ucom urbanserv, inc 3349 st. augustine rd, jacksonville fl ...hymn of faith: here i am, lord / heme...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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UCOM UrbanServ, Inc 3349 St. Augustine Rd, Jacksonville FL 32207 904-396-2401 office www.facebook.com/ucomjacksonville www.ucomjax.org Twitter @ucomjax

Good Morning Friends of UCOM!

And happy Super Bowl week! Thank you to those hosting "Souper" Bowl parties and

food drives this weekend! And may your team emerge victorious this weekend.

Much gratitude to those who have dropped off blankets, coats and gloves while we Flo-

ridians experience the cold. Our families with children and our senior citizens have re-

ceived blankets over the past two weeks because of your generosity. We have also kept

an eye on the people we know who are living outside. Making sure they seek shelter or

at least have a mat to sleep on and a blanket to keep them warm.

Please save the date of UCOM's 40th Birthday Party on November 9, 2019, and put it on

your community calendar now! Because of this year's celebration, we will not have a

choir festival or a chili cook-off so we can best focus on one big event.

We want this celebration to be all inclusive and have all of our faith partners and contrib-

uting organizations involved as much as possible. Please consider assigning a member of

your church or organization as a liaison to this event. Consider a sponsorship or purchas-

ing a table. More information will come next week on levels of sponsorship amounts.

Stay warm and thank you for remembering your neighbors in need!

ps. Soup, cereal, beans

Sara Mitchell

Executive Director

Morning Worship on The Lord’s Day

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

February 3, 2019— 10:30 AM

Gathering – Prelude

Announcements—Greeting Rev. Barry Andrews

Call to Worship: Shine Jesus Shine 2173

Hymn of Praise: How Firm a Foundation 529

Cuan firme cimiento 256


Act of Praise: Psalm (Salmo) 71: 1-12 794 Scripture Lessons: Jeremiah (Jeremias) 1: 4-10

Sermon: Pastor Rigoberto Felico

Hymn of Faith: Here I Am, Lord / Heme aqui 593/289

Affirmation of Faith: The Apostles’ Creed (El Credo Apostolico) 881/68

Gloria Patri: Glory Be to the Father (Gloria Patri) 70/23

Giving Our Tithes and Offerings:

Offering Prayer: Maria Carvajal

Offertory: Word of God Speak the Hispanic Praise Group

by MercyMe

Doxology: Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow 95

A Dios el Padre celestial 21

Installation and Recognition of Leaders in the Church

The Baptismal Covenant 1: Baptism, Confirmation & Reception into the UMC 33

Bautismo, Confirmación y Recepción en la UMC. 21

Holy Communion: Service of Word and Table II 12

El Sacramento de la Santa Comunión II 14

Benediction & Blessing:

Hymn of Dedication: Take My Life, and Let It Be 399

Welcome to Faith United Methodist Church!

We are so glad that you have joined us this morning. For those new or returning to the church, wel-come home. God calls us all to Himself, and it’s our conviction –we’re here to prove it — that spiri-tually, Christianity is most fully lived out in the congregation of God’s people. You figured out we’re not all together, but we’re working on this journey of faith and we are glad you have come along with us for the ride.

Stewardship Week of

January 27, 2019

General Fund $4,256.00

Sunday School 15.00

Missionaries 35.00

Children’s Home 25.00

Facilities Imp. Fund 150.00

Wednesday Dinner 110.00

Hispanic Ministry 50.00

Ocean Roads SS Class 14.00

Hisp. Service (1/20) 644.00

Trustees 469.00

February Birthdays

Albert Lackey 02/02

Virginia Cooksey 02/06

Robert Schenavar 02/25

February Anniversaries

Shean & Patty Bryant 02/12

David & Yvonne St. John 02/14

Albert & Dawn Lackey 02/26

Chef: Barry Andrews

Menu: Breakfast

Council Meeting this Tuesday

@ 9:30 AM in Wesley Hall

2019 Heavenly Auction

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Faith UMC – Wesley Hall – following 10:30

Worship Service

11:45AM – Doors Open for Silent Auction &

Bake Sale

12:00 Noon – Lunch (donations, no set price)

12:30PM – Bidding Closed

Menu : Yum-a-seta, Green Beans, Salad, Dessert

The Faith United Methodist Women are spon-

soring this event to raise funds for local charities

benefiting women and children. You can help

by donating an item for the silent auction, either

personally or through business connections you

might have.

Please contact Susan Speicher (940-4460) if you

have any questions.

Today is Souper Bowl Sunday!

Another UMW Fundraiser

Please join us following the service

for soup (donations only) and a

baked goods sale.

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