unit 7-imperialism 2-feb 5

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1US History review test Imperialism



Unit 7-Imperialism 2-Feb 5

1. Which of the following best defines the Progressive movement?A. working-class response to big businessB. Republican response to muckraking C. middle-class response to urbanization and industrializationD. Populist response to falling farm prices Republican

2. While president, Theodore Roosevelt chose to label his reform proposals as the A. Fair Deal. B. Big Deal. C. Square Deal. D. New Deal.

3. Which statement accurately summarizes Theodore Roosevelt’s policy on the Panama Canal?A. Roosevelt waited for Colombia to agree to a fair price for the Canal Zone.B. Roosevelt gave military support to Panama’s revolt against Colombia.C. Panama’s government persuaded Roosevelt to give U.S. assistance for building a canal.D. Roosevelt signed a treaty in which Colombia agreed to create Panama as a separate nation.

4. When Woodrow Wilson became president in 1912, the most serious shortcoming in the country's financial structure was that the

A. large banks were scattered too widely around the country. B. Bank of the United States had been greatly weakened. C. banking system had been overregulated by the federal government. D. currency was inelastic.

5. Theodore Roosevelt was the first President toA. use troops without congressional approvalB. arbitrate a labor disputeC. advocate an antilynching billD. pursue an imperialistic foreign policy

6. Under the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Reserve Banks were to make A. direct loans to farmers' cooperatives B.money available to banks and bankers only C.loans to individuals D. loans to labor unions.

7. The Open Door policy of 1899 was originally adopted so that the United States couldA. restrict Chinese immigrationB. stop Japan from colonizing ChinaC. gain equal trading rights in ChinaD. encourage the development of democracy in China

8. What was the name for a proposal placed on the ballot by voters?A. Referendum C. initiativeB. Union D. recall

9. The creation of the Federal Reserve System was an attempt toA. introduce national health insuranceB. regulate the money supplyC. create a progressive tax policy


D. shift more responsibilities to the states10. An important goal of United States foreign policy in the 1920s was to

A. make the League of Nations successfulB. build a large colonial empireC. end the policy of Dollar Diplomacy in Latin AmericaD. avoid involvement in foreign conflicts

11. The Big Stick policy and Dollar Diplomacy were attempts toA. increase United States power in Latin AmericaB. contain the spread of communism in eastern EuropeC. protect free trade on the Asian continentD. strengthen political ties with western Europe

12. Which statement best summarizes President Theodore Roosevelt’s views aboutconservation?A. Environmental issues are best decided by the private sector.B. Unlimited access to natural resources is the key to business growth.C. Wilderness areas and their resources should be protected for the public good.D. Decisions about the use of natural resources should be left to the states.

13. President TaftA. was able to maintain the support of both the progressive and conservative wings of the Republican Party.B. actively worked to push lower tariff rates through a reluctant Congress.C. had difficulty gaining election to the White House, even as Roosevelt's handpicked successor.D. left office as the most decisively defeated president of the twentieth century.

14. Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere is BEST characterized by his belief in:A. American intervention in the affairs of nations when political stability was threatened.B. the need to allow European nations to intervene in Latin America.C. American recognition of the independent sovereign rights of each hemispheric nation.D. repudiation of the Monroe Doctrine.

15. Alfred Thayer Mahan was significant to the development of American imperialism through his writings onA. sea power. B. Social Darwinism.C. Christian Missions.D. dialectical materialism

16. The most serious issue in the debate over ratification of the Treaty of Paris of 1898 wasA. the status of the Philippines.B. spolitical rights of Puerto Rican natives.C. American commercial rights in Cuba.D. the sum of money

17. Later evidence suggested that the sinking of the Maine was actually caused byA. the Spanish navy.B. William Randolph Hearst.C. an accident in one of the engine rooms.D. Cuban freedom fighters.


18. Commodore George Dewey was noteworthy to the Spanish-American War forA. capturing Puerto Rico.B. sinking the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay.C. sinking the Spanish fleet in Santiago harbor.D. preventing Spanish reinforcements from reaching Cuba.

