unit 12 “what’s for dinner?” food lead-in activity warm-up listening task real world...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Unit 12

“What’s for dinner?”


Lead-in Activity Warm-up Listening Task Real World Listening Interaction Link Useful Expressions Additional Listening Homework Conversation

Lead-in Activity1. What do you prefer on

the dishes in the menu?

2. Is there anything you have tried?

3. What would you


Yao Restaurant and Bar

菜名 价格( $ )北京烤鸭 34.00

九层塔牛肉 12.95葱爆牛肉 13.95木须肉 10.95

香干肉丝 11.95陈皮鸡柳 13.95炸春卷 4.50

锅贴、蒸饺 5.95姚妈妈馄饨汤 5.95姚妈妈鸡汤 6.95

Yao Restaurant and Bar, run by

Yao Ming’s parents in Houston and

Shanghai ,serves finest and authentic

Chinese-American dishes in characteristic atmosphere.

A faulty menu with English translation: find the mistakes in the menu.

Lead-in Activity

Part I


Language Points

rich and creamy 香甜嫩滑What a face! 做了一个鬼脸 !

make a face at the prospect of eating lemons

想到要吃柠檬做了一个怪相plain adj.简单的 , 不掺其他东西的 plain rice 白饭salsa n. 萨尔萨辣酱 . 是墨西哥菜肴中常用的烹调和佐 餐

酱料,一般用番茄和辣椒制成。icing n. 蛋糕糖衣:一种由糖、黄油、水、蛋白和牛奶制成的


Language Points

chewy a. (食物)耐嚼的 , 不易嚼碎的crunchy a.嘎吱嘎吱的,松脆的:crunchy fresh vegetables生脆而新鲜的蔬菜sample n.样品garlic n. 大蒜Different tastes:

sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty, rich, creamy, plain, raw, crispy

Culture Note: potluck

In America, when friends or relatives get together, they meet at the house of one of them. Since they don’t want to cook there to make great trouble, each of them just brings some food or drinks to celebrate the reunion. In this case, the host’s pot doesn’t need to be used. It’s a “lucky” pot. And this dinner is a “potluck” one.


Some people are at a potluck dinner. Everyone has brought a different kind of food. What do they say about the things they eat? Write the missing words.

spicy sour salty crispy plain

rich chewy creamy bitter raw

Warm Up

Now listen and check

1. Yum! This chocolate pudding is so rich and .

2. What a face! Is that lemonade too ? Maybe it needs more sugar.

3. I’m surprised that they served the rice , with nothing on it.

4. You made this salsa? Mm. Nice and , the way I like it.

5. The cake was too . It had thick icing and a lot of butter in it.






6. Someone left the bag of chips open. Now they aren’t anymore.7. Wait a second! Aren’t you going to cook that first? You’re not eating it , are

you?8. How are those cookies, or crunchy?9. Can I have a sample of this garlic ice

cream? Yuck, it’s !10. I need a drink. The popcorn was really






Pair work

Ask your partner what’s his or her favorite food. Discuss what you would bring to a potluck, why?

Part II

Listening Task

Language Points

macaroni n. 通心粉crust n. 面包皮 ,外壳chirashi-zushi n. 散寿司 sushi n. 寿司potstickers n. 锅贴tortilla n.玉米粉薄饼 :由稻米或小麦面粉制成的一种不含酵母 的薄面包,在较热表面上烘制而成,通常置于豆类、 碎肉或奶油之上吃或包着这些东西吃。

wasabi n.山葵泥 /绿芥末 /瓦沙比 : 具有独特的香味和充满刺激的


vinegar n. 醋

soy sauce n. 酱油

hot sauce n. 辣酱

Look at the pictures. What kind of food do you see?

Who made the food?

1. 2.



First Listening


Look at the pictures. What kind of food do you see?

Who made the food?

1. 2.


First Listening


mom aunt

grandma Tortilla lady

What does each speaker eat with the food?

Second Listening

1. 2.

3. 4.


soy saucewasabi

hot saucesalad

hot saucevinegar & soy saucejam


Listen again and then choose the correct answer for each question.

Third Listening

1. What should be put on a crispy crust?

A. sugar B. spice C. salt D. vinegar

2. What materials are needed to make chirashi-sushi?

A. Rice and raw fish B. Rice and cooked fish

C. Raw rice and fish D. Cooked rice and fish

Listen again and then choose the correct answer for each question.

