
Post on 17-Jul-2015






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•Ukraine is the biggest country of Europe.

•The area of Ukraine is 603 628 km².

•On 24 August 1991 The Declaration of Independence of Ukraine was approved.

•Ukraine borders on Russia, Belorussia, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova.

•Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

The Flag of UkraineThe Flag of UkraineThe Flag of UkraineThe Flag of Ukraine

•The flag of Ukraine is one of the symbols of Ukraine.

•The flag of Ukraine consists of two colors: blue and yellow.

•Blue is the sky and yellow is a field.

•The flag was approved on 28 January 1992.

The Coat of Arms of The Coat of Arms of UkraineUkraine

The Coat of Arms of The Coat of Arms of UkraineUkraine

•The coat of arms of Ukraine is an emblem of Ukraine.

•The coat of arms of Ukraine was approved on 19 February 1992.

•On the coat of arms there is a trident.

The Anthem of UkraineThe Anthem of UkraineThe Anthem of UkraineThe Anthem of Ukraine

•The anthem of Ukraine is the song "still alive Ukraine and glory and freedom ".

•The words were written by Paul Chubinsky,and the music was written by Mikhail Verbitsky.

•The anthem was approved on 15 January 1992.

History of UkraineHistory of UkraineHistory of UkraineHistory of Ukraine

•Ukraine was called Kiyvska Rus in the past.

•Kiyvska Rus was founded in the 10th century by Prince Oleg.

•Kiyvska Rus was baptized by the Prince Volodymyr Velykiy in 998.

•It was destroyed by Zolota Orda in the 13 th century and was invaded by the Kingdom of Poland in the 16 th century.

•Then in the 16 th century Zaporozhian Sich was founded by Dmitry Vichnevezchky.

•It was a home of Cossacks who protected Ukraine from enemies of Ukraine.

•Cossacks glorified Ukraine at all times.

•But in the 18 th century Zaporozhian Sich was destroyed by Russia that invaded Ukraine.

•The 20 th century was a bad period in the history of Ukraine.

•There were many revolutions,wars and the famine.

•There were World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1935-1945).

•The Famine killed 12 million people.

KyivKyivKyivKyiv•Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.

•Kyiv has its own flag and its own coat of arms.

•The flag and the coat of arms were approved in 1995.

•On the flag and on the coat of arms there is Archangel Mikhail.

Tourist AttractionTourist Attractionss

Golden GateMother of

the Motherland

Monument to Kiy,Scheck,Horiv and

their sister Lybid

St Sophia’s Cathedral

Monument to Bogdan



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