19. The Treaty of Paris of 1898, which ended the Spanish-American War, provided for Spain to cede all of the following territories EXCEPT

A. Guam.B. the Virgin Islands. C. the Philippines. D. Puerto Rico.

20. What was the goal of the Open Door policy?A. The peaceful transition of colonies to independent countries.B.Creation of an organization to resolve international conflicts.C.Equal access to trade in areas of China controlled by foreign governments.D. Unrestricted movement for U.S. troops searching for bandits in Mexico.

21. Passage of the Platt Amendment resulted in which development?A. Puerto Rico becoming a self-governing commonwealth.B.The creation of the U.S. military base in Cuba.C.An official end to the Spanish-American War.D. The establishment of diplomatic relations with Japan.

22. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, U.S. foreign policy was closely tied to domestic economic concerns. The annexation of Hawaii, the Open Door Policy with China and the construction of the Panama Canal in Latin America were all motivated by an interest in:

A. Acquiring new markets and sources of raw materials.B.Extending land grants for railroad construction.C.Breaking up monopolies and trusts.D. Limiting the power of labor unions to strike.

23. During the Spanish-American War, the U.S. Navy destroyed the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay in the Philippines. The U.S. Congress later voted for annexation of the Philippines. What was one reason for this act of Imperialism?A. To decrease the U.S. need to export raw materials for industrialization.B.To provide the U.S. with a place to relocate its immigrant population.C.To provide the U.S. with a valuable naval base in the Pacific. D. To increase the U.S. population by extending citizenship to the Filipinos.

24. What was the goal of President Taft's Dollar Diplomacy?A. To help U.S. allies increase the readiness of their armed forces.B.To raise the living standards of people in poverty-stricken countries.C.To support the development of democracies in Central America.D. To create stability abroad for the benefit of U.S. commercial interests.

25. Which lands did the United States acquire as a result of the Spanish-American War?


A. Alaska and Hawaii C. Louisiana Territory and the Old NorthwestB. Guam, the Philippines and Puerto Rico D. Texas and New Mexico

26. Which situation prompted the U.S. government to actively encouraged a 1903 revolt in Central America?A. Columbia refused to ratify an agreement allowing construction of the Panama Canal.B.Socialist politicians were threatening to nationalize U.S. owned businesses.C.France was reluctant to give up its colonial possessions in the Western Hemisphere.D. The U.S. military needed to secure territorial possessions gained after the Spanish-American War.

27. Which of the following did the American Anti-imperialist League oppose?A. U.S. conquest and possession of overseas territories.B.Extension of the right to vote to women.C.Government regulation of large businesses.D. Federal legislation ensuring food safety.

28. Which desired outcome most influenced President McKinley's decision to maintain U.S. control of the Philippines after the Spanish-American War?

A. Increased commercial opportunities for U.S. businesses.B.Assured safety of U.S. religions missionaries.C.Reduced flow of immigration from Asia.D. Extended reach of the Monroe Doctrine.

29. Passage of the Platt Amendment resulted in which development?A. Puerto Rico becoming a self-governing commonwealth.B.The creation of the U.S. military base in Cuba.C.An official end to the Spanish-American War.D. The establishment of diplomatic relations with Japan.

30. The man who opened Japan to the United States wasA. William Walker. B. Franklin Pierce. C. Lafcadio Hearn. D. Matthew Perry.

31. The Roosevelt-backed Elkins Act and Hepburn Act were aimed atA. better protection for industrial workers.B. more effective regulation of the railroad industry.C. protection for consumers of beef and produce.D. breaking up the Standard Oil monopoly

32. Progressive suffered a setback in the case of Lochner v. New York when the Supreme Court ruled thatA. New York’s law establishing a ten-hour day for bakery workers was unconstitutional.B. New York could not regulate the liquor industry without a constitutional amendment.C. New York could not pass laws giving special protection to female workers.D. New York could not establish a municipally owned electric utility.

