ultreya bulletin – february 2015 and beatification of eduardo bonnin aguilo began in mallorca....

Post on 16-Apr-2018






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     Cape  Breton  East  Richmond  Cursillo  

26  February  2015    

Message  from  Lay  Director  Hello, my friends. As I write this we are well into our new year and our season of winter, as has been well attested by the many storms we've had recently. As Cursillistas, we have so very much to be thankful for in our lives. We are able to live each day freely, with Our Lord Jesus by our side. As this year unfolds, I pray that He will bless each one of you abundantly, that He will continue to fill your heart and soul with His Graces. This is also the beginning of a new year for Cursillo, a year of hope that we will all keep this special gift of Cursillo close to our hearts, that each of us will continue to provide the support needed so that we can grow stronger as a movement, as a community. A great way to make this happen is to support the two main tools of Cursillo, our Group Reunion and our Ultreya. It is here where we will grow, in our community, as followers, as friends of Jesus. I invite all of you to come to our celebration, our Ultreya. Renew old friendships, make new friends, be a part of the joy of Cursillo, that is, Christ within us. Hope to see you there. DeColores/God Bless. Rick    


Richmond County has been and still is a huge part of our Cursillo here in Cape Breton. It's been

three years since the last Ultreya was held in Richmond Co. However, that will all change as

we are planning to have an Ultreya at the Parish Center in West Arichat. The date is set

for Tuesday, May 12th, beginning at 7 o'clock in the evening. Mark your calendars; we hope to see a great turnout as we support our Cursillo

friends in Richmond County.    

                                                             Palanca  Drop-­‐Offs    Sydney   Tasty  Treat  Grand  Lake  Road  

Sydney  River   Kenny’s  Pizza  &  LA  Hair  Design  New  Waterford   MacSween’s  Flowers  


Important  Dates  in  March  March  8th      -­‐-­‐  Daylight  Savings  Time  Begins  March  17th  -­‐-­‐  St.  Patrick’s  Day  March  20th  -­‐-­‐  First  day  of  Spring  March  29th  -­‐-­‐  Palm  Sunday  



Next  Ultreya                            26  March  2015  7:30  -­‐  Our  Lady  of  Fatima  Hall  


Lay  Director  Spiritual  Director  

Assoc.  Spiritual  Director  Renewal  

Treasurer  Secretary  

Fourth  Day  Pre-­‐Cursillo  (Women)  

Pre-­‐Cursillo  (Men)  Post  Cursillo  Post  Cursillo  

Supplies  Bulletin  

Webmaster  Eskasoni  Rep.  

Rick  Alexander  Fr.  Patrick  O’Neill  Fr.  Duaine  Devereaux  Viola  &  Leo  Penny  Edna  Aucoin  Philomena  Sutherland  Brian  Murray  Marie  Burke  Terry  Jerrett  Nina  MacDonald  Irene  Gillis  Sandra  Clarke  Jody  Sutherland  Rose  Henry  Vacant  


(WORLD BODY OF CURSILLO) WEBSITE On Feb. 5th, the first step in the process for the

Canonization and Beatification of Eduardo Bonnin Aguilo began in Mallorca. This was one day before the seventh

anniversary of his death. Let us all pray that that this gentle spirit, our founder who is already a Saint in our

eyes, will be canonized into the Sainthood of the Church that he so loved.

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