ultra sonic 2012

Post on 24-May-2015






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Work hard on your job you can make a living. But if you work hard on yourself. You can make a fortune

Quotes by Jim Rohn

Ask yourself

• Do i mind making more $$ !• Do i mind having multiple streams of income.• Do i believes that i will never be able to make

S$10,000 in a month. • i feels that it doesn’t takes much efforts to

make money…!!!

It is true if you believe it…

Repent..!! There is no free

Lunch in this world, We have got to work !!

2 Types of People in discussion

Investors - Those who work and saves a lot of money and made their money makes more money for them. (money is working for them, passive income)2 Entity working for money

Savers - Those who works very hard and saves lots of money in bank for rainy days, generally does not invest as not

very savvy, afraid of getting cheated or being scam. So they trust the banks and placed much with them.(Bank who helps to protect the money with some interest)1 entity working for money

The Hard Truth and the Fact for Savers in Bank

Facts 2. Effects of inflation for savers in bank

$12,4805.4% Inflation

Effects of inflation 2

• Local BankFixed Deposit 0.25%/Year

• Inflation

• Every $1000 in a bank, you still lose $51.50 every year to inflation

Quotes from Jim Rohn

I used to say, “Things cost too Much.” Then my teacher straightened me out on that by saying, “The problem isn’t that things cost too much.” The problem is that you can’t afford it.” That’s when I finally understood that the problem wasn’t “it”. The problem was “ME.”

Problems, Obstacles and excuses

• I am not making enough to make ends meet.• Too tired after everyday of work, where got time to plan !!• Wanted opportunity to make money but where got such good things..• Nah… Too good to be true.. • If I don’t have a family to support I will be better!!!• Where got money for 2nd property, I can’t even afford to pay up this one!!• My kids are smart enough to go Harvard but I am not financially capable

enough to sent them there..

Things will remains the same if everything else being the same, nothing will changed unless we changed first, our mindset and then our plans.

• Introducing An Opportunity

Ultrasonic 2012 Matrix Board Game


• All information provided is based on what the presenter and his group has achieve and understood from the matrix game.

• This matrix board is presented as a game and not a business. This game have products which is less or equivalent to the initial starting game amount per account.

• Each players must understand his/her individual risk tolerance before wanting to join into the matrix board game. Every player is responsible for their own decision and risk involved.

• The players are responsible for their own explanation towards their enrollees.• We, the presenters and partners holds no liability towards each players decision in

joining the game. Presentation of the board game and the objectives of this introduction is merely to let the players understand how the game works.

• We welcome all participant to play it as a game and in turn make money from it.

Mr. John SittichaiBorned in Thailand

Mr. John Sittichai created part of his wealth playing Matrix Board Game as a player for over 10 years.Having played lots of different matrix Game, some difficult to achieve and some totally inflexible and board stalled is so often then.He decided with his vast amount of knowledge in Matrix game to create one which is easy to achieve and very flexible so everyone who plays this game by the rules gets rewarded immensely

www.ultrasonic2012.comLaunched in 3rd July 2012

Founder Profile

Products - eBooks

Products – Healing Products

Products – Meditation Tracks

How it works


Ultra Sonic Matrix Board Game

Getting Started

• An existing player will act as a sponsor to enroll a new player into the board. The buy-in fee for each position on a game board is USD1,500.00/S$2,000 (Gold Board)

• Each player must acquire and enrolled minimum 2 down-lines or 2 accounts to his/her position to qualify for Pay Line bonus at Level 4 which is USD8,500

• A player who does not have minimum 2 down-lines will not be able to qualify for level 4 and will be skipped during his/her turn.

Day One – Joining the BoardA game board is made up of 15 positions set up as a matrix as shown belowNote: New players will start joining the board at Level 1, filling up the empty positions from left to right. In this example, imagine you are the player “Draw”. You are being sponsored by “Win” and you joined the board in Level 1.

