uncanny valley: week 2 - hsia

Post on 02-Jul-2015



Entertainment & Humor



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Bonsoir! Welcome back to Uncanny Valley.

This little cutie here is Allison Hsia, the eldest daughter of Gary and Euphie, and the very first child born in town! Wookit da widdle cyootness and da bitty booties, I can't stand it!

All hail the 'Puffs.

Aren't you guys just loving being parents? :D

For the record, Gary sleeps in his little red rose boxers usually, so he's not as naked as he looks here.

Allison is clearly distraught. So distraught. At five in the morning. And she just has to let her parents know.

Allison: If I can't sleep, nobody sleeps.

Right on, kid.

Oh, yeah! Since I forgot to include it in the update last time, this is Allison's personality spread:8 Neat1 Shy3 Lazy10 Playful10 Nice

We have ourselves a Creepy Smiling, Couch-Jumping-Neat-Freak Sagittarius.

You should see the look on my face right now. It's legit like 8D

Things have been going okay, though. Euphie's pregnancy is progressing well with few complications and very little vomiting, but it leaves her tired, so she sleeps at weird times of day.

This sometimes leads to her digging up the yard in the middle of the night and finding treasure maps in her yard.

Dammit, girl, we just got those pipes. Don't go breaking them.

Euphie: Why didn't we mark where we put these??

Gary sometimes lets his wife sleep in in the wee early hours of the morning, and takes to potty training his daughter....

Right next to their bed.

I'm convinced her mother has no sense of smell.

The rest of the day is usually spent trying to get the tomatoes to come in well...

...And opening their home to whatever poorly dressed vagrants decide to stop by and hog their TV and try to eat all their food.

Euphie: So tired of being pregnant.

It's not for much longer. Just enjoy your glitter torte.

(Obligatory potty training face.)

The house is doing well, however. People come by all day when it's open, including thisinteresting pair. One of them is a custom townie I made just for this place, and the other...

Well, I think she's randomly generated. I like the outfit, though.

FTR, ticket venues are super easy to raise the business rank of, as will be evidenced this week, but not so hot on the money making side. So the two of them spend a lot of time digging in the yard.

Gary: No, it's not a hat, it's her real hair!

What on earth are you talking about, son. Do you even know?

Meanwhile, the pregnancy hormones are running rampant in the bedroom. Euphie, stop that. You are a married woman.

Euphie: Zzzzzsohotzzzz. Zzzzzpointyzzzzz...zzsassyhatzzzzz....

Well, you do present a decent case for it, I suppose.

Later on, she wakes up with a craving, so I have her make some sparklefish. Those are probably some of the fish she caught last week at Agnar & Eyulf's, point of fact. I know I had her put those right in the fridge when they got home.

Then she played with the techno machine until she was too tired to stand. She spends most of her days in pyjamas lately, but seems happier for it.

Euphie: I swear, I'm ready to pop!

So pop, then?

Euphie: Okay.Gary: What's with all the screaming, I was just going to make the bed—Oh!


Boils and ghouls: Trisha Hsia. Look how pleased her mother is.

This was about the time that I decided to give them an addition, since the girls are growing up, and they're running out of places to shove a crib. Plus, it gets it done before winter sets in, keeping anything new being built. It's just too hard to get things built that aren't going to fill up with mold when it that wet.

...I'll play my game by meatspace rules if I want. :c

And so begins another round of bottles and nappies.

Gary doesn't seem to mind.

I have to admit, he has a pretty good gig going. He's his own boss, rarely has to do any sort of heavy labor, and occasionally gets to chat up Fake Bella Goth and convince her to buy a ticket to watch TV when he isn't digging up his own yard. These were two separate incidents, by the way. I think I know where all the treasure maps are buried in this town.

Euphie: I don't know about you, but I keep finding all these weird maps in the yard...Gary: Yeah, so do I. You wouldn't think there'd be so many buried here. It's not like deserts are well known for pirate activity.Euphie: Well, however they got here, they sure are good for keeping us in the black!

Hm, indeed. Didn't know Pleasure Sims could get money-related Wants.

Later on, her exhaustion begins to show. That can't be good for the complexion. Her husband seems unperturbed.

But where's the baby?

Oh, there she is. Trying to catch fireflies. How's that working out for you, kid?

Allison: Stupid...floating lights! Come closer and let me hug you!

Euphie: YES! No more diapers for this one!Allison: But where does it all go?

Since they seemed to like fishing so much, I also gave them a pond. They've been making quite a bit of use of it, before it freezes over.

Don't ask me where the fish come from. They're magic fish. Except they don't grant wishes, unless of course, you wish for fish. They seem to manage that one just fine.

Euphie: Try to hook the fish and not your belt loops, babe. Gary: Rassinfrassin...

It always seems like when I turn my back, Gary's there with a bottle in his hand for the baby. I can think of quite a few more troublesome bottles he could put a hand on, so I admit I don't mind.

In the meantime, Euphie tries to instil proper grammar in her firstborn, who is having none of it. They need to hurry if they're going to make it in time, cause they have 24 hours to get those last 2 skills in.


/Evil chuckling.

Discretionary baby shot! Allison loves the hell out of that logic toy.

Euphie: Mommy can't wait until you're potty trained just like your sister! No she can't!

Eh, just leave it for your husband.

Speaking of the sister...

Allison: Up!

It's not like she's wanting for attention, really, as every time I turn around, someone's interacting with her. I think I even caught one of the customers reading her a story once, if I recall correctly.

