unit 4: ecology vocab remember to do a vocab menu option! 1.carbon cycle 2.carnivore 3.decomposer...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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1. Carbon cycle2. Carnivore3. Decomposer4. Ecology5. Food chain6. Herbivore7. Omnivore8. Primary consumer9. Producer10.Secondary consumer11.Water cycle


Late work still be accepted. Today’s Schedule:

Bellringer: _______________ is the process by which plants make sugar with sunlight.

Begin Ecology: Interactions Notes

Monday, Nov. 5th

Reminder: you lose 5 points per day

(including weekends) that any assignment is turned in after the due date

Update: late work for a unit will not be accepted after that unit’s exam All vocab, worksheets, study guide, etc.

must be turned in by the exam day I will send home a letter this week about this

Update to Late Work Policy

Essential Question: How Essential Question: How are the entities of life are the entities of life


Energy Flow & Food webs Nutrient Cycles

Water Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorus

Species interactions Competition Symbiosis

Ecology Unit Topics

Energy Flow in Ecosystems

Ultimate source of energy = sun

Plants, algae, & some bacteria capture solar energy - perform photosynthesis

Organelle that performs photosynthesis = chloroplast (pigment inside = chlorophyll)


= Carbon dioxide + water + solar energy sugar (glucose) & oxygen

CO2 + H20 + solar energy C6H12O6 + O2

Reactants Products


Performed by producers = an organism that makes its own food via photosynthesis* Aka autotrophs

From producers to ….

Consumer = an organism that gets energy by eating other organisms Aka heterotroph

Converts sugar into usable energy through cellular respiration Organelle that performs cellular

respiration = mitochondria

Cellular respiration

= Glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide & water & energy (ATP)

C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H20 + ATP

Reactants Products

Energy molecule

Consumers can be categorized by…

What is eats: Herbivore: eats producers Carnivore: eats other consumers Omnivore: eats producers &

consumers Scavenger: eats dead large

animals Decomposer: breaks down dead

producers & consumers (bacteria & fungi)

Assignment for Today Turn over Guided notes

Follow instructions: Fill in Blank Cells Answer 1-5 at bottom

Finish article The World’s Largest Dump: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

WRITE QUESTIONS & Answers to the following on a sheet of paper that has your NAME, DATE, PERIOD, & TITLE:1. What is the North Pacific Gyre?2. What kinds of trash are in it?3. How big is the Giant Pacific Garbage Patch?4. What damage does plastic causes?5. Beyond plastics, how else is the trash hurting animals?6. Where does most of this trash come from?

Required: Draw

in Notes!


Unit 5 Vocab Quiz is Friday, Nov. 9th

Focuses on energy flow & food webs Biome Project is due Wed., Nov. 28th

Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: TRUE/ FALSE. Plants have

mitochondria. Cont. Ecology Notes: Food Webs Food Web worksheet

Tuesday, Nov. 6th

You need to remain silent & pay attention during notes You SHOULD NOT be talking to your neighbors or

having “silent” conversions across the room Raise your hand if you have a question or comment If I see or hear your talking:

1. Verbal warning2. Silent lunch3. Classroom detention4. Leave room & write-up

Reminder: No talking during Notes (Lecture)

Depending on prior disciplinary actions

Consumers can also be categorized by trophic level

In a food chain/ web, each step is called a trophic level

Producers = 1st trophic level

Herbivores = primary consumers – 2nd trophic level

Carnivores & Omnivores = secondary consumers – 3rd trophic level

And so forth…

Required: Draw/write this food web in your notes.

Secondary consumer / carnivore

Primary consumers/ herbivores


Tertiary consumer

Fungi & bacteria

Trophic Level Energy Loss

Energy flows through our environment (sun organisms space)

Energy is lost as it flows (2nd Law of Thermodynamics)

At each trophic level: 90% of energy from food is used for life

functions (such as movement, reproduction, homeostasis)

Some energy is lost as heat Remaining 10% energy becomes part of

organisms body & available to next trophic level

Energy Pyramids Each layer of pyramid

represents a trophic level

Only 10% of energy makes it to next level

B/c so much energy is lost at each level, there are fewer organisms as go up

Loss of energy limits the # of tropic levels in ecosystems Usually have <5Example: a single lion needs ~250 km2 of land to


Assignments for Today

1.SILENTLY work on Food Web worksheet (homework grade) – DUE AT END OF CLASS or TOMORROW @ BEGINNING OF CLASS!

