unit 10 – using multimedia software a2 gce applied ict

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Unit 10 – Using Multimedia Software

A2 GCE Applied ICT


• Multimedia: “Integration of multiple forms of media, including text, graphics, audio, video, etc” (2009, University of Mary Washington)

• You have already had experience of some of the ICT tools needed to develop a multimedia project:

Introduction 2

• The opportunity to increase your understanding of the features of these tools.... And other software tools

• You will create an interactive multimedia product for a specified target audience

• The objective is to create a solution which communicates your ideas effectively

Formative & Summative Assessments

• Throughout the development of your work you will need to carry out formative and summative evaluation:

• Formative evaluation: – Ongoing process throughout the development: of your

project– Feedback will help you improve your work

• Summative evaluation:– When your project is complete. – Feedback is useful for your next project

Who is the most important person to consider in this project?

The User!

Hardware you will be using....

Software you will be using...


• The development of a fully working interactive multimedia product

• Internally assessed• Terminology and concepts are important, but

most of the marks will be allocated to the project

The project

• Must have a clear purpose• Must be sufficiently complex to challenge • It should also encourage you to develop new

skills and techniques

The Project 2

• You should will also need to set up an e-portfolio on Dreamweaver which includes the following:– A functional specification– An initial design– Evidence of prototyping– Instructions for users– Formative and summative testing

10.1 Applications of Multimedia

• Serve to communicate a message from the author to his or her audience

• Multimedia products have been used to support:– Education & Training– Entertainment– Marketing and Advertising– Teleconferencing– Publishing– Interactive Television– Product Demonstration

Education & Training

• An alternative to attending a learning centre is E-Learning

• E-learning is starting to become the norm is schools and colleges across the UK– www.teach-ict.com

• At the moment there are limitations, but this is improving


Marketing & Advertising

• Marketing: Planning how to launch a product and bring it to the attention of a potential audience

• Advertising: Putting forward information about a product or service so that its availability is known to potential buyers


• Newspapers/magazines• Electronic billboards• Websites• E-mail attachments• CDs/USBs• TV/Radio/Cinema



• Allows employees to “meet” without being in the same physical location


• Paper-based publishing is in decline• Publishing houses are looking to digital media• E-Magazines - iGizmo

Interactive TV

• Red button• On Demand• Interactive programmes• T-Commerce– Click stream analysis– Telepgraphics

Interactive TV 2

• EPG (electronic programming guide)• ETV (enhanced television)• HDTV (high definition television)• Hypervideo– Video clips are embedded within hotspots and marks,

alongside www links etc• Multi-camera angle (individualised TV)• PVR (personal video recording)• SYNCTV (synchronised TV)

Product Demonstration

• On a daily basis you are likely to see a multimedia presentation

• Adverts/Explanation of products and services which play in a loop

• The loop time depends on the queue length

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