unit 2 review united states latin america people 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200...

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One cause of the U.S. Civil War was sectionalism (economic, political, social divisions) and another cause was Compromise of 1850 (allowed states to decide whether or not to allow slavery; admitted CA to union as free state) 100 United States


Unit 2 ReviewUnited States

Latin Americ








United StatesOne cause of the U.S. Civil War

was ________ (economic, political, social divisions) and another cause was ________

(allowed states to decide whether or not to allow

slavery; admitted CA to union as free state)


One cause of the U.S. Civil War was sectionalism

(economic, political, social divisions) and another cause

was Compromise of 1850 (allowed states to decide whether or not to allow

slavery; admitted CA to union as free state)

100United States

List two advantages of BOTH the North and South during the U.S.

Civil War.

200United States

North: industrialized, advanced communication and transportation, more populated, weapons

South: military experience, home territory, desire to preserve slavery

200United States

List the three terms of surrender for the

U.S. Civil War.

300United States

1. Confederate soldiers would not be tried for treason

2. Soldiers could keep their horses

3. Union would provide south with food

300United States

List three causes of the War of 1812.

400United States

1. Navies of England/France seized American merchant ships

2. Forced Impressment of sailors3. Chesapeake Incident4. Embargo Act5. British aide of Native Americans6. Canadian Involvement

400United States

Describe TWO key differences between the viewpoints of the

Radical Republicans and Moderate Republicans

regarding Reconstruction.

500United States

500United States Radicals believed former Confederates should be punished

for treason; moderates did not Moderates believed the states should set policies for re-

admittance; radicals thought the national government should

Moderates believed states should be readmitted once 10% swore loyalty to union; Radicals wanted to make it more difficult

Radicals proposed government aide to freedmen; moderates did not

Radicals believed the MAIN priority should be helping freedmen achieve equality; Moderates felt the most important issue was re-unification.

Latin America 100

List three similar characteristics of the

liberal caudillos.

100Latin America• Support of middle & lower classes (farmers, mestizos, natives)• Racial equality (end to colonial hierarchy)• End church privileges• Expand voting rights • Increased education• Individual rights & personal freedoms • Influenced by U.S. style democracy

200Latin America

List three similar characteristics of the

conservative caudillos.

Power to the wealthy, landowning elite Ruled with strong military Supported by oligarchy Favored centralized government Maintain colonial titles Limit suffrage and personal freedoms Limit opposition/dissent Power to the church

200Latin America

List THREE provisions of the Treaty of


300Latin America

300Latin America1. Officially ended the Mexican-American War2. Recognized Texas as part of the U.S. 3. U.S. forgave Mexico’s debt4. Mexican Cession territories in exchange for

$15 million 5. Citizens living in newly acquired territories

were guaranteed American citizenship6. Established the southern border at the Rio

Grande River

Explain how the conflict over Texas led to the Mexican-

American War. Include viewpoints of both Mexican &

American government.

400Latin America

• Even though Texas was Mexican territory, American settlers outnumbered Mexicans 4:1

• Both had conflicting opinions on the national border

• Once Texas declared independence, U.S. annexed it; to Mexico, this was an act of war!

400Latin America

500Latin America• Lets see how well you know the

caudillos!!!• ________ was supported by an oligarchy

and focused on creating revenue in Chile by increasing tariffs/taxes. Another caudillo, ________, wanted to limit the power of natives/blacks so he restored colonial titles & native forced labor. Unlike these first two men, ________ advocated social reform and showed preference to natives/blacks.

Portales (Chile) was supported by an oligarchy and focused on creating revenue in Chile by

increasing tariffs/taxes. Another caudillo, Carrera (Guatemala), wanted to limit the power of natives/blacks so he restored

colonial titles & native forced labor. Unlike these first two men, Artigas (Uruguay) advocated social reform and showed

preference to natives/blacks.

500Latin America


At the Charlottetown Conference, ______

was the first to propose total unification of all Canadian colonies.



John A. Macdonald



Why did Queen Victoria send Lord Durham to

Canada post-rebellion?


PeopleLord Durham was sent to

Canada to research the causes of rebellion and

propose possible solutions for the future


PeopleOne of the background causes of the U.S. Civil War was a Supreme Court

case. ___________ was a former slave who believed he should be free since he lived in a free state, but the Court ruled __________________.


People 300One of the background causes of the U.S. Civil War was a Supreme Court case. Dred Scott was a former slave who believed he should be free since he lived in a free state, but the Court

ruled no black could be a U.S. citizen.

People Which U.S. president and

notorious “war-hawk” supported Manifest Destiny

and the annexation of Texas?



James Polk


People After the Chesapeake Incident, President __________ passed the __________ which attempted to punish European countries by depriving them of American

products. This will eventually lead to the War of 1812.


People After the Chesapeake Incident, President Jefferson passed the Embargo Act which attempted to punish European countries by depriving them of American products. This will eventually

lead to the War of 1812.



Meeting that solidified decision to unify and

created a federal system of government w/ division of powers


London Conference


Meeting that established a bi-cameral parliament,

including a House of Commons (elected) &

Senate (appointed)


Quebec Conference


Who led the Native Americans in the War

of 1812? Why did they agree to fight on

the British side?


Tecumseh; If they fought on their side, Natives were

promised an independent nation under British



During the Mexican-American War, why did President Francia allow

Santa Anna to return from exile? What

happened once he returned?


In 1845, Santa Anna was allowed to return from exile because he promised he

would only be the leader of the military & was experienced in fighting the U.S., but once he returned, he went back on

his word and overthrew President Francia


Describe the election of 1824. Include:

1. Four Candidates2. Outcome3. Importance


Jackson, Adams, Clay, Crawford No candidate won majority of

electoral votes, so based on 12th amendment, House decided to elect Adams (Clay was speaker of House)

Known as “corrupt,” only time 12th amendment had been used, forever split Republican-Democrat party



Why is the Rebellion of Lower Canada

considered a “racial conflict?”


Fought between French and English


Why did Canadians advocate “responsible



Wanted all branches to be elected; more power to the



Post-Rebellions, the _____________ combined

former Upper and Lower Canada to create the Province of

Canada. The purpose was to create a _______ majority &

decrease threat of U.S.


Post-Rebellions, the Act of Union combined former Upper and Lower Canada to create the

Province of Canada. The purpose was to create a English majority &

decrease threat of U.S.


List three similarities between the 1837

rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada.


1. Both leaders criticized the loyalists in power; increased popularity

2. U.S. government refused to help3. Both advocated responsible government4. Both rebellions failed b/c of lack of unity,

training, weapons5. Both were led by men who fled

immediately following outbreak6. Both rebellions fought to limit the power

of wealthy elites (Chateau Clique & Family Compact)


List three results of Canadian



1. Created Dominion of Canada under British North America Act

2. Divided government between Provincial & National governments

3. Provincial governments were comprised of an elected legislative house

4. Government structure was federal, but form was parliamentary

5. Ottawa became capital & Macdonald became Prime Minister


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