2.SILENTLY Study for Vocab Quiz3. Work on missing work, if applicable4. Work on other class’s work

Reminders TURN IN FOOD WEB WS HW Unit 5 Vocab Quiz is Friday, Nov. 9th

Focuses on energy flow & food webs Biome Project is due Wed., Nov. 28th

Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: ______% of energy is generally

available to the next trophic level. Letter home re: late policy Energy Pyramid Math Problems Energy Pyramid in the Biomes Activity

Wednesday, Nov. 7th

1. If the producers in an ecosystem capture 1000

units of energy, how many units are available to the primary consumers? Answer: 100 units 1000 x 10% (0.1) = 100 units to next level

2. If the producers in an ecosystem capture 5000 units of energy, how many units are available to the tertiary consumers? Answer: 5 units 5000 for producers 500 for primary consumers

50 for secondary consumers 5 for tertiary consumers

Energy Pyramid Math Problems – write these in

your notes!

Energy Pyramids in the Biomes Activity

By Yourself or In Partners – Pick a biome: Estuary in Florida Coral reef in Caribbean Sonoran Desert in Arizona Kodiak wildlife refuge in

Alaska (tundra) Ft. Pierre national

grassland in South Dakota Kenyan Savanna

Brainstorm appropriate organisms for your biome

Will need: producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, & tertiary consumer.

Create a food chain Get copy of pyramid

Energy Pyramids in the Biomes Activity cont.

1st pyramid side : label each level with the following terms as you move up the pyramid: producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer

2nd pyramid side: label each level with the following terms as you move up the pyramid: plants, herbivores, carnivores/omnivores, top carnivores

3rd pyramid side: label each level of the with the following as your move up the pyramid: 1000, 100, 10, 1

4th pyramid side: Write & Draw your biome’s food chain

Cut out & fold your pyramid on the lines radiating from the center and tape it together! Put Names & FINISHED

Reminders TURN IN SIGNED LETTER HOME Turn in Late work if applicable – Food Web ws

Progress Report Grades get posted this afternoon

Unit 5 Vocab Quiz is TOMORROW!

Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: The products of

photosynthesis are: Food Webs of the Ogeechee River “Lab”


Thursday, Nov. 8th

Food Webs of the Ogeechee River

“Lab” Activity You will work with a partner already sitting at your table! (unless otherwise directed)

Steps:1.Obtain Instruction Handout & read it2.Fill in table on the “Organisms Found within the

Ogeechee River” Handout3.Obtain pictures of organisms4.Cut & paste pictures of organisms to create a food

chain (following instructions) (on blue computer paper)

5.Answer the 10 Assessment Questions found on the Instruction Handout (on a separate sheet of paper)

6.Make sure both names are on everything, staple it all together & hand it in – LAB GRADE


Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: The products of cellular respiration are: Unit 5 Vocab Quiz Finish Food Webs of the Ogeechee River “Lab”

Activity & TURN IN!1. Food Source & Symbol Table2. Food Web on Blue sheet of paper3. Answer to 10 questions on separate sheet of paper

Food Web in the Desert worksheet (classwork grade)

Friday, Nov. 9th

Staple & TURN IN

Reminders TURN IN SIGNED LETTER HOME Work from last week:

Food Webs of Ogeechee River Lab Desert Food Web worksheet Ecology Vocab Quiz

Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: No Bellringer Species Interactions Notes Symbiosis worksheet

Tuesday, Nov. 13th

How Species Interact

Essential Question: How are the entities of life on Earth interconnected?

What is being depicted in this cartoon?

