unit 3 for advance 1

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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TOPIC: TOPIC: Jobs and Works.Jobs and Works.

TEXTSTEXTSReading and listening: Reading and listening: short texts about teenagers’ career plans.short texts about teenagers’ career plans.

Listening: Listening: a conversations about a dream job.a conversations about a dream job.Listening: Listening: a job interview.a job interview.

Reading:Reading: a story about happiness at work.. a story about happiness at work..Writing: Writing: a job application lettera job application letter


Discussing a future job.Discussing a future job.

Discussing someone's’ ambitions.Discussing someone's’ ambitions.

Giving advice.Giving advice.

Role-playing a job interview.Role-playing a job interview.

LANGUAGELANGUAGEGrammar: Grammar: Present perfect simple and continuous: Present perfect simple and continuous:

should/ought to / had bettershould/ought to / had betterVocabulary: Vocabulary: jobs and work

Pronunciation: Pronunciation: shshorortt


Teenagers and part time jobs: Between the ages of 12 and 16, children's in the UK and US are allowed to do paid work for maximum of two hours per school day. They are not allowed to star work before 1am or finish after 7pm. Popular jobs are: paper rounds, wok in a small shop or café, Babysitting or after school program.

Read my four true facts about myself: -----?-----I live in Orlando FloridaI want to be a flight attended.I am studying Spanish. ----- ? -----I have lived in Orlando Florida since 2002.I have been teaching English for 20 years. ----Present perfect simple --- Present perfect continuous.

LOOK!!:Remember some verbs are not normally used in continuous form: Remember some verbs are not normally used in continuous form: see, hear, want, prefer, like, love, hate, think, feel, forget, remember.

Activity 1Activity 1

Write four true facts about your selves in the present simple or continuous, then explain how long these facts have been true.

Work alone, then past the paper around and guess how wrote the facts and write the possible person name and a note if is true the fact or an opinion.


Activity 2Activity 2

Identify the contractions and which tense are being use.

1.I’d never been to England before last year.

2.He’s thinking about the question.

3.I think we’d better go home now.

4.It’s been raining all day.

5.I’d like a drink.

6.She’s not here. – She’s gone shopping.


Since you have a problem on you hand now you have to get advice from other student and note down their answers. After a period of time each one of you have to tell to the group which was the best piece of advice they were given.

Match the expressions with the definition, answer as many you can with out dictionary. (CD)

Listen quietly the lesson and take a note when ever you find a tense (past simple, present perfect and present perfect continuous) you will have a extra point if you can.

3 pair of student will role play the interview in front of the class. The class will vote the winner.

Activity 3Activity 3Answer the grammar practice resources unit 3.

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