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Data link layer protocols

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Link Layer

• Frame synchronization. Data are sent in blocks called frames. The beginning and end of each frame must be recognized.

• Flow control. The sending station must not send frames at a rate faster then the receiving station can absorb them.

• Error control. Any bit errors introduced by the transmission system must be checked & corrected.

• Addressing. On a multipoint line, such as a LAN, the identity of the two stations involved in a transmission must be specified.

• Link management. The initiation, maintenance, and termination of a data exchange requires a fair amount of coordination and cooperation among stations.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

MAC Layer

Low duty cycle protocols and wakeup concepts

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Generality on protocol energy assessment

• Energy consumption mainly due to the transceiver activity;

• Protocol energy assessment based on transceiver states: – Transmit time;

– Receive time;

– Idle time (Sleeping time in sensor-nets);

– Switching time (USUALLY NOT ASSESSED);

• Switching energy negligible in ad-hoc wireless network

protocol assessment (e.g. WiFi);

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Switching in standard wireless networks

• Is defined as the transition time that elapses between the end of a transceiver state and the beginning of the following one;

• Possible switching states consist of:

– RX/TX and TX/RX – TX/Sleep and Sleep/TX – RX/Sleep and Sleep/RX

• State transition is fast little amount of energy is


• Switching energy is much smaller than total energy spent.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Sensor network characteristics

• Energy consumption: primary objective

• The wake-up concept

• Very low duty cycle (even less than 5%)

• Small packets smaller than in ad-hoc networks (e.g. temperature data is few bytes)

• Low data traffic per node

Can we consider switching energy still negligible for low duty cycle sensor


Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Saving Energy

• Various protocols have been implemented to solve the problem of energy in Sensor networks

• CSMA- Periodic Listen and Sleep; Contention during listening

• Low-Power Listening (LPL)- Asynchronous Listening

• Scheduled Listening (S-MAC)- Maintaining Synchronization

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Low-Power Listening (LPL)

Reference:http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~lu/cs537s/Slides/scp.pdf Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Scheduled Listening

Reference:http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~lu/cs537s/Slides/scp.pdf Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Scheduled Listening and LPL

• Scheduled listening

– Advantage – efficient transmission

– Disadvantages- • Synchronization overhead

• Listen interval is too long in existing protocols

• Low-Power Listening

– Advantage – minimizes listen cost when no traffic

– Disadvantage – high costs on transmission

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Contention-based protocols

–MACA (Multiple Access Collision Avoidance)

–S-MAC (Sensor Multiple Access Control), T-MAC (Timeout-MAC)

–Preamble sampling, B-MAC (Berkeley MAC)

–PAMAS (power aware multi-access protocol with signaling)

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar


Distributed, contention-based MAC • Basic ideas for a distributed MAC

– ALOHA – no good in most cases

– Listen before talk (Carrier Sense Multiple Access, CSMA) – better, but suffers from sender not knowing what is going on at receiver, might destroy packets despite first listening for a Receiver. Additionally needs some possibility to inform possible senders in its vicinity about impending transmission (to “shut them up” for this duration)





Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Main options to shut up senders • Receiver informs potential interferers while a reception

is on-going – By sending out a signal indicating just that – Problem: Cannot use same channel on which actual

reception takes place ! Use separate channel for signaling – Busy tone protocol

• Receiver informs potential interferers before a reception is on-going – Can use same channel – Receiver itself needs to be informed, by sender, about

impending transmission – Potential interferers need to be aware of such information,

need to store it

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Receiver informs interferers before transmission – MACA

• Sender B asks receiver C whether C is able to receive a transmission Request to Send (RTS)

• Receiver C agrees, sends out a Clear to Send (CTS)

• Potential interferers overhear either RTS or CTS and know about impending transmission and for how long it will last

– Store this information in a Network Allocation Vector

• B sends, C acks

! MACA protocol (used e.g. in IEEE 802.11)