Roles in one’s environment

Niche = the unique role of a species within an ecosystem

Includes: What it eats & what eats it Environmental alterations Interactions with other species

Species interactions can include:

Predator/prey Competition =

relationship in which different individuals or populations attempt to use the same limited resource What resources

might be competed over?

Symbiosis = relationship in which 2 species live in close association

3 Types of Symbiosis:

1. Mutualism = relationship where both organisms benefit (+,+)


2. Commensalism = relationship where one organism benefits & the other doesn’t benefit but doesn’t get hurt either (+,0)


3 Types of Symbiosis:

3. Parasitism = relationship where one organism benefits and the other gets hurt (+,-)  

3 Types of Symbiosis:

Which interaction is this?

Which interaction is this?

Which interaction is this?

Symbiosis worksheet If applicable, finish & turn in

Desert Food Web worksheet from Friday


Assignments for Today

Reminders No hats or ear buds! Turn in Signed Progress Report & Late Policy

Letter Today’s Schedule

Bellringer: The relationship between flowers & pollinators is called ___________.

Important Roles Notes Correct Interdependent Organisms ws Planet in Peril video

Thursday, Nov. 15th

Other Important Roles that Organisms Play:

Keystone species: have a large effect on other species & biodiversity Top predators Examples:

Alligator Sea otter Gray wolf


Other Important Roles that Organisms Play:

Indicator species: provide early warning of damage to a community Examples:

Frogs – warn of water pollution

Birds & Butterflies – warn of air pollution

Aquatic insects – warn of water pollution

Foundation species: Create or enhance their habitats, which benefit others

Ex: Alligators, beavers, elephants

Other Important Roles that Organisms Play:

Foundation Species

creation ofwetland ecosystem

increased waterfowl population

increased fishpopulation

nesting sites for birds

Foundation species


Get back Interdependent Organisms worksheet We are checking our answers Keep this in your notebook!

Reminders No hats or ear buds! Turn in Signed Progress Report & Late

Policy Letter Today’s Schedule:

Bellringer: Frogs, butterflies & birds are examples of _____________ species.

Relationships Among Organisms Mix & Match Activity

Thursday, Nov. 15th

Instructions:1. Obtain 3 sheets:

1. Mix & Match Directions sheet2. Mix & Match Answer sheet & Crossword Puzzle3. Mix & Match Symbiosis Direction sheet

2. Cut out squares using scissors provided3. Identify relationships and glue into appropriate column on

given table; add appropriate +, -, or 04. Complete Crossword Puzzle5. Complete Mix & Match Symbiosis Assignment: at least 3

fictional stories – can write on the back of the sheet

DUE @ END OF PERIOD TO IN BOX – whatever you have done!

Relationships Among Organisms Mix & Match


Reminders No hats or ear buds! Turn in Signed Progress Report & Late Policy Letter Biome Project is due WED., Nov. 28th (test


Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: ________ is when individuals or

species try to use the same limited resources

Cycles of Matter Notes: Carbon Cycle Carbon Cycle worksheet Planet in Peril video

Friday, Nov. 16th

In terms of matter, Earth is a

closed system Nothing enters or leaves, just recycled

This is the Law of Conservation of Matter!

Important cycles: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, water

Cycles of Matter (Biogeochemical Cycles)

Carbon Cycle = process by which carbon is cycled between the atmosphere, land, water, & organisms (during photosynthesis & cellular respiration) Steps:

Write steps or Copy picture into notebook!

How Humans Affect the Carbon Cycle

Burn fossil fuels releases CO2 into atmosphere

Increased CO2 in atmosphere may contribute to global temperature changes

How You Can Reduce Your Carbon Impact:

Use gas-efficient cars

Carpool/ use public transportation

Walk or ride bike when possible

Eat locally-grown food

Use less plastics & disposable products

Complete The Carbon Cycle:

Where Do We Fit in Worksheet Need calculators – return once done

with the worksheet In 3d. Ignore the blank in front of 48

pounds TURN IN to IN BOX when DONE!

