
Post on 22-Oct-2015






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U g l j a n



Ugljan is the largest village on the island, placed between 9 hamlets (Čeprljanda, Lučino Selo, Batalaža, Sušica, Gornje Selo, Muline, Guduće, Fortoština, Varoš) and many picturesque coves, with the coves of Ćinta, Mostir and

Južna Luka as the most beautiful. The economy is based on agriculture, wine growing, olive and fruit plantations, fishing and tourism. Monuments from the Early Roman period, Villa rustica, late antique mausoleum, remains of the old Christian basilica and monumental oil mill from the 2nd century AD in the cove of Muline testify to the early human presence in this area and make this village most popular for visitors. Ugljan has been connected to the sea, seamanship, agriculture and fishing for many generations, and 2000 years of tradition in olive growing left hundreds of thousands of olive trees that give olive oil of extraordinary quality and aroma. Tradition is deeply rooted in the lives of people of Ugljan and includes certain ecclesiastical festivities such as the procession on the Assumption Day on August 15th. Today, the traditional way of life is interwoven with the contemporary living in the way that traditional vocations, wine and olive growing as well as fishing function as tourist attractions. The village of Ugljan is the unique combination of luxurious Mediterranean nature, rich and stratified cultural heritage and lively and fashionable tourist life.

Lučino selo



Gornje selo


Guduće Fortoština - Varoš

A - ČEPRLJANDAAccommodation01. Marijo Camp 02. Alavanja Vladimir03. Alavanja Nadija04. Alavanja Ivan05. Bakota Ivan06. Bakotić Ljubomir07. Bakotić Marinko08. Bakotić Oskar09. Bakotić Željko10. Barešić Zdravko11. Đenđo Enisa12. Glavan Mirjana13. Grgin Goran14. Jovanović Radovan 15. Karlović Branko16. Karlović Danko17. Karlović Ernest18. Petroci Bara19. Karlović Valter20. Karlović Vladimir21. Laća Branko22. Mahadić Darko23. Mahadić Ivica 24. Mahadić Krešimir25. Mišćević Marija26. Stipanić Marija27. Stipanić Marija (Zvonko)28. Svorcina Boris29. Svorcina Ljubo30. Svorcina Srečko31. Šarin Ante32. Villa Maria

Food, Drinks, Shop

Sightseeing01. Pizzeria Cima

01. Remains of Olive Mill

B - LUČINO SELOAccommodation01. Hotel Ugljan 02. Apartmani Galius03. Štoko apartmani04. Mostir Camp05. Stipanić Camp06. Belić Dragica07. Bijader Nada08. Biloglav Smiljana09. Buble Nensi10. Crnošija Damir11. Debeljak Stjepan12. Grgona Denis13. Ivanac Boris14. Ivanac Božidar 15. Jutriša Đurđa16. Karlović Anđelka17. Kliman Božica18. Kombura Branko19. Kombura Goran20. Kombura Senko21. Kovačić Velimir22. Kus Katica23. Novak Zdravko 24. Odak Boženka25. Smolčić Vladimir26. Stipanić Hrabrov Ilenka27. Stipanić Ivo28. Šarić Branko29. Panea apartmani30. Panea apartmani31. Brodarec Ivica32. Horvat Vjekoslava 33. Čotić Ljubica34. Dasović Marko

Food, Drinks, Shop01. Kaleta Restaurant 02. Trapula Bistro03. Apollo Restaurant04. Jazina Pizzeria05. Azur Pizzeria06. Sonik shop07. Konzum shop08. Bure shop09. Ritam Caffe Bar10. Mareta Pizzeria11. Souvenir Shop Meri12. Green & Fish Market

Other Services01. Ugljan Tourist Board 02. Travel Agency & Rentals03. Ambulance04. Post Office05. Diving Center06. ATM Erste Bank

Sightseeing01. Monastery and Church of Saint Jerome

02. Church of the Assumption of the blessed Virgin Marry

03. “Kamenice” - stone containers fortstorage of olive oil

C - BATALAŽAAccommodation01. Villa Stari Dvor 02. Baraba Marija03. Baraba Vojko04. Beader Marija05. Bitunjac Hedi06. Car Slavko07. Car Marijan08. Car Slaven09. Hranjec Josip10. Kolonić Katarina11. Korica Petar12. Kosović Slavica13. Matjačić Dragica14. Midžić Zahida 15. Mamić Stjepan16. Perinović Mira17. Radišić Dobroslav18. Stanić Slavko19. Šabić Matea20. Šarović Davor21. Šarović Edi22. Šarović Ivan23. Šarović Stanko 24. Židov Draga25. Žodan Ivan26. Camp Batalaža27. Jelić Gordana28. Ivanac Edita29. Kuntarić Jadranka

Food, Drinks, Shop01.Stari Dvor Restaurant

Other Services01. B&S Car Service 02. Šarović Car Service

D - SUŠICAAccommodation01. Camp Mekelenić 02. Camp Tomas03. Camp Porat04. Fatović Mira05. Ferina Danica06. Hruban Višnja07. Kucelin Agata08. Mazija Mirjana09. Rebac Igor10. Rebac Rajna11. Tomas Berislav12. Tomas Mirko13. Štrmelj Zdenka 14. Kucelin Edi

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryPlaced on a little hill in the centre of the village with the bell tower creating the recognizable image of Ugljan, it is first mentioned in historical documents in 1401. The altar is decorated by the baroque painting „The assumption“ from the 18th century.