NAV indicates

busy medium

NAV indicates

busy medium

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar


• RTS/CTS improves performance, but do not solve hidden/exposed terminal problems

• Example problem cases: A B C D













Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

MACA Problem: Idle listening

• Need to sense carrier for RTS or CTS packets – In some form shared by many CSMA variants; e.g. not busy tones – Simple sleeping will break the protocol

• IEEE 802.11 solution: ATIM windows & sleeping – Basic idea: Nodes that have data buffered for receivers send traffic

indicators at pre-arranged points in time – Receivers need to wake up at these points, but can sleep otherwise

• Parameters to adjust in MACA – Random delays – how long to wait between listen/transmission

attempts? – Number of RTS/CTS/ACK re-trials? – …

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Sensor-MAC (S-MAC) • MACA’s idle listening is particularly unsuitable if average data rate is low

– Most of the time, nothing happens

• Idea: Switch nodes off, ensure that neighboring nodes turn on simultaneously to allow packet exchange (rendez-vous)

– Only in these active periods, packet exchanges happen

– Need to also exchange wakeup schedule between neighbors

– When awake, essentially perform RTS/CTS

• Use SYNCH, RTS, CTS phases

Wakeup period

Active period

Sleep period


Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

S-MAC synchronized islands

• Nodes try to pick up schedule synchronization from neighboring nodes

• If no neighbor found, nodes pick some schedule to start with

• If additional nodes join, some node might learn about two different schedules from different nodes

– “Synchronized islands”

• To bridge this gap, it has to follow both schemes












Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Timeout-MAC (T-MAC) • In S-MAC, active period is of

constant length

• What if no traffic actually happens?

– Nodes stay awake needlessly long

• Idea: Prematurely go back to sleep mode when no traffic has happened for a certain time (=timeout) ! T-MAC

– Adaptive duty cycle!

• One ensuing problem: Early sleeping

– C wants to send to D, but is hindered by transmission A! B

– Two solutions exist !



May not



go back to

sleep as



Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Solutions for early sleeping

• Future request-to-send (FRTS)

• Taking priority on full buffers

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Future-Request-To-Send (FRTS)

• The idea is to let other node know that we still have a message for it, but are ourselves prohibited from using the medium.

• The FRTS packet contains the length of time for which communication is blocked.

• The node that receives the FRTS packet knows that it will be the future target of an RTS packet and must be awake by that time.

• When C overhears CTS packets coming from node B it will send FRTS packet to inform node D to wakeup when A’s transmission to B is finished.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• To avoid collision at B between data packet from A and FRTS packet from C, A transmits data-send (DS) packet of size equal to FRTS packet. DS has no useful info.

• After sending DS packet, A transmits its data packet to B.

• FRTS may result in more energy loss during high traffic.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Taking priority on full buffers

• This means that when a node receives an RTS packet destined for it, it immediately sends its own RTS packet to another node, instead of replying with a CTS like normal.

• It has two effects.

• First, the node has an even higher chance of transmitting its own message, since it effectively wins the medium upon hearing a competing RTS; node C may transmit to node D after losing contention to node B.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• Secondly, the full-buffer priority scheme introduces a limited form of flow control into the network, which is advantageous in a nodes-to-sink communication pattern; node B is prevented from sending until node C has enough buffer space

• Advantages:

– Probability of early sleeping problem is reduced.

– The scheme introduces limited flow control in the network.

• T-MAC uses a threshold: a node may only use this scheme when it has lost contention at least twice.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Preamble Sampling

• So far: Periodic sleeping supported by some means to synchronize wake up of nodes to ensure rendez-vous between sender and receiver

• Alternative option: Don’t try to explicitly synchronize nodes

– Have receiver sleep and only periodically sample the channel

• In preamble sampling, nodes save energy by keeping their radios off most of the time to reduce idle listening.

