uca by m.benhamou maghrenov workshop on research infrastructures for renewable energy and energy...

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Professor Brahim BENHAMOU

Responsible of the Renewable Energies & Energy Efficiency Laboratory,


Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech

RE&EE Research Infrastructures

at Cadi Ayyad University Marrakech


PANEL I: Perspectives for RE&EE Research

and Innovation infrastructures

regional needs


UCA Marrakech

RE&EE at Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech (UCA)

CNEREE: National Center for Studies & Research on Water and Energy

CAC: Center for Analysis and Characterization

Running funded projects on RE&EE at UCA.

Panel I Objective: Speakers will present the existing RIs in their region and

highlighting the areas where more RIs should be developed


UCA Marrakech

Cadi Ayyad University (UCA)

• Located in 4 cities : * Marrakech : 5 Faculties & 3 Eng. Schools

* Essaouira : 1 Technology School

* Safi : 1 Fac., 1 Eng. School & 1 Tech. School

* Kelâat Sraghna : 1 Fac.

• 65’000 students (2014)

• 200 accredited grades

• 900 administrative staff

• 1’400 professor researchers

• 150 research structures

• 1st ranked in terms of R&D in


UCA Marrakech

More than 13 research groups deal with RE&EE at UCA Etablissement Structure de recherche touchant aux EnR&EE Responsable

Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et Énergétique Mohammed HASNAOUI

Laboratoire de Modélisation Ecophysiologique Abderrahim LAHROUNI

Laboratoire International TREMA -Télédétection & Ressources en Eau en

Méditerranée Semi-ArideSaïd KHABBA

Equipe Instrumentation, Signaux et Systèmes Abdelouhab ZEROUAL

Laboratoire d’Automatique de l’Environnement et Procédés de Transferts Abdellah BENZAOUÏA

Laboratoire de Physique du Solide et des Couches Minces Abdelkader OUTZOURHIT

Laboratoire de Matière Condensée et Nanostructures Daoud MEZZANE

Laboratoire de Systèmes Electriques Saïd DOUBABI

Laboratoire des Procédés Métrologie et des Matériaux pour l’Énergie et

l’EnvironnementHassan CHEHOUANI

Laboratoire de Chimie des Matériaux et de

l’EnvironnementIsmael SAADOUNE

Laboratoire de Matériaux Polymères et Composites Hamid KADDAMI

ENSM Équipe Energie Solaire et Plantes Aromatiques et Médicinales Mohammed KOUHILA

ENSAS Laboratoire Matériaux, Procédés, Environnement et Qualité Lahbib NIBOU



ENSA-M Laboratoire de recherche : Génie Electrique et Commande des Systèmes


UCA Marrakech

RE&EE at Cadi Ayyad University (UCA)


National Center for Studies & Research on Water and Energy

CAC: Center for Analysis and Characterisation

Research Groups

Running projects on RE&EE at UCA.

للدراسات الوطني المركز الماء حول األبحاث و


National Center for Research and Studies on Water

and Energy (CNEREE) Director: Prof. Laila MANDI mandi@uca.ma


CNEREE deals with R&D in Energy and Water

CNEREE Research Infrastructures: 3 laboratories

EnR2E : Renewables & Energy Efficiency

SE: Waste Water Treatment

TREMA Joint International Laboratory: Remote

Sensing of Water Resources in the semi-arid Mediterranean area

CNEREE, UCA Marrakech


Scheffler Solar Concentrator

Distillation Alambic

TRNSYS software for dynamic system modeling

Weather stations, CAMPBELL;

Dataloggers for T & RH measurements, TESTO


Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) velocity measurements,

Hot Wire & Hot Plan Conductivimeter

EI700 for thermal conductivity & diffusivity measurements

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Ion Chromatography


Facilities & Equipements

CNEREE, UCA Marrakech


UCA Marrakech

RE&EE at Cadi Ayyad University (UCA)


National Center for Studies & Research on Water and Energy

CAC: Center for Analysis and Characterization

Research Groups

Running projects on RE&EE at UCA.