Ancient Christian basilica

Built in the 5th century as a three nave basilica with semi-circular apsea, with later added cells (rooms) and a pentagonal apse, added by the end of the 5thcentury. A great layer of water-proof mortar shows that it was used to serve as a baptistery. Historical data show it was a church until the middle of the 18th century when it was consecrated to St John, and the whole locality today carries the name Stivon.

Viewpoint Stražica

The hill Stražica is located at the extreme tip of the place of Ugljan with the hight of 67 meters. Considering the fact that the surrounding area is low land, this view point offers a breathtaking view of the island and the archipelago. It is incorporated into the bike and walking paths of (island) Ugljan.

Church of All Saints

The church in a Romanesque style, built in the 12th or in the 13th century, is placed in the hamlet of Gornje Selo, at the foot of the hill and view point Stražica.

um st see

Church of St Hippolytus

It is placed in the hamlet of Varoš in the centre of Ugljan. It was builtin the 11th or 13th century and it has been lately remodeled in Gothic style. It was first mentioned in documents in 1374. The interior is decorated with late Baroque altar.

Beršić Castle

The castle was built by the Califfi family in the 17th century in the hamlet of Gornje Selo. The Beršić (Brčić) family acted as stewards of the castle, and it took on their name afterwards. More recently the castle has been restored and carries the name Krešimir Ćosić after the former Croatian basketball star.

um st see

Villa Rustica

The oldest findings from the Roman period on the island, (1st-2nd century AD), placed in the hamlet of Muline. The complex contains the remains of the Roman olive mill, where the Roman olive mill, where the famous Liburnian oil was produced and transported from the port of Muline all over the world.

Church of St Cosmas and DamianThe church was built in the 11th or 12th century in late pre-Romanesque period. According to the legend it was built as a votive church by merchant Torricella, who survived a shipwreck and swam to the spot where the church stands now. It is the oldest preserved church in Ugljan, placed in a quiet cove that can be reached by a gravel road.

E - GORNJE SELOAccommodation01. Antolković Katica


01. Beršić Castle 02. Church of All Saints 03. Stražica, viewpoint

F - MULINEAccommodation01. Pansion Stivon 02. Bralić Feny03. Celent Valentin04. Čuka Anka05. Diklan Marija06. Fižuleto Branko07. Jambrović Magda08. Horvat Ladislav09. Ljoka Radojka10. Mrva Oriana11. Mrva Zlatko12. Šteko Mirela13. Štohera Milan 14. Štohera Milko15. Štohera Omer16. Vidaković Branko17. Vidaković Miodrag18. Vidaković Mirko19. Vidaković Rajka20. Vidaković Svetko21. Vimer Milivoj22. Virić Nevenka23. Višić Đino24. Višić Ivica25. Višić Viktor26. Višić Mirošević Olga

Food, Drinks, Shop01. Stivon Restaurant 02. Muline Pizzeria 03. Sonik Shop04. Kažot - Fast Food05. Konoba Dido Šime

Other Services01. Muline Port

Sightseeing01. Saint John Basilica 02. Villa Rustica03. Donkey Kate04. Ugljan Etno House

G - GUDUĆEAccommodation01. Pavlešina Camp 02. Babin Zoran03. Bačić Ivan04. Funčić Vladimir05. Marfat Branko06. Marfat Slavko07. Pucar Jadranka08. Radić Nevenka09. Smirčić Slavica

H -FORTOŠTINA - VAROŠAccommodation01. Ivković Branko

Sightseeing01. Church of Saints Hippolytus

Other Services01. Tennis Court

In the past, Ugljan was the most important economic center of the whole Zadar region. In Muline, there are still very well visible remains of an ancient oil mill from the 2nd century AD, from where the famous Liburnian olive oil was exported all over the world.

The value of this site was recognized by wealthy Romans, who built number of countryside villas (villae rusticae), as well as the many nobles who built their castles in the Middle Ages.

Olive Island

Turistička zajednica mjesta UgljanŠimuna Kožičića Benje 1723275 UgljanTel./Fax: ++385 23,

WWW (Ugljan Tourist Board) (Municipal website) (Travel agency, exchange, rentals) (Diving centre) (Tennis Club) (Ferry information) (Bus information)


This beautiful building is located in the center of Ugljan on the sandy beach Mostir. The monastery was built in 1430 with the gothic church of St Jerome, consecrated in 1447. In the monastery cloister there is the gravestone of bishop Šimun Kožičić Benja (1460-1536), the founder of Glagolitic printing house in Rijeka. The monastery used to hold the valuable piece of art known as the Ugljan Polyptych, work of painter Ivan Petrov of Milan, created around the year 1430 and named after the place of discovery. Today this piece is held in St Francis monastery in Zadar.

St Jerome monastery

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