union pamplet

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Union Pamplet


    Key Terms:

    Solidarity: coherence

    and oneness.

    Equality: the state of

    being held in equal


    Direct Action: an action

    addressing an issue in

    the most direct manner


    ow to

    tart aUnion


    )-Talk to your fellow workers:

    o they feel mistreated? Do

    hey feel caught in a trap and

    oiceless? Do they feel like

    hey deserve more control?

    alk one-on-one with fellow

    mployees, listening carefully

    o what they have to say. Try to

    ind your allies and naturalrganizers who may help you

    n the long run.

    -Take note of the incidents

    t your work place that you

    eel are unsafe or unjust.ccidents, threatening

    behavior, strategies to belittle

    mployees, discrimination.

    o not be afraid to question


    -Learn about the past: Research

    other unions in history to study

    their purposes and see h o w

    their struggles relate to yours.

    Find out what they did to strive

    for equality. Start keeping a

    history of your own struggle.

    2)-Map your workplace and find

    out as muc as you can a out

    the company your working

    for and your employer. Is it a

    privately owned or a publiclytraded company? How many

    people work at your location

    and the average location? How

    many people in total work

    for the company? How much

    profit a year does the company

    make? Where do the products

    or materials come from?

    Analyze your own department.

    Do you get to walk around?

    Who does? Why? Where are

    the bosses stationed? Do you

    feel as if youre always undersurveillance? What happens

  • 8/9/2019 Union Pamplet


    hen workers speak out?Are

    they transferred, promoted

    r disciplined? When a

    orker is disciplined, what

    methods are used to do so?

    How do these methods affectthe work environment?

    ) -Start organizing:

    Once you understand the

    perations of the company

    you are working for andhave a grasp on how the

    orkers are being wronged or

    exploited, set up a meeting

    ith your allies to discuss

    how to get other employees

    involved, never organize

    lone. This may involve

    pamphlets to get the workers

    ttention or direct actions

    to immediately address

    orking conditions. If the

    roup feels it is necessary,

    some of the peers maybe delegated to approach

    other unions for assistance,

    but always remember: the

    workers are the union! The

    Employee Free Choice Act

    of 2007 enforces strong

    penalties for e m p l o y e r sfound to be discriminating

    gainst employees who are

    trying to start a union. It also

    states that if a majority of

    employees sign authorizations

    designating the union as theirbargaining representative,

    the National Labor Relations

    Board must investigate the

    petition. It is important to

    keep in mind that you do not

    want to invite management

    to your meetings, as many

    managers are not out for your

    best interests, but those of the

    company they belong to.

    4) -When the time is deemed

    ppropriate, hold a largermeeting with all of the

    interested workers. Use the

    meeting to draw up a list of

    grievance and demands of

    your employer the group feels

    are necessary in improving

    the work environment. Havethe interested workers fill out

    the appropriate authorizations

    forms to present to National

    Labor Relations Board.

    Designate a spokesperson to

    present these. Do not allowany negotiations, regardless

    of who they are with, to take

    place behind closed doors.

    Always be prepared for set

    backs and always have a plan

    of action regarding how to

    handle them. Keep a sense of

    humor and do not be afraid,

    when the time comes, to

    confront your employer.

    You can also download this

    pamphlet at gjredpill.org.

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