unit testing (workshop)

Post on 14-May-2015






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Unit Testing Foyzul Karim


Secure Link Services Limited

Unit testing? No need

1. Lets write a Math Calculator class.

It can



We know it will work because we have 'enough' confidence on it.

Unit testing? No need

2. Lets write a Regular Expression generator class.

It can

Generate Only Alpha Allowed expression with different length

Generate Only Alpha & Numeric Allowed expression with different length

Do you know your code will work before you test by yourself?

If you want to know whether your code is working or not, how would you test?

Create an User Interface Project? then

Put some input fields? then

Put an event trigger control (like button etc)? then

Call your regex method from this project UI?

You would do that.. won't you?

Any other idea?

How about...

If I say you to put your code under a testing machine. You don't need to test by

yourself using the UI, would you mind?

Lets see one of the most common testing tool of the world.

Anyone wouldn't dare to test that by his/her finger to calculate the result.

Or would anyone?

Why would you need that?

Because you don't need to manually input the values each of the time you want

to test

Because you don't need to input different values each of the time you want to


Because you don't need to click and press keyboards each of the time you

want to test

Because after you modify some of your classes you don't want to test manually

the rest other classes

And many more because left...

Who says to write unit test?

"Any program feature without an automated test simply doesn't exist"

Industrial Logic

I Don't know those guys

I have enough skill to write codes which act what I expect that to do..

I don't want to write Test Code because I am a

"Super Geek Alien Type Genius Programmer, Not a Tester"

Probably you know these



Entity Framework

JQuery Validation


JQuery UI


Microsoft ASP.NET Razor 2




You will be unusual if you don’t write test code for your production code.

Lets test


Visual Studio 2012

Resharper 7.0

NUnit library

Moq library

Sql Server (any)

Lets test our Add method

public class MathCalculator


public int Add(int first, int second)


return first + second;




public class MathCalculatorFixture



public void TestAddReturnsSum()


MathCalculator calculator=new MathCalculator();

int result = calculator.Add(10, 20);

Assert.AreEqual(30, result);



Debug vs Run

Displaying Error message

Criteria of GOOD Unit


Each of your test should focus on a single behaviour of a single method.

So it should be






Manual testing is superb !!!

What would you do if you don't have any unit testing framework to test the

Add() method we wrote just now?

Automated VS Manual Testing

[Industrial Logic]

Manual Tests is more expensive and time consuming

Manual Testing becomes mundane and boring

Automated Tests are reusable

Manual Tests provide limited Visibility and have to be repeated by all


Automated Tests can have varying scopes and may require less complex setup

and teardown

Automated Testing ensures repeatability (missing out)

Automated Testing drives cleaner design

Automated Tests provide a Safety Net for Refactoring

Automated Tests are living up-to-date specification document

Automated Tests dose not clutter your code/console/logs

What the Guru's are


“Any program feature without an automated test simply doesn’t exist.”

from Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck

Practice time

We want to check that whether the username of the student object has

minimum 6 characters in length.

Lets test it.


public class StudentManager


public bool IsAllowedToProceed(string userName)





Steps we should follow


Prepare the objects and appropriate data


Call the appropriate method


Assert the expected values with the actual values

What should we focus?

One test method should focus on a single behaviour of the method to be


If a single method can behave multiple ways, we should write different test

methods to test each of the expected scenarios.

More Practice...

Discussion and change of the requirements according to the audience level.

For example:

1. Create different criteria for a username to have and test those criteria

Lets discuss a project

Shortest path finder

Another Example scenario

A user can attempt to login 3 times sequentially. On failing the 3rd time, his

account will be locked. On the 4th time, his account can't be accessed

whether he gives valid credentials or not. After an hour he will be again able

to try to login.

Brainstorming time

Find out the possible criteria to test the scenario.

Lets discuss

Possible scenarios to test

So, the possible scenarios might be

1. Ideal case, where user inputs are valid and he will be given pass to proceed

2. Worst case, using invalid password, the user will try login 3 times in a

sequence and in the 4th time he will receive a account lock notification

3. User can not proceed to the next step if he inputs 3 times in a row, but in the

4th time he use the valid password because the system is locked

4. After one hour user can access the system and the counter is 1

5. After one hour blocking time user can login into the system with valid

password on the 4th time

Test Method is explaining

1. TestSigninIdealCase

2. TestSigninBlockCase

3. TestSigninBlockCaseResetWithValidPassword

4. TestSigninBlockCaseResetWithDelayedTime

5. TestSigninBlockCaseResetWithDelayedTimeWithValidPassword

and if required we would add more..

Now Lets discuss about the



Unbearable Test Code


Don’t copy and paste

Don’t Repeat your code

Know your fixture

Don’t be optimistic

Do Assert

Be clear about the Unit Test Coverage

Know your Testing Framework

Don’t test everything at a time (image in next page)

Avoid inappropriate dependencies of your test method

Try: One Assertion per test

At least One concept per test

Appropriate error message

Designing Effective Micro


Do the Black-box testing with your class. Avoid white-box testing.

assertSame(element, list.get(0));


assertSame(element, list.contents[0]);

A good unit test

Express intent, not implementation details

Small and Simple: Easy to quickly comprehend

Run fast (they have short setups, run times, and break downs)

Run in isolation (reordering possible)

Run in parallel

Use data that makes them easy to read and to understand

Frequently Run with every code change

Test is not unit test if

Has External Dependencies

It talks to the Database

It communicates across the Network

It touches the File System

You have to do special things to your Environment – (such as editing config

files) to run it

It can't run at the same time as any of your other unit tests

Order Dependencies - Only works when run in certain order

Sometimes we tweak !!!

At least we can tweak according to our need instead of not writing them at all

So what we are tweaking

while testing Database


public void TestGetShouldReturnUser()


using (TransactionScope scope=new TransactionScope())


IUserRepository repository = new UserRepository(new


User user = CreateUser();


User returnedUser = repository.Get(user.Id);





Unit testing Advanced

Lets talk about the other attributes



Inheritance in Unit Testing

Exception Expectations

How to write the test when our production code throws exceptions?

Practice (Sales tax)

Sales Tax Introduction

Basic sales tax is applicable at a rate of 10% on all goods, except books, food,

and medical products that are exempt.

Import duty is an additional sales tax applicable on all imported goods at a rate

of 5%, with no exemptions.

When I purchase items I receive a receipt, whichlists the name of all the items

and their price (including tax), finishing

with the total cost of the items, and the total amounts of sales taxes paid. The

rounding rules for sales tax are that for

a tax rate of n%, a shelf price of p contains (np/100 rounded up to the nearest

0.05) amount of sales tax.

Write an application that prints out the receipt details for these shopping


Practice (Sales tax)


Input 1:

1 book at 12.49

1 music CD at 14.99

1 chocolate bar at 0.85

Output 1:

1 book : 12.49

1 music CD: 16.49

1 chocolate bar: 0.85

Sales Taxes: 1.50

Total: 29.83

Input 2:

1 imported box of chocolates at 10.00

1 imported bottle of perfume at 47.50

Output 2:

1 imported box of chocolates: 10.50

1 imported bottle of perfume: 54.65

Sales Taxes: 7.65

Total: 65.15

Practice (Sales tax)

Input 3:

1 imported bottle of perfume at 27.99

1 bottle of perfume at 18.99

1 packet of headache pills at 9.75

1 box of imported chocolates at 11.25

Output 3:

1 imported bottle of perfume: 32.19

1 bottle of perfume: 20.89

1 packet of headache pills: 9.75

1 imported box of chocolates: 11.85

Sales Taxes: 6.70

Total: 74.68

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