CAC: Center for Analysis and


UCA Marrakech

The Center for Analysis and

Characterization is affiliated to the

Research and Innovation City of


Director: Prof. Abdelkader OUTZOURHIT, aoutzour@uca.ma

UCA Research & Innovation City (CIM)

CIM is a joint project of UCA and Ministries of Higher

Education & Industry in the frame of Maroc Innovation


CIM is planned to be build in the UCA Marrakech

campus starting from Feb. 2015 (?).

CIM Main objectives:

- Promote R&D, innovation and technology transfer

from UCA laboratories to industry.

- Promote creation of innovative companies (start-up).

UCA Marrakech

UCA Research & Innovation City (CIM)

Main infrastructures of CIM (planned):

- Business Incubator (start-up). Already exists

- Business and Technology Centre

- Rent space for partner companies.

- R&D Laboratories.

ENERGY (especially Renewables and Energy

Efficiency) is one of the main topics of CIM

UCA Marrakech

CAC: Center for Analysis and


UCA Marrakech

CAC is a common service of UCA affiliated to the Research

and Innovation City of Marrakech.

CAC has technical platforms dedicated to analysis and


CAC is open to other universities research groups.

CAC may provide third party services (companies)

CAC: Center for Analysis and


UCA Marrakech

Missions of the C.A.C:

Optimize and share scientific research infrastructures;

Promote technology transfer (incubator);

Promote UCA-Business relationships ;

CAC is constituted by 3 platforms

NanoSciences Platform;

Biotechnology Platform;

Molecular Biology Platform.

CAC, UCA Marrakech


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


Analyse des polymères; substances organiques; substances pharmaceutiques; identification des structures moléculaires; stéréochimie et disposition spatiale des atomes dans les molécules; caractérisation structurale, qualitative et quantitative des molécules; Analyses Agroalimentaires

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

NanoSciences Platform

X Rays Diffractometer



Céramiques ; Réfractaires – Ciments ; Peintures ; Détergents ; Chimie et physique des Solides ;Catalyse ; Sciences des Matériaux ; Métallurgie ; Pharmacie.

NanoSciences Platform

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

NanoSciences Platform

Scanning Electron Microscope


Analyse d’échantillons biologiques ou hydraté par imagerie (cellules, tissus, matériaux..) ;Caractérisation et analyse de la recristallisation, essais de cristallisation des céramiques ; Imagerie et microanalyse des roches géologiques; Analyse des Surfaces.

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

NanoSciences Platform

Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission


Applications: Environnement: Contrôle de la Pollution des

eaux et de l’air, caractérisation de divers Matériaux;

Agriculture: Quantification des minéraux du sol, Etude de la toxicité et analyse élémentaire des sols;

Industrie: Cimenterie, contrôle qualité, industrie des matériaux, exploitation minière.

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

NanoSciences Platform

Fluorescence Spectrometre (FLUO-X)

Applications: Recherche et Développement : chimie, physique,

géologie, minéralogie, technologie nucléaire, pharmacologie.-

Contrôle de qualité : Pétrole et dérivés, verres, ciments, aciers et métaux, polymères et plastiques …

Environnement : détection de la pollution des sols, des eaux et de l'air (particules en suspension)

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

NanoSciences Platform

Surface Area Analyzer (BET)

Applications: Analyse de la surface spécifique des Matériaux

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

NanoSciences Platform

X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer

Applications: Industrie lourde, chimie, pharmacie, ophtalmiques, des semi-conducteurs, solaire, sciences de la vie, la nanotechnologie et la recherche académique pour faire des percées technologiques et accélérer leurs progrès. Analyse élémentaire sur le terrain ou dans un laboratoire de conservation des œuvres d'art.

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

NanoSciences Platform

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

Differential Thermal & Themogravimetric Analyzer s



Analyse: polymères, plastiques, matériaux avancés, composés pharmaceutiques, substances inorganiques, thermodynamique...

