unit 1 ways of learning

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Unit 1 Ways of Learning. Zhang bingfei. Key points: Grasp the main idea Learn comparison and contrast in writing Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text:. The Four Common Types of Parenting Styles By Jason Kaminski. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Zhang bingfeiZhang bingfei

Unit 1 Unit 1 Ways of LearningWays of Learning

Unit 1 Unit 1 Ways of LearningWays of Learning

• Key points: • Grasp the main idea• Learn comparison and contrast in wri

ting • Master the key language points and g

rammatical structures in the text:

The Four Common Types of Parenting StylesBy Jason Kaminski

• There are four different types of parenting styles that are commonly identified by an expert by the name of Diana Baumrind in the parenting field. These styles are known as authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, neglectful parenting, and authoritative parenting. There are important differences between each of these styles, and there is one style that is significantly better than the other three. In order to understand which type is the best parenting style; however, we need to review all of them first.

• One of the types of parenting styles is the authoritarian style of parenting. This style is characterized by high expectations of compliance and conformity to parental rules and directions. The problem with authoritarian parenting is that the parental rules and directions often change when the parent feels like changing them, so the child never truly knows what is expected. The situation could be described as unfair and threatening. Many children raised by authoritarian parents live in a constant state of fear. They tend to display less self-confidence and are withdrawn socially. Some children might also rebel by openly defying the parents by leaving home at a younger age, partaking in drugs, alcohol, and sexual behavior at a much younger age, dating or marrying a partner whom they know their parents would disapprove of, and often might be estranged from their parents during adulthood.

• The second of the four types of parenting styles is permissive parenting. This style is typically characterized by a warm, loving relationship between parent and child, but is flawed by low expectations of behavior. In other words, the permissive parent is usually afraid to make demands on the child much less hold them to any standard. This type of parent simply wants the child to like them at the end of the day and will do anything the child requests to do. Children raised by overly permissive parents tend to suffer from a lack of focus, immaturity and problems with emotional regulation. The children can not control their impulses and do not accept the responsibility for their own actions. When in trouble, the child will simply blame someone else even if it was their own fault. They tend to live and remain close to where they grew up, still dependent, in early adulthood.

• Neglectful parenting is another one of the types of parenting styles. This style is best described as a step beyond permissive parenting. The neglectful parent may provide food and shelter, but is generally emotionally uninvolved in the child's life. A good example of this would be parents who never ask their child questions about their day, their friends, or their education. A neglected child may have serious issues going on outside the home, but the neglectful parent is never aware of them until something potentially tragic occurs. Many times children will grow up feeling resentment against their parents for being neglectful and often might be estranged from them into adulthood.

• The last of the types of parenting styles, and definitely the one that is considered ideal, is authoritative parenting. This type of parent holds high expectations of the child's behavior while allowing the child to talk about those expectations. Parental rules and directions imposed on the child are fair and expressed clearly. The authoritative parent teaches the child about cause and effect, decision-making and self-sufficiency. Authoritative parents raise children who are successful, articulate, happy with themselves, and generous with others. This results in them being liked and respected by their peers and allows them to be generally well-rounded adults.

• Parents should strive to raise their children with the authoritative style of parenting.

Watch a movie clip


Disscussion • What type of parents do you have? If y

ou were a parent, how to teach children ?

• hints for discussion: spoil , control , trust , love , guide , fair, care

Text Organization• Part 1.(paras1-5):• An anecdote: the Chinese staff helped Benjamin to place the

key. • Part II (Paras 6-7)

The author discussed the two different learning styles in China and the West in detail.

Part III (Paras 8-10)It analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of teaching by holding hands in China.

Part IV (Paras 11-14)It described Creativity First, a way that American cultivated children’ abilities.

Ways to introduce a theme

Stating a topic directlyUsing an anecdote or an incidentPosing a questionQuoting An imagined argument between people

Part1 • 1) Where and when did the incident

take place?•    2) Who are the main characters in

this incident?•    3) What is the attitude of the author

and his wife toward Benjamin’s efforts in inserting the key into the slot?

•    4) What is the attitude of the hotel staff toward Benjamin’s efforts?

attach: fasten or join (one thing to another)

• attach sth. to sth. /be attached to sth.• attached message 附件 Please attach the document to this letter be

fore you send it out.

…to position the key just so to position the key carefully to

fit into the narrow key slotnot in the least: not at allI don’t in the least appreciate the Marilyn Monroe kind of beauty.The boy is not in the least concerned about his study.

Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to positon the key just so, he would usuallyfail.Benjamin was not bothered in the least.


find one’s way: reach a destination naturally; arrive atIt’s hard to find your way around when going to a new city.

initial: of or at the beginning, first (a., used only before n.)The initial sorrow turned into the anger when he knew the real reason of his father’s death.

await: (fml) wait for他早就期待着这个时刻了。

He has long awaited this moment.