Third Listening

3. What is not mentioned when making potstickers?

A. Flour B. Meat C. Spice D. Vinegar

4. What would the speaker do on the way home?

A. To add some beans to tortillas

B. To eat one of them

C. To keep them hot and fresh

D. To hide one of them

Script1.My favorite food has to be macaroni and cheese, like my mom

made, with lots and lots of cheese, so it’s really cheesy and really creamy.You have to bake it in a really hot oven so it gets a crispy crust. And it has to be hot…steaming. Then you put a lot of salt on it. Oh, man. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it…

2. What I really like is chirashi-zushi. I don’t know why. My aunt used to make it on my birthday when I was a kid. It’s really simple, just rice and raw fish, kind of like sushi but in a bowl. Maybe that’s why I like it. The rice is nice and soft and warm, you know, and the fish is just a little salty, and you put a little wasabi on it, too. And it’s so colorful if you use the right kind of fish. It’s so good. I think it’s pretty good for you, too.

3. When I pass a Chinese restaurant and smell the food, I

always think of how my grandma used to make

potstickers. She’d roll-out the dough into little circles

and fill them with just the right amount of ground meat

and veggies, mixed together and flavored with a few

spices. The trick to making them really good is to fry

them a little, then steam them in a bamboo steamer

(蒸笼 ). Then you just dip them in some soy and vinegar sauce, and they’re perfect.



4. Unless you’ve been to Mexico, you don’t know what good tortillas are like. Here they’re like cardboard! Back in Mexico, I’d be the one who went to the tortilla lady in the afternoon to pick up the tortillas for my family. Anyway, when they’re hot and fresh, they taste good by themselves, but with some beans or something … oh, yeah, they were good. I’d always eat one on the way home.

Pair Work

Ask your partner about his or her favorite memory of a food from childhood.

Part III

Real World Listening

Language Pointsauthentic a.真正的recipe n. 处方,食谱crawfish n.小龙虾clove n. 小鳞茎:如大蒜的一瓣simmer v. 煨 , 炖sausage n.香肠broth n. 肉汤andouille n. 法语单词,一种香肠jambalaya n. 什锦菜肴A Creole dish consisting of rice that has been cookedwith shrimp, oysters, ham, or chicken and seasoned with spices and herbs.一种用大米和虾和牡蛎、火腿或鸡肉烹制而成并用调味品和香料调味的克里奥尔食品。

When people talk about making food, they use words to show time-order: “First, you… Then… After that…”.

“Hot” food in English can mean two things: spicy (hot-tasting), or high temperature. Compare “That burrito (墨西哥玉米煎饼) is too spicy hot” to “That soup is too hot on my tongue. I’ll wait till it cools down.”

Cajun [`keidn] refers to the culture of the French people who live in Louisiana. “Cajun” is used to describe their food, music, and dance.


Culture Note

Now listen and check.


Maw-Maw is an authentic Cajun grandma from Louisiana who has won awards for the best jambalaya in the world.Look at the pictures. This is what goes into jambalaya. Do you think it will be spicy or sweet?

Put the steps in order.

Get The Main Ideas

Bring to a boil.

Add tomatoes, sausage, rice, and broth.

Cover, reduce heat and cook on low heat for

30 minutes.

Cook until soft.

Serve with chopped green onion.

Brown meat or seafood in oil.

Add garlic, chopped onion, celery, and pepper.

Put the steps in order.

Get The Main Ideas

Bring to a boil.

Add tomatoes, sausage, rice, and broth.

Cover, reduce heat and cook on low heat for

30 minutes.

Cook until soft.

Serve with chopped green onion.

Brown meat or seafood in oil.

Add garlic, chopped onion, celery, and pepper.








Script Announcer: Maw-Maw is an authentic Cajun grandma

from Louisiana who has won awards for the best jambalaya in the world. She’ll share her secrets with you today, on the most popular daytime food show, “Maw-Maw’s Cajun kitchen!”

Maw-Maw: Welcome to “Maw-Maw’s Cajun kitchen.”

Today we’re going to make the most famous Louisiana Cajun dish, jambalaya! And if you’re far away from your own grandma, you can learn how to cook this from me, your TV Cajun Maw-Maw.

