unit 6 family. learn to communicate do you love your family? do you know the secret to keeping a...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Unit 6


Learn to communicate

Do you love your family?Do you know the secret to keeping a strong family?What do you know about “Generation Gap”? How to bridge it?

New words

throughout prep.Throughout his life he had always kept bees.News spread throughout the country.gracious adj. grace n.a gracious lady/ hostessa gracious manner/smile

appropriate inappropriate adj.

an appropriate exampleYour clothes are inappropriate for such a formal occasion. absence n. absent adj.absence from school through illnessHe is absent on business.reluctant adj.They are reluctant to help us.

ruin v. n.

He ruined his prospects by carelessness.She poured water all over my painting, and ruined it.The news meant the ruin of all our hopes.escape v.escape danger escape deathA loin has escaped from its cage.Make a hole to let the water escape.

urge v.

He urged its importance. urge sb. to do sth.He urged her to rest.urge sb. onThe manager urged his staff on to greater efforts.Urged on by his colleagues, he stood for election.

thrill v. n.The traveler thrilled us with his stories.Stories of adventure thrilled him.We thrilled at the good news.It gave me a thrill to know I had passed the examination.response n. respond v.They had no response to our call for help.I offered him a drink but he didn't respond.The patient has responded rapidly to the treatment.

volunteer v. n.

We want some volunteers to help paint the house.We all volunteered to paint the house. Many students volunteer to give blood.

linger v.

Winter lingered.We lingered away the whole summer at the beach.She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star.whisper v. n.The two girls were whispering in the library.She said it in a whisper.

drain v.

The water drained away slowly. Oil drained slowly from the bottle.wrap v.The assistant wrapped it up for her as quickly as possible.wrap a book in a piece of paperwrap oneself up in a coat

attach v.

attach a document to a letterHe attached his horse to a tree.The hospital is attached to that university.Mary was attached to her brother.

( 依恋;喜欢 )I am attached to my family.No blame attaches to him for the accident. ( 加于…之上 )

commission v. n.

I have commissioned the bank to pay my taxes.He commissioned an artist to paint a picture.She has received many commissions to design public buildings.hang v.to hang a picture on the wall

remind v.

Remind me to write to Mother.Please remind me again nearer to the time of the interview.This reminds me of last year.The film reminded him of what he had seen in China.These photos remind me of my childhood.


tell v. I can't tell the twin girls apart.Can you tell Tom from his own brother?These two babies look alike, can you tell which is which?He couldn't tell which house it was.

have +n.(pron.) + v-ed

Please have the article typed.I’d like to have the picture framed.hand v.Hand me your keys.Hand the plate to me, please.for a long while = for a long timeA short while ago, however, he became a bus-driver and he has not regretted it.

glance v.

She glanced shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.glance at one’s watchglance round a roomI glanced up to see who had come in.


主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句1. 以疑问词引导 what2. 以 that 引导3. 以 whether/if 引导

1. 以疑问词引导

What I like is what you have.What is hard is to do good all one’s life

and never do anything bad. When we will start is not clear. It is not clear when we will start.You don’t seem to know when you can

get the work done.Whether we can succeed depends on

how well we cooperate.

2. 以 that 引导

That he is a good boy is known to us all.It is known to us all that he is a good boy. I remember (that) he once told you about

that.She promised that she would give us more

help later on. The reason he did not come is that he was

ill.It seems that it is going to rain.

3. 以 whether/if 引导

Whether he will join us won’t make too much difference.

The question remains whether we can win the majority of the people.

We are not sure whether we can persuade him out of smoking.

I wondered if the letter was miscarried.The problem is whether he will help us.


We are all for your proposal that the discussion be put off. The theory that the earth goes around the sun is known to us all.There is a possibility that he is a spy.I have no idea what has happened to him.


What matters to him is whether the job allows him to pursue his studies.

This program will tell you how what you have learned can be used in practice.

Nobody can explain the mystery why he suddenly disappeared.

It is still doubtful whether she would play the part.

I was curious as to what we will do next.

After-class Reading

at times = sometimesThe two boys shouted at each other at times.more or less 或多或少I’ve more or less finished reading the book.I can earn $20 a night, more or less, as a waiter.

turn out (常与 to, that 连用)结果Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen.The plan turned out a failure.The visitor turns out to be my old friend.at least 至少He's going away for at least a week.

be superior (to) 胜过Which of the two methods is superior?The match will show who is the superior player.This cloth is superior to that.approve of 赞成,赞同I don't approve of wasting time.I don't approve of smoking.

be responsible for 为 ... 负责Who is responsible for the accident?I am partly responsible for the confusion.charm v. 迷住 , 使 ... 迷住She charmed away his sorrow.We were charmed with the scenery.I'm charmed to meet you.


Finish off all the exercises to the text.Preview grammar( Clauses functioning as Noun Phrases)Go through after-class reading.

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