“Await” is a fairly common word in formal writing, but you do not usually use it in conversation. Instead you use “wait for”

Await & wait

on occasion: now and thenThe heavy pressure in the city made him go to the countryside on occasion for a relaxation.

I was usually the only foreign participant, although on occasion I brought other Americans in as guests.

ignore: 强调对某人或某事物故意不理会, -me /difficult questions

He completely ignored all these facts as if they never existed.omit 因专注疏忽遗忘某事 / 删掉

neglect & ignore

neglect: 对职责义务或应做的事没有给予足够的注意 ; - dutities/traffic regulationsThe investment turned out to be a failure and the manager was accused of neglecting his duties.

• relevant: adj. directly connected with the subject

• 该证据与此案有关

The evidence is relevant to the case.

Pattern: be relevant to

throw light on: help understand• These facts throw new light on the m

atter.• 这些事实使人进一步了解此事。• 梦想照进现实

Part 2• 1)      What does the author mean by

saying this incident was key in more than one sense?

• 2)      How do Americans and Chinese differ in their attitudes to creativity?

• 3)      What suggestion is made about seeking a better way for fostering skills and creativity

Comparison & Contrast

Comparison brings out the similarities between two or more things of the same kind

Contrast concentrates on the differences between them

Ways of Comparison & Contrast

One side at a timeExamining one subject thoroughly and then start the otherPoint by pointExamining two subjects at the same time, discussing them point by point

Points for Comparison & Contrast Ways to learn to accomplish a task


Show a child howto do sth., orteach by holding his hands

Teach children thatthey should rely onthemselves for solutions to


Points for Comparison & Contrast Ways to learn to accomplish a task

Points for Comparison & Contrast

Attitudes to creativity and skills

Give great priority to developing skills at

an early age, believing creativity can be promoted over time

Put more emphasis on

fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later

Points for Comparison & Contrast

Attitudes to creativity and skills

exception: n. sb./sth. that a comment or statement does not apply to

这是那项规定的一个明显的例外。This is an apparent exception to the rule.

Pattern:an exception to


with many/few exceptions 有很多 / 很少例外 without exception /with the exception of /make an

exception of /make no exceptions

aloneI’d rather not go to dance on my own. I do wish you’d come with me.

on one’s own

without anyone’s helpAlthough her father is the president of that firm, she insisted getting the job on her own.

accomplish: manage to do这项任务不是在一代人的时间里所能完成的。

The task will not be accomplished in one generation.Collocations:accomplish one's object/goal accomplish one's mission

accomplish 通常接 task, aim, journey, voyage 等名词,有时兼有取得效果之意。例如:

I don't feel our visit really accomplished anything. complete 比 accomplish 具体,可接建筑、工程、书籍等名词,


The building will be completed by the end of this month.

finish 在许多情况下可与 complete 换用 , 但不及 complete 正式,常含有认真仔细地完成工作的最后阶段的精工修饰,使之完美的意思。例如:

Finish the work off before you leave for your holiday.

in due course: at the proper time; eventually

Be patient. You'll get your promotion in due course.

very serious or dangerousAs the situation in Iraq became critical, the UN Secretary-General appointed a special representative to tackle it.

criticalvery importantWhether you may meet the demands of the customers will be critical to the success of this campaign.

principal & principle • principle 仅作名词用,其主要意义指基本的

东西或规则和标准。• principal 既是名词又是形容词。作为名词,它一般指居于高位或担任重要角色的人。例如:a meeting among all the principals in the transaction 。作为形容词,它有主要的或首要的的意思

• He is less likely to view life - as Americans do -as a series of situations in which one has to learn to think for oneself, to solve problems on one's own and even to discover new problems for which creative solutions are wanted.

• 他也就不大可能 - 如美国人那样,将人生视作为一系列的情境,在这些情境中,一个人必须学会独立思考,学会独立解决问题,进而学会发现需要创造性地加以解决的新问题。

• In retrospect, it became clear to me that this incident was indeed key - and key in more than one sense. It points to important differences in the educational and artistic practices in out two countries.回想起来,这件事真是体现了问题的关键所在而且不仅仅是一种意义上的关键之所在。它表明了我们两国在教育和艺术实践上的重要差异。

so much so that: to such an extent(P 18)often followed by a clause beginning with that: Some parents spoil their children so much so that they never ask them to do any housework.

David was already very weak, so much so that he could not walk at all.

