unit 19 integrating skills shakespeare’s heroines

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Unit 19 Integrating skills

Shakespeare’s Shakespeare’s HeroinesHeroines

What does ‘Heroine’ mean?

A woman Who is noted for courage and daring action. 女英雄: The principal female character in a novel, poem, or dramatic presentation. 女主角:For example: The lady did something very risky, she saved the man, therefore she was a heroine.

Shakespeare’s heroines

Shakespeare’s heroines

Portia appears in The Merchant of the Venice

Cordelia in King Lear

Listen and read the passage on page 142

1 What are the names of the three women characters in Shakespeare’s plays mentioned in the text? In which plays do they appear and what roles do they play?

Answer the following Answer the following questions:questions:

1 Their names are Juliet, Portia and Cordelia. Juliet appears in Romeo and Juliet; Portia appears in The Merchant of the Venice; Cordelia appears in King Lear. Juliet is a woman full of courage, strength and determination. Portia is a woman full of passion, imagination and intelligence. Cordelia is a woman full of devotion, kindness and honest.


• 2. According to the writer, each of them represents a different quality of character. Which quality marks each of the three women characters in the text?


Juliet is brave, Portia is intelligent and Cordelia is honest.

• 3. Which of the three women do you admire most? Explain why.

• l admire Juliet because she is brave and of the spirit of self-sacrifice in seeking the true love.

• I admire Portia because she values friendship, is loyal to love and clever at handling things.

• I admire Cordelia so much because she has the true love for her father and fear no misunderstanding and doesn't care for losing wealth.

• 4. Why can we call Juliet brave in her love for Romeo?

Because in order to seek her own true love she breaks away from her family, takes a poisonous drug and kills herself in the end.

5. What test does King Lear give his daughters?

King Lear's test is asking each of his daughters how much she loves him and then dividing his kingdom among them according to their answers.

• 6. In what way can you compare King Lear's test with the game of the gold, silver and iron boxes of Portia's father?

• They both test true love but they are much too cruel and unreasonable...

Some Language points

• 1 Portia stands out for her intelligence.

引人注目的,清晰地显出 distinctive

The old man stood out for his wisdom.

• 2 tear up= 1)To tear to pieces. 撕成碎片 2) to make an opening in: 挖开: …tore up the sidewalk to add a drain. 挖


• tear at = to pull at or attack violently: 撕扯:猛裂地撕扯或进攻:

The dog tore at the meat. 狗撕扯肉• tear down=to demolish: 拆毁: tear down old tenements. 拆毁旧住房3 complex: 复杂的;错综的 a complex idea 一个复杂的观念 A computer is certainly a complex mach

ine. 电脑当然是一种结构复杂的机器。

His political ideas were too complex. 他的政见太令人费解。

a complex sentence 复合句• complex also means a building

For example: The sports complex is a facility where people go to practice or play sports.

• 4 deed: 1) Deed is something that you use to prove ownership. 契约

2) Something that is carried out

Deeds, not words, matter most.

行动,而不是言辞,至关重要 His deeds does not agree with his word



• 5. punish: vt. 惩罚 , 处罚 : To subject to a penalty for an offense, a sin, or a fault.

Motorists should be punished severely for dangerous driving.

汽车司机如危险驾驶应受到严厉处罚。 The teacher punished the noisy children by

making them stay after school.

老师用放学后留学生的办法惩罚那些吵闹的孩子。• To handle roughly; hurt: 粗鲁地对待;伤害: My boots were punished by our long trek thr

ough the desert. 我的靴子由于我们穿越沙漠的长途旅行而被磨损了

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