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Publisher: Pyromaniac PressAuthors: Phil Beckwith, Alex Clippinger, Elise Cretel,

Ashley May, Luciella Scarlett, Christopher Walz & Micah WattLayout: Micah WattEditor: R. P. Davis

Cover Art: Dean SpencerInternal Art: Dante Cifaldi, Luciella Scarlett, Dean Spencer,

Luigi Castellani, Fesbra, Daniel Comerci - daniel comerci.com, DMsGuild Creator Resource (Varied)

Cartography: Phil Beckwith, Chris BissetteBackgrounds: Dante Cifaldi

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Table of Contents

Level Page


3 4

6 11



Abandoned Atelier

Maestro's Hideout

Sanctuary of the Goddess 6 18

UWPS (Undermountain Water Purification & Sanitation) 6 24

Keeper of Secrets 7 29

Mouthers of Madness 8 35

Of Two Minds 8 40

Hunger of Abbathor 9 50

Molthglor's Garden 12 58

Sargauth Sanctuary 12 63

Cathedral of Bones 13


Ashley May

Elise Cretel

Elise Cretel

Alex Clippinger

Micah Watt

Alex Clippinger

Christopher Walz

Micah Watt

Phil Beckwith

Luciella Scarlett

Christopher Walz 70

Author Biographies 77





Welcome to Undermountain: The Lost Chambers!

This compilation of 11 adventures, brought to you by seven of the Dungeon Masters Guild's best authors, is intended to be a modular set of adventure locations designed to be dropped into any location within Undermountain with little to no effort on your part to integrate them.

They are intended for use with the Dungeon of the Mad Mage hardcover, but could easily be introduced as part of any Undermountain or dungeoncrawl campaign.

Undermountain: The Lost Chambers has some internal continuity, but each of the locations can be used as self-contained encounters, each with unique features and NPCs, to add depth and detail to your journey through the vast, dark halls of the Mad Mage.

Substance and Style

Upon first read through you will notice that there is variation in the presentation of the adventure locations from author to author. For example, some make use of read-aloud text while others do not. Some have a sword & sorcery/OSR influence, while others are more high fantasy, comedic or even a grittier flavor.

This is not a mistake. This is an effort to ensure that your favorite authors remain true to their unique style as they contribute to this compilation. Continuity is maintained through layout consistency, but as each author brings a unique voice to the project, we wanted to honor that by letting each write the way they are most comfortable with.

The result is a compilation that reflects the contributors. Some readers may find that this makes various adventures perhaps more or less compelling, but we're sure that you will find material to your tastes within Undermountain: the Lost Chambers. Adjusting the Adventures

In addition to indicating the appropriate character level

for play, some of these adventures provide suggestions in making adjustments for smaller or larger groups, characters of higher or lower levels, and characters that are otherwise a bit more powerful than the adventure is optimized for. You’re not bound to these adjustments; they’re here for your convenience. To figure out whether you should consider adjusting the adventure, add up the total levels of all the characters and divide the total by the number of characters (rounding .5 or greater up; .4 or less down). This is the group’s Average Party Level (APL). To approximate the party strength for the adventure, consult the following table.

Determining Party StrengthParty Composition Party Strength3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak3-4 characters, APL greater than Average5 characters, APL less than Weak5 characters, APL equivalent Average5 characters, APL greater than Strong6-7 characters, APL less than Average6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong6-7 characters, APL greater than Very Strong

Some encounters may include a sidebar that offers suggestions for certain party strengths. If a particular recommendation is not offered, or not appropriate for your group, you don’t have to make adjustments.

Acronyms UsedPHB - Players HandbookDMG - Dungeon Masters GuideMM - Monster ManualVGTM - Volo's Guide to MonstersMToF - Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes




Abandoned AtelierThe adventure location is designed for 4-6 characters of level 3 (Tier 1, APL 3).

Adventure BackgroundBetween the mad wizard and his mad apprentices, no one can be entirely sure who is to blame for the construction of this alchemical laboratory, or who eventually left so much valuable knowledge and equipment to decay. At the heart of the abandoned atelier lies a hidden garden that was once used for the controlled growth of special plants and mushrooms. Over time, a combination of curiosity, madness, and perhaps an interest in Zuggtmoy, the Demon Queen of Fungi (see Adventure Hooks), led them down the path that eventually led to the ruin of this lab.

A parasitic fungus deep within the atelier’s underground garden mutated and infected a colony of otherwise peaceful myconids that lived in the neighboring caves. By hijacking the rapport spores the myconids use to communicate, the parasitic fungus quickly took over the entire colony of myconids, turning them into mindless followers that exist only to tend to the growth and continued survival of the stationary parasite. Adventure OverviewThe characters enter the abandoned atelier by clearing some light, moss-covered rubble that blocks its entrance. The entrance is noticed in passing by a dim, blue-green glow coming from the other side of the debris.

In exploring the abandoned atelier, they find a variety of bizarre, overgrown fungi have consumed the dark and damp space.