Level 2John

- Leo1- Leo2

Win- Draw

Air Dean1

Level 1 (Entry Level)


Position 1


Position 2


Position 3


Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Position 8

Level 3

Level 4 (Pay Line)

P01- Tap

- John

Tap- Win- Air

Pet- Dean1- Dean2

Day One – Joining the Board (con’t)

Scenario: “Draw” which is you, a new player and fast sponsored 2 friends into this game “Pen” and “Ink”. You now become qualified for payline level 4 when the board splits. In this game, players with 2 downlines will qualified faster than those who are not qualified.

Level 1 (Entry Level)


Position 1


Position 2


Position 3

Draw- Pen

- Ink

Position 4

PenPosition 5 Position 6 Position 7 Position 8

Level 3

Level 4 (Pay Line)

P01- Tap

- John

Tap- Win- Air

Pet- Dean1- Dean2

Level 2John

- Leo1- Leo2

Win- Draw

Air Dean1


Level 4 (Pay Line)

Board Split / Level-Promotion and Board SplittingScenario: When level 1 is filled up, the Level 4 player (e.g. P01 in this scenario) will recycle into another board at Level 1 following his sponsor. The existing board will then be split into 2 new boards, the 2 new boards Positions are filled up from, left to right, top to bottom for those who qualify first.

To Split into new board To Split into new board

Level 2John

- Leo1- Leo2

Win- Draw

Air Dean1- Ong

Level 1 (Entry Level)


Position 1


Position 2


Position 3

Draw- Pen- ink

Position 4


Position 5


Position 6


Position 7


Position 8

Level 3

P01- Tap

- John

Tap- Win- Air

Pet- Dean1- Dean2

Win- Draw

Pet- Dean1- Dean2

Step Up / Level-Promotion and Board Splitting (con’t)

Level 3

Level 4 (Pay Line)

Level 2

Tap- Win- Air

John- Leo1- Leo2

Draw- Pen- Ink

Air Dean2 Leo1Ink- Pete

Scenario: Note that when a board splits, P01 cycled out and Tap moves up to Level4 payline as he is qualified with 2 legs, P01 will make USD8,500 when Level 1 is filled up. You which is ‘Draw” moves up to Level 3 now because you are the next most qualified to move up the levels as you have 2 downlines.

Level 1 (Entry Level)

Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Position 8

After Split – Tap Board

Step Up / Level-Promotion and Board Splitting (con’t)

Level 3

Level 4 (Pay Line)

Level 2

Pet-Dean1- Dean2

Win- Draw

Dean1- Ong

Leo2 Pen Pete Ong

Scenario: Pet from level 3 moves up to level 4 Pay line as he is qualified also. A new Level 1 is formed for players to qualifies thenselves. Once level 1 is filled up, Pet will make USD8,500 into his eWallet and can withdraw into his bank account.

Level 1 (Entry Level)

Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Position 8

After Split – Pet Board

Level 4 (Pay Line)

Skipping level after Board Splits

To Split into new board To Split into new board

Level 2John

- Leo1- Leo2

Win- Draw

Air Dean1- Ong

Level 1 (Entry Level)


Position 1


Position 2


Position 3

Draw- Pen- ink

Position 4


Position 5


Position 6


Position 7


Position 8

Level 3

P01- Tap

- John

Tap- Win- Air

Pet- Dean1- Dean2

Win- Draw

Pet- Dean1- Dean2

Scenario: “Air is supposed to move up to Level 3 as he is in Level 2 and you “Draw” from Level 1 to Level 2, but because “Air” has not qualified himself yet, therefore he loses his chance to moves up to Level 3 and you “Draw” has taken over his position. This is a game of speed and competition is fair and square. Qualified accounts moves first.

Skipping Level (con’t)

Level 3

Level 4 (Pay Line)

Level 2

Pet- Dean1- Dean2

John- Leo1- Leo2

Draw- Pen- Ink

Ink- Pete

Air Dean2 Leo1

Scenario: When the board splits, you “Draw” skipped ahead of Air and is now automatically assigned to Level 3, as Draw had sponsored 2 positions sooner than Air. Positions are filled up from, left to right, top to bottom for those who qualify first.