Assignment for Today

Reminders Turn in Signed Progress Report & Late Policy Letter Wed. – Going to Comp. Lab - Biome

Project is due @ end of period (test grade)

Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: We add excess CO2 to the

atmosphere by burning __________ ________.

Carbon Cycle review Cycles of Matter Notes: Oxygen Cycle Cycles Worksheet: C and O

Monday, Nov. 26th

No hats inside the building No electronics or ear buds unless I give explicit

permission You need to remain silent & pay attention during

notes You SHOULD NOT be talking to your neighbors or

having “silent” conversations across the room Late Work:

Lose 5 points per day (including weekends) Will not be accepted after that unit’s exam

Reminders about Rules & Policies

Carbon Cycle = process by which carbon is cycled between the atmosphere, land, water, & organisms (during photosynthesis & cellular respiration) Steps:

Write steps or Copy picture into notebook!

All organisms need Oxygen1. Plants release O2 during photosynthesis:CO2 + H2O + sun C6H12O6 + O2

2. Organisms use O2 during cellular respiration: C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O + energy

3. O2 is stored:Dissolved in the oceansOxygen in the atmosphere:

21% O2 in lower atmosphere Ozone (O3) in upper atmosphere protects us from UV rays

Oxygen Cycle = process by which oxygen is cycled between the atmosphere, ocean, & organisms

Assignment for Today Complete Nutrient Cycles Worksheet:

Carbon Cycle Oxygen cycle

FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS – write sentences!

DUE at END of CLASS! To In Box Meanwhile I will hand back graded

assignments & inform of missing work

Reminders TOMORROW – Going to Comp. Lab - Biome

Project is due @ end of period (test grade)

Exam 5: Ecology is on Thursday, Dec. 6th Today’s Schedule:

Bellringer: A tapeworm living inside the stomach of a dog is an example of __________.

Cycles of Matter Notes: Nitrogen & Water Cycles Worksheet:

Finish Carbon & Oxygen if applicable Nitrogen and H2O

Tuesday, Nov. 27th

All organisms need N for proteins & nucleic acids (DNA)

1. N2 gas must be changed by nitrogen-fixing bacteria: They convert N2 into nitrates (NO3)

2. Plants get NO3 from soil animals eat plants

3. Plants & animal waste puts N back into soil in form of ammonia (NH4)

4. Other bacteria convert ammonia into nitrites (NO2) & nitrates

Nitrogen Cycle = process by which nitrogen (N) is cycled between atmosphere, bacteria, & other organisms

Nitrogen Cycle

How Humans Affect the Nitrogen Cycle

Have doubled amount of N on land due to use of fertilizers & burning fossil fuels

Problems of too much N: Rivers & lakes

becoming acidic Global warming

Most H2O is stored in oceans

Ocean H2O is turned to vapor (gas) by evaporation & winds push vapor around globe

H2O vapor turns to liquid in atmosphere = condensation

Liquid falls as precipitation (rain, snow, etc.) Living organisms use H2O, then return it to

environment through: Breathing & sweating Waste Transpiration from leaves (plants) (leaves sweating)

Water Cycle = path of H2O through environment; aka hydrological cycle

Water Cycle

Remove H2O faster than nature can

replace it Drain wetlands increases flooding Pollution

How Humans affect the Water Cycle:

Assignment for Today Continue Nutrient Cycles Worksheet:

Finish Carbon & Oxygen from yesterday if applicable Nitrogen Cycle Water cycle

FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS – write sentences! DUE at END of CLASS no matter how much

done! (Staple all sheets together) The ENTIRE WORKSHEET COLLECTION will

be due Friday for a grade! Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Water, Phosphorus

Reminders Exam 5: Ecology is on Thursday, Dec. 6th

Rule Reminder: Stay in your seat until the bell rings (in this room or comp lab)

Today’s Schedule: No Bellringer

Going to Comp. Lab - Biome Project is due TODAY @ end of period (test grade)

If done with biome project, work on Long-Term Portfolio Project

Wednesday, Nov. 28th

Reminders Exam 5: Ecology is on Thursday, Dec. 6th (and

bellringer check!)

Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: _____ serve the important

function of fixing nitrogen so that plants & animals can get it!

Cycles of Matter Notes: Phosphorus & Sulfur Cycles Worksheet:

Phosphorus Finish Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Water if


Thursday, Nov. 29th

P is important in DNA and ATPSteps: 1.Rocks erode, putting phosphate into soil and water2. P is taken up by plants & converted to organic molecules3. Animals eat plants 4. Decomposing plants & animals & waste return P to environmentHow humans affect P cycle:

Excess phosphate from fertilizers can cause too much algal growth in water kills fish & other organisms

Phosphorus Cycle = movement of phosphorus (P) between environment & organisms

Phosphorus Cycle

Excess P due to fertilizers!

Sulfur Cycle: process by which sulfur (S) is cycled between atmosphere, land & organisms

1.Weathering (breaking down) of rocks/minerals releases stored S

2.S comes into contact with air & is converted into sulfate (SO4)

3.SO4 in soil is taken up by plants

4.Animals eat plants5.Plants & animals die – S put back into soil6.Swamps & volcanoes put S directly into atmosphere as

hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S – smells like rotten eggs) How Humans affect S Cycle:

Pollution from cars/ factories creates Sulfuric acid acid rain

Sulfur Cycle

Assignment for Today CONTINUE or FINISH Nutrient Cycles

Worksheet Packet:1. Carbon2. Oxygen3. Nitrogen4. Water5. Phosphorus

FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS – write sentences!


Staple all sheets together

Reminders Exam 5: Ecology is on Thursday, Dec. 6th

Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: _____ is the process of liquid

water turning to gas Finish Cycles Worksheet Trophic Levels & Cycles Review

Worksheet (homework) Start Finding Nemo

Friday, Nov. 30th

Assignments for Today1. FINISH Nutrient Cycles Worksheet Packet:

Carbon OxygenNitrogen

Water Phosphorus Extra credit: Sulfur

FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS – write sentences!

The ENTIRE WORKSHEET COLLECTION is due TODAY for a 2x classwork grade! Staple all sheets together.

2. Trophic Levels & Cycles Review Worksheet (homework grade) – due Monday

There are many

cycles in life

Reminders Exam 5: Ecology is on Thursday, Dec. 6th

Today’s Schedule: Bellringer: Secondary consumers are

also called _____________. Recent/ Late Work What Eats What? LAB Activity!

Monday, Dec. 3rd

1. Turn In Today If Applicable:a. Cycles Worksheet Collection (2x classwork

grade) from last week2. NOT Taking Up

a. Trophic Levels & Cycles worksheet (“homework from Friday”) – keep in your notebook to study with

3. Late Work:a. Biome Project – now 5 days lateb. Food Webs of the Ogeechee River Lab Activity – now 12

days latec. Other ecology assignments…


Recent/ Late Work

1. Will Get a Card Representing an Organism2. As a class, we will use string to create a food

web around the room3. 1 volunteer will record the food web on the

board4. All students must complete the LAB sheet,

with FOOD WEB DRAWN ON BACK5. Sheet is DUE TODAY to In Box – LAB

GRADE (answer seriously!)6. Work on any missing work if applicable

What Eats What? LAB Activity

Reminders Exam 5: Ecology is on Thursday, Dec. 6th Also on Thursday:

Bellringer Check 4 All missing work due:

Cycles worksheets (2x classwork grade) Biome Project Labs, worksheets, etc.

Today’s Schedule: NO BELLRINGER Hand Out Exam 5 Study Guide Ms. Gail’s Water Cycle Activity

Tuesday, Dec. 4th

Reminders Exam 5: Ecology is TOMORROW! Also Tomorrow:

Bellringer Check 4 All missing work due:

Cycles worksheets (2x classwork grade) Biome Project Labs, worksheets, etc.

Today’s Schedule: NO BELLRINGER Complete Exam 5 Study Guide

Wednesday, Dec. 5th

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