understand the modern need of laser scanning services

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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Understand The Modern Need Of Laser Scanning Services

Source Url:- http://bit.ly/1IZW3ia

Laser Scanning is a non-contact, non-destructive technology that

digitally captures the shape of physical objects using a line of laser light.

Laser scanners create “point clouds” of data from the surface of an

object. In other words, laser scanning is a way to capture a physical

object’s exact size and shape into the computer world as a digital

dimensional representation. Laser scanners measure fine details and

capture free-form shapes to quickly generate highly accurate point

clouds. Laser scanning is ideally suited to the measurement and

inspection of contoured surfaces and complex geometries which

require massive amounts of data for their accurate description and

where doing this is impractical with the use of traditional measurement

methods or a touch probe.

Laser scanning services is now becoming a dominant practice. Laser

scanning demands the highest level of sensitivity which allows the

reduced laser power, photo toxicity and photo bleaching. It’s an

innovative approach that measures fluorescent indicators.Laser

Understand The Modern Need Of Laser Scanning Services

Source Url:- http://bit.ly/1IZW3ia

scanning services offer increased scan head light throughput, cooled

high sensitivity detector technology and capitalizes. Laser Scanning

enhance the detector and coating technology which allows it for

simultaneous and fluorescent detection channels. Laser scanning

reduces site visits historical preservation and record exact data. It

coordinates with photo video and catastrophic event mapping. It

quickly publishes your projects for sharing and collaboration. Its

advanced data management can handle large datasets to take full

advantage of modern high-speed laser scanners. It support for most

standard point cloud file formats. Laserscanner is a device that analyses

a real-world object or environment to collect data on its shape and


Laser scanning services are rapidly becoming the valuable services for

design professionals who need comprehensive measurements of

spaces and structures. Large scale scanning is an accurate and efficient

way to collect detailed spatial information about entire buildings, their

attributes and their placement in relation to other features of a given

site. Scanning services existing conditions are collected quickly and

safely, giving designers the visual information they need about existing

features and conditions of a building or object. Scan data is compatible

with virtually all of the 3D design software platforms used by architects,

engineers and construction professionals in the development of

Understand The Modern Need Of Laser Scanning Services

Source Url:- http://bit.ly/1IZW3ia

Building Information Models used in integrated project delivery


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