unit plan french revolution by gregory hine

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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The French RevolutionTenth Grade World History

with Professor Hine

Louis XVI

• Louis XVI was the absolute monarch of France from 1774 until his deposition in 1792

• He was known for his lavish lifestyle, attempts at Enlightenment inspired reforms, and his marriage to Marie-Antoinette

French Revolution

French Estatesphotocredit:https://cmd53486.wikispaces.com/Phase+3

• How do you think the distribution of land and people affected the political climate of France?

Tennis Court Oath

• The tennis court Oath was signed by 576 of the 577 members of the third estate locked out of the proceedings of the Estates-General on June 20, 1789

• The tennis court oath is the first time that French citizens opposed Louis the XVI

• Resulted in a swing in the balance of power in favor of the third estate.

Storming of the Bastille

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uI6JFl_sq4

• Why did the people of France storm the Bastille?

• What did they hope to gain?

Jean Paul Marat

• Jean Paul Marat was a physician, political theorist, and most importantly a radical journalist

• He published works such as "L'Amidu peuple“ which defended the views of the Sans-coulottes.

• He was assassinated by Charlotte Corday, while soaking in a bath.

• His death made him a martyr of the Jacobins

Committee of Public Safety

• The committee of Public Safety was created in March 1793

• It served as the defacto government during the Reign of terror that gripped France during the revolution

• It contained such notable members as Maximillian Robespierre and Georges Danton

• It was largely responsible for the great number of executions occurring during the Reign of Terror.

Georges Dantonphotocredit:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Danton

• Danton was one of the voices of reason that tried to stop the Reign of terror, he was executed by guillotine for questioning the justice of the executions.

• Quoted as saying“My only regret is I am going before that rat, Robespierre”

The GuillotinePhotoCredit:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillotine

• The symbol of the Revolution

• http://www.history.com/topics/french-revolution/videos/coroners-report-guillotine

• What made the Guillotine the “Symbol of the Revolution”

• What made the guillotine a symbol of equality?

Maximillian Robespierrephoto-credit: http://www.historytoday.com/marisa-linton/robespierre-and-terror

• Born in 1758

• He was known for being a champion of the poor in his career as a lawyer

• He would grow to become the most powerful member of the Committee of Public safety.

• His death marked the end of the Reign of Terror

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