Level 1 (Entry Level)

Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 Position 5 Position 6 Position 7 Position 8

After Split

BonusScenario: When you are in Level 4, A bonus of USD500 will be credited into your eWallet for every positions filled in Level 1, and a bonus of USD5,000 credited at Position 8, you will receives a total of USD8,500 Bonus. You might not know who are the players who comes into level 1 as this is an international board game and everyone wants to qualified themselves before the board splits, thus making it a very exciting and profitable game

Level 3

Level 4 (Pay Line)

Level 2

Level 1 (Entry Level)

Draw- Pen- Ink

P02- P04- P05

P03- P06- P07

P04- P08- P09

P05- P10- P11

P06- P12- P13

P07- P14- P15

P08Position 1

P09Position 2

P10Position 3

P11Position 4

P12Position 5

P13Position 6

P14Position 7

P15Position 8

+USD500 +USD500 +USD500 +USD500 +USD500 +USD500 +USD500 +USD5000

eWalletLevel 4 player gets rewarded by every position in level 1 which is filled up. In this example, player “jkings” make USD8,500 within a day when all 8 accounts is filled up in Level 1 as we can see the transaction dates are all similar. Its not necessary a player can only have 1 account, a player can buys multiple accounts. Eg, “Andrew” enrolled himself another 2 accounts “ Andrew1” and “Andrew2” thus qualifies “Andrew” so now “Andrew1 and 2 have to find another 2 accounts to qualifies themselves

Actual Game example

Board will Split after last player Adeline3 enrolled Adeline4

Adeline4- Adeline4

Actual Game example of placement

+ USD8,500

Adeline2- Denise1- commander4

Denise1- Denise2- Legacy1

Legacy2 Legacy3 Adeline3- Adeline4


Commander2- commander4

- commander3

Biznis74- Biznis- Biznis35



- Legacy3- Legacy2


Level 4

Level 3

Level 2

Level 1

Level 4 -------------------------

Level 3 ------------------

Level 2 --------

Level 1

Split Board – Commander2

Split Board – Biznis74

- John2John1

- John1

John2 John3

- John3 - Roach- richy

Richy Roach- iPhone- ipad

iPhone ipad- cloud


Last player “cloud” is in, board splits again..

What happen after cycle !

• All players who cycled out will go to a new board where his/her sponsor is…

• Example A sponsor B and C –– “A” cycled out to a new board into level 1– “B” and “C” also cycled out after their board split– BACK TO THE SAME BOARD AS THEIR SPONSOR “A”– In level 1– The more player you sponsor into the game the more player comes back to your board.




5 Op WA B C


Jkings Ewallet Withdrawal on USD1,000 on the 3rd August 2012

Withdrawal Email

Withdrawal request within 15 days – amended for future expectations

• Ultrasonic2012 website – real time run through

Testimonials – who cycled out Started since 5th July 2012

• Forexking group - 8 times USD80,000 ( 1st cycle in 2 days )• JLkings Group - 6 times USD60,000 ( 1st cycle in 3 days )• Kayaraya - 3 times USD30,000 ( 1st cycle in 2 days )• jiwei - 2 times USD20,000• Jenny - 1 time USD10,000• Ros - 1 time USD10,000• Kihkihkih - 2 time USD20,000 ( 1st cycle in 4 days )• Jackpot - 1 time USD10,000• Blessed - 1 time USD10,000• Derick10 - 1 time USD10,000 (record holder – in 1 hour)• Sayakaya - 1 time USD10,000• Acmilan - 1 time USD10,000• Blessed - 1 time USD10,000• Wealth - 1 time USD10,000• Hanijuta - 1 time USD10,000• Jackpot - 1 time USD10,000• Ziezie - 1 time USD10,000• Moneyme- 1 time USD10,000• Warnainc - 1 time USD10,000• Norah - 1 time USD10,000• Haji - 1 time USD10,000• Didi - 1 time USD10,000• Aziana - 1 time USD10,000

These are part of the information's we have collected so far, excluding the shy and the quiets, eg Adamrico, Nizrul, Effa01, Barakah, Dragon1, Tigress board – as of 1st August 2012More than 30 more positions on pay line – level 4


• Q & A

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