unit 4 circulatory, respiratory and excretory...

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Unit 4 – Circulatory, Respiratory and Excretory System Test Date ___________________ Project Due ________________________________ Lesson 1 – The Cardiovascular System Homework: read pages 176-179 and take notes Warm –up 1. _____ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ Finding Target Heart rate (220 – age) x .65 = 65% fitness level (220 – age) x .85 = 85% fitness level In order to be considered physically fit you must reach your target heart rate for 30 consecutive minutes, 3 days a week. The top formula calculates your heart rate at a 65% fitness level and the bottom formula calculates your heart rate at an 85% fitness level. - As you become more physically fit your resting heart rate can decrease over time due to the fact that it doesn’t have to work as hard.

- heart –

- made of cardiac muscle tissue

- 2 sides

- right side pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs

- left side pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body

- each side has 2 chambers

- upper chamber – atrium

- lower chamber – ventricle

- valves

- located between chambers and where large arteries attach to the heart

- prevent blood from going backward

- the sound of heartbeat we hear is caused by them closing


- Blood Vessels - Arties –

- carries blood away from the heart to the body’s organs

- heartbeat pumps blood into arties at high pressure – blood pressure

- pulse – rhythmic changes in your blood pressure

- Capillaries

- tiny blood vessel that allows an exchange between blood and cells in other tissue

- only 1 cell thick

- bring nutrients, oxygen and other substances to the cells

- removes carbon dioxide and other wastes from the cells

- Veins

- in biology, a vessel that carries blood to the heart

- pushed back to the heart when muscles contract

Oxygen-poor blood trav-

els back into the heart

Right ventricle pumps oxygen-

poor blood into the arteries that

lead to the lungs

Heart pumps oxygen-rich blood

from the left ventricle into arter-

ies and then into capillaries

In the capillaries — blood takes up oxy-

gen and releases carbon dioxide. Oxy-

gen-rich blood travels through the

veins of the left atrium

As blood travels through capil-

laries, it transports oxygen, nu-

trients and water to the cells

while carrying away waste mate-

rials and carbon dioxide


- Cardiovascular Problems

- Causes – smoking, high levels of cholesterol in the blood, stress, physical inactivity or heredity

- can help – eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise

- Atherosclerosis

- the buildup of material inside the artery which can become blocked restricting blood flow that can lead to a heart attack

- High Blood Pressure (hypertension)

- abnormally high blood pressure

- can lead to a stroke – blood vessel in the brain become clogged or rupture

- brain cells can die because of lack of oxygen

- Heart Attack

- happens when heart muscle cells die and part of the heart muscle is damages

- Heart Failure

- happens when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs

Lesson 2 – Blood Homework: read pages 182-185 and take notes

Receiver’s Can receive Can receive Can receive Can receive Blood type type O? Type A? Type B? Type AB? O A B AB

Blood Type game http://www.redcrossblood.org/donating-blood/donor-zone/games/blood-type


- The circulatory system is made up of your heart, blood vessels and blood — is responsi-ble for transporting needed materials to the body’s cells.

Blood – the fluid that carries gases, nutrients, and wastes through the body and that is made up of plasma, red blood cells, platelets and white blood cells.

- helps regulate the body’s temperature by enlarging and shrinking

- Plasma – mixture of water, minerals, nutrients, sugars, proteins and other substances, and con-tains the following

- Red Blood Cells (RBC’s)

- take oxygen to every cell

- hemoglobin – oxygen-carrying protein and give blood its red color

- Platelets

- pieces of larger cells found in bone marrow

- last only 5 to 10 days

- clump together to plug a damage area to reduce blood loss and release chemicals to help blood clot

- White Blood Cells (WBC’s)

- help keep the body healthy by destroying pathogens and clean wounds

- fight pathogens

- destroy them by releasing antibodies

- destroy body cells that have died or been damaged

- created in bone marrow and mature in the lymphatic system


Lesson 3 – The Respiratory System Homework: read pages 190-193- and take notes

Snore Lab Questions

1. How was your humming different when wax paper was pressed to your mouth?

2. Use your observations to guess what might cause snoring.

- Blood Pressure – the force that blood exerts on the walls of the arteries and is given in 2 numbers

- Systolic pressure is the pressure inside large arteries when the ventricles contract

- diastolic pressure is the pressure inside the arteries when the ventricles relax

Blood Types

- 4 types – A, B, AB, or O

- antigens are the surface chemicals on RBC’s that make blood different types

- Also have different antibodies in the plasma which


- Respiration – the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between living cells and their envi-ronment; includes breathing (inhaling and exhaling) and cellular respiration (chemical reaction that release energy from food)

- Respiratory System – a collection of organs whose primary function is to take in oxy-gen and expel carbon dioxide.

