uah grids center middleware testing sandra redman information technology and systems center and...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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UAH GRIDS Center Middleware Testing

Sandra RedmanInformation Technology and Systems Center

andInformation Technology Research CenterNational Space Science and Technology


“…drowning in data but starving for knowledge”




Data glut affects business, medicine,

military, science

How do we leverage data to make BETTER decisions???

Data Mining

• Automated discovery of patterns, anomalies from vast observational data sets

• Derived knowledge for decision making, predictions and disaster response

Mining Environment: When,Where, Who and Why?

WHEN•Real Time•On-Ingest•On-Demand•Repeatedly

WHERE•User Workstation•Data Mining Center•GRID

WHO•End Users•Domain Experts•Mining Experts

Data Mining


Algorithm Development and Mining (ADaM)

ADaM consists of:

• a data mining engine

• an extensible set of core functional applications to aid researchers in defining and performing data mining operations on spatial data sets

• data mining modules as Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) services

ADaM Engine Architecture





OutputGIF ImagesHDF-EOSHDF Raster ImagesHDF SDSPolygons (ASCII, DXF)SSM/I MSFC

Brightness TempTIFF ImagesOthers...

Preprocessing AnalysisClustering K Means Isodata MaximumPattern Recognition Bayes Classifier Min. Dist. ClassifierImage Analysis Boundary Detection Concurrence Matrix Dilation and Erosion Histogram Operations Polygon Circumscript Spatial Filtering Texture OperationsGenetic AlgorithmsNeural NetworksOthers...

Selection and Sampling Subsetting Subsampling Select by Value Coincidence SearchGrid Manipulation Grid Creation Bin Aggregate Bin Select Grid Aggregate Grid Select Find HolesImage Processing Cropping Inversion ThresholdingOthers...



Brightness TempUS RainLandsatASCII GrassVectors (ASCII Text)

Intergraph RasterOthers...



NMI TestingADaM Feature Subset Selection

application chosen for testing

Supervised pattern classification is a technique important in many domains

Used to improve both the runtime and accuracy of a supervised pattern classifier by eliminating noisy, irrelevant or redundant attributes or features from the data set.

Feature subset selection is the process of choosing a subset of the features from the original data set in order to maximize classifier accuracy

Both processor and data-intensive

Parallel Version of Cloud Extraction

Laplacian FilterSobel Horizontal

FilterSobel Vertical


Energy Computation

Energy Computation

Energy Computation

Energy Computation


GOES Image

Cloud Image

• GOES images can be used to recognize cumulus cloud fields

• Cumulus clouds are small and do not show up well in 4km resolution IR channels

• Detection of cumulus cloud fields in GOES can be accomplished by using texture features or edge detectors

• Three edge detection filters are used together to detect cumulus clouds which lends itself to implementation on a parallel cluster

GOES Image Cumulus CloudMask

Feature Subset Selection Application• Application ported to

linux• Support Vector Machine

downloaded and tested• Developed application

scripts• Modified for Globus

environment by writing simple Globus RSL file

• Ran each combination of tools on a different node on the grid

• Globus used to execute jobs on different machines

• Experimented with both real and synthetic data

Grid Mining Agent

Grid Processor

Satellite Data

Archive X

Satellite Data

Archive Y

Grid Mining Agent

Grid Processor

Grid Mining Agent

Grid Processor

Components used in testing

Globus toolkit - the “defacto standard,” an open source software toolkit and libraries for building grid applications; Resource Management, scheduling, information services, file transfer

GSI- OpenSSH - a modified version of OpenSSH that adds support for GSI authentication, providing a single sign-on remote login capability for the Grid

Condor-G - workload management system for compute-

intensive jobs; job queueing mechanism, scheduling policy, priority scheme, resource monitoring, and resource management.

Network Weather Service - monitors and dynamically forecasts the performance various network and computational resources can deliver over a given time interval

Some Lessons Learned

• Component testing went well Globus documentation improved, installation

trouble-free, application port straight-forward No problems encountered during Condor-G

installation, but found problem with Condor-G under Redhat linux 7.3 when using nss_ldap. Developer provided workaround - start name service caching daemon (nscd)

GSI-OpenSSH installed, but Kerberos authentication did not work since linux was not compiled with PAM option (undocumented)

Network Weather Service installed, but learned we are more interested in MDS

Some Lessons Learned

• NMI Testbed Process working well Answers found through NMI discussion

lists from developers and other users• Have to “sell” the grid concept to

developers, administrators, users• NMI Work proven helpful in other grid work

TeraGrid ISS Space-based Science Operations Grid CEOS Grid

• Need more components!

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