
Post on 30-Jul-2015






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Group 5Julius GonzagaRain Dawn BarrientosCharles LopezJazzmayne DoctoleroKenneth LagahuyaJemar EnderezLorelie Grace Lumingkit

This is Rain Dawn ,a high school student with a keen interest in zombies, collecting zombie-related videogames, film and manga, and even to the point of desiring to "resurrect the dead".

He so love his pet cat named Charles. He even treat his cat Charles as part of their family.

Suddenly,Charles gets hit by a car and dies.

Overcome by grief, Rain Dawn digs out a very old looking notebook from his closet which conveniently seems to contain instructions for resurrecting the dead.

Armed with the notebook, a lantern, and a cooler full of ice, he then exhumes the cat’s body and head over to the creepy-as-hell abandoned building,somewhere in town where nobody comes to often. Declaring that his undying love for zombies will extend unto his soon to be zombie-fied cat, he goes night after night back to the abandoned building to work on the magical resurrection potion.

Unfortunately for Rain Dawn,he’s not the only one who thought of this place to be alone.While he works at grinding up poisonous herbs and being generally creepy, a super cute girl named Jazzmayne comes each night and screams her heart out into a really creepy old well. Rain Dawn doesn’t seem to be overly interested in her situation, until she

screams out something about how crappy her life,being part of a super rich and idealistic family and that she would rather die and be reborn as someone else.

Startled, Rain Dawn gives away his presence, and Jazzmayne finds him and begs him not to tell anyone, and offer him to do everything in order to keep his lips sealed. Out of some sort of sympathy, Rain Dawn reveals his master plan of turning his cat into one of the ranks of the un-dead.

Acquainted with Jazzmayne closer, Rain Dawn realizes that they are not so different, and quite possibly they could have something interesting out of their communication.

Acquainted with Jazzmayne closer, Rain Dawn realizes that they are not so different, and quite possibly they could have something interesting out of their communication.

Rain Dawn finds out that Jazzmayne’s father is real weirdo and sick-in-the-head,  willing to go to any ends of the world to "protect Jazzmayne" and making Jazzmayne do stuff that anybody wouldn't do in thier lives.

Jazzmayne seems to be a bit soft in the head, and thinks turning a cat into a zombie is a wonderful idea, and tries to convince Rain Dawn that his moral objections to what he’s doing to the cat are utterly misplaced, and that obviously the best thing to do is proceed.

Jazzmayne seems to be a bit soft in the head, and thinks turning a cat into a zombie is a wonderful idea, and tries to convince Rain Dawn that his moral objections to what he’s doing to the cat are utterly misplaced, and that obviously the best thing to do is proceed.

She offers to help to the best of her ability, and at this point seems to be falling for Rain Dawn. Unfortunately for her, he informs her that he’s only interested in un-dead girls. Jazzmayne then suggests that she will become a zombie so that Rain Dawn will date her.

After completing the resurrection potion, he finally tests it out on Charles, but with no immediate effect. The dead corpse still remains dead. Jazzmayne steals part of the potion from Rain Dawn, and goes home.

 Unfortunately, she is caught by her father for leaving the house unofficially, and is locked up.

 Unfortunately, she is caught by her father for leaving the house unofficially, and is locked up.

In an attempt to commit suicide, she drinks a sample of the "resurrection" potion which is created from the poisonous tuba-tuba plant, although this fails to kill her.

She escape once again, in an attempt to save Rain Dawn from her father's henchmen, but unfortunately, her luck runs out. In a struggle with her father, she loses her balance and plunges down a cliff, her body impaled by a pointed tree stump as she dies.

She escape once again, in an attempt to save Rain Dawn from her father's henchmen,

but unfortunately, her luck runs out. In a struggle with her father, she loses her balance and plunges down a cliff,

her body impaled by a pointed tree stump as she dies.

However, because of the potion she drank, she comes back to life as a zombie. 

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