- Nose – main passageway into the system

- Pharynx (throat) – passage from the mouth to the larynx and esophagus – branches into two tubes – esophagus goes to the stomach while the larynx goes to the lungs

- Larynx – area of the throat that contains the vocal cords ( elastic bands that stretch across the lar-ynx) and produces vocal sounds when air flowing be-tween them makes the cords vibrate

- Trachea (windpipe) – the tube that connects the larynx to the lungs

- Bronchi – one of the two tubes that connect the lungs with the trachea

- Alveoli – any of the tiny air sacs of the lungs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are ex-changed. This exchange between the alveoli and capillaries allows oxygen to enter the blood.


Lesson 4 – Excretory or Urinary System Homework: read pages 212-215 and take notes Warm-up — 1. ___________________ 2. ____________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________

- Excretion is the process of removing waste products from the body.

- Urinary System – the organs that produce, store and eliminate urine

- Kidney – one of the pair of organs that filter water

and wastes from the blood and that excrete products as urine

- Nephrons — microscopic filters in the kidney that

Remove water and other harmful substances from the


Water Balance

- sweat – evaporation of water from your skin to cool – causes less saliva to produced causing you to become thirsty

- Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) – controls the amount of water in the bloodstream and amount of urine produced

- Diuretics – causes your body to make more urine taking water from your blood

Cellular Respiration

- oxygen is used by cells to release energy stored in molecules of glucose.

- oxygen is diffused out of the red blood cells and into each cell

- cells use the oxygen to release chemical energy – during, carbon dioxide and water are produced – carbon dioxide is exhaled from the lungs




Lesson 5 – Respiratory and Urinary System Disorders

Respiratory Disorders

- asthma

- cause the bronchioles to narrow – has difficulty breathing and may be triggered by irritants such as dust or pollen

- emphysema

- happens when the alveoli have been damaged. People have trouble getting the oxy-gen they need

- SARS – severe acute respiratory syndrome

- caused by a virus

Urinary System Problems

- Bacterial Infections

- painful infections that needs to be treated before it reaches the kidneys can be per-manently damaged

- Kidney Stones

- salts and other wastes that collect inside in the kidneys

- Kidney Disease

- damaged nephrons which causes the person to have to use a kidney machine to fil-ter waste from the blood

Lesson 6 – The Integumentary System and review of other excretory systems Homework: read pages 162-165 and take notes - Integumentary System – the organ system that forms a protective covering on the outside of the body

— Your skin is the largest organ in your body


Warm-up 1.









Functions of Skin

- keeps water in and foreign particles out

- nerve endings let you feel things around you

- sweat — regulate body temperature and also removes waste

Layers of Skin

- epidermis – the surface layer of cells on a plant or animal

- dermis – the layer of skin below the epidermis –made of protein called collagen that provides strength



Study Guide Circulatory system — responsible for transporting needed materials to the body’s cells Heart — made up of cardiac muscle tissue 2 sides — right pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs — left pumps oxygen-rich blood to the body and heart - upper chamber — atrium / lower chamber — ventricle In the lungs oxygen is added to blood while carbon dioxide is removed Cardiovascular system includes: heart, arteries, capillaries and veins - 2 types of blood circulation — pulmonary and systemic Cardiovascular problems — atherosclerosis, hypertension, stroke, heart attack and heart failure Blood pressure — the force exerted on the walls of the arteries — systolic and diastolic Main components of blood : plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets - primary function — carrying oxygen and nutrients, fight pathogens and reducing blood loss - Blood types — A, B, AB, and O Respiration — exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between living cells - breathing and cellular respiration alveoli and capillaries work together to allow oxygen to enter the blood Trachea — tube that connects the larynx to the lungs Urinary System — organs that produce, store and eliminate urine - excretion is the process of removing waste products from the body Nephrons — microscopic filters in the kidney that remove waste and other harmful substance from the blood diuretics — makes the body expel liquid Urinary system disorders: bacterial infections, kidney stones and kidney disease Respiratory disorders: SARS, emphysema and asthma Integumentary System — forms a protective covering on the outside of the body - skin is the largest organ in your body Functions of skin - keep water in/foreign particles out — lets you feels things you — sweat which regulates body tempera-ture and removes waste.

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