The idea that learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding applies equally to the arts.学习应通过不间断的精心塑造而得以实现


• apply: vi.• 1.Pattern: Apply to • 教授的这条建议只适用于一些大学生The advice given by the professor only applies to

some of the college students.

2. Pattern: apply (to sb.) for sth. / apply to do sth

他决定申请参加学生会。He decided to apply to join the Student Union.

continuous: it indicates an action carrying on without stopping or interruptionThe brain needs a continuous supply of blood.

continual & continuous

continual: it describes separate actions which are repeated over a period of timeRecently the young couple have had continual arguments with each other because of trifles.

sth. that holds a high place among competing claims

The proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children.

sth. that one must do before anything else

Study is not on his list of priorities.

道路建设应是予以优先考虑的事。 Road building is a first priority


• In terms of attitudes to creativity there seems to be a reversal of priorities: young westerns making their boldest departures first and then gradually mastering the tradition

• 从对创造力的态度来说,优先顺序似乎颠倒了:西方人的年轻人先是大胆创新然后逐渐熟谙传统。

• evolve: • evolve into 进化成,发展成,逐步形成• evolve from/out of 由……演化而成;从……发展而来

• 这整个想法是从信口说出的一句话发展而来的。• The whole idea evolved from a casual

remark• The simple plan evolved into a

complicated scheme

• promote: vt. help to grow or develop•促进经济发展• promote economic growth•牛奶增进健康。

Milk promotes health.

• promote & further• 这两个词都可指促使某事物朝着预期的目标发展。promote 用于事物发展的各个阶段,包括起始阶段。例

如: promote the understanding between the two


Further 则用于除了起始阶段以外的各个发展阶段。例如:

• Getting a scholarship will further her education

on the other hand, no comparable hurry to promote creativity.


• superior: better than average or than others of the same type

• Pattern: be superior to• be superior in• The enemies were superior in numbers• 敌军在数量上占优势• 这条地毯在质量上远远比那条好。• This carpet is far superior to that one in


• Assuming that the contrast i have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals, the important question becomes this

• 假定我这里所说的反差是成立的,而培养技艺与创造力两者都是值得追求的目标,那么重要的问题就在于:

• conj , dangled participle 形式上是分词,但实际上却改变了词性的表达形式。 supposing( that) conj. 假如(= if)(主句多为特殊疑问句) providing( that) conj. 倘若… seeing( that) conj.鉴于…, barring prep. 除…之外,除非,除外(= except) speaking of 说起…,谈到… including prep. 包含,包括 talking of prep. 说起…,谈到…(常放在句首)

• even assuming he understands the problem, he will never take any action

• Can we gather, from the Chinese and American extrems, a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the poles of creativity and basic skills.

• 我们能否从中美两个极端中寻求一种更好的教育方式,它或许能在创造力与基本技能这两极之间获得某种较好的平衡?

Ways of conclusion

Restatement of the main points previously mentionedA proposed solutionA quotation from some books or personsA prediction of future developmentsA suggestion for further study

Post-reading task


There is a growing tendency nowadays for parents to send their children to register and attend a great variety of arts courses, such as dancing, calligraphy and musical instruments training, etc. The attitudes of people towards this phenomenon vary from person to person.Should we develop children’s creativity first or train them in basic skills first?

• Good points:• enrich their life, cultivate

interests,• have all-round developm

ent, improve intellegence• bad points:• heavy burden • have no time to relax, do

harm to their health

• Some people maintain that these extra curriculums are of great necessity and benefits to students. According to a recent survey on pre-school intelligence level, the respondents who take part in out-class courses tend to perform better than those who haven’t. Moreover, the former can have an all-round development by acquiring knowledge and skills which are not taught in their schools. On the contrary, others argue that these courses would bring about heavy burdens to students and thus oppose to this practice. They worry about that students might not have adequate time to take rest and reflect on what they have learned in school.

• As a university student, I have ever participated in some arts courses, such as singing and painting classes and they proved to be helpful for my hobby development. Therefore, as far as I’m concerned, taking some extra curriculum courses properly is meaningful to students’ development in the long-term.

Assignments:• recite paragraph 12-14• watch some movies: 蒙娜丽莎的微笑,

死亡诗社 , 小孩不笨 , 放牛班的春天 • finish after-text exercises• do fast reading

Fun Time • How many sides has a circle?• Two sides. The inside and the outside.• If there are two monkeys in each corner of a room, how many m

onkeys can say they are looking at other monkeys?• None. Monkeys can't speak. 、• There are 8 crows on a wall and a farmer shoots one. How many

are left?• One. The dead one.• A truck driver is going down a one-way street the wrong way. A

policeman looks over and waves a good morning to him. Why?• He was walking.• Why do Chinese men eat more rice than Japanese men?• There are more of them.

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