The goal is to flip three gold-handled levers in the upper, middle, and lower studies, granting access to the hidden garden and the final boss.

Adventure HooksStrange Goings-On. A "zombie myconid" was spotted in a cave closer to the surface, or even on the surface at night. It was behaving strangely, and attacked someone (a miner, a traveling merchant, a farmer, etc). The adventurers are asked by a local researcher to look into

the bizarre occurrence.

Look, A Suspicious Rock Pile! The adventurers stumble on the Abandoned Atelier as part of their wanderings through the halls of Undermountain.

Not Her Again… If your party has played Rage Of Demons storyline, they’ve likely already become acquainted with Zuggtmoy, the Demon Queen Of Fungi. Her influence can be easily woven into this dungeon via symbols of worship and motifs etched in stone or on book covers. This isn’t necessary for the narrative, but can be a fun tie-in for a party that will recognize the references.

Suggested TreasureThere are some minor treasures provided in the dungeon, but besides a few scrolls and potions, they are generally items pertaining to the dungeon itself and will be of limited use in later adventures.

The theme of the dungeon is very plant-like, but at its core, it is a long-abandoned atelier once used by an alchemist. For this reason, it could have any number of items and equipment of interest to adventurers. You may use this as an opportunity to distribute items that will benefit your particular party at your discretion.

General FeaturesTerrain. The entirety of the alchemy lab is worked stone

block. The stone itself remains in relatively good condition, but much of it is faintly slickened by a thin sheen of algae flourishing in the humidity.

Light. Most rooms have very little light. There are numerous bioluminescent plant growths, but none cast enough of an ambient glow to even provide dim light.

Odor. The atelier carries a musty scent of stagnant air and mold. The humidity is almost oppressive.




1a. Library Hall, Upper

Stairs lead downward to another landing before doubling back. If a light source is tossed from the uppermost landing, it clatters down the stairs and falls 20 feet before landing on the moist floor below, illuminating a ruined laboratory.

From the upper landing, there is a large wooden double-door to the west. From the lower landing, there is a large wooden double-door leading to the east.

The Doors. The doors are all secured, likely barred from the other side, as there are no visible locking mechanisms. However, the rotten wood can easily be broken and the doors can be broken through with a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check. A knock spell will also unseal the doors.

The Bookshelves. The humid air has not been kind to the library here, and the books are nearly all rotted and destroyed. Various fungi grow from the parchments and leather book bindings, and the ink within has run to the point of illegibility. Each 5-foot section of bookshelf has a 5% chance of finding something noteworthy.

Roll 1d4 Treasure 1 A rare tome worth 20gp 2 A hollowed-out book hiding gems (DM’s discretion) 3 spell scroll, cantrip (DM’s discretion) 4 spell scroll, 1st level (DM’s discretion)

1a. Library Hall, Lower

Descending the stairs past the middle landing, the party enters the ruined lab. There is a set of wooden double doors on the western wall. There is also a larger door here, on the southern wall, that is made of solid stone. There are no visible key holes, and the locking mechanism is too complex for a knock spell to provide any benefit.

Heaps of rotten books lay against the walls, fallen from the bookshelves that line the stairs above, and a broken ladder lies across the floor.

2. The Upper Study

Entering the uppermost door on the western landing presents the party with a dark and eerie room, in which surfaces faintly glow with bioluminescent fungal growths. If the party progresses into the room with a bright light source, they risk triggering several shriekers growing around the room, as well as the room’s possessed myconids and a singular gas spore on the far side of the room, guarding a gold-handled lever on the wall.

Creatures. Four shriekers (MM p138) are scattered around the room. Five possessed myconids (see Appendix) and a gas spore (MM p138) are present at the far end of the room. Remember that the gas spore appears

You stand on the landing at the top of a flight of stairs leading downward into darkness. Every wall around you, every conceivable vertical surface, is embedded with bookshelves. The stairs below your feet are unremarkable, but the ceiling is a stunning sight to behold.

Above your head is an upside-down forest of fungal growths. Fuzzy, curling stalks extend downward from the ceiling some ten feet above your heads, emitting soft glows in blues and greens. Water droplets seep through the stone blocks above, catching the light as they drip down before falling into darkness.

Your feet make wet sounds each time they unstick from the algae-slickened stairs, descending further and further until you finally reach the bottom of the tall room. A quarter inch of stagnant water has pooled on the floor.

The focal point of the room is a grand desk made of dark wood. Once a model of craftsmanship and the woodcarver’s art, the desk is now half-collapsed from rot. The glass bottles on its surface are broken, the alchemy equipment has rusted beyond repair, and the desk now hosts a variety of fungi that have made the wet wood their home.

On the southern wall, you can see the frame of a large door, but rather than a set of wooden doors like you’ve seen several times before in this place, there is a slab of smooth stone.

Beyond the-west facing door, and past the reach of your light sources, is a dark room. Wherever your light does not reach as the door swings open, the surfaces glow faintly.






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