. Only a termite eradication

company will guarantee their work. Search around. Ask your neighbors who they use. Ask if they are happy.

Ask if they have had an infestation after treatment. Make yourselves experts.

The United Peninsula Association, UPA, is collecting data from residents and businesses in the area as

to whether they have had problems, which company they have a contract with and if they are happy. Please

submit your experiences to: don_richards@bellsouth.net or mike.andel@yahoo.com.


Termite eradication companies have many tools in their bag to protect your home.

If you are building anything new start before the foundation is poured. Have the ground treated

beneath the slab or foundation preferably with a non-repellent termicide, treat the walls at least two feet up

with borate and have a baiting system installed. Then do not let any contractor disturb these treatments. If

they do disturb them, you will need to re-treat that area.

For those with pre-existing homes or for those building a new home, hire a termite eradication

company for your Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO) Inspection. Check the company out thoroughly. Ask

questions. How long has the inspector been inspecting? What are he looking at and looking for? Do I need to

move anything so you can inspect better? Are you going in the attic (a must)? What kind of chemicals are

you going to use? Are you going to put up a barrier or repellent chemical Termicide or a non-repellent

Termicide? Non-repellent is best because the termites do not realize they are in it. They carry it home and it

ultimately kills the whole colony. Repellents just make them go somewhere else and look for a better way in.

What does your contract say?

Does your termite eradication company guarantee damage repairs if the treatment fails? Some have

just a retreat affected area contract (not so good). Others have a repair and retreat contract (the best). This

is absolutely the best but make sure it covers all types of wood destroying organisms including the Formosan

Monsters. These repair and retreat contracts cost more, but how much is your home worth?

Termidor and other non-repellents are the current standards for the industry. There are new

chemicals coming out all the time so ask questions and educate yourself. Google “termites” and you will have

more information than you can read.

Things to be aware of to help protect your home Hire a reputable termite eradication company. This is mandatory if you want to protect your home no matter what

it is made of, even concrete. Have a comprehensive contract that covers Formosan “Monsters.” Most do not! I

repeat most standard contracts do not. It probably will cost a little more for Formosan coverage but do you

remember from above how much repairs can be.

Get rid of moisture, leaks etc., and standing water, both outside and in crawl spaces. No water equals no termites.

But you still have to hire a termite eradication company there are other things they like to eat.

Remove wood piles, boards and brush away from your home.

Trim landscaping back from the walls to enable a proper inspection.

Have an inspection zone from the ground to the finished outside walls, 3 to 6 inches at least so you and your

inspector can see tubes. No soil should touch your siding, no matter the type of construction.

Styrofoam insulation that touches the soil is a superhighway for termite tunnels. It’s soft and easy to tunnel

through. They don’t eat it but love to use it to get into your wood and you won’t see a thing until it’s too late. If

you see Styrofoam touching the ground or buried into the ground take action now to remove it.

Concrete has cracks and termites only need the width of a credit card to get in.

Treated wood and pilings are another problem. The centers are not usually treated because the chemicals do not

penetrate far enough in to be a barrier. The insides can be treated by your termite eradication company.

Insist that your inspector check in the attic. Formosan Subterranean Termites really like high places best and can

eat your roof in short order. They are tropical and love hot places like an attic.

Realize the fact that we have a huge problem here that cannot be ignored. If you have had an infestation no matter

how small and how well it was eradicated, tell your neighbors because they will be next or maybe they were first

and they did not tell you. These Monsters do not go away, they just move next door like ants. By the way ants eat

them, YEA!


Coordinate with your neighbor on treatment times so they can be treated at the same time and kill all of them.

Representative Doug Broxson, doug.broxson@myfloridahouse.gov , the Department of Agriculture,

www.floridatermitehelp.org and The United Peninsula Association, www.unitedpeninsula.org are sponsoring

these educations efforts. Please try to make the next session which is to be announced in a few weeks. We

had a full house at this meeting because people know it is so important to get this word out about the

Monster in our Neighborhood.

Mike Andel

President, Polynesian Islands Homeowners Association


Treasurer, United Peninsula Association


Scenic Initiatives:

Believe it or not, we have actually completed

our Phase 1 of the HWY 98 beautification

project earlier this month - from Garcon

Point Road intersection with US 98, east to

Baywoods Road is now completely installed.

The contractor who installed the plants and

infrastructure will be replacing plants that do

not made it for the initial year.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was

signed by UPA and Santa Rosa County

regarding the routine maintenance of the

landscaping now that it is installed. The

MOU documents UPA’s responsibility to pay

for the annual maintenance of the landscape

project, but it also makes clear that UPA is

not responsible for the costs associated with

the repair of unexpected landscape damage

from vehicle incursion, storm damage, flood,

fire, or similar causes.

Paul Rollins, UPA Vice President spearheaded

this initial effort. We all sincerely thank Paul

for a tremendous job well done!!!!! He has

paved the way for others to follow without

near the frustration he encountered.

Phase 2, Bayshore to Sanibel Lane, is well on

the way to getting done. The FDOT has

authorized funding for this effort and our

County Commissioners have unanimously

approved the Joint Participation Agreement

for us to proceed. Final mapping, bid

documents, and HOA/Merchant participation

efforts are currently in progress. For

information on Phase 2, contact Russ Silver,

UPA Secretary who is spearheading this

phase of the overall HWY 98 beautification

project. Your favorite area could be next.

Just get involved and help lead the way.

Phases 3 and 4 are in the planning stages,

but we need volunteers from the respective

areas to help lead / manage the effort.

Details concerning these efforts will be

discussed with membership at the November

General Meeting. HWY 98 Safety

Improvements and Resurfacing Plans could

have an effect on the timing and extent of

these projects in a given area. Voice your

desires for where we should target next for



Become a UPA Scenic Improvement


Sponsorships help us maintain and expand

our scenic efforts along US 98. They are

available in the following levels:

1 - Platinum - $2,500+

2 - Gold - $1,000+

3 - Silver - $500+

4- Individual - $100+

For Newsletter questions or to submit

an article - call Russ Silver, Secretary,


United Peninsula Association Board Members:

Don Richards, President (donrichards@bellsouth.net),

Paul Rollins, Vice President (Kelsor@bellsouth.net)

Russ Silver, Secretary (fsu67grad@bellsouth.net)

Mike Andel, Treasurer (Mike.andel@yahoo.com)

Joe McPherson, Past President (bjm0543@aol.com)

Dave Crossman, Director (dgcrossman@bellsouth.net)

Dave Woodworth, Director (woodworthservices@yahoo.com)

Josie Cotti, Director (josie@gulfbreezechamber.com)

United Peninsula Association

2013 Membership Application

Today’s Date: ____________________________

HOA, Individual, or Business Name: ____________________________________________________

Rep or Individual Name/s _____________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________________ State: ________ ZIP Code: _________________

Telephone: _____________________________ (H) ___________________________________ (C)

Email: 1_________________________________________________________________________

2___________________________________________________________________ Individual membership $10 each year (cumulative voting right only) Association membership/ HOA $35 each year (max 3 voting members per org)

(Please submit one application per voting member) Business Membership $50 each year ( max one vote per Membership)

United Peninsula Association, UPA PO Box 6003

Gulf Breeze, FL 32563


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