unified communications (uc)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Unified Communications (UC)By Mohammad Yasser

Agenda•What is UC?•What UC has for enterprises?•Possible UC components

What is UC

What is UC?•UCStrategies.com defined UC from the

outset in 2006 as:“Communications integrated to optimize

business processes.”• As was well said in a panel at VoiceCon

San Francisco 2008"Let's quit arguing about what UC is; let's

spend our time focusing on what UC actually does."

What UC actually does?•Most of us probably use at minimum:

▫Cell phone▫Landline phone▫Fax▫Email

•Many use other tools like:▫Voice messaging▫Instant messaging▫Web conferencing

What UC actually does?•Incorporates different modes of

communications into one system. •Breaks down communications barriers.•Integrates real-time and non real-time

communications with business processes and requirements.

•Provides unified user interface and user experience across multiple devices.

Always remember•UC is not one tool or one product.•It is a solution that pulls together

communication and collaboration tools.•Enables communication through a

consistent interface and experience.

Enterprise objectives

UC enterprise objectives•Supports the enterprise to manage:

▫Various types of communications▫Across multiple devices and applications▫Across geographies▫With personalized rules and policies▫Seamless communication and collaboration▫Integrating with back-office applications,

systems and business processes.

UC enterprise objectives•Expected results:

▫Better user and group productivity▫Dynamic collaboration and simplified

business process▫Increasing revenues▫Decreasing costs▫Improving customer service▫Tying into business process and

applications achieves highest ROI results

UC components

UC components•Call control and multimodal

communications▫IP PBX▫UC enabler no more no less▫Ex. Avaya Aura

UC components•Presence

▫Corner stone of UC▫“The dial tone of the future"▫Real-time notification of user current


UC components•Instant messaging

▫Critical component of UC▫Enterprise-grade system rather than public


UC components•Unified messaging

▫integration of voice, fax, email messages and message notification

▫Allows access of messages, anywhere, anytime, from any terminal

▫adds a variety of advanced call and message management functions

▫desktop call screening of inbound calls, find me/follow me, live reply or call return, and cross-media messaging

UC components•Speech access and personal assistant

▫Speech commands, personal assistants▫Allows access of inbox, calendar, directory,

etc▫Provides intelligent screening and filtering

of messages▫Navigation through schedule, calendar,

contacts, outbound dialing and UM system

UC components•Conferencing and Collaboration

▫Audio ▫Video▫Web▫Ex. WebEx from Cisco, Avaya Web


UC components•Mobility

▫Integrating the mobile users' voice and real-time communications services with core enterprise communications

UC components•Business process integration (BPI)

▫An important element of a UC solution ▫Eliminates "human latency" ▫Back-office applications such as CRM, ERP,

sales force automation and supply-chain management

Thank You

Next presentation•Avaya UC solution (Avaya Aura)

Later •Avaya Unified Messaging•Avaya Soft Clients•Avaya Conferencing and Collaboration•Value proposition of each Avaya UC

product•Key comparison with competitive

products•ROI calculation

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