• To receive frames, nodes periodically wake up for a short time to sample the channel to check whether there is an ongoing transmission on the channel.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• A transmission is detected when a node finds that a preamble is being transmitted, in which case it keeps its radio on to receive the data frame that is sent just after the preamble.

• The preamble is used to indicate that a data frame will be transmitted and is long enough to make sure that all potential receivers wake up at least once during its transmission

• Use long preambles to ensure that receiver stays awake to catch actual packet

– Example: WiseMAC









Start transmission: Long preamble Actual packet

Stay awake!

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar


• Combines several of the above discussed ideas – Takes care to provide practically relevant solutions

• Clear Channel Assessment – Adapts to noise floor by sampling channel when it is assumed to be

free – Samples are exponentially averaged, result used in gain control – For actual assessment when sending a packet, look at five channel

samples – channel is free if even a single one of them is significantly below noise

– Optional: random backoff if channel is found busy

• Optional: Immediate link layer acknowledgements for received packets

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar


• Low Power Listening (= preamble sampling) – Uses the clear channel assessment techniques to decide

whether there is a packet arriving when node wakes up – Timeout puts node back to sleep if no packet arrived

• B-MAC does not have – Synchronization – RTS/CTS – Results in simpler, leaner implementation – Clean and simple interface

• Currently: Often considered as the default WSN MAC protocol

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Power Aware Multiaccess with Signaling – PAMAS

Idea: combine busy tone with RTS/CTS

Results in detailed overhearing avoidance, does not address idle


Uses separate data and control channels


Node A transmits RTS on control channel, does not sense channel

Node B receives RTS, sends CTS on control channel if it can

receive and does not know about ongoing transmissions

B sends busy tone as it starts to receive data







A ! B


B ! A


A ! B

Busy tone

sent by B

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

PAMAS – Already ongoing transmission

Suppose a node C in vicinity of A is already receiving a

packet when A initiates RTS


A sends RTS to B

C is sending busy tone (as it receives data)

CTS and busy tone collide, A receives no CTS, does not send data










A ! B


B ! A

No data!

Busy tone by C Similarly: Ongoing

transmission near B

destroys RTS by

busy tone

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Schedule-based protocols

LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)


TRAMA (Traffic Adaptive Medium Access)

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH)

Given: dense network of nodes, reporting to a central sink, each node can reach sink directly

Idea: Group nodes into “clusters”, controlled by clusterhead

About 5% of nodes become clusterhead (depends on scenario)

Role of clusterhead is rotated to share the burden

Clusterheads advertise themselves, ordinary nodes join CH with strongest signal

Clusterheads organize

CDMA code for all member transmissions

TDMA schedule to be used within a cluster

In steady state operation CHs collect & aggregate data from all cluster members

Report aggregated data to sink using CDMA

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

LEACH rounds

Setup phase Steady-state phase

Fixed-length round

……….. ………..

Advertisement phase Cluster setup phase Broadcast schedule

Time slot


Time slot


Time slot


Time slot

1…..….. …..


compete with




with CSMASelf-election of


Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar


Given: many radio channels, superframes of known length

(not necessarily in phase, but still time synchronization


Goal: set up directional links between neighboring nodes

Link: radio channel + time slot at both sender and receiver

Free of collisions at receiver

Channel picked randomly, slot is searched greedily until a collision-

free slot is found

Receivers sleep and only wake up in their assigned time

slots, once per superframe

In effect: a local construction of a schedule

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

SMACS link setup

Case 1: Node X, Y both so far unconnected

Node X sends invitation message

Node Y answers, telling X that is

unconnected to any other node

Node X tells Y to pick slot/frequency for the


Node Y sends back the link specification

Case 2: X has some neighbors, Y not

Node X will construct link specification and

instruct Y to use it (since Y is unattached)

Case 3: X no neighbors, Y has some

Y picks link specification

Case 4: both nodes already have links

Nodes exchange their schedules and pick

free slots/frequencies in mutual agreement


Type1 (X, unconnected)

Type2(X, Y, unconnected)