Probably not quite what she meant, but whatever works. Besides, we have to get in this one last thing before six o'clock.

She doesn't look like she minds.

Last toddler skill for Allison! They look so happy together.

And just in time to toss her sister into toddlerhood! Allison joins in in the background, executing a perfect Grow Up spin—

—And popping into a pair of very pink pyjamas. She was totally rolling the Want at the time, too. Way to go, Allison! Welcome to school age! That's not much of a prize, but you opened up the Education career track for your mother, and you're bigger now, so you can cause more trouble.

I mean have more fun. Yeah.

I always get those two confused.

And here's Trisha. She's a Libra with the personality spread of 4 Sloppy, 9 Outgoing, 3 Lazy, 6 Playful and 7 Nice. Slightly less extreme than her sister, and will likely be annoying Allison pretty soon by leaving her dishes and toys all over the place, clogging the toilet and breaking the sink.

I love her already. She gets sassybraids.

Daddy makes sure to take time out of his “work” day to teach his daughter how to form words.

I find it fascinating how they spend 4 Sim days trying to get them to walk and talk, and the rest of their days trying to get them to sit down and shut up. Ah, kids.

Allison's not going to school until tomorrow morning, but I figure the least I can do is get her some new clothes. I love this combination, by the way. It's very “I dressed by myself!” Also, she decided that since that one townie had an awesome frohawk, she wanted one too.

It works.

And now that the kids are bigger, it leaves mom and dad some more free time to spend with each other.

Still looking for that baby chime.

Allison: Where's the baby? Where's Trisha?

Allison: Peekaboo!

Trisha: Bee boo!

I love this interaction. 8|

Teacher: Acquired. Thanks, Euphie!

Her first school day rolls around, and it's time to board the school bus!

Don't ask me where that thing is taking her, since she's the only kid in town and her mother is the only teacher. It's Sims. It doesn't always make sense.

Meanwhile, Gary teaches his other daughter about the importance of the high chair. On the lawn. In his pyjamas. In front of the townies.

Good thing she's too little to understand the crushing sense of embarrassment she'd feel if she was older!

Left alone with little other company, Gary plans his day. Then I throw those plans out the window and make him open up shop. He seems a bit depressed about it? Or maybe he just got some glitter up his nose.

After school, he helps Allison with her homework.

Allison: But can't mom do it?Gary: She's your teacher, hon, she can't.Allison: Why not?Gary: Let me tell you about a little thing called the “conflict of interests”...


Euphie: FINALLY! Hi, baby!

Personally, I'm hoping for a boy. Not out of a sense of superiority or an innate preference, but simply because there's three little girls in town already. A bit of diversity would be lovely.

Good on ya, Gary!

Gary: Awesome, now I can plant something other than these stupid tomatoes!Tomatoes: :C

He doesn't seem to mind the cooking part. I think he's taking well to being a house husband. I was going to have him try to open up the Gamer track, but I'm not sold on it now. He seems awfully content.

Nonetheless, he's always up for a bit of the ol' idiot box with his eldest. They really love that game console.

They only need the computer to complete the goal for Gamer, so we'll see.

Sadly, all that rich, home grown food is more filling than expected, and Allison ends up a little pudgy!

Unseen in the background: Gary teaching Trisha how to talk.

Feeling a bit bloated herself recently, Euphie can easily understand, and tucks her child in that night with extra care.

...Then goes off to take care of some other business. That's two down!

In the morning, Allison makes her bed on her own like a good kid.

And she then proceeds to jump all over it, too. Playful Sims.

And Euphie comes home with a promotion. We'll pretend like this says “Teacher, Second Class” instead of “Teacher's Aide.” It's a one child schoolhouse, who's she aiding?

Obligatory Best Friends shot for Euphie and Trisha. I love those little dresses, by the way.

Gary: Of course I do. Isn't that right, boo-boo? Your mommy is the prettiest mommy in the whole wide world.Euphie: And your daddy is very wise and knows which side his bread is buttered on.Gary: You're damn right.Trisha: Dam wite.Euphie: Don't say damn, pudding. (sigh)...And don't eat the sand.

After brushing the grit out of one child's teeth, Euphie takes time to swing the other around for a bit. Kind of a weird place to do that, right next to the greenhouse, but whatever, they never seem to mind.

All the way up to Rank 5 this week! Nicely done. Sadly, they're not exactly rolling in dough. But they get by just fine, is seems.

Speaking of rich food, Gary falls prey to one too many plates of Blackened Catfish and starts to feel it.

Fat seems to suit him, but to be honest, I didn't want to have to go through and find a new outfit that would fit and all that yet again, so I make him work out. Yes, I admit that this is entirely for my own laziness.

It was also a ploy to get Allison to get up and move as well. Naturally, somebody else decides to party crash and wiggle his poorly clad butt in the kitchen. Townies.

And here, I leave you, at 6 pm on Sunday. I'll try to sort through the pictures for the next updates (yes, updateS with an S) in the next couple of days. Sorry this took so long, but guess who has two thumbs and forgot to make sure of the order of the pictures before they deleted the family album? That's right, this guy.

Wish me luck. And until then, Happy Simming!

Euphie: I look fat, don't I?Gary: How could you say that? You're gorgeous, glowing!Euphie: I feel as big as this house.Gary: Stop, you're my little piece of heaven.Euphie: You mean that?

Euphie: I look fat, don't I?Gary: How could you say that? You're gorgeous, glowing!Euphie: I feel as big as this house.Gary: Stop, you're my little piece of heaven.Euphie: You mean that?

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