Script First, you’ve got to decide how many people you’re

feeding. The recipe I make will feed a big crew, say thirty people. If you don’t have that many people comin’over, just cut it down to size. You start with a mess of meat or seafood. We like pork in my house, but you can use crawfish, chicken, shrimp, or whatever you’ve got around. You fry it all up in some fat till it’s nice and brown. Well, all right, the doctor says I gotta use olive oil, ’cause it’s healthier.


Now two cloves of garlic, chopped up. Then you throw in some peppers. Make ’em hot peppers if you can get the fresh ones, and some celery, and onion. We put onion, celery, and pepper in everything here in Louisiana. And some andouille sausage—— that’s nice ’n spicy, too——nice fresh tomatoes, some rice, and broth.

Now you let that boil, but just for a minute, then you

cover the pot and turn the heat way down to low. You wanna let that cook till the rice is soft, and dump some Tabasco on there. You folks from the North, that’s our Louisiana hot sauce, made from red peppers. We put it in nearly everything. So don’t be afraid.


If it’s real Cajun cooking, your eyes should water when you take a bite. If they don’t, it ain’t hot enough. Let’s give it a taste test here. Whee-whoo! I guarantee that’s spicy! Throw some cayenne pepper(辣椒 ) in there, too, while you’re at it. All that pepper will keep you and your food healthy. So you simmer it all for thirty minutes, then serve with green onion on the top and a bit more tabasco sauce (塔巴斯科沙司 ). Take a bite of this and you’ll feel like you’re back home in Louisiana!

Oral Practice: Role Play

One student acts as a waiter, the other as a customer. The waiter introduces to the customer their lunch specials.

Respond to the Ideas What are some regional foods from your

country that you like? How do they taste?

Do you know what are needed to make them?

Part IV

Interaction Link

Salmon (鲑鱼)milkshake apple ricehot sauce popcorn French fries coffeepeanut butter lemonade cookies potato chips onions butter sushi mustard(芥末) beef jerky (牛肉干)grapefruit chocolate cake carrots

What Do You Eat?

1. Write the foods under the words that describe them. Some words may go in more than one box.

What Do You Eat?

rich creamy sour spicy sweet

raw chewy salty bitter crispy

2. Choose a food from the box. Ask your partner to guess what it is by asking about how it tastes and feels.

What Do You Eat?


A: I’m thinking of a type of food.B: Is it salty?A: Yes, it is.B: Is it crunchy, too?A: Yes, it is.B: Oh, I know. You’re thinking of potato chips, right?A: Yes, you got it.

What Do You Eat?

2. Group work. Compare your answers with your partner’s, or in a group. Discuss why you put the items in each box.

Part V

Useful Expressions

Useful Expressions


We have Cantonese dish and Sichuan dish,

which would you prefer?


It is Duanwu Festival today, would you like some Zongzi?


We are still looking at the menu. Maybe you could recommend something?


Which soup do you want? We have Eggdrop Soup with Sliced Tomatoes, Famous Hot & Sour Soup.

We make some pretty good Crispy

Barbecued Duck.


Useful Expressions


How do you like your roast beef, rare, medium or well done?

你们要的烤牛肉是半熟的 , 适中的 , 还是熟透的?

I’d like a cup of bean milk, a pie with donkey meat.

自助餐在那边,请自己享用。 The buffet is over there. Please help yourself.


I would be interested in Chinese cuisine. Would you recommend something for me?

Which is the quickest dish you can make?


Part VI

Additional Listening

Additional Listening

A: Well, here we are—not too crowded.B: Great! Let’s order quickly so we can chat a little.A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I went out for pizza at lunch and I’m

still full.A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a

sandwich.B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night too, but we had fast

food at McDonald’s, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

B:Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have the chicken salad.

A: Yes, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That sounds good.

B: Oh, the prices are great, too. I’ll have that as well.

A: Now let’s decide on drinks.

B: I’ll just have coffee and a glass of iced water.

A: Italian food needs red wine, you know.

B: But we have to go back to work.

A: OK, a Coke then.

B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first.

Additional Listening

Part VII

Homework Conversation

What Do You Prefer: Western Fast Food or Traditional Chinese Food?

Work in pairs.

Using words and expressions talked about

in class to talk about your favorite food.

Expressions for reference Junk food may taste good but has little body-

building nutrition. I like/hate hot and spicy food/sweet and sour

dishes. I occasionally have dumplings/noodles. Hamburgers and French fries are my favorites. I prefer to go to a restaurant where the food is

good, though it costs more.

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