Type3 (Y, --)


Message exchanges protected by randomized backoff

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

TRAMA (Traffic Adaptive Medium Access)

Nodes are synchronized

Time divided into cycles, divided into

Random access periods

Scheduled access periods

Nodes exchange neighborhood information

Learning about their two-hop neighborhood

Using neighborhood exchange protocol: In random access

period, send small, incremental neighborhood update information

in randomly selected time slots

Nodes exchange schedules

Using schedule exchange protocol

Similar to neighborhood exchange

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

TRAMA – adaptive election

Given: Each node knows its two-hop neighborhood and

their current schedules

How to decide which slot (in scheduled access period) a

node can use?

Use node identifier x and globally known hash function h

For time slot t, compute priority p = h (x © t)

Compute this priority for next k time slots for node itself and all two-

hop neighbors

Node uses those time slots for which it has the highest priority

t = 0 t = 1 t = 2 t=3 t = 4 t = 5

A 14 23 9 56 3 26

B 33 64 8 12 44 6

C 53 18 6 33 57 2

Priorities of

node A and

its two

neighbors B

& C

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

TRAMA – possible conflicts

When does a node have to receive?

Easy case: one-hop neighbor has won a time slot and announced

a packet for it

But complications exist – compare example



Prio 100 Prio 95 Prio 79 Prio 200

What does B


A thinks it can send

B knows that D has

higher priority in its



Rules for resolving

such conflicts are

part of TRAMA

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Comparison: TRAMA, S-MAC

Comparison between TRAMA & S-MAC

Energy savings in TRAMA depend on load situation

Energy savings in S-MAC depend on duty cycle

TRAMA (as typical for a TDMA scheme) has higher delay but

higher maximum throughput than contention-based S-MAC

TRAMA disadvantage: substantial memory/CPU

requirements for schedule computation

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Sensor MAC(S-MAC) protocol for WSN

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Design Considerations of WSN

Primary attributes:

• Energy Efficiency

often difficult to recharge or replace batteries

prolonging the network lifetime is important

• Scalability

Some nodes may die or new nodes may join

Secondary attributes:

Fairness, latency, throughput and bandwidth

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Sources of Energy Inefficiency

• Collision

• Overhearing

• Control packet overhead

• Idle listening

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Existing MAC Design

• Contention-based protocols

• IEEE 802.11 – Idle listening

• PAMAS – heavy duty cycle of the radio, avoids overhearing, idle listening

• TDMA based protocols

Advantages - Reduced energy consumption

Problems – requires real clusters,

and does not support scalability

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Design goal of S-MAC

• Reduce energy consumption

• Support good scalability

• Self-configurable

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar


• Tries to reduce wastage of energy from all four sources of energy inefficiency

Collision – by using RTS and CTS

Overhearing – by switching the radio off when transmission is not meant for that node

Control Overhead – by message passing

Idle listening – by periodic listen and sleep

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Is the improvement free of cost?

• No

• In exchange there is some reduction in per-hop fairness and latency

• But does not reduce end-to-end fairness and latency

Is it important for sensor networks?

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Network Assumptions

• Composed of many small nodes deployed in ad hoc fashion

• Most communication will be between nodes as peers, rather than a single base station

• Nodes must self-configure

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Application Assumptions

• Dedicated to a single application or a few collaborative application

• Involves in-network processing to reduce traffic and increase life time

• Applications will have long idle periods and can tolerate some latency

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Components of S-MAC

• Periodic listen and sleep

• Collision and Overhearing avoidance

• Message passing

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Periodic Listen and Sleep

• Each node goes into periodic sleep mode during which it switches the radio off and sets a timer to awake later

• When the timer expires, it wakes up

• Selection of sleep and listen duration is based on the application scenarios

• Neighboring nodes are synchronized together

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar


• Nodes exchange schedules by broadcast

• Multiple neighbors contend for the medium

• Once transmission starts, it does not stop until completed


Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Choosing and Maintaining Schedules

• Each node maintains a schedule table that stores schedules of all its known neighbors.