33. Conservative Republican opponents of the Treaty of Versailles argued that the League of NationswouldA. isolate the United States from postwar world affairsB. prevent the United States from seeking reparations from GermanyC. violate President Wilson's own Fourteen PointsD. limit United States sovereignty


34. The United States gained a perpetual lease on the Panama Canal Zone in theA. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. B. Teller Amendment. C. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty. D. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty.

35. The battleship Maine was sunk byA. Cuban rebels.B. reporters working for William Randolph Hearst.C. an explosion on the ship.D. the Spanish.

36. The United States’ frequent intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries in the early twentieth centuryA. departed from Theodore Roosevelt’s big-stick diplomacy.B. was appreciated in the region as an effective cloak of defense against European threats.C. established political stability in the area.D. left a legacy of ill will and distrust of the United States throughout Latin America.

37. President Theodore Roosevelt branded reporters who tried to uncover injustice as “muckrakers” becauseA. they brought ugly problems to public attention.B. of their work in the “muck” of the slums.C. of their coverage of the meat-packing industry.D. he was annoyed by their excessive zeal.

38. When extended, the Open Door policy called on all big powers, including the United States, toA. pursue further investment in China.B. recognize Philippine independence at an early date.C. build a Panamanian canal.D. observe the territorial integrity of China.

39. Which of the following statements BEST describes President Woodrow Wilson's Latin American policy?A. Wilson's policy was no different from that of President Roosevelt and President Taft.B. Wilson's policy was moral in nature based upon his increased awareness of the rise of Latin American dictators.C. Wilson's policy cultivated friendship and confidence among Latin American nations.D. Wilson's policy was to use diplomacy for American business interests and use money to advance foreign policy goals.

40. The Platt Amendment of 1901 provided for?:A. the United States' right to intervene in Cuba to maintain peace and law and order.B. the construction of the Panama Canal.C. the leasing of the port of Hong Kong.D. a large subsidy to the British to compensate for American diplomatic slights.

41. Woodrow Wilson’s approach to American foreign policy earned the label of __________ diplomacy.A. dollarB. imperialistC. moralD. isolationist

42. What issue was central to President Wilson’s foreign policy from 1914 to 1917?


A. U.S. colonial possessions in the PacificB. Political stability in SerbiaC. Freedom of navigation on the seasD. Trade policy with China

43. President Taft's foreign policy was dubbed A. big-stick diplomacy. B. the Open Door policy.C. the Good Neighbor policy. D. dollar diplomacy.

44. As a result of the treaty ending the Spanish-American War, the United States acquired:A. Puerto Rico and Guam.B. Panama and Hawaii.C. the Virgin Islands and Cuba.D. Guam and Hawaii.

45. One of the most important functions of the Federal Trade Commission was toA. bust trusts.B. promote American exports.C. guarantee the rights of labor.D. regulate businesses

46. During the presidency of William H. Taft, United States policy in Latin America was driven primarily byA. the administration's desire to benefit from European colonial inroads in the regionB. concern for United States economic and strategic interests in the regionC. Congress' determination to ameliorate the hostility engendered by Theodore Roosevelt's Big Stick

policyD. concern for the development of democracy and the protection of civil rights in the region

47. An important result of the Spanish-American War of 1898 was that the United StatesA. acquired territories in AfricaB. became a world power with an overseas empireC. improved its relations with GermanyD. lost interest in Latin American affairs

48. All of the following were aspects of Robert LaFollette’s “Wisconsin Experiment” EXCEPTA. a graduated state income taxB. privatizing the state’s banking systemC. use of the initiative, referendum and recallD. direct election of senators

49. In 1913, Woodrow Wilson broke with a custom dating back to 1801 when he A. appointed members of his cabinet without regard to their party affiliation. B. appointed a black man to the Supreme Court. C. endorsed woman suffrage. D. personally delivered his presidential address to Congress.

50. Teddy Roosevelt helped to end the 1902 strike in the anthracite coal mines by A. using the military to force the miners back to work.B. passing legislation making the miners' union illegal. C. helping the mine owners to import strike-breakers. D. threatening to seize the mines and to operate them with federal troops.


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