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

Biotechnology Platform

High Performance

Liquid Chromatography

HPLC Application: Chimie organique et inorganique:applications en chimie analytique ; applications biomédicales; pharmacologie ; contrôle de l’environnement ; analyse des pesticides ; analyse des huiles essentielles ; Polyphenols

CAC, UCA Marrakech

Main Infrastructures

Biotechnology Platform

FT-IR Spectrometer Applications: Agro-Alimentaire et Agriculture ; Plastique ;

Verre ; Textile ; Polymères et peintures ; Cosmétique et Pharmaceutique.


UCA Marrakech

RE&EE at Cadi Ayyad University (UCA)


National Center for Studies & Research on Water and Energy

CAC: Center for Analysis and Characterisation

Research Groups

Running projects on RE&EE at UCA.

Some running funded projects on RE&EE at UCA

UCA Marrakech

Project Project manager Brief description

Hybrid Renewable Energy



Funded by : EU FP7



FS Semlalia

Hybrid PV-Wind plant for decentralized

electrification of Lkaria (Essaouira)

Energy Efficiency in Buildings


Funded by: Hassan II Academy of

Sciences and Techniques



FS Semlalia

Assessment (experimental and simulation) of

the impact of using passive techniques for

energy saving in building

“ETRERA 2020” Project .

It involves 9 countries , 12


Funded by: EU FP7



FS Semlalia

Empowering Trans-Mediterranean Renewable

Energy Research Alliance for Europe 2020

challenges (wind, photovoltaic, solar thermal,

hydrogen fuel cells and smart grids) .

UCA Marrakech

Project Project manager Brief description

Build photovoltaic yield maps for

all Morocco with land calibration


Funded by : IRESEN



FS Semlalia

Build photovoltaic yield maps for all Morocco

with land calibration on 20 identical plants.

PV grid connected yields maps for mono, poly

and amorphous silicon.

Energy Storage Materials Based on

Cobalt, Nickel, Manganese and


“Batteries lithium-ion”.

Funded by : IRESEN



FST Gueliz

Intercalation and conversion reactions in Li-ion

battery anode materials.

Influence of the synthesis method on their

electrochemical properties in Li-half and Li-ion


Some running funded projects on RE&EE at UCA


UCA Marrakech

Project Project manager Brief description

Design of an autonomous solar

dryer using SIG


Funded by : IRESEN



FST Gueliz

Design of an autonomous solar dryer dedicated

to drying agricultural products.

The dryer will be equipped with a regulation

and control system for temperature, humidity

and flow rate.

Hybrid systems Solar/ biomass for

hot water production and heating

in traditional Hammams


Funded by : IRESEN



FS Semlalia

Improving the energy efficiency of traditional

Hammams and contributing to reduce the use

of wood energy and therefore greenhouse gas

emissions through the use of solar-biomass

hybrid systems.

Some running funded projects on RE&EE at UCA


Partners: - CA University Marrakech : FS Semlalia, CNEREE, FST Gueliz,

- H2 University Casa: FS Ain Chock,


- Private Companies: GMTA, ISTICHAR Engineering Office

- National Architecture School, Marrakech, Dr FILALI Mohamed

Budget: 3’000’000 MAD (salaries excluded)

UCA Marrakech

R&D Project RafriBat (2012-2016) Hassan II Academy of

Sciences and Techniques

Passive Systems for Air Cooling in Buildings

Project Leader: Brahim BENHAMOU

Monitoring and Dynamic Modeling of the energy performances of some test real buildings in Marrakech, integrating passive and hybrid cooling/heating systems.


Construction of “Outdoor Test Cells" for the experimental assessment of thermal performances of some passive and hybrid systems for air cooling and heating, in order to demonstrate the Energy Efficiency of these techniques in Marrakech climate.

UCA Marrakech

RafriBAT Hassan II Academy of

Sciences and Techniques

Thank you

UCA Marrakech



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