• To establish the initial schedule (at the startup) following steps are followed:

– A node first listens for a certain amount of time.

– If it does not hear a schedule from another node, it randomly chooses a schedule and broadcast its schedule immediately.

– This node is called a SYNCHRONIZER.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• If a node receives a schedule from a neighbor before choosing its own schedule, it just follows this neighbor’s schedule.

• This node is called a FOLLOWER and it waits for a random delay and broadcasts its schedule.

• If a node receives a neighbor’s schedule after it selects its own schedule, it adopts to both schedules and broadcasts its own schedule before going to sleep.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Rules for Joining a New Node

• Listen for a long time until an active node is discovered

• Send INTRO packet to the active node

• Active node forwards its schedule table

• Treat all the nodes on table as potential neighbors and contact them later

• If possible follow the synchronizer’s schedule else establish a random schedule and broadcast the schedule

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Maintaining Synchronization

• Timer synchronization among neighbors are needed to prevent the clock drift.

• Done by periodic updating using a SYNC packet.

• Updating period can be quite long as we don’t require tight synchronization.

• Synchronizer needs to periodically send SYNC to its followers.

• If a follower has a neighbor that has a different schedule with it, it also needs update that neighbor.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• Time of next sleep is relative to the moment that the sender finishes transmitting the SYNC packet

• Receivers will adjust their timer counters immediately after they receive the SYNC packet

• Listen interval is divided into two parts: one for receiving SYNC and other for receiving RTS

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Timing Relationship of Possible Situations

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Collision Avoidance

• Similar to IEEE802.11 using RTS/CTS mechanism

• Perform carrier sense before initiating a transmission

• If a node fails to get the medium, it goes to sleep and wakes up when the receiver is free and listening again

• Broadcast packets are sent without RTS/CTS

• Unicast packets follow the sequence of RTS/CTS/DATA/ACK between the sender and receiver

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Overhearing Avoidance

• Duration field in each transmitted packet indicates how long the remaining transmission will be.

• So if a node receives a packet destined o another node, it knows how long it has to keep silent.

• The node records this value in network allocation vector (NAV) and set a timer.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• When a node has data to send, it first looks at NAV.

• If NAV is not zero, then medium is busy (virtual carrier sense).

• Medium is determined as free if both virtual and physical carrier sense indicate the medium is free.

• All immediate neighbors of both the sender and receiver should sleep after they hear RTS or CTS packet until the current transmission is over.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Message Passing

• A message is a collection of meaningful, interrelated units of data

• Transmitting a long message as a packet is disadvantageous as the re-transmission cost is high

• Fragmentation into small packets will lead to high control overhead as each packet should contend using RTS/CTS

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar


• Fragment message in to small packets and transmit them as a burst

• Advantages – Reduces latency of the message

– Reduces control overhead

• Disadvantage – Node-to-node fairness is reduced, as nodes with

small packets to send has to wait till the message burst is transmitted

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Naming and Addressing

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Names vs. addresses

• Name: Denote/refer to “things”

– Nodes, networks, data, transactions, …

– Often, but not always, unique (globally, network-wide, locally)

– Ad hoc: nodes – WSN: Data!

• Addresses: Information needed to find these things

– Street address, IP address, MAC address

– Often, but not always, unique (globally, network-wide, locally)

– Addresses often hierarchical, because of their intended use in, e.g., routing protocols

• Services to map between names and addresses

– E.g., DNS

• Sometimes, same data serves as name and address

– IP addresses are prominent examples

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Fundamentals • Unique Node Identifier (UID): It is a persistent

data item unique for each node.

– E.g. Vendor name, product name, serial number

• MAC address: Used to distinguish between one-hop neighbors of a node.

– Imp. in contention based MAC protocols

– Including MAC add. Into unicast MAC packets, a node can determine which packets are not destined to it & go into sleep mode while such packet is in transit.

– OVERHEARING AVOIDANCE. Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• Network Address: It is used to find and denote a node over multiple hops; connected to routing.

• Network identifiers: In geographically overlapping WSN of the same type & working in same frequency band, distinguishing is done by network identifiers.

– E.g. medical body area sensor networks for clinical patients in the same room have to be distinguished to prevent confusion of sensor data belonging to different patients.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• Resource identifiers: A name or resource identifier is represented in user-understandable term or in the way that “means something” to the user.

– E.g. after reading www.gmail.com, an experienced reader knows that it refers to the web server

– In contrast, by looking at IP address, hardly anyone can draw conclusion.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Issues in address management

• Address allocation: Assign an entity an address from a given pool of possible addresses

– Distributed address assignment (centralized like DHCP does not scale)

• Address deallocation: Once address no longer used, put it back into the address pool

– Because of limited pool size

– Graceful or abrupt, depending on node actions

• Address representation

• Conflict detection & resolution (Duplicate Address Detection)

– What to do when the same address is assigned multiple times?

– Can happen e.g. when two networks merge

• Binding

– Map between addresses used by different protocol layers

– E.g., IP addresses are bound to MAC address by ARP

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Uniqueness of addresses

1. Globally unique: A globally unique address or identifier is supposed to occur at most once all over the world.

– E.g. the 48-bit IEEE MAC addresses used in Ethernet and Token Ring networks. The binary representation of such addresses must be sufficiently large to accommodate all devices worldwide.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

2. Networkwide unique: A networkwide unique address is supposed to be unique within a given network, but the same address can be used in different networks.

– By having different networks A and B, we mean that there is no pair of nodes a ∈ A and b ∈ B that can communicate

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

3. Locally unique: A locally unique address might occur several times in the same network, but it should be unique within a suitably defined neighborhood

– E.g. In a sensor network that have different sensor types like temperature, humidity, and light sensors. We might require that no two temperature sensors have the same address but a temperature and a humidity sensor may. In this case, the neighborhood is constituted by the sensors of the same type.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Address allocation and assignment

• The address assignment can happen a priori (e.g. during the manufacturing process or before network deployment) or on demand, by using an address assignment protocol.

• Such an on-demand address assignment protocol can be either centralized or distributed.

• In a centralized solution, there is one single authority/node taking care of (parts of) the address pool.

• In distributed solutions, there is no such exposed node. Instead, potentially all nodes play the same role in address assignment. Address release/deallocation plays an important role when networkwide or locally unique addresses are assigned on demand.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)

• In distributed address assignment networkwide uniqueness may not be granted at all times

• Strong DAD • If address x is assigned to A at time t0 and to B at time

t1, the conflict must be detected within t1+T, where T is some fixed time bound

• Weak DAD • Duplicate addresses are tolerated as long as they do

not distort ongoing sessions.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

Address and name management in wireless sensor


Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• MAC addresses are indispensable if the MAC protocol shall employ overhearing avoidance and go into sleep mode as often as possible.

• However, do MAC addresses need to be globally or networkwide unique? No, since the scope of a MAC protocol is communication between neighboring nodes and it is sufficient that addresses are locally unique within a two-hop neighborhood.

• This requirement ensures that no two neighbors of a selected node have the same MAC address.

• Locally unique addresses potentially are short but need an address assignment protocol.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

• How about higher-layer addresses, specifically network layer addresses, which for traditional routing protocols must be globally or networkwide unique?

• Fulfilling this requirement is a formidable task.

• This requirement is not really necessary in wireless sensor networks since after all the whole network is not a collection of individual nodes belonging to individual users but the nodes collaborate to process signals and events from the physical environment.

• Users ultimately are interested in the data and not in the individual or groups of nodes delivering them.

• Taking this a step further, the data can also influence the operation of protocols, which is the essence of data-centric networking.

Prof.Prasad S.Halgaonkar

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